--- EXPERIMENT NOTES --- EXPERIMENT PROPERTIES #Thu Jan 23 12:35:03 GMT 2020 codeml.models=0 1 2 7 8 mrbayes.mpich= mrbayes.ngen=1000000 tcoffee.alignMethod=MUSCLE tcoffee.params= tcoffee.maxSeqs=0 codeml.bin=codeml mrbayes.tburnin=2500 codeml.dir=/usr/bin/ input.sequences= mrbayes.pburnin=2500 mrbayes.bin=mb tcoffee.bin=t_coffee mrbayes.dir=/opt/mrbayes_3.2.2/src tcoffee.dir= tcoffee.minScore=3 input.fasta=/data/10res/PE/input.fasta input.names= mrbayes.params= codeml.params= --- PSRF SUMMARY Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": (Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models) (Values are saved to the file /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat) Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean -------------------------------------- 1 -413.22 -416.15 2 -413.24 -416.64 -------------------------------------- TOTAL -413.23 -416.43 -------------------------------------- Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs. Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included. Parameter summaries saved to file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat". 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TL{all} 0.893412 0.089697 0.378004 1.490698 0.857451 1467.01 1479.46 1.000 r(A<->C){all} 0.168571 0.019418 0.000101 0.452683 0.133660 192.04 247.46 1.003 r(A<->G){all} 0.159544 0.019322 0.000068 0.443841 0.123872 170.29 245.11 1.000 r(A<->T){all} 0.168504 0.021095 0.000340 0.463655 0.128234 209.28 248.90 1.000 r(C<->G){all} 0.166569 0.021447 0.000035 0.478987 0.124437 145.76 186.09 1.003 r(C<->T){all} 0.163120 0.020770 0.000021 0.475406 0.120855 133.26 151.94 1.001 r(G<->T){all} 0.173692 0.021294 0.000035 0.469612 0.131926 202.60 217.82 1.011 pi(A){all} 0.154126 0.000416 0.113746 0.192489 0.153706 1120.87 1236.07 1.001 pi(C){all} 0.242046 0.000590 0.194374 0.288774 0.242117 994.91 1110.42 1.000 pi(G){all} 0.354126 0.000726 0.299925 0.404674 0.353881 1338.91 1363.83 1.000 pi(T){all} 0.249701 0.000612 0.200545 0.298421 0.249272 1286.09 1341.58 1.000 alpha{1,2} 0.401400 0.221764 0.000154 1.343454 0.238121 896.79 1104.21 1.000 alpha{3} 0.456107 0.240622 0.000226 1.463940 0.300139 1356.35 1428.67 1.000 pinvar{all} 0.994574 0.000040 0.982326 0.999998 0.996670 1299.83 1340.39 1.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs. ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled. + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. Setting sumt conformat to Simple --- CODEML SUMMARY Model 1: NearlyNeutral -396.356626 Model 2: PositiveSelection -396.356629 Model 0: one-ratio -396.356643 Model 7: beta -396.356621 Model 8: beta&w>1 -396.356608 Model 0 vs 1 3.400000002784509E-5 Model 2 vs 1 5.999999984851456E-6 Model 8 vs 7 2.6000000048043148E-5
>C1 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C2 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C3 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C4 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C5 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C6 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL CLUSTAL FORMAT for T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 [http://www.tcoffee.org] [MODE: ], CPU=0.00 sec, SCORE=100, Nseq=6, Len=102 C1 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C2 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C3 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C4 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C5 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C6 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN ************************************************** C1 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C2 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C3 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C4 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C5 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C6 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG ************************************************** C1 GL C2 GL C3 GL C4 GL C5 GL C6 GL ** PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:09 - Revision 1613 - Build 432) -full_log S [0] -genepred_score S [0] nsd -run_name S [0] -mem_mode S [0] mem -extend D [1] 1 -extend_mode S [0] very_fast_triplet -max_n_pair D [0] 10 -seq_name_for_quadruplet S [0] all -compact S [0] default -clean S [0] no -do_self FL [0] 0 -do_normalise D [0] 1000 -template_file S [0] -setenv S [0] 0 -template_mode S [0] -flip D [0] 0 -remove_template_file D [0] 0 -profile_template_file S [0] -in S [0] -seq S [0] -aln S [0] -method_limits S [0] -method S [0] -lib S [0] -profile S [0] -profile1 S [0] -profile2 S [0] -pdb S [0] -relax_lib D [0] 1 -filter_lib D [0] 0 -shrink_lib D [0] 0 -out_lib W_F [0] no -out_lib_mode S [0] primary -lib_only D [0] 0 -outseqweight W_F [0] no -dpa FL [0] 0 -seq_source S [0] ANY -cosmetic_penalty D [0] 0 -gapopen D [0] 0 -gapext D [0] 0 -fgapopen D [0] 0 -fgapext D [0] 0 -nomatch D [0] 0 -newtree W_F [0] default -tree W_F [0] NO -usetree R_F [0] -tree_mode S [0] nj -distance_matrix_mode S [0] ktup -distance_matrix_sim_mode S [0] idmat_sim1 -quicktree FL [0] 0 -outfile W_F [0] default -maximise FL [1] 1 -output S [1] score_ascii html score_ascii -len D [0] 0 -infile R_F [1] input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -matrix S [0] default -tg_mode D [0] 1 -profile_mode S [0] cw_profile_profile -profile_comparison S [0] profile -dp_mode S [0] linked_pair_wise -ktuple D [0] 1 -ndiag D [0] 0 -diag_threshold D [0] 0 -diag_mode D [0] 0 -sim_matrix S [0] vasiliky -transform S [0] -extend_seq FL [0] 0 -outorder S [0] input -inorder S [0] aligned -seqnos S [0] off -case S [0] keep -cpu D [0] 0 -maxnseq D [0] 1000 -maxlen D [0] -1 -sample_dp D [0] 0 -weight S [0] default -seq_weight S [0] no -align FL [1] 1 -mocca FL [0] 0 -domain FL [0] 0 -start D [0] 0 -len D [0] 0 -scale D [0] 0 -mocca_interactive FL [0] 0 -method_evaluate_mode S [0] default -evaluate_mode S [1] t_coffee_fast -get_type FL [0] 0 -clean_aln D [0] 0 -clean_threshold D [1] 1 -clean_iteration D [1] 1 -clean_evaluate_mode S [0] t_coffee_fast -extend_matrix FL [0] 0 -prot_min_sim D [40] 40 -prot_max_sim D [90] 90 -prot_min_cov D [40] 40 -pdb_type S [0] d -pdb_min_sim D [35] 35 -pdb_max_sim D [100] 100 -pdb_min_cov D [50] 50 -pdb_blast_server W_F [0] EBI -blast W_F [0] -blast_server W_F [0] EBI -pdb_db W_F [0] pdb -protein_db W_F [0] uniprot -method_log W_F [0] no -struc_to_use S [0] -cache W_F [0] use -align_pdb_param_file W_F [0] no -align_pdb_hasch_mode W_F [0] hasch_ca_trace_bubble -external_aligner S [0] NO -msa_mode S [0] tree -master S [0] no -blast_nseq D [0] 0 -lalign_n_top D [0] 10 -iterate D [1] 0 -trim D [0] 0 -split D [0] 0 -trimfile S [0] default -split D [0] 0 -split_nseq_thres D [0] 0 -split_score_thres D [0] 0 -check_pdb_status D [0] 0 -clean_seq_name D [0] 0 -seq_to_keep S [0] -dpa_master_aln S [0] -dpa_maxnseq D [0] 0 -dpa_min_score1 D [0] -dpa_min_score2 D [0] -dpa_keep_tmpfile FL [0] 0 -dpa_debug D [0] 0 -multi_core S [0] templates_jobs_relax_msa_evaluate -n_core D [0] 0 -max_n_proc D [0] 0 -lib_list S [0] -prune_lib_mode S [0] 5 -tip S [0] none -rna_lib S [0] -no_warning D [0] 0 -run_local_script D [0] 0 -plugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 6 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 102 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 96 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [3060] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96] Relaxation Summary: [3060]--->[3060] UN-WEIGHTED MODE: EVERY SEQUENCE WEIGHTS 1 OUTPUT RESULTS #### File Type= MSA Format= score_ascii Name= input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.score_ascii #### File Type= MSA Format= html Name= input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.html #### File Type= MSA Format= score_ascii Name= input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.score_ascii # Command Line: t_coffee -infile input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -output score_ascii -special_mode evaluate -evaluate_mode t_coffee_fast [PROGRAM:T-COFFEE] # T-COFFEE Memory Usage: Current= 29.454 Mb, Max= 30.627 Mb # Results Produced with T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:09 - Revision 1613 - Build 432) # T-COFFEE is available from http://www.tcoffee.org # Register on: https://groups.google.com/group/tcoffee/ FORMAT of file input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.ipi_i.fasta Not Supported[FATAL:T-COFFEE] CLUSTAL W (1.83) multiple sequence alignment C1 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C2 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C3 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C4 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C5 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN C6 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN ************************************************** C1 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C2 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C3 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C4 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C5 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG C6 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG ************************************************** C1 GL C2 GL C3 GL C4 GL C5 GL C6 GL ** FORMAT of file input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.ipi_bs.fasta Not Supported[FATAL:T-COFFEE] input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln I:93 S:100 BS:94 # TC_SIMILARITY_MATRIX_FORMAT_01 # SEQ_INDEX C1 0 # SEQ_INDEX C2 1 # SEQ_INDEX C3 2 # SEQ_INDEX C4 3 # SEQ_INDEX C5 4 # SEQ_INDEX C6 5 # PW_SEQ_DISTANCES BOT 0 1 100.00 C1 C2 100.00 TOP 1 0 100.00 C2 C1 100.00 BOT 0 2 100.00 C1 C3 100.00 TOP 2 0 100.00 C3 C1 100.00 BOT 0 3 100.00 C1 C4 100.00 TOP 3 0 100.00 C4 C1 100.00 BOT 0 4 100.00 C1 C5 100.00 TOP 4 0 100.00 C5 C1 100.00 BOT 0 5 100.00 C1 C6 100.00 TOP 5 0 100.00 C6 C1 100.00 BOT 1 2 100.00 C2 C3 100.00 TOP 2 1 100.00 C3 C2 100.00 BOT 1 3 100.00 C2 C4 100.00 TOP 3 1 100.00 C4 C2 100.00 BOT 1 4 100.00 C2 C5 100.00 TOP 4 1 100.00 C5 C2 100.00 BOT 1 5 100.00 C2 C6 100.00 TOP 5 1 100.00 C6 C2 100.00 BOT 2 3 100.00 C3 C4 100.00 TOP 3 2 100.00 C4 C3 100.00 BOT 2 4 100.00 C3 C5 100.00 TOP 4 2 100.00 C5 C3 100.00 BOT 2 5 100.00 C3 C6 100.00 TOP 5 2 100.00 C6 C3 100.00 BOT 3 4 100.00 C4 C5 100.00 TOP 4 3 100.00 C5 C4 100.00 BOT 3 5 100.00 C4 C6 100.00 TOP 5 3 100.00 C6 C4 100.00 BOT 4 5 100.00 C5 C6 100.00 TOP 5 4 100.00 C6 C5 100.00 AVG 0 C1 * 100.00 AVG 1 C2 * 100.00 AVG 2 C3 * 100.00 AVG 3 C4 * 100.00 AVG 4 C5 * 100.00 AVG 5 C6 * 100.00 TOT TOT * 100.00 CLUSTAL W (1.83) multiple sequence alignment C1 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT C2 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT C3 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT C4 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT C5 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT C6 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT ************************************************** C1 CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT C2 CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT C3 CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT C4 CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT C5 CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT C6 CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT ************************************************** C1 TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT C2 TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT C3 TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT C4 TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT C5 TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT C6 TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT ************************************************** C1 CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA C2 CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA C3 CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA C4 CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA C5 CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA C6 CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA ************************************************** C1 CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG C2 CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG C3 CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG C4 CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG C5 CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG C6 CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG ************************************************** C1 TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT C2 TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT C3 TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT C4 TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT C5 TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT C6 TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT ************************************************** C1 GGGCTA C2 GGGCTA C3 GGGCTA C4 GGGCTA C5 GGGCTA C6 GGGCTA ****** >C1 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT GGGCTA >C2 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT GGGCTA >C3 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT GGGCTA >C4 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT GGGCTA >C5 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT GGGCTA >C6 ATGACGTTGGGAGTCATTCCCGAAGGCCTGGAAGGTGCCAGTGCTGTTAT CGAAGCGTTGACCGCCCATCTGGCTACCGTGCATGCCGAAGCGGCTCCCT TTATCATGGAGGTTATCCCACCTGGGTCTGGCTCGGTGTCGGTGCAGAAT CAGGTTGGTTTCAACGTTCACGGTTGCCAGTATGTGGCGATGACTGCTCA CGGGGCGGAGGAGCTTGGCCGCTGGGGCGTCGGAGTGGCCGAATCGGGTG TTAGTTATGCGCTTCGGGATGCGTTCGCGGTAGCATCGTACCTTGGCGGT GGGCTA >C1 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C2 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C3 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C4 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C5 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL >C6 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG GL MrBayes v3.2.2 x64 (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny) Distributed under the GNU General Public License Type "help" or "help <command>" for information on the commands that are available. Type "about" for authorship and general information about the program. Executing file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb" UNIX line termination Longest line length = 63 Parsing file Expecting NEXUS formatted file Reading data block Allocated taxon set Allocated matrix Defining new matrix with 6 taxa and 306 characters Missing data coded as ? Data matrix is interleaved Data is Dna Gaps coded as - Matching characters coded as . Taxon 1 -> C1 Taxon 2 -> C2 Taxon 3 -> C3 Taxon 4 -> C4 Taxon 5 -> C5 Taxon 6 -> C6 Successfully read matrix Setting default partition (does not divide up characters) Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 1579782822 Setting output file names to "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run<i>.<p|t>" Exiting data block Reading mrbayes block Setting autoclose to yes Setting nowarnings to yes Defining charset called first_pos Defining charset called second_pos Defining charset called third_pos Defining partition called by_codon Setting by_codon as the partition, dividing characters into 3 parts. Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 714912677 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 1 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 2 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 3 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 1 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 2 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 3 Successfully set likelihood model parameters to all applicable data partitions Unlinking Setting number of generations to 1000000 Running Markov chain MCMC stamp = 9127725198 Seed = 839034260 Swapseed = 1579782822 Model settings: Settings for partition 1 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma Gamma shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (2.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation. Settings for partition 2 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma Gamma shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (2.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation. Settings for partition 3 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma Gamma shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (2.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation. Active parameters: Partition(s) Parameters 1 2 3 ------------------------ Revmat 1 1 1 Statefreq 2 2 2 Shape 3 3 4 Pinvar 5 5 5 Ratemultiplier 6 6 6 Topology 7 7 7 Brlens 8 8 8 ------------------------ Parameters can be linked or unlinked across partitions using 'link' and 'unlink' 1 -- Parameter = Revmat{all} Type = Rates of reversible rate matrix Prior = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Partitions = All 2 -- Parameter = Pi{all} Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet Partitions = All 3 -- Parameter = Alpha{1,2} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(2.00) Partitions = 1 and 2 4 -- Parameter = Alpha{3} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(2.00) Partition = 3 5 -- Parameter = Pinvar{all} Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) Partitions = All 6 -- Parameter = Ratemultiplier{all} Type = Partition-specific rate multiplier Prior = Fixed(1.0) Partitions = All 7 -- Parameter = Tau{all} Type = Topology Prior = All topologies equally probable a priori Partitions = All Subparam. = V{all} 8 -- Parameter = V{all} Type = Branch lengths Prior = Unconstrained:Exponential(10.0) Partitions = All The MCMC sampler will use the following moves: With prob. Chain will use move 1.06 % Dirichlet(Revmat{all}) 1.06 % Slider(Revmat{all}) 1.06 % Dirichlet(Pi{all}) 1.06 % Slider(Pi{all}) 2.13 % Multiplier(Alpha{1,2}) 2.13 % Multiplier(Alpha{3}) 2.13 % Slider(Pinvar{all}) 10.64 % ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 10.64 % ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all}) 10.64 % NNI(Tau{all},V{all}) 10.64 % ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 31.91 % Multiplier(V{all}) 10.64 % Nodeslider(V{all}) 4.26 % TLMultiplier(V{all}) Division 1 has 4 unique site patterns Division 2 has 4 unique site patterns Division 3 has 4 unique site patterns Initializing conditional likelihoods Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 1 (single-precision) Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 2 (single-precision) Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 3 (single-precision) Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 1: Chain 1 -- -684.842666 -- -24.965149 Chain 2 -- -684.842666 -- -24.965149 Chain 3 -- -684.842562 -- -24.965149 Chain 4 -- -684.842626 -- -24.965149 Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 2: Chain 1 -- -684.842666 -- -24.965149 Chain 2 -- -684.842626 -- -24.965149 Chain 3 -- -684.842666 -- -24.965149 Chain 4 -- -684.842626 -- -24.965149 Using a relative burnin of 25.0 % for diagnostics Chain results (1000000 generations requested): 0 -- [-684.843] (-684.843) (-684.843) (-684.843) * [-684.843] (-684.843) (-684.843) (-684.843) 500 -- (-422.562) (-421.458) (-427.416) [-422.879] * [-429.029] (-430.945) (-424.710) (-434.514) -- 0:00:00 1000 -- (-422.792) (-421.447) (-420.479) [-422.603] * (-426.804) (-424.119) [-417.226] (-425.016) -- 0:00:00 1500 -- (-423.795) (-419.819) (-421.244) [-421.927] * (-426.435) (-426.574) [-422.282] (-420.097) -- 0:00:00 2000 -- (-422.843) (-420.722) [-424.323] (-421.698) * (-419.828) (-427.164) (-421.001) [-427.014] -- 0:00:00 2500 -- (-425.450) (-419.790) [-421.109] (-434.973) * (-420.464) (-431.255) (-423.913) [-419.346] -- 0:00:00 3000 -- (-424.145) (-419.817) (-420.668) [-420.280] * (-429.594) (-419.134) (-429.896) [-422.315] -- 0:00:00 3500 -- [-421.017] (-421.905) (-421.166) (-420.678) * [-417.583] (-424.886) (-422.654) (-418.939) -- 0:00:00 4000 -- [-423.731] (-426.730) (-429.325) (-426.469) * (-423.399) (-423.681) [-421.214] (-422.203) -- 0:00:00 4500 -- [-427.997] (-419.383) (-427.052) (-422.962) * (-420.195) (-417.246) [-428.879] (-425.860) -- 0:00:00 5000 -- (-427.224) (-418.879) (-424.975) [-418.604] * (-419.852) [-421.210] (-422.985) (-425.329) -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.074826 5500 -- (-422.133) [-421.297] (-429.902) (-423.350) * [-415.549] (-419.643) (-425.402) (-426.074) -- 0:00:00 6000 -- (-420.045) (-426.498) [-427.861] (-419.085) * (-428.776) (-419.303) [-419.145] (-423.577) -- 0:00:00 6500 -- (-418.058) [-420.743] (-421.654) (-425.978) * (-424.889) (-423.049) [-423.531] (-419.236) -- 0:00:00 7000 -- (-427.832) (-421.796) (-418.038) [-421.041] * (-423.424) (-419.188) (-424.370) [-420.224] -- 0:00:00 7500 -- (-422.904) [-417.811] (-424.228) (-423.198) * (-423.081) (-432.066) (-426.059) [-425.823] -- 0:00:00 8000 -- [-424.283] (-425.491) (-420.287) (-430.270) * (-434.756) (-417.633) [-421.114] (-425.739) -- 0:00:00 8500 -- [-429.916] (-432.976) (-421.413) (-419.224) * [-418.994] (-426.717) (-424.096) (-432.196) -- 0:00:00 9000 -- (-420.428) (-421.645) [-421.102] (-436.103) * [-419.954] (-418.371) (-421.390) (-425.728) -- 0:00:00 9500 -- (-422.880) (-417.904) [-423.984] (-426.405) * (-422.170) (-422.578) (-424.652) [-422.363] -- 0:00:00 10000 -- (-422.924) (-418.784) (-426.684) [-415.994] * [-421.682] (-430.207) (-437.882) (-427.623) -- 0:01:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.069448 10500 -- (-420.356) (-432.417) (-423.609) [-420.004] * (-425.618) [-426.692] (-420.017) (-430.337) -- 0:01:34 11000 -- (-423.727) [-423.097] (-423.039) (-426.850) * [-428.096] (-427.806) (-421.064) (-424.098) -- 0:01:29 11500 -- (-427.405) (-422.948) [-418.229] (-421.093) * (-423.754) (-419.032) (-423.554) [-419.317] -- 0:01:25 12000 -- (-425.662) [-422.387] (-444.745) (-417.195) * (-427.612) (-420.596) (-426.255) [-422.964] -- 0:01:22 12500 -- (-421.858) (-425.104) (-430.831) [-419.473] * (-431.760) (-426.925) (-426.117) [-423.540] -- 0:01:19 13000 -- (-423.283) (-424.472) (-423.924) [-421.891] * (-426.112) [-425.274] (-421.608) (-423.674) -- 0:01:15 13500 -- (-420.728) [-420.739] (-425.892) (-421.399) * (-418.626) (-424.645) [-419.303] (-425.681) -- 0:01:13 14000 -- (-424.449) [-420.981] (-425.186) (-421.572) * (-434.611) (-423.372) (-430.368) [-425.630] -- 0:01:10 14500 -- (-429.648) (-435.187) [-423.233] (-425.700) * [-420.821] (-418.370) (-423.046) (-422.987) -- 0:01:07 15000 -- [-420.474] (-425.700) (-423.218) (-431.605) * (-414.062) [-422.211] (-430.664) (-428.240) -- 0:01:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.045667 15500 -- (-416.724) (-412.611) (-424.651) [-421.449] * (-413.022) [-420.043] (-426.519) (-412.105) -- 0:01:03 16000 -- (-425.049) (-414.980) (-427.417) [-420.615] * (-412.749) (-423.084) [-419.596] (-414.258) -- 0:01:01 16500 -- (-427.664) (-411.914) (-426.140) [-419.024] * (-414.022) (-418.555) (-429.670) [-417.588] -- 0:00:59 17000 -- (-423.193) [-411.909] (-431.286) (-422.284) * (-412.616) (-439.171) [-428.205] (-416.389) -- 0:00:57 17500 -- (-427.670) [-413.553] (-422.960) (-425.736) * (-413.223) (-420.932) (-420.462) [-415.744] -- 0:00:56 18000 -- (-435.035) [-413.138] (-424.271) (-432.126) * (-413.034) [-426.316] (-419.808) (-414.880) -- 0:00:54 18500 -- (-419.118) [-413.906] (-423.134) (-412.975) * (-412.232) (-428.573) (-422.092) [-412.585] -- 0:00:53 19000 -- (-418.527) (-412.227) (-422.576) [-413.208] * [-413.529] (-427.229) (-419.776) (-413.020) -- 0:00:51 19500 -- (-419.206) (-412.772) (-413.392) [-415.044] * (-412.975) [-427.723] (-415.600) (-414.672) -- 0:00:50 20000 -- [-427.351] (-414.883) (-413.453) (-414.378) * (-413.170) [-421.217] (-414.712) (-417.040) -- 0:00:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.042769 20500 -- (-425.192) (-413.284) [-413.593] (-413.106) * (-415.729) [-426.492] (-416.145) (-415.444) -- 0:00:47 21000 -- (-424.441) [-413.068] (-414.438) (-415.223) * (-413.971) (-420.365) [-412.520] (-418.627) -- 0:00:46 21500 -- (-414.526) [-412.318] (-411.702) (-412.608) * [-413.430] (-419.335) (-412.478) (-413.814) -- 0:00:45 22000 -- (-414.163) (-414.978) (-413.620) [-411.868] * (-417.858) (-426.132) (-413.425) [-414.466] -- 0:00:44 22500 -- (-416.390) [-414.663] (-416.626) (-413.310) * [-414.506] (-424.999) (-416.084) (-412.657) -- 0:00:43 23000 -- [-415.988] (-413.916) (-415.130) (-415.655) * (-412.505) [-426.092] (-416.184) (-414.777) -- 0:00:42 23500 -- (-413.724) (-412.740) [-414.686] (-414.233) * (-417.246) (-426.721) (-414.664) [-414.525] -- 0:00:41 24000 -- (-412.779) (-412.661) [-415.852] (-414.428) * [-413.261] (-428.570) (-414.984) (-418.346) -- 0:00:40 24500 -- (-413.613) (-412.364) [-413.058] (-414.195) * (-416.724) [-419.970] (-417.672) (-413.512) -- 0:00:39 25000 -- (-413.469) (-415.371) [-418.705] (-412.666) * [-416.545] (-425.098) (-415.656) (-417.360) -- 0:00:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.045759 25500 -- (-415.266) (-415.242) [-413.363] (-413.010) * (-414.248) (-424.980) [-412.483] (-413.206) -- 0:00:38 26000 -- (-412.727) [-414.386] (-412.331) (-411.823) * (-413.581) (-427.464) [-414.841] (-417.472) -- 0:00:37 26500 -- (-412.118) (-417.197) (-413.965) [-412.175] * [-415.359] (-424.901) (-412.957) (-419.444) -- 0:00:36 27000 -- (-412.887) (-415.089) [-417.693] (-412.662) * (-412.238) (-428.745) [-412.989] (-413.537) -- 0:01:12 27500 -- (-418.751) [-412.324] (-418.121) (-413.253) * (-414.439) [-422.358] (-414.625) (-414.434) -- 0:01:10 28000 -- (-418.649) [-412.172] (-414.993) (-412.103) * (-414.790) (-430.905) (-415.060) [-414.150] -- 0:01:09 28500 -- (-416.291) [-414.943] (-419.920) (-413.333) * (-414.355) (-418.417) [-414.771] (-411.865) -- 0:01:08 29000 -- [-411.714] (-415.451) (-417.988) (-413.826) * [-412.650] (-424.968) (-413.257) (-419.732) -- 0:01:06 29500 -- [-411.510] (-414.890) (-415.721) (-413.780) * (-414.180) (-423.910) [-415.155] (-417.491) -- 0:01:05 30000 -- (-415.233) (-412.028) [-412.106] (-420.034) * (-413.996) [-417.759] (-412.883) (-413.330) -- 0:01:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.035136 30500 -- (-416.668) [-415.365] (-413.209) (-421.084) * (-413.668) [-419.644] (-414.075) (-414.128) -- 0:01:03 31000 -- [-414.615] (-415.250) (-412.433) (-417.244) * (-412.521) [-425.843] (-413.667) (-414.705) -- 0:01:02 31500 -- [-414.343] (-414.294) (-413.436) (-413.707) * (-413.920) [-420.153] (-413.423) (-413.027) -- 0:01:01 32000 -- [-413.892] (-414.992) (-414.176) (-415.597) * (-413.074) [-418.882] (-412.723) (-418.598) -- 0:01:00 32500 -- (-415.939) (-415.076) (-414.339) [-413.118] * (-414.458) (-420.749) [-412.105] (-413.708) -- 0:00:59 33000 -- (-413.889) (-414.496) (-415.204) [-415.627] * (-413.192) [-420.172] (-415.994) (-414.347) -- 0:00:58 33500 -- (-412.944) (-414.007) [-415.645] (-415.110) * (-412.247) (-423.704) (-413.087) [-415.813] -- 0:00:57 34000 -- [-414.732] (-413.012) (-415.927) (-415.534) * [-411.860] (-427.285) (-414.252) (-418.933) -- 0:00:56 34500 -- (-413.356) (-414.341) (-413.543) [-411.875] * (-412.010) (-423.451) [-412.438] (-413.340) -- 0:00:55 35000 -- (-413.337) (-417.459) (-413.475) [-412.619] * (-412.509) [-416.032] (-415.088) (-413.182) -- 0:00:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.038037 35500 -- (-415.720) (-414.547) [-413.450] (-412.526) * [-415.267] (-423.877) (-414.148) (-413.467) -- 0:00:54 36000 -- (-412.679) [-414.143] (-412.542) (-413.156) * [-417.444] (-422.245) (-412.292) (-421.096) -- 0:00:53 36500 -- [-412.797] (-416.420) (-412.420) (-413.229) * (-413.792) [-425.419] (-412.538) (-414.660) -- 0:00:52 37000 -- [-413.007] (-416.124) (-414.242) (-414.911) * (-413.112) (-423.583) [-415.750] (-416.560) -- 0:00:52 37500 -- (-414.382) [-412.913] (-417.216) (-414.226) * (-414.251) (-424.452) [-412.291] (-412.950) -- 0:00:51 38000 -- [-413.374] (-413.420) (-413.385) (-412.096) * [-412.565] (-426.044) (-412.316) (-415.214) -- 0:00:50 38500 -- [-415.818] (-414.443) (-412.645) (-411.860) * [-414.457] (-419.818) (-411.711) (-414.785) -- 0:00:49 39000 -- [-412.897] (-413.333) (-413.209) (-412.966) * (-413.181) [-422.130] (-415.426) (-416.380) -- 0:00:49 39500 -- (-413.738) (-412.884) (-415.339) [-413.263] * (-414.151) [-421.288] (-412.790) (-414.784) -- 0:00:48 40000 -- [-413.933] (-416.450) (-413.281) (-416.544) * (-413.730) (-427.863) [-413.676] (-415.251) -- 0:00:48 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.034196 40500 -- [-412.185] (-415.649) (-417.043) (-414.726) * (-418.767) (-421.658) (-412.010) [-414.482] -- 0:00:47 41000 -- [-412.817] (-413.199) (-414.489) (-413.825) * (-414.417) (-421.156) (-414.786) [-412.391] -- 0:00:46 41500 -- (-413.435) [-414.337] (-413.118) (-414.092) * (-414.397) [-421.933] (-414.486) (-414.825) -- 0:00:46 42000 -- (-416.058) [-414.825] (-412.350) (-417.135) * (-414.546) (-423.489) (-413.266) [-414.202] -- 0:00:45 42500 -- (-412.566) (-415.963) (-415.524) [-411.805] * (-414.499) (-421.117) (-414.939) [-415.598] -- 0:00:45 43000 -- (-415.326) (-416.311) [-419.289] (-413.573) * (-415.525) (-430.256) (-413.698) [-414.556] -- 0:00:44 43500 -- [-413.627] (-413.917) (-418.085) (-414.312) * (-414.814) (-430.921) [-413.174] (-414.533) -- 0:00:43 44000 -- (-412.489) (-413.673) (-414.446) [-414.460] * (-416.911) (-421.270) [-413.175] (-413.555) -- 0:00:43 44500 -- (-413.722) (-412.888) (-413.490) [-414.074] * (-412.000) (-418.192) (-413.710) [-412.437] -- 0:01:04 45000 -- (-414.919) [-412.086] (-412.824) (-413.966) * (-412.687) [-421.045] (-412.710) (-413.334) -- 0:01:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.033672 45500 -- (-414.359) [-414.343] (-414.186) (-412.948) * (-412.526) (-421.675) (-412.069) [-417.125] -- 0:01:02 46000 -- (-413.011) [-412.716] (-417.090) (-415.306) * (-414.317) (-420.852) [-414.947] (-413.996) -- 0:01:02 46500 -- (-413.290) [-416.050] (-413.143) (-421.484) * (-412.219) (-431.727) [-412.450] (-415.974) -- 0:01:01 47000 -- (-412.705) (-412.484) [-412.951] (-412.949) * (-414.014) [-421.646] (-412.142) (-412.558) -- 0:01:00 47500 -- [-413.473] (-413.371) (-413.586) (-418.768) * [-413.696] (-420.019) (-412.377) (-414.847) -- 0:01:00 48000 -- [-412.378] (-412.943) (-415.791) (-413.325) * (-415.195) (-430.389) [-413.374] (-413.335) -- 0:00:59 48500 -- (-414.200) (-414.402) [-413.431] (-412.623) * (-415.589) (-430.023) [-413.663] (-413.184) -- 0:00:58 49000 -- (-412.159) [-411.897] (-417.396) (-415.121) * [-413.654] (-416.113) (-417.268) (-415.658) -- 0:00:58 49500 -- (-412.330) (-411.839) (-415.070) [-412.967] * (-413.321) [-417.648] (-414.372) (-415.183) -- 0:00:57 50000 -- (-415.214) (-414.420) (-413.037) [-412.191] * (-412.399) (-414.341) [-413.264] (-415.452) -- 0:00:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029308 50500 -- (-419.482) (-413.278) (-416.369) [-414.905] * (-413.627) (-415.127) (-412.510) [-412.973] -- 0:00:56 51000 -- (-415.937) (-415.738) (-412.977) [-411.678] * (-412.056) [-413.135] (-416.036) (-416.395) -- 0:00:55 51500 -- (-416.916) (-418.807) (-419.354) [-413.341] * (-416.510) (-416.432) (-414.285) [-413.054] -- 0:00:55 52000 -- (-414.634) (-416.486) [-419.324] (-414.425) * (-412.982) [-413.466] (-414.204) (-412.706) -- 0:00:54 52500 -- [-415.379] (-412.597) (-415.571) (-412.469) * (-414.045) (-416.454) (-412.726) [-413.582] -- 0:00:54 53000 -- (-414.413) (-417.594) [-414.189] (-412.484) * (-413.630) (-414.547) [-412.941] (-419.559) -- 0:00:53 53500 -- (-412.211) (-418.406) (-414.661) [-413.446] * (-413.246) [-414.738] (-416.165) (-411.808) -- 0:00:53 54000 -- (-418.693) (-414.992) (-413.417) [-412.827] * [-413.648] (-412.147) (-415.013) (-412.691) -- 0:00:52 54500 -- (-419.528) [-416.911] (-416.043) (-416.159) * (-415.774) (-419.433) (-414.140) [-412.180] -- 0:00:52 55000 -- (-414.539) (-414.393) (-415.333) [-413.238] * [-412.892] (-422.503) (-412.339) (-413.987) -- 0:00:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.030127 55500 -- [-413.997] (-413.733) (-413.481) (-412.328) * [-415.965] (-419.717) (-412.956) (-413.063) -- 0:00:51 56000 -- (-413.992) [-417.179] (-415.241) (-413.658) * (-414.812) [-413.429] (-414.695) (-413.779) -- 0:00:50 56500 -- (-417.105) (-413.179) (-413.093) [-413.800] * [-413.262] (-416.844) (-414.551) (-414.092) -- 0:00:50 57000 -- [-414.712] (-412.289) (-413.069) (-417.531) * [-415.297] (-417.766) (-413.540) (-413.949) -- 0:00:49 57500 -- (-413.347) (-412.344) (-412.727) [-415.450] * [-412.926] (-414.026) (-414.473) (-415.722) -- 0:00:49 58000 -- (-415.292) (-412.920) (-415.832) [-415.753] * (-413.372) [-416.113] (-420.612) (-413.239) -- 0:00:48 58500 -- (-419.020) (-415.753) [-412.810] (-413.790) * (-412.789) [-413.514] (-416.809) (-417.727) -- 0:00:48 59000 -- (-416.412) [-413.065] (-414.963) (-413.617) * (-414.525) [-413.352] (-414.560) (-413.434) -- 0:00:47 59500 -- (-413.241) [-413.000] (-415.327) (-412.722) * [-414.351] (-413.316) (-413.931) (-414.659) -- 0:00:47 60000 -- [-416.038] (-415.783) (-411.710) (-412.954) * [-415.532] (-421.084) (-417.183) (-412.713) -- 0:00:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028060 60500 -- (-412.351) (-414.217) [-414.875] (-413.230) * (-414.709) (-418.095) (-412.744) [-412.010] -- 0:00:46 61000 -- (-416.116) (-412.908) (-412.717) [-413.578] * (-412.752) [-415.907] (-414.725) (-413.043) -- 0:01:01 61500 -- (-416.679) [-413.489] (-415.624) (-414.153) * (-412.544) [-412.722] (-413.949) (-417.130) -- 0:01:01 62000 -- (-414.163) [-413.541] (-413.812) (-414.011) * (-413.758) [-413.708] (-415.855) (-412.937) -- 0:01:00 62500 -- (-413.954) (-419.583) (-412.857) [-412.480] * [-412.580] (-415.289) (-413.240) (-415.380) -- 0:01:00 63000 -- (-414.424) (-416.339) (-414.480) [-412.688] * (-414.934) [-414.159] (-412.506) (-417.314) -- 0:00:59 63500 -- (-415.484) (-416.114) (-413.156) [-412.321] * [-413.971] (-413.513) (-414.623) (-417.682) -- 0:00:58 64000 -- (-413.982) [-412.128] (-415.464) (-413.474) * (-411.988) (-412.312) (-412.585) [-413.302] -- 0:00:58 64500 -- (-412.619) [-415.631] (-414.247) (-416.183) * (-413.044) (-415.705) (-412.661) [-413.933] -- 0:00:58 65000 -- (-414.767) (-414.046) [-417.960] (-413.212) * [-413.944] (-414.144) (-412.803) (-412.657) -- 0:00:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026189 65500 -- (-414.362) (-413.276) (-413.620) [-414.296] * (-413.391) [-413.860] (-414.069) (-414.113) -- 0:00:57 66000 -- [-415.756] (-412.490) (-413.835) (-412.913) * (-412.800) (-415.409) [-413.369] (-424.184) -- 0:00:56 66500 -- (-416.756) [-413.447] (-413.677) (-412.718) * (-413.891) [-412.100] (-414.411) (-415.009) -- 0:00:56 67000 -- [-415.149] (-412.921) (-413.234) (-414.640) * (-412.649) [-412.611] (-412.853) (-417.869) -- 0:00:55 67500 -- (-415.462) [-412.608] (-412.373) (-413.051) * (-415.048) (-412.786) [-414.728] (-413.341) -- 0:00:55 68000 -- [-415.701] (-415.045) (-415.911) (-413.777) * (-413.155) (-417.711) [-412.577] (-412.363) -- 0:00:54 68500 -- (-418.378) (-411.622) [-413.177] (-411.862) * (-413.445) (-414.055) [-417.202] (-414.598) -- 0:00:54 69000 -- (-416.303) (-413.675) (-414.484) [-416.236] * (-412.602) (-414.778) (-419.673) [-413.864] -- 0:00:53 69500 -- (-416.573) (-414.547) [-416.376] (-413.794) * (-417.801) (-413.312) [-412.753] (-413.608) -- 0:00:53 70000 -- (-413.107) (-413.767) (-414.872) [-413.052] * (-413.397) [-413.125] (-412.972) (-412.490) -- 0:00:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028685 70500 -- (-415.913) (-418.700) [-415.588] (-412.251) * (-412.981) (-413.241) (-412.989) [-413.491] -- 0:00:52 71000 -- [-413.286] (-415.722) (-416.073) (-412.501) * [-413.645] (-413.963) (-412.621) (-416.575) -- 0:00:52 71500 -- (-413.723) (-414.984) (-416.519) [-415.182] * (-412.446) (-414.381) [-413.700] (-413.263) -- 0:00:51 72000 -- (-415.246) (-412.208) (-416.382) [-412.416] * (-415.101) (-414.341) [-413.894] (-414.619) -- 0:00:51 72500 -- (-412.032) (-412.639) (-413.032) [-414.634] * [-414.241] (-415.011) (-413.396) (-413.664) -- 0:00:51 73000 -- (-413.653) [-412.481] (-413.229) (-413.519) * (-421.665) (-414.238) (-416.737) [-413.157] -- 0:00:50 73500 -- (-412.577) [-414.854] (-414.737) (-414.214) * (-416.213) (-413.110) (-414.210) [-413.021] -- 0:00:50 74000 -- [-412.847] (-413.637) (-413.168) (-413.733) * (-416.292) (-413.459) (-416.709) [-414.571] -- 0:00:50 74500 -- (-415.039) [-416.078] (-416.312) (-413.058) * (-414.373) (-414.039) (-415.700) [-413.057] -- 0:00:49 75000 -- [-413.873] (-414.774) (-415.212) (-415.389) * (-412.048) (-417.602) [-413.599] (-417.746) -- 0:00:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029708 75500 -- (-415.313) (-413.528) [-417.000] (-416.893) * (-413.717) (-418.203) (-411.629) [-416.104] -- 0:00:48 76000 -- (-415.787) (-412.640) [-414.178] (-412.759) * (-418.136) (-413.008) [-413.169] (-421.335) -- 0:00:48 76500 -- (-415.920) (-413.798) [-412.902] (-416.063) * (-414.828) (-412.531) (-413.964) [-413.139] -- 0:00:48 77000 -- (-418.542) (-412.308) (-412.273) [-416.300] * [-412.686] (-417.034) (-420.274) (-414.971) -- 0:00:47 77500 -- (-419.084) [-412.341] (-413.291) (-419.507) * [-414.039] (-417.244) (-412.974) (-418.581) -- 0:00:47 78000 -- (-415.316) (-412.185) (-412.465) [-412.859] * (-415.176) (-414.045) [-412.244] (-415.131) -- 0:00:59 78500 -- (-413.551) [-412.202] (-419.449) (-412.372) * (-416.661) (-413.167) [-413.565] (-414.140) -- 0:00:58 79000 -- (-414.741) (-412.944) (-412.955) [-413.880] * (-415.381) (-413.568) (-414.185) [-412.683] -- 0:00:58 79500 -- (-416.257) [-414.164] (-417.335) (-413.663) * (-414.115) (-418.736) (-414.369) [-416.337] -- 0:00:57 80000 -- (-414.279) (-419.699) (-415.407) [-413.124] * [-413.327] (-419.543) (-413.043) (-414.153) -- 0:00:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.030450 80500 -- (-414.170) (-415.793) [-415.434] (-415.058) * [-412.784] (-424.104) (-413.559) (-413.123) -- 0:00:57 81000 -- [-412.174] (-413.283) (-415.521) (-412.145) * (-413.093) (-413.544) [-414.320] (-414.154) -- 0:00:56 81500 -- (-412.151) (-412.803) (-413.869) [-412.820] * [-413.150] (-411.964) (-413.921) (-413.062) -- 0:00:56 82000 -- (-414.435) [-416.220] (-414.782) (-415.709) * [-415.644] (-414.764) (-412.843) (-414.787) -- 0:00:55 82500 -- [-412.769] (-413.317) (-412.946) (-414.299) * (-418.907) (-411.671) (-414.902) [-413.064] -- 0:00:55 83000 -- (-412.959) [-413.857] (-412.375) (-412.563) * (-414.839) (-413.373) (-414.702) [-412.197] -- 0:00:55 83500 -- (-412.916) (-413.538) (-413.488) [-413.848] * (-415.308) (-412.790) (-415.183) [-412.504] -- 0:00:54 84000 -- (-414.749) (-417.376) [-413.072] (-414.916) * (-415.560) [-412.844] (-413.826) (-413.481) -- 0:00:54 84500 -- (-414.829) (-413.566) [-412.526] (-414.133) * (-412.407) [-414.664] (-412.017) (-413.404) -- 0:00:54 85000 -- [-415.628] (-414.574) (-415.551) (-415.638) * (-419.701) (-412.232) (-413.719) [-414.428] -- 0:00:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025319 85500 -- [-414.570] (-415.473) (-412.703) (-414.255) * [-416.073] (-411.923) (-414.180) (-414.632) -- 0:00:53 86000 -- (-414.647) (-417.068) (-414.412) [-413.200] * (-413.429) (-413.305) (-412.256) [-414.824] -- 0:00:53 86500 -- (-414.990) (-416.300) (-415.961) [-412.565] * (-413.967) [-413.736] (-413.271) (-417.631) -- 0:00:52 87000 -- (-414.635) (-415.148) (-412.270) [-415.650] * [-413.662] (-413.850) (-413.294) (-414.916) -- 0:00:52 87500 -- (-414.876) [-421.544] (-413.815) (-413.462) * (-413.128) (-415.545) [-412.400] (-418.329) -- 0:00:52 88000 -- (-414.109) [-416.668] (-412.013) (-412.856) * (-413.386) (-413.362) [-413.080] (-415.132) -- 0:00:51 88500 -- (-412.286) (-411.900) [-415.281] (-413.754) * [-414.579] (-416.637) (-414.009) (-416.313) -- 0:00:51 89000 -- (-412.262) [-413.409] (-415.402) (-413.526) * [-415.492] (-415.223) (-417.663) (-414.231) -- 0:00:51 89500 -- (-414.881) (-414.390) [-412.922] (-415.604) * [-412.289] (-412.023) (-416.263) (-414.010) -- 0:00:50 90000 -- [-414.810] (-412.607) (-415.619) (-420.892) * [-412.985] (-412.147) (-413.073) (-413.684) -- 0:00:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024697 90500 -- [-412.360] (-413.459) (-416.222) (-414.175) * (-413.593) (-417.062) (-413.345) [-414.906] -- 0:00:50 91000 -- (-412.321) [-413.410] (-417.781) (-415.672) * (-413.226) (-411.930) (-416.736) [-414.727] -- 0:00:49 91500 -- (-413.752) (-412.554) [-415.744] (-412.740) * (-413.230) [-413.375] (-413.840) (-417.391) -- 0:00:49 92000 -- (-414.835) (-412.439) (-413.676) [-413.447] * [-413.686] (-413.365) (-414.197) (-420.640) -- 0:00:49 92500 -- (-414.174) (-412.993) (-414.768) [-415.395] * [-413.488] (-415.029) (-413.272) (-417.345) -- 0:00:49 93000 -- (-412.617) (-413.131) (-412.123) [-412.878] * [-413.879] (-414.286) (-413.527) (-418.519) -- 0:00:48 93500 -- (-412.143) [-414.687] (-418.332) (-411.768) * (-412.544) [-412.559] (-415.925) (-418.951) -- 0:00:48 94000 -- (-414.310) (-412.308) [-414.090] (-413.316) * (-416.923) (-413.958) (-415.302) [-414.980] -- 0:00:48 94500 -- [-415.583] (-413.343) (-412.615) (-411.763) * (-413.786) (-412.716) (-413.809) [-415.923] -- 0:00:47 95000 -- (-412.135) (-414.949) [-414.864] (-414.915) * (-415.688) (-413.667) (-413.234) [-415.073] -- 0:00:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021824 95500 -- (-411.643) (-413.188) (-413.593) [-412.551] * (-418.869) (-419.038) [-415.544] (-413.786) -- 0:00:56 96000 -- (-412.097) (-415.143) [-413.517] (-414.688) * [-415.273] (-415.599) (-416.290) (-412.187) -- 0:00:56 96500 -- (-412.603) (-414.217) [-411.827] (-413.038) * (-415.090) (-414.983) (-413.605) [-412.216] -- 0:00:56 97000 -- (-412.953) (-415.684) [-414.403] (-417.196) * (-416.162) (-413.671) [-414.792] (-421.447) -- 0:00:55 97500 -- (-413.237) (-415.289) (-412.019) [-413.035] * (-414.496) (-412.299) (-412.676) [-415.368] -- 0:00:55 98000 -- (-416.304) (-416.444) [-413.051] (-413.504) * (-418.335) (-411.798) [-415.082] (-414.444) -- 0:00:55 98500 -- [-413.505] (-414.557) (-413.764) (-414.601) * (-414.159) (-414.540) [-413.917] (-415.595) -- 0:00:54 99000 -- [-416.961] (-412.627) (-414.626) (-415.785) * (-413.894) [-412.017] (-413.110) (-414.571) -- 0:00:54 99500 -- [-418.182] (-414.369) (-413.718) (-413.574) * (-412.206) (-413.300) (-413.400) [-413.025] -- 0:00:54 100000 -- (-412.430) (-414.591) [-412.935] (-413.985) * [-414.784] (-412.019) (-413.741) (-411.702) -- 0:00:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022312 100500 -- (-413.541) [-415.655] (-415.425) (-414.869) * (-415.210) (-414.762) (-415.959) [-414.389] -- 0:00:53 101000 -- (-422.993) (-414.114) [-416.792] (-413.558) * (-412.984) (-412.276) [-414.747] (-415.409) -- 0:00:53 101500 -- (-417.452) [-415.692] (-416.352) (-412.175) * [-414.233] (-412.798) (-417.904) (-417.762) -- 0:00:53 102000 -- (-415.123) (-416.438) (-413.801) [-411.994] * (-412.116) (-412.709) [-415.880] (-412.797) -- 0:00:52 102500 -- (-413.903) (-415.008) (-413.157) [-412.204] * (-413.012) (-415.971) (-415.247) [-413.196] -- 0:00:52 103000 -- [-415.056] (-412.560) (-414.322) (-414.871) * (-412.051) (-413.029) [-415.004] (-412.167) -- 0:00:52 103500 -- (-415.899) [-417.217] (-413.776) (-414.113) * (-415.069) (-413.595) (-415.037) [-412.512] -- 0:00:51 104000 -- (-412.882) [-417.949] (-413.462) (-414.641) * [-414.938] (-413.429) (-414.539) (-414.029) -- 0:00:51 104500 -- (-412.167) (-415.346) [-413.296] (-414.057) * (-413.794) (-413.679) (-413.131) [-411.884] -- 0:00:51 105000 -- (-412.240) [-412.386] (-412.497) (-413.321) * [-413.521] (-414.305) (-413.672) (-412.333) -- 0:00:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021495 105500 -- (-412.237) [-412.718] (-414.733) (-420.239) * (-413.551) [-413.908] (-415.378) (-413.110) -- 0:00:50 106000 -- (-412.883) [-412.750] (-412.296) (-421.027) * [-414.264] (-415.478) (-415.377) (-416.258) -- 0:00:50 106500 -- (-412.911) (-412.812) (-416.527) [-412.669] * (-412.521) (-412.986) (-415.084) [-412.305] -- 0:00:50 107000 -- (-413.517) (-419.976) [-414.750] (-418.435) * [-413.419] (-412.555) (-413.813) (-414.880) -- 0:00:50 107500 -- [-412.247] (-417.662) (-421.521) (-414.826) * (-414.702) (-412.797) (-413.525) [-415.424] -- 0:00:49 108000 -- (-414.026) (-414.130) (-415.952) [-413.264] * (-414.490) [-413.320] (-413.218) (-415.064) -- 0:00:49 108500 -- [-411.771] (-417.475) (-415.436) (-412.248) * (-413.851) (-416.547) [-412.484] (-415.884) -- 0:00:49 109000 -- (-413.060) (-415.520) [-416.290] (-415.262) * [-412.466] (-414.379) (-412.305) (-412.925) -- 0:00:49 109500 -- (-414.258) (-417.630) [-413.372] (-414.483) * (-416.538) (-413.363) [-413.767] (-412.494) -- 0:00:48 110000 -- (-415.501) (-413.352) (-413.668) [-413.599] * [-413.037] (-413.887) (-416.816) (-414.839) -- 0:00:48 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019879 110500 -- (-412.969) (-413.216) (-413.737) [-413.873] * (-415.510) [-414.470] (-415.968) (-414.218) -- 0:00:48 111000 -- (-412.255) [-415.440] (-413.266) (-414.050) * (-414.244) (-414.246) [-414.579] (-414.252) -- 0:00:48 111500 -- (-412.521) (-413.843) (-416.509) [-412.252] * [-416.396] (-414.547) (-415.969) (-413.970) -- 0:00:47 112000 -- (-414.443) (-413.126) (-413.605) [-412.901] * [-412.726] (-413.421) (-414.643) (-414.532) -- 0:00:47 112500 -- [-412.486] (-415.325) (-413.435) (-413.232) * [-414.550] (-416.825) (-415.640) (-414.067) -- 0:00:55 113000 -- (-412.825) (-412.483) [-415.406] (-416.423) * (-413.941) (-414.711) (-412.392) [-412.737] -- 0:00:54 113500 -- (-413.470) (-417.421) (-414.360) [-414.374] * (-414.065) [-416.968] (-419.927) (-417.179) -- 0:00:54 114000 -- (-412.975) [-416.235] (-413.200) (-415.159) * [-413.146] (-413.874) (-419.706) (-414.525) -- 0:00:54 114500 -- [-412.061] (-416.876) (-413.375) (-412.689) * [-412.627] (-413.607) (-413.276) (-414.725) -- 0:00:54 115000 -- (-414.376) (-411.726) [-416.283] (-417.075) * (-413.210) (-412.068) (-412.138) [-414.776] -- 0:00:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020558 115500 -- [-411.882] (-413.739) (-414.496) (-414.054) * (-413.010) (-412.289) [-414.679] (-414.540) -- 0:00:53 116000 -- (-419.734) (-417.475) [-414.465] (-412.043) * (-412.786) (-412.436) [-413.034] (-417.323) -- 0:00:53 116500 -- [-411.779] (-412.104) (-416.287) (-413.150) * (-414.992) (-411.923) [-412.588] (-413.769) -- 0:00:53 117000 -- (-412.321) [-412.330] (-419.139) (-414.540) * (-416.354) (-413.243) [-414.063] (-414.447) -- 0:00:52 117500 -- (-417.538) [-414.190] (-414.126) (-413.046) * (-416.337) (-414.772) [-413.071] (-416.205) -- 0:00:52 118000 -- (-416.853) (-412.369) (-415.524) [-411.650] * (-415.001) (-415.206) (-412.858) [-413.222] -- 0:00:52 118500 -- [-415.703] (-412.891) (-413.603) (-417.844) * (-415.595) (-412.781) [-412.197] (-412.552) -- 0:00:52 119000 -- [-413.725] (-415.518) (-412.938) (-412.881) * [-413.633] (-414.774) (-415.138) (-412.767) -- 0:00:51 119500 -- [-412.243] (-414.228) (-413.499) (-414.029) * (-414.094) (-420.131) [-415.507] (-413.049) -- 0:00:51 120000 -- (-412.319) [-413.015] (-413.975) (-413.017) * (-414.233) [-413.498] (-413.688) (-415.218) -- 0:00:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018384 120500 -- (-412.243) (-414.910) (-414.329) [-412.592] * (-412.778) (-415.217) [-414.295] (-413.410) -- 0:00:51 121000 -- [-413.108] (-414.076) (-412.859) (-412.190) * [-415.786] (-413.386) (-413.644) (-414.217) -- 0:00:50 121500 -- (-415.658) (-414.931) [-412.481] (-414.446) * (-414.047) [-413.085] (-411.708) (-412.322) -- 0:00:50 122000 -- [-414.368] (-415.767) (-413.868) (-419.330) * [-412.009] (-416.408) (-412.562) (-414.634) -- 0:00:50 122500 -- (-415.085) (-412.892) [-416.419] (-420.155) * (-412.332) (-417.226) (-416.748) [-415.537] -- 0:00:50 123000 -- (-411.819) (-413.749) (-414.253) [-416.155] * (-413.645) [-415.741] (-416.690) (-415.377) -- 0:00:49 123500 -- (-413.763) [-413.152] (-412.464) (-414.104) * (-413.608) [-416.074] (-412.397) (-417.717) -- 0:00:49 124000 -- (-416.705) (-413.582) [-416.255] (-416.219) * (-419.176) (-411.823) [-412.526] (-415.134) -- 0:00:49 124500 -- (-420.730) (-414.682) [-416.845] (-414.942) * (-418.174) (-415.942) [-417.671] (-414.344) -- 0:00:49 125000 -- [-417.744] (-414.619) (-413.832) (-414.579) * (-413.678) (-414.327) [-413.102] (-412.822) -- 0:00:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019954 125500 -- (-414.585) (-414.162) [-418.623] (-413.486) * (-412.538) (-413.777) [-411.986] (-414.653) -- 0:00:48 126000 -- (-416.712) (-412.682) (-414.865) [-415.709] * (-413.568) (-411.609) [-412.800] (-415.058) -- 0:00:48 126500 -- [-414.150] (-413.136) (-413.210) (-415.709) * (-415.547) (-412.494) (-414.211) [-413.682] -- 0:00:48 127000 -- [-413.992] (-414.842) (-414.863) (-412.576) * [-414.559] (-416.651) (-414.621) (-416.340) -- 0:00:48 127500 -- [-414.163] (-412.068) (-414.202) (-415.796) * (-416.356) (-412.401) (-412.640) [-415.344] -- 0:00:47 128000 -- (-420.197) (-413.687) (-412.649) [-419.800] * (-414.446) (-413.269) [-418.779] (-413.585) -- 0:00:47 128500 -- [-412.861] (-416.529) (-413.305) (-413.447) * (-412.588) (-416.150) (-414.381) [-412.386] -- 0:00:47 129000 -- (-413.883) (-412.778) (-414.259) [-414.085] * (-413.999) (-416.466) (-412.927) [-412.655] -- 0:00:47 129500 -- (-415.579) (-413.542) (-414.031) [-413.866] * [-416.600] (-413.479) (-412.665) (-412.827) -- 0:00:53 130000 -- (-416.339) (-412.198) [-413.821] (-413.687) * (-414.400) (-414.611) (-413.328) [-415.666] -- 0:00:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019041 130500 -- (-413.995) [-413.201] (-417.601) (-414.624) * (-412.610) [-415.531] (-413.389) (-414.527) -- 0:00:53 131000 -- (-414.858) [-413.520] (-414.622) (-412.728) * [-412.228] (-414.534) (-414.133) (-415.253) -- 0:00:53 131500 -- (-414.608) (-417.863) [-414.147] (-412.382) * (-414.590) (-412.179) (-413.825) [-416.119] -- 0:00:52 132000 -- (-413.926) (-413.301) [-413.849] (-414.189) * [-415.484] (-413.226) (-415.844) (-417.455) -- 0:00:52 132500 -- (-412.360) [-413.443] (-414.768) (-412.929) * (-412.322) (-415.416) [-412.521] (-413.165) -- 0:00:52 133000 -- (-415.254) (-416.348) (-412.706) [-413.037] * [-414.826] (-412.916) (-414.971) (-414.893) -- 0:00:52 133500 -- (-413.468) (-414.244) [-412.933] (-416.449) * (-417.292) (-415.221) [-412.956] (-412.015) -- 0:00:51 134000 -- [-412.138] (-412.440) (-411.906) (-415.624) * [-415.924] (-414.433) (-414.517) (-419.874) -- 0:00:51 134500 -- (-415.269) (-416.465) (-413.028) [-413.814] * (-413.398) (-413.077) (-412.784) [-412.275] -- 0:00:51 135000 -- (-413.511) (-413.972) (-415.998) [-412.917] * [-412.651] (-412.462) (-412.893) (-413.154) -- 0:00:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019574 135500 -- (-418.092) [-413.286] (-415.223) (-413.081) * (-412.422) (-413.647) [-415.980] (-413.725) -- 0:00:51 136000 -- (-415.398) (-417.498) (-415.194) [-413.177] * (-414.734) [-413.755] (-414.579) (-415.438) -- 0:00:50 136500 -- [-412.937] (-413.349) (-415.870) (-420.756) * (-412.604) [-412.842] (-413.775) (-413.839) -- 0:00:50 137000 -- [-413.768] (-413.602) (-413.124) (-415.902) * (-415.206) (-413.830) [-415.640] (-414.932) -- 0:00:50 137500 -- (-417.044) (-411.999) (-415.345) [-413.156] * [-416.595] (-413.851) (-419.749) (-413.915) -- 0:00:50 138000 -- (-411.817) (-414.454) [-414.498] (-412.497) * (-413.455) (-413.070) (-412.602) [-412.049] -- 0:00:49 138500 -- [-411.970] (-412.073) (-413.201) (-415.880) * (-412.902) (-417.711) (-412.258) [-414.636] -- 0:00:49 139000 -- (-413.547) (-411.915) (-418.339) [-413.465] * (-412.174) [-413.288] (-413.166) (-415.314) -- 0:00:49 139500 -- (-414.471) (-412.607) [-414.458] (-415.437) * [-413.197] (-412.836) (-417.387) (-413.598) -- 0:00:49 140000 -- [-413.177] (-414.685) (-413.011) (-413.089) * (-412.475) [-415.302] (-415.108) (-415.299) -- 0:00:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019549 140500 -- (-413.030) (-412.729) [-413.880] (-418.841) * (-413.446) [-414.362] (-413.710) (-411.976) -- 0:00:48 141000 -- [-412.870] (-413.457) (-419.605) (-413.809) * [-413.906] (-414.128) (-413.653) (-411.770) -- 0:00:48 141500 -- (-414.002) [-413.980] (-416.881) (-412.770) * [-413.273] (-414.958) (-417.491) (-412.726) -- 0:00:48 142000 -- (-413.311) (-412.994) [-414.572] (-412.754) * (-414.776) (-412.138) (-414.844) [-418.873] -- 0:00:48 142500 -- [-414.675] (-414.922) (-413.913) (-417.161) * (-415.563) (-414.672) [-416.532] (-414.492) -- 0:00:48 143000 -- (-413.570) (-412.832) (-416.601) [-418.305] * [-415.079] (-413.820) (-414.638) (-417.724) -- 0:00:47 143500 -- (-414.801) (-412.167) [-416.612] (-414.675) * (-413.820) (-415.089) (-415.563) [-413.259] -- 0:00:47 144000 -- (-425.609) [-413.095] (-417.858) (-412.853) * [-414.557] (-412.666) (-415.873) (-414.824) -- 0:00:47 144500 -- (-414.867) (-413.936) (-413.916) [-414.648] * (-413.670) (-412.873) (-412.500) [-412.265] -- 0:00:47 145000 -- (-416.334) (-412.602) [-415.348] (-413.848) * (-412.443) (-414.356) (-412.999) [-413.655] -- 0:00:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017758 145500 -- [-411.973] (-415.109) (-418.204) (-412.368) * [-413.347] (-412.545) (-414.565) (-414.877) -- 0:00:46 146000 -- (-413.379) (-418.393) (-419.341) [-412.038] * [-412.617] (-412.440) (-413.403) (-412.971) -- 0:00:46 146500 -- [-413.673] (-415.224) (-413.180) (-416.822) * [-412.955] (-417.193) (-416.026) (-412.454) -- 0:00:52 147000 -- (-416.517) (-414.263) [-412.493] (-415.031) * [-413.231] (-412.748) (-413.418) (-416.465) -- 0:00:52 147500 -- (-415.574) (-417.950) (-414.870) [-412.998] * (-413.243) [-411.764] (-414.434) (-418.459) -- 0:00:52 148000 -- [-415.640] (-412.353) (-413.614) (-413.692) * [-413.698] (-417.909) (-413.150) (-414.179) -- 0:00:51 148500 -- (-414.416) (-412.933) (-414.628) [-413.320] * (-413.965) (-415.051) [-413.050] (-412.568) -- 0:00:51 149000 -- [-413.323] (-413.807) (-415.438) (-414.024) * (-412.499) [-412.903] (-414.854) (-419.516) -- 0:00:51 149500 -- (-413.027) [-413.701] (-417.111) (-415.260) * [-414.131] (-412.463) (-417.872) (-412.812) -- 0:00:51 150000 -- (-415.839) [-413.379] (-416.392) (-415.518) * (-411.722) (-412.903) (-413.838) [-412.787] -- 0:00:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019596 150500 -- (-412.258) (-415.399) (-414.041) [-412.849] * (-413.515) (-414.405) [-412.401] (-415.357) -- 0:00:50 151000 -- (-414.826) (-418.315) [-416.559] (-415.497) * (-414.074) [-413.992] (-413.412) (-413.538) -- 0:00:50 151500 -- (-414.093) [-413.135] (-413.104) (-415.160) * (-422.891) (-417.560) [-412.254] (-411.929) -- 0:00:50 152000 -- [-415.389] (-414.266) (-412.671) (-413.362) * (-416.688) [-414.606] (-413.995) (-415.549) -- 0:00:50 152500 -- (-413.717) (-415.212) [-415.193] (-413.012) * [-413.439] (-412.058) (-412.295) (-413.921) -- 0:00:50 153000 -- (-412.617) (-416.824) [-415.655] (-413.955) * (-413.556) [-416.191] (-413.099) (-419.191) -- 0:00:49 153500 -- [-414.465] (-415.810) (-415.917) (-411.857) * (-414.904) (-412.899) (-418.761) [-414.996] -- 0:00:49 154000 -- [-412.609] (-417.790) (-418.697) (-415.009) * (-414.601) (-413.815) [-413.716] (-412.543) -- 0:00:49 154500 -- (-415.367) [-415.017] (-413.421) (-412.543) * (-416.783) [-414.568] (-414.889) (-415.480) -- 0:00:49 155000 -- (-412.590) (-413.045) [-413.705] (-414.011) * (-414.674) (-414.372) [-413.151] (-412.716) -- 0:00:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019721 155500 -- (-413.449) [-416.101] (-418.905) (-415.119) * (-412.402) [-413.244] (-415.267) (-413.074) -- 0:00:48 156000 -- (-413.397) (-415.109) [-416.725] (-413.300) * [-412.312] (-412.822) (-413.410) (-411.679) -- 0:00:48 156500 -- (-415.080) (-414.904) (-414.076) [-413.552] * (-413.832) (-413.111) (-413.499) [-412.428] -- 0:00:48 157000 -- (-413.798) [-413.915] (-412.267) (-415.120) * (-413.594) (-412.832) [-412.024] (-416.923) -- 0:00:48 157500 -- [-415.011] (-414.654) (-413.258) (-412.812) * [-418.300] (-413.060) (-413.482) (-416.654) -- 0:00:48 158000 -- (-414.784) (-414.305) [-412.451] (-413.411) * [-413.109] (-414.459) (-412.946) (-418.791) -- 0:00:47 158500 -- [-412.566] (-416.249) (-415.080) (-412.457) * (-413.010) (-415.273) [-414.720] (-415.560) -- 0:00:47 159000 -- (-413.826) (-413.889) (-413.362) [-412.182] * (-415.508) (-413.590) [-414.819] (-415.054) -- 0:00:47 159500 -- (-420.356) (-413.999) [-414.299] (-415.445) * [-413.062] (-413.653) (-417.135) (-413.369) -- 0:00:47 160000 -- (-412.768) [-417.275] (-414.298) (-415.989) * (-413.167) (-415.403) (-415.543) [-412.440] -- 0:00:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019397 160500 -- [-416.368] (-412.268) (-412.510) (-412.726) * (-412.628) (-416.612) (-412.746) [-415.823] -- 0:00:47 161000 -- [-414.249] (-412.526) (-415.178) (-413.491) * [-414.797] (-412.917) (-413.081) (-416.606) -- 0:00:46 161500 -- (-418.584) (-414.477) (-413.235) [-416.803] * [-413.551] (-415.596) (-413.896) (-412.668) -- 0:00:46 162000 -- [-412.846] (-412.532) (-414.229) (-419.482) * (-413.012) (-412.826) (-413.904) [-413.446] -- 0:00:46 162500 -- (-412.559) (-414.182) (-413.117) [-417.377] * (-412.399) [-413.263] (-413.729) (-415.464) -- 0:00:46 163000 -- (-413.437) (-415.896) [-413.239] (-414.236) * (-413.182) [-413.457] (-412.674) (-415.427) -- 0:00:46 163500 -- [-413.810] (-413.475) (-411.982) (-414.664) * (-415.415) (-412.733) (-414.850) [-414.092] -- 0:00:46 164000 -- [-412.453] (-412.992) (-412.674) (-414.592) * (-414.716) (-412.754) (-418.413) [-413.551] -- 0:00:50 164500 -- [-412.856] (-412.692) (-413.004) (-416.214) * (-413.103) (-412.673) (-414.503) [-412.653] -- 0:00:50 165000 -- [-416.429] (-412.971) (-415.143) (-417.167) * (-412.703) (-412.723) (-414.389) [-420.849] -- 0:00:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020194 165500 -- (-415.388) (-413.886) [-412.719] (-417.016) * (-414.330) [-411.840] (-416.947) (-413.778) -- 0:00:50 166000 -- (-415.697) (-413.008) (-414.528) [-416.113] * (-417.394) [-411.604] (-416.102) (-416.156) -- 0:00:50 166500 -- (-417.061) (-416.131) [-415.132] (-416.745) * (-416.013) (-411.790) [-416.037] (-412.483) -- 0:00:50 167000 -- (-414.795) (-411.901) (-414.140) [-412.282] * (-414.760) [-412.250] (-413.818) (-413.443) -- 0:00:49 167500 -- (-413.334) [-412.244] (-414.391) (-411.740) * [-417.341] (-412.893) (-413.831) (-417.171) -- 0:00:49 168000 -- [-412.735] (-412.212) (-414.507) (-413.581) * (-416.498) (-414.156) [-413.312] (-414.929) -- 0:00:49 168500 -- [-412.300] (-413.449) (-414.876) (-412.247) * [-414.503] (-413.580) (-413.801) (-415.288) -- 0:00:49 169000 -- [-413.687] (-411.802) (-414.682) (-412.442) * (-412.058) (-413.737) (-414.548) [-414.419] -- 0:00:49 169500 -- (-415.608) [-413.111] (-413.562) (-414.267) * (-414.769) (-411.624) (-417.307) [-413.351] -- 0:00:48 170000 -- [-416.747] (-415.239) (-416.725) (-416.517) * (-414.597) (-412.374) (-417.405) [-412.676] -- 0:00:48 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019028 170500 -- (-412.291) [-416.305] (-412.164) (-417.530) * [-412.656] (-412.276) (-412.959) (-414.817) -- 0:00:48 171000 -- (-415.862) (-414.810) [-413.687] (-413.664) * (-413.902) (-413.235) (-413.992) [-414.519] -- 0:00:48 171500 -- (-418.121) (-417.097) (-413.466) [-414.550] * (-413.281) (-414.335) (-414.280) [-417.572] -- 0:00:48 172000 -- (-414.587) [-414.364] (-417.188) (-415.454) * (-413.394) [-412.861] (-412.807) (-414.081) -- 0:00:48 172500 -- (-413.034) (-413.246) [-414.936] (-419.140) * [-412.634] (-415.436) (-411.908) (-418.084) -- 0:00:47 173000 -- [-413.276] (-413.638) (-413.025) (-416.422) * (-414.102) (-412.243) [-413.871] (-414.999) -- 0:00:47 173500 -- (-413.278) (-415.395) [-415.277] (-416.595) * (-415.978) (-412.310) [-416.562] (-413.297) -- 0:00:47 174000 -- (-412.823) (-413.573) [-418.482] (-411.985) * (-415.715) (-412.817) (-416.244) [-415.028] -- 0:00:47 174500 -- [-412.845] (-412.841) (-414.641) (-412.933) * (-414.686) [-413.838] (-413.199) (-414.849) -- 0:00:47 175000 -- (-413.224) [-412.771] (-416.030) (-416.794) * (-413.797) [-412.351] (-413.100) (-413.784) -- 0:00:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018005 175500 -- (-414.837) [-413.541] (-413.160) (-416.201) * (-414.060) [-412.759] (-413.917) (-415.873) -- 0:00:46 176000 -- (-419.497) (-412.900) (-414.663) [-414.321] * (-413.609) (-412.770) (-416.048) [-413.206] -- 0:00:46 176500 -- (-415.948) [-414.112] (-413.941) (-412.150) * (-413.324) (-412.372) [-413.231] (-413.998) -- 0:00:46 177000 -- (-421.221) (-411.900) [-413.400] (-415.877) * (-412.740) (-413.696) [-411.847] (-412.837) -- 0:00:46 177500 -- (-420.289) [-412.857] (-412.634) (-412.411) * (-413.637) (-415.287) (-415.592) [-413.105] -- 0:00:46 178000 -- [-415.313] (-415.725) (-412.892) (-414.176) * (-417.372) (-413.026) (-414.381) [-415.580] -- 0:00:46 178500 -- [-414.639] (-415.875) (-416.251) (-414.267) * (-414.399) (-412.060) (-414.085) [-413.752] -- 0:00:46 179000 -- (-417.258) [-413.105] (-418.925) (-412.175) * (-413.441) (-412.284) [-414.333] (-412.956) -- 0:00:45 179500 -- (-414.657) (-416.455) [-412.103] (-412.874) * (-418.588) (-412.942) (-416.740) [-413.039] -- 0:00:45 180000 -- [-415.650] (-415.268) (-412.897) (-413.486) * (-413.958) (-412.468) (-414.371) [-412.240] -- 0:00:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016754 180500 -- (-414.258) [-412.310] (-416.909) (-414.127) * (-413.350) (-413.860) (-412.108) [-413.273] -- 0:00:45 181000 -- [-416.002] (-415.941) (-414.775) (-416.530) * (-414.108) (-415.424) [-413.948] (-413.338) -- 0:00:49 181500 -- (-419.392) (-413.335) (-413.900) [-417.453] * (-414.301) (-413.829) (-414.953) [-412.303] -- 0:00:49 182000 -- [-414.142] (-413.130) (-413.304) (-418.729) * (-416.600) [-415.607] (-413.377) (-414.465) -- 0:00:49 182500 -- (-414.076) (-414.152) [-414.699] (-415.196) * (-417.588) (-415.605) [-416.937] (-417.653) -- 0:00:49 183000 -- [-418.486] (-412.701) (-412.554) (-417.775) * [-412.955] (-412.225) (-418.730) (-414.562) -- 0:00:49 183500 -- (-413.679) (-413.113) [-413.151] (-415.377) * (-412.226) [-411.717] (-417.397) (-412.235) -- 0:00:48 184000 -- (-413.483) [-416.354] (-415.140) (-416.057) * (-414.240) [-412.664] (-417.873) (-416.224) -- 0:00:48 184500 -- (-412.670) (-414.321) [-415.697] (-413.477) * (-413.166) (-413.078) (-412.795) [-413.203] -- 0:00:48 185000 -- (-414.673) [-418.362] (-418.414) (-412.121) * (-414.346) [-417.995] (-413.692) (-418.490) -- 0:00:48 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018008 185500 -- (-414.190) [-414.225] (-415.959) (-413.224) * (-413.983) (-412.488) [-413.351] (-414.207) -- 0:00:48 186000 -- [-414.688] (-417.232) (-412.986) (-414.979) * (-412.600) (-416.894) (-413.420) [-415.324] -- 0:00:48 186500 -- (-418.309) [-412.672] (-412.043) (-414.470) * (-415.646) (-414.296) (-413.587) [-415.110] -- 0:00:47 187000 -- (-417.615) (-417.382) [-412.063] (-415.218) * (-414.611) (-414.090) [-413.000] (-415.804) -- 0:00:47 187500 -- [-417.118] (-414.367) (-414.726) (-413.003) * [-415.104] (-416.163) (-415.305) (-412.453) -- 0:00:47 188000 -- (-415.250) (-414.861) [-412.118] (-413.763) * [-412.801] (-414.372) (-414.510) (-418.472) -- 0:00:47 188500 -- (-413.737) (-413.349) [-413.881] (-417.445) * (-412.873) [-412.820] (-412.895) (-413.346) -- 0:00:47 189000 -- (-412.062) (-413.882) (-416.054) [-413.421] * (-413.996) [-414.166] (-416.652) (-413.436) -- 0:00:47 189500 -- (-415.073) [-412.141] (-412.850) (-413.796) * [-414.571] (-413.047) (-416.087) (-421.001) -- 0:00:47 190000 -- (-413.859) (-412.639) (-417.848) [-412.815] * (-414.352) (-412.785) [-414.932] (-419.892) -- 0:00:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018131 190500 -- (-412.635) (-413.658) [-418.207] (-413.971) * [-413.149] (-414.376) (-416.968) (-418.049) -- 0:00:46 191000 -- (-413.488) (-413.526) [-412.715] (-414.144) * (-417.240) (-419.965) (-413.678) [-419.810] -- 0:00:46 191500 -- (-412.433) (-413.092) (-419.740) [-413.702] * (-418.401) (-412.920) (-412.891) [-413.711] -- 0:00:46 192000 -- (-412.701) [-413.297] (-416.595) (-412.226) * (-414.822) (-418.733) (-413.716) [-413.289] -- 0:00:46 192500 -- (-413.827) [-412.869] (-412.879) (-414.849) * [-413.528] (-413.172) (-416.921) (-416.008) -- 0:00:46 193000 -- [-412.437] (-413.562) (-412.562) (-416.493) * [-414.842] (-422.281) (-414.341) (-420.318) -- 0:00:45 193500 -- (-413.999) [-414.555] (-412.219) (-418.466) * (-413.130) (-416.058) (-417.086) [-413.993] -- 0:00:45 194000 -- (-418.636) (-413.758) [-415.854] (-413.051) * [-413.173] (-416.130) (-411.658) (-413.792) -- 0:00:45 194500 -- (-417.076) [-412.647] (-414.001) (-416.085) * (-412.499) [-413.766] (-412.346) (-412.647) -- 0:00:45 195000 -- (-414.694) [-412.019] (-412.992) (-421.078) * (-414.138) (-417.115) (-413.421) [-415.142] -- 0:00:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017216 195500 -- (-413.089) (-414.433) (-414.898) [-414.322] * [-412.647] (-416.990) (-413.894) (-416.332) -- 0:00:45 196000 -- [-412.390] (-412.179) (-414.849) (-417.101) * (-412.181) (-413.647) (-414.651) [-413.831] -- 0:00:45 196500 -- (-413.736) (-414.777) (-413.088) [-416.411] * (-413.382) (-413.527) (-415.774) [-415.228] -- 0:00:44 197000 -- [-412.778] (-416.068) (-412.267) (-417.478) * [-413.651] (-413.240) (-415.058) (-413.851) -- 0:00:44 197500 -- [-415.312] (-416.479) (-412.096) (-419.470) * [-412.664] (-416.559) (-413.680) (-413.747) -- 0:00:44 198000 -- (-417.733) [-418.462] (-415.293) (-415.157) * [-413.230] (-412.188) (-414.553) (-413.950) -- 0:00:48 198500 -- (-415.986) (-416.919) [-419.228] (-414.719) * (-412.131) (-412.265) (-414.302) [-412.600] -- 0:00:48 199000 -- (-413.314) [-413.377] (-415.821) (-412.486) * (-412.850) (-411.767) (-412.364) [-412.282] -- 0:00:48 199500 -- (-414.282) (-415.504) [-416.953] (-413.255) * (-412.633) (-412.174) [-414.150] (-413.249) -- 0:00:48 200000 -- [-417.037] (-415.506) (-413.640) (-413.937) * (-412.995) [-412.061] (-412.686) (-414.045) -- 0:00:48 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018924 200500 -- [-413.740] (-412.459) (-415.590) (-416.901) * (-412.392) (-413.555) (-412.185) [-413.725] -- 0:00:47 201000 -- (-412.705) [-412.542] (-417.401) (-413.955) * (-416.597) [-413.170] (-421.491) (-416.987) -- 0:00:47 201500 -- (-412.855) [-414.334] (-414.141) (-413.123) * [-417.658] (-413.350) (-415.022) (-415.545) -- 0:00:47 202000 -- (-414.081) [-414.558] (-413.050) (-413.732) * (-413.025) (-412.458) [-412.207] (-415.198) -- 0:00:47 202500 -- (-415.003) (-414.715) (-414.499) [-413.567] * (-412.622) [-412.760] (-414.663) (-415.449) -- 0:00:47 203000 -- (-412.352) [-413.057] (-414.636) (-418.630) * (-414.331) [-414.465] (-418.003) (-417.065) -- 0:00:47 203500 -- (-415.412) [-412.262] (-417.272) (-413.279) * (-413.226) [-412.627] (-412.454) (-414.225) -- 0:00:46 204000 -- (-414.085) [-412.326] (-416.458) (-412.292) * [-415.826] (-414.220) (-413.793) (-416.052) -- 0:00:46 204500 -- (-413.861) [-414.859] (-414.333) (-413.219) * [-414.104] (-413.054) (-413.233) (-411.921) -- 0:00:46 205000 -- (-417.352) (-416.790) [-413.206] (-412.055) * [-414.022] (-412.037) (-417.256) (-417.236) -- 0:00:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018765 205500 -- (-413.158) (-413.570) (-414.052) [-414.214] * [-412.036] (-412.638) (-417.792) (-416.572) -- 0:00:46 206000 -- (-416.021) (-413.152) (-413.851) [-413.679] * (-414.965) (-415.329) (-411.871) [-412.753] -- 0:00:46 206500 -- (-416.081) (-414.100) [-416.325] (-412.924) * (-415.676) [-414.560] (-416.454) (-412.164) -- 0:00:46 207000 -- [-413.806] (-412.426) (-416.296) (-412.730) * (-414.678) [-412.261] (-413.248) (-416.115) -- 0:00:45 207500 -- [-415.570] (-414.729) (-413.917) (-413.395) * [-413.719] (-413.162) (-414.995) (-413.265) -- 0:00:45 208000 -- (-416.253) [-417.203] (-416.453) (-414.562) * (-413.867) [-413.233] (-413.361) (-416.098) -- 0:00:45 208500 -- (-413.431) (-415.685) [-412.902] (-416.269) * [-411.720] (-412.745) (-413.925) (-412.731) -- 0:00:45 209000 -- (-413.290) (-415.222) (-412.967) [-421.345] * (-412.984) (-415.582) (-414.836) [-413.902] -- 0:00:45 209500 -- (-414.017) [-418.014] (-412.503) (-412.748) * [-411.751] (-414.119) (-414.370) (-417.328) -- 0:00:45 210000 -- (-415.382) [-418.303] (-413.432) (-414.295) * (-413.050) (-412.940) [-416.269] (-413.992) -- 0:00:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020139 210500 -- (-417.800) (-412.152) (-417.100) [-415.275] * [-414.488] (-417.374) (-418.314) (-414.378) -- 0:00:45 211000 -- (-414.336) [-414.446] (-414.175) (-415.917) * (-414.210) [-412.813] (-414.886) (-412.522) -- 0:00:44 211500 -- (-415.136) (-412.620) (-413.973) [-413.009] * (-415.079) (-415.552) [-417.335] (-412.309) -- 0:00:44 212000 -- (-415.465) [-413.275] (-414.572) (-412.402) * (-422.735) (-415.262) (-412.755) [-412.512] -- 0:00:44 212500 -- (-417.765) (-413.730) (-415.057) [-413.883] * (-419.717) [-413.952] (-413.901) (-414.255) -- 0:00:44 213000 -- (-416.270) (-414.376) [-412.605] (-414.164) * (-415.827) (-413.239) (-412.986) [-415.300] -- 0:00:44 213500 -- (-417.856) (-415.380) (-414.138) [-413.980] * [-415.464] (-412.077) (-414.242) (-413.794) -- 0:00:44 214000 -- (-415.604) (-413.901) (-414.320) [-413.628] * [-413.088] (-413.035) (-414.839) (-412.774) -- 0:00:44 214500 -- [-413.731] (-413.328) (-414.430) (-413.049) * [-413.464] (-415.620) (-419.014) (-412.555) -- 0:00:43 215000 -- (-416.130) [-412.575] (-412.626) (-413.148) * (-414.263) (-413.431) (-422.598) [-414.618] -- 0:00:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020248 215500 -- (-414.455) (-412.454) (-412.244) [-413.817] * (-416.505) (-412.494) (-421.386) [-414.642] -- 0:00:47 216000 -- (-414.772) (-417.981) [-411.919] (-412.154) * [-411.784] (-414.165) (-412.874) (-419.634) -- 0:00:47 216500 -- (-414.864) (-419.612) [-415.045] (-412.697) * (-412.321) (-414.761) [-412.844] (-413.130) -- 0:00:47 217000 -- [-414.354] (-412.638) (-416.042) (-415.660) * (-414.490) (-412.920) (-413.808) [-416.620] -- 0:00:46 217500 -- (-415.875) [-413.045] (-413.361) (-412.173) * (-413.039) (-416.031) (-414.030) [-413.289] -- 0:00:46 218000 -- [-416.034] (-412.577) (-413.349) (-411.678) * (-413.682) (-414.379) [-414.255] (-413.338) -- 0:00:46 218500 -- (-416.782) (-413.867) (-413.069) [-412.724] * (-416.410) (-420.319) [-415.893] (-415.123) -- 0:00:46 219000 -- (-418.507) (-413.832) (-412.181) [-412.207] * [-414.622] (-416.055) (-414.222) (-412.929) -- 0:00:46 219500 -- (-413.614) (-412.714) (-413.007) [-415.463] * (-415.239) (-414.214) (-414.124) [-415.606] -- 0:00:46 220000 -- (-413.897) (-412.749) (-418.894) [-412.844] * (-413.086) (-413.323) (-414.958) [-412.148] -- 0:00:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019603 220500 -- (-415.037) (-412.737) (-416.510) [-414.770] * (-417.300) (-415.147) (-412.518) [-412.354] -- 0:00:45 221000 -- (-413.151) (-413.658) (-413.860) [-412.904] * [-414.309] (-414.814) (-415.106) (-411.773) -- 0:00:45 221500 -- (-412.004) (-412.396) (-413.523) [-414.768] * (-415.072) (-413.172) (-412.951) [-414.504] -- 0:00:45 222000 -- (-412.801) (-413.932) [-413.059] (-412.433) * (-414.589) [-412.430] (-413.666) (-416.042) -- 0:00:45 222500 -- (-412.734) (-413.480) [-417.454] (-411.826) * (-414.138) [-413.329] (-413.708) (-413.111) -- 0:00:45 223000 -- (-413.622) (-416.994) (-412.974) [-413.600] * (-412.424) (-413.316) (-412.384) [-413.722] -- 0:00:45 223500 -- (-414.622) [-416.144] (-418.215) (-414.301) * (-413.445) (-417.985) [-413.147] (-415.373) -- 0:00:45 224000 -- [-412.848] (-417.892) (-414.171) (-413.850) * [-413.029] (-416.299) (-412.591) (-415.275) -- 0:00:45 224500 -- (-416.242) (-415.846) [-413.418] (-417.106) * [-415.657] (-413.543) (-413.623) (-414.051) -- 0:00:44 225000 -- [-411.640] (-416.990) (-416.482) (-418.203) * [-413.319] (-413.317) (-414.901) (-413.997) -- 0:00:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019352 225500 -- [-411.815] (-414.285) (-415.207) (-413.452) * (-412.964) (-413.237) (-413.490) [-415.483] -- 0:00:44 226000 -- (-413.951) [-416.075] (-412.236) (-417.858) * (-414.799) (-414.616) [-412.347] (-416.954) -- 0:00:44 226500 -- (-412.269) (-414.480) (-415.240) [-413.919] * (-411.990) [-413.299] (-412.489) (-420.782) -- 0:00:44 227000 -- (-415.408) [-412.271] (-412.718) (-415.200) * [-415.268] (-412.420) (-415.078) (-417.734) -- 0:00:44 227500 -- [-413.213] (-414.682) (-412.458) (-417.427) * (-413.204) (-413.724) [-411.840] (-414.257) -- 0:00:44 228000 -- (-415.974) [-412.986] (-414.380) (-414.209) * (-413.230) (-414.857) (-413.740) [-413.221] -- 0:00:44 228500 -- (-417.209) (-413.652) (-413.870) [-413.318] * (-415.879) (-414.528) [-415.287] (-417.353) -- 0:00:43 229000 -- [-416.166] (-412.173) (-412.433) (-418.805) * (-418.250) (-413.297) (-412.248) [-417.224] -- 0:00:43 229500 -- [-412.494] (-411.943) (-412.742) (-413.137) * (-415.277) (-413.527) (-411.893) [-413.036] -- 0:00:43 230000 -- [-414.728] (-413.712) (-412.485) (-413.406) * (-412.267) (-416.003) [-412.097] (-414.720) -- 0:00:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019188 230500 -- [-414.012] (-413.317) (-415.334) (-414.505) * [-414.173] (-417.045) (-412.819) (-412.675) -- 0:00:43 231000 -- (-412.016) [-414.751] (-415.329) (-412.306) * [-413.121] (-413.771) (-412.866) (-413.954) -- 0:00:43 231500 -- (-413.458) (-415.368) [-413.741] (-416.153) * (-413.424) (-412.006) [-416.362] (-419.128) -- 0:00:43 232000 -- [-418.271] (-415.804) (-412.752) (-413.417) * (-413.106) (-413.179) [-412.038] (-425.171) -- 0:00:43 232500 -- [-412.799] (-414.084) (-412.460) (-413.903) * (-418.276) (-418.630) (-413.484) [-415.336] -- 0:00:46 233000 -- (-413.915) (-413.091) [-413.784] (-418.133) * [-414.768] (-412.770) (-416.928) (-414.639) -- 0:00:46 233500 -- (-411.870) [-413.063] (-413.132) (-419.671) * (-415.362) (-419.470) (-416.244) [-412.620] -- 0:00:45 234000 -- (-413.913) (-417.217) [-414.574] (-415.137) * (-413.797) (-415.417) (-416.251) [-414.834] -- 0:00:45 234500 -- (-415.372) (-414.697) (-415.113) [-413.352] * (-413.065) (-415.162) [-421.192] (-414.441) -- 0:00:45 235000 -- (-416.882) (-412.440) (-414.277) [-414.589] * [-412.808] (-412.361) (-414.414) (-413.273) -- 0:00:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018199 235500 -- (-413.507) [-416.864] (-416.214) (-415.437) * (-413.161) (-413.256) (-413.264) [-413.343] -- 0:00:45 236000 -- (-415.436) (-414.814) [-416.663] (-419.452) * [-414.298] (-414.288) (-411.898) (-413.865) -- 0:00:45 236500 -- (-415.442) (-413.661) [-413.566] (-416.113) * (-414.294) [-413.367] (-415.667) (-414.774) -- 0:00:45 237000 -- (-418.476) [-412.942] (-415.364) (-416.583) * (-416.485) [-411.822] (-418.008) (-413.787) -- 0:00:45 237500 -- [-415.408] (-414.617) (-413.716) (-415.850) * (-417.748) (-414.648) [-414.889] (-416.720) -- 0:00:44 238000 -- (-413.798) (-415.744) [-416.389] (-416.226) * (-418.673) [-414.226] (-415.571) (-413.431) -- 0:00:44 238500 -- (-411.871) [-413.968] (-414.144) (-416.634) * (-415.139) (-418.102) [-413.266] (-412.348) -- 0:00:44 239000 -- (-415.916) [-413.138] (-418.773) (-415.677) * [-413.966] (-417.014) (-413.153) (-412.099) -- 0:00:44 239500 -- (-414.617) (-414.813) (-415.781) [-415.894] * (-412.730) [-412.091] (-412.408) (-414.406) -- 0:00:44 240000 -- (-413.828) (-415.270) (-415.926) [-414.030] * (-413.607) (-412.898) (-415.524) [-413.967] -- 0:00:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017010 240500 -- (-415.778) [-414.064] (-416.194) (-412.598) * (-412.688) (-414.107) (-414.607) [-414.498] -- 0:00:44 241000 -- (-415.173) (-413.831) [-414.425] (-414.239) * (-412.464) (-413.580) (-414.979) [-413.307] -- 0:00:44 241500 -- (-412.754) (-413.005) (-412.570) [-415.631] * (-416.523) (-416.315) (-413.916) [-412.863] -- 0:00:43 242000 -- (-412.290) (-413.367) (-413.923) [-413.460] * [-414.740] (-413.559) (-415.222) (-414.981) -- 0:00:43 242500 -- [-414.728] (-417.941) (-414.284) (-415.853) * [-413.302] (-413.714) (-412.082) (-417.231) -- 0:00:43 243000 -- (-415.394) [-413.927] (-414.232) (-417.153) * (-414.155) [-414.979] (-412.072) (-415.375) -- 0:00:43 243500 -- (-414.013) [-415.019] (-415.016) (-414.336) * [-413.632] (-413.580) (-411.684) (-413.259) -- 0:00:43 244000 -- [-411.982] (-418.067) (-412.955) (-412.260) * [-414.353] (-412.287) (-412.009) (-413.041) -- 0:00:43 244500 -- (-412.520) (-415.575) (-413.518) [-412.447] * (-413.455) (-415.272) (-413.102) [-417.821] -- 0:00:43 245000 -- (-415.145) (-413.484) (-413.935) [-416.770] * [-412.265] (-414.503) (-414.596) (-415.117) -- 0:00:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016944 245500 -- (-416.817) (-414.106) [-413.679] (-413.223) * (-411.725) (-413.428) (-415.640) [-415.314] -- 0:00:43 246000 -- (-414.642) [-415.260] (-417.225) (-414.263) * (-415.987) [-411.889] (-413.994) (-414.054) -- 0:00:42 246500 -- (-413.922) (-412.562) [-412.303] (-412.652) * (-417.458) [-412.076] (-412.574) (-415.001) -- 0:00:42 247000 -- (-412.727) (-413.983) [-412.316] (-412.164) * (-412.718) (-413.223) [-413.179] (-414.897) -- 0:00:42 247500 -- (-413.329) (-413.070) (-418.079) [-412.970] * (-414.812) [-413.692] (-412.478) (-412.971) -- 0:00:42 248000 -- (-413.586) [-412.684] (-413.185) (-412.974) * (-412.173) (-415.051) (-415.097) [-413.453] -- 0:00:42 248500 -- (-413.408) (-413.044) [-412.748] (-417.013) * [-412.980] (-413.503) (-412.543) (-413.584) -- 0:00:42 249000 -- (-412.827) [-413.999] (-411.605) (-412.561) * (-414.686) [-414.796] (-412.015) (-414.393) -- 0:00:42 249500 -- (-414.374) [-415.365] (-412.713) (-419.267) * [-413.294] (-412.448) (-413.081) (-413.563) -- 0:00:42 250000 -- [-412.401] (-416.137) (-413.915) (-412.572) * [-415.153] (-412.124) (-413.616) (-414.952) -- 0:00:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016821 250500 -- [-416.774] (-414.245) (-412.494) (-423.021) * [-415.621] (-414.365) (-417.619) (-415.503) -- 0:00:44 251000 -- [-411.968] (-413.381) (-414.369) (-412.502) * (-414.459) (-415.788) [-417.058] (-417.942) -- 0:00:44 251500 -- (-411.643) (-414.101) (-412.148) [-413.323] * (-414.417) (-416.555) [-416.934] (-417.958) -- 0:00:44 252000 -- (-411.757) (-412.384) (-414.949) [-413.144] * (-413.698) (-417.678) [-413.404] (-412.790) -- 0:00:44 252500 -- (-412.899) (-414.441) (-414.495) [-414.447] * [-413.565] (-415.823) (-414.854) (-412.363) -- 0:00:44 253000 -- [-412.832] (-413.900) (-417.288) (-411.985) * (-413.430) (-415.382) [-412.907] (-413.021) -- 0:00:44 253500 -- (-412.597) [-415.146] (-416.922) (-412.525) * (-412.696) (-414.870) [-412.760] (-411.857) -- 0:00:44 254000 -- [-415.037] (-412.882) (-414.566) (-413.546) * [-412.619] (-415.318) (-413.660) (-412.656) -- 0:00:44 254500 -- [-414.256] (-416.028) (-411.917) (-411.934) * (-412.386) [-412.306] (-412.133) (-412.384) -- 0:00:43 255000 -- (-416.331) (-413.117) [-413.381] (-411.733) * [-413.043] (-413.721) (-412.875) (-418.723) -- 0:00:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016464 255500 -- (-412.920) (-414.268) (-414.580) [-412.546] * (-412.440) (-413.524) (-414.943) [-413.766] -- 0:00:43 256000 -- (-414.982) (-415.742) (-412.842) [-414.003] * (-412.411) (-412.605) [-413.300] (-413.220) -- 0:00:43 256500 -- (-417.692) [-414.191] (-413.434) (-414.702) * (-412.399) (-413.134) [-415.035] (-412.748) -- 0:00:43 257000 -- (-413.036) [-413.350] (-415.764) (-413.882) * (-414.656) (-416.713) (-414.947) [-416.242] -- 0:00:43 257500 -- (-413.955) (-413.529) [-414.347] (-414.935) * [-413.582] (-411.804) (-413.426) (-416.106) -- 0:00:43 258000 -- (-414.475) (-414.359) [-412.026] (-415.418) * [-412.571] (-412.250) (-414.900) (-416.912) -- 0:00:43 258500 -- [-412.915] (-413.286) (-412.948) (-415.389) * (-417.615) (-416.957) (-413.629) [-416.270] -- 0:00:43 259000 -- (-412.525) (-412.403) [-413.000] (-413.060) * [-413.798] (-414.809) (-413.946) (-413.488) -- 0:00:42 259500 -- (-413.838) [-412.078] (-413.189) (-413.007) * (-411.921) (-416.836) (-414.020) [-418.494] -- 0:00:42 260000 -- [-411.918] (-412.228) (-413.872) (-414.339) * (-411.976) (-415.490) [-414.067] (-413.797) -- 0:00:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015319 260500 -- (-414.594) (-413.864) (-413.988) [-413.339] * (-413.374) [-414.007] (-414.739) (-417.027) -- 0:00:42 261000 -- (-416.010) [-412.956] (-413.980) (-416.159) * (-414.756) [-413.547] (-413.982) (-415.414) -- 0:00:42 261500 -- (-416.247) [-412.938] (-412.086) (-416.731) * (-413.200) [-414.984] (-415.171) (-415.129) -- 0:00:42 262000 -- (-413.824) (-413.923) (-414.366) [-417.047] * (-413.693) [-412.506] (-413.770) (-417.797) -- 0:00:42 262500 -- [-414.443] (-414.633) (-412.750) (-413.822) * (-415.652) (-412.898) (-412.932) [-413.100] -- 0:00:42 263000 -- (-413.976) (-416.193) [-412.367] (-413.251) * (-412.532) (-414.431) [-413.569] (-413.962) -- 0:00:42 263500 -- (-414.252) [-414.106] (-412.413) (-415.582) * [-413.830] (-415.459) (-413.367) (-414.319) -- 0:00:41 264000 -- (-412.278) (-414.302) [-413.201] (-415.751) * [-412.892] (-414.030) (-417.226) (-412.400) -- 0:00:41 264500 -- (-412.256) (-415.932) (-415.933) [-412.221] * (-412.650) (-413.746) (-413.380) [-412.958] -- 0:00:41 265000 -- [-414.358] (-412.976) (-412.512) (-413.522) * [-412.902] (-415.686) (-416.961) (-413.234) -- 0:00:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014079 265500 -- (-413.315) [-414.142] (-417.370) (-411.981) * (-413.149) (-411.700) (-412.598) [-414.944] -- 0:00:41 266000 -- (-416.014) [-412.410] (-414.127) (-413.059) * (-413.447) (-414.468) [-412.819] (-412.240) -- 0:00:41 266500 -- (-412.393) [-413.460] (-417.985) (-412.716) * (-412.714) (-413.282) [-412.670] (-414.444) -- 0:00:41 267000 -- (-413.885) (-415.059) (-413.542) [-412.446] * (-412.297) (-413.614) [-413.866] (-414.277) -- 0:00:43 267500 -- (-417.327) (-413.883) [-412.512] (-411.995) * (-417.050) [-411.920] (-421.262) (-413.373) -- 0:00:43 268000 -- (-415.197) (-415.593) (-415.128) [-415.156] * (-414.912) [-413.315] (-415.223) (-413.180) -- 0:00:43 268500 -- (-414.114) [-413.714] (-411.739) (-417.265) * (-413.189) (-414.566) (-412.452) [-414.354] -- 0:00:43 269000 -- [-415.316] (-414.615) (-412.125) (-422.090) * (-413.556) (-412.667) [-414.626] (-413.960) -- 0:00:43 269500 -- (-413.333) (-415.727) [-415.118] (-416.890) * (-413.627) (-413.314) (-412.188) [-413.251] -- 0:00:43 270000 -- (-415.174) (-415.911) [-412.326] (-413.654) * [-413.602] (-416.155) (-414.837) (-412.518) -- 0:00:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014343 270500 -- (-414.648) (-413.856) [-412.305] (-417.150) * [-413.850] (-414.829) (-415.118) (-413.371) -- 0:00:43 271000 -- (-418.084) [-411.838] (-414.991) (-414.793) * (-412.412) [-418.580] (-416.552) (-413.325) -- 0:00:43 271500 -- (-414.089) [-415.531] (-414.626) (-415.152) * (-415.777) (-414.254) [-419.757] (-412.871) -- 0:00:42 272000 -- [-413.548] (-412.313) (-416.193) (-413.722) * (-415.146) [-414.176] (-414.868) (-413.869) -- 0:00:42 272500 -- (-413.133) (-412.526) (-413.278) [-414.318] * [-415.776] (-413.652) (-418.775) (-414.247) -- 0:00:42 273000 -- (-411.760) [-412.293] (-414.487) (-414.400) * (-418.132) [-411.849] (-414.658) (-412.031) -- 0:00:42 273500 -- (-414.011) (-415.918) (-414.185) [-413.590] * (-413.307) (-412.916) (-414.556) [-414.521] -- 0:00:42 274000 -- (-412.748) (-413.897) (-412.797) [-412.528] * [-416.057] (-415.515) (-415.120) (-417.390) -- 0:00:42 274500 -- (-412.630) (-412.557) (-413.245) [-414.743] * (-417.678) (-416.669) [-413.745] (-413.168) -- 0:00:42 275000 -- [-413.416] (-413.269) (-414.236) (-419.201) * [-419.536] (-415.509) (-414.102) (-415.101) -- 0:00:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014568 275500 -- (-416.588) [-412.657] (-415.722) (-414.488) * (-419.596) (-415.209) (-413.382) [-415.525] -- 0:00:42 276000 -- (-414.504) [-412.207] (-412.268) (-414.495) * (-415.137) [-414.936] (-412.760) (-415.766) -- 0:00:41 276500 -- (-417.586) (-415.204) (-413.328) [-411.809] * (-413.245) (-414.457) (-415.382) [-412.059] -- 0:00:41 277000 -- (-416.375) (-413.037) [-416.130] (-414.971) * [-413.933] (-414.321) (-414.501) (-415.353) -- 0:00:41 277500 -- [-412.049] (-415.541) (-412.526) (-414.235) * (-411.841) (-416.690) (-413.490) [-413.460] -- 0:00:41 278000 -- [-412.184] (-413.613) (-413.923) (-417.273) * (-412.435) (-415.094) [-412.742] (-415.681) -- 0:00:41 278500 -- [-413.632] (-414.639) (-412.903) (-412.821) * (-412.779) [-413.938] (-412.371) (-412.379) -- 0:00:41 279000 -- (-414.083) (-413.032) (-415.101) [-412.954] * (-413.170) [-412.741] (-413.920) (-415.241) -- 0:00:41 279500 -- (-413.613) (-414.080) (-416.367) [-416.205] * (-412.978) (-415.067) [-412.911] (-413.779) -- 0:00:41 280000 -- [-415.107] (-414.012) (-417.102) (-414.467) * (-412.446) [-413.101] (-416.167) (-413.049) -- 0:00:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014919 280500 -- (-412.948) (-414.571) (-412.500) [-420.747] * (-414.959) [-416.027] (-414.233) (-413.521) -- 0:00:41 281000 -- (-413.343) (-419.656) (-411.957) [-415.186] * (-413.803) (-412.020) [-416.018] (-416.115) -- 0:00:40 281500 -- (-417.905) (-415.791) (-413.279) [-414.466] * (-414.803) (-414.832) [-411.847] (-412.004) -- 0:00:40 282000 -- (-414.063) [-413.801] (-413.518) (-411.909) * (-414.460) (-413.451) (-416.518) [-412.905] -- 0:00:40 282500 -- (-413.593) [-411.835] (-414.199) (-417.627) * (-413.629) (-415.358) [-415.433] (-414.832) -- 0:00:40 283000 -- (-414.089) (-416.520) [-414.346] (-420.495) * (-412.253) (-414.119) (-415.306) [-415.464] -- 0:00:40 283500 -- [-416.412] (-412.679) (-420.663) (-413.680) * (-414.612) (-414.136) (-411.635) [-412.444] -- 0:00:40 284000 -- (-414.563) (-412.371) [-412.700] (-413.615) * (-413.499) [-417.232] (-418.693) (-412.865) -- 0:00:42 284500 -- (-413.620) (-412.691) [-412.933] (-413.535) * (-413.625) (-416.487) [-418.009] (-413.103) -- 0:00:42 285000 -- (-413.776) [-413.435] (-413.359) (-415.476) * (-413.648) [-412.241] (-415.084) (-413.903) -- 0:00:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013962 285500 -- [-412.527] (-412.832) (-413.328) (-413.994) * (-414.417) (-414.166) (-418.832) [-413.145] -- 0:00:42 286000 -- (-416.452) (-416.897) [-414.433] (-415.807) * (-415.617) [-415.962] (-418.275) (-414.899) -- 0:00:42 286500 -- (-414.541) [-414.588] (-414.297) (-414.003) * (-415.504) (-414.828) (-416.299) [-414.308] -- 0:00:42 287000 -- (-412.295) (-415.678) (-413.955) [-412.732] * (-412.663) [-413.897] (-414.473) (-413.712) -- 0:00:42 287500 -- (-413.916) (-413.566) [-416.695] (-412.485) * [-414.240] (-416.507) (-412.925) (-415.681) -- 0:00:42 288000 -- (-415.502) (-416.758) (-413.299) [-413.429] * (-417.497) [-414.177] (-413.662) (-414.853) -- 0:00:42 288500 -- (-413.324) (-415.754) (-412.967) [-412.955] * (-412.932) (-413.805) (-413.809) [-412.114] -- 0:00:41 289000 -- [-414.511] (-414.857) (-413.374) (-412.294) * [-414.014] (-414.094) (-413.454) (-412.826) -- 0:00:41 289500 -- (-412.307) (-414.938) [-414.042] (-419.669) * (-413.428) (-413.000) (-413.678) [-414.342] -- 0:00:41 290000 -- (-414.730) [-415.841] (-413.200) (-417.291) * [-417.080] (-414.082) (-413.381) (-416.043) -- 0:00:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013695 290500 -- (-416.010) (-416.246) (-412.917) [-416.776] * (-412.220) (-413.166) (-417.509) [-413.081] -- 0:00:41 291000 -- (-413.427) [-415.838] (-416.557) (-415.099) * [-412.578] (-415.877) (-415.793) (-415.512) -- 0:00:41 291500 -- (-415.347) (-414.599) (-418.927) [-414.434] * (-412.863) (-412.836) [-414.643] (-414.339) -- 0:00:41 292000 -- [-416.072] (-419.965) (-412.486) (-415.075) * (-415.629) (-413.012) [-411.895] (-414.976) -- 0:00:41 292500 -- [-414.129] (-416.056) (-412.201) (-415.480) * (-414.162) (-413.437) (-412.807) [-414.853] -- 0:00:41 293000 -- (-415.953) (-414.793) (-413.275) [-414.029] * [-414.725] (-415.283) (-413.430) (-414.133) -- 0:00:41 293500 -- (-413.683) (-415.140) (-412.470) [-412.706] * (-412.534) [-415.061] (-413.328) (-413.327) -- 0:00:40 294000 -- [-414.134] (-413.458) (-414.782) (-412.346) * (-413.126) (-415.838) [-413.555] (-413.482) -- 0:00:40 294500 -- (-414.423) [-414.441] (-413.941) (-412.102) * [-411.827] (-416.428) (-413.665) (-415.103) -- 0:00:40 295000 -- [-414.489] (-414.343) (-416.462) (-415.465) * (-412.042) [-413.689] (-413.881) (-413.503) -- 0:00:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012553 295500 -- [-413.014] (-412.891) (-417.562) (-415.860) * (-412.349) [-414.935] (-415.311) (-413.790) -- 0:00:40 296000 -- [-412.661] (-412.226) (-414.529) (-419.895) * (-412.362) (-412.959) [-415.405] (-416.476) -- 0:00:40 296500 -- (-419.745) [-411.925] (-412.655) (-414.059) * [-415.941] (-415.310) (-414.005) (-412.233) -- 0:00:40 297000 -- [-416.125] (-416.831) (-412.317) (-413.073) * [-413.001] (-413.232) (-416.702) (-413.340) -- 0:00:40 297500 -- (-416.973) [-413.956] (-412.240) (-414.312) * (-411.867) (-412.952) [-412.088] (-414.752) -- 0:00:40 298000 -- (-417.907) (-416.339) [-414.541] (-412.573) * (-418.626) [-414.506] (-412.258) (-414.430) -- 0:00:40 298500 -- [-416.050] (-412.387) (-415.827) (-414.804) * [-413.264] (-416.881) (-416.249) (-413.291) -- 0:00:39 299000 -- (-414.148) [-414.117] (-416.319) (-417.493) * (-414.337) (-413.818) [-414.133] (-413.449) -- 0:00:39 299500 -- (-413.962) (-414.874) [-413.285] (-412.711) * (-412.899) (-412.214) [-413.891] (-414.078) -- 0:00:39 300000 -- (-414.210) (-415.929) [-414.081] (-412.935) * (-412.712) (-414.090) (-413.526) [-414.075] -- 0:00:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012358 300500 -- (-416.089) (-413.834) (-415.879) [-415.643] * [-413.775] (-413.585) (-411.567) (-414.670) -- 0:00:39 301000 -- [-415.834] (-413.669) (-415.097) (-414.425) * [-413.951] (-413.837) (-412.509) (-414.295) -- 0:00:41 301500 -- (-416.862) (-417.155) [-414.357] (-415.071) * [-412.651] (-415.370) (-418.039) (-412.011) -- 0:00:41 302000 -- (-415.229) (-416.592) [-413.019] (-416.374) * [-414.219] (-415.119) (-413.254) (-415.757) -- 0:00:41 302500 -- (-417.021) [-416.741] (-412.506) (-415.021) * (-413.248) (-414.676) [-416.775] (-414.932) -- 0:00:41 303000 -- (-414.614) [-414.923] (-414.337) (-415.819) * (-413.071) (-412.760) [-417.411] (-412.760) -- 0:00:41 303500 -- (-413.708) [-413.881] (-412.951) (-415.529) * (-412.658) (-413.584) [-413.938] (-412.109) -- 0:00:41 304000 -- (-416.367) (-415.774) [-415.155] (-413.201) * (-413.979) (-412.959) (-414.046) [-412.807] -- 0:00:41 304500 -- (-415.017) (-413.569) (-414.064) [-414.149] * (-413.813) (-413.499) (-412.401) [-414.716] -- 0:00:41 305000 -- (-417.204) [-412.686] (-413.160) (-414.825) * (-415.586) (-413.883) (-413.461) [-413.752] -- 0:00:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012153 305500 -- (-414.966) (-413.653) [-413.850] (-414.045) * (-415.055) [-413.514] (-413.130) (-413.667) -- 0:00:40 306000 -- [-414.418] (-413.492) (-414.648) (-417.602) * (-413.592) (-413.360) (-414.165) [-413.751] -- 0:00:40 306500 -- (-424.086) (-415.228) [-414.848] (-413.849) * (-415.658) [-412.696] (-413.176) (-416.041) -- 0:00:40 307000 -- (-415.829) (-413.396) [-412.170] (-417.207) * (-413.589) (-415.257) [-412.358] (-413.963) -- 0:00:40 307500 -- (-416.538) [-412.250] (-414.358) (-412.879) * (-413.946) (-420.165) (-412.863) [-412.064] -- 0:00:40 308000 -- (-416.229) (-414.216) [-416.857] (-413.019) * (-419.198) (-414.045) [-415.134] (-416.393) -- 0:00:40 308500 -- [-413.554] (-419.051) (-413.565) (-414.981) * (-417.307) (-417.135) [-415.508] (-413.755) -- 0:00:40 309000 -- (-413.906) [-413.201] (-414.215) (-414.302) * (-415.378) [-413.115] (-412.984) (-415.304) -- 0:00:40 309500 -- [-412.990] (-414.013) (-415.853) (-413.740) * [-416.548] (-414.761) (-419.650) (-413.467) -- 0:00:40 310000 -- (-413.893) (-415.332) [-418.774] (-414.988) * (-413.325) (-411.671) [-413.736] (-412.770) -- 0:00:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011157 310500 -- (-413.734) [-415.459] (-417.714) (-413.347) * (-412.442) (-412.982) (-415.152) [-412.611] -- 0:00:39 311000 -- (-415.136) (-415.359) [-414.632] (-414.737) * (-415.783) (-412.250) (-412.943) [-412.946] -- 0:00:39 311500 -- (-416.177) (-416.030) (-414.215) [-415.232] * [-414.608] (-411.785) (-418.224) (-413.879) -- 0:00:39 312000 -- (-413.643) (-417.001) [-413.063] (-411.874) * (-412.087) [-415.174] (-413.324) (-413.870) -- 0:00:39 312500 -- (-412.004) [-415.181] (-417.531) (-415.677) * (-412.355) (-413.186) [-413.481] (-413.866) -- 0:00:39 313000 -- (-415.514) (-415.174) (-413.424) [-413.515] * (-412.912) (-411.851) (-413.728) [-415.931] -- 0:00:39 313500 -- (-413.961) (-414.530) [-413.158] (-413.030) * (-415.977) (-414.135) (-412.977) [-418.002] -- 0:00:39 314000 -- (-413.649) (-414.748) (-414.563) [-412.999] * (-416.716) (-413.926) (-415.658) [-414.384] -- 0:00:39 314500 -- (-412.509) (-415.234) (-414.526) [-414.126] * (-416.866) (-415.700) [-413.334] (-416.562) -- 0:00:39 315000 -- (-414.215) [-413.703] (-412.485) (-414.004) * [-416.453] (-415.140) (-412.903) (-414.247) -- 0:00:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010881 315500 -- (-416.246) [-416.829] (-412.290) (-412.754) * (-412.956) (-413.075) [-413.868] (-413.258) -- 0:00:39 316000 -- (-416.050) [-414.237] (-413.061) (-414.466) * (-412.610) (-414.734) [-415.751] (-413.325) -- 0:00:38 316500 -- [-414.982] (-415.454) (-413.874) (-414.383) * [-413.506] (-413.306) (-414.698) (-416.613) -- 0:00:38 317000 -- [-414.636] (-412.498) (-412.462) (-412.688) * [-417.443] (-413.244) (-413.734) (-415.066) -- 0:00:38 317500 -- (-413.618) (-416.578) (-412.014) [-413.134] * (-412.999) (-413.360) [-412.869] (-412.514) -- 0:00:38 318000 -- [-414.152] (-414.496) (-413.836) (-414.305) * (-413.477) (-415.184) (-412.764) [-413.115] -- 0:00:40 318500 -- (-415.902) (-413.278) [-412.509] (-416.278) * (-413.821) [-412.806] (-414.179) (-413.414) -- 0:00:40 319000 -- [-414.302] (-413.003) (-412.999) (-414.050) * (-416.202) (-415.588) [-415.256] (-412.805) -- 0:00:40 319500 -- (-415.036) (-415.796) [-412.282] (-417.001) * (-415.969) (-411.868) [-414.133] (-416.181) -- 0:00:40 320000 -- (-413.273) (-416.451) (-415.034) [-414.627] * (-415.591) (-415.524) (-413.471) [-415.361] -- 0:00:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011577 320500 -- (-415.658) (-414.493) (-412.631) [-412.422] * (-414.306) (-415.507) (-415.087) [-416.916] -- 0:00:40 321000 -- [-415.159] (-417.173) (-415.832) (-413.602) * [-412.171] (-413.817) (-414.486) (-412.988) -- 0:00:40 321500 -- (-412.931) [-414.355] (-414.887) (-414.070) * (-413.847) (-421.401) [-412.536] (-419.264) -- 0:00:40 322000 -- [-412.680] (-414.099) (-414.278) (-414.114) * (-412.196) (-414.829) [-412.563] (-413.779) -- 0:00:40 322500 -- (-413.699) (-413.988) (-412.777) [-413.122] * (-414.402) (-414.497) (-412.329) [-415.744] -- 0:00:39 323000 -- [-418.073] (-413.542) (-413.249) (-422.270) * [-413.672] (-413.968) (-414.735) (-416.198) -- 0:00:39 323500 -- (-417.089) [-415.494] (-413.345) (-419.106) * (-412.619) (-412.718) (-413.743) [-411.915] -- 0:00:39 324000 -- (-415.223) [-413.016] (-415.240) (-418.373) * (-413.242) (-412.367) [-413.182] (-412.255) -- 0:00:39 324500 -- (-414.387) (-415.161) (-411.853) [-412.020] * [-413.618] (-415.407) (-412.077) (-412.595) -- 0:00:39 325000 -- (-414.589) (-417.395) (-414.831) [-414.902] * (-416.058) [-412.954] (-416.820) (-414.663) -- 0:00:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011729 325500 -- (-419.727) (-412.724) (-416.161) [-413.123] * (-415.866) [-411.898] (-418.002) (-413.449) -- 0:00:39 326000 -- [-411.882] (-414.332) (-413.290) (-413.065) * (-413.722) [-415.280] (-422.435) (-415.606) -- 0:00:39 326500 -- (-413.879) [-412.250] (-412.642) (-415.515) * (-420.480) [-415.471] (-415.914) (-416.255) -- 0:00:39 327000 -- (-414.215) [-416.511] (-419.851) (-413.977) * (-414.275) [-413.671] (-414.852) (-414.371) -- 0:00:39 327500 -- (-415.021) (-412.869) (-416.995) [-413.798] * (-416.992) (-417.045) (-412.120) [-411.825] -- 0:00:39 328000 -- [-415.451] (-415.997) (-418.721) (-418.855) * (-417.739) [-415.651] (-412.904) (-418.619) -- 0:00:38 328500 -- (-413.112) (-414.767) (-411.736) [-413.033] * (-419.792) [-412.981] (-412.359) (-412.901) -- 0:00:38 329000 -- (-413.990) (-414.780) [-414.127] (-412.443) * (-413.396) (-417.696) (-413.444) [-413.922] -- 0:00:38 329500 -- [-413.175] (-414.649) (-413.892) (-412.835) * (-417.843) (-412.802) (-415.078) [-412.835] -- 0:00:38 330000 -- (-413.735) (-413.844) (-417.185) [-413.015] * (-414.158) [-412.883] (-414.753) (-413.030) -- 0:00:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009712 330500 -- (-414.919) (-414.099) [-414.905] (-416.157) * (-413.654) (-415.129) [-413.457] (-415.127) -- 0:00:38 331000 -- [-413.653] (-413.464) (-414.842) (-413.657) * (-420.236) (-416.641) [-413.867] (-415.285) -- 0:00:38 331500 -- (-416.516) (-418.720) [-414.009] (-414.415) * (-412.794) (-413.927) [-418.180] (-417.714) -- 0:00:38 332000 -- [-413.713] (-414.629) (-414.440) (-417.538) * (-414.008) (-412.529) [-413.194] (-415.267) -- 0:00:38 332500 -- (-413.281) [-413.184] (-415.090) (-415.329) * (-414.006) (-414.530) (-414.819) [-412.548] -- 0:00:38 333000 -- (-413.823) [-417.941] (-419.719) (-414.526) * (-416.672) (-413.993) (-412.940) [-412.626] -- 0:00:38 333500 -- [-415.130] (-414.474) (-415.165) (-413.042) * (-417.616) [-415.698] (-413.208) (-413.278) -- 0:00:37 334000 -- (-415.127) [-412.361] (-417.289) (-414.887) * (-413.070) (-413.558) (-414.545) [-412.663] -- 0:00:37 334500 -- (-414.319) (-415.591) (-415.277) [-414.375] * (-414.310) (-413.251) (-413.429) [-415.637] -- 0:00:37 335000 -- [-413.428] (-414.398) (-414.574) (-414.529) * (-413.913) [-414.819] (-413.533) (-416.101) -- 0:00:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009382 335500 -- (-412.440) (-413.373) (-412.906) [-412.917] * (-413.706) (-415.436) [-413.725] (-416.014) -- 0:00:39 336000 -- (-413.442) (-414.651) [-415.150] (-415.307) * [-415.193] (-418.273) (-414.122) (-420.160) -- 0:00:39 336500 -- (-413.897) (-414.535) [-415.122] (-417.933) * (-415.200) (-413.707) [-413.651] (-416.119) -- 0:00:39 337000 -- [-413.143] (-413.951) (-412.848) (-414.954) * (-415.290) (-412.577) (-412.342) [-413.473] -- 0:00:39 337500 -- (-413.656) (-412.920) [-411.908] (-414.155) * (-414.241) [-412.767] (-413.174) (-413.469) -- 0:00:39 338000 -- (-415.694) [-414.614] (-413.636) (-412.406) * (-413.830) (-417.604) (-412.073) [-417.608] -- 0:00:39 338500 -- (-413.660) (-413.602) [-415.090] (-414.985) * (-413.437) [-412.319] (-414.414) (-413.410) -- 0:00:39 339000 -- (-414.481) (-413.434) (-416.139) [-418.609] * (-413.006) (-412.814) [-413.019] (-416.498) -- 0:00:38 339500 -- [-413.008] (-420.504) (-416.215) (-414.480) * (-412.771) (-412.855) (-414.758) [-414.765] -- 0:00:38 340000 -- (-416.961) [-412.713] (-418.059) (-414.099) * (-414.493) (-412.701) [-414.667] (-412.467) -- 0:00:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008389 340500 -- (-414.378) (-416.534) (-414.861) [-416.130] * (-414.575) (-412.647) (-412.856) [-417.607] -- 0:00:38 341000 -- (-417.934) (-413.559) (-412.543) [-412.496] * (-411.769) [-412.199] (-413.657) (-415.350) -- 0:00:38 341500 -- [-414.991] (-415.104) (-416.726) (-413.676) * (-413.226) [-412.754] (-412.777) (-414.907) -- 0:00:38 342000 -- (-412.960) [-414.826] (-414.975) (-414.784) * (-411.910) (-415.058) (-411.710) [-412.504] -- 0:00:38 342500 -- (-413.072) (-412.822) [-413.130] (-417.445) * (-412.846) [-413.721] (-413.427) (-415.125) -- 0:00:38 343000 -- (-415.970) (-413.630) [-413.460] (-416.203) * (-412.933) [-413.376] (-414.483) (-413.056) -- 0:00:38 343500 -- (-416.346) (-414.258) [-413.591] (-416.089) * (-413.177) (-412.372) [-414.286] (-412.233) -- 0:00:38 344000 -- (-414.876) (-412.968) (-415.047) [-418.823] * (-415.889) (-414.731) (-414.460) [-412.431] -- 0:00:38 344500 -- (-414.804) (-417.129) [-419.520] (-413.056) * [-414.406] (-416.870) (-412.791) (-417.447) -- 0:00:38 345000 -- (-415.308) [-415.489] (-413.390) (-414.273) * (-412.526) (-412.222) (-413.279) [-413.752] -- 0:00:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008260 345500 -- (-415.663) (-417.605) (-413.277) [-415.866] * [-415.186] (-415.351) (-414.457) (-412.337) -- 0:00:37 346000 -- (-414.321) (-412.518) (-414.844) [-414.745] * (-411.897) [-414.647] (-414.840) (-413.388) -- 0:00:37 346500 -- (-417.781) [-414.446] (-414.140) (-414.813) * (-414.324) (-416.114) [-419.618] (-412.996) -- 0:00:37 347000 -- (-414.122) [-413.325] (-413.682) (-413.617) * (-414.272) (-413.877) (-416.603) [-415.732] -- 0:00:37 347500 -- (-416.307) [-413.540] (-414.740) (-413.798) * (-418.617) (-417.365) (-412.109) [-415.415] -- 0:00:37 348000 -- (-412.520) [-412.834] (-417.177) (-412.564) * (-414.255) (-416.963) (-412.477) [-412.292] -- 0:00:37 348500 -- [-412.622] (-411.810) (-413.903) (-412.240) * (-412.574) (-416.621) (-416.312) [-412.482] -- 0:00:37 349000 -- (-422.115) (-414.355) [-415.359] (-414.564) * (-414.269) (-418.358) [-413.556] (-413.956) -- 0:00:37 349500 -- (-417.279) [-413.177] (-413.124) (-416.848) * (-413.047) [-413.917] (-422.014) (-415.764) -- 0:00:37 350000 -- (-412.900) (-416.096) [-414.112] (-413.858) * (-412.438) (-412.283) (-418.160) [-412.219] -- 0:00:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009410 350500 -- (-412.145) (-414.236) (-413.632) [-414.794] * (-411.619) (-414.731) (-414.591) [-415.263] -- 0:00:37 351000 -- (-414.437) (-413.845) [-411.953] (-413.283) * (-412.272) (-412.965) (-416.744) [-412.526] -- 0:00:36 351500 -- (-414.530) [-417.975] (-418.129) (-414.444) * [-412.002] (-418.424) (-415.273) (-412.557) -- 0:00:36 352000 -- (-413.833) [-413.513] (-418.051) (-415.528) * (-412.967) [-415.186] (-417.922) (-413.616) -- 0:00:38 352500 -- [-417.104] (-414.468) (-413.052) (-416.837) * [-414.242] (-414.819) (-416.696) (-413.097) -- 0:00:38 353000 -- (-413.577) [-414.534] (-413.821) (-413.223) * (-417.131) (-419.179) [-415.016] (-413.237) -- 0:00:38 353500 -- (-412.995) (-415.259) (-413.483) [-413.009] * [-414.138] (-412.420) (-412.283) (-414.487) -- 0:00:38 354000 -- (-412.551) (-414.420) (-413.799) [-415.878] * (-415.218) [-415.300] (-415.854) (-417.269) -- 0:00:38 354500 -- [-411.759] (-416.440) (-413.950) (-415.498) * [-412.444] (-416.644) (-412.288) (-411.817) -- 0:00:38 355000 -- (-412.480) [-413.977] (-413.155) (-412.752) * (-413.053) (-417.608) [-413.019] (-414.683) -- 0:00:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010671 355500 -- (-413.231) (-415.505) (-412.110) [-417.201] * (-414.648) (-413.161) [-412.287] (-416.506) -- 0:00:38 356000 -- (-412.049) (-412.023) (-413.780) [-413.582] * (-416.909) (-414.761) (-414.861) [-414.904] -- 0:00:37 356500 -- (-412.522) (-413.211) (-412.383) [-413.810] * [-414.779] (-414.152) (-413.511) (-413.519) -- 0:00:37 357000 -- (-414.760) [-413.290] (-412.764) (-414.735) * (-414.413) (-418.532) (-413.540) [-415.339] -- 0:00:37 357500 -- (-414.484) (-417.843) (-414.848) [-414.523] * (-413.461) [-414.299] (-413.333) (-415.969) -- 0:00:37 358000 -- [-411.931] (-413.131) (-413.139) (-414.117) * (-418.396) (-413.476) [-413.518] (-413.604) -- 0:00:37 358500 -- [-412.242] (-413.753) (-416.209) (-413.082) * (-413.917) [-416.739] (-416.316) (-414.267) -- 0:00:37 359000 -- (-412.931) [-413.096] (-414.359) (-412.606) * (-412.759) [-413.712] (-415.057) (-417.124) -- 0:00:37 359500 -- (-412.960) (-415.810) [-413.091] (-412.849) * [-412.954] (-412.468) (-414.135) (-412.311) -- 0:00:37 360000 -- (-419.091) (-415.907) [-414.034] (-413.082) * (-414.517) (-412.437) (-417.313) [-412.491] -- 0:00:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011110 360500 -- (-415.276) (-413.608) [-419.124] (-416.832) * (-413.768) [-413.592] (-412.986) (-416.682) -- 0:00:37 361000 -- (-413.595) (-415.877) (-413.835) [-415.107] * (-415.125) (-413.463) [-413.960] (-419.223) -- 0:00:37 361500 -- (-414.224) [-418.458] (-412.457) (-414.724) * (-412.497) (-413.865) (-418.086) [-413.093] -- 0:00:37 362000 -- (-413.414) (-415.286) [-414.178] (-415.173) * (-413.794) [-413.131] (-414.311) (-412.282) -- 0:00:37 362500 -- [-412.389] (-412.488) (-417.930) (-414.231) * (-412.144) [-416.317] (-412.420) (-414.574) -- 0:00:36 363000 -- (-414.775) (-414.740) (-414.444) [-412.604] * (-412.229) (-414.708) [-413.616] (-414.221) -- 0:00:36 363500 -- [-416.060] (-412.675) (-413.249) (-414.227) * [-415.175] (-413.435) (-413.437) (-412.833) -- 0:00:36 364000 -- (-415.693) (-415.815) (-412.354) [-414.143] * (-416.800) (-417.292) (-413.837) [-415.547] -- 0:00:36 364500 -- (-416.462) (-414.137) [-412.024] (-415.050) * (-412.329) (-417.463) [-412.515] (-413.980) -- 0:00:36 365000 -- (-419.118) (-416.778) (-411.703) [-413.924] * (-413.709) (-416.047) (-417.112) [-414.815] -- 0:00:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011449 365500 -- [-413.271] (-415.390) (-416.203) (-414.281) * (-414.039) [-416.308] (-413.468) (-414.659) -- 0:00:36 366000 -- (-411.986) (-419.719) [-411.933] (-412.960) * (-415.754) (-415.061) [-415.144] (-417.052) -- 0:00:36 366500 -- (-412.538) (-415.821) (-416.243) [-413.329] * (-413.252) [-413.258] (-415.449) (-415.004) -- 0:00:36 367000 -- (-413.979) (-416.141) (-413.197) [-412.980] * (-412.427) [-412.432] (-416.639) (-412.724) -- 0:00:36 367500 -- (-418.034) [-414.291] (-412.666) (-413.362) * (-416.016) (-412.158) (-413.099) [-413.303] -- 0:00:36 368000 -- (-418.441) (-412.229) [-415.575] (-412.885) * (-413.898) [-414.157] (-416.107) (-417.057) -- 0:00:36 368500 -- (-415.163) [-412.546] (-414.810) (-413.218) * (-415.877) (-412.857) [-416.908] (-418.488) -- 0:00:35 369000 -- (-413.047) [-415.028] (-414.900) (-414.618) * [-412.265] (-416.573) (-416.333) (-413.244) -- 0:00:35 369500 -- (-414.443) [-415.118] (-415.662) (-418.409) * (-411.617) [-416.337] (-413.890) (-415.650) -- 0:00:37 370000 -- (-418.570) (-413.039) [-413.051] (-415.814) * (-414.421) (-420.203) [-416.051] (-416.815) -- 0:00:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011296 370500 -- (-412.690) [-412.435] (-413.807) (-415.687) * (-412.265) (-417.742) (-412.088) [-415.462] -- 0:00:37 371000 -- (-418.117) [-412.358] (-416.212) (-412.206) * (-413.291) (-412.552) [-411.742] (-414.816) -- 0:00:37 371500 -- (-416.644) (-414.555) [-415.155] (-411.635) * [-411.718] (-412.469) (-416.120) (-416.475) -- 0:00:37 372000 -- (-417.800) [-412.532] (-413.366) (-412.266) * (-412.233) (-415.293) (-414.383) [-413.413] -- 0:00:37 372500 -- (-412.818) (-414.318) (-413.123) [-414.806] * [-412.525] (-412.387) (-417.157) (-411.796) -- 0:00:37 373000 -- (-415.449) (-413.426) (-413.972) [-412.975] * (-413.922) (-413.740) [-415.798] (-415.317) -- 0:00:36 373500 -- (-412.089) (-414.659) [-412.131] (-415.505) * [-412.805] (-414.126) (-414.516) (-412.149) -- 0:00:36 374000 -- [-413.315] (-414.576) (-413.559) (-412.821) * (-414.980) [-414.865] (-414.095) (-412.697) -- 0:00:36 374500 -- (-414.011) (-416.484) (-413.903) [-412.287] * (-413.116) (-413.029) (-412.595) [-414.564] -- 0:00:36 375000 -- (-412.169) (-415.898) [-412.846] (-414.373) * (-413.175) [-413.344] (-412.720) (-412.768) -- 0:00:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011357 375500 -- (-412.641) [-414.402] (-412.225) (-413.374) * [-415.246] (-413.149) (-415.822) (-412.309) -- 0:00:36 376000 -- (-412.546) (-413.471) (-413.389) [-414.085] * (-413.754) (-413.807) (-412.556) [-411.743] -- 0:00:36 376500 -- (-412.162) [-412.636] (-412.773) (-416.048) * (-417.171) (-413.191) (-414.527) [-412.246] -- 0:00:36 377000 -- (-412.755) (-412.300) (-413.583) [-415.430] * [-415.884] (-416.063) (-412.211) (-411.760) -- 0:00:36 377500 -- (-415.834) [-412.373] (-412.632) (-413.143) * [-412.111] (-415.380) (-415.231) (-414.878) -- 0:00:36 378000 -- (-414.298) (-416.910) [-413.123] (-412.607) * [-412.428] (-414.074) (-414.928) (-412.351) -- 0:00:36 378500 -- [-416.135] (-416.257) (-414.412) (-415.857) * (-412.165) [-419.547] (-414.132) (-414.149) -- 0:00:36 379000 -- [-413.311] (-413.330) (-415.614) (-413.944) * (-416.260) (-413.472) [-414.143] (-414.073) -- 0:00:36 379500 -- (-414.662) (-412.685) (-413.438) [-413.036] * (-412.147) [-412.740] (-414.382) (-414.178) -- 0:00:35 380000 -- (-413.832) [-412.281] (-415.993) (-414.915) * [-414.161] (-413.240) (-414.051) (-415.642) -- 0:00:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010526 380500 -- (-414.801) (-412.421) [-413.051] (-413.679) * (-414.289) [-414.266] (-414.687) (-415.987) -- 0:00:35 381000 -- [-415.574] (-417.447) (-412.687) (-413.154) * (-413.859) (-420.105) [-414.411] (-415.737) -- 0:00:35 381500 -- [-413.991] (-414.199) (-415.734) (-413.282) * (-413.505) (-413.273) (-413.007) [-414.788] -- 0:00:35 382000 -- [-418.095] (-412.123) (-413.441) (-413.814) * (-414.718) (-415.933) (-416.818) [-415.257] -- 0:00:35 382500 -- (-413.658) (-416.441) (-416.624) [-414.793] * (-414.998) (-412.525) [-415.246] (-412.669) -- 0:00:35 383000 -- (-414.400) (-412.291) (-413.697) [-414.201] * (-413.597) (-416.201) [-413.907] (-413.338) -- 0:00:35 383500 -- (-417.183) (-414.378) [-413.921] (-418.583) * (-415.459) (-415.119) [-415.320] (-413.418) -- 0:00:35 384000 -- [-416.477] (-416.393) (-417.277) (-414.393) * (-419.232) (-415.993) (-414.991) [-413.051] -- 0:00:35 384500 -- [-412.446] (-417.741) (-412.307) (-414.010) * [-417.981] (-413.681) (-413.068) (-413.112) -- 0:00:35 385000 -- (-414.564) (-417.144) [-412.945] (-416.463) * (-412.876) (-413.836) (-418.155) [-413.020] -- 0:00:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010457 385500 -- (-412.913) [-413.681] (-411.774) (-412.269) * [-413.223] (-412.028) (-414.056) (-413.273) -- 0:00:35 386000 -- (-415.048) [-415.234] (-414.344) (-414.771) * [-414.422] (-415.367) (-413.998) (-412.817) -- 0:00:34 386500 -- (-412.764) (-417.815) (-416.548) [-413.116] * (-416.975) [-413.763] (-414.185) (-413.336) -- 0:00:36 387000 -- (-417.897) (-412.291) [-413.421] (-415.051) * (-412.133) [-413.873] (-413.865) (-424.662) -- 0:00:36 387500 -- [-417.481] (-412.826) (-414.125) (-413.597) * (-413.083) (-412.623) (-414.265) [-418.781] -- 0:00:36 388000 -- (-413.456) (-412.889) (-417.416) [-415.492] * [-412.868] (-414.243) (-412.616) (-415.774) -- 0:00:36 388500 -- (-413.617) [-414.783] (-415.328) (-415.633) * (-412.868) [-411.983] (-418.555) (-412.946) -- 0:00:36 389000 -- [-414.292] (-413.563) (-419.019) (-415.405) * (-415.966) (-415.876) (-413.150) [-416.207] -- 0:00:36 389500 -- [-412.688] (-413.050) (-413.422) (-413.872) * (-415.825) [-416.366] (-412.086) (-414.409) -- 0:00:36 390000 -- (-414.332) (-415.015) (-414.643) [-412.162] * (-413.507) (-412.476) (-412.602) [-411.752] -- 0:00:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010332 390500 -- (-414.631) (-412.248) [-412.881] (-415.189) * (-412.704) [-411.663] (-412.612) (-411.841) -- 0:00:35 391000 -- (-413.396) [-414.235] (-415.452) (-416.983) * (-414.769) (-414.018) (-412.461) [-411.722] -- 0:00:35 391500 -- (-414.025) (-415.630) [-415.191] (-412.477) * (-413.828) [-416.466] (-411.790) (-413.618) -- 0:00:35 392000 -- [-412.502] (-415.737) (-414.983) (-415.064) * [-415.288] (-413.492) (-411.943) (-412.153) -- 0:00:35 392500 -- [-413.081] (-413.064) (-414.380) (-414.751) * (-414.973) (-416.262) [-413.420] (-413.781) -- 0:00:35 393000 -- [-417.893] (-414.768) (-414.496) (-416.976) * [-413.356] (-412.617) (-412.514) (-414.135) -- 0:00:35 393500 -- [-413.908] (-413.394) (-413.010) (-420.545) * (-414.021) [-412.559] (-413.720) (-412.578) -- 0:00:35 394000 -- (-419.842) [-413.311] (-417.447) (-414.342) * (-413.586) (-412.011) (-414.335) [-415.940] -- 0:00:35 394500 -- (-417.146) [-414.708] (-413.821) (-417.477) * (-413.329) (-414.694) (-412.975) [-414.416] -- 0:00:35 395000 -- (-412.166) (-412.625) (-421.134) [-415.041] * (-413.589) [-412.396] (-413.351) (-415.695) -- 0:00:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009970 395500 -- [-413.987] (-414.572) (-414.366) (-416.498) * (-413.001) (-412.420) (-412.934) [-414.276] -- 0:00:35 396000 -- [-412.860] (-413.948) (-411.759) (-414.055) * (-413.501) (-414.952) (-412.929) [-416.185] -- 0:00:35 396500 -- (-412.353) (-412.327) (-412.488) [-412.389] * (-413.479) (-414.701) (-413.442) [-414.637] -- 0:00:35 397000 -- (-412.530) (-415.694) (-414.632) [-412.791] * (-412.272) [-417.141] (-413.103) (-413.057) -- 0:00:34 397500 -- (-414.464) (-412.817) [-414.702] (-412.494) * [-412.558] (-417.227) (-415.407) (-415.960) -- 0:00:34 398000 -- (-418.473) (-413.397) (-412.465) [-413.126] * (-412.499) (-415.167) (-413.821) [-414.232] -- 0:00:34 398500 -- (-416.079) (-414.567) [-414.869] (-413.780) * (-411.858) [-414.314] (-411.829) (-415.299) -- 0:00:34 399000 -- (-415.498) (-413.122) (-415.800) [-415.138] * [-413.047] (-412.935) (-414.672) (-415.395) -- 0:00:34 399500 -- (-415.067) (-417.320) [-416.524] (-416.073) * (-414.424) (-413.952) (-412.650) [-414.349] -- 0:00:34 400000 -- (-414.411) [-413.991] (-412.598) (-412.825) * (-414.146) [-412.510] (-413.084) (-416.628) -- 0:00:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010001 400500 -- (-413.414) (-413.949) (-413.509) [-412.679] * [-415.368] (-412.579) (-415.270) (-413.447) -- 0:00:34 401000 -- (-414.272) [-415.382] (-412.706) (-412.392) * [-414.249] (-413.806) (-413.278) (-413.985) -- 0:00:34 401500 -- (-415.527) [-413.081] (-415.560) (-413.334) * (-414.822) [-415.430] (-417.342) (-413.836) -- 0:00:34 402000 -- (-416.814) [-412.490] (-413.882) (-415.507) * [-413.960] (-414.698) (-413.000) (-413.005) -- 0:00:34 402500 -- [-414.808] (-412.536) (-414.186) (-416.060) * (-414.064) (-416.976) [-417.098] (-414.039) -- 0:00:34 403000 -- [-415.040] (-412.624) (-416.299) (-412.755) * (-414.647) (-414.922) [-413.565] (-412.897) -- 0:00:34 403500 -- (-413.581) (-415.518) (-415.007) [-413.464] * (-415.991) (-413.822) [-413.607] (-412.882) -- 0:00:35 404000 -- (-415.194) [-414.017] (-412.006) (-419.289) * (-413.002) (-414.160) [-412.858] (-415.250) -- 0:00:35 404500 -- (-414.205) [-416.391] (-414.868) (-416.326) * [-413.148] (-416.187) (-414.216) (-415.329) -- 0:00:35 405000 -- (-412.831) [-414.852] (-415.174) (-414.888) * [-413.820] (-413.120) (-412.943) (-414.025) -- 0:00:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009579 405500 -- (-414.048) [-415.649] (-414.002) (-418.130) * (-416.421) (-411.626) [-413.381] (-412.573) -- 0:00:35 406000 -- (-413.634) [-412.987] (-412.306) (-411.753) * [-412.782] (-414.537) (-416.858) (-411.918) -- 0:00:35 406500 -- (-414.523) (-412.681) (-413.181) [-414.195] * (-413.085) (-414.181) (-416.859) [-413.141] -- 0:00:35 407000 -- (-414.973) [-413.299] (-413.084) (-414.024) * (-413.825) [-413.820] (-417.245) (-414.069) -- 0:00:34 407500 -- (-413.436) [-412.579] (-412.216) (-413.640) * (-413.875) (-415.465) [-412.242] (-412.788) -- 0:00:34 408000 -- (-412.118) [-412.010] (-413.617) (-413.479) * (-412.284) [-414.634] (-412.542) (-412.768) -- 0:00:34 408500 -- (-412.859) (-412.243) [-412.567] (-417.114) * (-413.519) (-412.011) (-412.294) [-414.992] -- 0:00:34 409000 -- [-415.333] (-414.847) (-412.902) (-412.004) * (-418.910) (-416.976) [-411.753] (-413.081) -- 0:00:34 409500 -- (-414.942) (-416.217) (-412.801) [-412.963] * (-413.241) (-412.842) [-413.934] (-412.678) -- 0:00:34 410000 -- (-412.698) (-413.376) (-413.815) [-412.753] * (-413.484) [-414.395] (-412.918) (-415.065) -- 0:00:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009111 410500 -- (-413.705) (-412.589) (-413.397) [-416.383] * (-414.461) (-422.807) [-414.074] (-417.291) -- 0:00:34 411000 -- (-413.220) (-413.214) [-415.090] (-414.103) * (-416.671) (-416.100) [-413.127] (-415.824) -- 0:00:34 411500 -- (-413.594) [-414.436] (-414.269) (-419.580) * (-416.473) (-413.568) (-412.000) [-415.016] -- 0:00:34 412000 -- (-415.032) [-413.697] (-414.371) (-415.255) * (-416.008) [-412.651] (-417.103) (-418.440) -- 0:00:34 412500 -- [-414.408] (-414.376) (-415.463) (-416.417) * [-414.793] (-412.935) (-413.940) (-418.111) -- 0:00:34 413000 -- (-412.280) [-413.020] (-416.558) (-411.555) * [-413.347] (-416.111) (-415.901) (-413.952) -- 0:00:34 413500 -- [-412.810] (-412.202) (-415.118) (-416.034) * [-412.059] (-416.068) (-419.965) (-415.385) -- 0:00:34 414000 -- [-412.176] (-415.251) (-412.442) (-413.912) * [-412.993] (-415.461) (-413.641) (-413.828) -- 0:00:33 414500 -- [-412.296] (-412.739) (-414.866) (-415.258) * (-413.010) (-415.352) [-413.895] (-417.271) -- 0:00:33 415000 -- (-412.969) (-413.673) (-416.985) [-412.719] * [-415.910] (-415.122) (-413.622) (-420.179) -- 0:00:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009420 415500 -- [-412.007] (-414.613) (-412.945) (-412.311) * (-413.734) (-418.557) (-412.297) [-413.521] -- 0:00:33 416000 -- (-413.366) (-421.984) (-415.791) [-411.973] * [-412.626] (-416.571) (-416.404) (-416.028) -- 0:00:33 416500 -- [-413.395] (-415.962) (-411.890) (-413.719) * (-415.573) (-414.207) (-412.012) [-413.844] -- 0:00:33 417000 -- (-415.480) [-415.502] (-413.425) (-412.610) * [-412.249] (-415.539) (-414.975) (-416.975) -- 0:00:33 417500 -- (-419.543) (-413.674) [-413.184] (-416.590) * [-413.190] (-413.808) (-412.061) (-413.428) -- 0:00:33 418000 -- (-416.126) (-413.444) (-415.216) [-413.830] * (-412.259) (-413.884) [-412.686] (-412.142) -- 0:00:33 418500 -- (-413.658) (-415.681) [-416.566] (-412.312) * (-414.755) (-416.165) [-411.743] (-413.624) -- 0:00:33 419000 -- (-416.483) (-421.781) [-413.412] (-412.364) * (-413.927) (-413.119) [-415.647] (-415.021) -- 0:00:33 419500 -- (-413.377) (-413.840) [-415.061] (-413.369) * (-413.653) [-413.650] (-414.909) (-418.677) -- 0:00:33 420000 -- [-414.222] (-413.825) (-412.499) (-413.940) * (-411.941) [-411.625] (-416.194) (-415.185) -- 0:00:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009315 420500 -- (-413.012) (-415.308) [-417.329] (-412.013) * (-414.628) [-412.608] (-416.430) (-417.110) -- 0:00:34 421000 -- (-415.324) (-416.326) (-414.253) [-415.109] * (-414.386) (-413.707) (-417.519) [-413.558] -- 0:00:34 421500 -- (-413.594) (-414.137) [-413.143] (-415.647) * (-414.038) [-412.116] (-415.800) (-413.501) -- 0:00:34 422000 -- (-412.797) (-414.019) [-412.915] (-414.857) * (-412.135) (-412.603) (-413.108) [-412.990] -- 0:00:34 422500 -- (-411.772) [-412.831] (-418.544) (-414.856) * [-411.671] (-412.540) (-412.766) (-415.970) -- 0:00:34 423000 -- (-418.001) [-415.463] (-415.046) (-412.025) * [-412.718] (-413.986) (-412.934) (-414.785) -- 0:00:34 423500 -- (-417.709) (-411.758) (-415.383) [-412.521] * [-413.458] (-413.648) (-412.653) (-412.434) -- 0:00:34 424000 -- (-417.656) [-412.758] (-413.828) (-413.440) * (-414.343) (-416.239) (-414.815) [-412.155] -- 0:00:33 424500 -- [-420.321] (-415.581) (-411.906) (-414.838) * (-414.814) [-417.289] (-415.503) (-412.801) -- 0:00:33 425000 -- (-413.285) (-413.249) (-412.455) [-412.467] * [-414.479] (-415.951) (-416.437) (-415.209) -- 0:00:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011001 425500 -- (-414.178) (-412.882) [-413.927] (-412.115) * (-414.144) (-416.108) (-424.587) [-414.573] -- 0:00:33 426000 -- (-414.872) [-413.009] (-412.931) (-412.213) * [-411.967] (-413.923) (-413.211) (-411.968) -- 0:00:33 426500 -- (-411.792) (-412.609) (-413.518) [-414.749] * (-411.861) (-413.579) [-413.007] (-416.871) -- 0:00:33 427000 -- (-412.670) [-415.927] (-412.216) (-416.247) * [-411.771] (-414.307) (-417.086) (-414.775) -- 0:00:33 427500 -- (-418.378) [-412.905] (-415.626) (-414.683) * (-413.069) [-414.720] (-414.374) (-415.939) -- 0:00:33 428000 -- (-413.373) [-415.072] (-413.754) (-413.583) * (-412.304) (-412.377) [-413.845] (-414.980) -- 0:00:33 428500 -- [-413.969] (-414.214) (-415.476) (-412.308) * (-415.849) (-413.549) (-413.725) [-413.620] -- 0:00:33 429000 -- [-413.090] (-414.522) (-417.223) (-417.171) * (-414.263) [-416.154] (-412.788) (-412.117) -- 0:00:33 429500 -- (-413.213) [-413.915] (-416.559) (-412.194) * [-415.546] (-415.031) (-418.735) (-412.997) -- 0:00:33 430000 -- (-412.175) [-414.532] (-419.485) (-415.810) * (-415.677) (-415.183) [-414.529] (-412.554) -- 0:00:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011332 430500 -- (-415.091) (-414.640) [-418.760] (-412.671) * (-412.918) [-413.032] (-415.185) (-415.181) -- 0:00:33 431000 -- (-414.261) [-413.438] (-419.799) (-414.013) * (-412.776) (-412.932) [-413.781] (-415.125) -- 0:00:33 431500 -- [-412.037] (-414.879) (-418.474) (-414.087) * (-413.223) (-413.734) [-413.371] (-412.084) -- 0:00:32 432000 -- [-413.312] (-416.486) (-420.804) (-415.926) * (-412.390) [-414.915] (-412.354) (-415.657) -- 0:00:32 432500 -- (-413.649) (-416.600) (-415.456) [-416.993] * (-411.971) (-415.330) [-414.898] (-417.138) -- 0:00:32 433000 -- [-412.980] (-412.925) (-413.612) (-413.881) * [-415.254] (-415.050) (-415.972) (-422.231) -- 0:00:32 433500 -- (-413.823) (-415.449) [-413.295] (-413.492) * (-417.169) (-414.830) [-412.384] (-419.310) -- 0:00:32 434000 -- (-414.626) (-411.916) (-412.226) [-414.516] * (-415.454) [-413.823] (-412.663) (-411.973) -- 0:00:32 434500 -- (-413.793) (-412.536) [-413.355] (-417.063) * [-412.043] (-415.926) (-416.317) (-413.041) -- 0:00:32 435000 -- [-414.186] (-413.563) (-416.222) (-420.634) * (-415.923) (-416.383) (-416.392) [-413.647] -- 0:00:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011257 435500 -- (-419.871) [-414.631] (-414.853) (-415.953) * (-414.826) [-416.566] (-413.610) (-413.479) -- 0:00:32 436000 -- (-413.353) [-412.498] (-414.072) (-412.467) * [-413.636] (-415.114) (-412.648) (-416.928) -- 0:00:32 436500 -- (-412.920) (-413.111) (-414.274) [-412.493] * (-415.013) (-418.868) [-412.360] (-413.501) -- 0:00:32 437000 -- (-413.189) (-413.732) [-413.743] (-415.260) * (-414.806) (-412.855) [-413.382] (-413.888) -- 0:00:32 437500 -- (-412.319) (-414.833) (-414.895) [-413.803] * (-411.682) (-413.046) [-412.483] (-412.276) -- 0:00:32 438000 -- (-412.445) [-415.304] (-411.948) (-414.877) * (-413.130) [-412.269] (-413.740) (-414.234) -- 0:00:33 438500 -- (-414.091) (-416.504) [-416.567] (-416.028) * (-414.788) (-413.743) (-414.266) [-415.454] -- 0:00:33 439000 -- [-412.986] (-414.954) (-413.525) (-415.422) * [-414.392] (-412.312) (-413.586) (-412.447) -- 0:00:33 439500 -- (-414.253) [-412.673] (-414.611) (-413.044) * (-412.307) (-413.078) [-415.494] (-416.014) -- 0:00:33 440000 -- (-417.643) (-413.026) [-415.354] (-412.873) * (-411.966) (-414.542) (-412.407) [-413.067] -- 0:00:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011012 440500 -- [-415.582] (-412.277) (-414.220) (-413.150) * [-412.086] (-412.838) (-412.324) (-413.468) -- 0:00:33 441000 -- (-413.778) [-413.046] (-417.339) (-413.368) * (-414.371) (-414.347) [-412.414] (-415.738) -- 0:00:32 441500 -- (-412.659) (-413.035) (-418.818) [-412.884] * (-413.836) (-413.203) [-413.856] (-413.356) -- 0:00:32 442000 -- (-416.178) (-413.744) (-417.989) [-414.847] * (-414.570) [-412.516] (-412.320) (-417.745) -- 0:00:32 442500 -- (-413.261) (-414.977) (-416.579) [-414.493] * [-412.798] (-412.879) (-412.112) (-418.111) -- 0:00:32 443000 -- (-413.229) [-413.993] (-415.133) (-417.044) * [-416.145] (-412.949) (-414.835) (-412.655) -- 0:00:32 443500 -- [-415.805] (-415.747) (-412.909) (-412.530) * [-412.824] (-414.443) (-414.864) (-416.548) -- 0:00:32 444000 -- (-413.920) (-414.358) [-412.036] (-412.449) * [-412.896] (-414.618) (-414.762) (-413.264) -- 0:00:32 444500 -- (-412.344) [-417.145] (-412.416) (-414.644) * (-413.987) (-414.414) (-413.795) [-412.562] -- 0:00:32 445000 -- (-412.476) (-412.452) [-412.697] (-413.250) * (-411.565) (-412.720) [-417.952] (-412.485) -- 0:00:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011392 445500 -- (-416.088) (-412.790) (-413.508) [-413.446] * [-412.981] (-412.189) (-422.224) (-413.911) -- 0:00:32 446000 -- [-414.101] (-413.233) (-415.349) (-413.547) * (-414.131) [-412.762] (-414.431) (-412.534) -- 0:00:32 446500 -- [-413.515] (-414.796) (-412.000) (-417.778) * (-414.818) (-413.882) (-413.587) [-412.891] -- 0:00:32 447000 -- (-413.843) (-415.257) [-414.070] (-412.372) * (-414.328) [-415.178] (-415.463) (-414.029) -- 0:00:32 447500 -- (-413.567) [-413.637] (-413.877) (-416.378) * (-414.850) [-413.638] (-414.148) (-412.314) -- 0:00:32 448000 -- (-412.555) (-417.751) [-413.267] (-417.750) * (-415.843) [-412.552] (-413.172) (-414.876) -- 0:00:32 448500 -- [-412.620] (-413.556) (-414.491) (-419.279) * (-416.973) [-412.341] (-412.570) (-412.867) -- 0:00:31 449000 -- [-417.662] (-414.793) (-414.107) (-414.503) * (-417.594) (-413.459) [-414.107] (-412.781) -- 0:00:31 449500 -- (-418.107) (-414.420) (-415.076) [-413.899] * [-415.674] (-417.104) (-416.932) (-416.773) -- 0:00:31 450000 -- [-412.632] (-413.447) (-414.711) (-416.310) * (-414.403) [-412.332] (-414.656) (-413.228) -- 0:00:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011622 450500 -- (-414.790) [-414.258] (-412.157) (-415.485) * (-414.005) (-413.011) (-413.701) [-413.889] -- 0:00:31 451000 -- [-414.156] (-417.451) (-412.508) (-415.443) * (-412.462) [-415.261] (-415.356) (-413.142) -- 0:00:31 451500 -- (-414.407) [-412.834] (-413.372) (-415.082) * (-413.713) (-413.685) (-413.420) [-412.577] -- 0:00:31 452000 -- (-414.574) (-413.816) [-412.869] (-415.680) * (-413.013) (-415.811) (-414.063) [-414.875] -- 0:00:31 452500 -- (-417.269) (-413.559) (-416.283) [-414.508] * (-412.344) [-412.808] (-413.097) (-412.682) -- 0:00:31 453000 -- (-412.774) (-414.227) [-414.689] (-415.700) * [-411.865] (-412.932) (-412.498) (-416.607) -- 0:00:31 453500 -- (-417.514) (-413.217) [-414.510] (-416.122) * (-412.132) (-415.941) [-412.422] (-417.225) -- 0:00:31 454000 -- [-417.486] (-415.498) (-412.035) (-416.665) * (-414.382) (-413.948) (-413.724) [-413.989] -- 0:00:31 454500 -- (-413.981) [-418.462] (-412.706) (-414.544) * (-415.849) (-413.685) [-416.329] (-412.565) -- 0:00:31 455000 -- (-413.993) (-412.910) [-416.601] (-417.404) * (-413.620) (-416.333) [-414.568] (-415.268) -- 0:00:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011774 455500 -- (-413.728) (-411.898) [-413.673] (-412.377) * [-413.947] (-413.612) (-413.444) (-417.581) -- 0:00:32 456000 -- (-413.514) [-413.193] (-415.403) (-415.179) * (-413.626) (-415.563) [-414.219] (-413.691) -- 0:00:32 456500 -- (-412.109) (-413.996) (-413.025) [-413.250] * (-412.573) [-412.204] (-414.559) (-415.085) -- 0:00:32 457000 -- (-415.185) (-415.267) (-413.119) [-414.333] * (-414.477) (-412.769) (-414.125) [-415.830] -- 0:00:32 457500 -- [-415.555] (-418.255) (-411.984) (-414.429) * [-412.608] (-413.181) (-413.773) (-414.230) -- 0:00:32 458000 -- (-413.230) (-415.117) [-412.591] (-415.296) * [-411.823] (-420.670) (-412.189) (-412.825) -- 0:00:31 458500 -- (-412.182) [-416.903] (-416.057) (-412.163) * (-412.552) (-413.723) (-413.499) [-412.410] -- 0:00:31 459000 -- (-414.236) (-416.123) (-416.248) [-412.641] * [-416.003] (-413.465) (-417.133) (-412.614) -- 0:00:31 459500 -- (-415.286) [-412.741] (-414.085) (-413.477) * (-415.421) [-413.671] (-414.717) (-414.573) -- 0:00:31 460000 -- [-419.798] (-418.053) (-413.247) (-412.585) * (-412.887) (-415.773) (-413.171) [-414.758] -- 0:00:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012052 460500 -- (-414.915) (-414.067) [-414.637] (-413.636) * (-415.114) [-414.140] (-414.643) (-412.876) -- 0:00:31 461000 -- (-413.826) (-413.112) [-416.656] (-417.393) * (-419.050) [-413.005] (-414.038) (-412.021) -- 0:00:31 461500 -- (-413.020) (-413.055) [-414.035] (-411.930) * (-417.571) (-413.240) (-412.887) [-415.058] -- 0:00:31 462000 -- (-413.038) [-412.483] (-413.171) (-412.699) * (-412.227) [-412.055] (-415.691) (-412.790) -- 0:00:31 462500 -- [-413.277] (-416.707) (-412.531) (-414.261) * (-413.552) (-415.428) (-413.277) [-413.316] -- 0:00:31 463000 -- (-411.855) (-411.925) [-412.148] (-412.129) * [-417.153] (-415.620) (-412.994) (-412.882) -- 0:00:31 463500 -- (-418.768) (-412.786) (-412.230) [-414.005] * (-412.029) [-413.162] (-415.188) (-416.923) -- 0:00:31 464000 -- [-414.197] (-414.832) (-415.256) (-415.363) * (-415.365) [-414.404] (-414.584) (-414.641) -- 0:00:31 464500 -- (-412.761) (-413.853) (-413.841) [-414.330] * (-413.272) [-414.562] (-418.459) (-413.461) -- 0:00:31 465000 -- [-412.432] (-414.370) (-413.527) (-413.228) * (-413.141) [-413.293] (-415.168) (-414.956) -- 0:00:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011858 465500 -- [-412.113] (-417.304) (-413.619) (-413.625) * (-413.108) [-414.093] (-413.443) (-417.618) -- 0:00:31 466000 -- [-413.625] (-414.279) (-415.076) (-413.259) * (-413.275) [-413.475] (-414.553) (-415.429) -- 0:00:30 466500 -- [-412.230] (-415.658) (-413.882) (-416.199) * (-413.659) (-412.614) [-412.758] (-416.919) -- 0:00:30 467000 -- (-411.818) (-413.878) (-415.637) [-415.586] * (-415.180) [-412.532] (-417.183) (-416.001) -- 0:00:30 467500 -- [-414.324] (-418.540) (-412.617) (-413.883) * (-416.769) (-415.582) (-419.633) [-414.801] -- 0:00:30 468000 -- (-411.831) (-418.056) [-412.666] (-413.269) * [-414.686] (-416.652) (-416.432) (-416.987) -- 0:00:30 468500 -- (-413.263) (-412.389) (-413.742) [-412.264] * (-414.652) [-416.856] (-414.022) (-416.754) -- 0:00:30 469000 -- (-412.085) (-414.726) [-412.262] (-414.311) * (-413.760) [-413.419] (-412.510) (-416.773) -- 0:00:30 469500 -- (-413.179) (-417.617) [-411.766] (-412.941) * (-417.063) [-412.312] (-413.873) (-415.860) -- 0:00:30 470000 -- (-412.320) [-413.017] (-413.870) (-415.260) * [-415.864] (-414.494) (-415.097) (-413.577) -- 0:00:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011665 470500 -- [-414.415] (-413.074) (-419.807) (-414.552) * [-414.093] (-419.184) (-418.253) (-411.731) -- 0:00:30 471000 -- (-412.709) (-412.764) (-414.828) [-413.732] * (-418.493) (-414.601) (-413.096) [-413.037] -- 0:00:30 471500 -- [-413.475] (-412.739) (-414.425) (-412.623) * [-416.243] (-414.779) (-412.870) (-412.802) -- 0:00:30 472000 -- (-412.853) [-414.891] (-418.611) (-413.784) * (-414.166) (-413.293) (-413.904) [-412.709] -- 0:00:31 472500 -- [-415.000] (-413.260) (-414.784) (-412.383) * (-413.747) (-412.937) [-416.834] (-413.221) -- 0:00:31 473000 -- (-413.589) (-413.621) (-414.396) [-416.082] * (-412.525) (-415.830) (-414.158) [-413.946] -- 0:00:31 473500 -- (-414.334) (-412.665) (-411.975) [-411.816] * (-417.269) [-411.756] (-412.590) (-411.891) -- 0:00:31 474000 -- [-415.090] (-416.336) (-413.295) (-413.645) * (-412.619) [-412.958] (-412.773) (-414.170) -- 0:00:31 474500 -- (-417.576) (-417.974) [-412.879] (-416.401) * (-412.535) (-413.295) (-416.155) [-416.886] -- 0:00:31 475000 -- (-412.290) (-412.455) [-412.587] (-413.763) * (-416.841) (-415.184) [-414.024] (-414.473) -- 0:00:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011476 475500 -- (-414.481) [-413.159] (-414.193) (-416.528) * (-412.703) [-415.575] (-415.308) (-414.819) -- 0:00:30 476000 -- [-412.411] (-413.977) (-415.159) (-416.353) * [-412.609] (-412.810) (-415.354) (-413.119) -- 0:00:30 476500 -- (-414.419) (-418.490) (-412.494) [-414.265] * (-412.843) [-415.273] (-413.815) (-415.113) -- 0:00:30 477000 -- (-414.748) (-413.946) (-412.694) [-414.245] * (-412.747) [-412.515] (-412.055) (-413.848) -- 0:00:30 477500 -- (-413.530) (-414.143) (-412.877) [-414.772] * (-412.692) (-418.542) [-413.055] (-418.469) -- 0:00:30 478000 -- (-414.429) (-414.297) (-411.995) [-412.674] * (-413.830) [-414.325] (-412.610) (-413.761) -- 0:00:30 478500 -- (-415.448) (-413.408) [-413.621] (-415.501) * (-414.465) (-414.558) (-413.628) [-412.044] -- 0:00:30 479000 -- [-414.529] (-412.602) (-414.449) (-414.322) * [-412.013] (-413.938) (-414.505) (-411.855) -- 0:00:30 479500 -- (-415.670) (-413.609) (-413.847) [-416.760] * (-411.926) (-413.621) [-413.230] (-412.596) -- 0:00:30 480000 -- (-412.467) (-414.847) (-418.704) [-414.181] * (-412.319) [-414.837] (-414.015) (-412.123) -- 0:00:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011646 480500 -- (-412.940) (-414.710) [-417.563] (-413.547) * [-415.488] (-416.355) (-414.769) (-411.657) -- 0:00:30 481000 -- (-412.641) (-413.366) (-416.505) [-416.031] * (-413.534) [-418.359] (-413.892) (-412.631) -- 0:00:30 481500 -- (-412.476) (-415.854) [-413.540] (-413.401) * (-414.510) (-413.220) (-419.124) [-415.664] -- 0:00:30 482000 -- (-412.224) (-415.456) [-416.404] (-413.966) * [-412.941] (-417.802) (-415.737) (-413.147) -- 0:00:30 482500 -- (-412.838) (-416.279) (-416.127) [-415.520] * (-412.131) (-413.368) (-413.866) [-415.271] -- 0:00:30 483000 -- (-413.177) [-412.126] (-415.228) (-412.538) * [-414.264] (-413.035) (-417.519) (-413.015) -- 0:00:29 483500 -- (-418.309) [-413.062] (-413.637) (-412.402) * (-415.658) [-413.526] (-413.995) (-415.524) -- 0:00:29 484000 -- (-412.077) (-416.752) (-414.403) [-414.921] * (-412.478) (-415.155) (-415.139) [-413.555] -- 0:00:29 484500 -- (-412.843) (-414.025) [-413.336] (-413.775) * [-413.426] (-413.219) (-413.358) (-414.208) -- 0:00:29 485000 -- (-413.528) (-412.774) (-414.404) [-414.585] * (-413.801) (-414.743) (-416.673) [-415.754] -- 0:00:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011811 485500 -- (-414.333) [-414.025] (-414.461) (-412.014) * (-412.614) [-411.545] (-416.866) (-413.605) -- 0:00:29 486000 -- [-414.344] (-417.443) (-413.812) (-411.959) * (-416.694) (-413.589) [-412.558] (-413.463) -- 0:00:29 486500 -- [-413.486] (-414.521) (-415.149) (-415.659) * [-414.525] (-416.270) (-412.295) (-413.757) -- 0:00:29 487000 -- (-417.423) (-416.601) (-412.873) [-413.506] * (-414.808) (-415.692) (-413.905) [-415.094] -- 0:00:29 487500 -- (-416.242) [-413.038] (-412.573) (-413.116) * (-416.084) [-412.655] (-414.652) (-420.276) -- 0:00:29 488000 -- (-414.247) (-412.566) [-411.886] (-412.125) * (-412.984) (-415.770) (-414.192) [-415.952] -- 0:00:29 488500 -- [-413.352] (-415.220) (-414.427) (-412.844) * (-418.212) [-413.459] (-415.178) (-414.487) -- 0:00:29 489000 -- (-415.444) (-413.902) [-413.828] (-412.327) * (-417.282) [-412.470] (-413.815) (-414.210) -- 0:00:29 489500 -- (-415.077) (-414.674) [-417.352] (-414.834) * [-416.357] (-413.530) (-413.727) (-413.587) -- 0:00:30 490000 -- (-411.839) (-413.894) (-418.130) [-413.289] * (-415.378) [-413.641] (-412.535) (-414.715) -- 0:00:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011472 490500 -- (-412.168) [-412.522] (-416.280) (-412.383) * (-414.990) [-412.601] (-413.976) (-412.520) -- 0:00:30 491000 -- [-412.677] (-414.813) (-412.687) (-417.451) * (-412.576) (-416.375) [-412.710] (-414.625) -- 0:00:30 491500 -- (-414.947) (-414.024) (-412.611) [-412.826] * (-414.020) (-416.190) (-414.968) [-414.723] -- 0:00:30 492000 -- [-414.321] (-413.022) (-415.898) (-413.161) * (-413.966) (-413.035) [-413.227] (-413.756) -- 0:00:29 492500 -- [-415.662] (-417.049) (-412.709) (-414.454) * (-413.587) [-414.121] (-413.662) (-412.459) -- 0:00:29 493000 -- [-413.413] (-416.448) (-414.121) (-413.550) * [-413.534] (-415.875) (-412.881) (-411.679) -- 0:00:29 493500 -- [-414.546] (-414.327) (-412.268) (-415.309) * (-414.176) (-416.304) [-413.793] (-414.886) -- 0:00:29 494000 -- (-414.687) (-413.477) [-414.326] (-414.569) * (-415.208) (-414.364) [-413.366] (-412.584) -- 0:00:29 494500 -- [-412.963] (-413.563) (-412.897) (-415.357) * (-412.673) [-413.097] (-413.760) (-411.872) -- 0:00:29 495000 -- (-412.764) (-412.867) (-412.927) [-412.112] * (-413.325) [-414.692] (-413.826) (-413.753) -- 0:00:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011852 495500 -- (-413.777) (-413.840) (-414.554) [-412.938] * (-412.630) [-413.843] (-414.418) (-414.864) -- 0:00:29 496000 -- (-413.496) [-415.961] (-418.451) (-411.992) * [-413.363] (-417.182) (-419.003) (-414.440) -- 0:00:29 496500 -- (-417.849) [-414.981] (-415.945) (-412.994) * (-412.207) (-412.590) [-413.409] (-413.572) -- 0:00:29 497000 -- (-414.291) (-415.985) [-413.688] (-412.194) * [-413.807] (-413.284) (-412.394) (-412.149) -- 0:00:29 497500 -- (-413.640) (-414.783) [-413.598] (-412.972) * (-418.531) (-413.288) [-416.721] (-411.998) -- 0:00:29 498000 -- (-415.286) (-416.151) (-413.163) [-414.727] * (-413.258) [-413.280] (-413.426) (-412.336) -- 0:00:29 498500 -- (-415.375) [-415.432] (-412.149) (-416.358) * (-413.327) [-412.208] (-414.603) (-415.857) -- 0:00:29 499000 -- [-412.150] (-413.535) (-412.167) (-413.197) * (-413.997) (-414.879) [-412.896] (-414.822) -- 0:00:29 499500 -- (-413.784) [-413.181] (-414.785) (-414.370) * [-413.191] (-413.958) (-414.511) (-413.366) -- 0:00:29 500000 -- (-413.341) (-415.970) [-413.515] (-416.965) * (-417.794) (-412.688) (-412.262) [-412.062] -- 0:00:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011908 500500 -- (-415.954) (-414.179) (-412.670) [-413.839] * [-413.378] (-416.584) (-413.435) (-414.707) -- 0:00:28 501000 -- (-412.345) [-412.406] (-414.632) (-415.721) * (-414.131) (-417.312) [-413.572] (-414.008) -- 0:00:28 501500 -- [-414.006] (-414.871) (-416.768) (-416.637) * (-416.304) (-413.821) (-416.455) [-416.376] -- 0:00:28 502000 -- [-415.716] (-413.084) (-414.540) (-419.472) * [-417.190] (-411.817) (-414.362) (-417.393) -- 0:00:28 502500 -- (-414.524) [-416.767] (-413.607) (-414.433) * (-413.518) (-412.384) [-416.219] (-413.956) -- 0:00:28 503000 -- [-412.937] (-412.265) (-413.257) (-416.742) * (-412.054) (-413.317) (-414.814) [-413.860] -- 0:00:28 503500 -- (-412.130) [-415.110] (-418.539) (-413.492) * (-413.096) (-417.558) (-412.008) [-413.080] -- 0:00:28 504000 -- [-414.216] (-414.283) (-413.401) (-412.434) * (-414.453) [-413.397] (-412.806) (-416.102) -- 0:00:28 504500 -- (-412.256) [-412.405] (-414.189) (-413.285) * (-415.638) (-417.199) [-414.446] (-413.396) -- 0:00:28 505000 -- (-413.077) (-413.388) (-415.218) [-417.991] * (-413.533) (-413.996) [-416.176] (-412.717) -- 0:00:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011399 505500 -- (-413.006) (-413.289) (-413.507) [-412.814] * (-412.284) (-415.125) [-414.921] (-414.937) -- 0:00:28 506000 -- (-415.423) [-411.633] (-412.205) (-415.295) * (-412.386) (-414.695) (-413.612) [-416.022] -- 0:00:29 506500 -- (-415.979) (-413.509) (-414.308) [-414.001] * (-412.998) [-412.959] (-416.848) (-413.128) -- 0:00:29 507000 -- (-417.556) (-415.698) [-413.412] (-414.441) * (-414.656) [-414.539] (-414.970) (-413.640) -- 0:00:29 507500 -- (-414.072) (-414.920) (-413.118) [-412.518] * (-414.461) (-412.994) [-414.686] (-413.145) -- 0:00:29 508000 -- (-414.759) (-414.256) (-414.076) [-412.914] * [-413.449] (-413.495) (-417.986) (-413.776) -- 0:00:29 508500 -- [-413.899] (-413.392) (-413.180) (-413.032) * (-419.588) [-411.680] (-414.787) (-412.539) -- 0:00:28 509000 -- (-416.244) (-414.686) (-412.952) [-414.033] * (-413.041) (-411.898) [-412.597] (-412.555) -- 0:00:28 509500 -- [-413.281] (-417.239) (-413.972) (-413.830) * (-413.647) (-413.596) [-414.418] (-414.342) -- 0:00:28 510000 -- (-415.379) (-423.701) [-412.364] (-418.578) * (-413.302) [-413.524] (-413.942) (-414.571) -- 0:00:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011457 510500 -- (-412.697) (-418.282) (-416.638) [-412.337] * (-415.304) [-414.207] (-413.994) (-413.310) -- 0:00:28 511000 -- [-412.610] (-415.685) (-414.355) (-412.883) * (-413.582) (-413.439) [-415.177] (-415.892) -- 0:00:28 511500 -- [-412.544] (-416.698) (-415.782) (-413.008) * [-412.246] (-414.892) (-414.120) (-414.706) -- 0:00:28 512000 -- [-414.399] (-413.684) (-414.588) (-415.492) * (-412.760) (-418.981) [-412.852] (-412.976) -- 0:00:28 512500 -- (-418.799) (-413.594) [-414.421] (-416.063) * (-413.864) (-412.402) [-413.081] (-412.055) -- 0:00:28 513000 -- (-416.921) [-413.104] (-421.651) (-414.926) * (-414.590) (-412.611) [-413.065] (-415.194) -- 0:00:28 513500 -- [-412.194] (-414.045) (-419.494) (-413.266) * (-413.662) (-414.225) [-412.736] (-416.591) -- 0:00:28 514000 -- [-416.342] (-414.990) (-416.704) (-413.834) * [-416.901] (-413.047) (-415.793) (-414.300) -- 0:00:28 514500 -- [-415.626] (-415.007) (-419.899) (-414.096) * (-412.412) (-413.221) (-413.359) [-414.562] -- 0:00:28 515000 -- (-413.690) (-415.597) (-413.473) [-415.099] * [-411.789] (-413.690) (-417.265) (-414.737) -- 0:00:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012447 515500 -- (-418.244) (-415.131) [-413.160] (-415.774) * (-414.748) [-413.234] (-414.973) (-412.931) -- 0:00:28 516000 -- (-413.377) (-415.767) [-413.604] (-412.451) * (-414.341) (-416.014) [-411.838] (-413.436) -- 0:00:28 516500 -- (-414.667) [-413.228] (-413.931) (-414.080) * (-415.699) [-413.592] (-415.173) (-415.896) -- 0:00:28 517000 -- (-415.229) (-413.827) (-413.496) [-415.884] * (-416.798) (-415.227) [-414.145] (-413.880) -- 0:00:28 517500 -- (-412.728) [-412.698] (-412.676) (-414.902) * (-413.968) [-415.689] (-412.742) (-414.400) -- 0:00:27 518000 -- (-413.887) (-413.966) [-412.373] (-414.696) * [-413.268] (-414.453) (-413.301) (-414.381) -- 0:00:27 518500 -- (-412.517) [-412.357] (-414.090) (-416.568) * [-414.054] (-412.110) (-414.327) (-420.937) -- 0:00:27 519000 -- [-412.465] (-414.806) (-414.388) (-412.831) * [-415.800] (-412.719) (-413.140) (-423.904) -- 0:00:27 519500 -- (-413.525) [-413.645] (-411.995) (-413.921) * [-415.741] (-415.452) (-415.267) (-413.397) -- 0:00:27 520000 -- (-414.220) (-414.142) [-416.235] (-412.850) * (-415.502) [-414.040] (-413.292) (-415.135) -- 0:00:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013524 520500 -- (-413.553) (-413.928) (-413.949) [-411.829] * [-414.881] (-414.987) (-414.075) (-412.797) -- 0:00:27 521000 -- (-418.171) (-414.474) (-413.265) [-414.006] * (-416.046) (-414.619) (-413.263) [-419.274] -- 0:00:27 521500 -- (-415.887) (-414.566) (-413.731) [-412.998] * (-414.118) (-413.871) [-417.092] (-412.760) -- 0:00:27 522000 -- [-414.866] (-413.361) (-415.138) (-412.986) * (-417.041) (-414.256) (-415.853) [-413.692] -- 0:00:27 522500 -- [-416.662] (-414.957) (-413.551) (-412.950) * [-417.053] (-416.399) (-413.231) (-413.115) -- 0:00:27 523000 -- [-412.496] (-412.947) (-412.732) (-413.519) * [-413.780] (-418.139) (-414.437) (-413.224) -- 0:00:27 523500 -- (-412.329) [-416.797] (-416.072) (-415.282) * (-414.520) [-416.065] (-414.927) (-415.861) -- 0:00:28 524000 -- (-412.541) (-415.529) [-412.647] (-419.910) * (-417.783) [-412.759] (-413.604) (-417.781) -- 0:00:28 524500 -- (-413.026) [-416.895] (-411.685) (-413.140) * (-414.964) (-418.483) (-417.459) [-414.428] -- 0:00:28 525000 -- (-412.714) (-413.889) [-413.409] (-415.426) * (-414.185) (-413.166) [-413.839] (-413.129) -- 0:00:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013095 525500 -- [-412.478] (-413.325) (-411.885) (-418.487) * (-414.552) (-411.671) (-415.530) [-414.069] -- 0:00:27 526000 -- (-412.931) (-415.424) [-411.761] (-422.629) * (-415.023) (-412.789) [-418.016] (-411.954) -- 0:00:27 526500 -- (-412.135) [-413.978] (-414.085) (-421.626) * [-413.523] (-414.167) (-413.642) (-413.201) -- 0:00:27 527000 -- [-413.943] (-415.783) (-415.113) (-413.833) * (-417.397) (-414.779) (-416.210) [-413.040] -- 0:00:27 527500 -- (-414.659) (-415.021) [-413.612] (-412.198) * (-415.997) (-415.188) [-413.401] (-413.552) -- 0:00:27 528000 -- (-415.626) (-415.640) (-413.795) [-412.330] * (-412.659) (-414.528) [-415.371] (-417.543) -- 0:00:27 528500 -- [-411.991] (-414.949) (-411.685) (-412.294) * [-412.156] (-412.700) (-413.890) (-413.407) -- 0:00:27 529000 -- [-412.024] (-413.658) (-412.098) (-412.886) * (-413.524) [-412.871] (-419.219) (-415.530) -- 0:00:27 529500 -- (-415.872) (-413.306) [-412.791] (-413.068) * [-414.145] (-414.048) (-418.668) (-414.182) -- 0:00:27 530000 -- [-413.383] (-415.460) (-413.459) (-412.740) * [-411.981] (-414.759) (-415.169) (-412.290) -- 0:00:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014161 530500 -- [-414.801] (-414.892) (-416.703) (-414.469) * [-413.400] (-413.697) (-414.516) (-417.617) -- 0:00:27 531000 -- (-413.143) (-416.735) (-416.861) [-413.604] * (-412.948) (-412.793) [-413.098] (-411.734) -- 0:00:27 531500 -- (-416.743) (-412.841) (-413.483) [-412.805] * (-414.233) (-418.555) (-414.639) [-413.484] -- 0:00:27 532000 -- (-412.387) (-413.402) (-412.777) [-412.702] * [-412.802] (-414.271) (-414.551) (-418.044) -- 0:00:27 532500 -- (-416.225) (-413.749) [-413.448] (-412.913) * (-413.178) [-415.009] (-412.101) (-413.297) -- 0:00:27 533000 -- [-413.923] (-415.243) (-413.863) (-413.980) * (-414.582) (-414.376) (-413.622) [-416.555] -- 0:00:27 533500 -- (-413.070) [-413.019] (-416.635) (-417.374) * (-413.228) [-412.998] (-416.319) (-414.697) -- 0:00:27 534000 -- (-416.918) [-413.211] (-416.298) (-413.123) * [-414.422] (-415.999) (-412.916) (-418.765) -- 0:00:27 534500 -- [-413.473] (-415.289) (-414.641) (-414.109) * [-413.011] (-414.965) (-413.863) (-415.720) -- 0:00:26 535000 -- [-413.832] (-412.861) (-413.423) (-414.087) * (-417.877) [-415.852] (-412.146) (-414.645) -- 0:00:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013813 535500 -- [-415.819] (-413.085) (-417.310) (-413.605) * [-411.792] (-413.801) (-416.518) (-413.840) -- 0:00:26 536000 -- (-415.787) [-415.437] (-415.128) (-411.903) * (-412.091) (-413.342) [-413.866] (-413.166) -- 0:00:26 536500 -- (-413.017) [-412.858] (-413.359) (-414.056) * (-412.358) (-414.542) (-412.106) [-414.682] -- 0:00:26 537000 -- [-413.051] (-414.895) (-414.165) (-413.670) * [-412.089] (-414.371) (-413.729) (-415.334) -- 0:00:26 537500 -- (-416.770) (-414.500) (-413.931) [-413.163] * (-413.084) [-412.746] (-413.730) (-422.317) -- 0:00:26 538000 -- (-415.785) [-416.438] (-413.330) (-412.179) * [-414.049] (-413.756) (-416.431) (-417.845) -- 0:00:26 538500 -- [-414.094] (-416.458) (-417.138) (-414.793) * (-414.601) (-416.521) (-418.425) [-415.459] -- 0:00:26 539000 -- (-412.813) (-412.400) (-417.891) [-414.931] * (-412.384) [-412.910] (-413.981) (-416.844) -- 0:00:26 539500 -- (-412.936) (-413.533) [-414.465] (-413.091) * [-412.637] (-413.722) (-417.617) (-416.049) -- 0:00:26 540000 -- [-412.556] (-415.388) (-412.761) (-415.618) * [-411.947] (-414.085) (-416.182) (-412.191) -- 0:00:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013899 540500 -- (-416.979) (-413.036) (-412.894) [-414.801] * (-413.516) [-417.466] (-412.805) (-418.610) -- 0:00:27 541000 -- (-416.264) [-413.950] (-412.155) (-412.525) * (-415.332) (-412.448) (-414.129) [-415.256] -- 0:00:27 541500 -- (-416.856) [-413.707] (-413.453) (-413.696) * (-414.517) (-414.282) [-414.275] (-415.769) -- 0:00:27 542000 -- (-412.746) (-414.102) [-414.165] (-417.890) * (-412.561) [-418.213] (-412.032) (-413.681) -- 0:00:27 542500 -- (-414.610) [-413.616] (-415.190) (-412.737) * (-414.714) (-414.396) [-414.940] (-413.138) -- 0:00:26 543000 -- [-412.145] (-418.116) (-413.004) (-413.212) * (-414.657) (-413.040) (-415.514) [-417.283] -- 0:00:26 543500 -- (-418.697) (-417.073) [-414.113] (-412.663) * (-413.837) [-412.789] (-419.596) (-412.527) -- 0:00:26 544000 -- (-423.017) [-417.292] (-414.930) (-412.593) * (-415.794) [-412.371] (-414.319) (-413.765) -- 0:00:26 544500 -- (-415.851) [-412.361] (-413.956) (-413.646) * (-416.035) (-413.981) [-413.208] (-413.216) -- 0:00:26 545000 -- (-412.996) [-415.349] (-415.574) (-411.879) * (-415.357) [-414.526] (-415.683) (-412.932) -- 0:00:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013509 545500 -- (-413.634) [-412.551] (-415.328) (-411.864) * [-412.360] (-417.982) (-413.549) (-414.028) -- 0:00:26 546000 -- (-414.312) [-412.792] (-415.375) (-415.198) * (-412.022) [-413.188] (-414.914) (-412.609) -- 0:00:26 546500 -- (-413.887) (-414.328) [-412.631] (-415.831) * [-413.952] (-416.344) (-415.276) (-414.067) -- 0:00:26 547000 -- (-412.964) (-415.684) [-413.062] (-415.853) * (-413.503) (-418.360) [-413.629] (-416.455) -- 0:00:26 547500 -- (-417.970) (-412.545) (-413.393) [-413.370] * (-412.496) (-414.614) [-418.016] (-415.469) -- 0:00:26 548000 -- (-413.699) (-415.074) (-413.695) [-414.137] * (-413.163) (-413.361) [-412.717] (-415.285) -- 0:00:26 548500 -- (-413.538) (-412.129) [-414.841] (-414.187) * (-414.829) [-412.884] (-412.692) (-414.082) -- 0:00:26 549000 -- (-413.334) [-415.343] (-413.560) (-414.141) * (-415.135) (-412.148) [-414.192] (-414.191) -- 0:00:26 549500 -- (-416.854) (-415.424) (-415.665) [-412.438] * (-413.592) [-414.224] (-414.949) (-416.858) -- 0:00:26 550000 -- [-412.610] (-411.706) (-420.346) (-414.425) * (-417.029) [-412.413] (-413.819) (-417.306) -- 0:00:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013001 550500 -- (-415.649) (-413.481) (-412.829) [-415.328] * (-414.352) [-414.954] (-412.886) (-415.326) -- 0:00:26 551000 -- (-413.245) [-413.053] (-413.769) (-413.749) * [-414.500] (-415.302) (-416.316) (-414.697) -- 0:00:26 551500 -- (-412.851) [-414.826] (-414.739) (-415.015) * (-413.335) [-413.595] (-415.841) (-414.497) -- 0:00:26 552000 -- (-413.072) (-412.994) [-416.258] (-414.104) * (-413.861) (-413.191) [-414.712] (-413.568) -- 0:00:25 552500 -- [-414.821] (-413.888) (-413.202) (-415.032) * (-418.790) (-415.051) (-414.046) [-414.059] -- 0:00:25 553000 -- [-414.829] (-412.083) (-416.047) (-419.025) * (-415.092) (-413.177) (-413.877) [-412.474] -- 0:00:25 553500 -- [-415.827] (-413.654) (-415.693) (-413.321) * (-416.985) (-414.496) [-420.195] (-414.740) -- 0:00:25 554000 -- (-416.838) [-415.810] (-416.957) (-412.725) * [-415.653] (-414.513) (-413.988) (-414.611) -- 0:00:25 554500 -- (-417.073) (-417.012) (-413.522) [-413.175] * (-413.494) (-417.111) [-414.532] (-413.269) -- 0:00:25 555000 -- (-420.118) (-415.710) [-412.232] (-416.288) * (-417.883) (-416.638) [-413.335] (-415.733) -- 0:00:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013619 555500 -- [-413.866] (-412.236) (-413.156) (-412.661) * (-413.296) (-412.498) (-417.540) [-412.492] -- 0:00:25 556000 -- (-417.801) (-413.212) (-412.975) [-415.194] * (-414.507) (-415.424) (-417.982) [-413.351] -- 0:00:25 556500 -- (-414.394) [-415.563] (-412.447) (-414.406) * (-414.657) (-417.284) [-412.790] (-413.525) -- 0:00:25 557000 -- (-411.953) [-416.207] (-414.840) (-415.525) * [-413.217] (-416.412) (-414.622) (-415.536) -- 0:00:25 557500 -- (-416.044) (-413.835) (-413.861) [-416.206] * (-414.728) (-412.292) [-413.986] (-416.782) -- 0:00:25 558000 -- (-412.667) (-416.303) (-413.402) [-412.831] * (-414.790) (-411.882) [-415.376] (-413.932) -- 0:00:26 558500 -- [-412.725] (-413.417) (-413.588) (-414.094) * (-413.331) [-417.611] (-414.547) (-414.896) -- 0:00:26 559000 -- (-412.567) (-411.993) (-414.032) [-413.427] * (-414.332) (-414.389) (-414.431) [-413.500] -- 0:00:26 559500 -- (-413.149) (-417.057) [-414.977] (-413.763) * (-413.363) [-412.272] (-412.654) (-413.067) -- 0:00:25 560000 -- (-415.445) (-414.266) (-413.317) [-411.956] * (-412.685) [-412.293] (-416.996) (-415.054) -- 0:00:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013700 560500 -- (-414.962) [-412.013] (-412.506) (-411.854) * (-413.200) (-412.784) [-411.716] (-413.205) -- 0:00:25 561000 -- (-413.343) (-412.706) (-412.833) [-413.439] * (-416.394) [-415.106] (-415.808) (-415.949) -- 0:00:25 561500 -- [-411.913] (-417.487) (-414.234) (-415.972) * (-413.573) (-414.186) (-412.700) [-413.485] -- 0:00:25 562000 -- (-412.606) (-414.999) [-418.122] (-414.677) * (-413.935) (-418.534) (-414.527) [-414.688] -- 0:00:25 562500 -- [-414.106] (-414.063) (-415.110) (-413.430) * [-414.079] (-417.443) (-417.252) (-413.165) -- 0:00:25 563000 -- (-416.692) (-416.050) (-417.408) [-417.015] * (-414.957) [-413.911] (-412.651) (-412.391) -- 0:00:25 563500 -- (-412.920) (-414.083) [-415.380] (-414.384) * [-412.812] (-416.612) (-416.744) (-412.155) -- 0:00:25 564000 -- [-414.606] (-412.097) (-413.931) (-415.443) * (-415.666) (-413.569) [-416.878] (-414.375) -- 0:00:25 564500 -- (-413.721) [-415.030] (-414.936) (-413.058) * [-413.241] (-416.029) (-412.626) (-412.848) -- 0:00:25 565000 -- (-416.353) [-416.744] (-413.753) (-414.697) * (-414.251) [-414.577] (-416.530) (-412.838) -- 0:00:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014159 565500 -- (-418.606) (-416.220) [-414.235] (-412.727) * (-415.357) [-417.045] (-414.674) (-417.622) -- 0:00:25 566000 -- (-419.053) (-414.430) [-414.800] (-412.522) * (-413.709) (-414.502) (-414.432) [-413.323] -- 0:00:25 566500 -- (-414.435) (-414.119) [-413.890] (-414.161) * (-415.034) (-413.956) (-413.311) [-413.256] -- 0:00:25 567000 -- (-415.294) (-415.224) [-414.993] (-414.921) * (-415.183) [-413.462] (-415.354) (-412.891) -- 0:00:25 567500 -- (-412.590) [-412.886] (-416.376) (-417.447) * (-413.436) (-419.331) (-412.014) [-412.046] -- 0:00:25 568000 -- (-414.785) [-412.597] (-415.931) (-413.872) * [-418.523] (-422.016) (-412.190) (-412.279) -- 0:00:25 568500 -- (-412.390) (-413.290) [-415.333] (-414.722) * [-416.804] (-427.316) (-411.717) (-412.838) -- 0:00:25 569000 -- [-411.793] (-411.822) (-414.065) (-412.337) * [-414.145] (-418.532) (-413.200) (-414.709) -- 0:00:24 569500 -- (-412.352) (-416.277) (-413.761) [-411.890] * (-415.524) (-413.853) (-415.987) [-414.612] -- 0:00:24 570000 -- [-412.794] (-416.674) (-415.919) (-413.800) * (-413.766) [-414.674] (-413.930) (-414.093) -- 0:00:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013888 570500 -- (-412.214) (-412.405) (-412.681) [-416.457] * (-413.379) [-413.777] (-418.644) (-413.931) -- 0:00:24 571000 -- (-417.840) [-412.425] (-413.194) (-413.549) * [-413.345] (-412.934) (-417.414) (-418.512) -- 0:00:24 571500 -- (-414.625) (-412.997) [-416.701] (-414.559) * (-414.177) (-414.645) (-414.725) [-416.843] -- 0:00:24 572000 -- (-414.591) (-412.633) [-415.032] (-414.162) * (-414.260) (-412.902) (-413.323) [-415.711] -- 0:00:24 572500 -- [-414.004] (-414.032) (-412.448) (-414.511) * [-412.416] (-414.480) (-412.807) (-415.135) -- 0:00:24 573000 -- (-412.638) (-412.833) [-415.356] (-412.889) * (-417.228) (-415.114) (-412.974) [-413.793] -- 0:00:24 573500 -- (-413.547) (-414.010) (-412.388) [-413.228] * (-417.587) [-412.199] (-421.001) (-412.628) -- 0:00:24 574000 -- (-414.060) (-412.932) (-412.753) [-413.310] * (-415.341) [-412.580] (-415.767) (-416.023) -- 0:00:24 574500 -- (-412.470) (-416.186) (-413.299) [-412.443] * (-414.003) [-413.340] (-413.784) (-414.797) -- 0:00:24 575000 -- (-412.778) (-413.731) (-417.367) [-414.730] * (-416.342) (-413.935) [-413.609] (-417.394) -- 0:00:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013453 575500 -- (-412.762) (-413.042) (-414.302) [-415.882] * (-416.393) (-413.650) [-415.965] (-417.854) -- 0:00:25 576000 -- (-413.219) [-412.385] (-413.357) (-413.308) * (-414.883) [-413.430] (-413.522) (-412.687) -- 0:00:25 576500 -- (-412.514) (-413.241) (-415.092) [-411.908] * (-413.414) [-416.499] (-414.982) (-414.828) -- 0:00:24 577000 -- [-413.959] (-419.416) (-413.891) (-411.868) * (-413.986) (-413.771) (-412.897) [-412.780] -- 0:00:24 577500 -- (-414.101) [-412.696] (-412.428) (-414.000) * (-413.990) (-417.775) (-412.470) [-414.464] -- 0:00:24 578000 -- [-413.318] (-414.733) (-416.388) (-413.333) * (-418.118) (-413.327) (-415.188) [-413.011] -- 0:00:24 578500 -- [-415.691] (-418.285) (-413.298) (-412.569) * [-415.206] (-412.904) (-411.897) (-418.052) -- 0:00:24 579000 -- (-413.768) (-415.581) [-414.484] (-412.734) * (-415.520) [-413.717] (-411.837) (-423.092) -- 0:00:24 579500 -- [-415.742] (-413.043) (-414.923) (-415.266) * [-413.524] (-414.956) (-417.552) (-413.364) -- 0:00:24 580000 -- [-415.554] (-412.123) (-413.795) (-415.038) * (-413.195) [-415.151] (-413.074) (-414.789) -- 0:00:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013192 580500 -- (-412.887) [-411.790] (-414.619) (-414.963) * (-419.488) [-412.339] (-412.328) (-416.591) -- 0:00:24 581000 -- (-414.105) (-411.760) [-417.266] (-414.824) * [-415.930] (-412.476) (-412.761) (-412.879) -- 0:00:24 581500 -- (-412.023) (-413.258) [-414.278] (-416.521) * (-412.568) (-415.396) (-415.153) [-416.731] -- 0:00:24 582000 -- [-413.408] (-414.606) (-417.279) (-412.386) * [-413.227] (-414.420) (-416.067) (-416.502) -- 0:00:24 582500 -- (-412.977) (-414.946) (-416.110) [-417.484] * (-412.144) [-413.356] (-413.335) (-416.362) -- 0:00:24 583000 -- (-415.364) (-412.607) [-417.032] (-413.809) * (-413.451) (-413.655) [-419.451] (-420.455) -- 0:00:24 583500 -- [-417.177] (-413.042) (-414.728) (-413.196) * (-413.236) (-413.866) [-415.489] (-415.807) -- 0:00:24 584000 -- (-412.646) [-417.184] (-413.074) (-413.167) * [-414.667] (-414.334) (-417.927) (-415.666) -- 0:00:24 584500 -- (-412.506) (-416.685) (-412.590) [-414.973] * (-415.165) (-412.324) (-415.222) [-413.013] -- 0:00:24 585000 -- [-412.964] (-412.357) (-411.876) (-416.580) * (-413.069) (-413.745) [-414.706] (-412.778) -- 0:00:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012921 585500 -- (-417.377) [-412.503] (-413.987) (-417.156) * (-414.572) [-414.875] (-414.287) (-413.958) -- 0:00:24 586000 -- [-414.955] (-414.627) (-415.411) (-415.084) * [-413.032] (-412.772) (-413.205) (-417.217) -- 0:00:24 586500 -- (-412.748) (-413.701) (-415.856) [-417.823] * (-418.126) (-415.325) [-415.144] (-413.153) -- 0:00:23 587000 -- (-414.113) [-415.463] (-417.610) (-413.811) * (-415.161) [-413.369] (-416.209) (-416.165) -- 0:00:23 587500 -- (-416.809) (-413.546) (-414.668) [-412.362] * (-420.173) (-416.109) (-415.486) [-412.998] -- 0:00:23 588000 -- (-414.424) [-412.899] (-416.651) (-412.757) * [-419.433] (-416.279) (-412.882) (-412.625) -- 0:00:23 588500 -- [-412.947] (-412.790) (-415.793) (-412.034) * [-413.558] (-417.407) (-412.704) (-413.302) -- 0:00:23 589000 -- [-415.704] (-412.894) (-414.708) (-413.453) * (-413.239) [-413.603] (-413.312) (-415.633) -- 0:00:23 589500 -- (-419.207) [-413.944] (-416.796) (-414.233) * (-412.473) (-414.877) (-411.734) [-413.063] -- 0:00:23 590000 -- (-412.983) (-411.903) [-413.800] (-415.876) * (-412.376) (-416.910) [-412.342] (-414.203) -- 0:00:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012570 590500 -- (-413.995) (-412.602) [-413.465] (-414.422) * (-413.925) (-412.824) [-414.359] (-415.396) -- 0:00:23 591000 -- [-411.759] (-413.475) (-413.102) (-413.785) * (-413.807) [-414.964] (-412.524) (-414.747) -- 0:00:23 591500 -- (-413.363) (-414.451) [-415.602] (-413.735) * (-413.179) [-413.123] (-414.546) (-415.647) -- 0:00:23 592000 -- [-413.713] (-412.883) (-414.082) (-412.605) * (-413.054) (-414.699) (-413.202) [-413.148] -- 0:00:24 592500 -- (-412.928) [-413.081] (-416.141) (-412.675) * (-415.526) [-414.409] (-415.210) (-414.695) -- 0:00:24 593000 -- (-412.788) (-413.483) [-412.605] (-414.179) * (-414.913) (-413.374) [-413.353] (-419.736) -- 0:00:24 593500 -- (-416.375) (-413.083) [-413.878] (-413.808) * (-417.234) (-412.647) [-415.250] (-418.946) -- 0:00:23 594000 -- (-416.286) (-413.490) (-411.773) [-415.545] * (-412.990) (-413.797) (-414.939) [-413.736] -- 0:00:23 594500 -- (-414.062) (-414.614) [-413.441] (-412.801) * [-412.540] (-413.406) (-416.092) (-413.742) -- 0:00:23 595000 -- [-413.574] (-415.651) (-415.634) (-412.285) * [-412.986] (-416.289) (-411.942) (-413.360) -- 0:00:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012260 595500 -- (-414.687) [-415.686] (-414.190) (-412.312) * (-420.753) [-412.130] (-415.281) (-412.603) -- 0:00:23 596000 -- [-412.733] (-413.625) (-413.494) (-414.704) * [-415.001] (-416.849) (-413.994) (-413.427) -- 0:00:23 596500 -- (-412.710) [-412.791] (-415.246) (-413.736) * (-417.722) (-416.067) (-413.805) [-412.717] -- 0:00:23 597000 -- [-412.469] (-416.726) (-416.196) (-415.741) * (-418.145) (-416.086) [-414.104] (-412.560) -- 0:00:23 597500 -- (-417.147) [-413.416] (-415.253) (-412.749) * (-416.395) (-414.295) (-415.077) [-412.627] -- 0:00:23 598000 -- [-416.214] (-412.419) (-415.508) (-415.352) * (-415.430) (-414.802) (-413.720) [-412.870] -- 0:00:23 598500 -- (-416.570) [-412.408] (-415.126) (-413.640) * (-415.338) [-414.782] (-415.648) (-413.518) -- 0:00:23 599000 -- (-416.123) (-412.008) (-419.449) [-411.899] * (-413.251) [-415.772] (-415.178) (-418.120) -- 0:00:23 599500 -- (-412.605) (-415.130) (-417.081) [-412.770] * (-414.079) (-412.990) [-412.587] (-416.340) -- 0:00:23 600000 -- (-413.613) (-415.946) [-413.474] (-413.734) * (-412.824) (-415.596) [-413.634] (-415.889) -- 0:00:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012606 600500 -- (-413.672) [-412.667] (-414.339) (-414.436) * (-416.115) (-418.992) [-416.257] (-414.384) -- 0:00:23 601000 -- [-413.623] (-417.797) (-416.312) (-413.604) * [-412.537] (-413.140) (-415.529) (-414.605) -- 0:00:23 601500 -- [-415.934] (-413.735) (-419.005) (-412.112) * (-412.612) (-414.062) (-412.812) [-415.048] -- 0:00:23 602000 -- (-414.233) (-412.908) [-414.959] (-413.717) * (-413.692) (-414.320) (-411.942) [-412.531] -- 0:00:23 602500 -- [-414.777] (-412.879) (-414.191) (-411.729) * (-415.075) (-411.819) (-413.673) [-413.526] -- 0:00:23 603000 -- (-414.618) (-412.354) [-412.833] (-416.384) * [-412.805] (-411.916) (-413.238) (-414.342) -- 0:00:23 603500 -- [-412.385] (-412.158) (-414.105) (-412.519) * (-412.691) (-416.265) [-412.046] (-413.654) -- 0:00:22 604000 -- [-413.292] (-416.123) (-413.269) (-413.137) * (-413.170) [-414.482] (-413.969) (-416.374) -- 0:00:22 604500 -- (-414.039) (-414.190) [-413.904] (-412.487) * [-413.812] (-412.555) (-414.238) (-413.852) -- 0:00:22 605000 -- [-412.502] (-415.574) (-414.290) (-417.043) * (-412.531) [-412.230] (-415.032) (-416.243) -- 0:00:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012252 605500 -- [-414.441] (-413.192) (-415.239) (-414.129) * (-416.721) (-415.284) [-412.841] (-416.686) -- 0:00:22 606000 -- (-417.246) [-412.196] (-414.212) (-414.313) * (-415.839) [-415.550] (-414.111) (-414.934) -- 0:00:22 606500 -- [-411.897] (-416.724) (-416.450) (-412.098) * (-415.766) (-411.964) (-412.212) [-414.002] -- 0:00:22 607000 -- (-413.040) (-415.005) [-415.003] (-412.377) * (-413.920) [-413.038] (-413.259) (-414.163) -- 0:00:22 607500 -- (-415.190) (-413.475) [-413.513] (-416.169) * (-414.476) (-414.602) (-418.376) [-418.145] -- 0:00:22 608000 -- (-412.731) [-412.877] (-417.028) (-414.881) * [-414.363] (-414.367) (-415.281) (-414.756) -- 0:00:22 608500 -- (-416.953) (-418.613) [-417.641] (-414.284) * (-414.982) [-416.951] (-416.901) (-412.237) -- 0:00:22 609000 -- (-416.630) [-413.988] (-414.579) (-414.833) * (-417.226) (-412.162) [-420.171] (-413.066) -- 0:00:22 609500 -- (-412.108) (-416.708) [-413.380] (-413.713) * [-415.788] (-412.331) (-415.162) (-412.961) -- 0:00:23 610000 -- (-412.207) (-418.923) [-414.152] (-418.351) * (-414.766) (-415.377) (-415.454) [-411.807] -- 0:00:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011628 610500 -- [-412.844] (-416.194) (-413.242) (-417.517) * (-418.152) (-415.330) [-413.231] (-413.549) -- 0:00:22 611000 -- (-412.784) (-416.441) [-412.948] (-417.238) * (-413.016) [-413.571] (-414.419) (-415.965) -- 0:00:22 611500 -- (-414.435) [-412.365] (-412.973) (-417.018) * (-418.131) (-414.170) [-413.095] (-416.816) -- 0:00:22 612000 -- (-415.427) (-414.781) (-413.878) [-412.722] * [-411.607] (-412.094) (-413.082) (-417.112) -- 0:00:22 612500 -- [-415.574] (-413.648) (-414.172) (-417.395) * (-415.434) (-418.187) (-415.244) [-412.904] -- 0:00:22 613000 -- [-412.189] (-416.328) (-417.520) (-416.441) * [-415.294] (-416.892) (-415.704) (-411.942) -- 0:00:22 613500 -- (-416.308) (-415.944) [-418.322] (-415.818) * (-414.027) [-412.086] (-413.244) (-414.554) -- 0:00:22 614000 -- (-416.695) (-412.705) (-417.373) [-412.814] * [-414.555] (-412.458) (-415.524) (-413.519) -- 0:00:22 614500 -- (-415.114) [-415.798] (-418.782) (-413.530) * (-413.024) [-412.509] (-414.326) (-412.666) -- 0:00:22 615000 -- [-413.237] (-414.916) (-415.600) (-412.968) * [-412.300] (-415.917) (-416.335) (-414.975) -- 0:00:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011383 615500 -- (-415.498) (-415.556) [-415.460] (-413.467) * (-414.092) (-412.377) [-413.921] (-415.724) -- 0:00:22 616000 -- (-413.685) (-414.790) (-412.988) [-412.041] * (-414.343) (-413.899) (-414.976) [-413.706] -- 0:00:22 616500 -- (-413.649) (-415.408) [-414.726] (-415.257) * (-413.987) (-414.493) (-415.715) [-417.494] -- 0:00:22 617000 -- (-412.383) (-416.431) (-413.770) [-417.373] * (-414.619) (-416.045) (-416.570) [-416.082] -- 0:00:22 617500 -- (-412.383) [-414.171] (-411.965) (-415.310) * (-413.247) (-415.627) [-412.310] (-414.175) -- 0:00:22 618000 -- [-412.383] (-415.127) (-412.193) (-412.686) * [-412.162] (-412.475) (-413.141) (-414.153) -- 0:00:22 618500 -- (-414.163) [-412.314] (-412.300) (-415.270) * [-412.934] (-418.213) (-414.743) (-413.494) -- 0:00:22 619000 -- (-415.821) (-412.766) [-412.693] (-414.586) * (-416.405) [-415.310] (-414.246) (-414.370) -- 0:00:22 619500 -- (-416.319) (-413.327) (-414.741) [-414.685] * [-412.433] (-415.118) (-413.794) (-412.745) -- 0:00:22 620000 -- [-416.771] (-413.950) (-415.180) (-413.000) * (-416.706) (-413.091) [-414.915] (-417.035) -- 0:00:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011630 620500 -- (-412.549) [-413.640] (-414.221) (-413.583) * (-416.604) [-413.789] (-413.745) (-418.307) -- 0:00:22 621000 -- (-414.435) (-412.916) (-413.208) [-413.912] * (-414.639) (-415.775) (-412.549) [-412.926] -- 0:00:21 621500 -- (-413.339) (-412.212) (-413.116) [-412.246] * (-412.320) (-413.316) (-412.538) [-411.912] -- 0:00:21 622000 -- (-415.246) (-412.239) (-412.565) [-414.402] * (-414.104) (-413.182) [-412.638] (-414.076) -- 0:00:21 622500 -- [-415.583] (-411.632) (-412.205) (-414.438) * (-417.700) [-412.865] (-412.628) (-412.619) -- 0:00:21 623000 -- (-414.260) [-414.429] (-417.837) (-414.310) * (-415.140) (-413.517) (-412.351) [-415.651] -- 0:00:21 623500 -- [-414.532] (-413.562) (-412.927) (-413.772) * (-414.104) (-412.559) [-413.029] (-412.344) -- 0:00:21 624000 -- (-412.828) [-414.322] (-422.141) (-417.377) * (-413.901) (-414.361) (-413.172) [-413.203] -- 0:00:21 624500 -- (-412.054) [-413.989] (-413.995) (-416.938) * (-415.411) [-412.869] (-414.260) (-413.547) -- 0:00:21 625000 -- [-413.075] (-414.900) (-413.059) (-414.732) * (-412.229) (-414.724) (-414.073) [-415.213] -- 0:00:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011437 625500 -- (-413.804) (-416.848) [-411.669] (-416.474) * [-412.049] (-416.409) (-412.865) (-412.686) -- 0:00:21 626000 -- (-412.937) (-412.229) [-416.603] (-414.489) * [-412.561] (-415.026) (-414.256) (-412.155) -- 0:00:22 626500 -- (-414.658) [-417.265] (-412.632) (-417.863) * (-413.619) [-413.264] (-413.841) (-415.310) -- 0:00:22 627000 -- (-419.404) [-412.272] (-413.528) (-415.006) * (-413.394) (-412.171) (-415.852) [-416.191] -- 0:00:22 627500 -- (-412.704) (-412.945) [-413.138] (-414.079) * (-412.750) (-413.203) (-414.029) [-415.436] -- 0:00:21 628000 -- (-415.012) (-413.731) [-413.620] (-412.252) * (-414.625) [-412.574] (-413.976) (-415.228) -- 0:00:21 628500 -- (-411.683) (-412.757) [-415.368] (-417.425) * (-413.645) [-413.818] (-412.472) (-413.632) -- 0:00:21 629000 -- (-412.337) (-412.000) (-413.592) [-413.382] * [-414.705] (-413.878) (-412.562) (-414.126) -- 0:00:21 629500 -- (-413.885) (-415.213) (-415.208) [-413.232] * (-415.886) (-415.043) (-414.813) [-413.898] -- 0:00:21 630000 -- (-414.195) (-415.486) (-414.902) [-414.281] * (-413.250) (-413.245) (-417.295) [-412.749] -- 0:00:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011679 630500 -- (-418.498) [-416.000] (-414.548) (-413.712) * [-413.138] (-412.290) (-414.875) (-413.062) -- 0:00:21 631000 -- (-414.725) [-412.966] (-415.153) (-411.732) * [-413.574] (-412.476) (-414.036) (-412.916) -- 0:00:21 631500 -- [-413.803] (-413.903) (-413.506) (-414.290) * (-412.384) (-418.088) [-412.795] (-412.538) -- 0:00:21 632000 -- (-414.917) [-412.885] (-416.872) (-415.245) * [-416.372] (-412.884) (-411.975) (-413.325) -- 0:00:21 632500 -- [-415.979] (-412.248) (-413.921) (-414.801) * (-419.990) (-414.371) [-412.772] (-418.837) -- 0:00:21 633000 -- [-414.506] (-412.929) (-414.561) (-414.866) * (-413.170) (-412.836) [-415.513] (-412.533) -- 0:00:21 633500 -- [-414.502] (-413.786) (-414.727) (-415.055) * (-412.684) (-414.147) (-414.707) [-412.643] -- 0:00:21 634000 -- (-413.265) [-412.475] (-411.929) (-416.282) * (-415.236) (-413.971) (-413.576) [-416.724] -- 0:00:21 634500 -- (-415.129) [-412.977] (-412.079) (-415.661) * (-414.660) (-413.319) (-413.741) [-413.660] -- 0:00:21 635000 -- [-412.667] (-415.369) (-412.327) (-413.455) * (-412.996) (-413.688) (-416.520) [-413.638] -- 0:00:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011813 635500 -- [-415.124] (-417.258) (-414.011) (-413.679) * (-414.466) (-416.241) (-412.959) [-416.210] -- 0:00:21 636000 -- [-413.125] (-412.869) (-417.688) (-415.101) * (-413.907) (-415.941) [-415.882] (-415.483) -- 0:00:21 636500 -- (-412.751) [-412.858] (-417.755) (-413.117) * (-414.491) [-411.983] (-418.421) (-417.638) -- 0:00:21 637000 -- (-413.163) (-415.763) [-414.191] (-420.142) * [-414.107] (-413.147) (-411.842) (-413.781) -- 0:00:21 637500 -- (-412.789) (-416.852) [-414.375] (-419.121) * (-412.676) (-417.021) (-412.157) [-417.310] -- 0:00:21 638000 -- (-413.596) (-415.550) [-414.769] (-414.242) * [-412.022] (-416.064) (-415.580) (-414.433) -- 0:00:20 638500 -- (-412.850) (-415.626) [-417.104] (-413.560) * [-413.239] (-416.162) (-413.932) (-414.827) -- 0:00:20 639000 -- (-414.424) [-412.465] (-415.177) (-417.050) * (-413.631) (-416.208) [-412.533] (-418.440) -- 0:00:20 639500 -- (-418.003) (-415.311) [-413.974] (-412.409) * [-414.054] (-417.929) (-415.623) (-416.106) -- 0:00:20 640000 -- (-415.436) (-414.652) (-413.630) [-412.928] * (-413.602) [-414.024] (-415.991) (-413.320) -- 0:00:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011175 640500 -- (-415.476) [-412.823] (-413.567) (-413.071) * [-414.184] (-412.405) (-412.703) (-413.036) -- 0:00:20 641000 -- (-412.827) (-413.984) (-417.289) [-414.294] * (-412.926) (-413.517) (-412.140) [-413.350] -- 0:00:20 641500 -- [-415.822] (-414.743) (-413.715) (-413.049) * [-412.444] (-413.609) (-413.734) (-414.484) -- 0:00:20 642000 -- [-412.335] (-415.634) (-417.580) (-413.766) * (-416.507) [-413.055] (-413.759) (-412.352) -- 0:00:20 642500 -- [-412.212] (-413.801) (-412.463) (-415.704) * (-418.337) [-414.561] (-418.531) (-413.065) -- 0:00:20 643000 -- [-412.617] (-412.352) (-412.271) (-414.871) * (-413.130) (-416.128) [-413.431] (-414.487) -- 0:00:20 643500 -- [-412.104] (-412.380) (-413.720) (-412.685) * (-417.197) [-412.916] (-413.477) (-414.201) -- 0:00:21 644000 -- (-413.615) [-411.932] (-413.140) (-412.749) * [-415.518] (-414.526) (-412.342) (-412.167) -- 0:00:21 644500 -- (-412.477) (-418.235) [-414.657] (-413.943) * (-416.786) (-414.076) (-415.414) [-414.504] -- 0:00:20 645000 -- [-411.823] (-412.896) (-413.042) (-413.425) * (-413.179) (-412.481) [-412.416] (-416.682) -- 0:00:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011356 645500 -- [-413.109] (-412.595) (-419.286) (-414.866) * (-412.566) (-414.091) [-413.383] (-413.557) -- 0:00:20 646000 -- (-414.457) (-413.872) (-415.136) [-415.056] * [-412.960] (-414.778) (-413.377) (-415.118) -- 0:00:20 646500 -- (-416.025) [-412.525] (-414.141) (-412.872) * (-417.258) [-413.497] (-412.496) (-412.075) -- 0:00:20 647000 -- (-413.574) (-423.332) [-416.204] (-415.401) * (-412.042) (-413.404) [-415.262] (-413.860) -- 0:00:20 647500 -- (-414.510) (-418.564) (-415.963) [-412.659] * (-412.028) [-412.871] (-414.401) (-418.849) -- 0:00:20 648000 -- (-413.001) (-419.004) [-414.438] (-413.730) * (-412.709) [-413.788] (-415.509) (-414.409) -- 0:00:20 648500 -- (-412.488) (-412.968) (-412.465) [-412.962] * (-413.047) (-415.601) [-412.308] (-412.190) -- 0:00:20 649000 -- (-414.754) [-415.746] (-416.900) (-414.902) * [-413.421] (-421.280) (-419.561) (-413.160) -- 0:00:20 649500 -- [-414.218] (-411.522) (-418.268) (-415.008) * (-413.381) (-418.537) [-413.873] (-413.629) -- 0:00:20 650000 -- (-415.547) [-416.911] (-414.236) (-416.528) * [-412.868] (-414.109) (-413.248) (-412.581) -- 0:00:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011320 650500 -- (-413.577) [-415.757] (-414.088) (-414.772) * (-415.785) [-415.562] (-412.032) (-412.297) -- 0:00:20 651000 -- (-413.900) [-413.545] (-418.024) (-413.808) * [-412.692] (-414.809) (-413.997) (-412.767) -- 0:00:20 651500 -- (-415.874) (-413.341) [-414.165] (-413.234) * (-412.612) (-419.673) (-416.545) [-412.707] -- 0:00:20 652000 -- (-414.412) (-416.353) [-413.449] (-413.135) * (-415.863) (-414.881) (-413.441) [-412.747] -- 0:00:20 652500 -- (-412.565) [-415.125] (-412.784) (-412.093) * [-415.886] (-413.939) (-413.925) (-413.880) -- 0:00:20 653000 -- [-413.991] (-413.440) (-413.853) (-412.444) * (-414.139) (-412.488) [-416.983] (-414.194) -- 0:00:20 653500 -- (-416.136) (-413.860) [-414.892] (-414.230) * (-415.199) (-415.467) (-414.334) [-414.652] -- 0:00:20 654000 -- (-412.054) (-417.958) [-419.492] (-415.562) * (-418.107) [-412.619] (-415.046) (-413.644) -- 0:00:20 654500 -- (-413.737) (-415.295) [-415.166] (-412.912) * (-416.027) (-413.458) (-412.497) [-412.646] -- 0:00:20 655000 -- (-413.989) [-413.105] (-414.728) (-416.151) * [-416.863] (-413.918) (-412.726) (-412.650) -- 0:00:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011857 655500 -- (-413.903) [-415.325] (-412.991) (-415.124) * (-412.670) [-414.405] (-415.800) (-416.818) -- 0:00:19 656000 -- (-413.309) [-412.655] (-415.441) (-412.944) * [-415.840] (-412.601) (-413.781) (-413.825) -- 0:00:19 656500 -- (-415.237) (-412.460) (-411.690) [-413.745] * [-413.710] (-413.454) (-415.573) (-412.864) -- 0:00:19 657000 -- (-414.522) (-412.238) [-412.916] (-412.750) * [-413.333] (-413.363) (-413.833) (-412.355) -- 0:00:19 657500 -- (-414.083) [-412.229] (-414.480) (-414.474) * (-419.074) (-413.854) [-413.361] (-414.034) -- 0:00:19 658000 -- (-413.925) [-413.385] (-412.232) (-412.243) * (-415.299) (-413.868) (-412.721) [-414.835] -- 0:00:19 658500 -- (-414.286) (-415.690) (-413.945) [-412.435] * (-419.432) (-415.841) (-413.661) [-414.608] -- 0:00:19 659000 -- (-414.981) [-418.325] (-417.069) (-416.117) * (-411.969) (-415.220) [-413.118] (-412.989) -- 0:00:19 659500 -- [-412.567] (-413.531) (-416.090) (-413.832) * (-413.868) (-414.452) [-412.370] (-413.759) -- 0:00:19 660000 -- [-414.326] (-416.798) (-416.177) (-413.825) * (-413.778) (-413.743) (-413.477) [-411.778] -- 0:00:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011595 660500 -- (-417.336) (-413.869) (-412.792) [-413.252] * (-412.541) [-412.719] (-417.784) (-415.807) -- 0:00:20 661000 -- (-414.639) (-413.744) (-414.425) [-416.682] * (-413.215) [-414.456] (-414.754) (-413.294) -- 0:00:20 661500 -- (-414.865) (-414.273) [-413.278] (-416.116) * [-412.290] (-414.167) (-414.946) (-414.560) -- 0:00:19 662000 -- (-415.004) (-415.292) [-413.405] (-421.215) * (-413.963) (-415.569) (-414.717) [-413.621] -- 0:00:19 662500 -- (-414.726) (-416.540) [-414.502] (-414.842) * (-414.310) [-413.298] (-413.114) (-413.035) -- 0:00:19 663000 -- (-415.827) (-413.406) [-412.724] (-414.624) * (-415.705) [-413.890] (-412.596) (-413.433) -- 0:00:19 663500 -- (-414.522) [-412.967] (-416.095) (-412.122) * (-414.431) (-414.631) [-415.599] (-414.311) -- 0:00:19 664000 -- (-412.983) (-412.365) (-414.700) [-413.616] * (-414.405) (-417.199) [-412.896] (-414.152) -- 0:00:19 664500 -- (-412.743) (-415.554) (-416.676) [-412.044] * (-413.061) [-413.974] (-412.245) (-415.173) -- 0:00:19 665000 -- (-412.343) (-416.488) (-414.411) [-411.896] * (-415.300) (-413.150) [-415.041] (-415.614) -- 0:00:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011767 665500 -- (-413.711) [-411.886] (-416.748) (-413.440) * (-415.860) (-414.878) [-412.316] (-412.401) -- 0:00:19 666000 -- [-414.505] (-417.290) (-416.443) (-416.506) * (-413.360) [-414.247] (-415.084) (-412.553) -- 0:00:19 666500 -- (-413.060) [-413.888] (-412.884) (-419.202) * (-413.072) (-414.074) (-412.062) [-413.012] -- 0:00:19 667000 -- (-414.564) (-414.710) (-414.673) [-418.250] * (-417.137) (-413.781) (-413.446) [-412.406] -- 0:00:19 667500 -- (-414.399) (-413.333) [-415.206] (-416.088) * (-415.899) (-413.797) [-412.394] (-413.316) -- 0:00:19 668000 -- (-416.394) [-412.328] (-413.252) (-414.536) * (-414.866) (-415.346) [-414.867] (-415.356) -- 0:00:19 668500 -- (-414.965) [-413.503] (-414.519) (-413.458) * (-413.695) (-413.453) (-414.959) [-412.889] -- 0:00:19 669000 -- (-411.728) [-412.650] (-416.798) (-412.862) * (-416.243) [-416.765] (-412.395) (-413.254) -- 0:00:19 669500 -- (-413.536) (-412.664) [-416.428] (-415.487) * (-413.456) (-414.904) (-414.731) [-412.182] -- 0:00:19 670000 -- (-414.137) [-413.766] (-414.926) (-413.012) * (-412.842) (-415.946) (-414.461) [-412.175] -- 0:00:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011949 670500 -- (-415.958) (-415.775) (-413.739) [-413.090] * (-413.537) [-412.807] (-413.616) (-420.963) -- 0:00:19 671000 -- (-413.799) (-412.839) [-412.771] (-414.037) * (-416.469) (-414.178) [-413.402] (-417.401) -- 0:00:19 671500 -- [-413.207] (-413.584) (-412.309) (-412.164) * (-417.783) [-414.692] (-412.491) (-414.520) -- 0:00:19 672000 -- [-414.187] (-412.438) (-415.853) (-412.700) * (-414.846) (-415.088) (-412.178) [-414.543] -- 0:00:19 672500 -- (-412.453) [-415.439] (-415.009) (-414.601) * (-413.751) (-415.150) (-415.751) [-414.913] -- 0:00:18 673000 -- (-412.175) [-413.557] (-413.380) (-412.401) * (-413.416) (-418.278) (-413.482) [-412.220] -- 0:00:18 673500 -- (-414.774) (-414.464) (-416.707) [-413.562] * (-412.914) (-412.534) [-414.782] (-415.336) -- 0:00:18 674000 -- (-414.280) [-415.719] (-413.580) (-418.950) * (-414.844) (-414.030) (-418.486) [-414.719] -- 0:00:18 674500 -- (-414.306) [-413.225] (-415.483) (-414.003) * (-421.932) (-412.935) (-412.820) [-416.160] -- 0:00:18 675000 -- [-413.885] (-414.177) (-417.681) (-414.398) * (-415.101) (-413.181) [-412.874] (-414.646) -- 0:00:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011942 675500 -- (-413.347) (-414.120) [-415.850] (-414.750) * [-416.566] (-414.829) (-413.452) (-417.287) -- 0:00:18 676000 -- [-413.091] (-412.837) (-412.531) (-416.580) * (-413.176) (-416.552) [-416.644] (-421.553) -- 0:00:18 676500 -- (-414.349) (-414.674) (-412.015) [-415.181] * (-414.230) [-411.689] (-413.795) (-413.390) -- 0:00:18 677000 -- (-414.905) [-412.563] (-415.457) (-415.735) * (-413.769) [-412.302] (-413.399) (-413.557) -- 0:00:18 677500 -- (-414.205) [-413.389] (-413.682) (-415.294) * (-413.527) [-416.831] (-413.683) (-414.450) -- 0:00:18 678000 -- (-413.670) (-416.013) [-412.494] (-417.460) * (-413.947) (-414.156) (-415.155) [-412.755] -- 0:00:18 678500 -- (-413.527) (-414.009) (-413.497) [-413.645] * (-414.645) (-414.282) [-415.649] (-415.922) -- 0:00:18 679000 -- [-415.184] (-413.503) (-414.015) (-412.949) * (-412.460) [-413.228] (-414.272) (-416.304) -- 0:00:18 679500 -- (-415.508) (-413.173) [-413.623] (-412.910) * (-413.771) [-414.201] (-415.407) (-414.722) -- 0:00:18 680000 -- (-412.931) (-412.683) (-415.690) [-411.997] * (-414.003) [-415.484] (-414.614) (-415.432) -- 0:00:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011817 680500 -- [-413.431] (-413.709) (-413.215) (-412.899) * (-413.783) (-414.215) (-415.383) [-414.828] -- 0:00:18 681000 -- (-412.542) (-412.932) (-412.976) [-412.151] * (-414.862) (-414.901) (-419.274) [-412.652] -- 0:00:18 681500 -- [-413.377] (-413.532) (-416.925) (-417.940) * (-415.380) (-414.145) (-420.533) [-414.515] -- 0:00:18 682000 -- (-413.591) (-413.206) [-418.363] (-411.957) * (-418.313) (-413.372) (-419.368) [-414.496] -- 0:00:18 682500 -- (-415.983) [-415.358] (-414.487) (-419.575) * [-417.991] (-418.671) (-413.362) (-413.170) -- 0:00:18 683000 -- (-415.839) (-419.072) [-412.725] (-414.901) * (-416.132) [-413.687] (-412.586) (-419.524) -- 0:00:18 683500 -- [-413.373] (-413.519) (-413.123) (-415.478) * (-417.056) (-414.056) [-412.859] (-418.783) -- 0:00:18 684000 -- [-413.217] (-412.524) (-414.101) (-415.644) * [-414.369] (-413.037) (-413.755) (-414.663) -- 0:00:18 684500 -- [-414.099] (-413.084) (-413.114) (-414.085) * (-416.860) (-415.478) [-417.823] (-417.325) -- 0:00:18 685000 -- (-414.711) [-414.047] (-415.734) (-416.760) * [-414.583] (-418.647) (-412.022) (-419.177) -- 0:00:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011854 685500 -- [-413.890] (-416.420) (-417.403) (-415.999) * (-413.994) [-411.918] (-412.177) (-416.829) -- 0:00:18 686000 -- (-415.006) (-416.121) (-413.216) [-412.850] * (-415.068) (-411.857) [-412.807] (-417.490) -- 0:00:18 686500 -- (-413.636) (-412.219) (-416.569) [-413.214] * [-411.733] (-414.505) (-413.957) (-414.932) -- 0:00:18 687000 -- [-415.192] (-413.494) (-412.622) (-414.542) * (-412.213) [-413.292] (-413.220) (-415.777) -- 0:00:18 687500 -- [-416.209] (-413.650) (-413.561) (-415.502) * [-414.028] (-414.612) (-416.307) (-416.894) -- 0:00:18 688000 -- (-414.887) (-413.726) (-412.501) [-413.218] * (-414.139) (-412.583) (-415.586) [-413.075] -- 0:00:18 688500 -- (-416.367) [-413.497] (-416.194) (-413.523) * [-414.881] (-414.816) (-419.355) (-412.362) -- 0:00:18 689000 -- [-412.301] (-413.638) (-413.649) (-414.257) * (-411.924) (-414.500) (-413.393) [-414.009] -- 0:00:18 689500 -- (-413.951) (-416.062) [-419.843] (-413.944) * (-413.889) [-415.550] (-413.345) (-417.699) -- 0:00:18 690000 -- (-412.148) (-414.443) [-413.874] (-417.019) * (-415.695) (-412.521) [-412.265] (-414.893) -- 0:00:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011390 690500 -- (-412.805) (-414.626) [-417.156] (-413.851) * (-413.839) (-412.434) [-414.188] (-413.506) -- 0:00:17 691000 -- (-415.905) (-415.288) [-411.942] (-414.297) * (-412.630) (-413.600) (-416.331) [-413.884] -- 0:00:17 691500 -- (-413.550) (-412.547) (-413.429) [-414.321] * (-414.409) (-414.590) (-413.999) [-413.980] -- 0:00:17 692000 -- (-414.834) (-412.998) (-415.961) [-415.022] * (-414.386) (-412.464) (-414.047) [-416.053] -- 0:00:17 692500 -- [-413.289] (-415.229) (-414.394) (-412.757) * (-413.397) [-413.063] (-413.618) (-414.669) -- 0:00:17 693000 -- (-418.026) [-412.324] (-418.303) (-415.741) * (-418.236) (-414.611) [-412.534] (-412.514) -- 0:00:17 693500 -- [-412.054] (-413.145) (-415.226) (-412.822) * (-412.627) (-413.650) (-412.473) [-415.015] -- 0:00:17 694000 -- (-412.952) [-414.008] (-413.700) (-414.239) * (-413.309) (-412.845) (-412.329) [-414.469] -- 0:00:17 694500 -- (-414.250) (-415.018) [-414.536] (-418.043) * (-416.505) [-415.834] (-413.384) (-412.420) -- 0:00:17 695000 -- (-413.108) (-412.846) [-413.764] (-413.990) * (-416.605) (-414.459) [-413.955] (-412.862) -- 0:00:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011303 695500 -- (-412.103) [-413.443] (-416.679) (-412.570) * (-413.706) (-415.330) (-415.620) [-415.725] -- 0:00:17 696000 -- (-424.564) (-412.213) (-413.266) [-412.333] * [-412.624] (-413.332) (-417.211) (-412.133) -- 0:00:17 696500 -- (-416.592) (-413.923) [-413.502] (-412.739) * (-415.583) (-415.467) [-414.489] (-413.567) -- 0:00:17 697000 -- (-416.378) (-412.653) [-411.908] (-411.770) * [-417.605] (-415.017) (-413.239) (-412.968) -- 0:00:17 697500 -- (-414.181) [-413.636] (-412.072) (-413.824) * (-416.653) [-411.860] (-412.860) (-416.244) -- 0:00:17 698000 -- (-417.337) (-414.715) [-413.476] (-411.975) * (-416.480) (-414.026) [-412.048] (-421.747) -- 0:00:17 698500 -- (-414.072) [-414.033] (-414.408) (-413.115) * (-416.483) [-416.464] (-417.478) (-413.140) -- 0:00:17 699000 -- (-412.093) [-414.290] (-414.125) (-413.244) * (-416.768) (-415.968) (-414.277) [-414.043] -- 0:00:17 699500 -- (-416.677) (-413.447) [-412.528] (-412.159) * (-414.853) [-413.084] (-412.972) (-416.221) -- 0:00:17 700000 -- [-412.683] (-420.289) (-414.860) (-414.858) * (-413.303) [-413.602] (-415.050) (-416.150) -- 0:00:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010765 700500 -- [-412.775] (-412.460) (-414.863) (-414.761) * (-412.608) [-412.344] (-414.251) (-414.778) -- 0:00:17 701000 -- (-412.231) (-413.974) [-412.490] (-420.324) * (-414.254) [-412.300] (-417.138) (-413.712) -- 0:00:17 701500 -- (-412.319) (-413.775) [-412.964] (-414.982) * (-418.011) [-416.704] (-415.844) (-411.798) -- 0:00:17 702000 -- (-412.907) [-412.187] (-413.065) (-413.130) * [-414.711] (-415.343) (-417.313) (-416.706) -- 0:00:17 702500 -- (-413.693) [-414.003] (-417.242) (-412.470) * (-413.533) [-415.042] (-419.952) (-418.668) -- 0:00:17 703000 -- (-414.862) (-413.454) (-412.519) [-413.179] * (-416.697) [-414.905] (-415.603) (-412.753) -- 0:00:17 703500 -- [-415.405] (-412.835) (-414.103) (-412.749) * (-414.311) [-412.775] (-414.068) (-416.579) -- 0:00:17 704000 -- (-414.598) [-414.680] (-414.329) (-413.016) * (-411.906) (-416.602) (-420.240) [-417.282] -- 0:00:17 704500 -- (-412.469) [-413.229] (-414.304) (-413.170) * (-416.075) (-414.829) [-411.952] (-412.612) -- 0:00:17 705000 -- [-412.447] (-412.766) (-415.106) (-414.273) * (-413.316) [-413.254] (-412.898) (-416.006) -- 0:00:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011017 705500 -- [-414.041] (-414.345) (-416.055) (-413.820) * (-415.446) (-412.993) (-412.145) [-415.169] -- 0:00:17 706000 -- (-413.781) (-416.621) (-413.991) [-414.047] * [-412.881] (-415.088) (-412.626) (-415.373) -- 0:00:17 706500 -- (-414.195) [-414.766] (-412.836) (-415.048) * (-415.760) [-414.861] (-412.238) (-414.020) -- 0:00:17 707000 -- (-412.757) (-413.945) [-414.099] (-412.713) * (-415.464) (-413.258) [-412.070] (-413.418) -- 0:00:16 707500 -- (-413.846) [-413.858] (-414.484) (-418.670) * (-413.277) (-413.986) [-413.221] (-413.596) -- 0:00:16 708000 -- [-414.456] (-416.673) (-412.911) (-416.176) * (-412.398) (-418.364) (-415.796) [-413.081] -- 0:00:16 708500 -- [-412.482] (-413.764) (-413.580) (-415.905) * [-414.741] (-413.004) (-415.495) (-415.636) -- 0:00:16 709000 -- (-413.368) [-414.579] (-415.628) (-412.407) * [-412.844] (-414.666) (-411.639) (-413.429) -- 0:00:16 709500 -- (-413.813) (-414.953) (-414.529) [-413.994] * (-413.706) (-414.258) [-413.274] (-414.137) -- 0:00:16 710000 -- [-415.987] (-420.425) (-413.079) (-416.770) * (-414.214) [-414.375] (-415.615) (-418.800) -- 0:00:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010655 710500 -- (-415.727) (-414.946) [-413.551] (-415.304) * (-413.571) (-412.558) [-412.470] (-419.304) -- 0:00:16 711000 -- [-414.034] (-413.898) (-416.275) (-414.345) * (-424.086) (-418.773) [-414.831] (-416.044) -- 0:00:16 711500 -- (-412.177) [-412.713] (-414.648) (-416.308) * [-413.591] (-414.895) (-417.177) (-414.408) -- 0:00:16 712000 -- (-412.547) (-412.600) [-415.610] (-414.411) * (-415.484) (-416.567) (-416.398) [-414.727] -- 0:00:16 712500 -- (-412.659) (-413.703) (-417.401) [-414.283] * (-414.970) [-413.600] (-412.697) (-414.593) -- 0:00:16 713000 -- (-412.713) (-416.006) (-412.991) [-415.948] * [-413.985] (-413.802) (-417.717) (-416.857) -- 0:00:16 713500 -- [-412.362] (-417.656) (-412.790) (-416.381) * [-413.061] (-414.464) (-412.206) (-412.287) -- 0:00:16 714000 -- [-412.966] (-414.626) (-412.813) (-415.207) * (-412.521) (-412.866) (-416.510) [-415.944] -- 0:00:16 714500 -- (-412.363) (-415.314) [-412.680] (-413.664) * (-414.547) [-414.468] (-413.656) (-414.851) -- 0:00:16 715000 -- (-412.540) (-418.655) (-413.657) [-412.148] * (-416.344) (-413.577) [-412.450] (-414.061) -- 0:00:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010534 715500 -- (-412.327) [-414.188] (-413.841) (-412.142) * (-412.509) (-416.368) [-414.669] (-413.492) -- 0:00:16 716000 -- (-412.036) (-413.818) (-413.375) [-412.690] * [-412.632] (-416.267) (-411.928) (-413.636) -- 0:00:16 716500 -- (-413.008) (-413.529) (-412.908) [-411.708] * [-412.638] (-412.377) (-414.726) (-412.006) -- 0:00:16 717000 -- (-415.415) [-413.218] (-412.530) (-412.683) * (-413.111) (-413.448) (-414.805) [-412.668] -- 0:00:16 717500 -- (-412.332) [-414.520] (-416.360) (-412.962) * (-412.871) (-415.305) [-414.603] (-411.908) -- 0:00:16 718000 -- (-412.775) [-415.842] (-412.276) (-413.093) * [-413.160] (-417.064) (-413.404) (-411.772) -- 0:00:16 718500 -- (-413.114) (-413.150) (-413.710) [-413.019] * [-414.774] (-413.497) (-413.079) (-411.718) -- 0:00:16 719000 -- [-416.659] (-412.539) (-412.993) (-414.899) * [-416.155] (-414.604) (-417.470) (-413.967) -- 0:00:16 719500 -- (-414.784) (-412.670) [-416.202] (-412.081) * (-415.691) (-415.749) [-415.010] (-412.801) -- 0:00:16 720000 -- (-412.652) (-414.362) [-415.624] (-413.150) * (-414.038) (-413.205) (-418.368) [-412.152] -- 0:00:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010302 720500 -- (-412.240) (-412.536) (-417.361) [-415.103] * [-417.456] (-416.711) (-413.512) (-411.861) -- 0:00:16 721000 -- [-415.678] (-415.874) (-413.788) (-411.769) * (-412.922) [-414.419] (-416.906) (-414.092) -- 0:00:16 721500 -- (-415.030) [-412.352] (-412.758) (-413.700) * (-412.940) (-421.072) [-413.641] (-413.056) -- 0:00:16 722000 -- (-414.211) (-414.441) [-414.567] (-413.718) * (-414.303) (-414.212) [-416.013] (-413.546) -- 0:00:16 722500 -- (-411.906) (-413.576) (-413.280) [-413.314] * [-413.900] (-413.983) (-414.870) (-413.533) -- 0:00:16 723000 -- (-412.462) [-414.722] (-413.073) (-416.515) * [-416.914] (-413.846) (-412.490) (-417.562) -- 0:00:16 723500 -- [-412.045] (-413.057) (-412.987) (-417.001) * [-413.043] (-412.422) (-412.782) (-418.310) -- 0:00:16 724000 -- (-419.064) [-413.938] (-417.580) (-412.188) * [-416.066] (-417.469) (-412.552) (-414.810) -- 0:00:16 724500 -- [-415.426] (-412.835) (-412.570) (-417.166) * (-413.836) [-414.650] (-419.006) (-416.202) -- 0:00:15 725000 -- (-413.099) [-413.144] (-412.903) (-421.910) * [-413.240] (-414.644) (-419.319) (-414.553) -- 0:00:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009821 725500 -- (-414.650) [-414.544] (-411.837) (-415.313) * (-416.639) (-414.207) [-415.167] (-415.591) -- 0:00:15 726000 -- (-416.417) [-413.733] (-412.229) (-413.948) * [-413.124] (-412.104) (-421.163) (-413.757) -- 0:00:15 726500 -- (-413.889) [-412.421] (-413.892) (-415.112) * [-412.249] (-413.240) (-415.164) (-417.853) -- 0:00:15 727000 -- [-414.131] (-412.660) (-414.589) (-416.582) * [-413.271] (-412.516) (-415.328) (-415.534) -- 0:00:15 727500 -- (-414.284) [-412.458] (-412.729) (-413.442) * (-415.887) (-415.199) [-414.508] (-414.317) -- 0:00:15 728000 -- (-412.508) (-412.144) [-414.213] (-414.612) * (-412.979) (-413.158) (-414.283) [-419.432] -- 0:00:15 728500 -- (-415.884) (-415.663) (-417.289) [-412.947] * (-412.727) (-414.363) (-417.666) [-413.049] -- 0:00:15 729000 -- (-413.023) (-412.695) (-412.805) [-416.614] * (-415.714) (-413.831) (-415.732) [-413.085] -- 0:00:15 729500 -- (-414.521) (-413.289) [-413.171] (-414.970) * (-414.505) (-416.099) [-415.385] (-412.665) -- 0:00:15 730000 -- (-414.447) (-415.782) (-414.533) [-413.436] * (-415.768) (-415.116) (-412.863) [-415.372] -- 0:00:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009678 730500 -- (-413.962) [-414.148] (-412.205) (-415.047) * [-414.238] (-418.485) (-412.466) (-416.388) -- 0:00:15 731000 -- (-412.113) (-416.847) (-412.718) [-413.433] * (-413.483) [-411.996] (-413.178) (-414.079) -- 0:00:15 731500 -- (-413.633) (-414.557) [-414.026] (-413.547) * (-412.605) [-414.275] (-417.508) (-415.463) -- 0:00:15 732000 -- (-413.811) [-412.529] (-417.096) (-413.521) * [-413.332] (-413.762) (-416.389) (-414.613) -- 0:00:15 732500 -- [-416.275] (-412.283) (-413.525) (-415.294) * (-413.258) (-413.136) (-414.560) [-414.238] -- 0:00:15 733000 -- (-414.532) (-412.701) (-415.861) [-415.487] * (-413.685) (-413.788) [-413.555] (-413.468) -- 0:00:15 733500 -- (-415.846) (-413.146) (-415.015) [-412.563] * (-412.923) (-413.817) (-413.484) [-413.799] -- 0:00:15 734000 -- (-414.294) (-413.059) (-414.887) [-417.437] * [-412.983] (-412.851) (-413.624) (-414.328) -- 0:00:15 734500 -- (-415.148) [-412.426] (-414.354) (-412.321) * (-412.757) (-420.675) [-414.266] (-413.547) -- 0:00:15 735000 -- [-415.937] (-413.763) (-413.995) (-412.419) * (-413.636) (-414.494) [-413.473] (-415.451) -- 0:00:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009207 735500 -- (-412.649) [-413.322] (-412.160) (-415.617) * (-421.164) [-412.965] (-413.521) (-412.894) -- 0:00:15 736000 -- (-417.018) [-417.042] (-414.094) (-415.730) * [-416.409] (-415.438) (-413.417) (-414.356) -- 0:00:15 736500 -- (-413.650) (-417.972) [-412.680] (-414.265) * (-415.368) [-414.219] (-413.321) (-412.986) -- 0:00:15 737000 -- (-412.591) (-413.867) (-414.863) [-414.856] * [-412.820] (-415.869) (-413.782) (-417.356) -- 0:00:15 737500 -- (-415.228) (-413.458) [-413.789] (-413.813) * (-417.831) [-415.479] (-414.558) (-414.999) -- 0:00:15 738000 -- (-415.245) (-413.751) (-417.658) [-417.791] * (-417.700) [-413.472] (-411.802) (-416.843) -- 0:00:15 738500 -- (-414.630) (-414.839) (-413.672) [-412.403] * (-416.127) (-412.341) [-414.602] (-414.043) -- 0:00:15 739000 -- (-413.420) (-415.768) [-413.691] (-413.095) * (-412.848) [-414.433] (-418.638) (-416.447) -- 0:00:15 739500 -- (-413.404) (-412.730) [-413.365] (-414.073) * (-413.211) (-414.730) [-416.179] (-414.736) -- 0:00:15 740000 -- (-413.484) (-414.279) [-416.686] (-415.088) * (-413.475) (-417.817) (-414.539) [-413.320] -- 0:00:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009348 740500 -- (-413.506) [-412.268] (-413.048) (-413.316) * (-413.551) (-413.011) (-416.564) [-412.419] -- 0:00:15 741000 -- (-412.133) (-412.855) [-412.389] (-412.375) * (-415.465) [-413.180] (-417.183) (-413.102) -- 0:00:15 741500 -- (-412.595) (-413.822) [-412.405] (-417.733) * (-416.443) [-413.754] (-413.493) (-412.216) -- 0:00:14 742000 -- (-412.697) (-412.753) (-413.711) [-415.597] * (-416.893) (-415.523) (-412.316) [-411.990] -- 0:00:14 742500 -- (-413.537) (-416.212) [-415.121] (-414.855) * [-414.663] (-415.701) (-413.868) (-413.255) -- 0:00:14 743000 -- (-413.420) (-417.466) [-413.396] (-413.803) * (-413.448) (-416.894) (-413.515) [-414.545] -- 0:00:14 743500 -- (-414.628) (-412.672) (-411.990) [-413.803] * (-413.701) (-413.692) [-413.023] (-413.701) -- 0:00:14 744000 -- (-412.579) (-412.395) (-414.939) [-414.601] * (-415.151) [-413.528] (-411.740) (-416.320) -- 0:00:14 744500 -- (-411.980) [-413.682] (-415.025) (-415.866) * [-416.001] (-413.609) (-411.768) (-415.680) -- 0:00:14 745000 -- (-418.124) (-417.165) (-414.748) [-416.232] * (-418.907) [-412.485] (-412.626) (-416.685) -- 0:00:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010032 745500 -- [-415.352] (-413.942) (-413.127) (-415.263) * [-412.475] (-412.317) (-414.235) (-417.159) -- 0:00:14 746000 -- (-413.909) (-415.121) [-412.394] (-414.385) * (-412.531) [-415.759] (-412.075) (-414.958) -- 0:00:14 746500 -- (-413.110) (-415.392) (-414.569) [-414.543] * [-414.181] (-413.841) (-413.015) (-413.844) -- 0:00:14 747000 -- (-414.493) [-417.154] (-413.931) (-411.960) * (-416.129) (-413.530) [-412.800] (-413.583) -- 0:00:14 747500 -- [-413.098] (-412.080) (-415.586) (-411.563) * (-416.851) [-413.427] (-414.775) (-413.519) -- 0:00:14 748000 -- (-413.536) [-416.619] (-413.793) (-412.718) * [-413.647] (-413.418) (-413.836) (-419.794) -- 0:00:14 748500 -- [-412.514] (-413.371) (-413.513) (-415.349) * (-415.882) (-415.839) [-416.635] (-414.175) -- 0:00:14 749000 -- (-412.512) (-414.421) (-419.503) [-414.751] * (-416.526) (-418.489) (-414.733) [-418.506] -- 0:00:14 749500 -- (-413.854) (-414.829) [-412.740] (-417.594) * (-412.066) [-415.091] (-416.535) (-412.947) -- 0:00:14 750000 -- (-417.315) [-413.531] (-412.702) (-415.145) * (-414.620) [-414.556] (-414.683) (-412.950) -- 0:00:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010440 750500 -- (-412.581) (-412.996) (-412.586) [-415.202] * (-415.596) (-417.016) (-413.700) [-411.815] -- 0:00:14 751000 -- (-413.796) (-417.076) (-414.415) [-413.611] * (-412.730) [-414.521] (-416.963) (-416.115) -- 0:00:14 751500 -- (-417.023) [-412.151] (-412.197) (-412.573) * (-415.346) (-415.678) [-417.050] (-419.287) -- 0:00:14 752000 -- (-412.624) (-412.729) (-412.362) [-413.831] * (-414.502) (-414.153) [-423.157] (-419.993) -- 0:00:14 752500 -- [-414.763] (-414.822) (-412.374) (-412.315) * (-415.875) [-412.134] (-412.986) (-416.538) -- 0:00:14 753000 -- [-411.906] (-415.390) (-411.930) (-413.891) * (-413.637) (-413.175) (-412.902) [-414.235] -- 0:00:14 753500 -- (-412.270) (-415.176) [-412.541] (-413.657) * (-415.549) (-413.096) [-413.219] (-413.163) -- 0:00:14 754000 -- (-412.564) [-413.493] (-412.112) (-414.574) * (-413.639) (-413.147) [-414.118] (-411.782) -- 0:00:14 754500 -- [-416.421] (-416.549) (-412.571) (-412.997) * [-412.560] (-415.400) (-412.905) (-414.561) -- 0:00:14 755000 -- (-415.505) (-414.081) [-415.404] (-413.357) * (-412.624) (-414.928) (-412.592) [-413.367] -- 0:00:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010873 755500 -- (-415.397) (-414.607) (-414.981) [-412.303] * [-412.291] (-412.910) (-418.644) (-412.812) -- 0:00:14 756000 -- (-413.640) [-414.990] (-413.124) (-415.197) * (-412.976) (-414.675) [-414.145] (-414.830) -- 0:00:14 756500 -- [-413.127] (-414.583) (-412.488) (-415.398) * (-414.713) [-414.619] (-412.203) (-413.275) -- 0:00:14 757000 -- (-418.040) [-415.139] (-412.480) (-413.736) * [-415.600] (-416.770) (-415.066) (-414.839) -- 0:00:14 757500 -- [-415.832] (-413.683) (-414.534) (-413.673) * [-413.498] (-414.119) (-413.934) (-413.583) -- 0:00:14 758000 -- (-411.907) [-411.734] (-416.261) (-412.364) * (-415.822) (-415.821) [-415.105] (-413.842) -- 0:00:14 758500 -- (-412.076) [-415.699] (-415.479) (-414.424) * [-416.236] (-416.357) (-420.972) (-417.264) -- 0:00:14 759000 -- (-412.489) (-413.573) [-413.946] (-413.255) * [-414.049] (-416.526) (-415.762) (-416.357) -- 0:00:13 759500 -- [-418.593] (-412.075) (-414.183) (-415.415) * [-413.756] (-413.944) (-417.994) (-414.302) -- 0:00:13 760000 -- (-413.732) (-414.901) (-414.148) [-416.765] * (-412.574) (-412.892) [-414.495] (-416.052) -- 0:00:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010497 760500 -- (-417.190) [-413.681] (-413.261) (-412.589) * [-417.881] (-411.872) (-414.541) (-416.028) -- 0:00:13 761000 -- (-417.114) (-415.483) (-416.166) [-414.500] * (-415.325) (-413.192) (-414.287) [-412.553] -- 0:00:13 761500 -- (-413.363) (-414.702) [-416.641] (-420.996) * (-411.994) [-412.003] (-417.660) (-414.168) -- 0:00:13 762000 -- (-415.197) (-413.409) [-412.098] (-415.313) * [-413.670] (-414.894) (-414.910) (-417.845) -- 0:00:13 762500 -- (-419.058) [-413.062] (-413.168) (-412.572) * (-411.897) [-412.209] (-413.082) (-417.421) -- 0:00:13 763000 -- [-416.830] (-414.228) (-413.982) (-414.541) * [-412.553] (-412.296) (-412.572) (-412.896) -- 0:00:13 763500 -- (-414.276) (-412.255) (-412.637) [-413.491] * (-413.668) (-413.837) [-413.722] (-412.455) -- 0:00:13 764000 -- (-414.594) (-412.926) [-416.693] (-414.534) * [-416.055] (-417.319) (-415.051) (-414.049) -- 0:00:13 764500 -- (-414.100) [-413.400] (-416.089) (-414.776) * [-414.654] (-413.716) (-414.891) (-412.391) -- 0:00:13 765000 -- [-412.940] (-415.561) (-414.961) (-413.383) * (-411.890) (-413.998) [-414.639] (-415.529) -- 0:00:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010808 765500 -- (-415.055) (-415.454) (-422.385) [-413.320] * (-414.269) (-415.987) [-415.610] (-413.646) -- 0:00:13 766000 -- (-412.767) (-417.115) [-416.080] (-414.431) * (-413.964) (-415.912) [-413.152] (-412.882) -- 0:00:13 766500 -- (-413.703) (-413.073) [-414.617] (-416.628) * [-414.446] (-413.572) (-415.537) (-416.364) -- 0:00:13 767000 -- (-413.900) (-414.227) [-416.479] (-413.108) * (-413.860) (-419.781) [-412.583] (-415.546) -- 0:00:13 767500 -- (-413.178) (-414.914) [-412.959] (-414.706) * (-412.191) (-415.480) (-416.510) [-412.012] -- 0:00:13 768000 -- (-413.782) (-413.174) (-414.452) [-414.559] * (-418.423) [-413.924] (-413.646) (-414.165) -- 0:00:13 768500 -- [-415.327] (-415.369) (-415.003) (-414.261) * [-414.805] (-412.788) (-412.780) (-412.197) -- 0:00:13 769000 -- (-415.163) (-413.348) (-413.763) [-413.824] * (-412.112) (-412.770) [-412.334] (-415.109) -- 0:00:13 769500 -- [-413.179] (-413.485) (-415.365) (-413.137) * (-412.070) (-414.287) [-412.126] (-413.250) -- 0:00:13 770000 -- (-414.152) [-414.627] (-413.292) (-413.111) * (-412.361) (-412.625) [-415.434] (-412.500) -- 0:00:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011010 770500 -- [-414.725] (-412.633) (-412.351) (-419.351) * (-413.431) (-412.325) (-412.800) [-413.511] -- 0:00:13 771000 -- (-412.140) (-414.082) [-412.779] (-421.414) * (-414.490) (-417.191) [-412.545] (-413.720) -- 0:00:13 771500 -- [-413.051] (-412.337) (-413.660) (-413.299) * (-412.820) (-418.223) (-412.559) [-413.029] -- 0:00:13 772000 -- (-412.337) (-412.862) (-415.762) [-412.859] * [-415.993] (-413.860) (-412.945) (-413.769) -- 0:00:13 772500 -- [-413.276] (-413.395) (-419.439) (-415.292) * (-416.286) (-412.928) [-413.233] (-414.226) -- 0:00:13 773000 -- [-411.948] (-412.625) (-414.899) (-413.456) * (-412.783) [-414.436] (-412.518) (-412.681) -- 0:00:13 773500 -- [-412.634] (-415.276) (-415.859) (-417.259) * (-412.428) (-413.037) (-414.392) [-415.236] -- 0:00:13 774000 -- (-415.707) (-416.686) [-412.870] (-414.493) * (-413.229) (-412.215) [-412.287] (-415.440) -- 0:00:13 774500 -- (-412.959) (-412.993) [-413.467] (-412.579) * [-413.216] (-413.453) (-413.592) (-415.400) -- 0:00:13 775000 -- (-412.018) [-420.974] (-413.096) (-411.801) * (-418.018) [-415.436] (-413.113) (-413.718) -- 0:00:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010517 775500 -- [-412.186] (-414.950) (-412.728) (-413.824) * (-412.484) [-415.820] (-413.108) (-415.449) -- 0:00:13 776000 -- [-413.672] (-413.429) (-413.018) (-415.088) * [-413.519] (-413.810) (-413.746) (-414.289) -- 0:00:12 776500 -- [-411.670] (-412.791) (-413.531) (-417.726) * (-412.940) (-415.840) (-418.322) [-417.665] -- 0:00:12 777000 -- [-412.525] (-414.509) (-414.676) (-414.689) * (-415.282) (-413.217) (-416.740) [-412.554] -- 0:00:12 777500 -- (-412.396) [-413.086] (-411.933) (-413.128) * (-415.573) [-412.717] (-413.960) (-413.994) -- 0:00:12 778000 -- (-413.735) (-413.564) (-416.866) [-412.525] * (-412.621) (-413.469) (-414.807) [-412.832] -- 0:00:12 778500 -- (-413.988) (-412.426) (-416.987) [-415.930] * (-417.016) [-413.754] (-416.232) (-413.248) -- 0:00:12 779000 -- (-412.834) [-411.734] (-413.517) (-412.765) * (-413.663) (-416.240) (-413.502) [-414.502] -- 0:00:12 779500 -- (-418.181) (-413.087) [-413.009] (-415.308) * (-412.654) (-413.786) (-416.631) [-412.338] -- 0:00:12 780000 -- (-414.424) (-414.312) [-412.042] (-413.296) * [-416.007] (-414.872) (-412.998) (-417.932) -- 0:00:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010416 780500 -- [-413.712] (-413.177) (-413.097) (-412.394) * [-413.805] (-412.795) (-415.069) (-413.805) -- 0:00:12 781000 -- [-415.523] (-413.456) (-413.279) (-414.318) * (-418.442) (-414.809) (-413.711) [-412.364] -- 0:00:12 781500 -- (-416.347) [-413.759] (-412.901) (-413.319) * (-413.887) (-412.778) [-415.377] (-413.235) -- 0:00:12 782000 -- (-415.459) (-413.641) [-414.625] (-413.501) * (-413.246) (-412.973) [-414.895] (-412.897) -- 0:00:12 782500 -- (-415.620) (-414.181) [-412.795] (-412.271) * (-413.272) (-414.017) (-413.804) [-414.663] -- 0:00:12 783000 -- [-413.242] (-414.141) (-414.795) (-412.323) * [-413.400] (-415.256) (-416.383) (-416.125) -- 0:00:12 783500 -- (-415.396) [-413.375] (-416.064) (-418.333) * [-416.806] (-413.385) (-416.524) (-414.246) -- 0:00:12 784000 -- (-413.993) (-416.818) [-415.087] (-415.054) * [-415.915] (-420.041) (-414.628) (-412.963) -- 0:00:12 784500 -- (-412.574) [-415.600] (-413.630) (-413.343) * (-413.792) [-415.022] (-415.599) (-414.243) -- 0:00:12 785000 -- (-418.355) (-415.533) [-413.385] (-413.631) * (-417.420) [-413.134] (-413.387) (-414.167) -- 0:00:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010046 785500 -- (-418.762) (-413.137) [-414.070] (-413.533) * [-415.521] (-414.781) (-416.558) (-415.136) -- 0:00:12 786000 -- (-413.919) (-416.256) (-414.783) [-413.157] * (-415.657) [-412.872] (-412.473) (-415.559) -- 0:00:12 786500 -- [-413.735] (-413.444) (-413.477) (-413.628) * (-416.636) (-411.910) (-412.854) [-414.345] -- 0:00:12 787000 -- (-414.700) (-414.260) (-413.312) [-412.334] * [-415.436] (-411.910) (-412.773) (-415.216) -- 0:00:12 787500 -- [-416.351] (-413.279) (-413.635) (-417.573) * (-415.467) [-413.014] (-414.394) (-413.462) -- 0:00:12 788000 -- (-414.304) (-414.317) [-415.221] (-416.933) * (-415.775) [-413.906] (-412.298) (-413.345) -- 0:00:12 788500 -- [-413.134] (-413.057) (-413.035) (-412.185) * (-417.537) (-416.962) (-413.819) [-413.598] -- 0:00:12 789000 -- (-412.619) (-412.416) [-413.418] (-412.685) * (-412.627) (-413.508) (-418.105) [-412.449] -- 0:00:12 789500 -- (-412.593) (-414.118) (-416.021) [-411.781] * (-416.065) (-413.836) [-413.859] (-413.321) -- 0:00:12 790000 -- (-415.974) (-413.206) (-412.420) [-413.250] * [-413.005] (-411.815) (-415.112) (-412.479) -- 0:00:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009651 790500 -- [-413.196] (-414.362) (-415.480) (-415.876) * [-416.228] (-413.690) (-413.867) (-412.152) -- 0:00:12 791000 -- (-415.871) (-412.280) [-415.940] (-416.108) * [-412.975] (-413.946) (-415.046) (-417.027) -- 0:00:12 791500 -- (-414.032) (-415.495) (-415.020) [-412.370] * [-417.396] (-413.259) (-413.944) (-417.009) -- 0:00:12 792000 -- [-414.158] (-412.193) (-417.081) (-418.117) * (-414.608) (-412.808) [-413.170] (-413.297) -- 0:00:12 792500 -- (-413.902) [-415.132] (-417.547) (-414.160) * (-413.807) (-417.098) [-412.635] (-411.965) -- 0:00:12 793000 -- [-415.764] (-412.556) (-411.780) (-413.265) * (-413.125) [-412.501] (-412.756) (-414.514) -- 0:00:12 793500 -- [-412.376] (-415.028) (-413.981) (-412.793) * (-413.715) (-414.359) [-413.274] (-412.634) -- 0:00:11 794000 -- (-413.185) (-413.727) (-414.069) [-412.264] * (-413.766) (-415.881) (-415.053) [-412.361] -- 0:00:11 794500 -- [-412.688] (-413.568) (-413.765) (-413.809) * [-411.735] (-415.045) (-413.069) (-413.297) -- 0:00:11 795000 -- (-414.177) [-413.642] (-412.449) (-412.434) * (-412.421) [-415.136] (-413.441) (-413.670) -- 0:00:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009809 795500 -- [-413.963] (-414.705) (-414.186) (-413.952) * [-412.547] (-414.057) (-412.164) (-415.803) -- 0:00:11 796000 -- [-416.633] (-414.003) (-411.764) (-421.760) * (-412.309) (-415.322) [-412.340] (-416.085) -- 0:00:11 796500 -- (-413.798) [-412.837] (-412.230) (-415.476) * (-414.234) (-414.847) [-414.162] (-415.386) -- 0:00:11 797000 -- [-414.810] (-413.149) (-412.365) (-415.092) * [-416.129] (-413.047) (-414.281) (-413.494) -- 0:00:11 797500 -- (-413.389) [-415.663] (-414.029) (-414.022) * (-412.358) [-412.254] (-413.526) (-417.399) -- 0:00:11 798000 -- (-412.760) (-415.187) (-415.708) [-413.627] * [-412.308] (-415.969) (-413.221) (-416.267) -- 0:00:11 798500 -- (-412.737) [-413.189] (-413.625) (-415.778) * (-412.544) (-412.757) (-415.828) [-417.448] -- 0:00:11 799000 -- [-412.569] (-422.370) (-413.128) (-417.594) * (-413.824) [-412.722] (-413.688) (-416.063) -- 0:00:11 799500 -- (-413.792) [-414.282] (-412.542) (-414.929) * (-420.633) [-412.526] (-412.450) (-414.647) -- 0:00:11 800000 -- (-414.035) [-415.248] (-413.053) (-413.177) * (-416.220) (-417.567) [-415.059] (-414.613) -- 0:00:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009641 800500 -- (-414.020) [-413.549] (-412.894) (-412.421) * (-413.696) [-413.302] (-418.180) (-420.171) -- 0:00:11 801000 -- [-413.588] (-415.107) (-411.614) (-412.645) * (-413.435) (-416.419) [-412.218] (-415.504) -- 0:00:11 801500 -- (-413.197) (-415.305) [-412.173] (-413.002) * [-412.186] (-413.651) (-413.793) (-414.199) -- 0:00:11 802000 -- (-412.125) (-416.161) [-412.087] (-413.317) * (-411.775) [-415.835] (-414.478) (-413.473) -- 0:00:11 802500 -- [-411.583] (-415.298) (-413.829) (-413.123) * [-412.571] (-413.378) (-412.720) (-413.016) -- 0:00:11 803000 -- [-412.564] (-416.296) (-414.732) (-415.895) * (-415.265) [-412.575] (-415.481) (-418.888) -- 0:00:11 803500 -- (-414.986) (-412.535) (-416.447) [-412.867] * [-415.201] (-412.907) (-414.542) (-415.020) -- 0:00:11 804000 -- (-417.582) (-413.114) [-415.073] (-414.511) * (-413.534) [-413.452] (-412.992) (-414.122) -- 0:00:11 804500 -- (-413.189) (-412.449) (-413.182) [-412.646] * [-413.291] (-414.331) (-417.733) (-415.052) -- 0:00:11 805000 -- [-416.895] (-414.984) (-416.628) (-413.192) * (-413.399) (-416.562) [-414.478] (-418.122) -- 0:00:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009504 805500 -- [-421.647] (-412.304) (-414.573) (-412.861) * (-414.403) [-413.362] (-414.446) (-418.446) -- 0:00:11 806000 -- [-413.607] (-415.013) (-414.401) (-413.636) * (-415.404) (-414.530) (-416.393) [-415.129] -- 0:00:11 806500 -- (-412.616) (-412.209) [-414.252] (-415.045) * [-413.280] (-413.691) (-413.918) (-413.287) -- 0:00:11 807000 -- (-412.525) (-412.933) (-415.888) [-412.527] * (-411.920) (-415.891) (-415.018) [-412.929] -- 0:00:11 807500 -- [-414.780] (-414.711) (-412.832) (-412.530) * (-413.551) [-414.853] (-414.085) (-412.873) -- 0:00:11 808000 -- (-414.284) [-415.396] (-415.203) (-418.901) * (-413.920) (-413.442) [-414.638] (-414.619) -- 0:00:11 808500 -- (-418.485) [-412.895] (-414.358) (-413.770) * (-412.627) (-413.935) [-412.794] (-413.917) -- 0:00:11 809000 -- (-419.785) (-417.029) (-415.275) [-414.187] * (-414.488) [-415.176] (-419.911) (-414.080) -- 0:00:11 809500 -- (-417.744) (-413.976) (-412.025) [-413.372] * (-416.138) (-415.945) [-414.736] (-412.617) -- 0:00:11 810000 -- (-417.426) (-414.877) (-411.717) [-417.647] * (-415.469) (-416.981) [-412.767] (-413.385) -- 0:00:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009847 810500 -- (-414.531) [-412.334] (-412.312) (-416.369) * (-416.077) (-413.986) [-413.130] (-413.677) -- 0:00:10 811000 -- [-413.165] (-414.273) (-415.709) (-412.020) * [-412.804] (-413.457) (-413.990) (-415.076) -- 0:00:10 811500 -- (-419.039) (-413.306) [-417.996] (-413.564) * (-412.317) (-420.657) [-412.929] (-412.600) -- 0:00:10 812000 -- (-414.675) (-413.692) [-416.375] (-416.109) * (-413.121) (-414.697) (-412.199) [-412.031] -- 0:00:10 812500 -- (-414.218) (-423.312) [-414.694] (-412.641) * (-413.051) (-415.518) [-413.886] (-414.733) -- 0:00:10 813000 -- (-416.356) (-416.278) (-413.695) [-414.028] * (-413.346) (-412.258) (-413.520) [-414.114] -- 0:00:10 813500 -- (-412.983) (-414.780) (-417.562) [-413.664] * (-415.582) [-414.499] (-413.744) (-412.744) -- 0:00:10 814000 -- (-414.014) [-415.179] (-413.691) (-413.239) * (-416.853) (-413.074) [-414.609] (-413.883) -- 0:00:10 814500 -- (-413.587) (-415.572) [-413.450] (-416.028) * (-420.309) [-414.064] (-412.663) (-413.933) -- 0:00:10 815000 -- (-414.418) (-416.746) [-412.786] (-418.366) * (-412.649) [-413.101] (-412.224) (-414.787) -- 0:00:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009859 815500 -- (-415.035) [-415.034] (-412.786) (-414.541) * (-414.106) [-413.035] (-413.548) (-415.668) -- 0:00:10 816000 -- (-413.632) (-412.093) [-412.014] (-416.729) * (-416.675) [-413.515] (-413.294) (-412.989) -- 0:00:10 816500 -- (-412.937) [-412.567] (-414.470) (-416.888) * [-415.731] (-414.911) (-413.037) (-416.939) -- 0:00:10 817000 -- (-417.266) (-414.903) (-416.533) [-412.036] * (-414.113) (-414.641) (-414.106) [-415.693] -- 0:00:10 817500 -- (-420.950) [-414.711] (-421.759) (-411.554) * [-415.165] (-414.613) (-412.910) (-413.649) -- 0:00:10 818000 -- (-415.875) (-413.499) (-419.002) [-413.768] * (-417.739) [-412.714] (-412.688) (-415.851) -- 0:00:10 818500 -- [-417.852] (-415.240) (-414.617) (-413.167) * (-411.889) (-413.219) [-414.415] (-415.589) -- 0:00:10 819000 -- (-415.030) [-411.950] (-414.165) (-415.423) * (-412.107) (-414.688) (-412.672) [-413.070] -- 0:00:10 819500 -- [-416.110] (-419.698) (-414.549) (-416.082) * [-413.155] (-417.577) (-414.937) (-412.961) -- 0:00:10 820000 -- (-416.286) (-414.360) (-413.907) [-413.703] * [-413.000] (-421.200) (-412.544) (-417.696) -- 0:00:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009382 820500 -- (-416.893) (-413.297) (-412.914) [-413.182] * [-413.061] (-415.576) (-415.418) (-413.886) -- 0:00:10 821000 -- (-414.521) (-413.270) [-414.865] (-412.321) * (-411.633) (-415.319) [-413.303] (-414.693) -- 0:00:10 821500 -- (-415.894) (-414.041) (-412.985) [-415.926] * (-413.998) [-411.868] (-412.739) (-414.433) -- 0:00:10 822000 -- [-411.643] (-418.944) (-416.078) (-415.169) * (-417.666) (-412.845) (-415.391) [-414.397] -- 0:00:10 822500 -- [-412.391] (-414.420) (-414.148) (-414.014) * (-412.519) (-413.391) (-412.301) [-413.710] -- 0:00:10 823000 -- [-412.672] (-413.813) (-412.686) (-414.006) * (-413.231) (-414.608) [-412.926] (-416.472) -- 0:00:10 823500 -- (-413.165) [-418.417] (-414.728) (-414.202) * (-416.890) (-415.484) [-413.069] (-414.121) -- 0:00:10 824000 -- (-412.075) (-414.382) (-412.416) [-412.188] * (-414.662) (-415.969) (-414.712) [-413.208] -- 0:00:10 824500 -- (-417.759) (-413.631) (-414.474) [-412.106] * (-414.831) (-416.629) (-412.984) [-414.639] -- 0:00:10 825000 -- (-416.420) [-416.079] (-413.063) (-412.010) * (-413.684) [-415.378] (-413.645) (-414.176) -- 0:00:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009892 825500 -- [-415.579] (-415.377) (-412.686) (-412.374) * (-416.855) [-413.870] (-414.582) (-412.197) -- 0:00:10 826000 -- [-419.627] (-417.144) (-415.118) (-415.217) * (-414.639) [-413.778] (-416.210) (-412.259) -- 0:00:10 826500 -- [-415.171] (-416.735) (-415.003) (-414.858) * (-416.459) [-413.424] (-414.967) (-412.860) -- 0:00:10 827000 -- (-414.212) (-412.166) [-413.855] (-412.149) * (-416.006) (-413.964) (-415.771) [-412.480] -- 0:00:10 827500 -- (-419.458) (-413.772) [-413.179] (-412.439) * [-413.767] (-413.058) (-412.063) (-416.463) -- 0:00:10 828000 -- (-411.899) (-412.477) [-412.168] (-414.038) * (-413.404) (-413.091) (-415.705) [-413.648] -- 0:00:09 828500 -- (-415.537) (-413.272) (-413.029) [-412.700] * (-415.562) [-414.248] (-413.496) (-412.945) -- 0:00:09 829000 -- [-415.911] (-413.331) (-413.208) (-415.458) * [-414.085] (-417.008) (-413.953) (-412.765) -- 0:00:09 829500 -- [-416.378] (-414.695) (-414.300) (-415.100) * (-412.385) (-416.719) [-417.654] (-416.667) -- 0:00:09 830000 -- (-414.553) (-416.029) [-412.784] (-413.838) * (-414.149) [-413.186] (-420.644) (-415.916) -- 0:00:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010442 830500 -- (-413.162) [-415.313] (-414.538) (-414.883) * (-419.347) (-413.351) (-413.370) [-413.820] -- 0:00:09 831000 -- (-413.414) [-412.805] (-411.919) (-413.573) * (-411.931) [-414.714] (-413.876) (-413.538) -- 0:00:09 831500 -- [-413.036] (-413.041) (-412.706) (-414.455) * (-412.114) (-414.410) [-414.916] (-413.369) -- 0:00:09 832000 -- [-412.539] (-416.103) (-413.329) (-413.528) * (-414.622) (-412.951) (-414.143) [-414.443] -- 0:00:09 832500 -- (-412.778) (-414.496) [-413.445] (-414.192) * (-414.574) (-419.989) (-414.232) [-412.438] -- 0:00:09 833000 -- (-412.566) [-412.614] (-412.754) (-414.045) * (-421.858) (-414.648) (-415.547) [-413.660] -- 0:00:09 833500 -- (-413.270) (-412.277) (-413.605) [-414.313] * [-415.939] (-417.673) (-414.743) (-413.473) -- 0:00:09 834000 -- (-413.197) (-420.784) [-411.900] (-412.592) * (-415.735) (-416.523) [-414.220] (-413.789) -- 0:00:09 834500 -- (-414.635) (-416.484) [-414.477] (-411.887) * (-414.513) [-413.317] (-414.046) (-413.700) -- 0:00:09 835000 -- (-420.153) [-413.772] (-414.045) (-412.099) * (-414.750) [-415.647] (-416.801) (-412.740) -- 0:00:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010601 835500 -- (-412.608) (-414.088) [-413.003] (-413.532) * (-413.301) [-415.258] (-414.413) (-412.284) -- 0:00:09 836000 -- (-413.466) [-414.362] (-414.115) (-414.254) * (-413.564) (-413.287) (-412.965) [-411.955] -- 0:00:09 836500 -- (-415.551) [-417.876] (-412.876) (-412.534) * (-414.961) (-414.665) [-417.074] (-413.313) -- 0:00:09 837000 -- (-412.770) (-414.871) [-414.404] (-411.998) * (-413.171) (-417.810) (-414.602) [-413.776] -- 0:00:09 837500 -- (-414.483) [-412.901] (-415.480) (-412.323) * (-412.111) (-413.441) (-415.469) [-412.781] -- 0:00:09 838000 -- (-415.725) (-412.518) [-416.203] (-412.982) * [-412.627] (-413.386) (-415.722) (-420.427) -- 0:00:09 838500 -- (-415.822) (-412.667) [-415.037] (-412.673) * (-414.264) [-416.804] (-414.355) (-417.552) -- 0:00:09 839000 -- (-412.274) (-412.862) (-416.138) [-412.524] * (-417.718) [-413.561] (-412.987) (-414.207) -- 0:00:09 839500 -- (-412.954) [-412.521] (-413.720) (-414.003) * (-416.760) (-415.402) (-412.078) [-416.837] -- 0:00:09 840000 -- [-412.634] (-412.560) (-415.736) (-411.959) * (-415.512) (-416.659) [-413.094] (-416.498) -- 0:00:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010542 840500 -- (-414.222) [-414.729] (-414.648) (-413.026) * (-413.782) [-413.434] (-412.037) (-414.348) -- 0:00:09 841000 -- (-414.412) (-415.490) (-413.936) [-414.285] * (-416.357) (-413.887) [-413.095] (-416.324) -- 0:00:09 841500 -- (-413.151) [-416.355] (-415.627) (-416.685) * [-412.666] (-416.317) (-414.803) (-415.155) -- 0:00:09 842000 -- (-415.628) [-413.974] (-413.294) (-412.430) * [-412.006] (-414.139) (-413.380) (-413.320) -- 0:00:09 842500 -- (-413.920) [-417.385] (-414.806) (-413.378) * (-412.795) (-411.915) [-415.061] (-415.159) -- 0:00:09 843000 -- (-414.532) (-412.877) (-416.714) [-413.752] * (-414.698) (-413.302) (-421.646) [-417.273] -- 0:00:09 843500 -- (-414.188) (-413.933) (-418.175) [-414.133] * (-415.938) [-413.388] (-420.895) (-416.002) -- 0:00:09 844000 -- [-414.614] (-414.854) (-417.767) (-415.020) * [-413.135] (-413.296) (-414.530) (-411.876) -- 0:00:09 844500 -- (-415.016) (-416.166) (-412.019) [-416.269] * (-414.072) (-412.132) [-412.826] (-413.243) -- 0:00:09 845000 -- (-417.061) [-412.553] (-417.188) (-415.551) * [-414.203] (-412.553) (-412.723) (-413.053) -- 0:00:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010884 845500 -- (-416.534) [-413.127] (-416.614) (-412.302) * (-417.655) (-415.476) (-412.426) [-412.884] -- 0:00:08 846000 -- (-412.824) (-412.696) (-416.443) [-413.255] * (-415.412) (-415.702) [-413.829] (-412.062) -- 0:00:08 846500 -- [-413.197] (-416.960) (-417.855) (-413.035) * (-420.523) [-414.459] (-414.537) (-412.656) -- 0:00:08 847000 -- [-417.019] (-413.292) (-414.213) (-414.588) * [-413.043] (-415.926) (-413.425) (-416.942) -- 0:00:08 847500 -- (-417.090) (-413.047) (-414.828) [-413.916] * [-412.709] (-414.301) (-414.317) (-417.973) -- 0:00:08 848000 -- (-412.228) (-416.019) [-414.305] (-415.873) * (-413.777) [-412.522] (-412.697) (-421.296) -- 0:00:08 848500 -- (-420.356) (-413.773) (-413.834) [-413.410] * [-413.974] (-412.989) (-413.910) (-413.903) -- 0:00:08 849000 -- (-413.791) (-414.044) (-412.910) [-414.247] * (-415.485) [-412.302] (-416.230) (-413.167) -- 0:00:08 849500 -- (-415.753) (-412.838) [-416.209] (-412.145) * (-412.431) (-413.369) (-413.053) [-413.345] -- 0:00:08 850000 -- (-412.867) (-413.636) (-414.947) [-413.394] * [-412.546] (-412.065) (-416.757) (-412.853) -- 0:00:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011194 850500 -- (-412.683) (-413.977) [-414.950] (-413.569) * (-414.003) [-417.879] (-414.519) (-412.348) -- 0:00:08 851000 -- (-412.942) [-413.124] (-414.569) (-412.636) * [-413.573] (-415.525) (-419.066) (-412.881) -- 0:00:08 851500 -- [-415.545] (-413.461) (-412.296) (-414.322) * (-411.724) (-415.988) (-416.802) [-414.286] -- 0:00:08 852000 -- (-417.192) (-413.276) [-412.094] (-415.106) * [-413.679] (-415.084) (-416.302) (-416.806) -- 0:00:08 852500 -- (-415.131) (-412.958) (-418.858) [-414.065] * (-414.999) [-414.129] (-412.742) (-412.638) -- 0:00:08 853000 -- (-415.169) (-414.580) (-415.507) [-412.570] * (-415.001) [-416.364] (-418.489) (-411.701) -- 0:00:08 853500 -- (-411.984) [-413.498] (-414.890) (-415.781) * (-417.186) (-413.436) (-414.248) [-412.867] -- 0:00:08 854000 -- [-412.514] (-412.879) (-414.753) (-412.320) * (-416.824) (-414.916) [-412.978] (-418.227) -- 0:00:08 854500 -- [-415.280] (-413.648) (-413.847) (-414.072) * (-419.678) (-414.900) (-413.987) [-414.735] -- 0:00:08 855000 -- [-412.266] (-413.345) (-415.891) (-418.337) * (-413.032) [-413.397] (-414.058) (-412.259) -- 0:00:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011014 855500 -- (-414.845) (-412.780) [-415.808] (-413.259) * (-416.882) [-415.924] (-416.020) (-412.107) -- 0:00:08 856000 -- [-413.831] (-414.558) (-417.897) (-413.916) * (-415.219) [-413.513] (-412.509) (-414.086) -- 0:00:08 856500 -- (-413.884) [-412.903] (-419.120) (-414.212) * (-414.432) (-412.073) [-415.031] (-416.347) -- 0:00:08 857000 -- (-412.973) [-415.596] (-416.249) (-415.172) * (-413.447) (-412.385) (-414.160) [-415.831] -- 0:00:08 857500 -- (-414.087) [-412.214] (-418.509) (-415.351) * [-414.094] (-413.579) (-413.689) (-413.967) -- 0:00:08 858000 -- (-415.072) [-413.355] (-412.944) (-416.207) * (-413.991) [-414.070] (-413.674) (-414.396) -- 0:00:08 858500 -- (-414.711) (-412.718) [-412.797] (-412.556) * (-415.360) (-413.357) (-413.674) [-414.831] -- 0:00:08 859000 -- (-413.750) (-412.674) [-413.236] (-418.369) * [-415.781] (-412.149) (-414.187) (-415.028) -- 0:00:08 859500 -- (-412.884) (-415.308) [-412.726] (-414.603) * (-414.588) (-415.434) [-412.189] (-415.166) -- 0:00:08 860000 -- (-412.471) (-411.702) [-413.661] (-414.596) * (-414.006) (-414.444) [-412.915] (-423.626) -- 0:00:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011064 860500 -- (-412.029) (-412.407) [-412.692] (-412.795) * (-413.722) (-414.274) [-414.273] (-418.789) -- 0:00:08 861000 -- (-413.984) [-417.983] (-412.712) (-412.713) * [-415.728] (-414.415) (-413.548) (-413.691) -- 0:00:08 861500 -- (-419.565) (-414.704) (-415.118) [-414.992] * [-413.653] (-416.980) (-412.805) (-412.964) -- 0:00:08 862000 -- (-412.595) [-415.887] (-415.631) (-413.327) * (-412.706) (-413.135) (-413.581) [-413.366] -- 0:00:08 862500 -- (-414.467) [-412.662] (-416.633) (-413.935) * (-415.245) (-415.068) (-413.941) [-414.765] -- 0:00:07 863000 -- (-413.794) [-413.047] (-415.845) (-414.509) * (-413.318) [-414.316] (-415.959) (-412.341) -- 0:00:07 863500 -- (-412.511) (-415.629) (-417.153) [-413.620] * (-413.757) (-417.936) [-415.086] (-416.888) -- 0:00:07 864000 -- (-413.163) (-413.004) [-413.324] (-415.293) * [-412.015] (-412.710) (-412.638) (-413.925) -- 0:00:07 864500 -- (-419.023) (-419.277) [-413.834] (-420.939) * (-413.821) (-412.450) [-414.147] (-415.634) -- 0:00:07 865000 -- (-414.494) [-412.168] (-412.566) (-413.409) * [-415.514] (-414.850) (-418.622) (-414.552) -- 0:00:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011032 865500 -- [-416.162] (-413.803) (-414.276) (-416.231) * (-415.694) [-414.634] (-412.611) (-412.936) -- 0:00:07 866000 -- (-413.764) [-412.007] (-413.968) (-415.742) * (-416.605) (-413.377) (-412.563) [-413.849] -- 0:00:07 866500 -- (-415.397) [-413.096] (-413.286) (-413.101) * (-414.279) [-414.254] (-412.323) (-414.608) -- 0:00:07 867000 -- (-416.190) (-414.500) (-413.965) [-414.144] * (-412.185) (-413.753) [-412.220] (-414.118) -- 0:00:07 867500 -- (-417.901) (-412.982) (-412.401) [-412.496] * [-414.069] (-413.923) (-414.741) (-415.706) -- 0:00:07 868000 -- (-414.915) (-412.393) (-417.184) [-412.872] * [-414.516] (-413.104) (-412.045) (-417.090) -- 0:00:07 868500 -- [-413.490] (-417.540) (-414.343) (-412.687) * [-416.122] (-412.014) (-413.366) (-417.844) -- 0:00:07 869000 -- [-413.410] (-412.423) (-412.283) (-415.416) * (-412.468) (-413.688) (-413.285) [-412.866] -- 0:00:07 869500 -- (-417.691) (-412.878) [-411.969] (-414.484) * (-412.986) [-414.237] (-414.993) (-413.018) -- 0:00:07 870000 -- (-415.506) [-413.181] (-413.502) (-413.268) * (-415.345) (-414.126) [-414.262] (-413.046) -- 0:00:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011009 870500 -- (-414.377) (-413.886) [-411.836] (-412.078) * (-417.609) [-412.064] (-413.453) (-413.271) -- 0:00:07 871000 -- (-411.889) (-415.349) [-416.877] (-412.565) * (-417.242) (-412.131) (-412.097) [-414.223] -- 0:00:07 871500 -- (-411.889) (-415.726) [-412.010] (-414.197) * (-416.086) (-412.878) (-411.857) [-413.975] -- 0:00:07 872000 -- (-412.404) [-414.658] (-412.203) (-414.254) * (-417.440) (-412.897) [-412.547] (-413.108) -- 0:00:07 872500 -- [-413.027] (-412.907) (-414.046) (-417.835) * (-416.002) (-415.745) (-413.385) [-415.699] -- 0:00:07 873000 -- (-412.471) [-413.114] (-413.775) (-412.379) * (-414.758) (-412.943) [-415.244] (-414.054) -- 0:00:07 873500 -- [-413.839] (-416.241) (-415.424) (-415.371) * (-416.299) (-412.996) (-417.204) [-412.243] -- 0:00:07 874000 -- (-413.037) (-413.623) (-414.492) [-414.920] * (-414.984) (-416.186) (-413.320) [-411.735] -- 0:00:07 874500 -- [-414.475] (-413.512) (-418.684) (-413.745) * (-412.925) (-415.023) (-414.230) [-414.870] -- 0:00:07 875000 -- (-412.929) (-412.922) [-413.464] (-412.324) * (-414.821) (-415.553) (-417.946) [-415.720] -- 0:00:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011552 875500 -- (-413.453) (-413.299) (-412.741) [-412.745] * (-414.562) (-415.855) (-414.197) [-416.601] -- 0:00:07 876000 -- (-414.441) (-411.928) (-412.368) [-415.669] * [-412.515] (-412.757) (-411.982) (-414.258) -- 0:00:07 876500 -- (-414.923) (-415.715) [-413.618] (-413.430) * (-415.029) [-412.050] (-414.128) (-416.656) -- 0:00:07 877000 -- (-417.964) (-413.245) [-413.180] (-413.262) * (-416.068) (-412.852) (-414.124) [-413.864] -- 0:00:07 877500 -- (-411.772) (-412.576) (-419.197) [-413.394] * [-414.280] (-414.236) (-412.218) (-412.070) -- 0:00:07 878000 -- (-413.732) [-416.440] (-413.501) (-412.227) * (-413.218) [-412.553] (-412.777) (-418.580) -- 0:00:07 878500 -- (-411.611) [-413.842] (-413.118) (-412.169) * (-412.912) (-414.714) (-413.565) [-413.520] -- 0:00:07 879000 -- [-412.841] (-414.815) (-413.679) (-416.094) * (-412.093) (-414.553) [-414.957] (-414.461) -- 0:00:07 879500 -- (-416.193) [-414.369] (-413.281) (-414.181) * (-413.268) [-416.861] (-414.385) (-412.865) -- 0:00:06 880000 -- [-411.687] (-418.268) (-413.350) (-415.685) * (-415.421) (-414.296) [-416.158] (-414.256) -- 0:00:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011241 880500 -- [-412.825] (-414.721) (-412.676) (-421.482) * (-419.089) (-413.122) [-418.437] (-415.939) -- 0:00:06 881000 -- (-414.721) [-413.434] (-416.292) (-414.198) * (-414.625) (-413.009) [-418.637] (-414.505) -- 0:00:06 881500 -- [-413.482] (-413.797) (-414.793) (-412.353) * (-412.080) (-412.069) [-416.766] (-413.304) -- 0:00:06 882000 -- (-413.145) [-412.457] (-419.515) (-412.426) * (-415.919) [-414.754] (-415.800) (-413.753) -- 0:00:06 882500 -- (-412.821) [-413.627] (-417.238) (-417.015) * (-413.977) [-417.049] (-414.253) (-418.480) -- 0:00:06 883000 -- (-417.468) (-412.264) (-417.386) [-412.901] * (-415.134) (-416.061) (-416.093) [-414.419] -- 0:00:06 883500 -- [-412.357] (-412.443) (-412.786) (-414.290) * [-417.476] (-412.635) (-420.365) (-411.944) -- 0:00:06 884000 -- (-412.482) (-419.914) [-413.068] (-416.438) * (-416.634) (-413.509) (-414.753) [-413.102] -- 0:00:06 884500 -- (-415.058) (-415.173) [-415.234] (-415.321) * (-414.943) (-414.396) [-414.581] (-413.584) -- 0:00:06 885000 -- [-413.923] (-415.644) (-412.559) (-415.495) * [-413.745] (-414.476) (-415.447) (-413.470) -- 0:00:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011067 885500 -- (-412.316) [-414.073] (-413.812) (-413.069) * (-415.002) (-415.976) (-417.321) [-413.129] -- 0:00:06 886000 -- [-413.172] (-416.055) (-413.392) (-413.565) * [-412.946] (-418.778) (-415.262) (-412.287) -- 0:00:06 886500 -- (-416.209) (-422.506) (-415.019) [-415.570] * [-413.015] (-417.974) (-412.882) (-415.597) -- 0:00:06 887000 -- (-415.829) (-419.679) [-414.408] (-415.745) * (-415.407) [-414.790] (-413.196) (-415.322) -- 0:00:06 887500 -- (-412.609) (-415.355) (-412.113) [-413.538] * (-414.861) (-413.347) [-413.794] (-414.517) -- 0:00:06 888000 -- [-412.596] (-412.868) (-413.212) (-412.697) * (-415.526) (-412.652) [-415.477] (-412.799) -- 0:00:06 888500 -- [-413.661] (-418.663) (-412.565) (-412.774) * [-411.949] (-413.224) (-414.819) (-412.829) -- 0:00:06 889000 -- [-413.843] (-416.595) (-412.088) (-412.127) * (-413.915) (-414.007) (-413.647) [-417.207] -- 0:00:06 889500 -- (-414.831) (-419.575) [-413.335] (-412.109) * (-413.453) [-413.212] (-412.589) (-416.975) -- 0:00:06 890000 -- (-413.858) (-416.576) [-413.677] (-414.831) * (-414.268) (-415.401) (-412.835) [-412.853] -- 0:00:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011609 890500 -- [-413.089] (-417.246) (-415.891) (-412.414) * [-412.546] (-413.641) (-415.836) (-413.626) -- 0:00:06 891000 -- (-413.289) (-413.449) [-412.176] (-412.168) * [-413.321] (-412.367) (-412.746) (-414.440) -- 0:00:06 891500 -- (-413.350) (-415.317) (-416.130) [-414.569] * (-412.420) (-415.275) (-416.890) [-414.027] -- 0:00:06 892000 -- (-411.889) (-413.731) [-413.063] (-412.545) * (-420.221) [-416.671] (-418.426) (-412.569) -- 0:00:06 892500 -- (-412.287) (-413.562) (-414.746) [-416.868] * (-412.573) (-413.711) (-416.825) [-414.030] -- 0:00:06 893000 -- (-414.687) (-414.239) (-414.777) [-414.817] * (-412.421) (-418.722) [-415.420] (-415.238) -- 0:00:06 893500 -- [-415.030] (-413.091) (-417.165) (-413.850) * [-412.437] (-413.229) (-412.985) (-413.574) -- 0:00:06 894000 -- (-412.876) (-413.135) (-413.700) [-415.963] * (-417.225) (-416.299) [-413.141] (-412.955) -- 0:00:06 894500 -- (-413.700) [-414.359] (-413.237) (-413.268) * (-422.019) (-414.517) [-412.986] (-415.281) -- 0:00:06 895000 -- (-415.391) [-416.290] (-412.459) (-412.836) * (-425.768) (-415.431) (-414.344) [-416.128] -- 0:00:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011575 895500 -- (-416.180) [-414.712] (-417.920) (-414.695) * (-417.977) [-414.526] (-416.754) (-416.220) -- 0:00:06 896000 -- (-421.441) [-412.895] (-412.730) (-413.038) * (-418.028) [-412.774] (-418.934) (-419.832) -- 0:00:06 896500 -- (-412.288) (-413.695) [-413.023] (-412.494) * (-413.623) (-421.643) (-414.969) [-415.855] -- 0:00:06 897000 -- (-413.948) (-412.782) [-414.607] (-414.469) * (-412.656) (-415.549) (-411.860) [-413.405] -- 0:00:05 897500 -- [-414.351] (-415.247) (-415.646) (-415.557) * (-412.746) (-412.894) (-414.718) [-415.660] -- 0:00:05 898000 -- (-413.601) (-415.212) [-412.848] (-414.999) * (-413.916) [-412.318] (-413.498) (-416.246) -- 0:00:05 898500 -- (-418.251) (-414.398) [-412.260] (-415.868) * (-415.337) (-414.450) [-412.523] (-419.311) -- 0:00:05 899000 -- (-416.368) (-413.702) (-415.139) [-413.431] * [-415.491] (-415.509) (-412.191) (-419.040) -- 0:00:05 899500 -- [-415.120] (-412.458) (-413.876) (-415.839) * [-413.082] (-411.698) (-417.038) (-419.756) -- 0:00:05 900000 -- (-419.163) [-413.779] (-413.258) (-415.750) * (-415.984) [-413.599] (-413.846) (-412.203) -- 0:00:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011270 900500 -- (-420.085) (-414.078) [-413.029] (-414.728) * [-413.936] (-415.600) (-413.267) (-412.473) -- 0:00:05 901000 -- (-411.852) (-416.356) [-414.910] (-414.791) * (-415.156) (-416.479) [-415.602] (-413.038) -- 0:00:05 901500 -- [-412.980] (-415.675) (-415.758) (-421.326) * (-412.376) [-412.188] (-413.363) (-414.811) -- 0:00:05 902000 -- (-414.130) (-415.051) (-413.620) [-415.357] * [-414.866] (-413.122) (-414.309) (-413.937) -- 0:00:05 902500 -- [-413.411] (-418.648) (-412.698) (-414.643) * (-416.588) [-413.941] (-414.416) (-415.039) -- 0:00:05 903000 -- [-413.761] (-419.276) (-413.190) (-412.427) * (-417.868) (-412.705) (-415.113) [-416.382] -- 0:00:05 903500 -- (-419.610) [-413.110] (-417.297) (-411.916) * (-414.821) (-415.147) [-416.591] (-415.392) -- 0:00:05 904000 -- (-416.440) (-412.997) [-415.105] (-414.310) * (-413.222) [-413.340] (-413.068) (-413.252) -- 0:00:05 904500 -- (-414.548) [-415.939] (-415.644) (-415.961) * (-413.787) [-412.401] (-415.853) (-416.860) -- 0:00:05 905000 -- (-413.686) [-412.612] (-411.952) (-414.446) * (-414.321) (-411.822) [-414.902] (-413.718) -- 0:00:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011343 905500 -- (-412.856) [-411.809] (-413.055) (-412.954) * [-412.224] (-413.071) (-417.002) (-413.719) -- 0:00:05 906000 -- (-414.564) (-414.074) (-413.854) [-415.464] * [-414.343] (-412.280) (-414.391) (-415.259) -- 0:00:05 906500 -- (-413.174) (-413.073) (-413.724) [-412.835] * (-413.320) (-417.523) [-414.152] (-415.170) -- 0:00:05 907000 -- (-415.684) [-416.939] (-413.092) (-413.502) * (-416.648) (-414.915) (-412.198) [-417.057] -- 0:00:05 907500 -- (-412.498) (-413.617) (-413.819) [-411.914] * (-414.009) (-417.255) (-417.914) [-413.667] -- 0:00:05 908000 -- (-412.147) [-415.641] (-413.340) (-413.358) * (-416.020) [-415.037] (-414.281) (-414.845) -- 0:00:05 908500 -- (-412.247) (-415.410) [-413.273] (-412.858) * (-415.596) (-416.748) (-412.377) [-414.732] -- 0:00:05 909000 -- [-412.931] (-419.009) (-412.426) (-413.516) * (-415.489) [-413.107] (-415.288) (-411.985) -- 0:00:05 909500 -- (-416.909) (-417.811) [-415.274] (-417.538) * (-414.553) (-416.443) [-412.845] (-417.857) -- 0:00:05 910000 -- [-412.999] (-415.815) (-413.696) (-415.135) * [-414.123] (-414.248) (-413.661) (-414.505) -- 0:00:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011319 910500 -- [-413.190] (-416.250) (-413.114) (-413.666) * (-413.215) (-412.236) [-414.520] (-413.504) -- 0:00:05 911000 -- (-412.458) (-413.438) (-414.400) [-417.143] * (-412.089) [-412.099] (-417.155) (-414.823) -- 0:00:05 911500 -- (-413.358) (-413.536) [-412.267] (-413.544) * [-412.360] (-413.272) (-414.001) (-415.151) -- 0:00:05 912000 -- (-415.363) (-416.801) (-416.205) [-412.231] * (-413.677) (-416.669) [-413.522] (-414.818) -- 0:00:05 912500 -- (-412.717) (-416.117) [-413.899] (-412.460) * (-413.341) (-412.801) (-412.871) [-412.299] -- 0:00:05 913000 -- (-413.575) [-413.025] (-412.622) (-417.360) * (-414.084) [-415.946] (-413.234) (-412.675) -- 0:00:05 913500 -- (-415.104) (-413.096) [-419.590] (-412.763) * (-413.731) (-414.221) [-413.144] (-412.289) -- 0:00:05 914000 -- [-414.851] (-419.008) (-415.128) (-414.202) * (-415.047) [-416.442] (-413.329) (-412.232) -- 0:00:04 914500 -- (-413.797) (-416.862) (-415.108) [-416.791] * (-415.254) (-414.030) [-413.007] (-412.806) -- 0:00:04 915000 -- (-414.240) (-414.614) (-417.293) [-412.819] * (-413.102) (-413.599) (-412.333) [-414.112] -- 0:00:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011562 915500 -- [-413.363] (-416.468) (-413.589) (-416.520) * (-414.510) (-413.102) [-412.904] (-415.883) -- 0:00:04 916000 -- (-416.340) (-412.811) (-415.321) [-412.567] * (-415.024) (-412.388) (-412.913) [-416.055] -- 0:00:04 916500 -- (-413.159) (-414.951) (-415.522) [-413.367] * (-413.631) (-414.577) [-413.663] (-413.557) -- 0:00:04 917000 -- [-413.684] (-412.856) (-413.520) (-412.082) * (-414.917) (-413.663) [-412.629] (-414.521) -- 0:00:04 917500 -- (-416.035) (-412.380) (-414.014) [-412.363] * (-414.137) [-412.568] (-415.537) (-413.284) -- 0:00:04 918000 -- [-416.140] (-415.935) (-413.817) (-414.604) * (-417.246) (-413.993) [-414.757] (-413.577) -- 0:00:04 918500 -- (-416.756) (-414.720) (-412.316) [-414.466] * [-412.409] (-411.823) (-412.651) (-412.584) -- 0:00:04 919000 -- [-414.330] (-413.985) (-412.809) (-418.462) * (-412.779) (-411.939) [-413.718] (-414.615) -- 0:00:04 919500 -- (-413.630) (-414.388) (-414.766) [-414.117] * (-413.066) [-413.046] (-412.518) (-415.950) -- 0:00:04 920000 -- (-414.540) (-415.388) (-416.171) [-413.135] * (-412.703) (-422.020) (-415.206) [-415.647] -- 0:00:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011981 920500 -- (-412.904) [-412.623] (-416.444) (-414.385) * (-412.718) [-416.216] (-414.928) (-416.869) -- 0:00:04 921000 -- (-413.054) [-412.844] (-413.618) (-414.779) * (-414.790) (-413.936) (-413.228) [-413.841] -- 0:00:04 921500 -- [-413.614] (-411.571) (-412.454) (-412.765) * (-414.175) (-413.067) (-414.404) [-412.668] -- 0:00:04 922000 -- (-413.627) (-412.515) (-413.336) [-413.487] * (-414.366) [-412.126] (-413.225) (-413.213) -- 0:00:04 922500 -- (-414.037) (-411.927) (-413.440) [-411.866] * [-414.521] (-415.323) (-412.674) (-413.020) -- 0:00:04 923000 -- (-417.994) (-415.958) (-412.455) [-412.592] * (-412.738) (-416.954) [-414.179] (-412.819) -- 0:00:04 923500 -- [-412.084] (-417.950) (-414.212) (-414.619) * (-413.424) (-416.184) [-417.372] (-415.317) -- 0:00:04 924000 -- [-413.097] (-416.393) (-411.873) (-412.601) * (-418.369) [-420.225] (-414.943) (-415.805) -- 0:00:04 924500 -- (-413.717) [-412.655] (-412.803) (-414.708) * (-413.257) [-415.575] (-413.240) (-412.914) -- 0:00:04 925000 -- [-413.667] (-412.645) (-412.269) (-418.388) * (-413.434) (-412.988) [-414.392] (-412.755) -- 0:00:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011912 925500 -- (-413.631) (-412.817) (-412.238) [-415.505] * [-415.942] (-418.445) (-414.194) (-413.589) -- 0:00:04 926000 -- [-412.823] (-413.735) (-411.870) (-415.320) * (-416.593) (-415.596) (-412.568) [-416.620] -- 0:00:04 926500 -- [-412.800] (-414.526) (-414.377) (-413.360) * [-413.672] (-414.161) (-413.982) (-414.066) -- 0:00:04 927000 -- (-413.578) [-412.414] (-415.666) (-413.077) * (-414.512) [-413.108] (-412.146) (-417.506) -- 0:00:04 927500 -- [-411.700] (-415.947) (-413.444) (-417.664) * (-416.445) [-417.811] (-411.912) (-415.669) -- 0:00:04 928000 -- [-417.597] (-413.836) (-421.465) (-421.918) * (-415.832) [-415.423] (-416.637) (-412.318) -- 0:00:04 928500 -- (-413.597) [-414.487] (-413.276) (-417.165) * (-414.863) (-414.613) (-416.850) [-413.230] -- 0:00:04 929000 -- [-412.270] (-413.957) (-414.694) (-415.966) * (-415.704) (-414.200) (-416.401) [-413.658] -- 0:00:04 929500 -- (-412.930) (-413.111) (-414.239) [-416.281] * [-414.008] (-413.142) (-413.346) (-414.405) -- 0:00:04 930000 -- (-411.850) [-413.874] (-412.243) (-414.623) * [-414.462] (-412.553) (-412.276) (-414.252) -- 0:00:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011785 930500 -- (-414.409) (-414.057) [-411.932] (-416.944) * (-414.434) (-414.233) [-414.294] (-415.930) -- 0:00:04 931000 -- (-413.850) (-415.352) [-417.596] (-417.088) * (-415.436) (-412.860) [-413.577] (-415.335) -- 0:00:04 931500 -- (-417.694) [-413.010] (-412.808) (-413.156) * (-415.642) (-414.482) (-415.899) [-412.935] -- 0:00:03 932000 -- (-418.963) (-412.758) (-413.272) [-412.557] * (-414.409) [-412.416] (-412.289) (-416.977) -- 0:00:03 932500 -- (-414.896) (-415.531) (-412.685) [-412.587] * [-415.471] (-412.585) (-412.363) (-421.101) -- 0:00:03 933000 -- (-413.237) [-412.836] (-412.863) (-414.453) * (-416.066) [-414.244] (-412.828) (-415.658) -- 0:00:03 933500 -- (-418.803) (-413.155) [-412.804] (-414.228) * (-413.433) (-412.901) (-413.226) [-412.318] -- 0:00:03 934000 -- (-413.775) [-417.735] (-414.464) (-417.904) * (-413.291) (-413.835) [-414.436] (-412.864) -- 0:00:03 934500 -- (-414.746) (-412.732) [-412.251] (-414.184) * [-413.582] (-412.122) (-413.946) (-415.349) -- 0:00:03 935000 -- (-414.491) (-418.128) [-414.510] (-414.118) * [-413.739] (-414.260) (-416.519) (-413.865) -- 0:00:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011315 935500 -- (-413.955) [-416.682] (-416.787) (-413.701) * (-416.743) [-414.402] (-416.122) (-414.574) -- 0:00:03 936000 -- [-414.057] (-414.259) (-415.348) (-414.322) * (-415.311) (-412.848) [-415.165] (-416.853) -- 0:00:03 936500 -- (-416.414) (-413.936) [-413.517] (-412.398) * (-418.668) (-414.524) (-411.869) [-415.130] -- 0:00:03 937000 -- (-415.080) (-414.017) (-414.690) [-414.758] * (-415.229) (-416.171) (-414.606) [-413.612] -- 0:00:03 937500 -- [-411.989] (-413.005) (-415.310) (-412.949) * (-415.333) (-413.335) [-413.724] (-412.691) -- 0:00:03 938000 -- (-412.144) (-412.134) (-414.166) [-413.064] * [-412.182] (-415.185) (-412.477) (-415.873) -- 0:00:03 938500 -- (-412.682) (-414.790) [-415.095] (-412.643) * (-413.414) [-413.440] (-415.556) (-415.992) -- 0:00:03 939000 -- (-414.431) (-414.567) [-413.209] (-413.923) * [-412.772] (-419.756) (-415.962) (-422.029) -- 0:00:03 939500 -- (-412.373) (-416.682) [-412.696] (-419.149) * (-412.921) (-417.176) [-414.853] (-417.421) -- 0:00:03 940000 -- (-411.994) (-412.698) (-414.368) [-413.683] * (-412.301) (-413.280) [-413.722] (-415.041) -- 0:00:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011860 940500 -- (-412.355) (-412.617) [-413.685] (-416.140) * [-412.951] (-417.215) (-413.132) (-412.061) -- 0:00:03 941000 -- (-413.173) [-417.192] (-412.526) (-413.448) * [-412.017] (-412.842) (-415.925) (-414.561) -- 0:00:03 941500 -- [-413.103] (-412.309) (-413.285) (-413.213) * [-415.651] (-414.778) (-414.859) (-414.448) -- 0:00:03 942000 -- (-412.013) [-414.728] (-413.986) (-414.688) * [-414.308] (-414.763) (-413.602) (-414.883) -- 0:00:03 942500 -- [-414.041] (-414.539) (-415.625) (-415.925) * (-413.186) [-412.921] (-416.336) (-415.841) -- 0:00:03 943000 -- (-413.965) (-414.437) [-413.160] (-416.003) * [-412.751] (-412.537) (-413.534) (-416.738) -- 0:00:03 943500 -- (-417.338) (-411.977) [-413.641] (-413.716) * [-412.332] (-414.290) (-414.620) (-415.197) -- 0:00:03 944000 -- (-419.089) [-414.895] (-413.158) (-416.015) * (-412.332) (-414.321) (-414.725) [-412.377] -- 0:00:03 944500 -- (-415.743) [-413.756] (-412.448) (-417.308) * (-413.426) (-414.667) (-413.223) [-413.509] -- 0:00:03 945000 -- (-414.644) [-412.718] (-414.269) (-420.576) * [-414.801] (-415.565) (-413.831) (-415.819) -- 0:00:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011860 945500 -- (-413.644) (-412.804) [-417.869] (-416.363) * (-417.997) (-413.537) [-416.478] (-415.701) -- 0:00:03 946000 -- [-412.003] (-413.314) (-414.962) (-412.658) * [-416.322] (-414.244) (-413.764) (-413.395) -- 0:00:03 946500 -- [-412.032] (-413.127) (-418.055) (-412.249) * (-415.187) (-416.997) (-414.400) [-413.445] -- 0:00:03 947000 -- [-412.382] (-412.525) (-413.405) (-413.600) * (-413.032) (-412.547) [-413.385] (-413.453) -- 0:00:03 947500 -- (-416.503) (-413.596) (-413.095) [-415.215] * (-413.167) [-412.920] (-414.147) (-413.286) -- 0:00:03 948000 -- [-414.786] (-413.398) (-415.177) (-414.363) * (-414.534) [-414.043] (-412.595) (-416.477) -- 0:00:03 948500 -- (-412.662) (-416.075) [-413.399] (-416.587) * (-417.803) (-413.098) (-412.595) [-413.348] -- 0:00:02 949000 -- (-412.358) (-418.371) [-420.325] (-414.821) * (-414.044) (-412.909) [-412.417] (-414.709) -- 0:00:02 949500 -- (-412.886) (-418.833) [-414.122] (-413.049) * (-414.933) [-413.562] (-411.777) (-416.865) -- 0:00:02 950000 -- (-413.316) (-416.463) (-417.057) [-413.378] * (-413.214) (-414.841) [-412.403] (-413.379) -- 0:00:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011802 950500 -- (-417.046) (-415.296) (-416.880) [-413.668] * (-412.865) (-412.559) [-412.785] (-415.059) -- 0:00:02 951000 -- (-412.799) (-413.262) (-416.163) [-412.390] * (-414.107) (-412.544) [-414.279] (-415.462) -- 0:00:02 951500 -- (-412.298) (-414.014) [-417.150] (-416.560) * [-416.847] (-413.539) (-413.087) (-413.207) -- 0:00:02 952000 -- [-414.898] (-412.702) (-411.930) (-416.973) * (-422.959) (-413.239) (-416.401) [-411.969] -- 0:00:02 952500 -- (-419.404) [-412.753] (-414.705) (-414.892) * (-420.419) [-414.843] (-412.401) (-416.162) -- 0:00:02 953000 -- (-417.254) (-414.103) [-412.289] (-416.003) * (-414.263) (-417.500) (-412.671) [-413.020] -- 0:00:02 953500 -- (-414.759) (-412.781) [-413.101] (-416.628) * (-418.497) [-413.823] (-414.271) (-414.153) -- 0:00:02 954000 -- (-414.452) (-411.727) (-418.944) [-412.309] * (-415.888) (-415.273) [-413.873] (-414.358) -- 0:00:02 954500 -- (-416.173) [-414.616] (-414.095) (-414.454) * (-413.827) [-413.897] (-414.440) (-416.176) -- 0:00:02 955000 -- (-415.180) (-415.111) (-414.258) [-412.631] * (-419.061) (-416.491) (-415.533) [-413.111] -- 0:00:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011769 955500 -- (-415.784) (-414.860) (-415.593) [-412.788] * (-417.442) (-419.271) (-415.851) [-412.401] -- 0:00:02 956000 -- [-416.152] (-421.257) (-414.322) (-412.794) * (-412.555) (-418.532) [-412.449] (-413.258) -- 0:00:02 956500 -- (-418.760) (-416.140) (-415.152) [-415.456] * (-413.427) (-417.291) (-414.941) [-413.930] -- 0:00:02 957000 -- [-412.681] (-413.489) (-414.067) (-414.184) * (-413.627) (-413.819) (-414.510) [-413.631] -- 0:00:02 957500 -- (-414.967) (-414.150) (-414.251) [-417.259] * (-415.983) (-416.545) [-412.053] (-412.673) -- 0:00:02 958000 -- (-412.391) (-413.333) [-415.809] (-416.119) * (-412.619) (-416.809) [-412.338] (-415.585) -- 0:00:02 958500 -- (-412.817) (-416.015) [-413.861] (-414.415) * (-414.641) (-415.468) (-414.283) [-413.998] -- 0:00:02 959000 -- [-413.294] (-415.744) (-417.506) (-415.017) * (-414.601) (-413.090) [-412.910] (-420.772) -- 0:00:02 959500 -- (-413.248) (-413.649) (-416.159) [-413.171] * (-412.969) (-414.316) (-415.592) [-412.758] -- 0:00:02 960000 -- (-415.494) (-413.348) [-413.825] (-412.377) * [-414.411] (-413.837) (-413.257) (-414.484) -- 0:00:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011679 960500 -- (-412.151) (-414.623) (-413.185) [-413.170] * (-417.489) [-413.885] (-414.440) (-415.726) -- 0:00:02 961000 -- [-415.277] (-414.455) (-412.180) (-413.148) * [-413.362] (-416.189) (-417.839) (-412.158) -- 0:00:02 961500 -- (-414.613) [-413.551] (-412.751) (-415.050) * (-419.485) (-417.438) [-415.397] (-412.852) -- 0:00:02 962000 -- (-414.534) (-421.085) (-413.820) [-415.297] * (-416.366) (-413.354) (-412.740) [-412.071] -- 0:00:02 962500 -- (-416.227) [-415.865] (-416.173) (-417.880) * (-414.043) [-414.436] (-417.889) (-411.709) -- 0:00:02 963000 -- (-416.234) [-415.053] (-416.274) (-413.426) * (-413.554) (-413.288) (-413.245) [-412.810] -- 0:00:02 963500 -- (-414.449) (-416.342) (-413.362) [-412.079] * (-415.593) [-413.025] (-416.762) (-415.470) -- 0:00:02 964000 -- (-412.529) (-415.369) (-414.015) [-412.698] * (-415.557) [-412.685] (-412.131) (-417.496) -- 0:00:02 964500 -- (-415.391) (-415.046) [-411.698] (-413.181) * [-413.432] (-414.259) (-415.488) (-413.131) -- 0:00:02 965000 -- [-416.327] (-415.378) (-411.975) (-413.079) * (-414.001) [-421.343] (-414.098) (-413.337) -- 0:00:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011582 965500 -- (-415.772) (-413.639) [-412.355] (-415.198) * (-414.765) (-414.703) [-413.082] (-414.687) -- 0:00:02 966000 -- [-413.335] (-415.741) (-415.103) (-420.667) * (-417.474) [-415.234] (-413.527) (-411.934) -- 0:00:01 966500 -- (-416.346) (-415.357) [-413.154] (-420.608) * [-414.561] (-411.970) (-417.046) (-413.535) -- 0:00:01 967000 -- (-413.262) (-414.232) [-414.853] (-420.383) * [-412.100] (-413.051) (-415.170) (-413.960) -- 0:00:01 967500 -- (-414.153) (-413.184) [-413.395] (-412.963) * [-412.272] (-413.888) (-413.289) (-413.461) -- 0:00:01 968000 -- [-412.348] (-416.192) (-419.158) (-412.579) * [-412.269] (-414.853) (-414.453) (-413.607) -- 0:00:01 968500 -- (-415.036) [-413.027] (-416.659) (-414.310) * (-415.635) [-413.321] (-415.768) (-413.816) -- 0:00:01 969000 -- (-414.824) (-412.734) [-414.050] (-413.403) * (-413.927) (-414.953) [-416.315] (-413.773) -- 0:00:01 969500 -- (-416.108) (-414.116) [-414.459] (-415.137) * [-414.885] (-415.289) (-412.791) (-413.707) -- 0:00:01 970000 -- (-413.425) [-414.815] (-416.415) (-418.140) * (-413.179) (-413.466) [-416.224] (-414.482) -- 0:00:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012077 970500 -- (-417.534) [-414.709] (-414.786) (-411.954) * (-415.993) [-413.362] (-412.545) (-413.363) -- 0:00:01 971000 -- (-416.554) (-413.129) [-412.245] (-414.852) * (-421.421) [-412.926] (-413.991) (-413.084) -- 0:00:01 971500 -- (-420.452) (-413.414) [-413.118] (-416.610) * (-417.364) (-411.730) [-412.640] (-412.516) -- 0:00:01 972000 -- [-414.381] (-416.001) (-412.182) (-421.074) * (-415.867) (-412.523) [-413.716] (-415.712) -- 0:00:01 972500 -- (-413.636) (-414.331) (-413.752) [-414.043] * [-411.597] (-416.726) (-414.695) (-415.626) -- 0:00:01 973000 -- (-417.836) [-413.243] (-412.960) (-412.549) * (-412.856) (-414.488) (-413.025) [-412.306] -- 0:00:01 973500 -- (-413.924) [-414.571] (-415.850) (-412.587) * [-411.679] (-413.227) (-413.942) (-413.529) -- 0:00:01 974000 -- (-413.326) (-416.569) (-414.655) [-412.472] * (-411.829) [-413.948] (-414.699) (-415.519) -- 0:00:01 974500 -- (-413.134) (-415.695) [-415.077] (-413.267) * [-415.402] (-412.288) (-415.866) (-415.036) -- 0:00:01 975000 -- (-414.748) (-415.038) (-413.777) [-413.634] * (-413.288) [-412.579] (-415.425) (-413.174) -- 0:00:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011785 975500 -- [-413.964] (-415.054) (-412.878) (-413.751) * (-415.046) (-418.737) (-416.814) [-414.302] -- 0:00:01 976000 -- (-413.369) (-416.520) [-411.695] (-417.649) * (-413.468) [-416.230] (-415.928) (-417.508) -- 0:00:01 976500 -- (-413.231) (-413.436) (-413.087) [-412.980] * (-413.146) [-412.098] (-413.722) (-413.366) -- 0:00:01 977000 -- (-412.350) (-414.827) [-417.278] (-415.782) * (-412.900) (-414.779) (-412.570) [-417.844] -- 0:00:01 977500 -- (-413.100) (-412.884) [-414.811] (-416.929) * [-412.991] (-415.292) (-417.172) (-416.399) -- 0:00:01 978000 -- (-414.477) (-414.062) (-414.172) [-414.367] * (-413.453) (-418.534) (-414.342) [-416.316] -- 0:00:01 978500 -- (-415.583) (-413.761) (-411.741) [-413.943] * (-417.042) (-412.646) (-416.401) [-413.396] -- 0:00:01 979000 -- (-418.728) (-412.912) [-411.758] (-414.816) * [-412.620] (-413.552) (-413.784) (-416.521) -- 0:00:01 979500 -- (-414.060) [-415.012] (-417.422) (-414.207) * [-413.514] (-413.805) (-416.186) (-413.581) -- 0:00:01 980000 -- (-415.980) [-413.529] (-416.354) (-414.408) * [-412.148] (-415.168) (-415.969) (-412.732) -- 0:00:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011505 980500 -- (-415.293) (-414.104) (-416.425) [-416.089] * (-416.622) (-417.819) [-412.847] (-414.204) -- 0:00:01 981000 -- (-412.339) [-413.555] (-415.676) (-416.512) * (-416.583) (-416.695) [-414.727] (-416.009) -- 0:00:01 981500 -- (-414.095) [-418.846] (-417.290) (-419.174) * (-415.826) (-412.278) (-416.970) [-412.699] -- 0:00:01 982000 -- [-413.261] (-418.282) (-416.641) (-417.668) * (-412.780) [-413.049] (-415.054) (-413.786) -- 0:00:01 982500 -- (-413.453) (-412.617) [-419.111] (-416.440) * (-413.212) (-413.105) (-411.835) [-414.097] -- 0:00:01 983000 -- (-412.050) [-411.906] (-412.173) (-412.312) * (-416.788) (-412.167) (-411.904) [-412.349] -- 0:00:00 983500 -- (-412.304) (-415.669) [-412.274] (-412.248) * (-414.978) (-414.335) [-412.281] (-413.049) -- 0:00:00 984000 -- (-414.805) (-411.908) (-413.034) [-412.915] * (-416.506) (-415.876) [-411.583] (-414.012) -- 0:00:00 984500 -- (-412.382) [-413.579] (-412.767) (-416.423) * (-412.438) [-412.424] (-414.528) (-412.490) -- 0:00:00 985000 -- [-414.715] (-412.555) (-414.100) (-412.260) * (-414.999) (-414.895) [-414.037] (-414.222) -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011666 985500 -- (-413.371) (-411.993) (-414.559) [-412.336] * (-415.756) [-419.014] (-413.410) (-416.252) -- 0:00:00 986000 -- (-413.866) (-411.889) (-413.306) [-413.093] * [-414.183] (-412.742) (-417.733) (-413.885) -- 0:00:00 986500 -- [-415.285] (-412.905) (-413.892) (-414.575) * (-413.884) (-413.460) (-419.804) [-412.557] -- 0:00:00 987000 -- (-414.978) (-414.799) (-412.951) [-413.360] * (-415.058) [-412.530] (-413.894) (-413.378) -- 0:00:00 987500 -- (-415.574) (-413.982) (-412.113) [-413.563] * (-413.768) (-412.764) [-414.486] (-411.902) -- 0:00:00 988000 -- (-412.645) (-412.768) (-416.140) [-412.507] * (-418.318) [-413.445] (-412.896) (-412.774) -- 0:00:00 988500 -- (-416.154) (-414.805) [-415.007] (-415.443) * (-414.541) (-415.824) [-413.815] (-416.092) -- 0:00:00 989000 -- (-418.529) (-412.922) (-418.333) [-413.774] * (-412.514) (-417.391) (-419.176) [-415.874] -- 0:00:00 989500 -- [-417.678] (-413.840) (-413.889) (-415.289) * (-412.075) [-412.590] (-420.412) (-413.596) -- 0:00:00 990000 -- [-414.226] (-413.039) (-413.537) (-411.961) * (-413.671) (-412.247) [-420.941] (-415.602) -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011642 990500 -- [-413.627] (-413.380) (-416.643) (-411.743) * [-413.574] (-414.059) (-413.122) (-415.586) -- 0:00:00 991000 -- [-414.251] (-412.123) (-419.423) (-415.752) * (-415.883) [-414.442] (-412.915) (-414.042) -- 0:00:00 991500 -- (-412.819) (-419.731) (-416.564) [-415.133] * (-414.430) (-413.342) (-413.351) [-413.180] -- 0:00:00 992000 -- [-413.156] (-415.103) (-414.097) (-412.395) * (-412.392) (-412.097) (-413.404) [-413.261] -- 0:00:00 992500 -- [-412.757] (-413.109) (-411.663) (-413.462) * (-413.136) [-412.236] (-412.855) (-412.517) -- 0:00:00 993000 -- (-413.608) (-413.554) (-415.445) [-412.922] * (-419.274) (-411.935) (-413.296) [-412.054] -- 0:00:00 993500 -- (-412.632) [-413.542] (-414.745) (-417.728) * (-413.421) [-412.863] (-412.635) (-419.750) -- 0:00:00 994000 -- (-417.664) [-414.418] (-413.086) (-413.619) * (-417.011) (-413.697) [-413.610] (-414.185) -- 0:00:00 994500 -- (-416.107) (-416.329) [-412.443] (-413.397) * (-417.203) (-415.672) (-414.955) [-414.207] -- 0:00:00 995000 -- (-416.918) [-414.150] (-414.673) (-415.643) * (-416.752) (-412.817) [-417.035] (-415.294) -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011264 995500 -- (-414.794) [-414.592] (-412.720) (-414.734) * (-414.228) [-412.629] (-416.473) (-418.566) -- 0:00:00 996000 -- [-416.702] (-414.574) (-414.240) (-417.698) * (-414.394) [-412.099] (-414.986) (-416.522) -- 0:00:00 996500 -- [-414.216] (-413.668) (-413.657) (-412.599) * (-414.087) [-413.819] (-416.144) (-415.115) -- 0:00:00 997000 -- (-415.136) (-412.032) (-414.123) [-412.441] * (-414.605) [-413.943] (-419.917) (-414.092) -- 0:00:00 997500 -- [-413.332] (-413.183) (-414.411) (-414.106) * [-416.047] (-414.108) (-416.085) (-414.442) -- 0:00:00 998000 -- (-413.887) (-413.372) (-413.343) [-411.905] * (-415.422) [-414.253] (-418.383) (-412.068) -- 0:00:00 998500 -- (-419.524) [-414.197] (-413.383) (-411.837) * (-415.172) [-412.371] (-412.952) (-416.464) -- 0:00:00 999000 -- [-416.945] (-413.669) (-415.616) (-414.399) * (-415.777) [-414.652] (-413.957) (-415.929) -- 0:00:00 999500 -- (-412.970) [-415.000] (-412.293) (-415.037) * (-413.891) (-415.433) (-413.554) [-412.042] -- 0:00:00 1000000 -- (-412.695) [-413.361] (-413.413) (-413.071) * (-412.793) (-416.031) (-415.236) [-415.109] -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011369 Analysis completed in 58 seconds Analysis used 57.25 seconds of CPU time Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 1 was -411.50 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 2 was -411.50 Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 1: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 75.0 % ( 66 %) Dirichlet(Revmat{all}) 99.9 % (100 %) Slider(Revmat{all}) 39.0 % ( 38 %) Dirichlet(Pi{all}) 38.3 % ( 28 %) Slider(Pi{all}) 78.1 % ( 49 %) Multiplier(Alpha{1,2}) 77.4 % ( 56 %) Multiplier(Alpha{3}) 25.7 % ( 32 %) Slider(Pinvar{all}) 98.6 % ( 98 %) ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 70.1 % ( 66 %) ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all}) 100.0 % (100 %) NNI(Tau{all},V{all}) 89.5 % ( 89 %) ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 28.2 % ( 26 %) Multiplier(V{all}) 97.4 % ( 99 %) Nodeslider(V{all}) 30.7 % ( 27 %) TLMultiplier(V{all}) Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 2: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 76.1 % ( 75 %) Dirichlet(Revmat{all}) 99.9 % (100 %) Slider(Revmat{all}) 38.8 % ( 26 %) Dirichlet(Pi{all}) 38.7 % ( 28 %) Slider(Pi{all}) 78.7 % ( 60 %) Multiplier(Alpha{1,2}) 77.9 % ( 52 %) Multiplier(Alpha{3}) 26.1 % ( 28 %) Slider(Pinvar{all}) 98.6 % ( 98 %) ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 70.1 % ( 78 %) ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all}) 100.0 % (100 %) NNI(Tau{all},V{all}) 89.5 % ( 94 %) ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 28.2 % ( 28 %) Multiplier(V{all}) 97.4 % ( 98 %) Nodeslider(V{all}) 30.3 % ( 31 %) TLMultiplier(V{all}) Chain swap information for run 1: 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------- 1 | 0.81 0.64 0.50 2 | 166899 0.82 0.67 3 | 167246 166142 0.84 4 | 166281 166772 166660 Chain swap information for run 2: 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------- 1 | 0.81 0.64 0.50 2 | 166185 0.82 0.67 3 | 166795 166804 0.84 4 | 166031 167304 166881 Upper diagonal: Proportion of successful state exchanges between chains Lower diagonal: Number of attempted state exchanges between chains Chain information: ID -- Heat ----------- 1 -- 1.00 (cold chain) 2 -- 0.91 3 -- 0.83 4 -- 0.77 Heat = 1 / (1 + T * (ID - 1)) (where T = 0.10 is the temperature and ID is the chain number) Setting burn-in to 2500 Summarizing parameters in files /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p and /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p Writing summary statistics to file /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat Using relative burnin ('relburnin=yes'), discarding the first 25 % of samples Below are rough plots of the generation (x-axis) versus the log probability of observing the data (y-axis). You can use these graphs to determine what the burn in for your analysis should be. When the log probability starts to plateau you may be at station- arity. Sample trees and parameters after the log probability plateaus. Of course, this is not a guarantee that you are at sta- tionarity. Also examine the convergence diagnostics provided by the 'sump' and 'sumt' commands for all the parameters in your model. Remember that the burn in is the number of samples to dis- card. There are a total of ngen / samplefreq samples taken during a MCMC analysis. Overlay plot for both runs: (1 = Run number 1; 2 = Run number 2; * = Both runs) +------------------------------------------------------------+ -413.29 | 2 1 | | 1 1 2 | |11 1 1 2 2 2 | | 22 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 | | * 2 2 1 1 1 21 2 1 1 | | 2 2 2 2 1 22112 1 1 1 2 | | 12 11 1 111 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2| | 2 2 2 21 2 2 2 11 22 1 11| | 2 * 1 21 2 22 2 | |2 2 22 1* 1 2 11 1 *12 2 | | 21 1 2 2 2 | | 1 1 2 2 | | 1 1 | | | | 1 2 | +------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ -414.88 ^ ^ 250000 1000000 Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": (Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models) (Values are saved to the file /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat) Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean -------------------------------------- 1 -413.22 -416.15 2 -413.24 -416.64 -------------------------------------- TOTAL -413.23 -416.43 -------------------------------------- Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs. Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included. Parameter summaries saved to file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat". 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TL{all} 0.893412 0.089697 0.378004 1.490698 0.857451 1467.01 1479.46 1.000 r(A<->C){all} 0.168571 0.019418 0.000101 0.452683 0.133660 192.04 247.46 1.003 r(A<->G){all} 0.159544 0.019322 0.000068 0.443841 0.123872 170.29 245.11 1.000 r(A<->T){all} 0.168504 0.021095 0.000340 0.463655 0.128234 209.28 248.90 1.000 r(C<->G){all} 0.166569 0.021447 0.000035 0.478987 0.124437 145.76 186.09 1.003 r(C<->T){all} 0.163120 0.020770 0.000021 0.475406 0.120855 133.26 151.94 1.001 r(G<->T){all} 0.173692 0.021294 0.000035 0.469612 0.131926 202.60 217.82 1.011 pi(A){all} 0.154126 0.000416 0.113746 0.192489 0.153706 1120.87 1236.07 1.001 pi(C){all} 0.242046 0.000590 0.194374 0.288774 0.242117 994.91 1110.42 1.000 pi(G){all} 0.354126 0.000726 0.299925 0.404674 0.353881 1338.91 1363.83 1.000 pi(T){all} 0.249701 0.000612 0.200545 0.298421 0.249272 1286.09 1341.58 1.000 alpha{1,2} 0.401400 0.221764 0.000154 1.343454 0.238121 896.79 1104.21 1.000 alpha{3} 0.456107 0.240622 0.000226 1.463940 0.300139 1356.35 1428.67 1.000 pinvar{all} 0.994574 0.000040 0.982326 0.999998 0.996670 1299.83 1340.39 1.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs. ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled. + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. Setting sumt conformat to Simple Setting urn-in to 2500 Summarizing trees in files "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.t" and "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.t" Using relative burnin ('relburnin=yes'), discarding the first 25 % of sampled trees Writing statistics to files /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.<parts|tstat|vstat|trprobs|con> Examining first file ... Found one tree block in file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.t" with 2001 trees in last block Expecting the same number of trees in the last tree block of all files Tree reading status: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v ********************************************************************************* Read a total of 4002 trees in 2 files (sampling 3002 of them) (Each file contained 2001 trees of which 1501 were sampled) General explanation: In an unrooted tree, a taxon bipartition (split) is specified by removing a branch, thereby dividing the species into those to the left and those to the right of the branch. Here, taxa to one side of the removed branch are denoted '.' and those to the other side are denoted '*'. Specifically, the '.' symbol is used for the taxa on the same side as the outgroup. In a rooted or clock tree, the tree is rooted using the model and not by reference to an outgroup. Each bipartition therefore corresponds to a clade, that is, a group that includes all the descendants of a particular branch in the tree. Taxa that are included in each clade are denoted using '*', and taxa that are not included are denoted using the '.' symbol. The output first includes a key to all the bipartitions with frequency larger or equual to (Minpartfreq) in at least one run. Minpartfreq is a paramiter to sumt command and currently it is set to 0.10. This is followed by a table with statistics for the informative bipartitions (those including at least two taxa), sorted from highest to lowest probability. For each bipartition, the table gives the number of times the partition or split was observed in all runs (#obs) and the posterior probability of the bipartition (Probab.), which is the same as the split frequency. If several runs are summarized, this is followed by the minimum split frequency (Min(s)), the maximum frequency (Max(s)), and the standard deviation of frequencies (Stddev(s)) across runs. The latter value should approach 0 for all bipartitions as MCMC runs converge. This is followed by a table summarizing branch lengths, node heights (if a clock model was used) and relaxed clock parameters (if a relaxed clock model was used). The mean, variance, and 95 % credible interval are given for each of these parameters. If several runs are summarized, the potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) is also given; it should approach 1 as runs converge. Node heights will take calibration points into account, if such points were used in the analysis. Note that Stddev may be unreliable if the partition is not present in all runs (the last column indicates the number of runs that sampled the partition if more than one run is summarized). The PSRF is not calculated at all if the partition is not present in all runs.The PSRF is also sensitive to small sample sizes and it should only be considered a rough guide to convergence since some of the assumptions allowing one to interpret it as a true potential scale reduction factor are violated in MrBayes. List of taxa in bipartitions: 1 -- C1 2 -- C2 3 -- C3 4 -- C4 5 -- C5 6 -- C6 Key to taxon bipartitions (saved to file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.parts"): ID -- Partition ------------ 1 -- .***** 2 -- .*.... 3 -- ..*... 4 -- ...*.. 5 -- ....*. 6 -- .....* 7 -- .*.*** 8 -- ...*.* 9 -- ..*..* 10 -- .*.*.. 11 -- ..**** 12 -- .***.* 13 -- ....** 14 -- .*..*. 15 -- ...**. 16 -- .****. 17 -- ..**.. 18 -- .**.** 19 -- ..*.*. 20 -- .*...* 21 -- .**... ------------ Summary statistics for informative taxon bipartitions (saved to file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.tstat"): ID #obs Probab. Sd(s)+ Min(s) Max(s) Nruns ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7 461 0.153564 0.021199 0.138574 0.168554 2 8 454 0.151233 0.005653 0.147235 0.155230 2 9 452 0.150566 0.000942 0.149900 0.151233 2 10 445 0.148235 0.006124 0.143904 0.152565 2 11 445 0.148235 0.008009 0.142572 0.153897 2 12 443 0.147568 0.026852 0.128581 0.166556 2 13 425 0.141572 0.011777 0.133245 0.149900 2 14 421 0.140240 0.032505 0.117255 0.163225 2 15 421 0.140240 0.000471 0.139907 0.140573 2 16 417 0.138907 0.009893 0.131912 0.145903 2 17 416 0.138574 0.014133 0.128581 0.148568 2 18 414 0.137908 0.007537 0.132578 0.143238 2 19 409 0.136243 0.006124 0.131912 0.140573 2 20 404 0.134577 0.004711 0.131246 0.137908 2 21 401 0.133578 0.014604 0.123251 0.143904 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- + Convergence diagnostic (standard deviation of split frequencies) should approach 0.0 as runs converge. Summary statistics for branch and node parameters (saved to file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.vstat"): 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median PSRF+ Nruns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- length{all}[1] 0.099216 0.009836 0.000096 0.300295 0.067418 1.000 2 length{all}[2] 0.099788 0.009326 0.000001 0.286634 0.073106 1.000 2 length{all}[3] 0.098858 0.009564 0.000106 0.299704 0.069150 1.000 2 length{all}[4] 0.097902 0.009396 0.000000 0.288885 0.068061 1.000 2 length{all}[5] 0.099287 0.009591 0.000022 0.298749 0.067886 1.000 2 length{all}[6] 0.099661 0.010140 0.000025 0.300254 0.068549 1.000 2 length{all}[7] 0.101684 0.008886 0.000007 0.281897 0.077400 0.998 2 length{all}[8] 0.100036 0.008646 0.000332 0.287366 0.070477 0.998 2 length{all}[9] 0.098012 0.008649 0.000007 0.274175 0.066449 0.999 2 length{all}[10] 0.101221 0.009287 0.000182 0.294922 0.067694 0.998 2 length{all}[11] 0.100406 0.009982 0.000018 0.294580 0.072437 0.998 2 length{all}[12] 0.094401 0.011238 0.000254 0.283478 0.061563 0.998 2 length{all}[13] 0.094732 0.010241 0.000133 0.289915 0.067341 0.998 2 length{all}[14] 0.096875 0.011175 0.000369 0.312705 0.060368 0.999 2 length{all}[15] 0.095483 0.010814 0.000174 0.286635 0.061509 1.000 2 length{all}[16] 0.106516 0.010679 0.001090 0.319270 0.070791 1.003 2 length{all}[17] 0.097736 0.011745 0.000097 0.304597 0.062455 0.998 2 length{all}[18] 0.101098 0.009653 0.000236 0.290994 0.072933 0.998 2 length{all}[19] 0.103339 0.012274 0.000319 0.341223 0.068546 0.998 2 length{all}[20] 0.093286 0.009397 0.000013 0.298686 0.058943 1.006 2 length{all}[21] 0.098777 0.008130 0.000223 0.283614 0.077655 0.998 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. NA is reported when deviation of parameter values within all runs is 0 or when a parameter value (a branch length, for instance) is not sampled in all runs. Summary statistics for partitions with frequency >= 0.10 in at least one run: Average standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.011369 Maximum standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.032505 Average PSRF for parameter values ( excluding NA and >10.0 ) = 0.999 Maximum PSRF for parameter values = 1.006 Clade credibility values: /------------------------------------------------------------------------ C1 (1) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------ C2 (2) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------ C3 (3) + |------------------------------------------------------------------------ C4 (4) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------ C5 (5) | \------------------------------------------------------------------------ C6 (6) Phylogram (based on average branch lengths): /------------------------------------------------------------------ C1 (1) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------ C2 (2) | |-------------------------------------------------------------------- C3 (3) + |------------------------------------------------------------------- C4 (4) | |------------------------------------------------------------------- C5 (5) | \-------------------------------------------------------------------- C6 (6) |--------| 0.010 expected changes per site Calculating tree probabilities... Credible sets of trees (105 trees sampled): 50 % credible set contains 45 trees 90 % credible set contains 91 trees 95 % credible set contains 98 trees 99 % credible set contains 104 trees Exiting mrbayes block Reached end of file Tasks completed, exiting program because mode is noninteractive To return control to the command line after completion of file processing, set mode to interactive with 'mb -i <filename>' (i is for interactive) or use 'set mode=interactive' MrBayes output code: 0 CODONML in paml version 4.9h, March 2018 ---------------------------------------------- Phe F TTT | Ser S TCT | Tyr Y TAT | Cys C TGT TTC | TCC | TAC | TGC Leu L TTA | TCA | *** * TAA | *** * TGA TTG | TCG | TAG | Trp W TGG ---------------------------------------------- Leu L CTT | Pro P CCT | His H CAT | Arg R CGT CTC | CCC | CAC | CGC CTA | CCA | Gln Q CAA | CGA CTG | CCG | CAG | CGG ---------------------------------------------- Ile I ATT | Thr T ACT | Asn N AAT | Ser S AGT ATC | ACC | AAC | AGC ATA | ACA | Lys K AAA | Arg R AGA Met M ATG | ACG | AAG | AGG ---------------------------------------------- Val V GTT | Ala A GCT | Asp D GAT | Gly G GGT GTC | GCC | GAC | GGC GTA | GCA | Glu E GAA | GGA GTG | GCG | GAG | GGG ---------------------------------------------- Nice code, uuh? NSsites batch run (ncatG as in YNGP2000): 0 1 2 7 8 seq file is not paml/phylip format. Trying nexus format.ns = 6 ls = 306 Reading sequences, sequential format.. Reading seq # 1: C1 Reading seq # 2: C2 Reading seq # 3: C3 Reading seq # 4: C4 Reading seq # 5: C5 Reading seq # 6: C6 Sequences read.. Counting site patterns.. 0:00 Compressing, 44 patterns at 102 / 102 sites (100.0%), 0:00 Collecting fpatt[] & pose[], 44 patterns at 102 / 102 sites (100.0%), 0:00 Counting codons.. 120 bytes for distance 42944 bytes for conP 3872 bytes for fhK 5000000 bytes for space Model 0: one-ratio TREE # 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 0.029816 0.055163 0.081096 0.073770 0.038255 0.086312 0.300000 1.300000 ntime & nrate & np: 6 2 8 Bounds (np=8): 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000100 0.000100 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 999.000000 999.000000 np = 8 lnL0 = -432.729522 Iterating by ming2 Initial: fx= 432.729522 x= 0.02982 0.05516 0.08110 0.07377 0.03826 0.08631 0.30000 1.30000 1 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0003 243.2446 +++ 415.022435 m 0.0003 14 | 1/8 2 h-m-p 0.0032 0.0179 20.8470 ------------.. | 1/8 3 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0001 223.0659 ++ 410.808466 m 0.0001 46 | 2/8 4 h-m-p 0.0011 0.0285 15.5164 -----------.. | 2/8 5 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0002 199.5636 +++ 404.023932 m 0.0002 78 | 3/8 6 h-m-p 0.0024 0.0413 12.2375 ------------.. | 3/8 7 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0002 173.1815 +++ 398.379687 m 0.0002 111 | 4/8 8 h-m-p 0.0030 0.0843 8.8489 ------------.. | 4/8 9 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0001 141.8219 ++ 396.888700 m 0.0001 143 | 5/8 10 h-m-p 0.0013 0.2332 5.8778 -----------.. | 5/8 11 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0001 100.3750 ++ 396.356643 m 0.0001 174 | 6/8 12 h-m-p 0.4794 8.0000 0.0000 Y 396.356643 0 0.4794 185 | 6/8 13 h-m-p 0.7531 8.0000 0.0000 -----------Y 396.356643 0 0.0000 209 Out.. lnL = -396.356643 210 lfun, 210 eigenQcodon, 1260 P(t) Time used: 0:00 Model 1: NearlyNeutral TREE # 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 0.070764 0.013188 0.076933 0.081493 0.029784 0.079375 0.299940 0.733846 0.509635 ntime & nrate & np: 6 2 9 Bounds (np=9): 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000100 0.000010 0.000001 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 999.000000 0.999990 1.000000 Qfactor_NS = 9.295703 np = 9 lnL0 = -431.035117 Iterating by ming2 Initial: fx= 431.035117 x= 0.07076 0.01319 0.07693 0.08149 0.02978 0.07937 0.29994 0.73385 0.50964 1 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0001 238.6076 ++ 423.384248 m 0.0001 14 | 1/9 2 h-m-p 0.0001 0.0007 121.1154 ++ 415.268236 m 0.0007 26 | 2/9 3 h-m-p 0.0001 0.0007 157.2467 ++ 399.815655 m 0.0007 38 | 3/9 4 h-m-p 0.0005 0.0023 51.8451 ++ 396.472434 m 0.0023 50 | 4/9 5 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 411.4012 ++ 396.410916 m 0.0000 62 | 5/9 6 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 4316.8904 ++ 396.356632 m 0.0000 74 | 6/9 7 h-m-p 1.6000 8.0000 0.0005 ++ 396.356632 m 8.0000 86 | 6/9 8 h-m-p 0.0392 2.1436 0.0975 +++ 396.356626 m 2.1436 102 | 7/9 9 h-m-p 0.5131 8.0000 0.0671 ----------Y 396.356626 0 0.0000 127 | 7/9 10 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0001 --------Y 396.356626 0 0.0000 149 Out.. lnL = -396.356626 150 lfun, 450 eigenQcodon, 1800 P(t) Time used: 0:01 Model 2: PositiveSelection TREE # 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 0.032428 0.014929 0.057098 0.102051 0.076388 0.081487 0.273960 0.987756 0.166050 0.489809 1.382760 ntime & nrate & np: 6 3 11 Bounds (np=11): 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000100 -99.000000 -99.000000 0.000001 1.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 999.000000 99.000000 99.000000 1.000000 999.000000 Qfactor_NS = 8.184704 np = 11 lnL0 = -431.970924 Iterating by ming2 Initial: fx= 431.970924 x= 0.03243 0.01493 0.05710 0.10205 0.07639 0.08149 0.27396 0.98776 0.16605 0.48981 1.38276 1 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0002 234.1871 ++ 423.448211 m 0.0002 16 | 1/11 2 h-m-p 0.0002 0.0010 102.1234 ++ 414.784654 m 0.0010 30 | 2/11 3 h-m-p 0.0001 0.0004 205.6017 ++ 405.911647 m 0.0004 44 | 3/11 4 h-m-p 0.0004 0.0019 96.0792 ++ 399.037920 m 0.0019 58 | 4/11 5 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 2134.3732 ++ 398.063746 m 0.0000 72 | 5/11 6 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0001 2575.1481 ++ 397.134437 m 0.0001 86 | 6/11 7 h-m-p 0.0041 0.0645 9.3376 ------------.. | 6/11 8 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0001 99.4752 ++ 396.356635 m 0.0001 124 | 7/11 9 h-m-p 0.0845 8.0000 0.0000 ++++ 396.356635 m 8.0000 140 | 7/11 10 h-m-p 0.0735 8.0000 0.0004 ++++ 396.356635 m 8.0000 160 | 7/11 11 h-m-p 0.0010 0.5012 7.9781 ----------C 396.356635 0 0.0000 188 | 7/11 12 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0004 +++++ 396.356635 m 8.0000 205 | 7/11 13 h-m-p 0.0013 0.6261 12.1772 -----------.. | 7/11 14 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356635 m 8.0000 249 | 7/11 15 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0159 +++++ 396.356634 m 8.0000 270 | 7/11 16 h-m-p 0.0731 8.0000 1.7418 --------------.. | 7/11 17 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356634 m 8.0000 317 | 7/11 18 h-m-p 0.0287 8.0000 0.0023 -----Y 396.356634 0 0.0000 340 | 7/11 19 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0002 --------Y 396.356634 0 0.0000 366 | 7/11 20 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0001 +++++ 396.356634 m 8.0000 387 | 7/11 21 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 1.2282 ----------Y 396.356634 0 0.0000 415 | 7/11 22 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356634 m 8.0000 432 | 7/11 23 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0904 +++++ 396.356629 m 8.0000 453 | 7/11 24 h-m-p 0.1411 0.7057 3.8584 ------------Y 396.356629 0 0.0000 483 | 7/11 25 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0001 +++++ 396.356629 m 8.0000 500 | 7/11 26 h-m-p 0.0006 0.2756 7.1703 --------Y 396.356629 0 0.0000 526 | 7/11 27 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0002 ---Y 396.356629 0 0.0001 543 | 7/11 28 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0005 ----N 396.356629 0 0.0000 565 Out.. lnL = -396.356629 566 lfun, 2264 eigenQcodon, 10188 P(t) BEBing (dim = 4). This may take several minutes. Calculating f(x_h|w): 10 categories 21 w sets. Calculating f(X), the marginal likelihood. log(fX) = -396.363753 S = -396.355722 -0.003071 Calculating f(w|X), posterior probabilities of site classes. did 10 / 44 patterns 0:04 did 20 / 44 patterns 0:04 did 30 / 44 patterns 0:04 did 40 / 44 patterns 0:04 did 44 / 44 patterns 0:04 Time used: 0:04 Model 7: beta TREE # 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 0.050971 0.026320 0.106975 0.089653 0.037074 0.074429 0.188555 0.443281 1.150676 ntime & nrate & np: 6 1 9 Bounds (np=9): 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000100 0.005000 0.005000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 999.000000 99.000000 99.000000 Qfactor_NS = 14.938355 np = 9 lnL0 = -433.054052 Iterating by ming2 Initial: fx= 433.054052 x= 0.05097 0.02632 0.10698 0.08965 0.03707 0.07443 0.18855 0.44328 1.15068 1 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0003 223.6975 +++ 418.601515 m 0.0003 15 | 1/9 2 h-m-p 0.0023 0.0123 24.6274 ++ 415.482776 m 0.0123 27 | 2/9 3 h-m-p 0.0001 0.0003 224.1185 ++ 413.672951 m 0.0003 39 | 3/9 4 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 8286.2147 ++ 413.556753 m 0.0000 51 | 4/9 5 h-m-p 0.0015 0.0089 24.0368 ++ 397.996454 m 0.0089 63 | 5/9 6 h-m-p 0.0001 0.0006 50.6278 ++ 397.553755 m 0.0006 75 | 6/9 7 h-m-p 0.0027 0.1018 11.2618 ------------.. | 6/9 8 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0001 98.6778 ++ 396.356623 m 0.0001 109 | 7/9 9 h-m-p 1.3056 8.0000 0.0000 ++ 396.356623 m 8.0000 121 | 7/9 10 h-m-p 0.2415 8.0000 0.0001 +++ 396.356623 m 8.0000 136 | 7/9 11 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.3330 +++++ 396.356621 m 8.0000 153 | 7/9 12 h-m-p 1.6000 8.0000 0.1778 ++ 396.356621 m 8.0000 167 | 7/9 13 h-m-p 1.1685 8.0000 1.2173 ++ 396.356621 m 8.0000 181 | 7/9 14 h-m-p 1.6000 8.0000 3.6151 ++ 396.356621 m 8.0000 193 | 7/9 15 h-m-p 1.6000 8.0000 2.1953 ---------Y 396.356621 0 0.0000 214 | 7/9 16 h-m-p 1.3026 8.0000 0.0000 C 396.356621 0 0.3257 226 | 7/9 17 h-m-p 1.6000 8.0000 0.0000 Y 396.356621 0 1.6000 240 Out.. lnL = -396.356621 241 lfun, 2651 eigenQcodon, 14460 P(t) Time used: 0:07 Model 8: beta&w>1 TREE # 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 0.014963 0.091119 0.091516 0.049888 0.054464 0.075686 0.000100 0.900000 0.621523 1.205255 1.299961 ntime & nrate & np: 6 2 11 Bounds (np=11): 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000100 0.000010 0.005000 0.005000 1.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 999.000000 0.999990 99.000000 99.000000 999.000000 Qfactor_NS = 13.322888 np = 11 lnL0 = -432.014519 Iterating by ming2 Initial: fx= 432.014519 x= 0.01496 0.09112 0.09152 0.04989 0.05446 0.07569 0.00011 0.90000 0.62152 1.20525 1.29996 1 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 219.6801 ++ 431.729104 m 0.0000 16 | 1/11 2 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0019 70.9298 ++++ 423.610746 m 0.0019 32 | 2/11 3 h-m-p 0.0003 0.0014 91.4913 ++ 406.754618 m 0.0014 46 | 3/11 4 h-m-p 0.0003 0.0013 53.5884 ++ 405.202382 m 0.0013 60 | 4/11 5 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 8184.0234 ++ 399.683110 m 0.0000 74 | 5/11 6 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 6001.9898 ++ 397.122101 m 0.0000 88 | 6/11 7 h-m-p 0.0170 0.0852 9.5698 -------------.. | 6/11 8 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 140.2557 ++ 396.401712 m 0.0000 127 | 7/11 9 h-m-p 0.0016 0.1258 2.2148 -----------.. | 7/11 10 h-m-p 0.0000 0.0000 99.9818 ++ 396.356633 m 0.0000 164 | 8/11 11 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 N 396.356633 0 0.0160 178 | 8/11 12 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356633 m 8.0000 198 | 8/11 13 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0440 +++++ 396.356632 m 8.0000 218 | 8/11 14 h-m-p 0.8363 5.3830 0.4212 ---------------Y 396.356632 0 0.0000 250 | 8/11 15 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356632 m 8.0000 270 | 8/11 16 h-m-p 0.0047 2.3665 0.1683 +++++ 396.356630 m 2.3665 290 | 9/11 17 h-m-p 0.1725 1.8720 0.3304 ---------------.. | 9/11 18 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 339 | 9/11 19 h-m-p 0.0031 1.5736 0.3932 ------------.. | 9/11 20 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 384 | 9/11 21 h-m-p 0.0033 1.6383 0.3778 ----------Y 396.356630 0 0.0000 410 | 9/11 22 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 429 | 9/11 23 h-m-p 0.0024 1.2017 0.7673 ----------N 396.356630 0 0.0000 455 | 9/11 24 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0001 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 474 | 9/11 25 h-m-p 0.0032 1.5945 0.4823 ---------C 396.356630 0 0.0000 499 | 9/11 26 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0002 -------N 396.356630 0 0.0000 522 | 9/11 27 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 541 | 9/11 28 h-m-p 0.0032 1.6237 0.3841 ----------Y 396.356630 0 0.0000 567 | 9/11 29 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0001 ------Y 396.356630 0 0.0000 589 | 9/11 30 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 608 | 9/11 31 h-m-p 0.0025 1.2695 0.6091 ---------Y 396.356630 0 0.0000 633 | 9/11 32 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0001 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 652 | 9/11 33 h-m-p 0.0031 1.5255 0.4947 ----------Y 396.356630 0 0.0000 678 | 9/11 34 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 697 | 9/11 35 h-m-p 0.0018 0.8863 0.9518 ----------C 396.356630 0 0.0000 723 | 9/11 36 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 742 | 9/11 37 h-m-p 0.0027 1.3284 0.6746 ---------Y 396.356630 0 0.0000 767 | 9/11 38 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0001 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 786 | 9/11 39 h-m-p 0.0032 1.5915 0.5456 -----------Y 396.356630 0 0.0000 813 | 9/11 40 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 +++++ 396.356630 m 8.0000 832 | 9/11 41 h-m-p 0.0005 0.2267 3.1292 +++++ 396.356608 m 0.2267 851 | 10/11 42 h-m-p 1.6000 8.0000 0.0000 N 396.356608 0 1.6000 865 | 10/11 43 h-m-p 0.0160 8.0000 0.0000 Y 396.356608 0 0.0160 880 Out.. lnL = -396.356608 881 lfun, 10572 eigenQcodon, 58146 P(t) BEBing (dim = 4). This may take several minutes. Calculating f(x_h|w): 10 categories 20 w sets. Calculating f(X), the marginal likelihood. log(fX) = -396.376124 S = -396.356910 -0.008448 Calculating f(w|X), posterior probabilities of site classes. did 10 / 44 patterns 0:21 did 20 / 44 patterns 0:22 did 30 / 44 patterns 0:22 did 40 / 44 patterns 0:22 did 44 / 44 patterns 0:22 Time used: 0:22 CodeML output code: -1
CLUSTAL FORMAT for T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 [http://www.tcoffee.org] [MODE: ], CPU=0.00 sec, SCORE=100, Nseq=6, Len=102 NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000 MTLGVIPEGLEGASAVIEALTAHLATVHAEAAPFIMEVIPPGSGSVSVQN ************************************************** NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000 QVGFNVHGCQYVAMTAHGAEELGRWGVGVAESGVSYALRDAFAVASYLGG ************************************************** NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635 GL NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE GL NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425 GL NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830 GL NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910 GL NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000 GL **
#NEXUS [ID: 9127725198] begin taxa; dimensions ntax=6; taxlabels NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635 NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425 NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830 NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910 NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000 ; end; begin trees; translate 1 NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635, 2 NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE, 3 NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425, 4 NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830, 5 NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910, 6 NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000 ; [Note: This tree contains information on the topology, branch lengths (if present), and the probability of the partition indicated by the branch.] tree con_50_majrule = (1:0.06741753,2:0.07310637,3:0.06915039,4:0.06806135,5:0.06788619,6:0.06854878); [Note: This tree contains information only on the topology and branch lengths (median of the posterior probability density).] tree con_50_majrule = (1:0.06741753,2:0.07310637,3:0.06915039,4:0.06806135,5:0.06788619,6:0.06854878); end;
Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": (Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models) (Values are saved to the file /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat) Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean -------------------------------------- 1 -413.22 -416.15 2 -413.24 -416.64 -------------------------------------- TOTAL -413.23 -416.43 -------------------------------------- Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs. Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included. Parameter summaries saved to file "/data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat". 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TL{all} 0.893412 0.089697 0.378004 1.490698 0.857451 1467.01 1479.46 1.000 r(A<->C){all} 0.168571 0.019418 0.000101 0.452683 0.133660 192.04 247.46 1.003 r(A<->G){all} 0.159544 0.019322 0.000068 0.443841 0.123872 170.29 245.11 1.000 r(A<->T){all} 0.168504 0.021095 0.000340 0.463655 0.128234 209.28 248.90 1.000 r(C<->G){all} 0.166569 0.021447 0.000035 0.478987 0.124437 145.76 186.09 1.003 r(C<->T){all} 0.163120 0.020770 0.000021 0.475406 0.120855 133.26 151.94 1.001 r(G<->T){all} 0.173692 0.021294 0.000035 0.469612 0.131926 202.60 217.82 1.011 pi(A){all} 0.154126 0.000416 0.113746 0.192489 0.153706 1120.87 1236.07 1.001 pi(C){all} 0.242046 0.000590 0.194374 0.288774 0.242117 994.91 1110.42 1.000 pi(G){all} 0.354126 0.000726 0.299925 0.404674 0.353881 1338.91 1363.83 1.000 pi(T){all} 0.249701 0.000612 0.200545 0.298421 0.249272 1286.09 1341.58 1.000 alpha{1,2} 0.401400 0.221764 0.000154 1.343454 0.238121 896.79 1104.21 1.000 alpha{3} 0.456107 0.240622 0.000226 1.463940 0.300139 1356.35 1428.67 1.000 pinvar{all} 0.994574 0.000040 0.982326 0.999998 0.996670 1299.83 1340.39 1.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs. ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled. + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. Setting sumt conformat to Simple
CODONML (in paml version 4.9h, March 2018) /data/10res/PE/batch/allfiles/codeml/input.fasta.fasta.pnxs Model: One dN/dS ratio, Codon frequency model: F3x4 Site-class models: ns = 6 ls = 102 Codon usage in sequences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phe TTT 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Ser TCT 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Tyr TAT 2 2 2 2 2 2 | Cys TGT 0 0 0 0 0 0 TTC 2 2 2 2 2 2 | TCC 0 0 0 0 0 0 | TAC 1 1 1 1 1 1 | TGC 1 1 1 1 1 1 Leu TTA 0 0 0 0 0 0 | TCA 0 0 0 0 0 0 | *** TAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 | *** TGA 0 0 0 0 0 0 TTG 2 2 2 2 2 2 | TCG 4 4 4 4 4 4 | TAG 0 0 0 0 0 0 | Trp TGG 1 1 1 1 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leu CTT 3 3 3 3 3 3 | Pro CCT 1 1 1 1 1 1 | His CAT 2 2 2 2 2 2 | Arg CGT 0 0 0 0 0 0 CTC 0 0 0 0 0 0 | CCC 2 2 2 2 2 2 | CAC 2 2 2 2 2 2 | CGC 1 1 1 1 1 1 CTA 1 1 1 1 1 1 | CCA 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Gln CAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 | CGA 0 0 0 0 0 0 CTG 2 2 2 2 2 2 | CCG 0 0 0 0 0 0 | CAG 3 3 3 3 3 3 | CGG 1 1 1 1 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ile ATT 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Thr ACT 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Asn AAT 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Ser AGT 2 2 2 2 2 2 ATC 3 3 3 3 3 3 | ACC 2 2 2 2 2 2 | AAC 1 1 1 1 1 1 | AGC 0 0 0 0 0 0 ATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 | ACA 0 0 0 0 0 0 | Lys AAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 | Arg AGA 0 0 0 0 0 0 Met ATG 3 3 3 3 3 3 | ACG 1 1 1 1 1 1 | AAG 0 0 0 0 0 0 | AGG 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Val GTT 5 5 5 5 5 5 | Ala GCT 4 4 4 4 4 4 | Asp GAT 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Gly GGT 5 5 5 5 5 5 GTC 2 2 2 2 2 2 | GCC 4 4 4 4 4 4 | GAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 | GGC 5 5 5 5 5 5 GTA 1 1 1 1 1 1 | GCA 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Glu GAA 5 5 5 5 5 5 | GGA 2 2 2 2 2 2 GTG 5 5 5 5 5 5 | GCG 7 7 7 7 7 7 | GAG 3 3 3 3 3 3 | GGG 3 3 3 3 3 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codon position x base (3x4) table for each sequence. #1: NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635 position 1: T:0.14706 C:0.18627 A:0.14706 G:0.51961 position 2: T:0.30392 C:0.28431 A:0.20588 G:0.20588 position 3: T:0.29412 C:0.25490 A:0.10784 G:0.34314 Average T:0.24837 C:0.24183 A:0.15359 G:0.35621 #2: NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE position 1: T:0.14706 C:0.18627 A:0.14706 G:0.51961 position 2: T:0.30392 C:0.28431 A:0.20588 G:0.20588 position 3: T:0.29412 C:0.25490 A:0.10784 G:0.34314 Average T:0.24837 C:0.24183 A:0.15359 G:0.35621 #3: NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425 position 1: T:0.14706 C:0.18627 A:0.14706 G:0.51961 position 2: T:0.30392 C:0.28431 A:0.20588 G:0.20588 position 3: T:0.29412 C:0.25490 A:0.10784 G:0.34314 Average T:0.24837 C:0.24183 A:0.15359 G:0.35621 #4: NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830 position 1: T:0.14706 C:0.18627 A:0.14706 G:0.51961 position 2: T:0.30392 C:0.28431 A:0.20588 G:0.20588 position 3: T:0.29412 C:0.25490 A:0.10784 G:0.34314 Average T:0.24837 C:0.24183 A:0.15359 G:0.35621 #5: NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910 position 1: T:0.14706 C:0.18627 A:0.14706 G:0.51961 position 2: T:0.30392 C:0.28431 A:0.20588 G:0.20588 position 3: T:0.29412 C:0.25490 A:0.10784 G:0.34314 Average T:0.24837 C:0.24183 A:0.15359 G:0.35621 #6: NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000 position 1: T:0.14706 C:0.18627 A:0.14706 G:0.51961 position 2: T:0.30392 C:0.28431 A:0.20588 G:0.20588 position 3: T:0.29412 C:0.25490 A:0.10784 G:0.34314 Average T:0.24837 C:0.24183 A:0.15359 G:0.35621 Sums of codon usage counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phe F TTT 6 | Ser S TCT 6 | Tyr Y TAT 12 | Cys C TGT 0 TTC 12 | TCC 0 | TAC 6 | TGC 6 Leu L TTA 0 | TCA 0 | *** * TAA 0 | *** * TGA 0 TTG 12 | TCG 24 | TAG 0 | Trp W TGG 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leu L CTT 18 | Pro P CCT 6 | His H CAT 12 | Arg R CGT 0 CTC 0 | CCC 12 | CAC 12 | CGC 6 CTA 6 | CCA 6 | Gln Q CAA 0 | CGA 0 CTG 12 | CCG 0 | CAG 18 | CGG 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ile I ATT 6 | Thr T ACT 6 | Asn N AAT 6 | Ser S AGT 12 ATC 18 | ACC 12 | AAC 6 | AGC 0 ATA 0 | ACA 0 | Lys K AAA 0 | Arg R AGA 0 Met M ATG 18 | ACG 6 | AAG 0 | AGG 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Val V GTT 30 | Ala A GCT 24 | Asp D GAT 6 | Gly G GGT 30 GTC 12 | GCC 24 | GAC 0 | GGC 30 GTA 6 | GCA 6 | Glu E GAA 30 | GGA 12 GTG 30 | GCG 42 | GAG 18 | GGG 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Codon position x base (3x4) table, overall position 1: T:0.14706 C:0.18627 A:0.14706 G:0.51961 position 2: T:0.30392 C:0.28431 A:0.20588 G:0.20588 position 3: T:0.29412 C:0.25490 A:0.10784 G:0.34314 Average T:0.24837 C:0.24183 A:0.15359 G:0.35621 Model 0: one-ratio TREE # 1: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 lnL(ntime: 6 np: 8): -396.356643 +0.000000 7..1 7..2 7..3 7..4 7..5 7..6 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.299940 1.299961 Note: Branch length is defined as number of nucleotide substitutions per codon (not per neucleotide site). tree length = 0.000024 (1: 0.000004, 2: 0.000004, 3: 0.000004, 4: 0.000004, 5: 0.000004, 6: 0.000004); (NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635: 0.000004, NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE: 0.000004, NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425: 0.000004, NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830: 0.000004, NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910: 0.000004, NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000: 0.000004); Detailed output identifying parameters kappa (ts/tv) = 0.29994 omega (dN/dS) = 1.29996 dN & dS for each branch branch t N S dN/dS dN dS N*dN S*dS 7..1 0.000 216.1 89.9 1.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..2 0.000 216.1 89.9 1.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..3 0.000 216.1 89.9 1.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..4 0.000 216.1 89.9 1.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..5 0.000 216.1 89.9 1.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..6 0.000 216.1 89.9 1.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 tree length for dN: 0.0000 tree length for dS: 0.0000 Time used: 0:00 Model 1: NearlyNeutral (2 categories) TREE # 1: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 lnL(ntime: 6 np: 9): -396.356626 +0.000000 7..1 7..2 7..3 7..4 7..5 7..6 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.273960 0.764812 0.000001 Note: Branch length is defined as number of nucleotide substitutions per codon (not per neucleotide site). tree length = 0.000024 (1: 0.000004, 2: 0.000004, 3: 0.000004, 4: 0.000004, 5: 0.000004, 6: 0.000004); (NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635: 0.000004, NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE: 0.000004, NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425: 0.000004, NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830: 0.000004, NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910: 0.000004, NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000: 0.000004); Detailed output identifying parameters kappa (ts/tv) = 0.27396 MLEs of dN/dS (w) for site classes (K=2) p: 0.76481 0.23519 w: 0.00000 1.00000 dN & dS for each branch branch t N S dN/dS dN dS N*dN S*dS 7..1 0.000 216.3 89.7 0.2352 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..2 0.000 216.3 89.7 0.2352 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..3 0.000 216.3 89.7 0.2352 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..4 0.000 216.3 89.7 0.2352 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..5 0.000 216.3 89.7 0.2352 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..6 0.000 216.3 89.7 0.2352 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 Time used: 0:01 Model 2: PositiveSelection (3 categories) TREE # 1: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 lnL(ntime: 6 np: 11): -396.356629 +0.000000 7..1 7..2 7..3 7..4 7..5 7..6 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.188555 0.759219 0.101750 0.000001 1.615484 Note: Branch length is defined as number of nucleotide substitutions per codon (not per neucleotide site). tree length = 0.000024 (1: 0.000004, 2: 0.000004, 3: 0.000004, 4: 0.000004, 5: 0.000004, 6: 0.000004); (NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635: 0.000004, NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE: 0.000004, NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425: 0.000004, NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830: 0.000004, NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910: 0.000004, NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000: 0.000004); Detailed output identifying parameters kappa (ts/tv) = 0.18855 MLEs of dN/dS (w) for site classes (K=3) p: 0.75922 0.10175 0.13903 w: 0.00000 1.00000 1.61548 dN & dS for each branch branch t N S dN/dS dN dS N*dN S*dS 7..1 0.000 216.9 89.1 0.3264 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..2 0.000 216.9 89.1 0.3264 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..3 0.000 216.9 89.1 0.3264 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..4 0.000 216.9 89.1 0.3264 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..5 0.000 216.9 89.1 0.3264 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..6 0.000 216.9 89.1 0.3264 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 Naive Empirical Bayes (NEB) analysis Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB) analysis (Yang, Wong & Nielsen 2005. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22:1107-1118) Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w The grid (see ternary graph for p0-p1) w0: 0.050 0.150 0.250 0.350 0.450 0.550 0.650 0.750 0.850 0.950 w2: 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500 6.500 7.500 8.500 9.500 10.500 Posterior on the grid w0: 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 w2: 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Posterior for p0-p1 (see the ternary graph) (YWN2015, fig. 1) 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 sum of density on p0-p1 = 1.000000 Time used: 0:04 Model 7: beta (10 categories) TREE # 1: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 lnL(ntime: 6 np: 9): -396.356621 +0.000000 7..1 7..2 7..3 7..4 7..5 7..6 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000100 7.960400 42.937630 Note: Branch length is defined as number of nucleotide substitutions per codon (not per neucleotide site). tree length = 0.000024 (1: 0.000004, 2: 0.000004, 3: 0.000004, 4: 0.000004, 5: 0.000004, 6: 0.000004); (NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635: 0.000004, NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE: 0.000004, NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425: 0.000004, NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830: 0.000004, NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910: 0.000004, NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000: 0.000004); Detailed output identifying parameters kappa (ts/tv) = 0.00010 Parameters in M7 (beta): p = 7.96040 q = 42.93763 MLEs of dN/dS (w) for site classes (K=10) p: 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 w: 0.08177 0.10467 0.11999 0.13314 0.14562 0.15830 0.17200 0.18796 0.20892 0.24647 dN & dS for each branch branch t N S dN/dS dN dS N*dN S*dS 7..1 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.1559 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..2 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.1559 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..3 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.1559 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..4 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.1559 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..5 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.1559 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..6 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.1559 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 Time used: 0:07 Model 8: beta&w>1 (11 categories) TREE # 1: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); MP score: 0 lnL(ntime: 6 np: 11): -396.356608 +0.000000 7..1 7..2 7..3 7..4 7..5 7..6 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000100 0.999990 0.005000 1.994070 1.000000 Note: Branch length is defined as number of nucleotide substitutions per codon (not per neucleotide site). tree length = 0.000024 (1: 0.000004, 2: 0.000004, 3: 0.000004, 4: 0.000004, 5: 0.000004, 6: 0.000004); (NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635: 0.000004, NC_002677_1_NP_301457_1_329_PE: 0.000004, NZ_LVXE01000008_1_WP_010907781_1_2726_A3216_RS04425: 0.000004, NZ_LYPH01000055_1_WP_010907781_1_2053_A8144_RS09830: 0.000004, NZ_CP029543_1_WP_010907781_1_570_DIJ64_RS02910: 0.000004, NZ_AP014567_1_WP_010907781_1_588_JK2ML_RS03000: 0.000004); Detailed output identifying parameters kappa (ts/tv) = 0.00010 Parameters in M8 (beta&w>1): p0 = 0.99999 p = 0.00500 q = 1.99407 (p1 = 0.00001) w = 1.00000 MLEs of dN/dS (w) for site classes (K=11) p: 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000 0.00001 w: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 1.00000 dN & dS for each branch branch t N S dN/dS dN dS N*dN S*dS 7..1 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..2 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..3 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..4 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..5 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 7..6 0.000 218.4 87.6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0 Naive Empirical Bayes (NEB) analysis Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB) analysis (Yang, Wong & Nielsen 2005. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22:1107-1118) Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: NC_011896_1_WP_010907781_1_556_MLBR_RS02635) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w The grid p0: 0.050 0.150 0.250 0.350 0.450 0.550 0.650 0.750 0.850 0.950 p : 0.100 0.300 0.500 0.700 0.900 1.100 1.300 1.500 1.700 1.900 q : 0.100 0.300 0.500 0.700 0.900 1.100 1.300 1.500 1.700 1.900 ws: 1.500 2.500 3.500 4.500 5.500 6.500 7.500 8.500 9.500 10.500 Posterior on the grid p0: 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.101 0.101 0.101 p : 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 q : 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 ws: 0.101 0.101 0.101 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.099 0.099 0.099 Time used: 0:22
Model 1: NearlyNeutral -396.356626 Model 2: PositiveSelection -396.356629 Model 0: one-ratio -396.356643 Model 7: beta -396.356621 Model 8: beta&w>1 -396.356608 Model 0 vs 1 3.400000002784509E-5 Model 2 vs 1 5.999999984851456E-6 Model 8 vs 7 2.6000000048043148E-5