#Thu Jan 23 17:05:12 GMT 2020
codeml.models=0 1 2 7 8


      Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files
"/data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p":
(Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models)

(Values are saved to the file /data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat)

Run   Arithmetic mean   Harmonic mean
1       -551.53          -554.31
2       -551.50          -555.13
TOTAL     -551.51          -554.81

Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files
"/data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p":
Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs.
Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included.
Parameter summaries saved to file "/data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat".

95% HPD Interval
Parameter         Mean      Variance     Lower       Upper       Median    min ESS*  avg ESS    PSRF+
TL{all}         0.891099    0.085157    0.354771    1.461019    0.859373   1401.74   1433.31    1.001
r(A<->C){all}   0.152921    0.017405    0.000056    0.417120    0.118443    157.04    300.20    1.000
r(A<->G){all}   0.171165    0.020419    0.000083    0.454439    0.135067    235.37    272.74    1.004
r(A<->T){all}   0.168221    0.018735    0.000027    0.438747    0.131900    221.56    254.43    1.000
r(C<->G){all}   0.169653    0.018371    0.000064    0.425878    0.140459    192.48    216.55    1.007
r(C<->T){all}   0.173672    0.021382    0.000072    0.472730    0.134667    192.13    209.08    1.001
r(G<->T){all}   0.164369    0.019750    0.000082    0.442822    0.125588    123.42    199.08    1.002
pi(A){all}      0.168229    0.000325    0.132373    0.201489    0.167631   1311.35   1406.17    1.000
pi(C){all}      0.327690    0.000538    0.278631    0.369461    0.327444   1143.03   1264.62    1.000
pi(G){all}      0.326469    0.000519    0.281070    0.369079    0.326103   1328.99   1415.00    1.000
pi(T){all}      0.177611    0.000332    0.143029    0.212975    0.176994   1037.69   1228.21    1.000
alpha{1,2}      0.396958    0.199618    0.000232    1.356336    0.229981   1170.45   1335.73    1.000
alpha{3}        0.463562    0.245638    0.000175    1.490978    0.300774   1197.90   1211.78    1.000
pinvar{all}     0.996079    0.000022    0.987309    0.999994    0.997570   1233.56   1244.90    1.001
* Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values
correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs.
ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled.
+ Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman
and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge.

Setting sumt conformat to Simple


Model 1: NearlyNeutral	-531.169624
Model 2: PositiveSelection	-531.169576
Model 0: one-ratio	-531.169617
Model 7: beta	-531.169661
Model 8: beta&w>1	-531.169651

Model 0 vs 1	1.3999999964653398E-5

Model 2 vs 1	9.599999998499698E-5

Model 8 vs 7	1.9999999949504854E-5
CLUSTAL FORMAT for T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 [http://www.tcoffee.org] [MODE:  ], CPU=0.00 sec, SCORE=100, Nseq=6, Len=137 




PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:09 - Revision 1613 - Build 432)
-full_log      	S	[0] 
-genepred_score	S	[0] 	nsd
-run_name      	S	[0] 
-mem_mode      	S	[0] 	mem
-extend        	D	[1] 	1 
-extend_mode   	S	[0] 	very_fast_triplet
-max_n_pair    	D	[0] 	10 
-seq_name_for_quadruplet	S	[0] 	all
-compact       	S	[0] 	default
-clean         	S	[0] 	no
-do_self       	FL	[0] 	0
-do_normalise  	D	[0] 	1000 
-template_file 	S	[0] 
-setenv        	S	[0] 	0
-template_mode 	S	[0] 
-flip          	D	[0] 	0 
-remove_template_file	D	[0] 	0 
-profile_template_file	S	[0] 
-in            	S	[0] 
-seq           	S	[0] 
-aln           	S	[0] 
-method_limits 	S	[0] 
-method        	S	[0] 
-lib           	S	[0] 
-profile       	S	[0] 
-profile1      	S	[0] 
-profile2      	S	[0] 
-pdb           	S	[0] 
-relax_lib     	D	[0] 	1 
-filter_lib    	D	[0] 	0 
-shrink_lib    	D	[0] 	0 
-out_lib       	W_F	[0] 	no
-out_lib_mode  	S	[0] 	primary
-lib_only      	D	[0] 	0 
-outseqweight  	W_F	[0] 	no
-dpa           	FL	[0] 	0
-seq_source    	S	[0] 	ANY
-cosmetic_penalty	D	[0] 	0 
-gapopen       	D	[0] 	0 
-gapext        	D	[0] 	0 
-fgapopen      	D	[0] 	0 
-fgapext       	D	[0] 	0 
-nomatch       	D	[0] 	0 
-newtree       	W_F	[0] 	default
-tree          	W_F	[0] 	NO
-usetree       	R_F	[0] 
-tree_mode     	S	[0] 	nj
-distance_matrix_mode	S	[0] 	ktup
-distance_matrix_sim_mode	S	[0] 	idmat_sim1
-quicktree     	FL	[0] 	0
-outfile       	W_F	[0] 	default
-maximise      	FL	[1] 	1
-output        	S	[1] 	score_ascii	html	score_ascii
-len           	D	[0] 	0 
-infile        	R_F	[1] 	input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-matrix        	S	[0] 	default
-tg_mode       	D	[0] 	1 
-profile_mode  	S	[0] 	cw_profile_profile
-profile_comparison	S	[0] 	profile
-dp_mode       	S	[0] 	linked_pair_wise
-ktuple        	D	[0] 	1 
-ndiag         	D	[0] 	0 
-diag_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-diag_mode     	D	[0] 	0 
-sim_matrix    	S	[0] 	vasiliky
-transform     	S	[0] 
-extend_seq    	FL	[0] 	0
-outorder      	S	[0] 	input
-inorder       	S	[0] 	aligned
-seqnos        	S	[0] 	off
-case          	S	[0] 	keep
-cpu           	D	[0] 	0 
-maxnseq       	D	[0] 	1000 
-maxlen        	D	[0] 	-1 
-sample_dp     	D	[0] 	0 
-weight        	S	[0] 	default
-seq_weight    	S	[0] 	no
-align         	FL	[1] 	1
-mocca         	FL	[0] 	0
-domain        	FL	[0] 	0
-start         	D	[0] 	0 
-len           	D	[0] 	0 
-scale         	D	[0] 	0 
-mocca_interactive	FL	[0] 	0
-method_evaluate_mode	S	[0] 	default
-evaluate_mode 	S	[1] 	t_coffee_fast
-get_type      	FL	[0] 	0
-clean_aln     	D	[0] 	0 
-clean_threshold	D	[1] 	1 
-clean_iteration	D	[1] 	1 
-clean_evaluate_mode	S	[0] 	t_coffee_fast
-extend_matrix 	FL	[0] 	0
-prot_min_sim  	D	[40] 	40 
-prot_max_sim  	D	[90] 	90 
-prot_min_cov  	D	[40] 	40 
-pdb_type      	S	[0] 	d
-pdb_min_sim   	D	[35] 	35 
-pdb_max_sim   	D	[100] 	100 
-pdb_min_cov   	D	[50] 	50 
-pdb_blast_server	W_F	[0] 	EBI
-blast         	W_F	[0] 
-blast_server  	W_F	[0] 	EBI
-pdb_db        	W_F	[0] 	pdb
-protein_db    	W_F	[0] 	uniprot
-method_log    	W_F	[0] 	no
-struc_to_use  	S	[0] 
-cache         	W_F	[0] 	use
-align_pdb_param_file	W_F	[0] 	no
-align_pdb_hasch_mode	W_F	[0] 	hasch_ca_trace_bubble
-external_aligner	S	[0] 	NO
-msa_mode      	S	[0] 	tree
-master        	S	[0] 	no
-blast_nseq    	D	[0] 	0 
-lalign_n_top  	D	[0] 	10 
-iterate       	D	[1] 	0 
-trim          	D	[0] 	0 
-split         	D	[0] 	0 
-trimfile      	S	[0] 	default
-split         	D	[0] 	0 
-split_nseq_thres	D	[0] 	0 
-split_score_thres	D	[0] 	0 
-check_pdb_status	D	[0] 	0 
-clean_seq_name	D	[0] 	0 
-seq_to_keep   	S	[0] 
-dpa_master_aln	S	[0] 
-dpa_maxnseq   	D	[0] 	0 
-dpa_min_score1	D	[0] 
-dpa_min_score2	D	[0] 
-dpa_keep_tmpfile	FL	[0] 	0
-dpa_debug     	D	[0] 	0 
-multi_core    	S	[0] 	templates_jobs_relax_msa_evaluate
-n_core        	D	[0] 	0 
-max_n_proc    	D	[0] 	0 
-lib_list      	S	[0] 
-prune_lib_mode	S	[0] 	5
-tip           	S	[0] 	none
-rna_lib       	S	[0] 
-no_warning    	D	[0] 	0 
-run_local_script	D	[0] 	0 
-plugins       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  137 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 96 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved Sinput.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [4110]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [96]
Relaxation Summary: [4110]--->[4110]


	#### File Type= MSA             Format= score_ascii     Name= input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.score_ascii
	#### File Type= MSA             Format= html            Name= input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.html
	#### File Type= MSA             Format= score_ascii     Name= input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.score_ascii

# Command Line: t_coffee -infile input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -output score_ascii -special_mode evaluate -evaluate_mode t_coffee_fast  [PROGRAM:T-COFFEE]
# T-COFFEE Memory Usage: Current= 29.463 Mb, Max= 30.668 Mb
# Results Produced with T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:09 - Revision 1613 - Build 432)
# T-COFFEE is available from http://www.tcoffee.org
# Register on: https://groups.google.com/group/tcoffee/

FORMAT of file input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.ipi_i.fasta Not Supported[FATAL:T-COFFEE]
CLUSTAL W (1.83) multiple sequence alignment




FORMAT of file input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.ipi_bs.fasta Not Supported[FATAL:T-COFFEE]
input.prot.fasta.muscle_rs_0_0.fasta.aln I:93 S:100 BS:94
BOT	    0    1	 100.00 C1	 C2	 100.00
TOP	    1    0	 100.00 C2	 C1	 100.00
BOT	    0    2	 100.00 C1	 C3	 100.00
TOP	    2    0	 100.00 C3	 C1	 100.00
BOT	    0    3	 100.00 C1	 C4	 100.00
TOP	    3    0	 100.00 C4	 C1	 100.00
BOT	    0    4	 100.00 C1	 C5	 100.00
TOP	    4    0	 100.00 C5	 C1	 100.00
BOT	    0    5	 100.00 C1	 C6	 100.00
TOP	    5    0	 100.00 C6	 C1	 100.00
BOT	    1    2	 100.00 C2	 C3	 100.00
TOP	    2    1	 100.00 C3	 C2	 100.00
BOT	    1    3	 100.00 C2	 C4	 100.00
TOP	    3    1	 100.00 C4	 C2	 100.00
BOT	    1    4	 100.00 C2	 C5	 100.00
TOP	    4    1	 100.00 C5	 C2	 100.00
BOT	    1    5	 100.00 C2	 C6	 100.00
TOP	    5    1	 100.00 C6	 C2	 100.00
BOT	    2    3	 100.00 C3	 C4	 100.00
TOP	    3    2	 100.00 C4	 C3	 100.00
BOT	    2    4	 100.00 C3	 C5	 100.00
TOP	    4    2	 100.00 C5	 C3	 100.00
BOT	    2    5	 100.00 C3	 C6	 100.00
TOP	    5    2	 100.00 C6	 C3	 100.00
BOT	    3    4	 100.00 C4	 C5	 100.00
TOP	    4    3	 100.00 C5	 C4	 100.00
BOT	    3    5	 100.00 C4	 C6	 100.00
TOP	    5    3	 100.00 C6	 C4	 100.00
BOT	    4    5	 100.00 C5	 C6	 100.00
TOP	    5    4	 100.00 C6	 C5	 100.00
AVG	 0	 C1	  *	 100.00
AVG	 1	 C2	  *	 100.00
AVG	 2	 C3	  *	 100.00
AVG	 3	 C4	  *	 100.00
AVG	 4	 C5	  *	 100.00
AVG	 5	 C6	  *	 100.00
TOT	 TOT	  *	 100.00
CLUSTAL W (1.83) multiple sequence alignment









C1              AGCTCGGGCTC
C2              AGCTCGGGCTC
C3              AGCTCGGGCTC
C4              AGCTCGGGCTC
C5              AGCTCGGGCTC
C6              AGCTCGGGCTC


                            MrBayes v3.2.2 x64

                      (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny)

              Distributed under the GNU General Public License

               Type "help" or "help <command>" for information
                     on the commands that are available.

                   Type "about" for authorship and general
                       information about the program.

   Executing file "/data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb"
   UNIX line termination
   Longest line length = 63
   Parsing file
   Expecting NEXUS formatted file
   Reading data block
      Allocated taxon set
      Allocated matrix
      Defining new matrix with 6 taxa and 411 characters
      Missing data coded as ?
      Data matrix is interleaved
      Data is Dna
      Gaps coded as -
      Matching characters coded as .
      Taxon 1 -> C1
      Taxon 2 -> C2
      Taxon 3 -> C3
      Taxon 4 -> C4
      Taxon 5 -> C5
      Taxon 6 -> C6
      Successfully read matrix
      Setting default partition (does not divide up characters)
      Setting model defaults
      Seed (for generating default start values) = 1579799035
      Setting output file names to "/data/4res/ML0284/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run<i>.<p|t>"
   Exiting data block
   Reading mrbayes block
      Setting autoclose to yes
      Setting nowarnings to yes
      Defining charset called first_pos
      Defining charset called second_pos
      Defining charset called third_pos
      Defining partition called by_codon
      Setting by_codon as the partition, dividing characters into 3 parts.
      Setting model defaults
      Seed (for generating default start values) = 1073304123
      Setting Nst to 6 for partition 1
      Setting Nst to 6 for partition 2
      Setting Nst to 6 for partition 3
      Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 1
      Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 2
      Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 3
      Successfully set likelihood model parameters to all
         applicable data partitions 
      Setting number of generations to 1000000
      Running Markov chain
      MCMC stamp = 0788522640
      Seed = 622211566
      Swapseed = 1579799035
      Model settings:

         Settings for partition 1 --
            Datatype  = DNA
            Nucmodel  = 4by4
            Nst       = 6
                        Substitution rates, expressed as proportions
                        of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior
            Covarion  = No
            # States  = 4
                        State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior
            Rates     = Invgamma
                        Gamma shape parameter is exponentially
                        distributed with parameter (2.00).
                        Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist-
                        ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00).
                        Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories.
                        Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation.

         Settings for partition 2 --
            Datatype  = DNA
            Nucmodel  = 4by4
            Nst       = 6
                        Substitution rates, expressed as proportions
                        of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior
            Covarion  = No
            # States  = 4
                        State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior
            Rates     = Invgamma
                        Gamma shape parameter is exponentially
                        distributed with parameter (2.00).
                        Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist-
                        ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00).
                        Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories.
                        Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation.

         Settings for partition 3 --
            Datatype  = DNA
            Nucmodel  = 4by4
            Nst       = 6
                        Substitution rates, expressed as proportions
                        of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior
            Covarion  = No
            # States  = 4
                        State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior
            Rates     = Invgamma
                        Gamma shape parameter is exponentially
                        distributed with parameter (2.00).
                        Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist-
                        ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00).
                        Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories.
                        Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation.

      Active parameters: 

         Parameters       1  2  3
         Revmat           1  1  1
         Statefreq        2  2  2
         Shape            3  3  4
         Pinvar           5  5  5
         Ratemultiplier   6  6  6
         Topology         7  7  7
         Brlens           8  8  8

         Parameters can be linked or unlinked across partitions using 'link' and 'unlink'

         1 --  Parameter  = Revmat{all}
               Type       = Rates of reversible rate matrix
               Prior      = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00)
               Partitions = All

         2 --  Parameter  = Pi{all}
               Type       = Stationary state frequencies
               Prior      = Dirichlet
               Partitions = All

         3 --  Parameter  = Alpha{1,2}
               Type       = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates
               Prior      = Exponential(2.00)
               Partitions = 1 and 2

         4 --  Parameter  = Alpha{3}
               Type       = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates
               Prior      = Exponential(2.00)
               Partition  = 3

         5 --  Parameter  = Pinvar{all}
               Type       = Proportion of invariable sites
               Prior      = Uniform(0.00,1.00)
               Partitions = All

         6 --  Parameter  = Ratemultiplier{all}
               Type       = Partition-specific rate multiplier
               Prior      = Fixed(1.0)
               Partitions = All

         7 --  Parameter  = Tau{all}
               Type       = Topology
               Prior      = All topologies equally probable a priori
               Partitions = All
               Subparam.  = V{all}

         8 --  Parameter  = V{all}
               Type       = Branch lengths
               Prior      = Unconstrained:Exponential(10.0)
               Partitions = All

      The MCMC sampler will use the following moves:
         With prob.  Chain will use move
            1.06 %   Dirichlet(Revmat{all})
            1.06 %   Slider(Revmat{all})
            1.06 %   Dirichlet(Pi{all})
            1.06 %   Slider(Pi{all})
            2.13 %   Multiplier(Alpha{1,2})
            2.13 %   Multiplier(Alpha{3})
            2.13 %   Slider(Pinvar{all})
           10.64 %   ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all})
           10.64 %   ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all})
           10.64 %   NNI(Tau{all},V{all})
           10.64 %   ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all})
           31.91 %   Multiplier(V{all})
           10.64 %   Nodeslider(V{all})
            4.26 %   TLMultiplier(V{all})

      Division 1 has 4 unique site patterns
      Division 2 has 4 unique site patterns
      Division 3 has 4 unique site patterns
      Initializing conditional likelihoods
      Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 1 (single-precision)
      Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 2 (single-precision)
      Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 3 (single-precision)
      Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods

      Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 1:
         Chain 1 -- -919.837651 -- -24.965149
         Chain 2 -- -919.837704 -- -24.965149
         Chain 3 -- -919.837564 -- -24.965149
         Chain 4 -- -919.837651 -- -24.965149

      Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 2:
         Chain 1 -- -919.837564 -- -24.965149
         Chain 2 -- -919.837704 -- -24.965149
         Chain 3 -- -919.837704 -- -24.965149
         Chain 4 -- -919.837564 -- -24.965149

      Using a relative burnin of 25.0 % for diagnostics

      Chain results (1000000 generations requested):

          0 -- [-919.838] (-919.838) (-919.838) (-919.838) * [-919.838] (-919.838) (-919.838) (-919.838) 
        500 -- [-556.797] (-562.316) (-576.878) (-579.463) * (-564.325) [-563.707] (-560.074) (-578.208) -- 0:00:00
       1000 -- [-562.937] (-564.284) (-566.979) (-561.061) * (-557.505) (-561.600) (-564.505) [-562.852] -- 0:00:00
       1500 -- (-559.052) [-558.422] (-562.793) (-572.413) * (-559.875) [-564.741] (-557.683) (-561.867) -- 0:00:00
       2000 -- [-560.491] (-559.298) (-563.361) (-568.315) * (-556.172) (-557.141) (-557.384) [-559.495] -- 0:00:00
       2500 -- (-563.028) (-560.302) [-560.014] (-556.252) * (-562.197) (-568.468) (-564.651) [-562.147] -- 0:00:00
       3000 -- [-563.860] (-566.848) (-559.748) (-560.894) * (-569.420) (-560.824) (-557.168) [-559.767] -- 0:00:00
       3500 -- (-565.092) (-557.406) [-556.763] (-558.726) * (-561.162) (-565.214) [-560.909] (-561.881) -- 0:00:00
       4000 -- (-556.542) (-569.656) [-555.716] (-565.589) * (-556.986) (-568.727) [-563.284] (-560.454) -- 0:00:00
       4500 -- (-563.519) (-567.618) [-564.778] (-564.421) * [-561.781] (-564.043) (-564.602) (-561.648) -- 0:00:00
       5000 -- (-558.904) (-558.567) [-558.364] (-558.883) * (-561.689) [-560.132] (-561.459) (-567.667) -- 0:00:00

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.070711

       5500 -- (-559.646) (-565.076) (-557.437) [-563.341] * (-565.204) [-564.535] (-559.803) (-562.084) -- 0:00:00
       6000 -- [-559.207] (-560.009) (-562.127) (-561.880) * (-558.481) (-567.381) (-559.449) [-556.472] -- 0:02:45
       6500 -- (-559.483) (-564.394) (-563.007) [-562.388] * [-564.023] (-576.144) (-562.300) (-563.822) -- 0:02:32
       7000 -- [-559.162] (-558.806) (-566.753) (-565.480) * (-560.891) (-564.606) [-564.060] (-570.963) -- 0:02:21
       7500 -- (-554.655) (-560.769) [-562.802] (-561.236) * (-559.419) (-555.394) [-560.648] (-559.550) -- 0:02:12
       8000 -- [-559.411] (-566.959) (-561.133) (-560.609) * (-567.253) (-551.667) (-562.864) [-561.697] -- 0:02:04
       8500 -- (-558.922) (-561.260) (-554.027) [-560.808] * (-560.274) (-549.968) [-555.581] (-557.504) -- 0:01:56
       9000 -- [-557.615] (-564.638) (-561.015) (-564.344) * [-556.379] (-551.747) (-564.055) (-557.920) -- 0:01:50
       9500 -- (-556.455) (-564.224) [-558.680] (-568.173) * (-559.863) (-551.451) [-558.922] (-568.851) -- 0:01:44
      10000 -- [-560.606] (-559.590) (-556.013) (-561.083) * [-566.102] (-553.183) (-566.295) (-557.369) -- 0:01:39

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.069173

      10500 -- (-561.111) (-557.384) (-571.485) [-565.286] * [-561.646] (-553.444) (-573.950) (-560.545) -- 0:01:34
      11000 -- (-559.147) (-556.814) (-575.274) [-567.374] * (-563.099) [-550.608] (-563.963) (-561.513) -- 0:01:29
      11500 -- (-567.932) (-559.820) (-558.858) [-558.841] * [-566.465] (-551.746) (-559.097) (-565.418) -- 0:01:25
      12000 -- (-561.104) [-559.626] (-561.062) (-567.408) * [-565.511] (-550.762) (-557.315) (-572.834) -- 0:01:22
      12500 -- (-564.543) (-564.176) (-555.649) [-560.419] * [-562.167] (-550.706) (-554.647) (-556.294) -- 0:01:19
      13000 -- (-564.765) (-565.082) (-574.502) [-555.830] * (-570.021) (-551.460) (-552.928) [-560.448] -- 0:01:15
      13500 -- (-557.595) (-564.305) [-561.557] (-561.342) * (-574.884) [-551.615] (-551.594) (-557.667) -- 0:01:13
      14000 -- (-560.699) [-558.870] (-566.319) (-563.314) * (-564.527) [-555.051] (-552.838) (-560.086) -- 0:01:10
      14500 -- [-556.099] (-561.985) (-570.997) (-562.721) * (-554.751) (-553.996) [-552.752] (-561.066) -- 0:01:07
      15000 -- [-555.735] (-574.621) (-563.472) (-562.305) * (-553.915) (-552.774) (-552.178) [-560.252] -- 0:01:05

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.053314

      15500 -- (-562.168) [-560.155] (-557.363) (-569.827) * (-552.925) (-550.171) (-551.159) [-557.465] -- 0:01:03
      16000 -- (-565.317) (-567.363) [-559.760] (-555.978) * (-552.852) (-550.181) (-551.859) [-563.690] -- 0:01:01
      16500 -- [-565.092] (-575.717) (-558.095) (-567.749) * (-551.597) [-552.124] (-553.737) (-560.923) -- 0:00:59
      17000 -- (-565.890) (-580.486) (-566.741) [-563.534] * (-552.658) (-551.952) (-552.501) [-560.563] -- 0:00:57
      17500 -- (-568.414) (-571.891) (-560.972) [-558.563] * (-553.879) (-552.069) (-553.712) [-565.602] -- 0:00:56
      18000 -- (-561.584) (-560.374) [-562.980] (-566.896) * [-551.310] (-554.420) (-553.916) (-571.997) -- 0:00:54
      18500 -- (-575.183) [-551.089] (-560.690) (-565.809) * [-552.236] (-552.758) (-552.271) (-564.815) -- 0:00:53
      19000 -- (-556.471) (-551.619) (-562.633) [-559.672] * (-553.265) (-552.666) (-553.306) [-559.321] -- 0:00:51
      19500 -- (-565.651) (-552.662) (-562.555) [-558.768] * (-554.108) [-552.199] (-553.345) (-565.502) -- 0:00:50
      20000 -- (-556.562) (-552.404) [-558.914] (-567.992) * (-552.648) [-550.741] (-552.578) (-560.588) -- 0:00:49

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.058165

      20500 -- (-568.406) [-552.315] (-559.385) (-564.552) * (-551.405) [-551.531] (-552.222) (-561.508) -- 0:00:47
      21000 -- (-558.361) [-552.299] (-556.585) (-567.454) * [-551.537] (-558.539) (-550.828) (-571.076) -- 0:00:46
      21500 -- (-564.279) (-551.515) [-556.286] (-558.808) * (-552.746) [-552.233] (-550.599) (-579.959) -- 0:00:45
      22000 -- (-558.138) [-551.009] (-562.473) (-561.108) * (-551.944) [-553.964] (-550.980) (-565.468) -- 0:00:44
      22500 -- (-566.328) (-554.800) (-568.017) [-557.501] * [-551.040] (-553.645) (-552.802) (-552.735) -- 0:00:43
      23000 -- (-560.473) [-551.899] (-563.553) (-557.123) * (-552.835) [-551.232] (-551.548) (-554.851) -- 0:01:24
      23500 -- (-555.044) (-554.394) (-560.638) [-556.138] * [-557.597] (-550.745) (-550.853) (-553.030) -- 0:01:23
      24000 -- (-560.000) [-550.841] (-557.750) (-556.491) * (-550.790) (-554.270) (-550.953) [-552.350] -- 0:01:21
      24500 -- (-563.221) [-551.946] (-562.067) (-565.483) * (-551.037) (-556.379) [-550.610] (-550.593) -- 0:01:19
      25000 -- (-568.906) (-553.460) (-562.722) [-556.875] * (-556.459) [-554.431] (-554.915) (-553.228) -- 0:01:18

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.046622

      25500 -- (-566.656) (-550.000) [-565.998] (-559.168) * [-557.902] (-551.662) (-551.374) (-552.209) -- 0:01:16
      26000 -- (-565.100) [-550.642] (-558.827) (-565.544) * (-554.114) (-553.096) (-554.338) [-551.077] -- 0:01:14
      26500 -- (-558.208) (-552.415) (-561.236) [-558.452] * (-552.177) [-550.934] (-551.395) (-552.645) -- 0:01:13
      27000 -- (-561.249) (-553.592) [-557.997] (-562.395) * (-551.558) [-553.680] (-551.383) (-552.920) -- 0:01:12
      27500 -- (-561.868) (-553.034) (-560.688) [-560.629] * (-551.247) (-554.158) [-552.291] (-553.015) -- 0:01:10
      28000 -- (-562.392) (-551.204) (-570.151) [-562.166] * (-551.866) (-554.295) (-554.254) [-552.953] -- 0:01:09
      28500 -- (-562.461) (-551.505) (-563.122) [-560.199] * (-552.730) (-550.358) (-551.726) [-551.201] -- 0:01:08
      29000 -- (-557.382) (-551.422) (-563.808) [-556.904] * [-552.229] (-551.427) (-553.292) (-551.557) -- 0:01:06
      29500 -- (-567.375) (-555.533) [-561.422] (-560.450) * (-552.486) (-550.976) (-552.605) [-553.913] -- 0:01:05
      30000 -- [-563.327] (-555.906) (-564.172) (-573.608) * (-552.315) (-550.259) (-550.594) [-552.009] -- 0:01:04

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.039284

      30500 -- (-561.930) [-553.463] (-560.489) (-565.646) * (-552.249) [-550.518] (-551.041) (-550.202) -- 0:01:03
      31000 -- (-555.865) [-551.200] (-561.378) (-554.842) * [-550.493] (-550.759) (-555.569) (-550.234) -- 0:01:02
      31500 -- (-569.718) [-553.866] (-563.010) (-556.292) * [-551.975] (-551.793) (-550.915) (-552.873) -- 0:01:01
      32000 -- [-560.322] (-551.037) (-564.621) (-551.774) * [-552.910] (-552.535) (-550.147) (-551.182) -- 0:01:00
      32500 -- (-564.007) (-551.392) (-559.385) [-551.045] * (-553.161) (-555.394) [-550.943] (-550.688) -- 0:00:59
      33000 -- (-560.524) (-552.803) [-556.675] (-550.475) * (-553.297) (-556.771) [-552.419] (-553.527) -- 0:00:58
      33500 -- (-563.724) (-550.989) (-556.794) [-551.449] * (-551.814) (-552.893) (-553.782) [-551.837] -- 0:00:57
      34000 -- (-562.227) (-551.318) [-568.548] (-558.692) * (-554.059) (-553.204) (-553.159) [-550.828] -- 0:00:56
      34500 -- (-565.823) [-553.972] (-561.755) (-551.308) * (-553.396) (-553.299) (-552.070) [-552.107] -- 0:00:55
      35000 -- [-559.889] (-555.287) (-564.285) (-554.261) * (-553.895) (-552.165) [-554.845] (-552.443) -- 0:00:55

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.037101

      35500 -- [-559.228] (-554.624) (-563.003) (-557.889) * [-550.565] (-552.968) (-554.728) (-551.564) -- 0:00:54
      36000 -- [-558.708] (-553.122) (-567.307) (-557.053) * (-550.879) (-553.757) (-552.847) [-551.809] -- 0:00:53
      36500 -- [-562.726] (-552.286) (-560.468) (-553.957) * (-553.293) (-554.457) [-554.784] (-551.724) -- 0:00:52
      37000 -- (-572.990) (-551.341) (-563.137) [-551.209] * (-552.926) [-553.127] (-553.586) (-551.313) -- 0:00:52
      37500 -- (-568.708) [-556.912] (-572.870) (-554.467) * (-551.329) (-552.469) [-552.844] (-554.564) -- 0:00:51
      38000 -- [-567.206] (-557.305) (-570.201) (-555.121) * [-550.867] (-558.057) (-552.522) (-552.203) -- 0:00:50
      38500 -- (-565.901) (-551.485) [-560.044] (-551.840) * (-552.365) [-550.844] (-552.085) (-551.898) -- 0:00:49
      39000 -- (-566.064) (-550.721) (-567.052) [-552.602] * [-552.799] (-550.830) (-551.816) (-554.186) -- 0:00:49
      39500 -- (-570.727) (-551.161) [-556.699] (-553.567) * (-551.763) (-554.472) (-551.566) [-550.649] -- 0:00:48
      40000 -- [-568.059] (-550.986) (-564.614) (-553.504) * (-553.822) (-552.104) (-552.709) [-553.674] -- 0:01:12

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.034776

      40500 -- (-570.216) (-551.580) (-565.104) [-550.918] * (-551.988) (-552.004) [-552.061] (-554.019) -- 0:01:11
      41000 -- (-560.552) (-550.781) (-560.024) [-551.830] * (-552.164) (-551.761) [-555.668] (-551.915) -- 0:01:10
      41500 -- (-552.925) (-551.488) [-558.857] (-553.411) * (-550.801) [-558.233] (-555.117) (-550.609) -- 0:01:09
      42000 -- (-551.485) (-553.270) (-557.751) [-552.295] * (-552.960) [-551.283] (-552.236) (-550.445) -- 0:01:08
      42500 -- (-553.837) (-553.672) (-565.777) [-551.844] * [-551.384] (-555.447) (-552.371) (-551.725) -- 0:01:07
      43000 -- (-553.559) [-551.881] (-559.452) (-551.641) * [-550.238] (-553.941) (-551.505) (-554.624) -- 0:01:06
      43500 -- (-551.307) (-555.292) [-558.541] (-552.149) * (-551.023) [-554.867] (-552.129) (-552.380) -- 0:01:05
      44000 -- [-550.974] (-553.165) (-555.043) (-551.511) * (-556.721) (-559.647) [-552.997] (-551.706) -- 0:01:05
      44500 -- (-552.258) (-552.567) (-565.818) [-550.609] * [-551.637] (-551.341) (-554.149) (-551.156) -- 0:01:04
      45000 -- (-551.725) (-555.276) [-559.303] (-557.742) * (-552.161) (-550.967) (-554.022) [-551.863] -- 0:01:03

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028881

      45500 -- [-554.189] (-550.405) (-568.541) (-557.741) * (-555.971) (-556.114) [-551.770] (-553.975) -- 0:01:02
      46000 -- (-553.951) (-551.345) (-564.134) [-553.484] * [-553.862] (-555.162) (-552.006) (-551.576) -- 0:01:02
      46500 -- [-551.244] (-551.343) (-563.645) (-557.155) * [-550.154] (-554.191) (-551.872) (-553.823) -- 0:01:01
      47000 -- [-552.045] (-550.900) (-556.921) (-553.336) * [-551.334] (-550.355) (-553.642) (-553.332) -- 0:01:00
      47500 -- (-554.588) (-550.635) [-558.879] (-556.240) * [-551.004] (-551.277) (-551.338) (-551.823) -- 0:01:00
      48000 -- (-551.739) [-552.482] (-559.409) (-558.104) * (-552.116) [-552.538] (-551.425) (-553.741) -- 0:00:59
      48500 -- (-553.151) (-550.323) (-561.281) [-550.915] * (-554.974) (-552.036) [-550.790] (-559.382) -- 0:00:58
      49000 -- [-550.642] (-551.109) (-559.179) (-551.479) * (-555.095) [-551.272] (-552.121) (-556.177) -- 0:00:58
      49500 -- (-552.896) (-553.099) (-556.141) [-552.240] * (-557.693) (-556.387) [-551.975] (-558.493) -- 0:00:57
      50000 -- (-554.762) (-558.833) [-558.940] (-551.894) * [-552.138] (-554.005) (-558.424) (-552.388) -- 0:00:57

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026517

      50500 -- (-553.337) [-552.478] (-563.087) (-551.120) * (-553.011) [-552.521] (-553.281) (-552.814) -- 0:00:56
      51000 -- (-552.032) (-552.098) [-556.944] (-551.981) * (-550.207) (-553.556) [-551.511] (-551.939) -- 0:00:55
      51500 -- [-553.746] (-551.178) (-559.485) (-551.209) * (-551.229) (-550.641) [-550.162] (-550.189) -- 0:00:55
      52000 -- [-550.899] (-552.461) (-560.030) (-550.115) * (-551.660) (-551.965) (-552.160) [-551.199] -- 0:00:54
      52500 -- [-550.899] (-550.939) (-564.783) (-552.075) * (-552.485) (-550.321) (-551.145) [-550.100] -- 0:00:54
      53000 -- (-556.401) (-555.050) (-559.132) [-553.722] * (-556.472) (-551.595) (-550.385) [-551.634] -- 0:00:53
      53500 -- [-553.675] (-558.482) (-560.799) (-557.466) * (-551.849) (-550.727) [-552.059] (-551.400) -- 0:00:53
      54000 -- (-553.779) (-551.654) (-564.787) [-551.349] * [-552.974] (-554.028) (-554.312) (-550.666) -- 0:00:52
      54500 -- (-551.833) (-550.933) (-570.427) [-551.584] * (-552.423) (-553.577) [-553.894] (-554.204) -- 0:00:52
      55000 -- (-554.855) (-554.787) (-556.325) [-552.559] * (-552.158) (-550.312) [-553.535] (-551.281) -- 0:00:51

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022448

      55500 -- [-551.942] (-554.629) (-559.837) (-551.916) * (-552.651) (-551.574) (-551.811) [-552.667] -- 0:00:51
      56000 -- (-551.986) (-553.282) [-563.599] (-550.277) * (-554.928) (-551.468) (-552.203) [-554.347] -- 0:00:50
      56500 -- (-552.828) [-551.050] (-552.354) (-550.657) * (-552.210) [-553.558] (-554.954) (-551.787) -- 0:00:50
      57000 -- [-550.742] (-552.353) (-555.614) (-550.685) * (-552.592) (-555.706) [-552.595] (-553.615) -- 0:01:06
      57500 -- (-550.331) (-551.390) [-552.270] (-551.340) * (-552.514) (-550.240) [-552.209] (-556.338) -- 0:01:05
      58000 -- (-551.318) (-550.909) (-552.751) [-556.114] * (-552.485) (-550.559) [-554.850] (-552.778) -- 0:01:04
      58500 -- (-550.451) [-550.924] (-551.622) (-551.240) * [-549.977] (-553.828) (-558.684) (-553.671) -- 0:01:04
      59000 -- (-554.908) (-551.920) (-554.914) [-550.915] * (-555.288) (-551.760) [-553.700] (-551.300) -- 0:01:03
      59500 -- (-553.149) [-552.460] (-551.396) (-554.933) * (-551.396) (-552.177) (-550.942) [-553.816] -- 0:01:03
      60000 -- (-554.986) (-552.324) (-550.165) [-552.997] * (-552.186) (-552.614) [-554.658] (-551.154) -- 0:01:02

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022923

      60500 -- (-558.363) (-551.945) [-552.356] (-551.386) * (-552.086) (-551.620) (-553.006) [-550.357] -- 0:01:02
      61000 -- (-552.415) (-553.289) (-551.783) [-553.066] * (-550.274) (-556.787) (-552.946) [-553.116] -- 0:01:01
      61500 -- (-549.842) (-552.100) (-553.446) [-556.115] * [-556.140] (-553.785) (-550.344) (-552.433) -- 0:01:01
      62000 -- (-552.877) (-553.528) (-558.573) [-551.887] * [-555.615] (-551.424) (-553.375) (-555.887) -- 0:01:00
      62500 -- [-550.410] (-554.838) (-553.376) (-554.447) * [-551.728] (-554.430) (-551.672) (-554.506) -- 0:01:00
      63000 -- (-552.973) (-551.657) [-552.201] (-552.933) * (-550.547) [-550.480] (-551.772) (-553.790) -- 0:00:59
      63500 -- (-551.261) (-558.293) (-553.084) [-553.007] * [-551.916] (-553.751) (-552.582) (-551.064) -- 0:00:58
      64000 -- (-553.439) [-553.584] (-551.223) (-552.932) * (-550.328) (-550.321) [-551.530] (-557.768) -- 0:00:58
      64500 -- (-554.656) [-556.106] (-553.663) (-554.656) * (-552.979) (-556.620) [-551.115] (-553.644) -- 0:00:58
      65000 -- (-551.461) (-553.999) (-551.910) [-551.087] * (-550.922) (-553.145) (-550.960) [-552.746] -- 0:00:57

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020496

      65500 -- (-551.499) (-553.576) (-554.135) [-551.257] * (-556.313) (-552.300) [-552.782] (-551.843) -- 0:00:57
      66000 -- (-553.956) [-553.517] (-552.952) (-550.752) * (-555.088) (-553.090) (-554.029) [-550.786] -- 0:00:56
      66500 -- (-552.923) [-550.289] (-552.133) (-555.095) * [-553.925] (-551.016) (-552.925) (-554.557) -- 0:00:56
      67000 -- (-550.931) (-552.775) [-554.903] (-552.792) * (-554.578) (-550.783) (-551.507) [-552.623] -- 0:00:55
      67500 -- (-551.013) (-555.097) (-552.952) [-551.671] * (-558.349) (-552.505) (-552.032) [-550.314] -- 0:00:55
      68000 -- (-551.212) (-554.649) (-555.369) [-558.145] * (-552.763) [-552.228] (-552.113) (-553.230) -- 0:00:54
      68500 -- (-551.051) (-553.985) (-557.425) [-551.740] * (-552.910) [-551.048] (-552.357) (-555.605) -- 0:00:54
      69000 -- (-554.431) (-556.824) (-554.455) [-552.883] * (-551.351) (-550.602) (-554.668) [-552.139] -- 0:00:53
      69500 -- (-552.004) (-552.813) [-550.607] (-551.387) * (-554.535) [-550.975] (-552.077) (-553.804) -- 0:00:53
      70000 -- (-552.723) (-552.070) [-550.899] (-551.785) * (-556.049) (-552.439) (-552.082) [-550.114] -- 0:00:53

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025167

      70500 -- (-553.262) (-550.569) (-550.983) [-550.811] * (-552.950) [-553.039] (-551.115) (-550.921) -- 0:00:52
      71000 -- (-551.066) (-553.894) [-551.764] (-550.879) * [-550.793] (-553.795) (-554.308) (-551.070) -- 0:00:52
      71500 -- (-553.762) [-554.171] (-558.708) (-551.930) * (-553.430) (-553.125) [-550.145] (-550.977) -- 0:00:51
      72000 -- [-550.390] (-551.773) (-553.474) (-553.332) * (-550.734) (-555.002) [-552.839] (-551.678) -- 0:00:51
      72500 -- [-550.741] (-553.505) (-557.252) (-552.270) * (-553.133) (-555.120) [-552.825] (-551.143) -- 0:00:51
      73000 -- (-551.410) (-554.793) [-553.282] (-553.218) * (-553.028) (-551.063) (-550.990) [-552.045] -- 0:00:50
      73500 -- (-553.208) [-553.654] (-553.095) (-552.643) * [-553.517] (-554.326) (-553.151) (-552.235) -- 0:00:50
      74000 -- (-555.667) (-553.057) [-554.025] (-551.003) * (-553.602) (-549.867) [-551.077] (-551.910) -- 0:01:02
      74500 -- (-552.939) (-554.218) (-551.791) [-552.827] * (-553.911) [-550.334] (-552.006) (-550.648) -- 0:01:02
      75000 -- [-552.275] (-554.457) (-550.431) (-552.711) * (-551.397) (-551.055) [-551.669] (-551.147) -- 0:01:01

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024811

      75500 -- (-551.786) (-555.101) (-550.612) [-553.514] * (-552.317) (-550.390) [-552.507] (-551.545) -- 0:01:01
      76000 -- (-552.826) (-551.860) (-550.346) [-555.004] * (-551.724) (-553.066) (-551.744) [-551.054] -- 0:01:00
      76500 -- (-552.297) (-556.316) [-551.230] (-552.032) * (-551.066) (-554.170) [-554.340] (-551.493) -- 0:01:00
      77000 -- [-553.758] (-552.698) (-551.570) (-554.689) * [-553.200] (-550.855) (-552.062) (-555.324) -- 0:00:59
      77500 -- (-553.490) [-550.840] (-551.068) (-552.622) * [-551.808] (-558.049) (-551.793) (-551.575) -- 0:00:59
      78000 -- (-554.055) (-554.481) [-552.018] (-551.390) * (-554.076) (-559.177) (-552.173) [-552.367] -- 0:00:59
      78500 -- (-551.878) [-551.721] (-552.816) (-550.262) * (-551.994) (-555.952) (-555.326) [-556.595] -- 0:00:58
      79000 -- (-550.736) (-550.515) [-552.545] (-551.445) * (-551.318) (-551.869) (-553.479) [-551.344] -- 0:00:58
      79500 -- (-550.274) [-553.448] (-552.234) (-552.795) * [-551.367] (-554.646) (-550.120) (-550.675) -- 0:00:57
      80000 -- (-550.910) (-552.343) (-553.557) [-554.649] * (-550.910) (-555.108) [-553.156] (-550.820) -- 0:00:57

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026759

      80500 -- [-550.431] (-552.118) (-551.692) (-555.277) * (-550.838) (-554.065) (-551.361) [-550.652] -- 0:00:57
      81000 -- (-550.734) (-552.692) [-551.993] (-552.787) * (-551.710) (-553.921) (-551.057) [-551.102] -- 0:00:56
      81500 -- (-553.656) (-552.560) (-552.673) [-552.433] * [-552.689] (-555.345) (-554.166) (-552.077) -- 0:00:56
      82000 -- (-552.913) [-552.235] (-555.066) (-550.331) * [-553.258] (-550.888) (-554.163) (-551.305) -- 0:00:55
      82500 -- (-552.444) (-550.626) (-551.357) [-551.332] * (-553.241) (-552.282) (-551.183) [-552.606] -- 0:00:55
      83000 -- (-551.014) (-550.242) [-551.313] (-554.208) * (-551.325) (-550.401) [-552.408] (-554.834) -- 0:00:55
      83500 -- (-554.560) (-551.778) [-551.302] (-556.531) * [-551.330] (-552.923) (-554.453) (-552.544) -- 0:00:54
      84000 -- (-555.419) [-552.140] (-551.025) (-557.114) * (-550.941) (-550.694) (-552.068) [-554.082] -- 0:00:54
      84500 -- (-554.109) (-553.566) [-552.203] (-550.610) * (-550.949) (-554.372) [-551.863] (-556.351) -- 0:00:54
      85000 -- (-552.564) (-556.191) (-550.242) [-552.644] * (-551.710) (-558.544) (-551.124) [-551.176] -- 0:00:53

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024536

      85500 -- (-553.143) (-559.382) [-550.487] (-550.383) * (-554.189) [-550.279] (-550.738) (-550.542) -- 0:00:53
      86000 -- [-552.677] (-554.603) (-550.476) (-555.769) * [-551.538] (-550.945) (-552.805) (-552.958) -- 0:00:53
      86500 -- (-550.960) (-559.449) (-553.202) [-553.127] * (-552.907) (-553.613) (-554.266) [-556.474] -- 0:00:52
      87000 -- (-551.694) [-552.023] (-553.262) (-551.617) * (-555.618) [-553.492] (-552.215) (-552.822) -- 0:00:52
      87500 -- (-551.694) (-552.235) (-552.704) [-553.185] * (-551.226) (-549.884) (-550.969) [-552.177] -- 0:00:52
      88000 -- (-557.277) [-552.907] (-552.010) (-550.074) * (-552.430) (-550.460) [-553.399] (-550.985) -- 0:00:51
      88500 -- (-552.637) (-550.853) [-551.318] (-555.897) * (-551.214) (-551.661) [-551.542] (-554.046) -- 0:00:51
      89000 -- [-555.858] (-553.983) (-551.121) (-555.875) * [-550.992] (-558.155) (-550.934) (-552.616) -- 0:00:51
      89500 -- [-553.904] (-556.370) (-550.352) (-551.336) * (-551.293) [-554.032] (-550.707) (-553.561) -- 0:00:50
      90000 -- (-556.550) [-552.100] (-551.609) (-552.082) * (-552.296) [-555.036] (-555.841) (-556.370) -- 0:00:50

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024437

      90500 -- (-553.677) [-551.347] (-550.830) (-552.971) * (-552.684) (-556.447) (-551.591) [-553.569] -- 0:00:50
      91000 -- (-550.426) (-551.307) (-555.917) [-554.133] * [-550.446] (-554.981) (-550.691) (-551.294) -- 0:00:59
      91500 -- (-550.281) (-552.182) [-553.982] (-551.974) * [-551.840] (-551.418) (-552.515) (-552.741) -- 0:00:59
      92000 -- (-549.954) (-553.864) [-554.486] (-553.079) * (-552.304) (-552.340) (-552.743) [-552.215] -- 0:00:59
      92500 -- (-551.862) (-550.583) [-550.566] (-553.004) * (-551.993) (-553.036) (-557.859) [-554.222] -- 0:00:58
      93000 -- [-552.604] (-552.153) (-552.091) (-552.771) * (-550.744) (-551.678) (-555.221) [-551.104] -- 0:00:58
      93500 -- (-561.934) [-552.164] (-551.315) (-552.696) * (-553.737) [-550.962] (-553.075) (-550.942) -- 0:00:58
      94000 -- [-553.871] (-550.401) (-553.811) (-551.988) * (-553.156) (-552.283) (-555.426) [-554.235] -- 0:00:57
      94500 -- (-552.564) [-551.915] (-550.085) (-553.738) * (-551.311) (-552.418) (-552.518) [-553.690] -- 0:00:57
      95000 -- (-554.423) (-553.397) [-551.363] (-551.858) * [-553.037] (-551.414) (-552.591) (-554.666) -- 0:00:57

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023325

      95500 -- (-553.310) [-550.121] (-552.114) (-561.008) * (-554.173) [-552.788] (-554.671) (-552.211) -- 0:00:56
      96000 -- [-553.366] (-551.872) (-551.467) (-552.532) * (-552.531) (-553.759) (-554.923) [-550.416] -- 0:00:56
      96500 -- (-551.287) (-553.282) (-553.548) [-553.466] * [-550.588] (-552.649) (-553.682) (-550.881) -- 0:00:56
      97000 -- (-550.616) (-557.141) (-554.552) [-552.078] * (-553.168) (-552.369) [-552.007] (-549.894) -- 0:00:55
      97500 -- (-555.359) (-554.571) [-551.191] (-555.571) * [-551.834] (-551.063) (-551.257) (-553.778) -- 0:00:55
      98000 -- [-550.851] (-551.058) (-553.655) (-553.305) * (-550.085) (-552.909) (-553.902) [-552.471] -- 0:00:55
      98500 -- [-551.373] (-552.251) (-551.242) (-555.234) * (-553.189) (-556.095) (-552.018) [-551.236] -- 0:00:54
      99000 -- (-550.928) (-550.908) (-551.297) [-552.314] * [-552.387] (-554.495) (-551.866) (-551.410) -- 0:00:54
      99500 -- (-551.277) (-552.042) [-551.033] (-549.831) * (-552.849) (-553.385) (-550.556) [-553.001] -- 0:00:54
      100000 -- (-553.873) (-554.034) [-553.051] (-551.647) * (-553.216) (-553.849) [-550.749] (-551.030) -- 0:00:54

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023414

      100500 -- [-553.285] (-555.042) (-554.007) (-551.651) * (-552.611) (-553.516) (-550.730) [-550.671] -- 0:00:53
      101000 -- (-556.054) [-551.956] (-553.440) (-552.895) * (-552.300) (-553.368) (-555.463) [-550.890] -- 0:00:53
      101500 -- (-552.937) [-551.129] (-555.708) (-551.796) * (-550.598) (-553.990) (-550.949) [-551.104] -- 0:00:53
      102000 -- (-552.148) (-551.244) (-554.969) [-552.238] * (-553.355) [-552.357] (-552.702) (-554.108) -- 0:00:52
      102500 -- (-554.541) (-554.197) (-556.667) [-554.533] * (-551.317) (-554.667) [-551.284] (-552.117) -- 0:00:52
      103000 -- (-551.995) (-556.974) [-551.807] (-552.713) * (-553.148) (-552.141) [-550.575] (-554.092) -- 0:00:52
      103500 -- (-551.275) (-553.965) (-554.533) [-550.506] * (-552.532) (-552.304) [-551.766] (-554.080) -- 0:00:51
      104000 -- (-551.184) [-552.465] (-553.097) (-551.132) * [-554.857] (-553.503) (-550.338) (-553.061) -- 0:00:51
      104500 -- (-550.931) [-550.846] (-551.793) (-550.521) * (-559.233) (-555.656) (-550.401) [-556.839] -- 0:00:51
      105000 -- (-551.574) (-550.798) [-550.844] (-552.188) * (-553.358) (-559.662) (-554.706) [-551.336] -- 0:00:51

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026260

      105500 -- [-550.417] (-550.513) (-552.373) (-553.002) * [-550.671] (-556.265) (-550.883) (-550.407) -- 0:00:50
      106000 -- (-551.861) (-550.931) (-559.159) [-551.695] * (-551.000) (-552.879) (-553.224) [-551.199] -- 0:00:50
      106500 -- (-553.201) (-552.985) [-552.241] (-552.690) * [-552.956] (-553.216) (-551.390) (-554.208) -- 0:00:50
      107000 -- (-551.476) (-552.234) [-551.389] (-552.997) * (-551.775) (-554.077) [-551.445] (-557.728) -- 0:00:50
      107500 -- (-555.109) [-552.835] (-551.386) (-551.161) * [-552.214] (-553.976) (-551.300) (-558.048) -- 0:00:49
      108000 -- (-551.934) (-554.324) [-551.789] (-557.336) * (-552.597) [-551.183] (-552.324) (-552.375) -- 0:00:57
      108500 -- (-553.219) (-550.898) [-554.071] (-555.760) * (-553.501) [-551.890] (-551.905) (-550.627) -- 0:00:57
      109000 -- (-553.521) (-552.427) [-551.186] (-550.982) * (-551.479) (-551.864) (-555.250) [-551.335] -- 0:00:57
      109500 -- (-556.949) (-553.460) (-551.262) [-553.114] * (-551.692) (-551.564) (-552.533) [-551.256] -- 0:00:56
      110000 -- (-553.866) (-553.708) (-552.515) [-551.819] * (-551.052) (-551.216) [-553.678] (-550.211) -- 0:00:56

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025752

      110500 -- [-552.822] (-553.618) (-553.115) (-554.010) * [-550.696] (-551.733) (-552.806) (-552.156) -- 0:00:56
      111000 -- (-552.448) (-551.548) (-551.375) [-552.413] * (-552.098) [-550.542] (-554.049) (-550.717) -- 0:00:56
      111500 -- [-552.373] (-550.539) (-552.699) (-552.341) * (-554.599) [-551.762] (-558.423) (-551.253) -- 0:00:55
      112000 -- (-552.879) (-551.123) [-551.451] (-552.367) * (-552.144) (-551.367) [-553.592] (-550.428) -- 0:00:55
      112500 -- (-551.400) (-551.935) (-554.974) [-550.463] * [-551.078] (-552.120) (-555.350) (-551.358) -- 0:00:55
      113000 -- (-552.538) [-551.395] (-555.880) (-553.229) * (-552.088) (-554.783) [-552.241] (-552.135) -- 0:00:54
      113500 -- (-554.836) [-551.075] (-554.155) (-551.929) * [-553.356] (-554.854) (-555.991) (-551.394) -- 0:00:54
      114000 -- (-553.435) (-551.256) (-553.119) [-550.350] * (-554.618) (-557.520) (-554.762) [-553.159] -- 0:00:54
      114500 -- (-553.746) (-552.429) (-552.034) [-552.119] * [-550.349] (-556.782) (-551.440) (-551.914) -- 0:00:54
      115000 -- (-554.425) (-550.637) (-551.991) [-552.773] * (-553.512) [-554.319] (-553.354) (-551.855) -- 0:00:53

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022672

      115500 -- (-554.389) (-554.441) (-550.895) [-551.734] * (-553.106) (-553.734) (-552.426) [-551.614] -- 0:00:53
      116000 -- (-551.861) [-551.926] (-551.435) (-551.237) * (-553.876) (-551.548) (-552.932) [-551.918] -- 0:00:53
      116500 -- (-551.536) [-557.205] (-556.726) (-551.518) * (-553.269) (-553.990) [-551.690] (-552.252) -- 0:00:53
      117000 -- (-551.234) [-558.582] (-554.514) (-552.226) * (-551.048) (-553.006) [-550.078] (-551.462) -- 0:00:52
      117500 -- (-552.130) (-551.370) [-554.553] (-553.172) * [-550.367] (-553.027) (-553.333) (-552.197) -- 0:00:52
      118000 -- (-553.700) (-552.054) [-551.626] (-555.358) * (-550.008) [-553.344] (-554.015) (-550.820) -- 0:00:52
      118500 -- [-550.685] (-551.413) (-554.264) (-555.889) * (-550.011) (-552.274) (-554.800) [-552.493] -- 0:00:52
      119000 -- (-550.563) (-550.054) [-553.650] (-555.730) * (-550.009) (-555.763) (-552.100) [-551.403] -- 0:00:51
      119500 -- (-551.225) (-549.820) (-552.261) [-553.061] * (-550.463) (-554.696) (-552.427) [-551.322] -- 0:00:51
      120000 -- (-553.667) (-550.300) [-551.152] (-550.243) * (-551.263) (-551.720) (-553.313) [-551.965] -- 0:00:51

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021487

      120500 -- (-551.047) (-552.198) [-552.219] (-554.265) * (-552.290) (-553.053) (-551.662) [-550.327] -- 0:00:51
      121000 -- (-553.019) (-551.925) (-555.966) [-551.706] * (-552.082) (-551.757) [-552.802] (-550.656) -- 0:00:50
      121500 -- (-553.417) (-553.292) [-552.281] (-550.719) * (-552.362) [-553.793] (-551.965) (-552.384) -- 0:00:50
      122000 -- (-550.125) (-554.783) (-551.812) [-554.043] * (-551.233) (-557.845) (-550.399) [-550.263] -- 0:00:50
      122500 -- (-550.528) (-559.522) (-559.576) [-553.385] * (-550.897) [-553.769] (-551.554) (-552.153) -- 0:00:50
      123000 -- [-553.104] (-559.381) (-552.616) (-552.908) * (-550.686) [-553.042] (-550.903) (-552.372) -- 0:00:49
      123500 -- (-551.282) (-553.457) [-550.823] (-551.409) * [-554.090] (-556.992) (-550.533) (-556.599) -- 0:00:49
      124000 -- (-551.587) [-551.206] (-550.843) (-551.678) * (-553.971) (-561.430) [-554.165] (-552.564) -- 0:00:49
      124500 -- (-551.070) (-550.648) [-550.816] (-551.942) * (-553.704) (-552.972) (-551.529) [-552.592] -- 0:00:49
      125000 -- (-550.746) (-553.881) [-551.427] (-551.978) * (-553.002) (-554.880) [-551.640] (-550.840) -- 0:00:49

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019691

      125500 -- (-550.806) [-551.604] (-553.631) (-552.178) * (-553.881) (-553.438) [-554.182] (-550.390) -- 0:00:55
      126000 -- (-550.854) [-554.182] (-553.068) (-552.800) * (-550.885) [-551.768] (-552.481) (-553.599) -- 0:00:55
      126500 -- (-555.643) [-551.744] (-552.403) (-552.791) * (-550.103) [-551.987] (-551.269) (-554.135) -- 0:00:55
      127000 -- (-553.449) (-554.254) (-551.651) [-552.151] * [-552.312] (-554.161) (-552.976) (-553.280) -- 0:00:54
      127500 -- [-551.536] (-556.127) (-553.005) (-555.070) * (-551.664) (-552.400) (-555.375) [-550.848] -- 0:00:54
      128000 -- (-553.031) [-553.057] (-551.447) (-551.803) * [-552.274] (-553.811) (-555.270) (-552.242) -- 0:00:54
      128500 -- (-552.264) (-551.481) (-557.430) [-553.705] * [-552.271] (-556.237) (-553.918) (-550.987) -- 0:00:54
      129000 -- (-552.970) (-554.303) (-553.898) [-551.764] * [-552.363] (-553.199) (-553.857) (-552.733) -- 0:00:54
      129500 -- (-553.529) (-552.901) (-550.377) [-551.370] * (-552.532) [-552.256] (-551.218) (-550.481) -- 0:00:53
      130000 -- (-553.842) (-552.743) [-552.391] (-555.995) * (-550.586) [-550.880] (-551.568) (-552.432) -- 0:00:53

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021827

      130500 -- (-550.950) (-552.143) (-554.051) [-552.640] * (-551.022) [-551.538] (-550.653) (-552.966) -- 0:00:53
      131000 -- [-555.446] (-550.145) (-553.169) (-552.040) * (-553.644) (-553.568) (-552.790) [-551.903] -- 0:00:53
      131500 -- (-553.453) (-550.218) (-550.785) [-552.781] * (-552.230) [-550.829] (-551.669) (-551.904) -- 0:00:52
      132000 -- (-552.667) [-550.640] (-558.289) (-553.717) * (-550.578) [-551.580] (-553.183) (-555.295) -- 0:00:52
      132500 -- (-553.492) (-552.657) (-553.474) [-551.846] * (-553.975) (-552.419) (-556.063) [-552.661] -- 0:00:52
      133000 -- (-550.566) [-552.393] (-555.657) (-550.944) * [-550.579] (-550.063) (-551.746) (-551.240) -- 0:00:52
      133500 -- (-550.566) (-552.000) [-551.040] (-552.038) * (-552.712) [-551.253] (-555.409) (-551.696) -- 0:00:51
      134000 -- (-551.773) (-554.509) [-550.878] (-550.876) * (-551.093) (-553.426) [-552.787] (-552.198) -- 0:00:51
      134500 -- [-550.531] (-554.118) (-551.898) (-552.073) * (-552.051) (-552.508) (-550.351) [-550.353] -- 0:00:51
      135000 -- (-551.878) (-554.585) (-555.849) [-551.460] * (-552.252) (-550.556) [-550.794] (-552.071) -- 0:00:51

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020068

      135500 -- (-554.759) (-554.035) (-555.450) [-550.905] * [-552.729] (-550.635) (-550.921) (-552.254) -- 0:00:51
      136000 -- [-550.549] (-554.780) (-557.020) (-551.947) * (-553.076) (-551.158) [-550.260] (-552.071) -- 0:00:50
      136500 -- (-551.520) (-552.734) (-553.247) [-550.393] * (-553.360) [-551.170] (-551.684) (-554.639) -- 0:00:50
      137000 -- [-551.031] (-555.343) (-551.808) (-552.464) * [-553.215] (-550.874) (-551.036) (-552.524) -- 0:00:50
      137500 -- (-553.250) (-552.050) (-550.972) [-551.991] * [-553.257] (-551.750) (-553.969) (-557.129) -- 0:00:50
      138000 -- (-554.511) (-550.826) (-551.996) [-556.259] * (-551.943) [-550.986] (-551.096) (-552.357) -- 0:00:49
      138500 -- [-554.636] (-552.865) (-551.177) (-551.729) * (-553.711) [-551.724] (-551.863) (-551.011) -- 0:00:49
      139000 -- (-556.595) (-551.856) [-552.067] (-552.717) * [-552.298] (-551.622) (-550.868) (-551.630) -- 0:00:49
      139500 -- [-553.517] (-552.536) (-550.430) (-552.892) * (-551.803) (-552.258) [-552.630] (-552.233) -- 0:00:49
      140000 -- (-553.933) (-553.884) [-550.426] (-553.202) * (-552.691) (-552.345) (-551.231) [-552.037] -- 0:00:49

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017991

      140500 -- (-551.315) (-552.498) (-550.998) [-554.835] * [-552.646] (-550.559) (-551.536) (-553.133) -- 0:00:48
      141000 -- (-550.152) (-552.582) [-550.661] (-554.949) * (-554.019) (-552.843) [-551.845] (-556.715) -- 0:00:48
      141500 -- [-554.094] (-553.376) (-552.981) (-552.174) * (-551.530) (-554.805) (-551.724) [-550.253] -- 0:00:48
      142000 -- (-556.440) (-554.069) (-555.378) [-553.375] * (-550.185) (-553.884) (-554.154) [-550.260] -- 0:00:48
      142500 -- [-552.003] (-552.932) (-554.561) (-558.394) * (-550.123) (-550.635) [-552.357] (-550.474) -- 0:00:54
      143000 -- (-551.146) [-556.641] (-552.790) (-552.361) * (-554.270) (-552.824) (-550.269) [-550.895] -- 0:00:53
      143500 -- [-550.159] (-558.294) (-553.118) (-550.686) * (-552.909) [-553.447] (-553.958) (-551.492) -- 0:00:53
      144000 -- (-550.330) [-551.889] (-554.107) (-553.131) * [-550.680] (-552.614) (-552.618) (-551.827) -- 0:00:53
      144500 -- [-552.612] (-551.204) (-556.277) (-551.095) * (-551.477) (-552.379) (-552.276) [-550.361] -- 0:00:53
      145000 -- (-553.186) (-551.589) [-553.497] (-552.314) * (-551.649) [-550.415] (-552.287) (-552.065) -- 0:00:53

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016314

      145500 -- [-551.556] (-551.447) (-552.499) (-552.716) * (-550.482) (-551.702) [-554.495] (-552.750) -- 0:00:52
      146000 -- (-551.726) [-555.098] (-553.279) (-550.903) * (-551.652) (-551.074) (-552.541) [-552.047] -- 0:00:52
      146500 -- [-552.311] (-553.704) (-553.082) (-552.391) * (-550.673) [-550.949] (-555.639) (-551.403) -- 0:00:52
      147000 -- (-551.501) [-553.064] (-557.591) (-550.452) * [-552.404] (-551.989) (-552.155) (-551.148) -- 0:00:52
      147500 -- (-551.974) (-551.657) (-552.622) [-551.522] * (-553.931) [-552.041] (-552.746) (-551.677) -- 0:00:52
      148000 -- [-552.814] (-556.400) (-556.715) (-552.811) * (-552.743) (-549.887) [-551.528] (-552.983) -- 0:00:51
      148500 -- (-550.557) (-555.158) [-552.834] (-552.088) * (-551.246) (-553.774) (-554.913) [-550.803] -- 0:00:51
      149000 -- (-551.030) [-550.486] (-553.177) (-556.911) * [-550.811] (-556.955) (-552.377) (-551.016) -- 0:00:51
      149500 -- (-551.474) [-552.022] (-552.052) (-555.020) * [-551.903] (-552.054) (-554.632) (-551.722) -- 0:00:51
      150000 -- (-553.094) (-550.465) [-553.098] (-549.974) * [-551.896] (-551.802) (-554.976) (-554.317) -- 0:00:51

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016632

      150500 -- [-552.478] (-556.472) (-552.171) (-552.727) * (-553.330) [-551.416] (-554.356) (-551.901) -- 0:00:50
      151000 -- (-551.665) [-556.457] (-553.157) (-552.684) * (-550.949) [-553.918] (-552.529) (-551.207) -- 0:00:50
      151500 -- (-552.595) [-552.437] (-551.791) (-552.314) * [-552.233] (-553.467) (-552.256) (-551.113) -- 0:00:50
      152000 -- (-551.531) (-552.766) [-552.048] (-550.248) * [-552.711] (-550.059) (-550.877) (-551.383) -- 0:00:50
      152500 -- (-556.496) (-554.740) (-552.465) [-551.845] * [-555.037] (-550.231) (-555.667) (-554.415) -- 0:00:50
      153000 -- (-552.719) [-553.316] (-551.854) (-550.167) * [-553.540] (-551.268) (-558.287) (-554.230) -- 0:00:49
      153500 -- (-552.925) (-556.717) [-551.773] (-554.691) * (-553.102) (-551.540) (-557.885) [-551.033] -- 0:00:49
      154000 -- (-551.793) (-554.575) [-551.037] (-552.471) * (-555.138) [-550.779] (-551.691) (-552.359) -- 0:00:49
      154500 -- [-551.764] (-551.216) (-551.582) (-554.825) * (-554.633) [-553.162] (-552.511) (-552.612) -- 0:00:49
      155000 -- (-552.016) (-552.380) [-550.291] (-555.617) * [-550.526] (-552.834) (-555.618) (-550.026) -- 0:00:49

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018449

      155500 -- (-552.547) (-553.554) (-550.227) [-553.179] * (-552.665) (-552.004) (-550.633) [-555.226] -- 0:00:48
      156000 -- (-551.409) [-554.560] (-559.462) (-551.544) * (-550.573) (-552.820) [-550.723] (-550.813) -- 0:00:48
      156500 -- [-551.884] (-552.142) (-553.444) (-550.680) * (-551.381) (-551.386) [-550.561] (-552.704) -- 0:00:48
      157000 -- [-554.899] (-554.828) (-553.284) (-550.782) * (-551.604) (-552.033) [-552.313] (-552.514) -- 0:00:48
      157500 -- (-552.144) (-553.374) (-553.349) [-550.065] * (-551.370) (-551.184) [-552.338] (-555.084) -- 0:00:48
      158000 -- [-555.613] (-552.672) (-551.937) (-551.060) * (-551.617) (-552.608) (-552.028) [-551.912] -- 0:00:47
      158500 -- [-555.751] (-553.990) (-551.840) (-554.428) * (-552.376) (-551.955) [-553.208] (-553.317) -- 0:00:47
      159000 -- [-553.200] (-553.859) (-555.590) (-556.812) * (-555.018) (-553.226) (-553.431) [-552.613] -- 0:00:47
      159500 -- [-550.717] (-554.715) (-555.758) (-551.885) * (-553.684) [-552.133] (-554.416) (-551.368) -- 0:00:52
      160000 -- (-551.169) (-553.326) (-553.250) [-551.141] * (-555.858) [-551.649] (-553.656) (-551.977) -- 0:00:52

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016766

      160500 -- (-551.812) (-555.097) [-554.033] (-551.670) * (-555.121) (-550.467) [-550.255] (-556.667) -- 0:00:52
      161000 -- (-552.497) (-553.621) (-551.974) [-552.615] * (-554.460) [-550.536] (-550.985) (-550.640) -- 0:00:52
      161500 -- [-550.810] (-551.919) (-552.079) (-551.858) * (-552.725) (-553.692) (-554.434) [-550.071] -- 0:00:51
      162000 -- (-552.465) (-552.825) [-552.655] (-555.289) * (-554.697) (-552.311) (-554.891) [-550.615] -- 0:00:51
      162500 -- (-551.459) (-552.167) [-550.715] (-555.955) * (-550.265) (-551.105) (-555.040) [-551.245] -- 0:00:51
      163000 -- (-552.513) (-552.480) [-550.302] (-551.187) * (-555.177) (-550.980) (-550.777) [-550.628] -- 0:00:51
      163500 -- (-553.303) [-552.050] (-552.810) (-552.179) * (-552.739) (-552.336) (-555.105) [-550.605] -- 0:00:51
      164000 -- (-553.450) [-550.279] (-551.351) (-554.864) * (-556.089) (-555.187) [-552.548] (-550.979) -- 0:00:50
      164500 -- (-553.534) [-550.361] (-553.012) (-551.242) * (-553.737) (-553.922) [-552.058] (-552.271) -- 0:00:50
      165000 -- (-552.891) [-551.874] (-553.140) (-550.286) * [-552.178] (-554.058) (-551.198) (-553.570) -- 0:00:50

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015551

      165500 -- (-552.814) (-551.052) [-557.542] (-552.273) * [-552.589] (-555.444) (-552.361) (-553.944) -- 0:00:50
      166000 -- (-552.496) (-551.623) [-550.974] (-550.614) * (-552.050) (-553.004) (-551.858) [-552.193] -- 0:00:50
      166500 -- (-551.734) (-554.215) [-550.522] (-552.648) * (-550.832) [-553.582] (-552.553) (-551.341) -- 0:00:50
      167000 -- [-552.558] (-551.731) (-553.949) (-552.433) * (-552.086) (-552.454) (-556.552) [-551.436] -- 0:00:49
      167500 -- (-553.001) [-551.965] (-554.611) (-551.938) * (-554.367) (-554.375) (-553.115) [-550.747] -- 0:00:49
      168000 -- (-551.178) (-554.523) (-553.320) [-552.373] * (-553.106) (-555.805) [-551.908] (-550.262) -- 0:00:49
      168500 -- [-552.747] (-551.023) (-554.227) (-555.098) * (-555.322) [-552.068] (-552.371) (-551.475) -- 0:00:49
      169000 -- (-552.280) [-551.056] (-553.600) (-555.727) * (-551.585) (-550.917) [-550.947] (-551.228) -- 0:00:49
      169500 -- (-551.029) (-557.352) [-555.364] (-557.234) * (-550.239) (-555.273) [-550.377] (-558.348) -- 0:00:48
      170000 -- [-550.010] (-555.234) (-553.541) (-552.050) * (-553.854) (-555.245) [-550.292] (-553.785) -- 0:00:48

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014683

      170500 -- (-551.092) (-554.073) (-552.939) [-553.084] * [-553.104] (-556.960) (-552.780) (-559.418) -- 0:00:48
      171000 -- (-550.038) (-551.343) (-550.650) [-553.507] * (-557.367) (-556.526) [-551.931] (-550.997) -- 0:00:48
      171500 -- [-552.832] (-552.011) (-555.028) (-551.324) * (-552.261) [-554.997] (-551.038) (-552.668) -- 0:00:48
      172000 -- [-550.598] (-553.220) (-554.985) (-552.110) * [-556.365] (-550.325) (-550.854) (-554.306) -- 0:00:48
      172500 -- (-550.506) [-553.573] (-555.949) (-556.419) * [-556.811] (-554.897) (-550.712) (-552.196) -- 0:00:47
      173000 -- (-550.571) (-553.388) (-550.860) [-552.874] * (-550.692) [-551.223] (-551.253) (-555.420) -- 0:00:47
      173500 -- [-551.814] (-552.735) (-552.705) (-550.920) * (-551.607) [-551.186] (-552.936) (-553.470) -- 0:00:47
      174000 -- (-552.168) (-552.894) (-552.838) [-552.207] * [-552.068] (-551.453) (-551.460) (-552.367) -- 0:00:47
      174500 -- (-552.228) (-551.204) [-555.044] (-551.723) * (-551.762) (-552.943) [-552.644] (-552.662) -- 0:00:47
      175000 -- (-551.029) (-550.771) [-556.459] (-554.563) * (-554.131) (-557.395) [-554.599] (-554.998) -- 0:00:47

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014330

      175500 -- (-555.213) (-551.554) (-552.611) [-553.162] * [-549.882] (-551.728) (-555.518) (-552.899) -- 0:00:46
      176000 -- (-555.239) (-550.543) (-552.399) [-552.474] * (-550.879) (-551.586) [-551.559] (-552.057) -- 0:00:46
      176500 -- (-552.472) (-552.367) (-553.661) [-551.991] * [-551.479] (-551.810) (-552.539) (-553.265) -- 0:00:51
      177000 -- [-550.669] (-554.816) (-557.876) (-551.467) * (-550.279) (-552.813) (-552.057) [-554.368] -- 0:00:51
      177500 -- [-552.080] (-554.001) (-555.044) (-554.569) * (-555.007) (-551.519) (-551.063) [-551.312] -- 0:00:50
      178000 -- [-553.453] (-550.671) (-551.055) (-551.649) * (-551.933) (-555.225) (-550.950) [-552.390] -- 0:00:50
      178500 -- (-553.750) [-551.838] (-554.921) (-551.585) * [-550.986] (-551.206) (-551.489) (-553.984) -- 0:00:50
      179000 -- (-555.877) (-552.132) (-551.891) [-551.210] * (-553.132) (-552.527) [-551.532] (-556.534) -- 0:00:50
      179500 -- (-552.223) (-554.610) (-552.911) [-553.709] * (-551.507) (-550.862) [-551.978] (-552.445) -- 0:00:50
      180000 -- (-555.234) (-556.294) [-552.294] (-557.606) * (-555.159) (-552.017) (-555.499) [-551.361] -- 0:00:50

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014090

      180500 -- (-555.776) [-550.326] (-551.443) (-556.005) * (-550.400) [-551.999] (-556.089) (-551.661) -- 0:00:49
      181000 -- (-552.369) [-557.170] (-551.737) (-555.948) * (-550.719) [-551.569] (-555.962) (-552.292) -- 0:00:49
      181500 -- (-550.312) (-553.236) [-553.551] (-554.863) * (-552.198) [-552.760] (-551.626) (-553.279) -- 0:00:49
      182000 -- (-550.560) [-552.689] (-555.045) (-553.558) * (-555.576) (-550.966) [-551.785] (-551.679) -- 0:00:49
      182500 -- (-550.808) [-553.167] (-556.041) (-551.926) * (-552.544) [-551.503] (-552.042) (-553.812) -- 0:00:49
      183000 -- [-553.018] (-553.921) (-557.099) (-552.394) * (-552.357) (-551.459) [-550.402] (-552.583) -- 0:00:49
      183500 -- (-551.494) (-556.749) [-555.014] (-550.030) * (-555.564) (-550.986) (-552.146) [-551.967] -- 0:00:48
      184000 -- (-551.556) (-552.643) [-555.468] (-552.240) * [-558.282] (-553.517) (-550.186) (-550.804) -- 0:00:48
      184500 -- (-554.035) [-552.684] (-553.295) (-552.507) * (-550.649) [-552.731] (-551.505) (-550.992) -- 0:00:48
      185000 -- (-552.674) (-555.548) (-555.325) [-551.533] * (-549.915) (-555.145) [-555.709] (-553.340) -- 0:00:48

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013306

      185500 -- (-552.397) (-551.986) [-553.071] (-556.627) * (-553.208) (-552.649) [-553.418] (-551.408) -- 0:00:48
      186000 -- (-555.013) [-550.753] (-552.995) (-553.003) * (-551.948) (-556.058) [-553.978] (-554.582) -- 0:00:48
      186500 -- (-556.951) (-550.793) [-552.980] (-555.836) * (-552.277) (-552.848) (-553.368) [-554.596] -- 0:00:47
      187000 -- (-553.847) (-552.783) (-550.770) [-551.465] * [-550.943] (-552.971) (-553.704) (-553.572) -- 0:00:47
      187500 -- [-550.305] (-554.556) (-553.558) (-552.083) * (-552.637) [-551.507] (-553.565) (-551.024) -- 0:00:47
      188000 -- (-553.709) (-552.308) [-553.607] (-553.330) * (-551.741) [-552.823] (-553.566) (-552.918) -- 0:00:47
      188500 -- (-552.237) [-552.469] (-554.479) (-551.305) * (-551.548) (-554.617) (-551.794) [-551.382] -- 0:00:47
      189000 -- [-553.572] (-552.369) (-556.663) (-551.526) * (-553.113) [-552.687] (-553.366) (-552.424) -- 0:00:47
      189500 -- (-553.916) (-551.155) (-550.687) [-550.518] * (-554.364) [-552.776] (-550.490) (-555.076) -- 0:00:47
      190000 -- [-555.197] (-553.256) (-552.216) (-552.621) * (-553.234) [-553.872] (-551.698) (-553.417) -- 0:00:46

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013013

      190500 -- (-555.228) [-550.140] (-555.115) (-552.560) * (-554.750) (-552.316) [-551.253] (-555.580) -- 0:00:46
      191000 -- [-550.575] (-552.344) (-556.120) (-552.915) * (-551.918) (-553.149) [-552.873] (-553.665) -- 0:00:46
      191500 -- (-552.678) (-550.961) [-553.671] (-552.524) * (-553.194) [-551.016] (-552.664) (-551.545) -- 0:00:46
      192000 -- (-552.351) [-555.716] (-551.342) (-553.312) * (-554.490) (-552.608) (-553.122) [-555.598] -- 0:00:46
      192500 -- [-551.106] (-552.896) (-550.879) (-553.476) * (-550.961) [-552.384] (-555.376) (-550.982) -- 0:00:46
      193000 -- [-552.342] (-553.195) (-551.854) (-550.122) * (-555.892) (-554.632) [-552.890] (-559.051) -- 0:00:45
      193500 -- (-550.886) (-550.319) (-554.110) [-551.398] * (-551.377) (-551.183) [-551.159] (-551.579) -- 0:00:50
      194000 -- [-551.563] (-550.976) (-553.027) (-553.776) * (-554.485) (-551.656) [-554.300] (-551.017) -- 0:00:49
      194500 -- [-552.557] (-551.629) (-554.692) (-552.244) * (-552.897) (-552.499) [-553.833] (-553.620) -- 0:00:49
      195000 -- [-551.873] (-550.613) (-558.629) (-551.885) * (-551.823) [-552.495] (-552.048) (-552.026) -- 0:00:49

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013589

      195500 -- (-550.565) [-552.809] (-555.801) (-554.498) * (-552.249) (-552.336) (-553.114) [-551.126] -- 0:00:49
      196000 -- (-552.837) (-551.488) (-554.423) [-551.473] * (-552.238) (-554.226) (-550.445) [-552.199] -- 0:00:49
      196500 -- (-552.060) (-553.866) [-555.576] (-550.119) * [-550.669] (-552.884) (-552.142) (-551.848) -- 0:00:49
      197000 -- (-554.366) (-551.548) [-552.963] (-552.874) * (-552.620) (-552.781) (-551.925) [-551.122] -- 0:00:48
      197500 -- (-553.062) [-553.074] (-557.492) (-553.275) * (-552.615) (-555.561) (-552.841) [-550.515] -- 0:00:48
      198000 -- [-551.398] (-551.903) (-554.558) (-554.493) * (-550.804) [-553.913] (-553.625) (-550.517) -- 0:00:48
      198500 -- (-557.239) (-553.055) [-552.665] (-551.681) * [-550.734] (-552.597) (-553.614) (-553.094) -- 0:00:48
      199000 -- (-552.893) [-550.719] (-554.803) (-550.910) * [-550.824] (-551.912) (-551.768) (-550.827) -- 0:00:48
      199500 -- (-553.232) (-550.654) (-554.470) [-552.163] * (-557.639) [-553.215] (-552.874) (-551.562) -- 0:00:48
      200000 -- (-555.949) [-550.615] (-553.728) (-551.366) * (-557.805) [-551.780] (-554.123) (-552.356) -- 0:00:48

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013273

      200500 -- [-555.668] (-552.178) (-551.404) (-553.800) * (-551.961) (-556.684) (-551.421) [-551.715] -- 0:00:47
      201000 -- (-552.385) [-550.968] (-550.805) (-551.639) * (-553.610) [-553.650] (-551.603) (-551.305) -- 0:00:47
      201500 -- [-554.471] (-550.755) (-554.988) (-553.109) * (-553.564) [-556.066] (-550.930) (-550.504) -- 0:00:47
      202000 -- [-553.712] (-552.218) (-550.554) (-552.725) * (-555.179) (-553.056) [-550.859] (-550.125) -- 0:00:47
      202500 -- [-550.621] (-550.401) (-552.394) (-551.288) * (-552.794) (-554.431) [-550.472] (-551.761) -- 0:00:47
      203000 -- (-555.063) (-553.452) [-553.891] (-552.171) * (-552.071) [-550.662] (-550.798) (-552.803) -- 0:00:47
      203500 -- (-552.473) [-550.191] (-558.182) (-551.516) * (-552.061) (-551.735) (-552.292) [-550.189] -- 0:00:46
      204000 -- [-551.403] (-550.612) (-556.124) (-550.916) * (-550.950) (-550.626) (-556.817) [-550.743] -- 0:00:46
      204500 -- (-551.288) [-553.372] (-557.766) (-550.500) * (-551.433) (-551.240) (-552.400) [-552.088] -- 0:00:46
      205000 -- [-551.551] (-560.193) (-552.021) (-551.480) * [-550.976] (-553.851) (-551.442) (-551.641) -- 0:00:46

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013489

      205500 -- [-550.897] (-553.149) (-552.451) (-550.969) * [-553.408] (-554.382) (-552.248) (-552.083) -- 0:00:46
      206000 -- (-551.529) (-550.888) [-550.954] (-550.632) * (-552.430) [-551.221] (-552.413) (-552.470) -- 0:00:46
      206500 -- (-553.534) (-552.087) (-551.226) [-551.576] * [-553.452] (-552.939) (-554.634) (-551.508) -- 0:00:46
      207000 -- (-554.488) (-550.190) [-552.481] (-551.756) * (-550.765) (-552.698) (-551.504) [-551.251] -- 0:00:45
      207500 -- (-555.447) (-552.466) [-550.871] (-552.006) * (-551.517) (-553.869) [-550.209] (-551.165) -- 0:00:45
      208000 -- (-555.580) (-558.311) (-552.203) [-552.730] * (-552.576) (-550.791) [-549.977] (-554.951) -- 0:00:45
      208500 -- (-551.893) [-552.879] (-555.484) (-552.190) * [-552.476] (-551.490) (-550.432) (-555.256) -- 0:00:45
      209000 -- [-551.978] (-554.456) (-552.147) (-553.661) * (-552.474) [-552.975] (-553.339) (-554.630) -- 0:00:45
      209500 -- (-552.768) [-552.401] (-553.695) (-553.504) * (-550.994) (-552.187) (-551.693) [-551.750] -- 0:00:45
      210000 -- [-555.552] (-553.476) (-553.934) (-553.130) * (-550.362) [-554.062] (-551.552) (-553.319) -- 0:00:45

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014421

      210500 -- (-554.155) (-554.148) [-552.592] (-552.876) * (-552.120) (-552.873) [-551.163] (-550.897) -- 0:00:48
      211000 -- (-550.625) (-553.363) [-551.068] (-554.772) * (-553.356) (-552.961) [-550.243] (-552.650) -- 0:00:48
      211500 -- [-549.896] (-553.826) (-555.775) (-551.839) * (-552.256) (-551.158) (-552.605) [-555.192] -- 0:00:48
      212000 -- (-550.354) (-550.828) [-552.887] (-552.108) * [-551.154] (-553.481) (-551.371) (-557.437) -- 0:00:48
      212500 -- (-550.145) [-552.081] (-553.009) (-552.522) * (-555.277) [-554.167] (-551.277) (-553.622) -- 0:00:48
      213000 -- (-551.590) (-551.495) [-550.920] (-556.156) * [-553.008] (-551.309) (-550.585) (-557.344) -- 0:00:48
      213500 -- [-552.679] (-552.662) (-551.281) (-554.136) * [-552.778] (-551.835) (-550.697) (-551.475) -- 0:00:47
      214000 -- (-552.894) (-560.145) (-551.346) [-551.007] * (-551.436) [-554.236] (-551.359) (-555.936) -- 0:00:47
      214500 -- (-552.161) (-555.246) (-551.867) [-551.010] * [-550.994] (-550.491) (-552.048) (-553.868) -- 0:00:47
      215000 -- [-549.900] (-551.838) (-550.627) (-552.427) * (-553.539) (-555.078) (-553.848) [-550.984] -- 0:00:47

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013943

      215500 -- (-553.309) (-550.897) [-551.281] (-551.494) * [-552.376] (-552.800) (-550.867) (-553.923) -- 0:00:47
      216000 -- (-554.846) (-551.839) [-550.621] (-554.426) * [-550.895] (-552.703) (-551.288) (-554.265) -- 0:00:47
      216500 -- [-551.307] (-554.232) (-553.122) (-552.884) * [-553.875] (-554.858) (-550.999) (-554.800) -- 0:00:47
      217000 -- (-551.957) [-551.268] (-555.544) (-553.480) * (-551.822) (-551.914) [-550.732] (-551.089) -- 0:00:46
      217500 -- (-552.550) (-551.427) (-560.757) [-550.909] * [-551.142] (-552.282) (-550.374) (-551.791) -- 0:00:46
      218000 -- (-551.644) (-554.956) [-554.523] (-551.829) * (-552.117) (-550.488) [-554.222] (-552.626) -- 0:00:46
      218500 -- (-555.812) (-551.266) (-551.206) [-553.396] * (-554.286) (-553.775) [-551.004] (-552.868) -- 0:00:46
      219000 -- (-557.563) [-551.981] (-557.626) (-551.773) * (-552.698) [-551.812] (-550.559) (-550.790) -- 0:00:46
      219500 -- (-557.278) [-551.978] (-552.474) (-552.932) * [-553.965] (-551.348) (-551.648) (-551.168) -- 0:00:46
      220000 -- (-556.642) (-552.980) (-553.132) [-552.822] * [-551.648] (-554.158) (-551.130) (-553.769) -- 0:00:46

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013320

      220500 -- (-553.152) (-551.534) (-552.716) [-552.738] * (-553.021) (-553.589) (-551.195) [-553.875] -- 0:00:45
      221000 -- (-555.743) (-551.800) (-552.499) [-553.340] * (-553.589) [-554.357] (-550.791) (-552.675) -- 0:00:45
      221500 -- [-551.402] (-552.604) (-552.087) (-553.279) * [-550.487] (-552.215) (-552.778) (-550.627) -- 0:00:45
      222000 -- (-551.149) [-554.919] (-554.906) (-550.686) * (-550.277) [-552.455] (-555.112) (-554.087) -- 0:00:45
      222500 -- (-550.588) [-550.476] (-551.888) (-555.022) * [-555.471] (-551.497) (-551.521) (-553.080) -- 0:00:45
      223000 -- (-553.258) (-552.465) [-551.142] (-552.551) * (-551.648) [-553.884] (-551.650) (-552.418) -- 0:00:45
      223500 -- (-551.430) (-550.506) (-550.588) [-552.446] * [-551.330] (-553.144) (-554.541) (-553.498) -- 0:00:45
      224000 -- (-555.627) [-555.521] (-555.209) (-552.656) * (-553.978) (-551.485) [-551.628] (-556.026) -- 0:00:45
      224500 -- [-552.121] (-551.725) (-553.943) (-551.353) * (-552.267) [-550.718] (-553.283) (-553.502) -- 0:00:44
      225000 -- [-551.019] (-550.930) (-554.319) (-552.084) * (-552.986) (-551.221) (-551.623) [-550.849] -- 0:00:44

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012399

      225500 -- (-553.431) (-554.547) [-554.730] (-553.266) * (-554.795) (-552.200) (-552.637) [-552.074] -- 0:00:44
      226000 -- (-551.825) (-551.890) [-552.635] (-556.295) * [-552.908] (-553.742) (-552.804) (-553.145) -- 0:00:44
      226500 -- (-554.738) (-551.361) (-552.806) [-551.113] * (-551.123) (-553.435) [-551.583] (-551.741) -- 0:00:44
      227000 -- (-550.067) (-551.361) (-552.141) [-551.477] * (-552.305) [-551.153] (-551.394) (-552.643) -- 0:00:44
      227500 -- [-552.157] (-550.507) (-552.777) (-552.200) * (-552.445) [-550.595] (-552.579) (-553.415) -- 0:00:47
      228000 -- (-551.975) (-551.921) [-551.013] (-551.182) * [-550.456] (-554.064) (-551.058) (-554.553) -- 0:00:47
      228500 -- (-551.211) (-550.214) [-553.934] (-555.416) * [-550.723] (-554.054) (-551.191) (-553.289) -- 0:00:47
      229000 -- (-553.587) [-550.939] (-551.383) (-554.261) * [-550.612] (-553.591) (-552.200) (-553.502) -- 0:00:47
      229500 -- [-551.935] (-550.771) (-551.653) (-551.407) * (-551.667) (-553.088) (-551.825) [-550.917] -- 0:00:47
      230000 -- [-550.966] (-553.096) (-554.640) (-551.705) * (-551.357) (-551.258) [-550.946] (-555.805) -- 0:00:46

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013464

      230500 -- [-551.923] (-552.668) (-551.976) (-557.309) * (-557.214) (-550.953) [-553.399] (-552.277) -- 0:00:46
      231000 -- [-551.934] (-552.088) (-555.403) (-554.813) * (-557.815) [-550.721] (-551.953) (-553.545) -- 0:00:46
      231500 -- (-551.657) [-551.591] (-551.022) (-552.015) * (-553.357) (-550.543) [-551.577] (-550.523) -- 0:00:46
      232000 -- (-553.780) [-553.486] (-551.054) (-551.577) * (-552.338) (-557.228) (-556.387) [-550.431] -- 0:00:46
      232500 -- (-556.540) (-558.142) [-553.542] (-555.205) * (-551.107) [-552.475] (-551.652) (-550.187) -- 0:00:46
      233000 -- (-556.647) (-556.134) [-551.291] (-552.011) * (-557.719) (-552.446) [-552.565] (-552.103) -- 0:00:46
      233500 -- (-552.413) [-551.794] (-552.455) (-550.498) * (-556.700) [-551.941] (-550.848) (-554.917) -- 0:00:45
      234000 -- (-553.003) (-554.329) (-553.203) [-552.838] * (-554.867) [-553.731] (-555.821) (-553.569) -- 0:00:45
      234500 -- (-553.229) [-550.261] (-557.807) (-550.894) * (-552.588) (-551.826) [-552.530] (-552.349) -- 0:00:45
      235000 -- (-553.854) [-551.565] (-551.734) (-552.026) * (-555.597) [-554.707] (-552.862) (-553.839) -- 0:00:45

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012220

      235500 -- (-553.170) [-552.946] (-550.265) (-551.203) * [-552.445] (-555.327) (-550.168) (-553.214) -- 0:00:45
      236000 -- (-551.121) (-552.038) [-550.446] (-552.566) * (-553.639) (-554.463) (-551.684) [-552.856] -- 0:00:45
      236500 -- [-551.099] (-552.495) (-550.094) (-553.021) * (-552.823) [-552.039] (-550.646) (-555.289) -- 0:00:45
      237000 -- (-554.764) (-555.642) (-554.464) [-552.968] * [-552.875] (-552.009) (-552.396) (-553.448) -- 0:00:45
      237500 -- (-554.132) [-553.299] (-552.237) (-555.621) * (-550.437) (-558.912) (-551.214) [-551.589] -- 0:00:44
      238000 -- (-554.617) (-551.515) (-555.507) [-550.335] * (-550.741) [-551.347] (-553.055) (-551.118) -- 0:00:44
      238500 -- (-554.312) (-557.241) (-555.867) [-551.072] * (-552.838) [-554.213] (-550.105) (-553.831) -- 0:00:44
      239000 -- [-557.343] (-550.341) (-553.443) (-553.098) * (-553.661) (-553.273) [-551.693] (-550.710) -- 0:00:44
      239500 -- (-550.798) [-550.461] (-550.949) (-550.722) * [-553.257] (-551.286) (-550.408) (-555.540) -- 0:00:44
      240000 -- (-553.502) (-551.541) (-556.232) [-552.529] * (-551.458) (-551.313) [-550.761] (-552.072) -- 0:00:44

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012098

      240500 -- (-552.708) (-550.940) (-553.094) [-551.793] * (-555.109) (-553.119) (-552.759) [-554.840] -- 0:00:44
      241000 -- [-553.604] (-552.960) (-552.961) (-550.459) * (-550.909) (-552.282) (-553.426) [-554.364] -- 0:00:44
      241500 -- (-554.790) (-553.066) [-550.567] (-550.880) * [-554.698] (-558.900) (-550.976) (-552.403) -- 0:00:43
      242000 -- (-554.515) (-552.056) (-551.923) [-550.837] * (-551.682) (-555.038) [-551.175] (-551.266) -- 0:00:43
      242500 -- (-554.739) (-553.568) [-552.478] (-551.423) * [-550.416] (-552.622) (-551.739) (-553.555) -- 0:00:43
      243000 -- (-552.752) (-552.907) [-551.972] (-550.891) * (-552.075) (-551.565) (-550.787) [-553.960] -- 0:00:43
      243500 -- [-550.354] (-550.563) (-551.030) (-553.377) * (-550.635) [-550.773] (-552.024) (-556.564) -- 0:00:43
      244000 -- (-550.888) (-554.499) [-552.703] (-550.375) * (-550.703) [-550.548] (-550.718) (-556.776) -- 0:00:46
      244500 -- [-551.269] (-551.252) (-552.759) (-555.751) * (-551.707) (-551.827) [-550.587] (-551.093) -- 0:00:46
      245000 -- (-551.032) (-555.142) [-550.987] (-551.415) * (-551.999) (-550.456) [-550.918] (-551.396) -- 0:00:46

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011610

      245500 -- (-553.177) (-553.897) [-552.844] (-552.709) * (-552.750) (-552.659) (-551.770) [-551.240] -- 0:00:46
      246000 -- (-550.783) (-552.301) [-552.929] (-553.061) * (-554.134) (-552.463) (-551.844) [-551.621] -- 0:00:45
      246500 -- [-550.528] (-551.506) (-549.842) (-550.177) * [-552.866] (-550.760) (-554.544) (-552.011) -- 0:00:45
      247000 -- (-551.231) (-552.206) (-550.072) [-554.071] * [-551.012] (-551.579) (-551.460) (-554.512) -- 0:00:45
      247500 -- (-558.198) (-554.091) [-552.573] (-553.467) * (-552.124) (-551.824) (-551.505) [-552.363] -- 0:00:45
      248000 -- [-552.743] (-550.654) (-550.717) (-550.927) * (-554.651) (-552.762) (-551.224) [-553.398] -- 0:00:45
      248500 -- (-552.646) (-551.073) [-550.246] (-550.954) * (-563.043) [-552.108] (-552.423) (-550.255) -- 0:00:45
      249000 -- (-550.939) (-550.468) [-550.365] (-551.434) * (-558.388) [-550.435] (-552.408) (-552.729) -- 0:00:45
      249500 -- (-555.415) (-553.549) (-553.851) [-552.513] * [-551.224] (-553.963) (-552.148) (-551.848) -- 0:00:45
      250000 -- (-552.504) [-553.310] (-555.163) (-552.878) * (-551.898) (-550.623) (-551.417) [-550.287] -- 0:00:45

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011394

      250500 -- (-553.030) [-551.474] (-550.159) (-550.407) * (-550.283) [-550.204] (-550.261) (-552.276) -- 0:00:44
      251000 -- (-551.859) [-551.965] (-552.296) (-550.557) * (-554.501) [-550.795] (-551.663) (-551.805) -- 0:00:44
      251500 -- (-552.027) [-554.467] (-550.054) (-551.055) * (-554.117) (-554.778) (-549.975) [-550.212] -- 0:00:44
      252000 -- (-554.123) [-552.017] (-551.255) (-552.717) * (-552.994) [-552.946] (-550.315) (-550.242) -- 0:00:44
      252500 -- (-556.303) (-552.016) (-550.605) [-551.898] * (-552.201) (-552.077) [-550.083] (-550.740) -- 0:00:44
      253000 -- (-550.866) (-551.574) (-552.452) [-551.788] * [-551.594] (-550.805) (-553.384) (-551.626) -- 0:00:44
      253500 -- (-551.403) [-552.180] (-555.412) (-551.937) * (-552.751) (-550.845) (-552.409) [-551.415] -- 0:00:44
      254000 -- [-551.509] (-551.447) (-550.763) (-551.256) * (-551.012) [-553.916] (-552.418) (-551.177) -- 0:00:44
      254500 -- (-551.725) [-551.451] (-555.107) (-551.014) * (-551.146) (-551.861) [-554.051] (-554.932) -- 0:00:43
      255000 -- (-551.356) [-551.974] (-551.193) (-553.316) * (-550.782) [-553.864] (-559.681) (-551.558) -- 0:00:43

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012240

      255500 -- (-552.393) (-552.016) (-550.775) [-552.379] * (-551.290) (-551.680) (-552.422) [-550.799] -- 0:00:43
      256000 -- (-554.053) (-551.938) (-551.261) [-550.934] * [-550.482] (-552.163) (-554.427) (-552.995) -- 0:00:43
      256500 -- (-552.239) [-552.921] (-553.305) (-552.473) * (-553.573) (-555.062) (-556.812) [-551.324] -- 0:00:43
      257000 -- [-551.891] (-550.938) (-551.149) (-555.926) * (-552.212) (-555.662) [-550.982] (-554.151) -- 0:00:43
      257500 -- [-553.086] (-551.361) (-552.066) (-555.214) * (-552.486) [-555.956] (-551.516) (-550.728) -- 0:00:43
      258000 -- [-551.077] (-550.529) (-550.878) (-556.732) * (-550.748) (-552.987) (-552.162) [-552.272] -- 0:00:43
      258500 -- (-550.807) (-551.604) (-551.518) [-553.523] * (-552.935) [-552.888] (-551.735) (-551.218) -- 0:00:43
      259000 -- (-553.264) (-550.855) (-551.350) [-552.554] * (-553.369) [-556.091] (-556.695) (-554.898) -- 0:00:42
      259500 -- (-555.591) [-550.481] (-550.907) (-551.277) * [-552.647] (-555.631) (-556.042) (-556.076) -- 0:00:42
      260000 -- (-552.342) (-550.734) [-551.710] (-552.489) * (-552.515) [-553.097] (-551.332) (-552.401) -- 0:00:42

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012127

      260500 -- (-554.242) [-552.817] (-554.684) (-553.231) * (-553.566) [-551.226] (-554.785) (-550.955) -- 0:00:42
      261000 -- (-555.915) (-552.389) (-551.651) [-552.363] * [-552.694] (-552.820) (-553.780) (-553.358) -- 0:00:45
      261500 -- (-552.123) [-551.905] (-551.108) (-555.740) * (-551.512) (-551.520) [-550.374] (-552.414) -- 0:00:45
      262000 -- (-553.121) (-552.044) [-551.356] (-550.928) * (-551.853) (-555.411) [-556.270] (-554.953) -- 0:00:45
      262500 -- (-552.001) (-552.561) (-550.908) [-552.275] * (-551.859) [-554.407] (-553.610) (-553.349) -- 0:00:44
      263000 -- (-552.176) (-551.839) [-551.768] (-551.642) * (-550.638) [-551.777] (-554.915) (-552.836) -- 0:00:44
      263500 -- (-550.369) (-551.868) (-550.719) [-552.114] * [-550.759] (-554.908) (-550.887) (-551.782) -- 0:00:44
      264000 -- (-554.240) [-552.817] (-551.236) (-554.571) * (-553.022) (-555.029) [-552.627] (-553.317) -- 0:00:44
      264500 -- (-553.032) (-553.006) (-550.657) [-556.787] * (-553.112) (-553.682) (-551.962) [-556.543] -- 0:00:44
      265000 -- (-554.094) (-550.800) [-553.514] (-552.287) * (-551.225) [-551.667] (-550.473) (-556.310) -- 0:00:44

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011363

      265500 -- (-551.580) (-553.656) [-551.816] (-554.309) * (-553.452) [-551.974] (-551.496) (-555.465) -- 0:00:44
      266000 -- (-551.457) (-552.286) [-551.964] (-554.089) * (-553.950) [-552.584] (-550.954) (-552.077) -- 0:00:44
      266500 -- [-559.090] (-551.771) (-555.106) (-550.717) * (-555.215) (-553.221) (-555.525) [-550.169] -- 0:00:44
      267000 -- (-552.287) (-550.475) (-553.424) [-550.215] * (-551.367) (-551.771) (-551.244) [-550.861] -- 0:00:43
      267500 -- (-551.000) (-551.544) [-550.135] (-550.344) * (-551.246) [-552.321] (-553.314) (-551.949) -- 0:00:43
      268000 -- [-553.253] (-553.617) (-552.094) (-550.440) * (-550.525) (-556.179) [-550.223] (-552.102) -- 0:00:43
      268500 -- (-554.456) [-552.721] (-554.623) (-558.242) * [-551.709] (-553.696) (-552.494) (-553.624) -- 0:00:43
      269000 -- (-553.442) (-553.505) (-557.231) [-552.510] * (-551.841) (-552.806) [-553.068] (-551.323) -- 0:00:43
      269500 -- (-550.244) [-555.784] (-554.311) (-551.185) * (-554.158) (-551.287) [-551.037] (-551.851) -- 0:00:43
      270000 -- (-550.268) (-550.554) [-551.060] (-554.393) * (-551.358) [-554.677] (-550.978) (-553.744) -- 0:00:43

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011065

      270500 -- (-550.869) (-550.927) [-554.213] (-551.110) * [-555.144] (-550.669) (-552.052) (-552.101) -- 0:00:43
      271000 -- (-550.351) [-551.140] (-551.212) (-553.271) * (-551.134) (-551.932) [-550.594] (-550.923) -- 0:00:43
      271500 -- (-550.680) (-553.793) [-552.747] (-550.893) * [-551.250] (-550.933) (-551.017) (-550.923) -- 0:00:42
      272000 -- (-550.912) [-552.550] (-552.248) (-551.243) * (-553.387) [-553.692] (-551.089) (-551.446) -- 0:00:42
      272500 -- (-552.868) [-553.648] (-550.497) (-550.424) * (-560.400) (-552.363) [-553.449] (-550.261) -- 0:00:42
      273000 -- (-550.259) [-552.078] (-551.180) (-551.346) * (-552.490) (-555.004) (-552.889) [-550.256] -- 0:00:42
      273500 -- (-552.171) (-552.521) [-554.492] (-551.007) * (-551.866) (-552.932) [-552.457] (-551.194) -- 0:00:42
      274000 -- [-551.181] (-551.788) (-553.980) (-551.496) * (-551.809) [-551.009] (-551.713) (-551.734) -- 0:00:42
      274500 -- [-551.021] (-550.944) (-553.062) (-552.641) * [-551.768] (-551.077) (-553.312) (-550.402) -- 0:00:42
      275000 -- (-551.225) (-550.567) [-555.448] (-553.237) * (-556.009) [-551.558] (-550.857) (-553.586) -- 0:00:42

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010650

      275500 -- (-551.419) (-552.135) [-558.274] (-552.774) * (-552.150) [-552.471] (-551.561) (-551.944) -- 0:00:42
      276000 -- (-552.617) (-553.178) (-554.023) [-553.723] * (-551.788) (-550.548) [-550.706] (-555.039) -- 0:00:41
      276500 -- (-550.990) [-551.181] (-552.830) (-551.268) * (-550.452) (-551.763) (-549.943) [-553.637] -- 0:00:41
      277000 -- (-552.578) (-552.168) [-551.772] (-554.512) * [-552.048] (-550.197) (-553.285) (-552.106) -- 0:00:41
      277500 -- (-554.719) (-552.236) (-550.448) [-552.129] * [-550.703] (-551.215) (-553.482) (-550.920) -- 0:00:44
      278000 -- [-551.075] (-550.345) (-552.240) (-551.452) * [-552.344] (-551.491) (-550.043) (-550.527) -- 0:00:44
      278500 -- [-551.381] (-551.375) (-552.376) (-551.479) * (-556.661) (-550.307) [-551.574] (-554.778) -- 0:00:44
      279000 -- (-554.008) [-551.067] (-552.334) (-551.259) * [-550.955] (-552.445) (-552.906) (-550.154) -- 0:00:43
      279500 -- [-558.260] (-550.063) (-551.923) (-552.807) * (-554.306) (-551.534) [-551.738] (-550.825) -- 0:00:43
      280000 -- (-559.545) [-550.674] (-553.148) (-554.742) * (-555.094) [-551.028] (-550.928) (-551.646) -- 0:00:43

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010967

      280500 -- (-552.426) (-551.955) [-552.962] (-553.238) * (-551.950) (-555.045) (-550.280) [-550.827] -- 0:00:43
      281000 -- (-550.585) (-554.238) (-550.092) [-552.254] * [-551.551] (-554.939) (-551.831) (-552.238) -- 0:00:43
      281500 -- (-551.142) [-551.745] (-551.386) (-556.514) * (-550.723) [-550.380] (-553.930) (-553.721) -- 0:00:43
      282000 -- [-555.390] (-550.621) (-552.537) (-552.983) * [-553.903] (-554.168) (-556.334) (-554.758) -- 0:00:43
      282500 -- [-551.313] (-553.668) (-550.828) (-559.725) * (-550.597) (-553.126) [-556.033] (-552.071) -- 0:00:43
      283000 -- [-551.103] (-552.646) (-552.012) (-553.713) * (-551.327) (-551.732) [-552.020] (-550.658) -- 0:00:43
      283500 -- (-550.709) [-552.202] (-553.222) (-551.798) * [-551.968] (-550.771) (-552.379) (-553.487) -- 0:00:42
      284000 -- [-551.184] (-554.836) (-554.944) (-553.025) * (-553.114) (-556.253) [-552.656] (-554.091) -- 0:00:42
      284500 -- (-552.421) [-551.540] (-552.163) (-553.968) * (-554.006) (-560.852) [-553.430] (-552.753) -- 0:00:42
      285000 -- [-553.473] (-552.932) (-551.525) (-553.720) * (-555.330) [-551.493] (-552.977) (-551.303) -- 0:00:42

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010256

      285500 -- (-553.269) (-553.878) [-550.917] (-551.511) * (-553.232) [-551.183] (-553.115) (-552.315) -- 0:00:42
      286000 -- (-551.644) (-552.035) (-553.221) [-550.908] * (-551.190) [-553.346] (-553.392) (-552.823) -- 0:00:42
      286500 -- (-552.730) [-551.555] (-553.109) (-551.725) * (-549.955) (-552.228) (-551.004) [-550.247] -- 0:00:42
      287000 -- (-552.843) [-551.941] (-556.117) (-557.194) * (-550.755) (-550.879) [-554.611] (-549.934) -- 0:00:42
      287500 -- [-555.245] (-553.518) (-554.014) (-554.827) * (-554.829) (-552.212) [-551.805] (-550.595) -- 0:00:42
      288000 -- (-550.384) (-553.352) (-551.440) [-550.987] * (-552.627) (-554.688) [-551.559] (-550.469) -- 0:00:42
      288500 -- (-551.574) (-554.268) (-551.059) [-550.320] * (-551.579) (-553.155) [-553.309] (-553.334) -- 0:00:41
      289000 -- [-551.534] (-554.101) (-552.542) (-552.122) * (-551.764) (-551.440) [-551.171] (-550.371) -- 0:00:41
      289500 -- (-552.411) [-551.546] (-550.493) (-553.624) * (-553.860) (-553.656) [-551.462] (-550.554) -- 0:00:41
      290000 -- [-550.591] (-553.211) (-554.254) (-554.818) * [-551.766] (-550.022) (-553.528) (-550.550) -- 0:00:41

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009540

      290500 -- (-552.632) (-553.702) [-552.119] (-552.193) * (-551.749) [-550.652] (-554.882) (-550.911) -- 0:00:41
      291000 -- (-555.311) [-554.325] (-551.185) (-551.276) * (-553.309) [-551.756] (-552.948) (-551.853) -- 0:00:41
      291500 -- (-552.191) [-551.548] (-550.703) (-552.925) * (-552.890) [-551.256] (-552.635) (-553.598) -- 0:00:41
      292000 -- (-554.079) (-550.602) (-553.784) [-552.073] * (-553.489) (-551.689) (-551.085) [-551.436] -- 0:00:41
      292500 -- [-553.265] (-554.859) (-553.292) (-551.745) * (-551.263) (-552.728) [-551.030] (-552.584) -- 0:00:41
      293000 -- (-554.245) (-554.654) [-552.105] (-551.491) * [-552.791] (-552.934) (-551.943) (-551.956) -- 0:00:41
      293500 -- (-550.539) [-554.760] (-552.996) (-551.669) * (-559.183) (-550.467) (-553.408) [-552.240] -- 0:00:40
      294000 -- [-552.804] (-550.817) (-550.855) (-550.556) * (-552.352) [-551.337] (-553.849) (-552.742) -- 0:00:40
      294500 -- (-551.050) (-552.947) (-557.910) [-552.665] * (-551.326) (-551.337) [-550.389] (-554.976) -- 0:00:43
      295000 -- (-551.674) (-552.838) [-552.382] (-553.450) * [-550.310] (-553.820) (-551.667) (-553.660) -- 0:00:43

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008712

      295500 -- (-552.684) (-552.603) [-550.800] (-555.237) * (-554.672) [-553.476] (-555.623) (-551.851) -- 0:00:42
      296000 -- (-552.980) [-552.049] (-552.108) (-553.640) * (-555.652) (-551.583) [-553.023] (-555.240) -- 0:00:42
      296500 -- (-552.376) (-552.781) [-550.534] (-553.750) * (-552.727) (-553.475) (-550.881) [-550.847] -- 0:00:42
      297000 -- (-551.752) (-555.720) (-552.113) [-550.294] * [-552.448] (-552.038) (-552.149) (-552.163) -- 0:00:42
      297500 -- (-552.652) (-555.035) [-552.402] (-555.305) * (-553.072) (-551.385) (-552.675) [-551.961] -- 0:00:42
      298000 -- (-551.241) (-552.399) [-552.688] (-550.210) * (-553.557) (-550.275) [-551.734] (-551.775) -- 0:00:42
      298500 -- (-557.827) (-552.288) (-551.869) [-552.182] * (-553.360) (-551.808) [-552.283] (-550.534) -- 0:00:42
      299000 -- (-552.143) (-551.692) (-550.795) [-552.398] * (-552.787) (-550.244) (-550.810) [-550.595] -- 0:00:42
      299500 -- (-550.544) [-553.186] (-550.936) (-551.924) * [-552.122] (-552.464) (-553.278) (-551.789) -- 0:00:42
      300000 -- (-550.480) (-555.025) [-550.221] (-553.902) * (-555.802) (-551.605) [-552.591] (-552.210) -- 0:00:42

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008485

      300500 -- (-552.848) (-552.039) (-552.025) [-553.083] * (-553.368) (-550.681) [-551.022] (-553.297) -- 0:00:41
      301000 -- (-552.060) (-553.325) [-550.534] (-551.006) * (-554.627) (-551.801) [-553.617] (-554.168) -- 0:00:41
      301500 -- (-555.245) [-550.978] (-552.971) (-553.380) * (-552.317) [-550.590] (-554.033) (-553.748) -- 0:00:41
      302000 -- (-551.688) (-551.287) (-553.276) [-554.971] * (-552.468) (-552.849) [-552.822] (-552.798) -- 0:00:41
      302500 -- (-552.076) [-550.650] (-555.448) (-551.358) * (-551.027) [-553.317] (-551.468) (-551.352) -- 0:00:41
      303000 -- (-554.097) [-553.744] (-552.455) (-554.493) * (-553.574) [-552.516] (-554.010) (-552.599) -- 0:00:41
      303500 -- (-553.864) (-550.777) [-550.333] (-551.086) * (-551.465) (-552.633) (-550.785) [-553.487] -- 0:00:41
      304000 -- (-555.194) [-550.897] (-550.235) (-553.193) * [-553.152] (-550.765) (-555.476) (-556.102) -- 0:00:41
      304500 -- (-556.360) (-552.408) [-551.119] (-552.901) * (-555.754) (-550.403) [-549.988] (-552.826) -- 0:00:41
      305000 -- [-549.936] (-551.863) (-552.154) (-553.919) * [-556.592] (-550.693) (-553.029) (-558.641) -- 0:00:41

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007068

      305500 -- (-550.862) [-551.492] (-552.058) (-554.810) * (-551.471) [-550.545] (-554.498) (-554.838) -- 0:00:40
      306000 -- (-551.922) (-554.300) [-553.210] (-551.497) * [-551.052] (-554.291) (-554.572) (-550.696) -- 0:00:40
      306500 -- (-550.485) (-553.650) (-551.034) [-552.224] * (-554.040) (-552.783) (-555.201) [-551.975] -- 0:00:40
      307000 -- (-551.749) (-553.361) [-552.672] (-552.354) * (-552.556) (-552.754) (-552.837) [-550.476] -- 0:00:40
      307500 -- (-555.220) (-552.209) [-551.814] (-552.326) * (-551.000) (-550.176) [-551.920] (-552.219) -- 0:00:40
      308000 -- (-551.793) [-552.490] (-554.290) (-551.856) * (-554.037) [-555.455] (-552.915) (-552.473) -- 0:00:40
      308500 -- (-550.856) (-553.332) [-552.177] (-552.484) * (-556.857) (-553.866) (-551.510) [-553.345] -- 0:00:40
      309000 -- (-552.245) [-552.255] (-551.437) (-550.122) * (-551.968) (-551.206) (-551.469) [-551.723] -- 0:00:40
      309500 -- (-554.936) (-555.447) (-551.191) [-551.132] * (-552.430) (-555.501) (-553.379) [-553.396] -- 0:00:40
      310000 -- [-553.092] (-554.657) (-552.148) (-550.752) * (-550.870) (-552.824) [-552.076] (-555.001) -- 0:00:40

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.006427

      310500 -- (-551.895) (-552.175) (-552.896) [-553.723] * [-551.769] (-551.311) (-553.350) (-550.624) -- 0:00:42
      311000 -- (-553.344) (-554.418) (-552.073) [-551.308] * [-550.457] (-551.623) (-556.765) (-553.118) -- 0:00:42
      311500 -- (-551.880) (-556.224) [-553.468] (-552.492) * [-551.732] (-551.338) (-553.232) (-551.311) -- 0:00:41
      312000 -- (-551.894) (-551.089) (-553.882) [-554.347] * [-552.720] (-552.543) (-551.613) (-550.225) -- 0:00:41
      312500 -- (-554.509) (-552.423) [-556.021] (-552.473) * [-552.051] (-552.487) (-551.725) (-552.423) -- 0:00:41
      313000 -- (-552.021) (-553.401) (-551.699) [-552.370] * (-551.204) [-553.979] (-552.479) (-554.195) -- 0:00:41
      313500 -- (-553.377) (-552.582) [-551.123] (-551.164) * (-552.319) (-554.225) [-551.655] (-555.609) -- 0:00:41
      314000 -- (-552.274) (-552.258) [-550.478] (-555.559) * (-555.942) (-554.234) (-553.550) [-553.438] -- 0:00:41
      314500 -- (-551.764) (-552.528) (-553.744) [-552.304] * (-553.986) [-554.331] (-550.692) (-550.385) -- 0:00:41
      315000 -- (-551.871) [-553.346] (-555.062) (-553.976) * (-552.404) (-552.540) (-561.250) [-551.821] -- 0:00:41

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.006620

      315500 -- (-551.859) (-557.097) (-552.466) [-551.031] * [-551.648] (-551.992) (-552.806) (-553.566) -- 0:00:41
      316000 -- [-550.495] (-555.194) (-555.603) (-550.447) * (-551.887) (-551.397) [-554.808] (-550.532) -- 0:00:41
      316500 -- (-555.795) (-554.508) [-551.442] (-550.540) * [-552.264] (-552.623) (-551.538) (-551.419) -- 0:00:41
      317000 -- [-553.031] (-550.059) (-550.142) (-553.795) * (-553.501) (-553.758) (-555.441) [-552.099] -- 0:00:40
      317500 -- (-555.928) (-552.872) (-550.241) [-551.944] * (-553.196) (-552.846) [-552.180] (-550.230) -- 0:00:40
      318000 -- (-552.815) (-551.832) [-550.514] (-550.992) * (-552.010) (-552.928) [-550.749] (-551.922) -- 0:00:40
      318500 -- [-552.825] (-551.723) (-550.308) (-551.841) * [-553.269] (-557.022) (-550.202) (-552.264) -- 0:00:40
      319000 -- (-550.465) [-551.452] (-549.977) (-557.972) * (-550.989) (-551.111) (-552.607) [-552.043] -- 0:00:40
      319500 -- (-552.536) (-554.008) (-551.171) [-552.946] * [-551.905] (-550.306) (-551.222) (-551.209) -- 0:00:40
      320000 -- (-552.451) (-553.412) [-552.727] (-554.311) * (-550.760) (-552.660) [-551.616] (-550.774) -- 0:00:40

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.006659

      320500 -- (-555.231) [-552.527] (-554.094) (-550.713) * (-550.442) (-552.614) (-551.974) [-552.554] -- 0:00:40
      321000 -- (-554.474) [-553.217] (-554.880) (-553.639) * (-552.194) [-550.889] (-552.242) (-554.591) -- 0:00:40
      321500 -- (-555.804) [-552.572] (-551.151) (-553.969) * (-551.245) [-549.991] (-553.895) (-553.107) -- 0:00:40
      322000 -- [-554.857] (-554.635) (-551.610) (-551.291) * (-552.624) (-553.192) [-552.117] (-551.383) -- 0:00:40
      322500 -- (-552.943) (-551.963) [-550.379] (-552.188) * [-551.101] (-554.022) (-552.674) (-553.859) -- 0:00:39
      323000 -- (-550.499) (-550.888) (-553.400) [-551.409] * (-552.370) (-551.734) (-552.899) [-554.687] -- 0:00:39
      323500 -- (-550.388) [-551.985] (-554.369) (-551.213) * (-553.399) (-550.438) [-551.239] (-552.168) -- 0:00:39
      324000 -- (-552.271) [-550.830] (-553.452) (-551.533) * (-554.540) [-552.220] (-551.216) (-550.216) -- 0:00:39
      324500 -- (-559.287) (-552.808) [-550.988] (-550.586) * (-553.706) [-551.378] (-551.433) (-550.413) -- 0:00:39
      325000 -- [-551.604] (-554.102) (-551.227) (-551.889) * (-551.710) (-551.135) [-557.726] (-556.276) -- 0:00:39

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.006805

      325500 -- (-552.295) [-551.051] (-550.904) (-553.745) * [-553.250] (-551.949) (-554.591) (-553.817) -- 0:00:39
      326000 -- (-555.245) [-551.028] (-551.186) (-551.709) * (-554.023) (-552.147) (-555.124) [-552.984] -- 0:00:39
      326500 -- (-551.134) (-552.164) (-554.756) [-550.790] * (-550.382) (-551.278) (-552.211) [-552.429] -- 0:00:39
      327000 -- [-551.085] (-552.869) (-558.964) (-551.372) * (-550.311) [-550.924] (-551.939) (-552.081) -- 0:00:39
      327500 -- (-558.264) (-554.535) (-551.635) [-550.149] * [-550.496] (-551.449) (-552.317) (-549.997) -- 0:00:41
      328000 -- (-556.629) (-551.479) [-550.383] (-553.298) * (-555.917) (-551.650) (-553.521) [-552.705] -- 0:00:40
      328500 -- [-553.943] (-553.210) (-551.998) (-551.313) * [-555.971] (-550.239) (-554.486) (-550.644) -- 0:00:40
      329000 -- [-553.767] (-552.439) (-550.044) (-549.936) * (-552.749) [-551.938] (-550.398) (-550.727) -- 0:00:40
      329500 -- (-552.702) (-553.038) [-550.714] (-551.156) * (-552.571) (-552.534) (-550.283) [-552.339] -- 0:00:40
      330000 -- (-552.709) (-556.242) [-550.371] (-552.606) * [-551.283] (-553.788) (-550.274) (-556.012) -- 0:00:40

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.006457

      330500 -- (-552.286) (-551.290) (-552.809) [-551.435] * (-552.313) (-554.957) (-550.644) [-555.557] -- 0:00:40
      331000 -- [-554.485] (-552.586) (-550.527) (-550.489) * (-553.775) (-551.206) [-551.550] (-554.008) -- 0:00:40
      331500 -- (-552.940) (-551.327) [-550.449] (-552.889) * (-552.099) (-552.583) [-552.943] (-552.480) -- 0:00:40
      332000 -- [-552.477] (-553.798) (-551.913) (-551.901) * [-550.547] (-551.414) (-550.868) (-553.262) -- 0:00:40
      332500 -- (-553.801) [-552.983] (-552.929) (-553.188) * (-550.950) (-557.104) [-553.259] (-552.485) -- 0:00:40
      333000 -- [-551.925] (-557.304) (-551.908) (-551.824) * (-558.314) (-556.388) [-551.641] (-553.545) -- 0:00:40
      333500 -- (-552.028) [-551.386] (-554.928) (-551.938) * (-553.272) (-553.474) (-554.416) [-551.232] -- 0:00:39
      334000 -- [-550.646] (-552.342) (-554.152) (-552.823) * (-552.761) (-549.956) (-555.302) [-551.968] -- 0:00:39
      334500 -- (-550.852) [-551.064] (-555.168) (-553.682) * (-550.743) (-550.198) [-550.480] (-550.736) -- 0:00:39
      335000 -- [-554.950] (-551.191) (-553.891) (-552.036) * [-551.766] (-551.894) (-550.487) (-551.900) -- 0:00:39

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.006355

      335500 -- [-550.803] (-552.548) (-553.530) (-552.595) * (-552.229) (-554.345) [-551.249] (-553.328) -- 0:00:39
      336000 -- [-550.794] (-553.896) (-550.699) (-556.290) * [-551.850] (-554.519) (-552.285) (-554.464) -- 0:00:39
      336500 -- (-551.230) (-551.126) [-557.284] (-552.252) * (-551.193) [-552.007] (-553.795) (-554.187) -- 0:00:39
      337000 -- [-550.495] (-552.125) (-553.134) (-551.145) * (-550.735) [-551.427] (-554.399) (-556.401) -- 0:00:39
      337500 -- [-550.890] (-551.859) (-555.521) (-551.922) * (-550.320) (-551.576) [-553.002] (-555.083) -- 0:00:39
      338000 -- (-555.242) (-554.592) (-553.781) [-551.099] * [-550.499] (-553.971) (-550.736) (-555.804) -- 0:00:39
      338500 -- (-553.929) (-553.874) (-554.650) [-550.677] * (-552.807) (-553.685) [-550.741] (-557.936) -- 0:00:39
      339000 -- (-555.575) (-551.477) (-550.521) [-554.240] * (-552.262) (-553.932) (-552.926) [-552.834] -- 0:00:38
      339500 -- [-553.047] (-551.596) (-556.646) (-554.204) * (-555.884) (-551.412) (-557.639) [-551.973] -- 0:00:38
      340000 -- [-551.136] (-550.906) (-553.803) (-550.793) * (-553.059) [-553.137] (-553.547) (-553.404) -- 0:00:38

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007082

      340500 -- [-552.474] (-555.077) (-556.041) (-551.808) * (-552.987) [-552.647] (-552.749) (-551.759) -- 0:00:38
      341000 -- [-552.169] (-552.380) (-552.020) (-555.247) * (-553.772) [-550.947] (-550.832) (-554.845) -- 0:00:38
      341500 -- (-554.159) [-551.464] (-552.640) (-551.858) * (-550.578) (-550.603) (-551.231) [-552.778] -- 0:00:38
      342000 -- (-551.489) (-552.559) [-551.681] (-551.510) * (-552.332) (-556.069) (-550.814) [-552.338] -- 0:00:38
      342500 -- (-551.092) [-551.710] (-556.249) (-553.268) * (-551.931) [-552.314] (-552.679) (-552.443) -- 0:00:38
      343000 -- (-558.470) (-554.907) [-552.233] (-554.392) * (-555.205) [-552.247] (-552.320) (-553.291) -- 0:00:38
      343500 -- (-550.650) (-553.093) [-554.759] (-554.066) * (-550.844) (-551.990) (-555.627) [-550.074] -- 0:00:38
      344000 -- (-551.254) (-551.287) [-553.661] (-550.167) * [-550.487] (-555.141) (-551.736) (-551.188) -- 0:00:40
      344500 -- (-551.720) [-552.125] (-551.541) (-552.960) * (-551.139) [-552.677] (-551.638) (-551.465) -- 0:00:39
      345000 -- (-552.900) (-552.498) [-550.835] (-555.195) * [-553.128] (-550.736) (-550.488) (-557.387) -- 0:00:39

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007533

      345500 -- [-555.525] (-551.297) (-552.262) (-550.986) * [-550.563] (-553.699) (-550.708) (-555.446) -- 0:00:39
      346000 -- (-551.430) (-555.573) (-551.516) [-558.312] * [-552.185] (-551.794) (-551.766) (-551.471) -- 0:00:39
      346500 -- (-550.308) (-553.027) [-551.239] (-550.908) * (-553.779) (-554.293) (-550.965) [-550.669] -- 0:00:39
      347000 -- (-556.708) (-564.329) [-550.122] (-550.526) * (-551.774) (-556.521) (-556.652) [-554.469] -- 0:00:39
      347500 -- (-552.303) [-551.157] (-550.656) (-551.416) * [-550.971] (-554.398) (-551.572) (-551.497) -- 0:00:39
      348000 -- [-554.195] (-551.056) (-551.968) (-552.486) * (-550.775) (-559.320) (-553.052) [-551.054] -- 0:00:39
      348500 -- (-554.895) [-553.612] (-551.872) (-550.427) * (-550.813) (-551.929) [-550.363] (-550.900) -- 0:00:39
      349000 -- (-551.636) (-556.368) (-551.980) [-551.102] * (-550.337) (-554.763) [-552.027] (-554.761) -- 0:00:39
      349500 -- (-551.401) (-550.512) [-553.852] (-554.679) * (-558.996) (-552.309) [-552.708] (-552.385) -- 0:00:39
      350000 -- (-550.382) (-556.790) (-554.746) [-553.554] * [-551.585] (-552.033) (-554.922) (-557.931) -- 0:00:39

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007829

      350500 -- (-553.414) (-552.211) (-551.345) [-552.004] * (-552.055) (-555.795) (-554.037) [-552.790] -- 0:00:38
      351000 -- [-554.905] (-551.090) (-550.490) (-551.446) * (-553.787) (-553.167) (-552.605) [-552.346] -- 0:00:38
      351500 -- (-555.751) (-550.853) [-550.618] (-550.946) * (-550.433) (-553.708) (-552.437) [-551.413] -- 0:00:38
      352000 -- [-550.611] (-550.667) (-550.596) (-551.282) * (-552.628) (-554.753) (-551.531) [-552.147] -- 0:00:38
      352500 -- [-550.821] (-550.151) (-551.549) (-550.443) * [-551.481] (-556.206) (-552.919) (-556.968) -- 0:00:38
      353000 -- (-552.805) (-551.984) (-553.270) [-552.431] * (-550.856) [-553.441] (-553.863) (-551.174) -- 0:00:38
      353500 -- (-553.909) (-551.593) (-551.649) [-553.482] * [-552.049] (-552.265) (-553.492) (-554.031) -- 0:00:38
      354000 -- (-551.851) (-551.454) [-551.719] (-550.497) * (-552.150) [-551.571] (-553.368) (-554.061) -- 0:00:38
      354500 -- (-552.819) (-551.678) (-551.467) [-551.424] * (-550.810) (-551.593) (-556.943) [-551.598] -- 0:00:38
      355000 -- (-550.015) (-551.511) [-551.554] (-551.718) * [-552.526] (-555.269) (-552.432) (-551.423) -- 0:00:38

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007789

      355500 -- (-554.862) [-552.633] (-555.256) (-554.326) * (-552.627) (-551.852) (-551.436) [-551.607] -- 0:00:38
      356000 -- [-550.621] (-550.324) (-553.985) (-553.086) * [-550.278] (-552.910) (-551.160) (-551.495) -- 0:00:37
      356500 -- (-552.406) (-552.078) (-551.326) [-551.438] * (-551.849) [-551.157] (-551.508) (-551.942) -- 0:00:37
      357000 -- (-550.935) (-553.184) (-551.214) [-551.909] * [-550.678] (-550.036) (-553.189) (-551.411) -- 0:00:37
      357500 -- (-554.073) (-556.235) (-553.994) [-551.164] * (-552.713) [-553.456] (-552.129) (-556.056) -- 0:00:37
      358000 -- (-553.939) (-556.540) [-554.595] (-551.110) * (-551.132) (-551.370) [-551.031] (-553.380) -- 0:00:37
      358500 -- (-552.655) [-555.110] (-557.667) (-551.722) * (-551.798) (-552.545) [-552.643] (-552.751) -- 0:00:37
      359000 -- (-550.887) (-555.526) [-553.645] (-552.715) * (-560.182) (-555.255) (-552.738) [-553.920] -- 0:00:37
      359500 -- (-552.057) [-552.904] (-552.197) (-552.832) * (-551.986) [-552.322] (-553.425) (-552.536) -- 0:00:37
      360000 -- (-551.828) [-551.071] (-552.889) (-551.730) * (-554.944) [-555.126] (-551.571) (-558.048) -- 0:00:37

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008765

      360500 -- (-550.669) (-553.898) (-554.576) [-551.931] * (-553.218) (-552.590) [-550.199] (-551.590) -- 0:00:37
      361000 -- (-550.332) [-551.183] (-555.723) (-550.943) * (-551.230) (-552.809) [-552.641] (-551.039) -- 0:00:38
      361500 -- (-551.761) [-551.329] (-555.259) (-554.618) * (-550.994) (-553.337) [-551.791] (-552.535) -- 0:00:38
      362000 -- (-556.735) (-551.098) [-552.737] (-553.673) * [-552.523] (-551.183) (-550.435) (-550.760) -- 0:00:38
      362500 -- (-551.342) (-552.244) [-555.715] (-553.147) * [-556.860] (-555.248) (-551.223) (-553.699) -- 0:00:38
      363000 -- (-550.481) [-549.980] (-557.117) (-553.263) * (-559.460) (-552.067) [-551.676] (-553.727) -- 0:00:38
      363500 -- (-550.211) (-552.331) [-552.532] (-551.408) * (-560.780) (-551.222) [-551.759] (-553.888) -- 0:00:38
      364000 -- [-550.998] (-552.077) (-552.326) (-551.415) * (-553.625) [-550.892] (-556.071) (-551.208) -- 0:00:38
      364500 -- [-550.692] (-554.112) (-551.993) (-552.164) * (-554.857) (-552.977) (-557.547) [-551.704] -- 0:00:38
      365000 -- (-551.002) (-552.905) (-555.974) [-551.750] * (-551.105) (-552.449) [-550.792] (-552.499) -- 0:00:38

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008658

      365500 -- (-552.117) [-555.414] (-554.597) (-555.690) * [-551.509] (-551.409) (-550.467) (-554.893) -- 0:00:38
      366000 -- [-552.089] (-550.654) (-554.038) (-560.046) * (-551.214) [-550.660] (-550.503) (-553.750) -- 0:00:38
      366500 -- [-551.190] (-550.486) (-550.897) (-553.065) * (-551.163) (-550.493) (-552.898) [-551.940] -- 0:00:38
      367000 -- (-552.662) (-555.920) [-553.699] (-555.701) * (-550.803) (-554.360) (-550.536) [-552.707] -- 0:00:37
      367500 -- (-553.596) (-556.333) (-559.730) [-553.081] * (-550.343) (-554.696) [-550.630] (-554.747) -- 0:00:37
      368000 -- (-550.326) [-554.286] (-552.029) (-552.237) * (-550.555) (-554.692) [-551.070] (-554.340) -- 0:00:37
      368500 -- (-552.078) (-557.788) [-552.508] (-554.963) * (-550.150) (-552.113) [-550.691] (-551.910) -- 0:00:37
      369000 -- [-552.146] (-553.338) (-550.983) (-551.399) * (-551.464) (-551.696) [-551.741] (-554.682) -- 0:00:37
      369500 -- [-552.916] (-553.129) (-552.330) (-553.199) * (-551.244) [-552.533] (-553.458) (-552.863) -- 0:00:37
      370000 -- (-553.296) (-553.796) (-550.787) [-550.325] * [-551.776] (-552.131) (-553.750) (-552.321) -- 0:00:37

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008154

      370500 -- (-550.880) (-553.461) [-552.736] (-553.006) * [-552.975] (-550.556) (-553.074) (-553.391) -- 0:00:37
      371000 -- (-550.746) (-555.954) [-553.616] (-552.943) * (-550.595) (-550.542) (-550.592) [-551.775] -- 0:00:37
      371500 -- (-552.357) (-553.112) (-550.954) [-553.466] * (-553.746) (-551.225) [-552.018] (-553.177) -- 0:00:37
      372000 -- (-551.140) [-550.050] (-550.753) (-554.647) * (-552.766) (-551.110) [-551.329] (-556.162) -- 0:00:37
      372500 -- [-554.170] (-552.238) (-562.368) (-553.152) * (-552.414) [-551.933] (-552.313) (-553.192) -- 0:00:37
      373000 -- (-558.397) (-551.365) [-551.744] (-552.196) * [-552.404] (-551.503) (-551.712) (-552.673) -- 0:00:36
      373500 -- (-552.007) (-551.380) (-550.594) [-553.675] * [-552.178] (-552.431) (-551.593) (-554.402) -- 0:00:36
      374000 -- (-552.109) [-552.735] (-551.190) (-558.157) * [-550.710] (-554.771) (-554.011) (-552.609) -- 0:00:36
      374500 -- (-554.391) (-552.666) [-552.191] (-557.170) * (-551.379) (-552.124) (-555.406) [-550.923] -- 0:00:36
      375000 -- (-551.174) (-553.252) (-553.696) [-552.070] * (-550.602) [-551.299] (-552.721) (-550.595) -- 0:00:36

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008149

      375500 -- (-552.156) (-552.779) (-559.256) [-551.474] * (-550.843) (-551.673) [-554.336] (-553.428) -- 0:00:36
      376000 -- [-551.561] (-551.523) (-550.474) (-551.796) * (-551.251) (-554.687) (-552.569) [-553.287] -- 0:00:36
      376500 -- (-552.395) (-550.845) (-553.987) [-550.851] * (-552.701) (-555.601) (-552.009) [-554.563] -- 0:00:36
      377000 -- [-550.890] (-552.252) (-551.237) (-553.101) * (-552.881) [-553.807] (-553.315) (-552.229) -- 0:00:36
      377500 -- (-554.100) [-550.980] (-553.819) (-553.066) * (-551.291) [-551.167] (-559.760) (-551.844) -- 0:00:37
      378000 -- (-552.952) (-552.551) (-554.276) [-554.643] * (-560.281) [-552.235] (-554.223) (-553.152) -- 0:00:37
      378500 -- (-555.121) (-551.412) (-555.238) [-551.472] * (-550.557) [-551.344] (-553.442) (-552.379) -- 0:00:37
      379000 -- (-552.815) (-556.792) (-554.728) [-554.422] * (-550.708) [-551.352] (-553.863) (-551.472) -- 0:00:37
      379500 -- [-552.525] (-558.188) (-553.438) (-552.982) * (-551.967) (-551.370) [-556.914] (-552.636) -- 0:00:37
      380000 -- (-552.296) [-552.523] (-550.685) (-550.712) * (-554.230) [-551.213] (-553.315) (-558.036) -- 0:00:37

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009033

      380500 -- (-552.666) (-551.461) [-551.139] (-554.499) * [-553.431] (-551.932) (-552.681) (-551.643) -- 0:00:37
      381000 -- [-556.743] (-552.315) (-556.360) (-553.234) * (-552.635) (-552.022) [-553.271] (-552.662) -- 0:00:37
      381500 -- (-558.560) (-550.779) [-552.294] (-551.365) * [-551.410] (-553.451) (-550.682) (-552.609) -- 0:00:37
      382000 -- (-551.510) (-552.971) (-550.692) [-552.819] * (-550.545) [-550.499] (-556.961) (-553.073) -- 0:00:37
      382500 -- (-550.946) (-552.357) (-560.448) [-552.791] * (-551.947) (-552.116) [-550.463] (-553.569) -- 0:00:37
      383000 -- (-551.472) [-554.963] (-554.053) (-553.282) * (-551.422) (-552.136) (-555.859) [-551.051] -- 0:00:37
      383500 -- (-552.334) (-552.257) [-550.688] (-553.292) * (-554.792) (-551.571) (-552.419) [-550.947] -- 0:00:36
      384000 -- (-553.402) (-551.416) [-551.796] (-555.144) * (-551.067) (-551.966) (-551.124) [-552.987] -- 0:00:36
      384500 -- [-553.952] (-550.901) (-550.793) (-552.232) * [-552.393] (-551.036) (-552.986) (-554.473) -- 0:00:36
      385000 -- (-551.024) (-551.061) [-555.349] (-552.572) * [-550.715] (-551.567) (-552.605) (-550.904) -- 0:00:36

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008621

      385500 -- [-551.704] (-552.437) (-552.470) (-556.642) * (-558.245) (-550.276) [-550.963] (-550.792) -- 0:00:36
      386000 -- (-552.816) (-553.762) [-554.073] (-552.636) * (-553.059) (-551.722) [-552.101] (-551.602) -- 0:00:36
      386500 -- (-550.798) (-554.535) (-556.597) [-551.097] * [-551.028] (-553.501) (-553.960) (-551.789) -- 0:00:36
      387000 -- (-552.227) (-561.547) (-553.938) [-552.790] * (-553.169) (-552.011) (-552.846) [-551.898] -- 0:00:36
      387500 -- [-551.706] (-556.643) (-555.359) (-550.051) * (-552.479) [-552.537] (-557.347) (-550.281) -- 0:00:36
      388000 -- (-553.050) (-556.334) [-553.191] (-552.282) * [-552.536] (-551.909) (-552.315) (-551.523) -- 0:00:36
      388500 -- (-553.822) (-554.348) [-550.333] (-551.656) * (-551.546) [-552.209] (-550.576) (-553.764) -- 0:00:36
      389000 -- (-553.570) [-553.440] (-551.988) (-555.003) * (-551.213) (-551.124) (-551.276) [-552.129] -- 0:00:36
      389500 -- (-552.865) (-551.682) [-552.457] (-553.248) * (-551.854) [-550.960] (-551.861) (-552.128) -- 0:00:36
      390000 -- (-553.539) (-554.726) [-551.663] (-550.749) * [-554.415] (-552.597) (-553.055) (-553.003) -- 0:00:35

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007453

      390500 -- (-555.000) (-554.151) [-553.605] (-551.179) * [-554.269] (-555.550) (-551.673) (-551.232) -- 0:00:35
      391000 -- (-551.853) (-556.134) [-551.024] (-554.413) * (-555.016) (-554.909) [-552.009] (-551.187) -- 0:00:35
      391500 -- (-552.456) (-552.975) (-558.028) [-552.065] * (-554.252) [-551.710] (-550.794) (-553.427) -- 0:00:35
      392000 -- (-555.436) (-550.288) (-556.643) [-554.121] * (-552.828) (-558.477) (-551.455) [-552.871] -- 0:00:35
      392500 -- (-553.190) [-551.341] (-553.540) (-551.745) * (-551.484) [-550.594] (-551.763) (-550.816) -- 0:00:35
      393000 -- (-550.937) (-551.937) (-551.633) [-551.367] * [-550.662] (-558.847) (-551.671) (-550.402) -- 0:00:35
      393500 -- (-551.929) (-553.947) (-554.851) [-550.774] * (-551.156) (-551.716) [-551.223] (-550.932) -- 0:00:35
      394000 -- [-552.503] (-551.038) (-552.750) (-552.566) * (-551.054) [-554.645] (-552.591) (-553.003) -- 0:00:35
      394500 -- [-550.882] (-553.647) (-553.427) (-552.776) * (-551.188) [-551.922] (-556.117) (-552.619) -- 0:00:36
      395000 -- (-551.137) (-555.336) (-551.178) [-554.791] * (-552.779) [-550.329] (-554.930) (-551.791) -- 0:00:36

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007493

      395500 -- (-553.571) (-551.464) (-554.227) [-551.493] * [-550.530] (-552.499) (-553.457) (-552.398) -- 0:00:36
      396000 -- (-552.508) (-555.467) (-555.392) [-551.330] * (-552.328) (-555.333) [-550.243] (-552.483) -- 0:00:36
      396500 -- (-551.109) (-554.393) [-556.766] (-550.672) * (-553.635) (-557.502) (-550.215) [-552.156] -- 0:00:36
      397000 -- [-550.652] (-551.909) (-550.977) (-552.202) * (-552.457) (-552.324) [-550.818] (-551.673) -- 0:00:36
      397500 -- (-550.307) [-554.746] (-551.689) (-552.258) * [-552.325] (-551.860) (-552.357) (-551.389) -- 0:00:36
      398000 -- (-551.779) (-552.666) [-551.254] (-555.289) * (-550.514) (-550.348) (-553.255) [-551.798] -- 0:00:36
      398500 -- (-553.301) (-550.478) [-550.809] (-556.446) * [-551.700] (-550.461) (-553.726) (-551.644) -- 0:00:36
      399000 -- [-553.356] (-551.426) (-551.072) (-550.576) * (-554.345) (-551.805) [-553.999] (-551.842) -- 0:00:36
      399500 -- [-555.070] (-552.405) (-555.080) (-550.554) * (-553.536) (-557.968) (-554.989) [-552.710] -- 0:00:36
      400000 -- [-552.208] (-553.528) (-551.888) (-550.359) * (-551.292) [-553.480] (-555.883) (-552.602) -- 0:00:36

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.007890

      400500 -- (-551.802) (-553.734) [-550.892] (-552.431) * (-550.936) (-551.196) (-553.456) [-550.833] -- 0:00:35
      401000 -- (-550.719) (-551.216) (-553.179) [-550.501] * (-550.842) [-551.572] (-554.067) (-552.089) -- 0:00:35
      401500 -- [-551.604] (-551.362) (-550.590) (-550.646) * (-551.960) (-551.038) [-553.183] (-552.299) -- 0:00:35
      402000 -- [-551.549] (-553.715) (-550.853) (-552.599) * (-551.957) (-552.162) (-551.349) [-550.838] -- 0:00:35
      402500 -- [-550.934] (-553.560) (-552.832) (-553.254) * (-551.280) (-552.522) [-552.230] (-551.254) -- 0:00:35
      403000 -- (-551.396) (-553.789) [-551.519] (-550.531) * (-553.926) (-552.331) [-551.714] (-554.417) -- 0:00:35
      403500 -- (-553.140) [-554.813] (-551.216) (-550.603) * [-552.243] (-556.629) (-551.946) (-550.689) -- 0:00:35
      404000 -- [-551.911] (-553.188) (-552.104) (-550.603) * (-553.632) (-555.114) (-553.923) [-550.386] -- 0:00:35
      404500 -- (-551.962) (-552.153) (-553.827) [-550.376] * (-556.049) (-555.566) [-552.835] (-552.098) -- 0:00:35
      405000 -- [-550.616] (-550.457) (-552.359) (-551.306) * (-551.404) (-551.201) (-555.320) [-551.697] -- 0:00:35

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008773

      405500 -- [-550.845] (-551.065) (-559.261) (-551.249) * (-554.441) (-551.788) (-553.305) [-552.718] -- 0:00:35
      406000 -- (-551.705) [-552.451] (-551.793) (-549.994) * (-553.887) [-553.468] (-552.071) (-551.552) -- 0:00:35
      406500 -- (-555.800) (-550.771) (-552.140) [-551.424] * (-550.370) [-552.343] (-550.434) (-550.185) -- 0:00:35
      407000 -- (-551.090) (-552.921) [-552.107] (-556.913) * (-551.518) [-552.595] (-551.348) (-552.285) -- 0:00:34
      407500 -- (-551.206) (-552.168) [-551.390] (-550.803) * (-552.120) (-552.073) [-551.395] (-550.879) -- 0:00:34
      408000 -- [-551.787] (-551.944) (-551.591) (-551.408) * [-559.037] (-554.678) (-553.987) (-550.677) -- 0:00:34
      408500 -- (-550.741) (-551.123) (-553.241) [-551.561] * (-553.489) (-555.082) [-556.855] (-554.111) -- 0:00:34
      409000 -- (-553.251) (-553.248) [-555.341] (-551.785) * [-552.535] (-552.768) (-552.432) (-554.648) -- 0:00:34
      409500 -- (-551.838) [-551.801] (-551.523) (-550.930) * (-551.107) (-554.404) [-553.461] (-550.947) -- 0:00:34
      410000 -- (-552.758) (-553.757) (-553.841) [-550.754] * (-552.741) (-551.743) [-551.740] (-551.478) -- 0:00:34

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009056

      410500 -- (-551.454) [-552.099] (-551.039) (-552.344) * [-553.035] (-551.968) (-553.761) (-550.586) -- 0:00:34
      411000 -- (-552.208) [-550.395] (-552.618) (-553.217) * (-556.353) [-552.074] (-553.686) (-551.093) -- 0:00:35
      411500 -- (-551.844) (-553.763) [-550.829] (-551.864) * [-551.407] (-550.728) (-554.548) (-552.452) -- 0:00:35
      412000 -- (-553.019) (-553.496) [-552.049] (-551.824) * (-552.251) (-551.852) (-554.361) [-551.926] -- 0:00:35
      412500 -- (-551.295) (-554.796) [-555.179] (-553.220) * [-553.617] (-554.017) (-554.654) (-553.601) -- 0:00:35
      413000 -- (-550.571) [-550.509] (-554.733) (-553.002) * (-551.856) (-553.995) [-554.005] (-551.513) -- 0:00:35
      413500 -- [-551.877] (-551.442) (-554.089) (-551.958) * [-551.405] (-551.290) (-549.861) (-551.860) -- 0:00:35
      414000 -- (-551.571) [-554.349] (-552.081) (-555.694) * (-553.712) (-552.650) [-549.991] (-558.140) -- 0:00:35
      414500 -- (-552.206) (-551.086) (-553.497) [-552.339] * [-552.129] (-551.632) (-551.227) (-551.286) -- 0:00:35
      415000 -- [-551.827] (-551.344) (-553.859) (-551.154) * (-551.909) (-553.532) (-550.746) [-551.256] -- 0:00:35

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009254

      415500 -- [-551.500] (-550.362) (-550.815) (-552.272) * (-550.345) (-551.631) (-550.521) [-550.963] -- 0:00:35
      416000 -- [-553.625] (-551.200) (-550.040) (-555.439) * (-552.603) (-551.182) [-551.581] (-552.298) -- 0:00:35
      416500 -- (-556.054) (-552.584) [-550.750] (-553.292) * [-551.368] (-553.605) (-553.760) (-550.948) -- 0:00:35
      417000 -- (-552.966) [-555.402] (-552.181) (-553.950) * (-551.414) (-558.003) (-553.657) [-551.186] -- 0:00:34
      417500 -- [-552.919] (-551.446) (-551.923) (-553.486) * (-551.045) (-553.119) (-558.088) [-551.386] -- 0:00:34
      418000 -- [-553.889] (-553.841) (-552.475) (-552.424) * [-551.869] (-553.770) (-551.143) (-557.465) -- 0:00:34
      418500 -- (-552.167) (-551.454) [-554.273] (-552.500) * (-552.411) (-554.263) (-550.936) [-550.769] -- 0:00:34
      419000 -- (-557.182) (-551.857) (-550.976) [-550.875] * (-554.263) (-559.384) (-552.768) [-551.109] -- 0:00:34
      419500 -- [-553.241] (-551.369) (-550.399) (-550.519) * (-552.518) (-555.368) (-556.807) [-551.077] -- 0:00:34
      420000 -- (-554.017) [-552.961] (-551.200) (-552.152) * (-552.619) (-551.762) (-554.896) [-551.530] -- 0:00:34

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008903

      420500 -- (-554.787) (-551.971) [-556.459] (-552.980) * (-553.434) [-551.330] (-551.768) (-555.764) -- 0:00:34
      421000 -- (-550.599) (-551.422) (-554.800) [-551.721] * (-551.546) [-550.408] (-551.644) (-553.068) -- 0:00:34
      421500 -- [-554.223] (-556.474) (-554.497) (-550.816) * (-551.207) (-552.287) (-552.974) [-553.282] -- 0:00:34
      422000 -- [-553.907] (-550.932) (-557.780) (-550.397) * [-552.487] (-552.473) (-554.944) (-552.487) -- 0:00:34
      422500 -- (-550.397) (-551.475) [-554.697] (-553.983) * (-552.520) [-550.809] (-553.193) (-558.860) -- 0:00:34
      423000 -- (-552.500) (-550.434) (-551.196) [-551.283] * [-551.843] (-558.965) (-555.313) (-551.866) -- 0:00:34
      423500 -- (-551.454) (-551.797) [-554.001] (-549.947) * (-551.516) (-556.834) (-555.940) [-553.556] -- 0:00:34
      424000 -- (-554.567) (-553.116) (-552.448) [-550.937] * (-551.486) (-553.772) (-550.670) [-550.638] -- 0:00:33
      424500 -- [-551.673] (-552.002) (-551.116) (-551.415) * (-553.046) (-550.762) (-552.005) [-552.527] -- 0:00:33
      425000 -- (-551.250) (-550.443) [-552.085] (-554.529) * (-551.456) (-552.023) (-560.144) [-551.134] -- 0:00:33

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009283

      425500 -- (-550.389) [-552.575] (-551.659) (-555.761) * (-557.320) (-550.091) (-551.330) [-551.132] -- 0:00:33
      426000 -- (-551.200) (-554.459) (-551.139) [-551.523] * (-556.893) (-550.242) [-552.653] (-552.962) -- 0:00:33
      426500 -- (-550.360) (-550.248) (-553.772) [-551.318] * (-554.987) (-550.248) (-552.145) [-551.264] -- 0:00:33
      427000 -- [-552.141] (-551.957) (-553.126) (-552.465) * (-552.017) (-552.139) [-553.192] (-553.538) -- 0:00:33
      427500 -- (-551.130) [-550.690] (-552.011) (-550.620) * (-552.686) (-552.200) [-558.017] (-556.285) -- 0:00:34
      428000 -- (-549.993) (-553.762) (-552.308) [-551.980] * (-553.896) (-550.597) [-550.639] (-552.674) -- 0:00:34
      428500 -- [-551.292] (-551.601) (-552.269) (-556.055) * (-551.305) (-551.898) (-552.002) [-550.851] -- 0:00:34
      429000 -- (-551.916) [-556.214] (-550.496) (-555.364) * [-550.708] (-552.303) (-550.910) (-552.154) -- 0:00:34
      429500 -- (-551.948) (-551.864) (-551.497) [-553.401] * [-551.251] (-550.976) (-550.442) (-552.418) -- 0:00:34
      430000 -- (-553.806) (-556.643) (-553.663) [-551.856] * (-553.940) (-550.976) (-549.995) [-552.115] -- 0:00:34

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008757

      430500 -- (-551.268) (-555.554) [-554.071] (-551.749) * (-555.055) (-552.544) [-552.941] (-551.784) -- 0:00:34
      431000 -- [-551.672] (-552.779) (-552.260) (-550.712) * (-551.133) (-555.725) [-551.760] (-553.163) -- 0:00:34
      431500 -- [-551.872] (-552.715) (-553.237) (-554.698) * (-551.975) [-551.826] (-551.790) (-554.774) -- 0:00:34
      432000 -- (-554.933) [-552.518] (-552.322) (-551.579) * [-550.937] (-553.540) (-551.176) (-551.267) -- 0:00:34
      432500 -- [-551.478] (-553.200) (-550.736) (-550.709) * (-554.012) (-551.684) (-550.174) [-549.996] -- 0:00:34
      433000 -- (-552.657) (-554.302) [-550.852] (-552.359) * [-551.302] (-550.430) (-551.125) (-550.551) -- 0:00:34
      433500 -- (-553.762) (-554.756) [-551.752] (-551.384) * [-550.689] (-551.145) (-552.758) (-551.653) -- 0:00:33
      434000 -- (-554.128) [-550.350] (-551.876) (-553.756) * (-555.714) (-550.616) (-554.455) [-551.140] -- 0:00:33
      434500 -- (-554.290) (-551.227) (-550.983) [-556.999] * (-551.474) (-551.586) [-550.551] (-553.905) -- 0:00:33
      435000 -- (-555.986) [-551.824] (-552.670) (-552.488) * (-551.475) (-551.618) (-551.723) [-552.737] -- 0:00:33

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008763

      435500 -- [-552.554] (-550.625) (-552.777) (-554.693) * [-552.198] (-552.984) (-551.069) (-556.107) -- 0:00:33
      436000 -- [-552.876] (-553.284) (-551.110) (-555.066) * (-550.360) (-552.351) (-551.029) [-551.368] -- 0:00:33
      436500 -- (-553.847) [-551.224] (-551.306) (-559.297) * (-550.054) (-552.819) (-551.593) [-550.859] -- 0:00:33
      437000 -- (-551.443) (-556.443) [-550.782] (-553.822) * (-553.519) (-554.587) (-553.025) [-555.018] -- 0:00:33
      437500 -- [-551.921] (-552.675) (-551.099) (-552.006) * (-552.428) [-551.564] (-550.842) (-554.728) -- 0:00:33
      438000 -- [-552.363] (-553.383) (-551.377) (-553.848) * (-553.416) (-551.919) (-553.921) [-552.985] -- 0:00:33
      438500 -- (-553.771) (-554.318) (-550.774) [-551.958] * (-552.868) (-551.406) [-553.743] (-551.565) -- 0:00:33
      439000 -- (-551.775) (-556.550) [-552.397] (-551.563) * [-552.603] (-552.135) (-552.960) (-551.123) -- 0:00:33
      439500 -- [-551.865] (-552.730) (-550.885) (-554.773) * [-551.607] (-552.479) (-552.169) (-553.404) -- 0:00:33
      440000 -- [-553.978] (-553.702) (-551.416) (-554.954) * [-550.782] (-553.568) (-554.544) (-557.239) -- 0:00:33

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008840

      440500 -- (-551.698) (-556.237) (-551.446) [-550.260] * (-550.692) [-556.174] (-551.956) (-551.348) -- 0:00:33
      441000 -- (-554.362) (-552.154) [-551.292] (-551.179) * [-550.346] (-550.735) (-552.967) (-554.455) -- 0:00:32
      441500 -- (-557.235) (-554.087) (-552.572) [-554.281] * (-552.896) (-551.521) [-550.033] (-552.324) -- 0:00:32
      442000 -- [-551.250] (-553.647) (-552.350) (-552.312) * [-551.450] (-551.302) (-552.041) (-551.793) -- 0:00:32
      442500 -- (-551.915) (-551.908) [-553.361] (-552.120) * (-553.601) (-556.510) [-550.712] (-552.289) -- 0:00:32
      443000 -- (-552.114) (-553.123) [-551.828] (-551.012) * (-552.986) (-554.278) [-551.176] (-551.478) -- 0:00:32
      443500 -- (-552.438) (-552.041) (-553.771) [-551.230] * (-551.791) [-553.995] (-551.275) (-552.254) -- 0:00:32
      444000 -- (-553.264) [-551.951] (-551.809) (-554.708) * (-553.883) (-553.290) [-553.302] (-552.421) -- 0:00:32
      444500 -- (-553.699) (-552.312) [-551.764] (-550.620) * (-551.084) [-550.524] (-551.177) (-552.825) -- 0:00:33
      445000 -- (-553.172) (-552.463) [-552.752] (-551.103) * (-553.400) [-551.132] (-552.320) (-551.023) -- 0:00:33

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008734

      445500 -- [-550.711] (-551.377) (-551.644) (-550.868) * (-552.565) (-551.378) (-556.722) [-551.772] -- 0:00:33
      446000 -- [-551.658] (-552.296) (-552.959) (-551.011) * (-552.596) (-555.903) [-552.290] (-551.627) -- 0:00:33
      446500 -- (-552.082) (-553.260) [-552.019] (-551.036) * (-558.452) (-556.116) [-551.203] (-553.489) -- 0:00:33
      447000 -- [-554.129] (-551.248) (-550.999) (-552.922) * (-555.854) (-554.774) (-550.951) [-550.887] -- 0:00:33
      447500 -- [-552.024] (-551.296) (-550.747) (-551.019) * [-551.673] (-553.232) (-552.825) (-552.489) -- 0:00:33
      448000 -- (-550.871) (-550.522) (-553.271) [-550.708] * (-552.516) (-551.859) [-550.427] (-557.292) -- 0:00:33
      448500 -- (-550.996) (-550.207) (-551.651) [-550.723] * (-551.939) (-550.848) (-556.710) [-552.132] -- 0:00:33
      449000 -- (-552.043) [-550.904] (-551.713) (-552.451) * (-551.456) [-552.123] (-555.649) (-552.146) -- 0:00:33
      449500 -- (-552.722) [-550.917] (-552.445) (-552.452) * (-554.449) (-551.837) (-554.077) [-554.313] -- 0:00:33
      450000 -- (-554.538) (-552.793) (-554.335) [-551.239] * (-552.601) (-552.784) (-552.433) [-553.475] -- 0:00:33

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008891

      450500 -- (-551.538) [-550.713] (-550.429) (-556.663) * (-551.293) [-550.532] (-550.757) (-554.214) -- 0:00:32
      451000 -- (-552.932) (-551.683) (-551.961) [-552.478] * (-551.680) [-550.225] (-550.403) (-555.518) -- 0:00:32
      451500 -- [-552.527] (-555.824) (-551.712) (-551.533) * [-554.578] (-554.243) (-550.586) (-552.143) -- 0:00:32
      452000 -- (-553.279) (-553.650) (-551.760) [-552.940] * [-556.511] (-550.430) (-552.371) (-551.586) -- 0:00:32
      452500 -- (-556.939) (-555.579) [-550.722] (-553.215) * (-563.717) (-550.158) [-551.516] (-553.385) -- 0:00:32
      453000 -- (-553.118) (-554.061) (-550.547) [-553.319] * [-552.365] (-555.778) (-552.566) (-552.564) -- 0:00:32
      453500 -- (-551.758) (-551.574) (-551.535) [-553.559] * (-552.847) [-553.834] (-551.176) (-553.431) -- 0:00:32
      454000 -- (-553.676) [-553.671] (-549.932) (-551.769) * (-551.033) (-551.353) (-553.202) [-551.670] -- 0:00:32
      454500 -- [-552.020] (-555.050) (-551.072) (-553.118) * (-551.930) (-554.524) (-554.027) [-553.818] -- 0:00:32
      455000 -- (-550.581) [-552.516] (-550.907) (-551.183) * (-551.984) [-552.764] (-551.377) (-553.556) -- 0:00:32

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009132

      455500 -- (-555.665) (-552.376) [-553.147] (-554.244) * (-550.767) [-550.462] (-552.239) (-549.826) -- 0:00:32
      456000 -- (-552.074) [-551.436] (-552.147) (-555.571) * (-553.323) [-550.607] (-551.869) (-552.095) -- 0:00:32
      456500 -- (-553.112) [-550.484] (-551.615) (-553.123) * (-555.550) (-551.247) (-552.336) [-551.027] -- 0:00:32
      457000 -- (-557.795) (-550.332) (-550.919) [-551.014] * (-552.256) [-550.684] (-559.348) (-555.468) -- 0:00:32
      457500 -- (-553.490) (-555.688) (-554.330) [-555.094] * (-552.322) [-551.299] (-551.182) (-555.319) -- 0:00:32
      458000 -- (-551.639) [-554.009] (-554.486) (-554.963) * [-550.434] (-550.699) (-553.305) (-555.992) -- 0:00:31
      458500 -- (-553.856) (-553.998) [-550.351] (-552.108) * (-553.794) [-552.542] (-552.955) (-554.719) -- 0:00:31
      459000 -- [-554.125] (-553.998) (-551.351) (-551.959) * [-552.546] (-553.117) (-551.067) (-553.991) -- 0:00:31
      459500 -- (-552.472) (-559.417) [-550.211] (-551.246) * [-553.744] (-554.943) (-550.559) (-552.795) -- 0:00:31
      460000 -- (-556.024) [-552.037] (-550.643) (-552.842) * (-552.831) (-553.575) [-550.597] (-552.167) -- 0:00:31

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009608

      460500 -- (-554.110) [-550.128] (-550.730) (-553.042) * (-552.274) (-550.138) (-552.441) [-550.616] -- 0:00:31
      461000 -- (-551.647) (-553.433) [-550.556] (-553.982) * (-555.002) [-549.892] (-557.895) (-557.223) -- 0:00:32
      461500 -- (-551.336) (-553.913) [-551.114] (-550.745) * [-554.717] (-549.979) (-551.293) (-553.229) -- 0:00:32
      462000 -- (-551.183) (-552.672) [-550.824] (-551.431) * [-553.827] (-550.482) (-552.334) (-554.632) -- 0:00:32
      462500 -- [-552.935] (-551.707) (-551.642) (-553.859) * (-552.469) (-551.578) (-557.403) [-554.535] -- 0:00:32
      463000 -- (-550.418) [-551.970] (-552.488) (-553.814) * (-551.870) [-550.319] (-551.450) (-552.881) -- 0:00:32
      463500 -- (-551.437) [-551.913] (-551.151) (-554.016) * [-554.249] (-556.949) (-553.504) (-553.618) -- 0:00:32
      464000 -- (-559.802) [-554.227] (-553.336) (-551.243) * (-550.540) (-553.276) [-552.124] (-550.467) -- 0:00:32
      464500 -- (-550.853) [-552.153] (-553.023) (-552.008) * (-554.001) [-553.966] (-551.942) (-552.808) -- 0:00:32
      465000 -- (-553.464) (-552.586) (-552.499) [-552.930] * (-551.903) (-551.683) (-554.893) [-552.396] -- 0:00:32

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009477

      465500 -- (-552.737) [-551.325] (-553.764) (-551.828) * (-551.595) (-551.968) (-552.489) [-552.462] -- 0:00:32
      466000 -- (-557.130) [-550.685] (-551.424) (-551.756) * (-553.319) [-552.934] (-552.247) (-551.453) -- 0:00:32
      466500 -- (-555.361) (-551.328) [-552.907] (-553.018) * (-554.253) (-551.198) (-551.690) [-552.312] -- 0:00:32
      467000 -- [-552.859] (-551.525) (-553.886) (-552.301) * (-551.165) (-553.202) [-551.610] (-551.570) -- 0:00:31
      467500 -- (-553.825) (-552.320) (-552.422) [-553.044] * (-552.726) (-551.543) [-555.657] (-550.502) -- 0:00:31
      468000 -- (-553.265) [-550.660] (-550.318) (-552.427) * (-550.807) (-552.677) (-552.880) [-551.461] -- 0:00:31
      468500 -- (-551.886) (-550.734) [-554.063] (-552.099) * (-553.630) (-550.803) (-552.861) [-551.958] -- 0:00:31
      469000 -- (-552.372) [-551.054] (-553.257) (-551.084) * [-551.580] (-551.605) (-553.630) (-552.388) -- 0:00:31
      469500 -- (-555.293) (-551.848) [-550.842] (-552.916) * (-553.469) [-550.917] (-552.916) (-550.622) -- 0:00:31
      470000 -- (-552.570) (-552.524) (-550.670) [-558.300] * (-551.893) (-551.660) [-552.128] (-555.127) -- 0:00:31

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008958

      470500 -- (-553.379) [-553.891] (-554.484) (-553.301) * (-551.525) [-554.826] (-553.626) (-558.343) -- 0:00:31
      471000 -- (-550.775) [-555.606] (-553.547) (-552.495) * (-552.500) (-557.591) [-553.426] (-556.395) -- 0:00:31
      471500 -- (-551.459) [-553.105] (-553.445) (-553.176) * [-555.321] (-555.268) (-552.681) (-550.365) -- 0:00:31
      472000 -- (-553.367) (-551.147) [-551.988] (-554.475) * [-551.302] (-552.407) (-554.033) (-552.713) -- 0:00:31
      472500 -- (-557.009) [-550.030] (-557.531) (-550.703) * [-550.983] (-553.553) (-551.651) (-553.427) -- 0:00:31
      473000 -- [-550.151] (-552.913) (-553.016) (-551.999) * (-552.177) (-556.577) (-552.614) [-553.438] -- 0:00:31
      473500 -- (-552.616) (-552.532) (-560.199) [-551.782] * (-563.287) (-550.866) [-551.859] (-550.816) -- 0:00:31
      474000 -- (-551.217) (-550.864) (-551.127) [-552.632] * (-555.726) (-551.701) [-554.111] (-552.365) -- 0:00:31
      474500 -- [-555.557] (-550.335) (-554.760) (-553.295) * [-551.496] (-551.049) (-551.168) (-552.855) -- 0:00:31
      475000 -- (-551.043) [-555.571] (-552.920) (-551.137) * [-553.537] (-551.848) (-554.365) (-553.571) -- 0:00:30

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009612

      475500 -- (-551.692) (-551.817) (-551.622) [-551.262] * (-551.916) (-551.051) (-550.242) [-551.963] -- 0:00:30
      476000 -- (-551.556) [-551.793] (-554.545) (-553.566) * (-551.681) (-551.213) (-551.277) [-552.731] -- 0:00:30
      476500 -- (-551.719) (-552.236) [-552.934] (-550.767) * (-553.053) (-551.124) (-552.014) [-551.051] -- 0:00:30
      477000 -- (-551.037) (-552.721) (-550.357) [-550.755] * (-551.022) [-552.213] (-552.894) (-556.674) -- 0:00:30
      477500 -- (-551.175) [-551.912] (-551.657) (-556.590) * (-554.161) [-551.429] (-554.855) (-552.892) -- 0:00:31
      478000 -- [-553.023] (-552.196) (-551.317) (-558.717) * (-551.930) [-552.508] (-553.896) (-553.371) -- 0:00:31
      478500 -- (-552.679) (-552.239) [-552.479] (-553.437) * [-551.312] (-555.332) (-556.308) (-553.174) -- 0:00:31
      479000 -- [-550.591] (-554.721) (-550.260) (-552.170) * (-550.767) (-552.698) (-557.828) [-550.570] -- 0:00:31
      479500 -- (-552.304) [-554.131] (-553.380) (-553.882) * (-552.628) (-552.772) (-552.630) [-551.595] -- 0:00:31
      480000 -- (-550.957) (-553.113) [-551.143] (-551.166) * (-551.391) (-552.870) (-553.480) [-552.222] -- 0:00:31

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009208

      480500 -- (-550.119) (-554.182) [-551.484] (-552.417) * (-553.832) (-551.814) (-557.305) [-553.819] -- 0:00:31
      481000 -- (-553.103) (-556.202) [-550.656] (-556.020) * (-556.184) (-551.209) (-557.556) [-551.935] -- 0:00:31
      481500 -- [-556.894] (-555.408) (-552.260) (-556.384) * (-552.602) [-551.404] (-552.789) (-553.014) -- 0:00:31
      482000 -- [-554.327] (-551.528) (-555.234) (-555.253) * (-551.864) [-552.510] (-551.526) (-553.733) -- 0:00:31
      482500 -- [-551.923] (-551.590) (-555.363) (-551.729) * (-552.618) (-550.541) (-556.408) [-550.336] -- 0:00:31
      483000 -- (-551.119) (-552.673) [-552.137] (-553.912) * [-552.077] (-553.332) (-564.772) (-552.312) -- 0:00:31
      483500 -- (-551.006) (-551.412) [-551.825] (-554.105) * [-554.657] (-553.945) (-554.261) (-552.657) -- 0:00:30
      484000 -- (-552.372) (-553.051) (-559.021) [-553.495] * (-555.502) (-551.483) [-552.337] (-552.926) -- 0:00:30
      484500 -- (-551.511) [-551.442] (-557.914) (-554.343) * (-551.548) [-550.247] (-555.747) (-552.828) -- 0:00:30
      485000 -- [-553.033] (-555.618) (-550.519) (-552.361) * [-551.194] (-550.500) (-552.504) (-551.645) -- 0:00:30

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009754

      485500 -- (-553.102) (-552.636) [-553.298] (-551.528) * (-553.365) (-551.184) [-550.773] (-554.555) -- 0:00:30
      486000 -- (-551.451) (-550.609) (-552.883) [-552.221] * (-551.240) (-554.942) [-552.416] (-550.553) -- 0:00:30
      486500 -- (-551.368) [-552.932] (-551.806) (-553.378) * [-551.832] (-551.673) (-558.447) (-551.715) -- 0:00:30
      487000 -- (-550.352) (-555.804) [-552.710] (-550.958) * [-550.751] (-550.385) (-552.343) (-557.303) -- 0:00:30
      487500 -- [-552.002] (-551.213) (-551.515) (-552.350) * (-552.985) [-550.604] (-555.058) (-556.040) -- 0:00:30
      488000 -- (-551.541) (-550.941) [-552.114] (-551.940) * (-551.588) (-554.926) (-555.636) [-550.500] -- 0:00:30
      488500 -- (-555.564) [-550.887] (-551.478) (-551.873) * (-550.188) (-551.794) (-553.258) [-553.086] -- 0:00:30
      489000 -- (-552.121) (-552.006) [-551.899] (-555.167) * (-553.775) [-553.449] (-551.904) (-552.505) -- 0:00:30
      489500 -- (-552.993) (-550.856) (-553.692) [-549.977] * (-554.013) (-551.464) [-551.177] (-553.406) -- 0:00:30
      490000 -- (-552.322) (-551.967) [-551.479] (-552.413) * (-558.883) (-550.685) (-554.955) [-551.246] -- 0:00:30

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009661

      490500 -- (-554.560) (-553.763) [-552.629] (-552.392) * [-551.085] (-552.066) (-552.221) (-552.249) -- 0:00:30
      491000 -- (-551.047) (-550.024) [-550.498] (-555.134) * (-553.217) (-552.221) (-551.537) [-551.743] -- 0:00:30
      491500 -- (-554.238) [-550.884] (-550.664) (-552.357) * [-552.571] (-552.114) (-552.107) (-551.425) -- 0:00:30
      492000 -- [-550.872] (-550.480) (-551.627) (-551.663) * (-550.573) (-552.356) [-556.559] (-550.915) -- 0:00:29
      492500 -- [-552.793] (-550.213) (-550.696) (-550.847) * (-550.546) [-550.652] (-551.714) (-553.411) -- 0:00:29
      493000 -- (-555.201) (-551.161) [-552.499] (-551.684) * (-550.800) [-551.328] (-550.870) (-553.980) -- 0:00:29
      493500 -- (-553.650) (-552.505) [-551.292] (-556.810) * (-551.665) [-553.519] (-553.400) (-554.201) -- 0:00:29
      494000 -- (-551.374) (-554.073) (-553.827) [-551.956] * (-557.526) (-555.000) (-552.645) [-552.227] -- 0:00:29
      494500 -- (-552.965) [-552.669] (-553.514) (-551.672) * [-552.313] (-555.876) (-550.578) (-552.839) -- 0:00:30
      495000 -- (-552.293) (-551.816) [-551.795] (-553.099) * (-553.487) (-552.894) (-550.736) [-551.232] -- 0:00:30

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009225

      495500 -- (-553.553) (-553.078) (-556.332) [-553.512] * [-553.457] (-555.520) (-553.123) (-552.006) -- 0:00:30
      496000 -- [-553.001] (-555.757) (-551.880) (-555.674) * (-554.640) (-551.885) (-551.121) [-552.613] -- 0:00:30
      496500 -- (-551.819) (-552.993) (-552.254) [-551.501] * (-552.455) (-551.898) (-553.197) [-551.611] -- 0:00:30
      497000 -- (-552.241) (-551.963) [-552.613] (-552.752) * [-551.442] (-551.978) (-552.324) (-552.306) -- 0:00:30
      497500 -- (-551.971) [-551.495] (-552.575) (-550.537) * (-555.362) (-553.236) (-556.837) [-550.458] -- 0:00:30
      498000 -- (-555.812) (-551.599) (-552.947) [-553.095] * (-550.335) (-554.485) (-556.619) [-551.335] -- 0:00:30
      498500 -- (-555.117) [-554.125] (-552.692) (-555.147) * (-553.175) [-553.097] (-553.435) (-552.118) -- 0:00:30
      499000 -- [-553.569] (-552.172) (-552.355) (-551.074) * (-550.556) [-553.338] (-555.228) (-555.249) -- 0:00:30
      499500 -- [-552.826] (-550.879) (-556.124) (-552.566) * [-551.874] (-550.393) (-551.255) (-552.494) -- 0:00:30
      500000 -- (-551.968) (-552.839) [-550.135] (-553.554) * [-551.501] (-550.738) (-550.179) (-552.470) -- 0:00:30

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009139

      500500 -- (-552.724) (-555.435) (-551.673) [-550.322] * [-550.934] (-553.358) (-553.924) (-552.293) -- 0:00:29
      501000 -- (-552.548) [-552.426] (-550.842) (-558.226) * [-553.013] (-554.452) (-551.889) (-553.231) -- 0:00:29
      501500 -- (-554.082) [-554.535] (-550.236) (-561.057) * (-551.098) [-550.644] (-552.265) (-552.133) -- 0:00:29
      502000 -- (-552.026) [-552.013] (-553.966) (-554.074) * [-550.821] (-554.004) (-554.214) (-552.788) -- 0:00:29
      502500 -- [-550.701] (-555.589) (-551.186) (-553.208) * (-552.002) (-555.835) [-551.943] (-550.930) -- 0:00:29
      503000 -- (-558.021) [-551.595] (-553.505) (-550.352) * (-553.835) (-558.284) [-551.337] (-550.743) -- 0:00:29
      503500 -- (-562.712) (-551.379) [-551.917] (-553.228) * [-552.522] (-556.761) (-553.207) (-551.872) -- 0:00:29
      504000 -- [-552.165] (-555.347) (-551.697) (-551.872) * (-554.023) (-553.640) [-551.463] (-551.517) -- 0:00:29
      504500 -- (-552.011) (-554.098) (-551.576) [-551.275] * (-553.840) [-552.541] (-552.438) (-552.259) -- 0:00:29
      505000 -- (-556.037) (-557.741) (-557.186) [-552.245] * (-552.110) (-552.150) (-552.791) [-552.243] -- 0:00:29

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009042

      505500 -- (-552.360) (-553.455) (-553.280) [-553.031] * (-550.406) [-554.925] (-551.257) (-552.487) -- 0:00:29
      506000 -- (-551.879) (-551.957) (-553.162) [-552.530] * (-552.777) (-550.941) (-555.040) [-552.301] -- 0:00:29
      506500 -- [-551.056] (-554.525) (-550.978) (-557.360) * (-551.820) (-555.999) (-552.218) [-550.783] -- 0:00:29
      507000 -- [-551.499] (-551.900) (-550.460) (-550.506) * (-551.803) (-552.772) (-550.553) [-550.891] -- 0:00:29
      507500 -- [-551.582] (-550.537) (-551.367) (-554.146) * (-551.245) [-550.757] (-550.405) (-551.454) -- 0:00:29
      508000 -- (-551.156) [-553.560] (-552.401) (-551.545) * [-551.133] (-550.995) (-553.198) (-553.094) -- 0:00:29
      508500 -- (-551.076) (-552.223) [-550.396] (-552.245) * (-550.647) [-554.554] (-554.249) (-552.598) -- 0:00:28
      509000 -- (-550.308) [-551.758] (-551.412) (-551.295) * (-551.820) [-550.914] (-551.616) (-554.176) -- 0:00:28
      509500 -- (-550.553) (-554.886) [-551.610] (-552.678) * (-552.382) (-553.632) (-552.132) [-551.471] -- 0:00:28
      510000 -- (-552.801) (-556.048) [-550.964] (-551.103) * (-554.529) (-553.237) (-550.714) [-552.949] -- 0:00:28

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008851

      510500 -- (-551.752) (-553.294) (-556.636) [-551.465] * (-556.494) (-549.996) [-551.648] (-550.610) -- 0:00:28
      511000 -- (-550.688) (-553.806) (-556.492) [-551.640] * [-553.482] (-550.450) (-551.720) (-552.572) -- 0:00:29
      511500 -- [-554.217] (-557.050) (-558.516) (-551.099) * (-552.050) (-551.709) (-552.227) [-557.641] -- 0:00:29
      512000 -- (-553.805) (-553.656) (-555.763) [-550.910] * (-550.220) (-554.120) [-551.045] (-552.777) -- 0:00:29
      512500 -- (-552.409) (-554.443) (-555.471) [-553.060] * (-552.641) [-552.053] (-556.245) (-550.661) -- 0:00:29
      513000 -- [-554.992] (-550.763) (-555.919) (-554.863) * (-551.453) (-555.691) (-560.054) [-551.666] -- 0:00:29
      513500 -- [-553.095] (-559.924) (-552.084) (-553.091) * (-551.446) (-555.513) [-554.141] (-551.610) -- 0:00:29
      514000 -- [-551.600] (-560.739) (-550.661) (-553.656) * (-551.501) (-554.242) (-553.777) [-552.042] -- 0:00:29
      514500 -- (-551.710) [-554.768] (-551.457) (-554.399) * (-551.087) [-550.472] (-551.180) (-551.205) -- 0:00:29
      515000 -- [-552.214] (-552.985) (-550.181) (-553.618) * (-551.187) (-550.596) (-550.541) [-549.914] -- 0:00:29

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009404

      515500 -- (-551.362) (-553.562) (-554.660) [-550.882] * (-552.063) (-550.976) (-550.988) [-551.277] -- 0:00:29
      516000 -- (-552.215) [-553.770] (-559.614) (-553.009) * (-552.491) (-551.690) (-555.433) [-551.050] -- 0:00:29
      516500 -- (-551.871) (-555.499) (-551.522) [-551.580] * (-552.788) (-552.546) [-553.758] (-551.657) -- 0:00:29
      517000 -- (-552.169) (-558.730) [-551.446] (-552.830) * (-550.470) [-551.931] (-554.473) (-551.710) -- 0:00:28
      517500 -- (-552.690) [-555.120] (-552.153) (-552.984) * [-550.703] (-554.014) (-553.863) (-551.893) -- 0:00:28
      518000 -- (-552.687) (-552.386) (-551.360) [-553.690] * (-551.473) [-551.491] (-552.422) (-554.736) -- 0:00:28
      518500 -- [-553.752] (-553.812) (-550.862) (-550.825) * [-552.127] (-550.520) (-551.531) (-550.931) -- 0:00:28
      519000 -- (-555.768) [-556.510] (-554.568) (-556.520) * (-556.001) [-554.242] (-552.127) (-554.267) -- 0:00:28
      519500 -- (-553.307) (-551.633) [-553.996] (-550.575) * (-553.987) [-551.786] (-551.456) (-552.419) -- 0:00:28
      520000 -- [-551.616] (-553.381) (-555.536) (-551.707) * (-552.570) (-551.831) [-552.351] (-551.947) -- 0:00:28

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009640

      520500 -- [-554.300] (-553.310) (-555.614) (-550.114) * (-554.210) (-552.060) (-551.703) [-553.022] -- 0:00:28
      521000 -- (-561.299) [-551.104] (-553.123) (-549.980) * [-550.883] (-550.570) (-552.699) (-552.427) -- 0:00:28
      521500 -- (-551.047) (-555.817) [-553.890] (-551.163) * (-554.921) [-551.418] (-554.977) (-551.980) -- 0:00:28
      522000 -- (-552.581) (-557.512) [-552.015] (-550.118) * (-551.223) (-551.426) (-550.997) [-553.514] -- 0:00:28
      522500 -- [-552.559] (-553.060) (-555.099) (-551.837) * (-551.379) [-550.801] (-552.595) (-553.320) -- 0:00:28
      523000 -- (-551.381) [-553.738] (-552.269) (-553.035) * (-551.920) (-552.361) [-551.317] (-553.383) -- 0:00:28
      523500 -- (-550.657) (-552.637) (-552.756) [-552.984] * (-555.895) [-551.590] (-552.784) (-552.350) -- 0:00:28
      524000 -- (-551.157) (-552.174) (-553.241) [-551.159] * (-555.021) (-550.493) (-550.871) [-552.284] -- 0:00:28
      524500 -- (-554.083) (-553.159) (-551.537) [-551.361] * (-554.374) (-550.841) (-552.157) [-553.527] -- 0:00:28
      525000 -- (-555.195) [-553.068] (-551.804) (-553.225) * (-552.480) [-552.191] (-554.825) (-553.169) -- 0:00:28

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009908

      525500 -- (-553.779) (-551.901) [-552.589] (-554.266) * (-556.002) [-553.292] (-553.388) (-556.812) -- 0:00:27
      526000 -- (-552.516) (-552.997) (-552.498) [-550.130] * (-552.535) (-556.727) [-554.263] (-556.684) -- 0:00:27
      526500 -- [-555.835] (-554.134) (-550.645) (-550.994) * (-553.418) (-555.604) (-556.811) [-554.080] -- 0:00:27
      527000 -- (-554.007) [-552.590] (-555.418) (-550.718) * (-551.891) (-552.231) (-552.789) [-552.189] -- 0:00:27
      527500 -- (-553.280) [-553.138] (-556.742) (-554.090) * (-550.474) (-553.306) (-551.525) [-550.483] -- 0:00:28
      528000 -- (-552.515) (-551.091) (-555.399) [-552.175] * (-553.072) (-551.331) (-550.520) [-550.358] -- 0:00:28
      528500 -- (-552.099) (-556.089) [-555.170] (-550.663) * (-552.283) [-550.750] (-551.567) (-551.242) -- 0:00:28
      529000 -- (-551.967) [-550.886] (-552.604) (-550.793) * (-553.107) (-553.258) (-552.301) [-552.597] -- 0:00:28
      529500 -- (-552.753) (-551.390) [-551.798] (-552.968) * (-551.742) (-553.733) (-552.865) [-559.054] -- 0:00:28
      530000 -- (-551.897) (-552.894) [-551.676] (-553.840) * (-550.686) (-553.937) [-551.771] (-554.589) -- 0:00:28

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009031

      530500 -- [-552.800] (-553.952) (-551.472) (-551.925) * (-552.969) [-554.283] (-550.985) (-555.964) -- 0:00:28
      531000 -- [-551.433] (-551.117) (-552.120) (-552.535) * (-551.811) (-555.144) [-553.515] (-555.695) -- 0:00:28
      531500 -- [-551.433] (-551.163) (-550.574) (-555.208) * (-552.338) (-551.285) [-554.533] (-554.166) -- 0:00:28
      532000 -- (-554.606) (-550.576) [-550.865] (-552.990) * (-554.416) (-552.071) [-551.805] (-552.975) -- 0:00:28
      532500 -- (-551.217) (-552.940) [-554.829] (-550.854) * [-553.144] (-551.867) (-555.732) (-550.919) -- 0:00:28
      533000 -- (-551.246) [-551.601] (-552.374) (-550.558) * (-552.088) [-550.904] (-551.052) (-555.005) -- 0:00:28
      533500 -- (-550.819) (-553.282) (-553.937) [-555.050] * (-554.072) (-553.719) (-553.293) [-550.116] -- 0:00:27
      534000 -- (-554.229) (-552.939) [-555.795] (-554.413) * (-551.937) (-551.330) (-556.516) [-554.607] -- 0:00:27
      534500 -- (-557.346) [-553.000] (-558.044) (-552.513) * (-551.003) (-551.235) [-553.325] (-551.505) -- 0:00:27
      535000 -- [-554.925] (-550.690) (-553.019) (-554.423) * (-556.907) [-553.998] (-553.061) (-556.051) -- 0:00:27

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009088

      535500 -- (-551.867) [-550.747] (-552.186) (-554.198) * (-554.562) (-556.707) (-550.745) [-551.208] -- 0:00:27
      536000 -- (-550.683) [-550.595] (-550.121) (-552.193) * (-551.403) [-553.935] (-551.112) (-555.489) -- 0:00:27
      536500 -- [-551.664] (-551.456) (-550.974) (-555.941) * [-551.285] (-553.049) (-555.233) (-550.956) -- 0:00:27
      537000 -- (-551.084) (-554.835) [-553.534] (-550.514) * (-551.309) (-554.074) (-552.556) [-552.259] -- 0:00:27
      537500 -- [-550.348] (-552.639) (-552.476) (-550.551) * (-554.366) (-552.160) [-551.025] (-553.352) -- 0:00:27
      538000 -- [-551.998] (-556.064) (-550.558) (-552.301) * [-551.381] (-551.806) (-551.435) (-553.171) -- 0:00:27
      538500 -- [-550.226] (-553.345) (-550.989) (-550.288) * (-550.147) (-552.377) [-551.067] (-553.520) -- 0:00:27
      539000 -- (-550.188) (-552.077) (-552.706) [-549.842] * (-552.417) (-551.964) (-553.968) [-552.257] -- 0:00:27
      539500 -- [-551.405] (-552.931) (-551.486) (-550.447) * (-555.647) (-558.084) [-552.830] (-555.279) -- 0:00:27
      540000 -- (-551.170) [-551.629] (-552.759) (-550.723) * (-551.627) (-551.675) [-551.917] (-551.997) -- 0:00:27

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009349

      540500 -- (-550.997) (-553.660) [-550.650] (-551.603) * (-553.733) (-550.355) (-551.909) [-550.576] -- 0:00:27
      541000 -- (-552.802) [-550.990] (-552.954) (-551.418) * [-552.725] (-553.037) (-552.684) (-553.819) -- 0:00:27
      541500 -- [-552.150] (-551.284) (-556.006) (-554.066) * (-551.036) (-552.726) [-553.298] (-558.706) -- 0:00:27
      542000 -- [-551.576] (-554.124) (-550.394) (-556.306) * [-552.238] (-551.852) (-552.882) (-555.639) -- 0:00:27
      542500 -- (-551.564) [-550.730] (-550.311) (-550.078) * [-549.945] (-552.474) (-550.452) (-552.299) -- 0:00:26
      543000 -- (-553.462) [-550.693] (-551.140) (-550.127) * (-554.820) [-550.871] (-553.746) (-553.345) -- 0:00:27
      543500 -- (-550.104) [-556.513] (-551.274) (-550.829) * (-554.069) (-552.661) [-553.004] (-551.268) -- 0:00:27
      544000 -- (-551.994) (-553.330) (-552.786) [-552.201] * [-551.331] (-552.241) (-551.248) (-553.253) -- 0:00:27
      544500 -- (-552.700) (-554.251) (-553.177) [-552.791] * (-553.108) [-550.951] (-550.348) (-552.154) -- 0:00:27
      545000 -- [-554.678] (-555.295) (-555.083) (-552.441) * [-551.391] (-550.610) (-551.699) (-553.173) -- 0:00:27

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009161

      545500 -- [-550.506] (-553.930) (-553.220) (-551.294) * [-551.775] (-551.812) (-551.684) (-556.318) -- 0:00:27
      546000 -- (-553.218) [-550.881] (-555.188) (-551.813) * (-555.568) (-555.352) [-552.083] (-556.036) -- 0:00:27
      546500 -- (-554.143) (-551.474) (-553.218) [-552.682] * [-553.560] (-551.910) (-554.595) (-552.981) -- 0:00:27
      547000 -- (-552.522) (-551.510) (-551.825) [-552.459] * [-554.525] (-551.891) (-553.635) (-552.327) -- 0:00:27
      547500 -- (-552.643) (-550.859) [-558.735] (-552.567) * (-552.961) [-552.111] (-554.319) (-551.316) -- 0:00:27
      548000 -- (-558.082) [-552.475] (-557.343) (-551.551) * (-551.890) [-551.486] (-554.282) (-554.220) -- 0:00:27
      548500 -- (-551.297) (-552.346) [-552.209] (-550.812) * (-553.000) (-551.211) [-553.160] (-552.582) -- 0:00:27
      549000 -- (-551.332) [-555.203] (-552.285) (-553.083) * (-553.993) (-551.087) [-551.051] (-553.980) -- 0:00:27
      549500 -- (-551.140) (-553.237) (-552.622) [-551.369] * (-551.851) (-551.677) [-551.508] (-553.757) -- 0:00:27
      550000 -- [-551.703] (-552.279) (-554.167) (-551.264) * (-552.027) [-552.452] (-554.224) (-554.205) -- 0:00:27

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009512

      550500 -- (-551.640) (-553.818) (-552.390) [-551.673] * (-552.852) (-556.347) [-550.120] (-553.146) -- 0:00:26
      551000 -- (-553.459) [-550.964] (-550.923) (-552.188) * (-550.628) [-552.622] (-553.074) (-550.587) -- 0:00:26
      551500 -- (-552.759) [-551.828] (-553.607) (-554.684) * [-552.285] (-552.801) (-550.914) (-554.755) -- 0:00:26
      552000 -- [-552.530] (-551.214) (-554.020) (-552.158) * (-550.596) (-550.509) [-551.712] (-551.240) -- 0:00:26
      552500 -- (-551.445) [-550.311] (-550.374) (-551.053) * (-552.464) [-551.416] (-551.350) (-553.653) -- 0:00:26
      553000 -- (-552.328) (-552.625) [-551.043] (-550.310) * (-552.034) [-553.697] (-550.782) (-551.873) -- 0:00:26
      553500 -- (-553.046) (-550.824) [-550.442] (-551.704) * (-550.904) (-553.128) (-553.527) [-552.875] -- 0:00:26
      554000 -- (-550.636) [-550.804] (-553.580) (-553.741) * [-556.445] (-554.940) (-550.980) (-550.776) -- 0:00:26
      554500 -- (-550.959) (-555.384) (-558.148) [-554.407] * (-558.099) (-553.205) (-552.067) [-551.875] -- 0:00:26
      555000 -- (-551.455) (-557.141) (-559.189) [-552.793] * (-553.119) [-557.438] (-552.153) (-553.752) -- 0:00:26

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009468

      555500 -- (-552.798) [-551.095] (-558.450) (-550.914) * (-551.515) [-552.183] (-552.201) (-550.662) -- 0:00:26
      556000 -- (-558.539) [-550.445] (-550.556) (-554.272) * [-551.966] (-552.409) (-553.576) (-553.798) -- 0:00:26
      556500 -- (-551.681) (-550.431) [-552.216] (-552.332) * (-551.746) (-552.630) (-551.393) [-552.625] -- 0:00:26
      557000 -- (-552.046) (-552.671) [-550.529] (-552.629) * (-554.973) (-551.749) [-550.157] (-554.787) -- 0:00:27
      557500 -- (-552.268) (-553.834) (-554.376) [-552.270] * [-554.217] (-553.086) (-550.151) (-552.056) -- 0:00:26
      558000 -- (-552.367) [-555.912] (-555.357) (-550.414) * (-553.673) (-551.611) (-551.650) [-551.898] -- 0:00:26
      558500 -- (-552.127) (-557.914) (-552.376) [-550.682] * (-551.533) (-552.886) (-555.292) [-551.333] -- 0:00:26
      559000 -- [-551.916] (-560.877) (-555.341) (-551.696) * [-551.955] (-550.063) (-555.018) (-550.606) -- 0:00:26
      559500 -- [-552.294] (-551.964) (-552.524) (-550.973) * (-550.960) [-554.959] (-557.937) (-552.425) -- 0:00:26
      560000 -- [-554.426] (-553.999) (-551.824) (-552.701) * (-551.338) (-552.316) [-551.837] (-552.303) -- 0:00:26

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008968

      560500 -- [-552.756] (-555.093) (-552.849) (-554.345) * (-551.723) (-550.373) [-551.159] (-553.129) -- 0:00:26
      561000 -- (-550.740) (-552.863) [-551.414] (-555.354) * [-552.101] (-554.799) (-552.205) (-556.004) -- 0:00:26
      561500 -- (-550.631) (-551.968) (-550.582) [-552.014] * (-554.611) (-558.062) (-555.414) [-558.229] -- 0:00:26
      562000 -- (-550.338) [-551.449] (-552.285) (-550.258) * (-551.920) (-554.354) (-551.723) [-555.982] -- 0:00:26
      562500 -- [-550.946] (-551.395) (-553.783) (-552.334) * (-550.506) [-561.814] (-553.145) (-551.051) -- 0:00:26
      563000 -- (-551.282) [-551.604] (-551.323) (-553.305) * (-552.148) [-554.947] (-552.684) (-551.047) -- 0:00:26
      563500 -- (-552.316) (-556.758) [-551.179] (-552.782) * (-550.290) (-557.966) (-551.966) [-551.148] -- 0:00:26
      564000 -- (-550.755) (-553.671) [-550.224] (-555.284) * (-553.196) [-551.146] (-551.534) (-550.624) -- 0:00:26
      564500 -- (-551.236) (-551.993) (-552.274) [-550.528] * [-553.382] (-551.380) (-553.046) (-551.120) -- 0:00:26
      565000 -- (-558.054) (-551.853) (-550.500) [-552.588] * (-551.668) [-550.392] (-555.452) (-551.236) -- 0:00:26

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008653

      565500 -- (-555.901) (-554.207) (-550.892) [-552.119] * (-551.814) (-551.930) (-553.140) [-551.751] -- 0:00:26
      566000 -- [-552.937] (-553.918) (-557.606) (-553.882) * (-550.645) (-553.724) (-553.832) [-553.116] -- 0:00:26
      566500 -- (-552.093) [-557.339] (-554.611) (-559.040) * (-551.926) (-555.365) [-550.808] (-555.445) -- 0:00:26
      567000 -- (-553.631) (-554.764) (-553.868) [-552.366] * (-554.139) (-552.297) (-550.671) [-552.323] -- 0:00:25
      567500 -- (-555.476) (-551.849) [-554.944] (-553.612) * (-550.280) [-551.291] (-551.581) (-550.198) -- 0:00:25
      568000 -- (-551.322) [-551.711] (-552.111) (-552.997) * [-551.198] (-552.789) (-553.608) (-555.765) -- 0:00:25
      568500 -- [-552.286] (-557.842) (-551.306) (-552.457) * (-551.216) (-553.944) (-550.981) [-554.151] -- 0:00:25
      569000 -- (-552.406) (-552.589) [-552.132] (-552.717) * [-550.528] (-553.385) (-551.589) (-553.820) -- 0:00:25
      569500 -- (-557.095) (-549.983) (-552.207) [-554.227] * [-551.341] (-554.921) (-551.531) (-551.072) -- 0:00:25
      570000 -- [-551.693] (-550.965) (-553.417) (-556.265) * [-551.676] (-554.275) (-551.673) (-551.230) -- 0:00:25

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008261

      570500 -- (-553.629) (-552.166) (-555.169) [-552.265] * (-556.226) (-551.199) [-553.072] (-551.154) -- 0:00:25
      571000 -- (-553.052) [-550.920] (-551.040) (-551.593) * (-553.716) (-551.207) (-551.026) [-554.934] -- 0:00:25
      571500 -- (-550.928) (-551.052) [-551.851] (-550.834) * (-556.798) (-550.268) [-553.149] (-552.907) -- 0:00:25
      572000 -- [-554.600] (-551.938) (-554.885) (-550.982) * (-550.784) [-556.671] (-556.276) (-551.501) -- 0:00:25
      572500 -- (-552.432) (-552.116) [-551.148] (-553.274) * (-551.248) (-553.951) [-550.449] (-552.329) -- 0:00:25
      573000 -- (-552.200) (-550.404) [-551.145] (-551.933) * (-550.544) [-552.218] (-551.817) (-550.543) -- 0:00:25
      573500 -- [-550.882] (-550.366) (-551.237) (-552.278) * (-552.140) [-555.623] (-552.672) (-555.357) -- 0:00:25
      574000 -- (-550.781) (-552.442) [-551.718] (-552.202) * (-552.030) (-550.848) (-554.790) [-552.791] -- 0:00:25
      574500 -- (-553.223) (-550.600) [-553.589] (-551.400) * (-553.266) (-551.982) (-550.686) [-551.438] -- 0:00:25
      575000 -- (-551.329) [-550.800] (-552.545) (-554.091) * [-555.028] (-553.621) (-550.775) (-551.147) -- 0:00:25

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008473

      575500 -- [-550.501] (-551.626) (-553.800) (-551.625) * (-553.654) (-554.020) [-551.303] (-551.174) -- 0:00:25
      576000 -- (-550.794) [-551.286] (-550.547) (-551.373) * (-551.835) (-557.252) (-550.701) [-552.594] -- 0:00:25
      576500 -- [-551.387] (-553.371) (-551.521) (-550.975) * (-558.149) [-554.582] (-556.172) (-553.621) -- 0:00:25
      577000 -- (-551.599) [-552.513] (-556.217) (-551.130) * [-554.486] (-551.635) (-552.263) (-554.442) -- 0:00:25
      577500 -- (-550.282) (-551.212) (-555.711) [-552.185] * (-556.548) (-551.073) (-551.357) [-557.668] -- 0:00:25
      578000 -- (-552.046) (-554.185) [-552.056] (-554.226) * (-551.486) (-553.665) [-551.979] (-554.036) -- 0:00:25
      578500 -- (-551.764) (-552.934) [-552.605] (-552.181) * (-552.446) (-558.839) (-553.279) [-551.244] -- 0:00:25
      579000 -- (-555.347) (-551.308) (-551.207) [-553.971] * (-551.347) (-553.307) (-552.326) [-550.044] -- 0:00:25
      579500 -- (-553.389) (-551.525) [-558.858] (-551.898) * (-552.631) (-554.349) (-550.642) [-551.583] -- 0:00:25
      580000 -- (-550.538) (-551.406) (-552.333) [-552.564] * (-554.120) (-553.585) (-551.662) [-552.039] -- 0:00:25

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008309

      580500 -- (-550.890) (-553.555) (-553.555) [-551.219] * (-550.033) (-553.970) (-554.658) [-552.237] -- 0:00:25
      581000 -- (-551.202) (-553.533) [-551.238] (-556.521) * [-551.530] (-558.587) (-550.529) (-550.551) -- 0:00:25
      581500 -- (-552.453) (-551.037) (-553.726) [-551.916] * (-550.906) (-555.929) [-550.610] (-552.010) -- 0:00:25
      582000 -- (-552.592) (-551.084) (-550.932) [-550.722] * (-551.767) (-551.835) [-553.305] (-552.256) -- 0:00:25
      582500 -- (-557.251) [-551.698] (-554.382) (-552.791) * [-551.790] (-551.664) (-551.759) (-553.498) -- 0:00:25
      583000 -- [-552.374] (-551.399) (-553.334) (-554.693) * (-551.216) (-552.744) [-551.304] (-552.165) -- 0:00:25
      583500 -- (-557.472) [-552.447] (-551.127) (-550.810) * (-552.873) (-551.217) (-554.163) [-550.901] -- 0:00:24
      584000 -- (-551.179) (-550.509) (-553.000) [-552.731] * (-550.299) (-550.758) (-555.943) [-549.792] -- 0:00:24
      584500 -- [-551.127] (-550.499) (-551.278) (-550.936) * (-552.633) (-551.491) (-553.618) [-551.154] -- 0:00:24
      585000 -- (-551.256) (-551.865) [-551.400] (-552.226) * (-550.865) [-552.144] (-550.635) (-553.455) -- 0:00:24

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008470

      585500 -- (-554.785) (-556.053) [-551.567] (-553.029) * (-556.888) [-551.442] (-550.687) (-556.904) -- 0:00:24
      586000 -- [-550.437] (-552.816) (-551.511) (-553.996) * (-556.992) [-556.150] (-551.428) (-550.939) -- 0:00:24
      586500 -- (-550.883) (-551.663) (-554.735) [-552.502] * (-551.929) (-554.278) [-553.284] (-555.657) -- 0:00:24
      587000 -- [-553.277] (-552.499) (-551.963) (-550.446) * (-553.421) [-554.388] (-553.941) (-553.424) -- 0:00:24
      587500 -- (-551.102) (-550.600) (-551.151) [-556.405] * (-552.768) (-554.035) (-551.240) [-550.293] -- 0:00:24
      588000 -- [-554.066] (-550.341) (-551.986) (-550.343) * (-551.548) (-556.382) [-551.674] (-553.311) -- 0:00:24
      588500 -- (-554.446) [-551.480] (-554.773) (-554.222) * (-554.419) (-552.665) [-552.753] (-554.019) -- 0:00:24
      589000 -- (-551.609) (-550.523) (-551.243) [-553.638] * (-554.427) (-555.722) [-550.526] (-553.064) -- 0:00:24
      589500 -- [-553.772] (-556.493) (-554.002) (-551.949) * (-552.836) (-554.721) [-551.512] (-551.585) -- 0:00:24
      590000 -- (-554.460) (-561.733) [-550.670] (-552.880) * (-552.713) (-550.756) (-554.407) [-550.620] -- 0:00:24

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008638

      590500 -- [-552.826] (-554.765) (-551.127) (-552.974) * (-551.153) (-553.774) (-558.755) [-551.497] -- 0:00:24
      591000 -- (-550.245) (-550.413) [-551.060] (-551.130) * (-553.644) [-553.723] (-550.911) (-551.138) -- 0:00:24
      591500 -- (-552.750) (-550.527) (-551.531) [-553.572] * (-554.294) [-553.359] (-552.746) (-551.212) -- 0:00:24
      592000 -- [-550.416] (-551.236) (-551.274) (-551.490) * (-550.089) (-552.811) (-554.401) [-553.933] -- 0:00:24
      592500 -- (-555.384) (-554.373) (-553.459) [-551.144] * (-554.394) [-550.930] (-550.302) (-554.647) -- 0:00:24
      593000 -- (-551.968) (-551.030) [-551.064] (-555.104) * (-551.980) (-550.528) [-550.016] (-555.638) -- 0:00:24
      593500 -- (-554.631) [-553.982] (-555.133) (-554.835) * (-553.500) (-553.660) [-550.467] (-553.086) -- 0:00:24
      594000 -- [-551.542] (-552.134) (-551.860) (-554.341) * (-551.967) [-552.058] (-552.249) (-550.561) -- 0:00:24
      594500 -- (-553.322) (-553.541) (-555.498) [-553.256] * [-550.357] (-553.720) (-552.192) (-551.774) -- 0:00:24
      595000 -- (-552.303) (-554.420) (-551.223) [-553.217] * [-550.081] (-557.477) (-555.655) (-552.294) -- 0:00:24

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008747

      595500 -- (-553.218) (-552.197) (-552.708) [-550.610] * [-551.165] (-553.381) (-554.476) (-552.181) -- 0:00:24
      596000 -- [-552.311] (-553.785) (-554.140) (-550.755) * (-552.432) (-553.167) (-554.027) [-551.377] -- 0:00:24
      596500 -- [-550.816] (-554.607) (-554.126) (-554.420) * (-550.880) (-554.141) [-551.154] (-550.686) -- 0:00:24
      597000 -- (-554.622) (-551.441) [-551.122] (-551.363) * (-553.337) (-553.198) (-553.676) [-550.624] -- 0:00:24
      597500 -- (-554.137) (-552.875) (-551.430) [-551.373] * (-555.816) [-552.421] (-550.084) (-551.999) -- 0:00:24
      598000 -- (-555.136) (-550.498) [-550.708] (-554.784) * (-559.396) (-552.911) (-553.852) [-551.363] -- 0:00:24
      598500 -- (-553.508) (-553.185) [-556.273] (-550.834) * [-550.728] (-552.836) (-551.752) (-551.741) -- 0:00:24
      599000 -- (-552.048) [-553.847] (-552.173) (-552.147) * (-552.564) (-556.370) (-553.079) [-551.729] -- 0:00:24
      599500 -- [-551.969] (-550.894) (-552.705) (-550.805) * [-549.972] (-555.510) (-551.010) (-553.267) -- 0:00:24
      600000 -- (-551.581) [-551.785] (-552.541) (-550.212) * (-554.941) (-551.851) [-550.825] (-552.431) -- 0:00:24

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008771

      600500 -- [-552.802] (-555.228) (-550.677) (-551.119) * (-552.553) (-552.805) (-551.327) [-551.160] -- 0:00:23
      601000 -- (-554.156) (-553.679) [-551.182] (-550.627) * (-552.311) (-550.982) [-552.180] (-554.448) -- 0:00:23
      601500 -- [-551.696] (-552.671) (-554.837) (-550.367) * (-551.531) (-552.295) [-551.952] (-551.927) -- 0:00:23
      602000 -- (-553.992) [-552.504] (-550.605) (-553.075) * (-552.176) [-555.207] (-551.710) (-550.604) -- 0:00:23
      602500 -- [-551.411] (-551.710) (-550.820) (-552.163) * [-551.348] (-554.584) (-551.188) (-550.168) -- 0:00:23
      603000 -- (-555.056) [-556.142] (-551.221) (-554.271) * [-550.692] (-554.386) (-553.663) (-555.005) -- 0:00:23
      603500 -- (-552.341) (-557.442) [-552.025] (-554.666) * (-559.593) (-553.513) [-552.961] (-553.684) -- 0:00:23
      604000 -- (-550.034) (-556.353) [-551.969] (-554.487) * (-558.152) [-550.284] (-556.398) (-551.349) -- 0:00:23
      604500 -- [-550.663] (-551.507) (-553.794) (-552.238) * (-550.619) (-550.326) [-549.910] (-550.417) -- 0:00:23
      605000 -- (-552.105) (-554.492) (-552.341) [-550.760] * (-550.442) [-552.962] (-553.275) (-549.997) -- 0:00:23

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009426

      605500 -- (-552.997) (-556.465) (-551.670) [-551.596] * (-553.249) (-553.175) (-553.899) [-552.370] -- 0:00:23
      606000 -- (-551.772) [-553.677] (-551.674) (-551.959) * (-551.791) (-557.086) [-552.383] (-551.795) -- 0:00:23
      606500 -- [-550.807] (-552.592) (-552.654) (-550.292) * (-551.862) (-553.500) [-553.856] (-552.232) -- 0:00:23
      607000 -- (-551.268) (-554.001) (-554.684) [-552.002] * (-552.147) (-554.458) [-551.054] (-551.867) -- 0:00:23
      607500 -- [-552.107] (-552.591) (-554.251) (-551.893) * (-552.005) (-553.594) (-552.312) [-554.343] -- 0:00:23
      608000 -- (-552.652) (-555.861) (-554.395) [-552.080] * [-550.910] (-551.157) (-550.343) (-552.531) -- 0:00:23
      608500 -- (-550.309) [-551.521] (-555.856) (-552.341) * (-550.273) (-554.856) (-550.982) [-549.909] -- 0:00:23
      609000 -- [-553.203] (-553.561) (-555.699) (-550.033) * (-556.715) (-551.882) [-551.885] (-551.771) -- 0:00:23
      609500 -- (-551.958) (-556.647) (-553.363) [-552.264] * (-552.338) [-553.957] (-553.451) (-553.609) -- 0:00:23
      610000 -- (-555.121) (-551.309) (-554.140) [-552.433] * [-555.526] (-552.562) (-551.426) (-551.057) -- 0:00:23

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009400

      610500 -- [-555.951] (-552.842) (-557.292) (-554.010) * (-554.036) (-553.283) (-558.888) [-551.100] -- 0:00:23
      611000 -- [-554.322] (-554.105) (-552.696) (-554.120) * (-552.672) (-554.345) (-552.061) [-551.754] -- 0:00:23
      611500 -- (-551.822) [-551.992] (-551.674) (-550.454) * (-553.406) (-552.455) (-552.691) [-551.602] -- 0:00:23
      612000 -- (-550.862) [-551.658] (-551.269) (-551.138) * (-552.202) [-555.115] (-552.604) (-551.388) -- 0:00:23
      612500 -- [-551.108] (-551.274) (-554.052) (-560.991) * (-552.339) (-554.782) (-552.345) [-551.825] -- 0:00:23
      613000 -- (-552.171) [-553.031] (-553.406) (-551.805) * (-553.268) (-550.547) (-550.820) [-555.703] -- 0:00:23
      613500 -- (-553.157) (-550.592) (-553.720) [-551.552] * (-553.806) (-550.644) (-551.113) [-551.743] -- 0:00:23
      614000 -- (-555.048) (-553.061) (-551.865) [-550.226] * (-554.859) (-553.399) [-552.517] (-550.729) -- 0:00:23
      614500 -- (-553.831) (-550.339) (-555.013) [-550.817] * [-554.627] (-553.809) (-554.094) (-552.103) -- 0:00:23
      615000 -- [-551.469] (-554.889) (-550.572) (-551.122) * (-556.377) [-552.224] (-552.311) (-553.943) -- 0:00:23

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009183

      615500 -- (-552.402) (-552.358) (-553.280) [-552.046] * [-551.956] (-555.789) (-550.615) (-552.892) -- 0:00:23
      616000 -- (-553.875) (-551.438) [-552.095] (-554.284) * (-553.346) (-550.587) [-552.785] (-550.932) -- 0:00:23
      616500 -- [-553.832] (-553.132) (-553.632) (-552.599) * (-551.859) (-550.731) [-551.310] (-551.906) -- 0:00:23
      617000 -- [-555.291] (-553.405) (-556.441) (-552.100) * [-556.430] (-555.444) (-551.375) (-552.066) -- 0:00:22
      617500 -- [-551.588] (-550.053) (-557.414) (-554.642) * (-555.312) [-552.334] (-553.412) (-550.560) -- 0:00:22
      618000 -- (-552.353) (-551.205) (-556.686) [-551.419] * (-553.072) (-552.538) (-551.167) [-550.938] -- 0:00:22
      618500 -- [-552.778] (-552.205) (-553.126) (-550.947) * (-552.807) (-551.316) (-551.361) [-550.528] -- 0:00:22
      619000 -- [-550.526] (-553.424) (-555.477) (-552.965) * [-551.084] (-551.490) (-553.016) (-552.124) -- 0:00:22
      619500 -- [-550.250] (-551.997) (-553.432) (-553.503) * (-552.003) (-551.907) [-551.682] (-557.705) -- 0:00:22
      620000 -- (-558.503) [-551.538] (-554.558) (-554.865) * (-552.024) [-550.441] (-552.785) (-551.318) -- 0:00:22

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009382

      620500 -- [-552.516] (-552.404) (-553.299) (-560.588) * (-553.500) (-550.657) [-553.263] (-552.433) -- 0:00:22
      621000 -- (-558.179) (-553.228) (-552.025) [-553.069] * (-552.200) [-551.146] (-554.759) (-556.937) -- 0:00:22
      621500 -- [-551.148] (-551.085) (-551.134) (-550.572) * [-551.396] (-550.800) (-554.147) (-550.699) -- 0:00:22
      622000 -- (-551.633) (-552.549) (-552.190) [-551.612] * (-552.348) (-551.751) (-552.706) [-551.660] -- 0:00:22
      622500 -- (-550.872) (-554.944) (-552.353) [-553.847] * (-553.370) [-553.570] (-552.437) (-551.923) -- 0:00:22
      623000 -- (-551.245) (-553.060) [-550.510] (-557.476) * (-551.862) (-556.910) (-550.475) [-552.112] -- 0:00:22
      623500 -- (-551.580) (-554.389) [-551.230] (-552.354) * (-554.444) (-554.821) [-551.145] (-553.131) -- 0:00:22
      624000 -- [-551.556] (-553.852) (-549.999) (-551.909) * (-552.869) (-555.075) [-550.905] (-551.873) -- 0:00:22
      624500 -- (-554.628) (-553.966) [-550.215] (-552.081) * (-552.266) (-556.637) (-557.532) [-556.859] -- 0:00:22
      625000 -- (-552.077) (-554.890) [-550.206] (-552.503) * (-551.557) [-554.095] (-552.451) (-551.779) -- 0:00:22

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009347

      625500 -- (-550.013) (-550.764) [-550.158] (-558.853) * (-550.091) [-554.174] (-550.891) (-552.586) -- 0:00:22
      626000 -- [-556.229] (-550.859) (-554.757) (-553.029) * (-550.994) [-551.261] (-551.358) (-552.116) -- 0:00:22
      626500 -- [-555.387] (-551.594) (-550.579) (-550.215) * (-552.943) (-552.511) (-550.558) [-550.661] -- 0:00:22
      627000 -- (-553.636) (-550.480) [-552.058] (-554.042) * [-553.693] (-551.979) (-551.764) (-554.646) -- 0:00:22
      627500 -- (-552.793) (-551.675) (-554.319) [-554.973] * (-555.419) (-553.103) [-550.402] (-558.103) -- 0:00:22
      628000 -- (-554.460) (-551.209) (-556.571) [-552.289] * (-552.193) [-554.432] (-552.609) (-553.745) -- 0:00:22
      628500 -- (-552.688) (-555.440) (-552.063) [-551.697] * [-554.183] (-552.321) (-553.125) (-551.542) -- 0:00:22
      629000 -- (-550.804) (-552.062) (-550.346) [-552.836] * (-552.843) (-551.445) [-551.457] (-551.972) -- 0:00:22
      629500 -- (-552.898) (-553.495) (-553.488) [-552.200] * (-553.534) [-551.752] (-551.733) (-552.522) -- 0:00:22
      630000 -- (-555.196) (-554.200) [-551.698] (-553.186) * (-550.638) (-550.649) (-551.117) [-552.481] -- 0:00:22

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009146

      630500 -- (-551.927) [-552.424] (-552.020) (-551.172) * (-551.243) (-551.950) [-551.852] (-554.703) -- 0:00:22
      631000 -- (-554.550) (-554.246) [-552.514] (-552.642) * (-554.273) [-551.875] (-551.615) (-552.728) -- 0:00:22
      631500 -- (-553.091) [-550.387] (-554.564) (-553.194) * [-552.984] (-550.640) (-551.677) (-551.570) -- 0:00:22
      632000 -- (-552.386) (-552.574) (-550.976) [-552.071] * (-550.537) (-551.681) (-556.254) [-550.281] -- 0:00:22
      632500 -- (-552.635) (-554.762) [-550.182] (-553.758) * [-552.623] (-550.445) (-553.731) (-552.870) -- 0:00:22
      633000 -- (-550.939) (-553.947) [-550.521] (-553.909) * (-551.339) (-552.631) (-554.513) [-552.848] -- 0:00:22
      633500 -- (-552.568) [-551.845] (-551.303) (-550.295) * [-550.711] (-551.964) (-551.440) (-554.402) -- 0:00:21
      634000 -- (-552.268) (-550.945) [-550.647] (-553.250) * (-551.406) (-552.518) (-552.295) [-551.923] -- 0:00:21
      634500 -- (-553.256) (-550.842) [-552.687] (-551.575) * (-551.057) (-551.927) (-554.122) [-552.440] -- 0:00:21
      635000 -- (-550.651) [-551.616] (-551.382) (-550.066) * (-556.239) (-552.113) [-550.604] (-552.127) -- 0:00:21

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009126

      635500 -- (-550.488) (-555.054) [-553.540] (-554.256) * [-551.990] (-552.050) (-552.445) (-552.505) -- 0:00:21
      636000 -- [-551.504] (-552.642) (-553.486) (-551.224) * [-552.370] (-554.302) (-551.178) (-551.079) -- 0:00:21
      636500 -- (-552.230) (-551.921) (-551.815) [-551.382] * (-553.493) (-550.362) (-557.787) [-551.561] -- 0:00:21
      637000 -- (-552.247) [-550.973] (-550.258) (-552.129) * (-552.776) (-550.633) [-554.606] (-553.588) -- 0:00:21
      637500 -- [-552.223] (-552.220) (-550.476) (-552.415) * (-550.261) (-552.102) (-557.440) [-552.107] -- 0:00:21
      638000 -- (-551.895) (-552.810) [-550.958] (-553.816) * (-551.079) (-553.304) [-552.446] (-555.828) -- 0:00:21
      638500 -- (-551.078) (-554.171) [-552.794] (-550.301) * (-551.770) (-551.386) [-552.475] (-553.146) -- 0:00:21
      639000 -- (-551.909) [-552.574] (-550.667) (-551.346) * [-553.572] (-553.999) (-552.158) (-551.987) -- 0:00:21
      639500 -- [-554.143] (-553.745) (-550.801) (-553.174) * (-550.424) (-557.034) [-554.663] (-553.690) -- 0:00:21
      640000 -- (-554.135) [-555.775] (-551.152) (-552.608) * (-550.599) (-551.645) (-552.592) [-552.786] -- 0:00:21

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009795

      640500 -- (-557.560) (-552.868) (-552.441) [-552.088] * [-551.829] (-553.643) (-552.918) (-550.793) -- 0:00:21
      641000 -- (-553.880) (-551.044) [-552.743] (-551.903) * [-550.834] (-553.175) (-551.799) (-550.234) -- 0:00:21
      641500 -- [-553.862] (-551.254) (-551.657) (-555.591) * (-552.383) [-552.456] (-551.063) (-550.828) -- 0:00:21
      642000 -- (-551.298) (-552.764) (-553.732) [-550.671] * (-551.815) (-552.713) [-551.522] (-552.636) -- 0:00:21
      642500 -- [-552.102] (-554.225) (-551.678) (-550.354) * (-555.930) (-554.353) [-551.582] (-550.209) -- 0:00:21
      643000 -- [-552.238] (-552.042) (-550.498) (-551.407) * (-554.985) [-552.330] (-555.250) (-550.387) -- 0:00:21
      643500 -- (-554.009) (-551.592) [-551.683] (-551.015) * (-554.055) (-554.640) [-551.563] (-552.362) -- 0:00:21
      644000 -- (-553.978) [-551.921] (-551.139) (-551.014) * (-552.373) (-555.078) (-551.178) [-552.361] -- 0:00:21
      644500 -- (-552.532) (-552.966) (-551.042) [-551.047] * [-552.548] (-552.507) (-559.085) (-550.912) -- 0:00:21
      645000 -- (-552.545) [-552.607] (-550.930) (-550.843) * (-552.619) (-553.029) [-553.211] (-550.776) -- 0:00:21

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010034

      645500 -- (-556.121) (-552.620) [-551.339] (-551.887) * (-550.859) (-552.650) (-553.197) [-553.410] -- 0:00:21
      646000 -- [-552.648] (-552.356) (-550.731) (-553.622) * (-551.660) (-553.570) [-549.841] (-552.049) -- 0:00:21
      646500 -- [-552.518] (-552.215) (-551.500) (-551.585) * (-556.081) (-551.663) (-552.826) [-554.688] -- 0:00:21
      647000 -- (-552.149) (-552.332) (-551.514) [-551.577] * (-551.352) (-551.649) [-552.368] (-554.177) -- 0:00:21
      647500 -- (-553.083) (-552.310) [-551.996] (-550.331) * [-550.429] (-554.242) (-551.687) (-553.954) -- 0:00:21
      648000 -- (-550.493) [-553.180] (-551.066) (-551.027) * (-550.325) (-554.874) (-552.782) [-551.030] -- 0:00:21
      648500 -- (-551.001) (-557.475) [-551.710] (-550.754) * (-550.322) [-554.208] (-554.169) (-550.432) -- 0:00:21
      649000 -- (-551.145) [-550.903] (-550.677) (-552.340) * (-550.332) [-551.919] (-555.048) (-551.858) -- 0:00:21
      649500 -- [-550.870] (-550.584) (-552.840) (-552.224) * (-550.054) [-550.183] (-554.322) (-555.154) -- 0:00:21
      650000 -- (-554.227) [-553.643] (-552.812) (-555.359) * (-550.206) [-551.113] (-555.456) (-552.134) -- 0:00:21

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009283

      650500 -- (-554.487) [-550.914] (-554.537) (-553.939) * (-551.440) (-554.685) [-550.938] (-551.432) -- 0:00:20
      651000 -- [-552.300] (-553.824) (-553.776) (-552.715) * [-550.333] (-552.399) (-552.251) (-552.150) -- 0:00:20
      651500 -- (-551.499) [-553.253] (-552.132) (-552.042) * (-550.327) (-550.999) [-550.301] (-553.234) -- 0:00:20
      652000 -- [-552.350] (-550.278) (-551.846) (-552.831) * (-551.454) (-551.445) (-554.973) [-552.086] -- 0:00:20
      652500 -- (-552.361) (-550.944) (-550.732) [-552.089] * (-551.336) (-551.321) (-550.863) [-551.768] -- 0:00:20
      653000 -- (-552.597) (-551.074) [-550.712] (-552.299) * (-552.695) [-550.395] (-550.515) (-551.495) -- 0:00:20
      653500 -- (-551.561) [-550.457] (-551.756) (-551.168) * [-552.760] (-551.333) (-551.189) (-551.728) -- 0:00:20
      654000 -- (-552.999) (-555.730) (-551.008) [-550.834] * (-551.643) (-553.740) (-552.630) [-551.150] -- 0:00:20
      654500 -- (-552.955) (-556.990) [-551.955] (-551.860) * (-551.748) [-552.084] (-551.694) (-552.222) -- 0:00:20
      655000 -- [-552.095] (-557.302) (-553.462) (-552.278) * (-553.733) (-551.200) (-552.714) [-551.352] -- 0:00:20

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009701

      655500 -- (-551.181) [-550.611] (-554.906) (-550.639) * (-553.669) (-551.305) (-555.146) [-552.144] -- 0:00:20
      656000 -- [-550.414] (-552.725) (-555.486) (-550.770) * [-552.713] (-560.548) (-555.443) (-551.036) -- 0:00:20
      656500 -- (-555.466) [-557.413] (-557.668) (-551.287) * (-552.214) [-551.764] (-553.961) (-551.905) -- 0:00:20
      657000 -- (-551.810) (-551.872) (-552.634) [-552.719] * (-552.515) (-561.315) (-552.095) [-552.031] -- 0:00:20
      657500 -- (-555.441) (-552.762) (-553.820) [-551.095] * (-550.607) (-555.439) [-552.055] (-551.368) -- 0:00:20
      658000 -- (-553.305) (-553.692) (-552.579) [-552.296] * [-553.625] (-551.866) (-552.876) (-553.252) -- 0:00:20
      658500 -- [-552.152] (-551.473) (-553.860) (-552.008) * [-553.913] (-552.585) (-555.570) (-552.644) -- 0:00:20
      659000 -- (-551.844) (-552.944) [-553.966] (-557.550) * (-553.984) [-555.027] (-553.750) (-555.754) -- 0:00:20
      659500 -- (-553.785) [-554.633] (-551.348) (-556.031) * (-552.188) (-551.575) [-552.462] (-552.280) -- 0:00:20
      660000 -- (-552.372) (-552.390) [-551.654] (-551.074) * (-551.890) (-552.440) [-551.446] (-550.111) -- 0:00:20

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009410

      660500 -- [-550.391] (-550.914) (-551.739) (-550.874) * (-552.315) (-551.382) [-551.865] (-550.675) -- 0:00:20
      661000 -- (-552.286) [-551.828] (-552.435) (-551.124) * (-553.647) (-552.268) (-552.630) [-552.347] -- 0:00:20
      661500 -- (-552.187) (-551.966) (-552.148) [-553.811] * (-559.055) [-550.392] (-551.078) (-551.722) -- 0:00:20
      662000 -- (-551.617) [-551.550] (-554.246) (-552.389) * (-550.458) (-551.634) [-553.501] (-553.457) -- 0:00:20
      662500 -- [-551.822] (-550.829) (-553.248) (-554.215) * (-558.829) [-551.155] (-551.798) (-553.131) -- 0:00:20
      663000 -- [-552.549] (-553.722) (-553.489) (-557.065) * (-554.835) (-554.030) [-553.056] (-554.542) -- 0:00:20
      663500 -- (-550.001) (-553.650) (-553.250) [-552.223] * (-550.446) (-554.714) [-551.545] (-552.172) -- 0:00:20
      664000 -- (-550.389) [-551.534] (-553.554) (-551.527) * [-552.177] (-554.117) (-551.915) (-551.849) -- 0:00:20
      664500 -- (-552.754) (-553.205) (-551.026) [-553.089] * [-553.357] (-551.648) (-555.956) (-551.719) -- 0:00:20
      665000 -- (-552.961) (-557.382) [-552.895] (-552.745) * (-553.783) (-553.894) [-555.728] (-553.757) -- 0:00:20

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009290

      665500 -- [-552.366] (-554.976) (-551.478) (-554.392) * [-550.510] (-552.366) (-553.765) (-551.968) -- 0:00:20
      666000 -- (-552.117) [-552.046] (-552.864) (-556.239) * [-553.389] (-555.487) (-553.615) (-550.253) -- 0:00:20
      666500 -- (-552.562) (-557.808) [-550.889] (-559.161) * (-556.841) [-553.699] (-551.008) (-551.539) -- 0:00:20
      667000 -- [-551.912] (-551.238) (-553.740) (-552.887) * (-551.507) (-551.079) [-554.856] (-552.187) -- 0:00:19
      667500 -- [-552.818] (-550.290) (-556.185) (-551.639) * (-553.085) (-551.479) [-552.368] (-550.785) -- 0:00:19
      668000 -- [-550.189] (-553.723) (-553.385) (-551.201) * [-552.344] (-554.092) (-553.147) (-550.895) -- 0:00:19
      668500 -- (-551.753) (-552.301) [-550.696] (-552.459) * (-554.049) (-552.229) (-551.160) [-551.016] -- 0:00:19
      669000 -- [-550.944] (-551.645) (-551.679) (-552.130) * (-553.561) (-550.579) (-550.706) [-551.417] -- 0:00:19
      669500 -- [-553.197] (-553.950) (-551.302) (-552.688) * (-554.647) (-551.179) [-550.919] (-551.317) -- 0:00:19
      670000 -- (-552.261) (-552.174) (-552.576) [-550.297] * (-550.653) (-553.070) [-550.864] (-559.958) -- 0:00:19

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009138

      670500 -- (-551.628) [-550.872] (-551.793) (-551.970) * (-551.131) (-554.756) (-553.480) [-551.181] -- 0:00:19
      671000 -- (-552.941) (-552.643) [-551.215] (-553.231) * (-551.353) (-553.411) [-551.678] (-554.857) -- 0:00:19
      671500 -- [-551.006] (-554.304) (-552.601) (-552.160) * (-554.258) [-550.235] (-551.403) (-551.988) -- 0:00:19
      672000 -- [-550.932] (-558.858) (-551.207) (-556.924) * (-552.648) (-551.125) (-551.847) [-554.021] -- 0:00:19
      672500 -- [-551.466] (-556.427) (-556.289) (-551.278) * (-552.506) (-550.113) (-553.048) [-551.434] -- 0:00:19
      673000 -- [-551.073] (-553.228) (-557.403) (-550.557) * (-550.156) (-550.063) [-553.444] (-553.959) -- 0:00:19
      673500 -- (-552.548) [-551.033] (-554.120) (-550.614) * (-551.151) (-553.030) (-558.071) [-551.224] -- 0:00:19
      674000 -- (-550.645) (-550.791) (-553.087) [-551.386] * [-552.380] (-554.039) (-552.796) (-552.556) -- 0:00:19
      674500 -- [-555.305] (-550.887) (-553.586) (-550.512) * [-551.292] (-555.495) (-551.269) (-550.011) -- 0:00:19
      675000 -- (-559.631) (-550.713) [-550.561] (-550.348) * (-551.888) [-552.496] (-551.817) (-550.011) -- 0:00:19

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008891

      675500 -- [-553.254] (-551.531) (-550.750) (-553.551) * (-551.805) (-553.216) [-551.599] (-552.289) -- 0:00:19
      676000 -- (-553.889) (-552.814) [-552.111] (-552.686) * (-553.249) (-554.853) (-550.587) [-550.530] -- 0:00:19
      676500 -- [-553.022] (-554.345) (-554.307) (-552.235) * (-551.766) (-550.635) [-551.564] (-553.641) -- 0:00:19
      677000 -- [-554.619] (-553.621) (-551.740) (-553.316) * (-555.647) (-551.706) (-550.510) [-551.239] -- 0:00:19
      677500 -- (-553.787) [-550.762] (-551.114) (-553.576) * (-551.607) [-551.168] (-552.170) (-553.490) -- 0:00:19
      678000 -- (-553.482) (-553.325) [-550.603] (-552.737) * (-554.624) [-551.520] (-551.062) (-552.018) -- 0:00:19
      678500 -- (-553.288) (-552.759) [-552.101] (-554.378) * (-552.004) [-551.534] (-550.053) (-553.757) -- 0:00:19
      679000 -- (-555.803) (-552.753) (-551.424) [-552.494] * (-553.476) (-551.226) [-554.794] (-555.714) -- 0:00:19
      679500 -- (-553.080) [-552.072] (-556.510) (-555.477) * (-552.790) (-551.278) (-551.129) [-551.913] -- 0:00:19
      680000 -- (-559.778) (-557.355) (-551.328) [-554.740] * (-554.520) (-555.338) [-550.709] (-551.808) -- 0:00:19

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008744

      680500 -- [-556.254] (-552.290) (-553.284) (-555.642) * (-552.003) [-553.816] (-550.742) (-551.559) -- 0:00:19
      681000 -- [-552.540] (-552.195) (-550.673) (-555.186) * (-553.110) [-551.808] (-551.334) (-554.104) -- 0:00:19
      681500 -- (-554.787) (-555.783) [-554.175] (-554.375) * (-553.452) (-552.777) (-553.163) [-551.366] -- 0:00:19
      682000 -- (-552.012) [-554.279] (-553.266) (-551.665) * (-553.913) (-555.980) (-553.151) [-552.897] -- 0:00:19
      682500 -- (-554.471) (-556.526) (-553.823) [-553.160] * (-553.027) (-553.147) [-550.964] (-554.616) -- 0:00:19
      683000 -- [-551.039] (-551.531) (-554.023) (-555.030) * [-551.711] (-552.811) (-554.609) (-556.563) -- 0:00:19
      683500 -- (-552.908) (-552.274) [-550.731] (-553.554) * (-552.519) (-552.675) [-550.798] (-557.586) -- 0:00:18
      684000 -- (-551.142) [-552.756] (-550.544) (-553.640) * (-553.557) (-550.291) [-552.041] (-552.787) -- 0:00:18
      684500 -- (-553.433) [-557.294] (-550.962) (-551.467) * (-554.569) (-552.044) [-554.089] (-551.365) -- 0:00:18
      685000 -- (-555.348) (-559.303) (-550.445) [-550.237] * [-552.406] (-552.792) (-550.729) (-552.229) -- 0:00:18

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008719

      685500 -- (-552.616) (-553.660) (-550.835) [-550.599] * [-552.041] (-555.133) (-550.625) (-551.638) -- 0:00:18
      686000 -- (-550.458) (-552.109) (-550.305) [-553.929] * (-552.727) (-552.973) (-556.693) [-554.247] -- 0:00:18
      686500 -- [-551.298] (-552.455) (-551.376) (-554.666) * (-551.067) [-551.851] (-553.867) (-556.923) -- 0:00:18
      687000 -- [-552.656] (-555.984) (-552.547) (-551.694) * (-552.893) [-552.056] (-555.396) (-552.048) -- 0:00:19
      687500 -- (-552.250) [-552.584] (-552.572) (-551.838) * (-552.201) (-552.810) (-555.056) [-551.821] -- 0:00:19
      688000 -- (-559.114) (-553.172) (-551.382) [-550.389] * (-552.186) [-550.846] (-557.145) (-551.112) -- 0:00:19
      688500 -- [-550.900] (-550.510) (-556.671) (-552.034) * (-552.064) [-553.155] (-551.418) (-550.800) -- 0:00:19
      689000 -- (-551.498) [-551.799] (-552.916) (-553.694) * (-552.775) (-553.818) [-554.149] (-550.818) -- 0:00:18
      689500 -- (-551.293) [-550.871] (-552.666) (-552.317) * (-552.705) (-552.901) [-552.805] (-552.085) -- 0:00:18
      690000 -- (-551.554) [-555.455] (-555.931) (-552.252) * [-551.225] (-555.104) (-552.065) (-560.258) -- 0:00:18

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009129

      690500 -- [-555.517] (-552.657) (-554.863) (-551.432) * (-550.274) (-552.066) [-552.228] (-554.302) -- 0:00:18
      691000 -- (-553.673) (-551.477) [-553.574] (-553.434) * (-550.441) [-551.922] (-551.065) (-551.952) -- 0:00:18
      691500 -- (-553.261) [-551.492] (-555.365) (-551.167) * (-551.506) [-551.309] (-553.735) (-553.923) -- 0:00:18
      692000 -- [-552.413] (-553.740) (-553.745) (-551.702) * (-551.356) [-555.919] (-550.907) (-551.131) -- 0:00:18
      692500 -- (-552.034) [-554.032] (-552.923) (-553.195) * (-556.286) (-551.005) (-550.764) [-550.739] -- 0:00:18
      693000 -- (-550.890) [-551.448] (-551.810) (-553.291) * (-551.659) (-551.354) (-560.149) [-551.154] -- 0:00:18
      693500 -- (-553.606) (-552.550) (-555.917) [-551.303] * (-552.000) [-549.964] (-559.790) (-551.708) -- 0:00:18
      694000 -- [-552.675] (-550.157) (-551.820) (-551.404) * (-553.645) [-553.358] (-556.776) (-550.925) -- 0:00:18
      694500 -- [-551.631] (-550.415) (-554.903) (-551.549) * (-552.860) [-550.797] (-550.841) (-553.612) -- 0:00:18
      695000 -- (-550.936) [-553.102] (-556.061) (-553.196) * (-554.427) (-552.061) [-551.745] (-554.000) -- 0:00:18

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009398

      695500 -- [-550.724] (-555.758) (-552.088) (-550.669) * [-552.937] (-552.515) (-551.156) (-553.967) -- 0:00:18
      696000 -- (-552.388) (-552.704) (-551.955) [-552.469] * (-551.338) (-551.014) [-551.881] (-551.223) -- 0:00:18
      696500 -- (-551.026) [-551.188] (-551.333) (-551.600) * (-551.427) (-551.407) [-551.923] (-550.687) -- 0:00:18
      697000 -- [-551.597] (-553.350) (-550.654) (-551.126) * [-550.709] (-554.057) (-551.566) (-552.771) -- 0:00:18
      697500 -- [-551.457] (-552.082) (-551.079) (-554.235) * (-551.863) (-551.469) [-551.056] (-555.588) -- 0:00:18
      698000 -- (-551.629) [-552.231] (-554.000) (-553.480) * [-553.746] (-551.005) (-550.174) (-551.420) -- 0:00:18
      698500 -- (-554.188) (-551.925) [-556.769] (-550.146) * (-552.428) (-550.745) [-551.685] (-552.147) -- 0:00:18
      699000 -- (-554.529) (-551.547) (-552.374) [-551.500] * [-551.356] (-551.684) (-551.763) (-550.976) -- 0:00:18
      699500 -- [-551.651] (-552.141) (-551.130) (-554.930) * [-551.389] (-552.222) (-550.898) (-552.050) -- 0:00:18
      700000 -- [-553.063] (-550.748) (-552.644) (-550.662) * (-552.316) (-552.486) (-552.740) [-551.015] -- 0:00:18

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010008

      700500 -- (-552.307) (-550.774) (-552.514) [-550.540] * (-553.624) (-551.212) [-551.463] (-550.513) -- 0:00:17
      701000 -- (-551.236) (-552.799) [-552.182] (-553.963) * [-550.612] (-553.661) (-552.186) (-551.782) -- 0:00:17
      701500 -- [-552.571] (-551.033) (-551.533) (-552.684) * (-550.458) [-550.337] (-551.833) (-553.563) -- 0:00:17
      702000 -- (-554.452) [-554.677] (-552.257) (-554.452) * (-551.798) (-550.513) [-551.604] (-554.583) -- 0:00:18
      702500 -- [-551.421] (-555.260) (-552.309) (-552.028) * [-554.006] (-552.080) (-553.496) (-556.373) -- 0:00:18
      703000 -- (-552.409) (-551.766) [-550.890] (-554.704) * (-550.827) (-551.259) [-552.342] (-552.305) -- 0:00:18
      703500 -- (-551.656) (-552.474) [-553.208] (-552.419) * (-551.208) [-550.634] (-554.707) (-550.940) -- 0:00:18
      704000 -- (-556.256) [-552.293] (-555.160) (-550.798) * (-551.806) [-552.273] (-552.503) (-550.633) -- 0:00:18
      704500 -- [-550.690] (-554.431) (-554.277) (-555.764) * (-551.393) (-559.000) (-553.429) [-551.753] -- 0:00:18
      705000 -- (-550.913) [-552.258] (-553.395) (-553.750) * [-552.088] (-551.581) (-554.337) (-551.905) -- 0:00:17

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010016

      705500 -- (-552.036) (-551.250) (-552.759) [-551.976] * (-555.748) [-552.709] (-551.317) (-550.605) -- 0:00:17
      706000 -- (-554.399) (-552.256) [-553.584] (-553.034) * (-552.688) (-555.103) [-550.769] (-552.320) -- 0:00:17
      706500 -- (-557.224) (-550.949) (-550.851) [-552.348] * (-553.224) (-554.405) (-550.078) [-550.614] -- 0:00:17
      707000 -- [-552.105] (-553.214) (-551.214) (-550.564) * (-551.531) (-550.832) [-550.776] (-550.839) -- 0:00:17
      707500 -- [-553.119] (-551.339) (-555.439) (-555.098) * (-550.840) (-551.688) (-550.127) [-553.325] -- 0:00:17
      708000 -- (-551.860) [-551.271] (-554.632) (-552.286) * (-552.686) [-551.012] (-552.969) (-556.608) -- 0:00:17
      708500 -- (-559.371) [-550.899] (-560.084) (-551.721) * (-552.914) (-551.002) (-551.325) [-555.903] -- 0:00:17
      709000 -- (-559.904) [-551.555] (-552.560) (-552.324) * (-550.481) (-549.990) [-551.670] (-554.015) -- 0:00:17
      709500 -- (-552.608) [-551.735] (-552.545) (-557.678) * [-552.655] (-551.714) (-551.067) (-554.571) -- 0:00:17
      710000 -- [-551.808] (-550.632) (-552.126) (-552.619) * [-552.137] (-553.443) (-551.502) (-554.202) -- 0:00:17

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010033

      710500 -- (-551.041) (-552.267) [-550.637] (-551.809) * (-552.306) [-552.484] (-550.727) (-553.295) -- 0:00:17
      711000 -- (-551.079) (-552.944) [-551.982] (-553.380) * (-553.330) (-552.986) (-550.524) [-552.161] -- 0:00:17
      711500 -- (-550.494) [-551.815] (-551.327) (-550.270) * [-551.491] (-552.540) (-552.993) (-553.046) -- 0:00:17
      712000 -- (-550.766) (-551.768) (-550.394) [-551.553] * [-550.859] (-552.181) (-559.398) (-551.119) -- 0:00:17
      712500 -- (-559.085) [-554.380] (-553.112) (-554.220) * (-552.351) [-550.733] (-552.664) (-554.047) -- 0:00:17
      713000 -- [-551.855] (-553.644) (-555.346) (-551.310) * (-551.825) (-550.550) [-551.449] (-551.923) -- 0:00:17
      713500 -- (-550.943) [-551.656] (-557.327) (-551.654) * (-552.917) (-551.753) [-551.624] (-557.422) -- 0:00:17
      714000 -- [-550.294] (-551.960) (-551.484) (-550.679) * (-550.205) (-550.576) (-554.164) [-551.109] -- 0:00:17
      714500 -- (-550.684) (-553.703) (-551.708) [-549.949] * (-553.487) (-553.745) [-550.043] (-553.926) -- 0:00:17
      715000 -- [-550.534] (-551.747) (-552.153) (-550.291) * (-552.120) (-558.574) [-553.285] (-551.843) -- 0:00:17

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009752

      715500 -- [-553.737] (-552.288) (-553.170) (-550.795) * (-552.416) [-554.059] (-552.057) (-552.700) -- 0:00:17
      716000 -- (-551.724) [-553.652] (-557.497) (-553.045) * (-551.360) (-552.675) (-553.430) [-558.220] -- 0:00:17
      716500 -- (-552.575) (-552.631) [-552.022] (-554.071) * (-552.569) [-551.292] (-552.440) (-551.260) -- 0:00:17
      717000 -- (-550.444) (-555.031) [-551.324] (-554.349) * (-552.005) (-552.526) [-551.667] (-551.683) -- 0:00:17
      717500 -- [-552.086] (-552.256) (-550.673) (-555.419) * (-553.252) (-550.857) [-551.653] (-553.516) -- 0:00:17
      718000 -- (-553.778) (-550.970) (-551.889) [-552.143] * (-554.573) (-551.082) [-551.664] (-551.249) -- 0:00:17
      718500 -- [-556.493] (-552.253) (-552.938) (-554.907) * (-553.353) (-553.796) (-551.743) [-551.192] -- 0:00:17
      719000 -- (-553.955) [-550.475] (-551.472) (-555.860) * [-550.856] (-552.841) (-550.062) (-550.710) -- 0:00:17
      719500 -- (-550.159) [-551.330] (-552.552) (-554.216) * (-553.548) (-551.121) (-553.784) [-553.612] -- 0:00:17
      720000 -- (-553.511) (-555.408) (-550.030) [-553.070] * [-552.829] (-551.697) (-555.474) (-556.421) -- 0:00:17

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009648

      720500 -- (-550.158) (-553.663) (-550.314) [-550.763] * (-551.902) (-554.007) (-552.491) [-557.419] -- 0:00:17
      721000 -- (-555.002) (-551.974) [-550.307] (-550.781) * (-550.718) [-552.244] (-552.857) (-552.653) -- 0:00:17
      721500 -- (-550.286) (-551.640) [-550.414] (-552.630) * [-550.275] (-552.588) (-552.107) (-552.541) -- 0:00:16
      722000 -- [-550.191] (-551.425) (-552.281) (-551.306) * [-550.649] (-554.823) (-551.114) (-550.916) -- 0:00:16
      722500 -- [-552.829] (-551.336) (-551.263) (-550.538) * (-550.507) (-553.346) [-551.616] (-552.749) -- 0:00:16
      723000 -- [-551.780] (-553.724) (-552.519) (-552.812) * (-553.832) (-550.426) (-552.122) [-552.126] -- 0:00:16
      723500 -- (-552.608) (-552.758) (-551.046) [-553.080] * (-555.268) (-550.028) [-551.842] (-550.560) -- 0:00:16
      724000 -- [-552.394] (-552.559) (-551.158) (-560.088) * (-552.439) [-553.106] (-550.887) (-553.112) -- 0:00:16
      724500 -- (-551.802) [-551.188] (-551.488) (-551.269) * (-553.958) [-554.056] (-550.604) (-552.644) -- 0:00:16
      725000 -- (-551.494) [-551.562] (-551.458) (-550.505) * [-553.644] (-552.028) (-550.760) (-554.728) -- 0:00:16

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009293

      725500 -- (-550.588) [-553.240] (-557.189) (-552.720) * (-556.282) [-551.728] (-551.995) (-556.862) -- 0:00:16
      726000 -- (-553.295) [-553.189] (-550.944) (-551.221) * (-552.324) (-550.857) [-551.618] (-551.397) -- 0:00:16
      726500 -- (-551.624) (-552.928) [-550.999] (-554.225) * (-551.844) [-552.154] (-551.171) (-550.346) -- 0:00:16
      727000 -- (-550.685) (-550.322) [-551.651] (-550.923) * (-552.609) (-553.129) (-550.721) [-559.233] -- 0:00:16
      727500 -- (-557.088) [-551.826] (-553.714) (-552.825) * (-551.306) (-550.348) (-552.934) [-552.199] -- 0:00:16
      728000 -- (-551.374) [-553.076] (-555.148) (-550.604) * (-551.741) [-553.555] (-551.699) (-551.373) -- 0:00:16
      728500 -- (-553.507) (-552.798) (-556.122) [-550.517] * [-550.200] (-556.633) (-551.675) (-551.835) -- 0:00:16
      729000 -- (-554.682) (-553.909) [-554.119] (-552.450) * [-550.674] (-551.196) (-558.309) (-554.537) -- 0:00:16
      729500 -- [-552.278] (-551.961) (-552.764) (-552.039) * [-553.659] (-554.182) (-558.743) (-552.970) -- 0:00:16
      730000 -- [-552.865] (-551.800) (-556.746) (-554.539) * [-550.362] (-551.437) (-551.860) (-553.850) -- 0:00:16

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009799

      730500 -- (-552.547) (-552.296) (-557.399) [-550.494] * [-550.156] (-551.992) (-552.608) (-550.337) -- 0:00:16
      731000 -- [-551.482] (-552.275) (-553.555) (-553.127) * (-553.013) (-552.060) [-552.964] (-551.416) -- 0:00:16
      731500 -- (-557.602) [-552.556] (-552.914) (-551.330) * (-553.637) (-552.494) (-551.445) [-551.310] -- 0:00:16
      732000 -- (-553.645) (-551.302) (-552.092) [-550.665] * (-553.472) (-556.509) [-551.489] (-551.330) -- 0:00:16
      732500 -- (-551.727) (-552.734) [-553.852] (-551.133) * (-552.345) (-552.957) [-552.689] (-552.586) -- 0:00:16
      733000 -- (-553.346) (-555.452) (-554.855) [-551.064] * (-552.177) (-553.223) (-556.202) [-551.673] -- 0:00:16
      733500 -- (-550.587) (-553.381) [-551.468] (-551.274) * (-556.860) (-553.802) [-550.849] (-553.109) -- 0:00:16
      734000 -- (-552.191) (-550.405) [-552.618] (-554.402) * (-555.216) (-565.638) [-553.311] (-553.238) -- 0:00:16
      734500 -- [-550.376] (-552.007) (-550.936) (-552.299) * [-552.090] (-561.355) (-550.521) (-556.913) -- 0:00:16
      735000 -- (-551.431) (-554.875) [-556.675] (-552.027) * [-553.459] (-553.235) (-551.385) (-550.879) -- 0:00:16

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009487

      735500 -- (-550.503) [-553.201] (-557.866) (-552.072) * (-553.073) (-554.576) [-550.907] (-554.119) -- 0:00:16
      736000 -- (-554.057) [-551.865] (-551.967) (-554.153) * (-550.886) (-553.616) [-552.792] (-551.943) -- 0:00:16
      736500 -- (-553.403) (-553.735) [-550.922] (-551.073) * (-554.719) [-550.804] (-552.719) (-551.214) -- 0:00:16
      737000 -- (-552.013) (-551.075) [-554.211] (-550.733) * (-554.635) (-553.547) (-551.297) [-552.236] -- 0:00:16
      737500 -- [-551.429] (-550.943) (-553.795) (-551.213) * (-550.844) (-550.609) [-554.430] (-550.621) -- 0:00:16
      738000 -- (-551.247) (-558.237) [-557.132] (-552.247) * (-550.027) [-554.685] (-554.615) (-551.858) -- 0:00:15
      738500 -- (-551.294) (-552.097) [-553.178] (-552.326) * (-552.082) [-551.747] (-552.643) (-554.823) -- 0:00:15
      739000 -- (-555.239) [-551.807] (-553.511) (-551.908) * (-551.298) [-555.220] (-554.924) (-554.964) -- 0:00:15
      739500 -- (-551.340) (-552.952) [-551.015] (-550.299) * [-551.089] (-552.477) (-553.073) (-553.824) -- 0:00:15
      740000 -- (-550.487) [-553.723] (-549.912) (-553.325) * (-551.778) [-550.743] (-551.286) (-556.092) -- 0:00:15

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009507

      740500 -- [-551.102] (-553.126) (-552.380) (-552.820) * (-553.460) [-551.672] (-552.923) (-557.104) -- 0:00:15
      741000 -- (-553.329) (-553.130) [-553.223] (-554.394) * (-550.898) (-552.099) [-552.910] (-551.882) -- 0:00:15
      741500 -- (-550.714) (-552.067) [-553.219] (-550.969) * (-555.216) (-552.761) (-552.021) [-551.055] -- 0:00:15
      742000 -- (-551.418) (-550.376) (-552.820) [-551.125] * (-555.305) [-551.619] (-552.352) (-550.059) -- 0:00:15
      742500 -- (-551.830) (-553.311) [-550.917] (-552.626) * (-551.526) [-550.897] (-552.164) (-553.456) -- 0:00:15
      743000 -- (-551.097) (-556.052) (-550.977) [-554.082] * (-553.855) [-551.510] (-551.608) (-551.063) -- 0:00:15
      743500 -- [-552.368] (-556.082) (-551.791) (-553.854) * (-554.361) [-552.518] (-552.639) (-559.940) -- 0:00:15
      744000 -- (-556.577) (-557.943) (-551.409) [-550.281] * (-555.284) [-550.280] (-555.614) (-550.624) -- 0:00:15
      744500 -- (-557.464) (-553.216) [-551.220] (-550.736) * [-551.591] (-550.469) (-552.931) (-551.950) -- 0:00:15
      745000 -- [-551.737] (-556.077) (-556.005) (-560.479) * [-551.769] (-551.391) (-550.896) (-550.857) -- 0:00:15

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009637

      745500 -- (-555.342) (-550.783) [-551.667] (-558.820) * (-550.167) (-555.103) [-552.689] (-553.565) -- 0:00:15
      746000 -- (-553.070) [-553.086] (-551.125) (-551.420) * (-558.916) [-555.349] (-552.359) (-553.320) -- 0:00:15
      746500 -- [-551.133] (-554.972) (-551.045) (-556.666) * (-552.231) [-551.771] (-557.440) (-551.856) -- 0:00:15
      747000 -- [-551.544] (-551.279) (-550.558) (-555.164) * (-550.479) [-552.641] (-553.506) (-553.089) -- 0:00:15
      747500 -- (-558.952) [-550.890] (-550.597) (-551.927) * (-554.021) (-553.988) (-552.715) [-552.909] -- 0:00:15
      748000 -- (-551.420) [-550.638] (-555.907) (-554.550) * (-553.913) (-551.490) [-554.436] (-553.438) -- 0:00:15
      748500 -- (-551.311) [-553.500] (-558.730) (-553.380) * [-553.142] (-551.331) (-554.314) (-566.584) -- 0:00:15
      749000 -- [-555.338] (-550.158) (-555.656) (-551.743) * [-558.222] (-551.553) (-553.386) (-552.566) -- 0:00:15
      749500 -- (-554.083) (-551.033) (-557.142) [-551.280] * [-558.142] (-553.758) (-551.676) (-557.662) -- 0:00:15
      750000 -- [-555.633] (-558.646) (-553.739) (-552.634) * (-552.181) [-551.435] (-552.273) (-553.453) -- 0:00:15

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009066

      750500 -- (-554.806) (-558.211) [-552.742] (-554.922) * (-551.714) (-552.598) (-553.042) [-552.003] -- 0:00:15
      751000 -- (-554.072) [-551.349] (-551.070) (-553.833) * (-555.625) [-552.953] (-552.420) (-551.146) -- 0:00:15
      751500 -- [-550.251] (-550.181) (-551.503) (-550.645) * [-554.000] (-551.953) (-553.224) (-551.843) -- 0:00:15
      752000 -- (-554.537) (-550.221) [-551.533] (-553.012) * [-553.326] (-552.756) (-550.955) (-553.370) -- 0:00:15
      752500 -- (-551.720) (-551.945) [-552.437] (-552.937) * (-550.364) (-550.272) [-553.719] (-551.594) -- 0:00:15
      753000 -- (-551.388) [-551.685] (-553.130) (-550.266) * (-550.382) (-551.220) [-551.039] (-550.650) -- 0:00:15
      753500 -- (-555.647) (-554.178) [-551.605] (-551.421) * (-551.414) [-551.126] (-555.159) (-550.747) -- 0:00:15
      754000 -- (-552.175) (-552.060) (-551.796) [-552.182] * (-550.530) [-550.523] (-554.127) (-554.805) -- 0:00:15
      754500 -- (-554.100) (-550.728) [-551.339] (-550.522) * (-551.636) (-551.697) [-552.202] (-551.525) -- 0:00:14
      755000 -- [-551.224] (-552.473) (-551.494) (-553.051) * (-551.300) [-554.034] (-550.250) (-552.037) -- 0:00:14

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009236

      755500 -- (-553.187) [-551.655] (-553.013) (-550.889) * (-555.069) [-553.392] (-550.772) (-551.117) -- 0:00:14
      756000 -- (-554.417) (-551.175) (-551.727) [-550.649] * (-554.321) [-551.570] (-551.170) (-565.164) -- 0:00:14
      756500 -- (-553.253) (-552.028) [-551.274] (-553.921) * (-550.492) [-551.169] (-553.339) (-551.164) -- 0:00:14
      757000 -- (-553.077) (-552.530) (-550.614) [-551.564] * (-550.770) (-552.494) (-552.153) [-550.680] -- 0:00:14
      757500 -- [-552.325] (-553.734) (-552.384) (-550.779) * [-553.405] (-554.154) (-550.860) (-551.884) -- 0:00:14
      758000 -- (-551.079) (-553.526) (-551.573) [-550.705] * (-552.263) [-551.952] (-550.832) (-551.132) -- 0:00:14
      758500 -- (-551.185) [-551.009] (-550.820) (-552.048) * [-552.870] (-550.412) (-555.274) (-555.739) -- 0:00:14
      759000 -- [-551.333] (-550.668) (-550.628) (-550.205) * (-553.024) (-550.254) [-551.935] (-553.521) -- 0:00:14
      759500 -- (-552.318) (-553.002) [-554.625] (-549.840) * (-555.035) [-553.530] (-550.176) (-550.779) -- 0:00:14
      760000 -- [-552.140] (-550.885) (-557.492) (-552.049) * [-551.638] (-554.976) (-551.287) (-550.682) -- 0:00:14

      Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.008986

      760500 -- [-556.429] (-551.507) (-557.489) (-551.644) * (-551.795) (-551.399) (-555.092) [-550.824] -- 0:00:14
      761000 -- (-551.133) [-553.000] (-554.240) (-551.175) * (-553.338) [-552.242] (-554.486) (-550.358) -- 0:00:14
      761500 -- (-553.771) (-552.586) (-550.878) [-551.676] * [-552.883] (-554.362) (-554.014) (-551.968) -- 0:00:14
      762000 -- (-552.521) (-553.153) [-552.116] (-550.350) * [-552.858] (-551.616) (-555.300) (-555.318) -- 0:00:14
      762500 -- (-552.416) (-553.004) [-553.326] (-550.165) * (-551.528) (-550.866) (-554.629) [-556.291] -- 0:00:14
      763000 -- [-552.599] (-554.374) (-550.843) (-551.063) * [-552.239] (-551.263) (-550.842) (-554.736) -- 0:00:14
      763500 -- [-551.906] (-553.638) (-550.286) (-553.600) * [-557.409] (-555.052) (-551.399) (-550.344) -- 0:00:14
      764000 -- [-550.493] (-551.654) (-550.654) (-556.260) * (-555.438) (-553.162) [-554.197] (-551.195) -- 0:00:14
      764500 -- [-550.458] (-551.511) (-553.805) (-553.859) * (-552.531) (-553.338) (-551.238) [-553.862] -- 0:00:14
      765000 -- [-551.857] (-554.088) (-550.999) (-552.747) * (-553.542) (-553.038) (-551.796) [-551.903] -- 0:00:14

      Average standard deviation of split frequ