--- EXPERIMENT NOTES --- EXPERIMENT PROPERTIES #Fri Dec 02 17:12:20 WET 2016 codeml.models=0 1 2 3 7 8 mrbayes.mpich= mrbayes.ngen=1000000 tcoffee.alignMethod=CLUSTALW2 tcoffee.params= tcoffee.maxSeqs=0 codeml.bin=codeml mrbayes.tburnin=2500 codeml.dir= input.sequences= mrbayes.pburnin=2500 mrbayes.bin=mb_adops tcoffee.bin=t_coffee_ADOPS mrbayes.dir=/usr/bin/ tcoffee.dir= tcoffee.minScore=3 input.fasta=/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/input.fasta input.names= mrbayes.params= codeml.params= --- PSRF SUMMARY Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files "/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": (Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models) (Values are saved to the file /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat) Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean -------------------------------------- 1 -3259.91 -3271.25 2 -3259.82 -3271.86 -------------------------------------- TOTAL -3259.87 -3271.60 -------------------------------------- Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files "/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs. Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included. Parameter summaries saved to file "/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat". 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TL{all} 0.230440 0.001056 0.172915 0.295420 0.227723 1209.70 1238.88 1.000 r(A<->C){all} 0.104072 0.000639 0.058552 0.155383 0.102998 1111.57 1134.07 1.000 r(A<->G){all} 0.339859 0.002735 0.244213 0.446532 0.336847 766.10 802.80 1.000 r(A<->T){all} 0.058702 0.000597 0.013935 0.106572 0.056275 1038.42 1057.47 1.000 r(C<->G){all} 0.033897 0.000178 0.010897 0.061003 0.032637 1304.14 1318.94 1.000 r(C<->T){all} 0.378973 0.002325 0.286801 0.473471 0.376904 767.40 859.26 1.000 r(G<->T){all} 0.084497 0.000506 0.044178 0.129013 0.082661 753.66 942.10 1.002 pi(A){all} 0.206418 0.000106 0.185443 0.225456 0.206218 1191.46 1322.18 1.000 pi(C){all} 0.274739 0.000120 0.253998 0.296076 0.274663 1207.46 1264.22 1.000 pi(G){all} 0.248815 0.000117 0.227810 0.270250 0.249087 1380.89 1406.52 1.000 pi(T){all} 0.270028 0.000121 0.249088 0.292018 0.270051 1017.85 1124.12 1.000 alpha{1,2} 0.052960 0.001438 0.000132 0.123102 0.046770 1377.83 1390.34 1.000 alpha{3} 2.615035 0.817187 1.036038 4.423682 2.483170 1487.92 1494.46 1.000 pinvar{all} 0.471386 0.006916 0.308873 0.623352 0.482469 1233.53 1265.51 1.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs. ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled. + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. Setting sumt conformat to Simple --- CODEML SUMMARY Model 1: NearlyNeutral -3079.999657 Model 2: PositiveSelection -3079.983724 Model 0: one-ratio -3090.566569 Model 3: discrete -3079.983724 Model 7: beta -3080.174586 Model 8: beta&w>1 -3079.986349 Model 0 vs 1 21.13382400000046 Model 2 vs 1 0.031865999999354244 Model 8 vs 7 0.3764740000005986
>C1 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRAQCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYVFNTIIL LVLAWSGSISFTESCIMMGFLILYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVLNLPENTSSMSSTANLTR NKHLNDEDDVADVVPGSIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTMALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C2 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRAPCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVNQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFMLLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRNASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGMPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C3 MVKTATFWCCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVSQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRDASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C4 MVKTAVMLLCFFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKAATGNASSFFEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHRNDEDDDADGMPESIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCINY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C5 MVKTAVILLCLFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKATTGNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGENEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMIGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDDADGIPESIYAYPHDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS CLUSTAL FORMAT for T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 [http://www.tcoffee.org] [MODE: ], CPU=0.00 sec, SCORE=100, Nseq=5, Len=522 C1 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD C2 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD C3 MVKTATFWCCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD C4 MVKTAVMLLCFFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKAATGNASSFFEVSLRYFDEQLLLD C5 MVKTAVILLCLFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKATTGNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD *****.: *:*.*****:********:*.*****:************** C1 ILPRAQCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII C2 ILPRAPCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVNQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFMLLAII C3 ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVSQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII C4 ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII C5 ILPRATCPGENEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII ***** ****:**************.******************:***** C1 CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD C2 CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD C3 CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD C4 CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD C5 CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD ************************************************** C1 MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYVFNTIIL C2 MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL C3 MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL C4 MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL C5 MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL *******************************************:****** C1 LVLAWSGSISFTESCIMMGFLILYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF C2 LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF C3 LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF C4 LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF C5 LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMIGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF *****.***********:***:***:************************ C1 STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVLNLPENTSSMSSTANLTR C2 STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH C3 STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH C4 STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH C5 STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH ********************************:****************: C1 NKHLNDEDDVADVVPGSIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP C2 PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRNASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP C3 PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRDASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP C4 PKHRNDEDDDADGMPESIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP C5 PKHLNDEDDDADGIPESIYAYPHDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP ** ***** ** :* ******::**** ***********.********* C1 MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA C2 MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA C3 MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA C4 MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA C5 MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA ************************************************** C1 GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY C2 GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGMPWFIKNCIHY C3 GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY C4 GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCINY C5 GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY ***************************************:********:* C1 GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTMALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY C2 GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY C3 GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY C4 GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY C5 GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY ************************:************************* C1 GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS C2 GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS C3 GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS C4 GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS C5 GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS ********************** PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:04 - Revision 1613 - Build 427) -full_log S [0] -genepred_score S [0] nsd -run_name S [0] -mem_mode S [0] mem -extend D [1] 1 -extend_mode S [0] very_fast_triplet -max_n_pair D [0] 10 -seq_name_for_quadruplet S [0] all -compact S [0] default -clean S [0] no -do_self FL [0] 0 -do_normalise D [0] 1000 -template_file S [0] -setenv S [0] 0 -template_mode S [0] -flip D [0] 0 -remove_template_file D [0] 0 -profile_template_file S [0] -in S [0] -seq S [0] -aln S [0] -method_limits S [0] -method S [0] -lib S [0] -profile S [0] -profile1 S [0] -profile2 S [0] -pdb S [0] -relax_lib D [0] 1 -filter_lib D [0] 0 -shrink_lib D [0] 0 -out_lib W_F [0] no -out_lib_mode S [0] primary -lib_only D [0] 0 -outseqweight W_F [0] no -dpa FL [0] 0 -seq_source S [0] ANY -cosmetic_penalty D [0] 0 -gapopen D [0] 0 -gapext D [0] 0 -fgapopen D [0] 0 -fgapext D [0] 0 -nomatch D [0] 0 -newtree W_F [0] default -tree W_F [0] NO -usetree R_F [0] -tree_mode S [0] nj -distance_matrix_mode S [0] ktup -distance_matrix_sim_mode S [0] idmat_sim1 -quicktree FL [0] 0 -outfile W_F [0] default -maximise FL [1] 1 -output S [1] score_ascii html score_ascii -len D [0] 0 -infile R_F [1] /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -matrix S [0] default -tg_mode D [0] 1 -profile_mode S [0] cw_profile_profile -profile_comparison S [0] profile -dp_mode S [0] linked_pair_wise -ktuple D [0] 1 -ndiag D [0] 0 -diag_threshold D [0] 0 -diag_mode D [0] 0 -sim_matrix S [0] vasiliky -transform S [0] -extend_seq FL [0] 0 -outorder S [0] input -inorder S [0] aligned -seqnos S [0] off -case S [0] keep -cpu D [0] 0 -maxnseq D [0] 1000 -maxlen D [0] -1 -sample_dp D [0] 0 -weight S [0] default -seq_weight S [0] no -align FL [1] 1 -mocca FL [0] 0 -domain FL [0] 0 -start D [0] 0 -len D [0] 0 -scale D [0] 0 -mocca_interactive FL [0] 0 -method_evaluate_mode S [0] default -evaluate_mode S [1] t_coffee_fast -get_type FL [0] 0 -clean_aln D [0] 0 -clean_threshold D [1] 1 -clean_iteration D [1] 1 -clean_evaluate_mode S [0] t_coffee_fast -extend_matrix FL [0] 0 -prot_min_sim D [40] 40 -prot_max_sim D [90] 90 -prot_min_cov D [40] 40 -pdb_type S [0] d -pdb_min_sim D [35] 35 -pdb_max_sim D [100] 100 -pdb_min_cov D [50] 50 -pdb_blast_server W_F [0] EBI -blast W_F [0] -blast_server W_F [0] EBI -pdb_db W_F [0] pdb -protein_db W_F [0] uniprot -method_log W_F [0] no -struc_to_use S [0] -cache W_F [0] use -align_pdb_param_file W_F [0] no -align_pdb_hasch_mode W_F [0] hasch_ca_trace_bubble -external_aligner S [0] NO -msa_mode S [0] tree -master S [0] no -blast_nseq D [0] 0 -lalign_n_top D [0] 10 -iterate D [1] 0 -trim D [0] 0 -split D [0] 0 -trimfile S [0] default -split D [0] 0 -split_nseq_thres D [0] 0 -split_score_thres D [0] 0 -check_pdb_status D [0] 0 -clean_seq_name D [0] 0 -seq_to_keep S [0] -dpa_master_aln S [0] -dpa_maxnseq D [0] 0 -dpa_min_score1 D [0] -dpa_min_score2 D [0] -dpa_keep_tmpfile FL [0] 0 -dpa_debug D [0] 0 -multi_core S [0] templates_jobs_relax_msa_evaluate -n_core D [0] 0 -max_n_proc D [0] 0 -lib_list S [0] -prune_lib_mode S [0] 5 -tip S [0] none -rna_lib S [0] -no_warning D [0] 0 -run_local_script D [0] 0 -plugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnlugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] lugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 5 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 522 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [10440] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] Relaxation Summary: [10440]--->[10440] UN-WEIGHTED MODE: EVERY SEQUENCE WEIGHTS 1 OUTPUT RESULTS #### File Type= MSA Format= score_ascii Name= input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.score_ascii #### File Type= MSA Format= html Name= input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.html #### File Type= MSA Format= score_ascii Name= input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.score_ascii # Command Line: t_coffee_ADOPS -infile /opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -output score_ascii -special_mode evaluate -evaluate_mode t_coffee_fast [PROGRAM:T-COFFEE] # T-COFFEE Memory Usage: Current= 29.343 Mb, Max= 30.800 Mb # Results Produced with T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:04 - Revision 1613 - Build 427) # T-COFFEE is available from http://www.tcoffee.org # Register on: https://groups.google.com/group/tcoffee/ >C1 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRAQCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYVFNTIIL LVLAWSGSISFTESCIMMGFLILYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVLNLPENTSSMSSTANLTR NKHLNDEDDVADVVPGSIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTMALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C2 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRAPCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVNQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFMLLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRNASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGMPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C3 MVKTATFWCCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVSQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRDASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C4 MVKTAVMLLCFFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKAATGNASSFFEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHRNDEDDDADGMPESIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCINY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C5 MVKTAVILLCLFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKATTGNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGENEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMIGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDDADGIPESIYAYPHDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS FORMAT of file /tmp/tmp3851183698904951851aln Not Supported[FATAL:T-COFFEE] >C1 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRAQCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYVFNTIIL LVLAWSGSISFTESCIMMGFLILYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVLNLPENTSSMSSTANLTR NKHLNDEDDVADVVPGSIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP 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TGCAACGACTACTTCCTGCCGACGGTGGAGTGCATCTGCGAGGACTTGCA CCTCTCGAAGGACGTGGCAGCGGCCACTTTCATGGCTACCGCCACCTCCA TGCCCGAATTCTTCACGAACACGATCAGCACGTTGATCCTGGAGTCAGAT ATGGGCCTGGGCACGATTATCGGCTCGTTAATGTTCAACACATTGGGAGT GGCCGGCCTAGCTGCGCTCGCCATCGATAAGCCGGTGCAACTGGACTGGT GGCCCATAGCTCGCGATTGCTTCATTTATATCTTCAACACGATTATCCTG CTGGTCTTGGCCTGGGGCGGAAGCATTAGTTTCACGGAGTCCTGCATCAT GATGGGATTCCTCGTGCTTTACTACATTATCACGTTCAACAACAACAAGT TCATGCCCGCCATCCGGGTGTTTATCGAGGATCGTATGAACTGCTGCTTC TCCACGCGATATGATCTAACGGAGCCCCCAGAGAACAGTGCCAAGGCGCA GCTTCCGCTCAAAAAGGATCCTCTGTCCGGCGATGGCCTCTTTGTTGTCA ATCTTCCCGAAAACACCTCTTCCATGTCTTCCACCGCTAACCTAACACAT CCCAAGCATCTTAACGACGAGGACGACGTCGCGGACGGAGTGCCCGAGAG CATATACGCTTACCCTCGTGACGCATCCGGTTGGAGGCAATTCTGGTGGA TCTTCGTCTTTCCCATTAAGGTCACGCTATCCCTACTGATCCCGCACCCG ATGAAGTACCGCCGACTGTACCCATTATCATTTATCATGTGTATTCTTTG CATTGGCGGAAACGCCTACCTTATCGTCTGGATGCTGACTGCCTTTGGTG TGGCCATTCATGTGCCTACCATTGTGATGGGTCTGACCTTTCTGGCTGCT GGCTCTACCATGCCGGAAGCCGTCTCCAGTCTTATTTCCCTCAGAAATGG GGAAAATGGCATTGGAGTTTCCAATTCGCTGGGCGCCAATTCCTTGGCCA TCTTGTTATCCCTTGGAGTGCCTTGGTTCATTAAGAACTGTATACACTAC GGAACTGGGGAGCCCCAGCAGGTTGGCACCCAGGGCATCGAGTATAACAT CCTGATCTTGATCATATCCACTGTGGCGCTGTTCATAATCCTAAGCTTCA GTGGATATCGGCTTACGAAGCGAGTGGGTGTAGCCCTCTTCACGGTGTAC GGAGTCTTTATTGTTCTACAGATCCTCATCGAGATGAATGTATTCTTTCC CAGAGATTGCAGTAGC >C4 ATGGTCAAAACGGCTGTCATGTTGCTGTGCTTTTTCGTTACATTATGTGG AAGCCTTTTGACGGTTACTCAAGCCAAAGCAGCAACTGGCAACGCAAGCA GTTTTTTTGAGGTCTCCCTGCGCTATTTTGATGAGCAGCTTCTGCTGGAC ATCCTGCCACGAGCCACATGTCCTGGCGAGGATGAAGGATCTCCGATGGA CGAGTTCGCCGACCTGTTTACGGTGGATCAACTCCGCCAAGGATGGGTGG TGCTGCACGTCTTCGCTGCGGTCTACTTCTTTATCTTGCTGGCCATCATC TGCAACGACTACTTTCTGCCGACGGTGGAGTGCATCTGCGAGGACTTGCA CCTTTCGAAGGATGTGGCGGCGGCCACCTTCATGGCCACGGCTACCTCCA TGCCCGAGTTCTTCACGAACACGATTAGCACGTTGATTCTGGAGTCAGAT ATGGGTCTGGGAACGATTATCGGTTCGCTGATGTTCAACACGCTGGGAGT GGCCGGACTAGCTGCGCTGGCCATTGATAAGCCGGTGCAACTAGACTGGT GGCCCATAGCTCGCGACTGCTTTATTTATATCTTCAACACGATTATCCTG CTGGTCCTGGCCTGGGGCGGAAGCATTAGTTTTACAGAGTCCTGTATCAT 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AAGCCTTTTGACGGTTACTCAGGCCAAAGCAACTACTGGCAACGCAAGCA GTTTCTTGGAGGTCTCGCTGCGCTATTTTGATGAGCAGCTTCTGCTGGAC ATCCTGCCGCGCGCCACGTGTCCTGGCGAGAATGAAGGATCTCCGATGGA CGAGTTCGCCGACCTGTTCACGGTGGATCAACTCCGCCAAGGATGGGTGG TGCTGCACGTCTTTGCTGCGGTTTACTTCTTCATCCTGCTGGCCATTATC TGCAACGACTACTTCCTGCCGACGGTGGAGTGCATCTGCGAGGACTTGCA CCTTTCAAAGGACGTGGCAGCGGCCACTTTCATGGCCACGGCCACCTCCA TGCCCGAGTTCTTCACGAACACGATCAGCACGTTGATTCTGGAGTCAGAT ATGGGTCTGGGCACTATTATCGGCTCGTTGATGTTCAACACGCTGGGAGT GGCCGGCTTGGCGGCGCTCGCCATCGATAAGCCTGTGCAACTGGACTGGT GGCCCATAGCTCGCGACTGCTTCATTTATATATTCAACACGATTATCCTG CTGGTCTTAGCCTGGGGCGGAAGCATTAGTTTCACGGAGTCCTGCATCAT GATCGGATTCCTCGTGCTTTACTACCTTATCACGTTCAACAATAACAAGT TCATGCCCGCCATCCGGGTGTTTATCGAGGATCGAATGAACTGCTGCTTC TCCACGCGATATGATCTAACAGAGCCCCCAGAGAACAGCGCCAAGGCGCA GCTGCCGCTCAAAAAGGACCCTCTGTCCGGCGATGGCCTTTTTGTGGTTA ATCTTCCCGAAAACACCTCGTCAATGTCTTCCACCGCCAACCTCACACAC CCCAAGCACCTGAACGACGAGGACGACGACGCGGACGGTATACCCGAGAG CATATACGCTTACCCACATGACGCCTCCGGTTGGATGCAATTCTGGTGGA TCTTCGTCTTTCCCATTAAGTTCACGCTATCCCTGCTGATCCCGCACCCG ATGAAGTACCGCCGGCTGTACCCATTATCTTTTATCATGTGCATCCTTTG CATTGGCGGAAACGCCTACCTAATTGTCTGGATGCTGACTGCCTTTGGTG TGGCCATCCATGTGCCCACCATTGTGATGGGTCTGACCTTCCTGGCTGCT GGCTCTACTATGCCGGAAGCCGTCTCCAGTCTTATTTCCCTTAGAAATGG GGAAAATGGCATTGGAGTTTCTAATTCGTTGGGCGCCAATTCGTTGGCCA TCTTGCTGTCCCTTGGAGTGCCTTGGTTCATTAAGAACTGCATACACTAC GGAACTGGAGAGCCCCAGCAGGTTGGCACCCAGGGCATCGAGTATAACAT CCTGATCCTGATCATATCCACTGTGGCGCTGTTCATAATCCTCAGTTTCA GTGGATATCGGCTTACGAAGCGAGTGGGCGTAGCCCTCTTCACGGTCTAC GGAGTGTTTATTGTTCTGCAAATCCTCATCGAAATGAATGTTTTTTTTCC CAGAGATTGCAGCAGC >C1 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRAQCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYVFNTIIL LVLAWSGSISFTESCIMMGFLILYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVLNLPENTSSMSSTANLTR NKHLNDEDDVADVVPGSIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTMALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C2 MVKTATFWRCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRAPCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVNQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFMLLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRNASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGMPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C3 MVKTATFWCCLFFTLCGSFLTVTQAKAATSNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVSQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYIITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDVADGVPESIYAYPRDASGWRQFWWIFVFPIKVTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C4 MVKTAVMLLCFFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKAATGNASSFFEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGEDEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMMGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHRNDEDDDADGMPESIYAYPRDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCINY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS >C5 MVKTAVILLCLFVTLCGSLLTVTQAKATTGNASSFLEVSLRYFDEQLLLD ILPRATCPGENEGSPMDEFADLFTVDQLRQGWVVLHVFAAVYFFILLAII CNDYFLPTVECICEDLHLSKDVAAATFMATATSMPEFFTNTISTLILESD MGLGTIIGSLMFNTLGVAGLAALAIDKPVQLDWWPIARDCFIYIFNTIIL LVLAWGGSISFTESCIMIGFLVLYYLITFNNNKFMPAIRVFIEDRMNCCF STRYDLTEPPENSAKAQLPLKKDPLSGDGLFVVNLPENTSSMSSTANLTH PKHLNDEDDDADGIPESIYAYPHDASGWMQFWWIFVFPIKFTLSLLIPHP MKYRRLYPLSFIMCILCIGGNAYLIVWMLTAFGVAIHVPTIVMGLTFLAA GSTMPEAVSSLISLRNGENGIGVSNSLGANSLAILLSLGVPWFIKNCIHY GTGEPQQVGTQGIEYNILILIISTVALFIILSFSGYRLTKRVGVALFTVY GVFIVLQILIEMNVFFPRDCSS MrBayes v3.2.2 x64 (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny) Distributed under the GNU General Public License Type "help" or "help <command>" for information on the commands that are available. Type "about" for authorship and general information about the program. Executing file "/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb" UNIX line termination Longest line length = 63 Parsing file Expecting NEXUS formatted file Reading data block Allocated taxon set Allocated matrix Defining new matrix with 5 taxa and 1566 characters Missing data coded as ? Data matrix is interleaved Data is Dna Gaps coded as - Matching characters coded as . Taxon 1 -> C1 Taxon 2 -> C2 Taxon 3 -> C3 Taxon 4 -> C4 Taxon 5 -> C5 Successfully read matrix Setting default partition (does not divide up characters) Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 1480698400 Setting output file names to "/opt/ADOPS/90/CG17167-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run<i>.<p|t>" Exiting data block Reading mrbayes block Setting autoclose to yes Setting nowarnings to yes Defining charset called first_pos Defining charset called second_pos Defining charset called third_pos Defining partition called by_codon Setting by_codon as the partition, dividing characters into 3 parts. Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 1612901684 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 1 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 2 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 3 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 1 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 2 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 3 Successfully set likelihood model parameters to all applicable data partitions Unlinking Setting number of generations to 1000000 Running Markov chain MCMC stamp = 4464089025 Seed = 1129724045 Swapseed = 1480698400 Model settings: Settings for partition 1 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma Gamma shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (2.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation. Settings for partition 2 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma Gamma shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (2.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation. Settings for partition 3 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma Gamma shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (2.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Gamma distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Likelihood summarized over all rate categories in each generation. Active parameters: Partition(s) Parameters 1 2 3 ------------------------ Revmat 1 1 1 Statefreq 2 2 2 Shape 3 3 4 Pinvar 5 5 5 Ratemultiplier 6 6 6 Topology 7 7 7 Brlens 8 8 8 ------------------------ Parameters can be linked or unlinked across partitions using 'link' and 'unlink' 1 -- Parameter = Revmat{all} Type = Rates of reversible rate matrix Prior = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Partitions = All 2 -- Parameter = Pi{all} Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet Partitions = All 3 -- Parameter = Alpha{1,2} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(2.00) Partitions = 1 and 2 4 -- Parameter = Alpha{3} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(2.00) Partition = 3 5 -- Parameter = Pinvar{all} Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) Partitions = All 6 -- Parameter = Ratemultiplier{all} Type = Partition-specific rate multiplier Prior = Fixed(1.0) Partitions = All 7 -- Parameter = Tau{all} Type = Topology Prior = All topologies equally probable a priori Partitions = All Subparam. = V{all} 8 -- Parameter = V{all} Type = Branch lengths Prior = Unconstrained:Exponential(10.0) Partitions = All The MCMC sampler will use the following moves: With prob. Chain will use move 1.06 % Dirichlet(Revmat{all}) 1.06 % Slider(Revmat{all}) 1.06 % Dirichlet(Pi{all}) 1.06 % Slider(Pi{all}) 2.13 % Multiplier(Alpha{1,2}) 2.13 % Multiplier(Alpha{3}) 2.13 % Slider(Pinvar{all}) 10.64 % ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 10.64 % ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all}) 10.64 % NNI(Tau{all},V{all}) 10.64 % ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 31.91 % Multiplier(V{all}) 10.64 % Nodeslider(V{all}) 4.26 % TLMultiplier(V{all}) Division 1 has 28 unique site patterns Division 2 has 14 unique site patterns Division 3 has 63 unique site patterns Initializing conditional likelihoods Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 1 (single-precision) Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 2 (single-precision) Using standard SSE likelihood calculator for division 3 (single-precision) Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 1: Chain 1 -- -4049.407275 -- -25.624409 Chain 2 -- -4029.632605 -- -25.624409 Chain 3 -- -3923.412630 -- -25.624409 Chain 4 -- -4048.358555 -- -25.624409 Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 2: Chain 1 -- -4026.342850 -- -25.624409 Chain 2 -- -4026.451081 -- -25.624409 Chain 3 -- -4049.407275 -- -25.624409 Chain 4 -- -3923.412630 -- -25.624409 Using a relative burnin of 25.0 % for diagnostics Chain results (1000000 generations requested): 0 -- [-4049.407] (-4029.633) (-3923.413) (-4048.359) * [-4026.343] (-4026.451) (-4049.407) (-3923.413) 500 -- (-3317.265) (-3323.564) (-3326.193) [-3326.560] * [-3321.182] (-3331.644) (-3343.681) (-3326.459) -- 0:00:00 1000 -- (-3314.842) (-3310.636) [-3297.865] (-3318.167) * [-3311.478] (-3300.012) (-3315.201) (-3313.027) -- 0:00:00 1500 -- (-3305.435) (-3302.006) [-3275.687] (-3305.768) * (-3303.222) [-3297.822] (-3298.824) (-3301.789) -- 0:00:00 2000 -- [-3293.348] (-3288.180) (-3279.238) (-3306.824) * (-3294.616) (-3296.828) [-3290.226] (-3295.240) -- 0:00:00 2500 -- (-3290.197) (-3271.907) [-3272.408] (-3292.258) * (-3284.692) [-3274.306] (-3283.363) (-3294.604) -- 0:00:00 3000 -- (-3280.674) (-3271.327) [-3262.790] (-3280.224) * (-3275.586) [-3271.631] (-3276.081) (-3292.621) -- 0:05:32 3500 -- (-3275.508) [-3268.748] (-3263.457) (-3270.945) * (-3274.872) [-3271.434] (-3278.127) (-3289.021) -- 0:04:44 4000 -- (-3262.364) (-3267.611) [-3269.833] (-3278.129) * (-3272.407) (-3266.873) [-3272.009] (-3274.607) -- 0:04:09 4500 -- [-3266.428] (-3268.371) (-3267.035) (-3272.058) * (-3269.918) (-3268.331) [-3265.634] (-3274.678) -- 0:03:41 5000 -- (-3261.957) [-3266.974] (-3270.250) (-3266.976) * [-3270.829] (-3266.640) (-3264.995) (-3279.934) -- 0:03:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 5500 -- [-3263.734] (-3267.236) (-3264.760) (-3273.056) * (-3266.706) [-3258.919] (-3265.134) (-3268.791) -- 0:03:00 6000 -- (-3266.984) [-3263.765] (-3261.878) (-3268.477) * (-3262.292) [-3259.342] (-3268.654) (-3270.810) -- 0:02:45 6500 -- (-3265.899) (-3261.729) (-3267.313) [-3264.841] * (-3259.089) (-3257.192) (-3262.807) [-3267.869] -- 0:02:32 7000 -- (-3259.859) [-3265.094] (-3268.716) (-3262.135) * (-3266.528) (-3262.237) [-3266.660] (-3266.925) -- 0:02:21 7500 -- (-3262.073) (-3270.891) [-3264.930] (-3268.163) * [-3262.134] (-3261.738) (-3268.249) (-3259.068) -- 0:02:12 8000 -- (-3263.910) (-3268.383) (-3260.795) [-3264.859] * [-3263.116] (-3266.941) (-3267.789) (-3265.452) -- 0:04:08 8500 -- [-3260.141] (-3266.722) (-3265.654) (-3266.222) * [-3258.978] (-3265.783) (-3260.514) (-3270.261) -- 0:03:53 9000 -- (-3261.818) (-3264.582) [-3265.815] (-3268.967) * (-3260.335) [-3262.908] (-3257.860) (-3270.526) -- 0:03:40 9500 -- (-3261.581) (-3260.906) (-3265.147) [-3266.294] * [-3258.848] (-3270.507) (-3263.985) (-3267.506) -- 0:03:28 10000 -- [-3265.012] (-3263.672) (-3265.508) (-3275.007) * (-3262.092) [-3265.973] (-3270.496) (-3267.685) -- 0:03:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 10500 -- (-3262.525) [-3266.169] (-3265.314) (-3266.675) * (-3260.600) (-3259.588) (-3264.143) [-3260.153] -- 0:03:08 11000 -- (-3263.144) (-3268.753) [-3260.692] (-3271.963) * (-3263.442) (-3262.330) [-3265.042] (-3267.881) -- 0:02:59 11500 -- (-3266.190) [-3261.729] (-3263.492) (-3268.975) * (-3267.240) (-3268.271) (-3261.937) [-3258.936] -- 0:02:51 12000 -- [-3270.228] (-3269.814) (-3265.896) (-3275.241) * (-3261.543) [-3261.906] (-3262.737) (-3262.573) -- 0:02:44 12500 -- (-3262.451) [-3262.789] (-3269.774) (-3273.674) * (-3262.853) (-3265.400) [-3265.529] (-3266.470) -- 0:03:57 13000 -- (-3262.062) [-3260.709] (-3263.704) (-3268.107) * (-3262.806) (-3261.960) (-3262.435) [-3266.558] -- 0:03:47 13500 -- (-3261.074) (-3263.515) [-3270.786] (-3265.481) * (-3268.741) (-3260.606) [-3264.149] (-3268.242) -- 0:03:39 14000 -- (-3261.098) [-3261.598] (-3268.189) (-3260.744) * (-3268.231) (-3261.412) [-3268.991] (-3270.301) -- 0:03:31 14500 -- (-3264.144) (-3262.254) [-3268.335] (-3261.413) * (-3262.095) (-3262.225) (-3269.755) [-3272.029] -- 0:03:23 15000 -- [-3260.822] (-3268.646) (-3261.300) (-3260.250) * (-3258.943) [-3264.267] (-3267.332) (-3268.610) -- 0:03:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 15500 -- (-3260.696) (-3261.549) (-3265.222) [-3261.210] * [-3273.969] (-3258.848) (-3267.420) (-3270.682) -- 0:03:10 16000 -- (-3269.131) [-3265.371] (-3269.524) (-3261.647) * (-3269.911) (-3259.652) [-3261.464] (-3263.445) -- 0:03:04 16500 -- (-3261.545) (-3266.039) (-3267.772) [-3262.503] * (-3259.726) (-3272.013) (-3262.421) [-3265.522] -- 0:02:58 17000 -- (-3263.188) (-3261.518) (-3270.695) [-3259.781] * [-3259.938] (-3266.492) (-3268.549) (-3267.328) -- 0:03:51 17500 -- (-3266.031) (-3259.532) (-3263.008) [-3260.151] * (-3268.103) [-3261.554] (-3256.053) (-3270.033) -- 0:03:44 18000 -- (-3271.759) (-3261.193) [-3262.251] (-3265.499) * (-3262.675) (-3261.980) [-3263.434] (-3263.907) -- 0:03:38 18500 -- (-3265.423) [-3267.615] (-3262.311) (-3266.781) * [-3262.222] (-3264.251) (-3267.924) (-3261.506) -- 0:03:32 19000 -- (-3261.177) (-3266.525) (-3265.300) [-3269.524] * (-3261.692) [-3257.353] (-3261.087) (-3272.140) -- 0:03:26 19500 -- [-3262.439] (-3266.996) (-3266.741) (-3265.310) * (-3266.550) (-3261.275) [-3263.211] (-3265.993) -- 0:03:21 20000 -- (-3260.891) [-3267.578] (-3263.198) (-3262.808) * [-3263.775] (-3258.087) (-3260.285) (-3268.481) -- 0:03:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 20500 -- (-3259.041) (-3265.013) [-3265.448] (-3257.886) * [-3265.231] (-3260.070) (-3262.897) (-3260.410) -- 0:03:11 21000 -- (-3259.252) (-3258.765) [-3261.308] (-3264.397) * (-3263.702) [-3270.200] (-3256.586) (-3259.679) -- 0:03:06 21500 -- (-3263.699) (-3264.159) (-3264.998) [-3264.195] * (-3260.562) [-3262.377] (-3265.796) (-3259.038) -- 0:03:47 22000 -- [-3262.435] (-3262.651) (-3263.895) (-3273.250) * (-3263.595) [-3259.375] (-3265.399) (-3261.634) -- 0:03:42 22500 -- [-3261.808] (-3275.988) (-3262.040) (-3264.500) * (-3265.186) [-3263.248] (-3264.587) (-3260.879) -- 0:03:37 23000 -- [-3262.365] (-3262.303) (-3258.465) (-3260.757) * [-3261.883] (-3268.780) (-3264.755) (-3263.847) -- 0:03:32 23500 -- (-3266.013) (-3265.033) [-3262.391] (-3264.578) * (-3257.968) (-3268.942) (-3259.076) [-3261.745] -- 0:03:27 24000 -- [-3262.032] (-3269.151) (-3264.121) (-3267.298) * [-3262.936] (-3266.897) (-3265.414) (-3262.039) -- 0:03:23 24500 -- (-3267.296) [-3264.347] (-3259.744) (-3267.016) * (-3262.042) (-3264.323) (-3261.436) [-3264.324] -- 0:03:19 25000 -- (-3263.131) [-3266.612] (-3262.287) (-3259.936) * (-3259.007) (-3261.209) (-3259.925) [-3262.866] -- 0:03:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 25500 -- (-3262.015) (-3264.323) [-3261.291] (-3266.852) * [-3257.496] (-3264.799) (-3266.844) (-3261.610) -- 0:03:11 26000 -- (-3266.260) (-3264.596) (-3262.660) [-3261.513] * (-3262.239) (-3270.986) [-3262.759] (-3265.959) -- 0:03:07 26500 -- (-3262.225) (-3267.663) (-3263.225) [-3263.512] * (-3260.367) (-3261.439) (-3269.201) [-3261.723] -- 0:03:40 27000 -- [-3262.012] (-3272.901) (-3262.753) (-3261.227) * [-3261.511] (-3265.646) (-3260.792) (-3262.255) -- 0:03:36 27500 -- [-3260.065] (-3266.999) (-3257.191) (-3260.393) * [-3261.480] (-3273.335) (-3255.723) (-3267.095) -- 0:03:32 28000 -- (-3265.443) (-3264.246) [-3257.786] (-3263.003) * [-3262.346] (-3273.229) (-3263.926) (-3272.422) -- 0:03:28 28500 -- (-3268.644) [-3263.996] (-3258.903) (-3269.816) * (-3262.303) (-3260.512) [-3264.765] (-3265.423) -- 0:03:24 29000 -- (-3262.335) (-3264.217) [-3257.669] (-3267.122) * [-3258.845] (-3259.607) (-3259.846) (-3267.079) -- 0:03:20 29500 -- (-3264.490) [-3265.167] (-3270.223) (-3263.424) * (-3266.727) (-3264.365) (-3262.302) [-3260.274] -- 0:03:17 30000 -- (-3265.973) (-3260.662) (-3260.299) [-3263.665] * (-3270.346) (-3263.351) [-3262.315] (-3262.810) -- 0:03:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 30500 -- (-3256.267) (-3262.723) [-3257.912] (-3273.153) * [-3259.438] (-3263.432) (-3266.106) (-3260.133) -- 0:03:10 31000 -- [-3262.838] (-3262.572) (-3258.582) (-3264.818) * (-3268.275) [-3263.571] (-3262.808) (-3262.575) -- 0:03:38 31500 -- (-3265.397) (-3271.093) (-3261.259) [-3259.070] * (-3262.324) [-3261.759] (-3259.201) (-3262.559) -- 0:03:35 32000 -- (-3268.013) [-3267.358] (-3263.703) (-3264.284) * (-3262.825) (-3265.875) [-3258.646] (-3259.964) -- 0:03:31 32500 -- [-3268.188] (-3267.371) (-3272.525) (-3260.456) * (-3260.442) (-3264.085) (-3261.527) [-3261.782] -- 0:03:28 33000 -- (-3264.634) (-3269.118) (-3266.479) [-3261.329] * (-3265.159) (-3267.230) (-3270.133) [-3263.912] -- 0:03:25 33500 -- (-3258.093) [-3271.778] (-3264.899) (-3257.835) * [-3260.933] (-3264.576) (-3268.228) (-3262.564) -- 0:03:21 34000 -- [-3258.904] (-3270.747) (-3259.464) (-3260.808) * (-3262.832) [-3262.075] (-3261.903) (-3267.449) -- 0:03:18 34500 -- (-3258.459) (-3260.156) [-3266.077] (-3263.595) * [-3258.939] (-3263.025) (-3271.033) (-3263.128) -- 0:03:15 35000 -- (-3257.875) (-3266.314) [-3267.851] (-3265.643) * (-3263.640) [-3263.992] (-3268.985) (-3263.013) -- 0:03:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 35500 -- (-3260.429) [-3263.876] (-3262.508) (-3265.964) * [-3263.230] (-3261.585) (-3268.603) (-3260.344) -- 0:03:10 36000 -- (-3262.561) [-3260.139] (-3263.212) (-3263.293) * (-3261.907) (-3264.524) (-3266.129) [-3258.673] -- 0:03:34 36500 -- (-3264.620) [-3258.461] (-3265.341) (-3258.753) * [-3260.466] (-3266.644) (-3265.080) (-3258.755) -- 0:03:31 37000 -- (-3271.356) (-3260.780) (-3263.868) [-3261.262] * (-3263.617) (-3268.396) (-3262.439) [-3260.648] -- 0:03:28 37500 -- (-3269.878) (-3261.300) [-3263.557] (-3266.936) * [-3264.163] (-3275.516) (-3263.560) (-3259.811) -- 0:03:25 38000 -- (-3269.933) (-3262.638) (-3265.659) [-3262.657] * [-3261.361] (-3276.670) (-3264.545) (-3264.910) -- 0:03:22 38500 -- (-3260.031) [-3259.865] (-3266.312) (-3267.334) * (-3261.899) [-3265.874] (-3263.583) (-3262.796) -- 0:03:19 39000 -- (-3268.045) [-3260.878] (-3265.191) (-3265.782) * (-3260.970) [-3267.929] (-3263.877) (-3267.771) -- 0:03:17 39500 -- [-3271.744] (-3261.753) (-3259.694) (-3264.316) * (-3260.911) (-3270.684) (-3265.034) [-3266.211] -- 0:03:14 40000 -- (-3269.999) [-3261.835] (-3262.152) (-3260.761) * (-3266.310) (-3264.214) [-3261.802] (-3272.519) -- 0:03:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 40500 -- (-3267.342) [-3265.496] (-3270.371) (-3259.059) * [-3262.609] (-3263.628) (-3265.146) (-3277.396) -- 0:03:33 41000 -- [-3264.785] (-3265.729) (-3268.492) (-3262.218) * [-3261.501] (-3267.305) (-3264.208) (-3271.806) -- 0:03:30 41500 -- (-3262.494) [-3260.798] (-3268.194) (-3258.991) * (-3264.417) (-3271.068) (-3261.621) [-3265.357] -- 0:03:27 42000 -- (-3263.925) (-3267.261) (-3264.424) [-3263.683] * (-3260.869) (-3263.111) [-3257.516] (-3265.061) -- 0:03:25 42500 -- (-3267.123) (-3264.712) (-3265.730) [-3260.473] * (-3266.721) (-3265.458) [-3266.258] (-3270.990) -- 0:03:22 43000 -- (-3262.135) (-3267.443) (-3263.774) [-3264.705] * [-3263.385] (-3267.417) (-3263.285) (-3265.460) -- 0:03:20 43500 -- (-3271.986) (-3263.481) (-3264.765) [-3260.955] * [-3262.326] (-3261.266) (-3262.915) (-3261.133) -- 0:03:17 44000 -- [-3263.472] (-3263.057) (-3259.827) (-3262.997) * (-3264.874) [-3261.471] (-3270.682) (-3261.681) -- 0:03:15 44500 -- (-3261.842) [-3265.086] (-3263.658) (-3268.962) * (-3263.714) (-3264.333) (-3275.623) [-3261.607] -- 0:03:13 45000 -- (-3260.742) (-3266.242) [-3266.489] (-3261.773) * (-3260.686) (-3268.866) (-3272.680) [-3259.446] -- 0:03:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 45500 -- (-3260.982) [-3265.056] (-3263.162) (-3266.178) * (-3258.713) [-3265.858] (-3263.386) (-3265.061) -- 0:03:29 46000 -- (-3265.845) [-3264.631] (-3264.645) (-3263.395) * [-3257.391] (-3259.344) (-3265.465) (-3272.852) -- 0:03:27 46500 -- (-3269.438) (-3262.601) (-3261.385) [-3267.996] * (-3264.229) (-3266.522) (-3267.202) [-3261.961] -- 0:03:25 47000 -- (-3265.331) (-3261.982) [-3262.282] (-3262.321) * [-3260.929] (-3259.098) (-3265.679) (-3264.344) -- 0:03:22 47500 -- (-3266.514) (-3260.244) (-3260.492) [-3262.897] * (-3259.140) (-3265.031) (-3266.424) [-3261.302] -- 0:03:20 48000 -- (-3269.193) (-3261.545) (-3260.871) [-3266.067] * (-3261.779) (-3265.434) [-3260.600] (-3266.662) -- 0:03:18 48500 -- (-3267.396) [-3259.211] (-3265.694) (-3261.667) * (-3266.730) [-3263.082] (-3266.539) (-3273.576) -- 0:03:16 49000 -- (-3262.315) (-3265.982) [-3260.532] (-3257.086) * [-3264.751] (-3264.838) (-3259.601) (-3263.142) -- 0:03:14 49500 -- (-3262.210) [-3259.309] (-3267.048) (-3262.457) * (-3263.009) (-3264.761) [-3259.692] (-3265.792) -- 0:03:12 50000 -- (-3265.622) (-3263.483) (-3262.892) [-3268.570] * [-3264.072] (-3260.637) (-3268.579) (-3259.845) -- 0:03:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 50500 -- (-3263.587) (-3260.261) (-3262.479) [-3261.688] * (-3263.100) (-3267.168) (-3270.323) [-3269.022] -- 0:03:26 51000 -- (-3265.067) (-3263.040) (-3263.693) [-3265.345] * [-3261.567] (-3266.586) (-3264.306) (-3265.459) -- 0:03:24 51500 -- (-3268.669) [-3260.396] (-3264.517) (-3276.163) * (-3259.786) (-3264.169) [-3260.588] (-3260.873) -- 0:03:22 52000 -- (-3267.569) (-3264.744) (-3264.220) [-3262.499] * (-3265.074) (-3269.164) (-3259.432) [-3260.134] -- 0:03:20 52500 -- [-3260.603] (-3265.209) (-3260.579) (-3265.914) * (-3263.423) (-3263.163) (-3261.872) [-3257.934] -- 0:03:18 53000 -- (-3259.174) (-3270.186) (-3259.835) [-3265.439] * (-3263.018) [-3262.611] (-3266.595) (-3268.134) -- 0:03:16 53500 -- (-3260.134) (-3266.157) [-3263.230] (-3267.874) * (-3260.802) [-3265.904] (-3267.166) (-3264.441) -- 0:03:14 54000 -- [-3260.437] (-3266.234) (-3264.542) (-3263.705) * [-3257.808] (-3264.340) (-3264.379) (-3268.908) -- 0:03:12 54500 -- (-3263.861) (-3273.185) (-3263.088) [-3264.979] * [-3261.512] (-3264.359) (-3270.730) (-3263.958) -- 0:03:28 55000 -- (-3262.916) (-3262.394) [-3260.420] (-3271.887) * [-3262.231] (-3260.961) (-3262.357) (-3262.449) -- 0:03:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 55500 -- [-3265.750] (-3264.669) (-3259.282) (-3263.411) * (-3263.225) (-3279.569) [-3264.030] (-3263.802) -- 0:03:24 56000 -- (-3270.514) [-3263.156] (-3260.622) (-3271.471) * (-3263.708) (-3281.806) [-3262.030] (-3269.397) -- 0:03:22 56500 -- (-3263.343) [-3262.357] (-3263.298) (-3262.807) * [-3264.644] (-3271.398) (-3265.360) (-3266.975) -- 0:03:20 57000 -- (-3262.321) (-3267.793) [-3267.715] (-3271.690) * (-3263.992) (-3267.330) [-3261.754] (-3264.900) -- 0:03:18 57500 -- [-3263.719] (-3266.968) (-3269.563) (-3265.910) * [-3262.132] (-3265.295) (-3263.993) (-3262.730) -- 0:03:16 58000 -- [-3271.672] (-3266.266) (-3258.108) (-3269.979) * (-3265.714) (-3265.281) (-3267.845) [-3260.294] -- 0:03:14 58500 -- (-3264.304) [-3262.130] (-3264.774) (-3271.515) * (-3262.092) (-3261.638) [-3259.938] (-3266.379) -- 0:03:13 59000 -- [-3257.548] (-3261.973) (-3279.695) (-3268.977) * (-3265.853) (-3260.723) [-3259.290] (-3262.533) -- 0:03:11 59500 -- [-3264.565] (-3265.614) (-3265.376) (-3264.575) * (-3265.095) (-3260.621) [-3258.146] (-3265.350) -- 0:03:25 60000 -- (-3259.326) (-3260.506) (-3260.003) [-3263.221] * (-3262.276) [-3268.619] (-3261.659) (-3266.994) -- 0:03:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 60500 -- (-3266.316) (-3266.740) (-3260.386) [-3265.415] * (-3259.660) (-3261.110) (-3261.700) [-3261.456] -- 0:03:21 61000 -- (-3262.826) (-3265.713) (-3270.959) [-3263.952] * (-3257.546) [-3269.100] (-3258.863) (-3269.864) -- 0:03:20 61500 -- (-3258.125) (-3272.720) [-3260.841] (-3267.121) * (-3265.809) (-3259.188) (-3263.059) [-3264.354] -- 0:03:18 62000 -- (-3263.458) [-3262.524] (-3259.945) (-3276.115) * (-3260.282) [-3255.599] (-3260.668) (-3260.143) -- 0:03:16 62500 -- (-3263.431) [-3267.628] (-3263.296) (-3265.538) * (-3260.628) (-3266.337) (-3264.857) [-3266.384] -- 0:03:15 63000 -- (-3266.811) [-3262.941] (-3261.768) (-3270.310) * (-3262.619) (-3270.566) [-3263.089] (-3266.992) -- 0:03:13 63500 -- [-3266.148] (-3266.741) (-3266.866) (-3264.178) * (-3265.450) (-3260.927) (-3265.348) [-3265.611] -- 0:03:11 64000 -- [-3270.236] (-3268.543) (-3269.739) (-3265.196) * [-3258.617] (-3266.320) (-3275.364) (-3262.517) -- 0:03:24 64500 -- [-3263.631] (-3263.563) (-3271.984) (-3262.418) * (-3262.077) [-3266.939] (-3270.257) (-3263.284) -- 0:03:23 65000 -- (-3266.966) [-3257.824] (-3266.313) (-3263.607) * (-3265.652) (-3271.493) (-3257.916) [-3260.866] -- 0:03:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 65500 -- [-3266.560] (-3264.246) (-3265.348) (-3262.508) * [-3265.035] (-3262.107) (-3262.158) (-3267.258) -- 0:03:19 66000 -- (-3262.680) (-3263.218) (-3265.437) [-3261.601] * (-3264.113) (-3268.280) [-3264.000] (-3264.274) -- 0:03:18 66500 -- (-3263.771) (-3269.653) [-3261.783] (-3268.727) * (-3260.667) (-3263.863) [-3261.599] (-3266.864) -- 0:03:16 67000 -- (-3262.468) (-3260.887) [-3263.369] (-3264.000) * [-3262.738] (-3264.993) (-3265.402) (-3273.631) -- 0:03:14 67500 -- [-3268.093] (-3275.572) (-3260.887) (-3268.037) * [-3259.069] (-3265.991) (-3262.248) (-3271.596) -- 0:03:13 68000 -- (-3263.497) (-3268.981) [-3263.084] (-3267.608) * (-3257.315) (-3264.307) [-3262.426] (-3269.516) -- 0:03:11 68500 -- [-3259.229] (-3259.677) (-3266.684) (-3264.151) * (-3265.908) (-3275.577) [-3262.913] (-3267.064) -- 0:03:23 69000 -- [-3260.203] (-3257.923) (-3263.482) (-3265.212) * (-3263.179) (-3267.372) (-3259.576) [-3262.634] -- 0:03:22 69500 -- (-3267.641) [-3259.071] (-3263.124) (-3262.459) * (-3260.925) (-3261.141) [-3267.419] (-3267.446) -- 0:03:20 70000 -- [-3265.306] (-3259.293) (-3259.883) (-3264.069) * [-3264.024] (-3262.391) (-3268.564) (-3267.342) -- 0:03:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 70500 -- (-3268.244) (-3264.772) [-3264.473] (-3267.046) * (-3274.408) (-3263.248) [-3271.076] (-3267.510) -- 0:03:17 71000 -- [-3262.633] (-3262.835) (-3265.373) (-3271.855) * (-3278.632) [-3263.093] (-3269.076) (-3264.626) -- 0:03:16 71500 -- (-3262.518) (-3263.589) [-3265.980] (-3265.586) * (-3267.012) [-3263.188] (-3260.594) (-3264.632) -- 0:03:14 72000 -- (-3267.128) (-3262.808) [-3265.750] (-3264.869) * (-3258.711) (-3277.399) [-3267.624] (-3261.331) -- 0:03:13 72500 -- [-3270.334] (-3267.201) (-3259.772) (-3270.111) * (-3266.979) (-3266.280) [-3263.343] (-3268.844) -- 0:03:11 73000 -- (-3264.094) (-3264.490) (-3262.247) [-3264.314] * [-3263.231] (-3267.735) (-3259.122) (-3265.818) -- 0:03:10 73500 -- (-3259.871) (-3268.839) [-3262.065] (-3264.352) * (-3267.125) (-3264.254) [-3261.573] (-3260.496) -- 0:03:21 74000 -- (-3262.950) (-3274.859) (-3259.028) [-3268.432] * (-3261.849) (-3257.248) (-3264.078) [-3265.982] -- 0:03:20 74500 -- (-3262.512) (-3272.082) [-3262.784] (-3269.603) * (-3263.964) (-3262.922) [-3261.704] (-3267.070) -- 0:03:18 75000 -- (-3261.753) (-3265.011) [-3269.960] (-3266.416) * (-3266.522) (-3265.312) [-3262.744] (-3266.530) -- 0:03:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 75500 -- (-3269.387) (-3256.740) [-3264.110] (-3262.619) * (-3265.879) (-3264.413) [-3261.441] (-3265.967) -- 0:03:15 76000 -- (-3257.309) [-3262.835] (-3266.056) (-3264.721) * (-3261.429) (-3265.288) [-3259.416] (-3265.584) -- 0:03:14 76500 -- (-3269.888) [-3264.157] (-3263.299) (-3257.574) * [-3264.850] (-3264.420) (-3261.006) (-3263.523) -- 0:03:13 77000 -- [-3261.394] (-3272.722) (-3266.363) (-3267.623) * (-3261.586) (-3267.090) (-3255.764) [-3261.577] -- 0:03:11 77500 -- [-3262.758] (-3265.546) (-3262.788) (-3263.760) * [-3259.270] (-3268.389) (-3261.126) (-3263.893) -- 0:03:10 78000 -- (-3269.655) (-3268.157) (-3261.231) [-3259.612] * (-3263.331) [-3261.316] (-3260.049) (-3262.031) -- 0:03:20 78500 -- [-3269.492] (-3261.194) (-3271.755) (-3260.141) * (-3269.698) (-3271.152) (-3260.703) [-3261.584] -- 0:03:19 79000 -- [-3257.906] (-3262.814) (-3261.508) (-3263.567) * (-3266.163) (-3266.365) (-3263.239) [-3263.307] -- 0:03:18 79500 -- (-3267.867) (-3265.086) [-3257.411] (-3264.128) * (-3263.347) (-3261.032) [-3259.833] (-3268.720) -- 0:03:16 80000 -- [-3266.193] (-3265.993) (-3260.901) (-3261.523) * (-3259.816) (-3259.975) [-3269.550] (-3260.127) -- 0:03:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 80500 -- (-3266.062) (-3271.821) [-3265.036] (-3263.459) * (-3264.941) (-3263.612) (-3271.211) [-3266.252] -- 0:03:14 81000 -- (-3265.306) [-3263.148] (-3265.075) (-3260.995) * [-3261.991] (-3261.954) (-3264.297) (-3270.934) -- 0:03:12 81500 -- (-3268.963) (-3263.066) [-3263.276] (-3264.196) * (-3263.582) (-3261.498) [-3266.777] (-3268.987) -- 0:03:11 82000 -- (-3267.434) (-3273.910) (-3264.680) [-3262.435] * (-3262.507) (-3262.550) [-3266.818] (-3266.112) -- 0:03:10 82500 -- (-3258.895) (-3262.314) [-3269.941] (-3263.724) * (-3261.217) (-3262.276) [-3262.935] (-3259.181) -- 0:03:09 83000 -- (-3264.378) [-3259.284] (-3268.173) (-3265.127) * (-3267.293) (-3265.431) (-3261.221) [-3268.612] -- 0:03:18 83500 -- (-3262.205) (-3263.702) (-3265.606) [-3265.870] * (-3262.568) (-3262.858) [-3261.404] (-3263.579) -- 0:03:17 84000 -- [-3264.943] (-3265.046) (-3266.293) (-3262.670) * (-3263.757) (-3262.794) (-3267.132) [-3257.414] -- 0:03:16 84500 -- (-3261.719) (-3260.860) [-3265.019] (-3260.582) * (-3262.437) [-3261.072] (-3267.153) (-3263.580) -- 0:03:15 85000 -- (-3266.882) (-3263.636) [-3265.206] (-3270.421) * (-3257.385) (-3261.376) (-3263.416) [-3259.825] -- 0:03:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 85500 -- (-3265.766) [-3260.118] (-3267.254) (-3262.908) * (-3261.287) [-3266.816] (-3267.920) (-3265.635) -- 0:03:12 86000 -- (-3264.374) [-3264.872] (-3259.961) (-3267.612) * (-3262.361) (-3260.313) (-3259.683) [-3270.044] -- 0:03:11 86500 -- (-3263.868) [-3259.293] (-3267.552) (-3267.053) * [-3262.630] (-3257.847) (-3259.284) (-3264.648) -- 0:03:10 87000 -- (-3259.574) (-3257.066) (-3263.843) [-3261.570] * (-3265.740) (-3265.667) [-3256.839] (-3262.667) -- 0:03:08 87500 -- (-3265.601) (-3262.788) (-3260.141) [-3265.144] * [-3269.734] (-3267.507) (-3261.728) (-3260.739) -- 0:03:18 88000 -- (-3262.720) (-3260.314) [-3261.836] (-3267.024) * (-3265.380) (-3269.611) (-3268.526) [-3264.121] -- 0:03:16 88500 -- [-3263.852] (-3270.922) (-3264.400) (-3266.619) * [-3260.622] (-3265.172) (-3259.679) (-3264.552) -- 0:03:15 89000 -- (-3261.263) (-3269.158) (-3264.581) [-3263.639] * [-3259.970] (-3270.416) (-3260.468) (-3261.407) -- 0:03:14 89500 -- (-3264.893) (-3262.620) [-3262.748] (-3266.665) * (-3259.541) [-3263.599] (-3263.940) (-3261.441) -- 0:03:13 90000 -- (-3262.831) (-3263.809) (-3268.691) [-3260.890] * (-3260.437) [-3262.816] (-3270.542) (-3258.983) -- 0:03:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 90500 -- [-3268.233] (-3267.095) (-3263.133) (-3271.675) * [-3262.293] (-3262.764) (-3266.183) (-3267.019) -- 0:03:10 91000 -- (-3275.524) (-3263.656) [-3263.826] (-3265.867) * [-3265.537] (-3259.403) (-3271.110) (-3267.658) -- 0:03:09 91500 -- (-3264.324) (-3264.802) [-3263.806] (-3274.121) * (-3260.182) (-3258.336) [-3267.734] (-3263.105) -- 0:03:08 92000 -- (-3266.233) [-3258.570] (-3270.701) (-3264.767) * (-3262.813) (-3267.162) [-3264.089] (-3259.797) -- 0:03:17 92500 -- (-3268.897) (-3258.623) (-3269.846) [-3265.879] * [-3262.050] (-3261.320) (-3263.215) (-3261.871) -- 0:03:16 93000 -- (-3261.938) (-3263.239) (-3268.450) [-3263.010] * (-3260.654) (-3262.465) [-3262.572] (-3265.829) -- 0:03:15 93500 -- (-3263.084) (-3266.000) (-3265.961) [-3263.765] * [-3263.026] (-3264.566) (-3266.357) (-3263.965) -- 0:03:13 94000 -- (-3266.909) (-3267.059) [-3261.178] (-3270.366) * [-3264.827] (-3260.347) (-3263.767) (-3264.393) -- 0:03:12 94500 -- (-3263.535) (-3269.405) (-3264.310) [-3266.556] * (-3266.931) (-3263.858) (-3258.296) [-3268.571] -- 0:03:11 95000 -- (-3263.993) (-3267.884) [-3266.472] (-3265.825) * (-3264.374) [-3260.070] (-3260.145) (-3266.529) -- 0:03:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 95500 -- [-3260.562] (-3267.648) (-3263.695) (-3262.036) * (-3267.892) (-3261.816) (-3276.198) [-3262.101] -- 0:03:09 96000 -- (-3265.690) (-3266.874) (-3266.489) [-3260.153] * (-3261.548) [-3264.855] (-3263.321) (-3266.629) -- 0:03:08 96500 -- (-3266.543) [-3269.713] (-3272.021) (-3266.552) * [-3260.523] (-3262.295) (-3261.208) (-3261.508) -- 0:03:07 97000 -- (-3267.585) [-3262.579] (-3261.965) (-3260.889) * (-3262.143) [-3260.658] (-3267.189) (-3261.107) -- 0:03:15 97500 -- (-3267.265) (-3266.419) [-3260.637] (-3263.571) * (-3263.640) [-3267.512] (-3268.151) (-3258.332) -- 0:03:14 98000 -- (-3266.624) [-3260.877] (-3260.569) (-3262.575) * (-3265.369) [-3259.334] (-3262.324) (-3260.361) -- 0:03:13 98500 -- (-3260.152) (-3260.027) [-3259.154] (-3265.935) * (-3263.868) [-3263.276] (-3267.827) (-3261.738) -- 0:03:12 99000 -- (-3260.639) (-3261.899) [-3264.904] (-3264.416) * [-3264.550] (-3264.593) (-3265.224) (-3263.217) -- 0:03:11 99500 -- (-3266.259) [-3263.617] (-3266.292) (-3269.530) * (-3258.510) [-3259.724] (-3263.195) (-3273.616) -- 0:03:10 100000 -- (-3262.516) [-3267.491] (-3265.980) (-3260.591) * (-3264.177) (-3264.280) (-3271.453) [-3270.210] -- 0:03:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 100500 -- (-3265.959) [-3261.251] (-3267.770) (-3261.858) * (-3260.509) (-3271.055) [-3262.911] (-3264.882) -- 0:03:07 101000 -- [-3258.988] (-3265.826) (-3266.322) (-3272.267) * (-3261.564) [-3264.393] (-3262.346) (-3260.753) -- 0:03:06 101500 -- (-3265.738) (-3261.399) [-3260.904] (-3262.027) * [-3266.599] (-3263.516) (-3262.449) (-3264.539) -- 0:03:14 102000 -- (-3258.176) (-3266.952) (-3261.244) [-3261.164] * [-3263.246] (-3267.456) (-3260.006) (-3260.946) -- 0:03:13 102500 -- (-3267.916) [-3263.383] (-3265.509) (-3262.808) * [-3264.729] (-3263.167) (-3265.268) (-3266.218) -- 0:03:12 103000 -- [-3260.861] (-3267.134) (-3258.160) (-3266.211) * [-3262.311] (-3263.611) (-3261.521) (-3261.639) -- 0:03:11 103500 -- (-3264.290) (-3267.948) [-3264.243] (-3258.276) * [-3257.251] (-3260.718) (-3267.407) (-3268.314) -- 0:03:10 104000 -- (-3262.556) (-3274.545) (-3259.608) [-3261.638] * [-3266.925] (-3263.269) (-3264.688) (-3270.860) -- 0:03:09 104500 -- (-3267.167) (-3268.749) (-3265.963) [-3264.744] * (-3261.112) [-3263.518] (-3269.648) (-3266.548) -- 0:03:08 105000 -- [-3265.774] (-3258.793) (-3260.350) (-3266.099) * (-3263.678) (-3262.222) (-3264.348) [-3263.711] -- 0:03:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 105500 -- (-3275.631) [-3262.536] (-3265.522) (-3264.863) * (-3266.526) (-3265.433) (-3261.643) [-3258.816] -- 0:03:06 106000 -- (-3261.781) (-3266.977) [-3260.030] (-3271.200) * (-3266.388) (-3261.480) (-3265.908) [-3261.267] -- 0:03:13 106500 -- (-3263.744) (-3260.264) [-3260.441] (-3262.730) * [-3263.508] (-3266.212) (-3262.731) (-3259.479) -- 0:03:12 107000 -- (-3269.423) (-3266.054) (-3264.094) [-3259.855] * [-3259.160] (-3264.121) (-3257.300) (-3265.974) -- 0:03:11 107500 -- (-3263.860) (-3267.078) (-3270.625) [-3260.019] * [-3261.271] (-3267.480) (-3260.280) (-3265.419) -- 0:03:10 108000 -- (-3259.786) (-3261.076) (-3277.031) [-3260.981] * (-3262.922) (-3264.087) [-3258.167] (-3268.660) -- 0:03:09 108500 -- (-3266.074) (-3268.151) (-3274.475) [-3264.257] * [-3261.255] (-3268.557) (-3281.540) (-3262.243) -- 0:03:08 109000 -- (-3262.119) (-3264.629) [-3266.014] (-3261.071) * [-3270.005] (-3265.964) (-3262.049) (-3261.658) -- 0:03:08 109500 -- (-3261.661) (-3261.184) (-3265.713) [-3260.756] * (-3262.982) (-3264.873) [-3268.608] (-3266.635) -- 0:03:07 110000 -- (-3263.221) [-3265.999] (-3263.384) (-3271.178) * (-3263.417) (-3270.012) (-3266.096) [-3263.845] -- 0:03:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 110500 -- (-3268.784) (-3264.699) [-3263.591] (-3261.516) * (-3261.566) [-3264.556] (-3262.404) (-3265.447) -- 0:03:13 111000 -- (-3263.648) (-3261.510) (-3264.075) [-3260.205] * (-3263.061) [-3262.730] (-3263.503) (-3270.610) -- 0:03:12 111500 -- (-3266.573) (-3267.983) (-3262.923) [-3263.111] * (-3261.688) (-3273.951) [-3260.702] (-3275.425) -- 0:03:11 112000 -- [-3262.653] (-3261.840) (-3261.917) (-3262.473) * (-3262.996) (-3260.845) [-3258.106] (-3273.312) -- 0:03:10 112500 -- [-3265.021] (-3264.269) (-3261.976) (-3258.246) * (-3262.666) (-3260.057) [-3260.695] (-3273.078) -- 0:03:09 113000 -- (-3266.769) (-3267.893) (-3259.218) [-3258.141] * (-3265.905) (-3268.096) [-3257.971] (-3267.610) -- 0:03:08 113500 -- (-3261.236) [-3261.595] (-3264.911) (-3261.614) * [-3262.058] (-3266.701) (-3263.355) (-3264.654) -- 0:03:07 114000 -- (-3268.468) (-3262.243) [-3261.505] (-3265.945) * (-3267.710) (-3268.106) [-3264.148] (-3262.924) -- 0:03:06 114500 -- (-3261.993) (-3265.616) (-3262.776) [-3263.874] * [-3262.698] (-3267.481) (-3267.661) (-3258.347) -- 0:03:05 115000 -- [-3263.517] (-3263.939) (-3267.791) (-3264.414) * [-3265.564] (-3266.132) (-3267.597) (-3262.961) -- 0:03:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 115500 -- [-3262.698] (-3266.450) (-3266.267) (-3263.105) * (-3261.067) (-3262.011) [-3265.562] (-3257.497) -- 0:03:11 116000 -- (-3259.215) (-3258.923) (-3264.355) [-3262.698] * (-3259.863) (-3261.680) [-3261.478] (-3265.819) -- 0:03:10 116500 -- [-3261.290] (-3265.554) (-3261.649) (-3260.291) * (-3262.135) [-3265.071] (-3260.464) (-3263.780) -- 0:03:09 117000 -- (-3261.578) (-3264.101) (-3264.658) [-3261.021] * (-3258.444) [-3263.215] (-3261.927) (-3263.007) -- 0:03:08 117500 -- (-3273.076) [-3263.727] (-3265.484) (-3260.013) * (-3267.021) [-3265.876] (-3267.916) (-3263.243) -- 0:03:07 118000 -- (-3267.998) [-3273.007] (-3263.269) (-3259.723) * [-3262.953] (-3264.032) (-3271.608) (-3263.762) -- 0:03:06 118500 -- (-3267.683) (-3270.658) [-3263.517] (-3263.342) * (-3268.575) (-3261.847) [-3267.751] (-3263.750) -- 0:03:05 119000 -- (-3265.928) (-3264.841) [-3263.718] (-3266.965) * (-3261.059) (-3262.858) [-3264.257] (-3263.625) -- 0:03:05 119500 -- (-3263.522) (-3269.586) [-3263.633] (-3262.670) * (-3263.704) [-3263.969] (-3266.863) (-3266.145) -- 0:03:04 120000 -- [-3262.240] (-3263.675) (-3260.494) (-3263.248) * (-3263.228) (-3271.245) [-3263.028] (-3264.420) -- 0:03:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 120500 -- (-3261.085) (-3266.885) (-3268.034) [-3266.489] * (-3258.572) (-3266.285) (-3261.015) [-3267.247] -- 0:03:09 121000 -- [-3262.424] (-3266.469) (-3266.592) (-3262.580) * (-3263.747) (-3265.800) [-3270.857] (-3266.229) -- 0:03:08 121500 -- (-3265.948) (-3265.183) (-3266.846) [-3264.792] * (-3261.452) [-3262.034] (-3267.402) (-3265.896) -- 0:03:07 122000 -- (-3262.733) (-3270.095) [-3267.966] (-3269.561) * (-3271.999) (-3266.643) (-3260.206) [-3265.115] -- 0:03:07 122500 -- (-3258.782) [-3258.392] (-3259.366) (-3265.751) * (-3262.344) (-3263.852) (-3263.413) [-3261.509] -- 0:03:06 123000 -- (-3258.433) (-3261.745) [-3260.500] (-3267.315) * (-3268.127) (-3266.535) [-3265.411] (-3266.708) -- 0:03:05 123500 -- [-3262.773] (-3266.359) (-3267.932) (-3268.605) * [-3263.263] (-3262.706) (-3261.140) (-3267.997) -- 0:03:04 124000 -- [-3263.543] (-3265.399) (-3267.720) (-3262.740) * (-3261.209) (-3261.011) (-3268.854) [-3266.350] -- 0:03:03 124500 -- (-3261.539) (-3263.856) [-3266.817] (-3264.454) * (-3259.541) (-3266.555) (-3263.340) [-3262.957] -- 0:03:09 125000 -- (-3260.753) (-3264.818) (-3267.026) [-3263.053] * [-3260.880] (-3263.094) (-3269.395) (-3267.929) -- 0:03:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 125500 -- (-3267.707) (-3266.101) [-3260.800] (-3260.130) * [-3258.209] (-3261.180) (-3266.267) (-3266.040) -- 0:03:08 126000 -- (-3264.051) (-3259.480) (-3269.725) [-3262.084] * [-3260.225] (-3260.163) (-3265.201) (-3260.843) -- 0:03:07 126500 -- (-3263.703) (-3261.223) (-3263.891) [-3263.005] * (-3264.908) (-3258.587) (-3259.502) [-3275.880] -- 0:03:06 127000 -- [-3263.690] (-3272.950) (-3266.685) (-3271.487) * [-3269.679] (-3262.954) (-3259.917) (-3267.861) -- 0:03:05 127500 -- (-3260.443) [-3263.482] (-3263.146) (-3262.563) * (-3263.888) (-3266.271) [-3263.006] (-3270.526) -- 0:03:04 128000 -- (-3259.793) [-3262.106] (-3259.569) (-3259.878) * [-3259.468] (-3268.267) (-3264.759) (-3265.136) -- 0:03:03 128500 -- (-3264.736) (-3267.524) [-3263.231] (-3260.868) * (-3263.301) [-3265.338] (-3260.395) (-3258.726) -- 0:03:03 129000 -- (-3260.422) (-3261.650) [-3258.663] (-3263.666) * (-3267.393) (-3260.140) (-3263.091) [-3261.882] -- 0:03:02 129500 -- [-3259.922] (-3267.411) (-3265.494) (-3266.246) * [-3259.317] (-3264.589) (-3262.260) (-3265.168) -- 0:03:08 130000 -- [-3263.096] (-3266.293) (-3265.410) (-3261.913) * [-3267.717] (-3263.883) (-3262.753) (-3264.618) -- 0:03:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 130500 -- [-3261.189] (-3262.625) (-3264.958) (-3269.570) * [-3265.355] (-3267.602) (-3258.216) (-3263.829) -- 0:03:06 131000 -- (-3262.930) [-3262.021] (-3264.664) (-3261.967) * (-3268.146) [-3258.394] (-3259.720) (-3267.130) -- 0:03:05 131500 -- (-3260.254) (-3262.110) (-3259.263) [-3257.445] * (-3261.948) [-3259.009] (-3269.091) (-3270.521) -- 0:03:04 132000 -- [-3258.924] (-3265.152) (-3267.702) (-3259.874) * (-3270.390) [-3265.953] (-3265.182) (-3259.326) -- 0:03:04 132500 -- (-3264.121) [-3263.886] (-3261.598) (-3259.556) * [-3262.645] (-3262.466) (-3266.669) (-3263.878) -- 0:03:03 133000 -- (-3263.096) (-3269.813) [-3263.982] (-3263.827) * (-3268.420) (-3264.387) [-3261.253] (-3267.453) -- 0:03:02 133500 -- (-3267.875) (-3264.161) [-3262.171] (-3265.297) * (-3259.900) [-3265.588] (-3262.641) (-3261.855) -- 0:03:01 134000 -- (-3267.455) (-3268.035) [-3267.528] (-3269.290) * (-3265.526) [-3262.495] (-3269.974) (-3264.207) -- 0:03:07 134500 -- (-3267.897) (-3268.655) [-3265.641] (-3265.314) * (-3267.893) (-3265.739) [-3257.426] (-3269.543) -- 0:03:06 135000 -- (-3267.319) (-3268.130) [-3269.165] (-3271.461) * (-3261.894) (-3265.581) (-3266.176) [-3262.790] -- 0:03:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 135500 -- (-3262.769) (-3259.159) (-3271.424) [-3260.713] * (-3261.952) (-3260.318) [-3271.787] (-3261.091) -- 0:03:05 136000 -- (-3264.119) [-3257.905] (-3269.070) (-3268.256) * (-3273.701) (-3265.101) [-3258.826] (-3275.955) -- 0:03:04 136500 -- (-3267.427) [-3262.960] (-3262.090) (-3262.550) * (-3262.810) (-3258.477) (-3261.939) [-3264.564] -- 0:03:03 137000 -- (-3259.045) (-3260.771) [-3266.299] (-3257.058) * [-3264.757] (-3265.651) (-3263.954) (-3263.556) -- 0:03:02 137500 -- (-3264.180) [-3262.470] (-3261.239) (-3263.167) * (-3260.071) [-3263.396] (-3272.165) (-3262.583) -- 0:03:01 138000 -- (-3267.829) (-3258.054) (-3269.598) [-3262.977] * (-3273.012) [-3260.475] (-3262.924) (-3267.022) -- 0:03:01 138500 -- (-3264.724) (-3264.220) [-3268.239] (-3261.420) * (-3261.678) (-3259.928) [-3261.581] (-3262.027) -- 0:03:06 139000 -- [-3263.915] (-3263.631) (-3267.709) (-3268.261) * (-3263.430) [-3264.580] (-3259.590) (-3259.488) -- 0:03:05 139500 -- [-3261.620] (-3266.162) (-3274.428) (-3268.343) * (-3268.960) (-3264.077) (-3263.235) [-3263.225] -- 0:03:05 140000 -- (-3264.568) [-3263.253] (-3271.014) (-3261.127) * (-3262.355) [-3263.078] (-3270.645) (-3264.186) -- 0:03:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 140500 -- (-3262.284) [-3263.573] (-3271.180) (-3261.872) * (-3263.869) [-3260.190] (-3264.865) (-3265.093) -- 0:03:03 141000 -- [-3257.994] (-3265.018) (-3262.909) (-3265.934) * [-3263.806] (-3264.301) (-3266.016) (-3260.494) -- 0:03:02 141500 -- [-3264.094] (-3263.945) (-3261.892) (-3269.277) * (-3264.808) (-3264.679) [-3265.159] (-3262.509) -- 0:03:02 142000 -- (-3261.215) (-3264.269) (-3269.279) [-3263.227] * (-3263.567) (-3275.963) (-3266.459) [-3261.239] -- 0:03:01 142500 -- (-3263.511) [-3262.576] (-3263.050) (-3269.747) * (-3263.762) (-3266.338) [-3260.057] (-3266.926) -- 0:03:00 143000 -- [-3264.544] (-3262.246) (-3268.576) (-3267.793) * (-3269.765) (-3271.000) [-3260.257] (-3262.186) -- 0:02:59 143500 -- (-3263.429) (-3260.467) [-3263.872] (-3266.490) * (-3267.374) (-3263.748) (-3261.358) [-3264.301] -- 0:03:05 144000 -- (-3263.201) [-3262.863] (-3260.885) (-3264.313) * (-3268.049) [-3263.298] (-3265.060) (-3268.342) -- 0:03:04 144500 -- [-3267.340] (-3264.681) (-3263.005) (-3261.085) * (-3264.655) [-3262.910] (-3261.473) (-3263.344) -- 0:03:03 145000 -- (-3265.369) [-3261.989] (-3265.359) (-3260.333) * (-3264.750) [-3257.370] (-3266.608) (-3264.371) -- 0:03:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 145500 -- (-3266.708) [-3269.516] (-3266.085) (-3261.342) * (-3259.030) [-3261.034] (-3262.537) (-3270.302) -- 0:03:02 146000 -- [-3261.392] (-3266.624) (-3262.880) (-3266.164) * (-3264.386) (-3267.738) [-3259.727] (-3262.837) -- 0:03:01 146500 -- (-3260.484) (-3263.525) [-3259.450] (-3261.005) * (-3263.389) (-3263.593) (-3261.049) [-3264.587] -- 0:03:00 147000 -- (-3263.210) (-3267.008) [-3265.182] (-3261.494) * (-3262.033) (-3263.862) [-3259.585] (-3265.490) -- 0:02:59 147500 -- (-3262.580) (-3265.859) (-3264.100) [-3259.546] * [-3264.856] (-3261.428) (-3266.239) (-3268.292) -- 0:02:59 148000 -- [-3266.620] (-3261.889) (-3271.411) (-3268.263) * (-3259.800) [-3261.499] (-3272.378) (-3263.264) -- 0:03:04 148500 -- (-3266.006) (-3261.476) (-3265.340) [-3263.793] * (-3272.265) (-3260.509) [-3263.183] (-3261.885) -- 0:03:03 149000 -- [-3263.381] (-3268.062) (-3262.400) (-3265.040) * (-3259.686) (-3260.581) (-3260.103) [-3261.610] -- 0:03:02 149500 -- (-3269.477) (-3272.172) [-3265.888] (-3261.657) * (-3262.685) (-3265.687) [-3263.603] (-3262.067) -- 0:03:02 150000 -- (-3266.219) [-3260.327] (-3258.840) (-3260.439) * (-3263.798) (-3263.254) (-3269.992) [-3269.038] -- 0:03:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 150500 -- (-3261.063) (-3262.470) [-3258.347] (-3261.233) * (-3268.008) (-3267.319) [-3263.209] (-3263.619) -- 0:03:00 151000 -- (-3263.289) [-3262.539] (-3271.612) (-3260.857) * (-3268.864) (-3266.427) (-3265.304) [-3261.045] -- 0:02:59 151500 -- (-3264.075) (-3262.056) (-3263.726) [-3257.403] * (-3267.854) [-3262.536] (-3265.950) (-3263.933) -- 0:02:59 152000 -- (-3262.232) (-3263.267) [-3265.746] (-3259.748) * (-3259.175) (-3269.084) (-3264.155) [-3263.976] -- 0:02:58 152500 -- (-3265.070) (-3263.843) [-3267.219] (-3264.209) * [-3264.434] (-3277.892) (-3268.021) (-3266.163) -- 0:03:03 153000 -- (-3261.142) (-3270.235) [-3268.199] (-3268.206) * [-3263.979] (-3274.081) (-3267.993) (-3263.669) -- 0:03:02 153500 -- (-3264.162) (-3271.280) [-3261.332] (-3271.600) * (-3266.464) [-3271.227] (-3259.408) (-3259.638) -- 0:03:01 154000 -- (-3263.394) (-3260.138) (-3265.240) [-3259.773] * (-3273.703) (-3269.690) [-3264.967] (-3261.545) -- 0:03:01 154500 -- (-3265.689) (-3258.947) [-3263.611] (-3270.145) * (-3267.460) (-3271.757) [-3256.746] (-3265.172) -- 0:03:00 155000 -- (-3265.677) [-3260.296] (-3262.492) (-3269.581) * (-3272.455) (-3265.559) [-3259.728] (-3265.784) -- 0:02:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 155500 -- (-3264.171) (-3266.937) [-3261.158] (-3273.279) * (-3268.184) [-3268.796] (-3271.438) (-3270.137) -- 0:02:59 156000 -- (-3263.807) (-3265.457) [-3265.785] (-3272.802) * (-3265.756) (-3273.062) (-3263.954) [-3264.961] -- 0:02:58 156500 -- (-3264.948) (-3264.522) [-3257.483] (-3276.661) * (-3260.700) (-3273.408) [-3265.357] (-3259.716) -- 0:02:57 157000 -- [-3263.882] (-3261.251) (-3268.673) (-3266.789) * (-3259.215) (-3273.349) (-3270.811) [-3257.206] -- 0:03:02 157500 -- (-3264.381) (-3261.980) [-3262.310] (-3263.937) * (-3259.004) (-3277.348) (-3270.886) [-3259.125] -- 0:03:01 158000 -- (-3261.412) (-3263.546) [-3259.427] (-3266.682) * (-3262.920) (-3270.199) (-3261.195) [-3259.134] -- 0:03:01 158500 -- (-3268.222) (-3260.253) [-3264.333] (-3269.176) * (-3264.270) (-3267.723) (-3267.086) [-3265.959] -- 0:03:00 159000 -- (-3259.863) (-3264.067) [-3261.782] (-3268.634) * (-3256.677) [-3267.849] (-3262.912) (-3272.110) -- 0:02:59 159500 -- (-3264.487) (-3261.122) [-3259.412] (-3267.841) * (-3267.612) (-3266.778) [-3257.675] (-3264.110) -- 0:02:59 160000 -- [-3271.615] (-3260.071) (-3258.870) (-3263.552) * [-3263.290] (-3264.723) (-3260.533) (-3264.644) -- 0:02:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 160500 -- (-3266.775) [-3260.578] (-3261.302) (-3263.529) * (-3265.963) [-3259.918] (-3262.735) (-3264.648) -- 0:02:57 161000 -- (-3265.798) (-3272.306) [-3260.919] (-3265.155) * [-3262.916] (-3259.474) (-3258.355) (-3262.085) -- 0:02:57 161500 -- (-3271.713) [-3261.343] (-3261.234) (-3267.614) * (-3268.867) (-3268.192) [-3264.820] (-3262.961) -- 0:03:01 162000 -- (-3257.332) [-3262.846] (-3262.799) (-3263.789) * (-3260.521) (-3264.851) [-3263.258] (-3265.268) -- 0:03:01 162500 -- (-3265.279) [-3267.194] (-3266.179) (-3269.583) * (-3266.119) (-3261.152) [-3261.465] (-3268.965) -- 0:03:00 163000 -- (-3266.383) [-3264.872] (-3262.295) (-3267.984) * (-3267.029) (-3270.186) [-3260.336] (-3272.256) -- 0:02:59 163500 -- [-3264.100] (-3270.076) (-3266.736) (-3264.603) * (-3264.204) [-3259.905] (-3262.785) (-3259.807) -- 0:02:59 164000 -- (-3260.815) (-3265.023) [-3259.785] (-3265.469) * (-3260.363) (-3263.031) [-3260.415] (-3264.680) -- 0:02:58 164500 -- (-3270.254) (-3270.633) [-3263.395] (-3267.747) * (-3269.276) [-3265.978] (-3271.447) (-3268.001) -- 0:02:57 165000 -- (-3267.131) (-3264.043) [-3262.018] (-3268.843) * (-3267.959) [-3268.527] (-3264.123) (-3263.332) -- 0:02:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 165500 -- (-3265.160) (-3268.588) [-3260.869] (-3276.407) * (-3266.851) (-3269.824) [-3260.568] (-3265.740) -- 0:02:56 166000 -- (-3262.698) (-3262.875) [-3263.968] (-3262.203) * (-3259.589) (-3267.660) [-3259.963] (-3265.852) -- 0:02:55 166500 -- (-3259.929) (-3268.516) (-3269.585) [-3260.782] * (-3268.254) (-3268.605) (-3260.774) [-3261.888] -- 0:03:00 167000 -- (-3263.231) (-3258.728) (-3266.046) [-3260.001] * [-3258.151] (-3263.020) (-3260.976) (-3260.893) -- 0:02:59 167500 -- (-3265.883) (-3257.861) [-3266.682] (-3259.422) * [-3260.741] (-3266.590) (-3259.271) (-3263.239) -- 0:02:58 168000 -- [-3267.132] (-3262.224) (-3263.193) (-3264.290) * (-3257.698) [-3264.840] (-3261.470) (-3259.773) -- 0:02:58 168500 -- (-3263.604) (-3262.490) [-3261.112] (-3266.935) * (-3258.849) (-3265.828) (-3258.436) [-3265.789] -- 0:02:57 169000 -- (-3265.192) (-3267.861) [-3261.405] (-3272.607) * (-3260.378) [-3263.255] (-3259.626) (-3259.458) -- 0:02:57 169500 -- (-3272.584) (-3261.927) (-3263.968) [-3268.470] * [-3263.644] (-3259.321) (-3263.230) (-3261.999) -- 0:02:56 170000 -- [-3263.199] (-3265.015) (-3264.519) (-3263.394) * (-3264.258) (-3256.578) (-3262.394) [-3263.726] -- 0:02:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 170500 -- (-3263.232) [-3263.376] (-3265.726) (-3262.676) * (-3262.787) [-3260.999] (-3262.790) (-3262.525) -- 0:02:55 171000 -- (-3262.872) [-3260.041] (-3272.379) (-3263.733) * [-3261.001] (-3260.428) (-3262.746) (-3267.689) -- 0:02:59 171500 -- (-3261.597) (-3264.521) (-3259.060) [-3263.263] * (-3262.173) (-3259.315) (-3267.836) [-3264.954] -- 0:02:58 172000 -- (-3261.558) (-3263.761) [-3264.533] (-3263.914) * (-3268.166) (-3262.835) [-3267.677] (-3261.015) -- 0:02:58 172500 -- (-3272.748) (-3260.434) [-3262.112] (-3268.215) * [-3260.601] (-3269.778) (-3260.671) (-3259.028) -- 0:02:57 173000 -- (-3274.363) [-3263.535] (-3270.107) (-3262.557) * [-3268.451] (-3265.782) (-3259.524) (-3263.024) -- 0:02:56 173500 -- [-3264.830] (-3267.822) (-3260.965) (-3264.161) * (-3264.616) [-3264.722] (-3260.334) (-3269.294) -- 0:02:56 174000 -- [-3267.584] (-3263.697) (-3264.626) (-3261.968) * (-3270.833) (-3269.708) (-3264.868) [-3267.228] -- 0:02:55 174500 -- [-3269.213] (-3264.846) (-3264.653) (-3264.753) * (-3262.198) (-3261.452) (-3264.669) [-3269.847] -- 0:02:55 175000 -- (-3261.938) (-3277.064) (-3267.161) [-3262.777] * [-3262.453] (-3264.770) (-3260.291) (-3261.873) -- 0:02:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 175500 -- (-3264.710) (-3264.607) [-3266.688] (-3261.853) * (-3261.008) [-3262.406] (-3259.918) (-3266.018) -- 0:02:58 176000 -- (-3264.149) (-3267.574) [-3263.973] (-3263.963) * [-3262.984] (-3265.843) (-3259.279) (-3261.571) -- 0:02:57 176500 -- [-3270.721] (-3264.320) (-3258.366) (-3262.364) * (-3261.858) (-3273.012) (-3261.214) [-3263.076] -- 0:02:57 177000 -- (-3264.413) (-3262.470) (-3269.374) [-3266.424] * (-3270.854) (-3264.490) (-3260.171) [-3262.980] -- 0:02:56 177500 -- (-3268.064) [-3266.708] (-3270.499) (-3261.371) * (-3270.032) (-3273.112) (-3275.602) [-3260.418] -- 0:02:56 178000 -- [-3268.284] (-3261.236) (-3268.987) (-3261.810) * [-3265.332] (-3263.697) (-3263.017) (-3261.765) -- 0:02:55 178500 -- (-3268.200) (-3270.117) [-3261.837] (-3263.507) * (-3269.276) [-3267.610] (-3267.276) (-3267.332) -- 0:02:54 179000 -- (-3266.511) [-3258.890] (-3264.879) (-3258.547) * (-3268.049) (-3269.474) (-3261.780) [-3257.807] -- 0:02:54 179500 -- (-3267.833) [-3267.162] (-3264.251) (-3263.536) * (-3267.782) [-3261.062] (-3271.784) (-3263.375) -- 0:02:53 180000 -- [-3259.618] (-3261.787) (-3264.585) (-3273.892) * (-3273.288) (-3261.655) (-3265.973) [-3262.765] -- 0:02:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 180500 -- (-3264.364) (-3268.230) [-3266.303] (-3266.568) * (-3265.903) [-3256.420] (-3263.684) (-3263.663) -- 0:02:57 181000 -- (-3267.599) (-3267.985) [-3264.215] (-3272.128) * [-3260.769] (-3261.221) (-3267.463) (-3259.431) -- 0:02:56 181500 -- (-3277.490) (-3262.199) [-3260.691] (-3265.656) * (-3264.101) (-3264.156) (-3264.943) [-3264.476] -- 0:02:55 182000 -- (-3268.416) (-3262.618) [-3272.179] (-3264.058) * (-3265.022) (-3264.192) (-3262.418) [-3261.997] -- 0:02:55 182500 -- (-3257.440) (-3264.120) [-3262.963] (-3280.188) * (-3263.991) (-3261.244) [-3260.232] (-3261.374) -- 0:02:54 183000 -- [-3259.815] (-3260.618) (-3260.939) (-3267.380) * (-3277.211) (-3259.226) [-3267.678] (-3261.383) -- 0:02:54 183500 -- [-3262.490] (-3262.804) (-3260.194) (-3264.605) * (-3269.416) (-3260.399) [-3264.628] (-3260.014) -- 0:02:53 184000 -- [-3265.496] (-3265.164) (-3263.289) (-3265.439) * (-3274.983) (-3260.186) (-3258.684) [-3258.556] -- 0:02:52 184500 -- (-3268.622) [-3265.005] (-3260.184) (-3265.048) * (-3271.844) (-3260.083) (-3264.435) [-3263.630] -- 0:02:52 185000 -- (-3269.656) [-3262.382] (-3267.652) (-3259.591) * [-3265.241] (-3259.189) (-3259.190) (-3265.066) -- 0:02:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 185500 -- (-3270.591) (-3265.204) [-3260.821] (-3262.999) * [-3264.668] (-3269.454) (-3263.614) (-3265.199) -- 0:02:55 186000 -- (-3267.924) (-3265.280) (-3266.975) [-3258.764] * (-3263.613) [-3266.226] (-3260.728) (-3266.683) -- 0:02:55 186500 -- (-3265.586) (-3270.532) [-3264.020] (-3262.741) * (-3262.531) (-3261.527) [-3257.573] (-3265.715) -- 0:02:54 187000 -- (-3270.193) (-3265.751) [-3267.076] (-3268.156) * (-3264.168) (-3261.406) [-3265.918] (-3263.172) -- 0:02:53 187500 -- (-3268.045) (-3265.998) (-3265.787) [-3262.491] * (-3258.970) (-3267.178) [-3262.436] (-3264.710) -- 0:02:53 188000 -- [-3259.818] (-3261.755) (-3264.673) (-3267.045) * (-3259.820) (-3260.830) (-3265.940) [-3261.337] -- 0:02:52 188500 -- (-3264.115) (-3266.379) (-3263.673) [-3261.461] * (-3262.881) (-3271.105) (-3260.125) [-3261.585] -- 0:02:52 189000 -- [-3262.918] (-3268.682) (-3260.777) (-3263.867) * (-3263.230) (-3267.311) (-3266.378) [-3259.922] -- 0:02:51 189500 -- [-3267.248] (-3271.742) (-3257.726) (-3276.409) * [-3261.570] (-3263.339) (-3264.207) (-3262.571) -- 0:02:55 190000 -- (-3261.784) (-3266.554) (-3259.979) [-3262.964] * (-3265.450) [-3262.130] (-3270.057) (-3262.222) -- 0:02:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 190500 -- (-3262.097) (-3265.160) (-3263.330) [-3260.431] * (-3270.805) [-3259.436] (-3268.891) (-3261.558) -- 0:02:54 191000 -- (-3265.519) (-3261.086) [-3265.935] (-3264.205) * (-3269.300) (-3262.824) (-3269.348) [-3265.769] -- 0:02:53 191500 -- (-3273.010) (-3258.857) (-3269.934) [-3264.524] * (-3259.354) [-3259.499] (-3262.406) (-3263.834) -- 0:02:53 192000 -- (-3263.834) (-3263.638) [-3261.893] (-3272.994) * (-3262.522) (-3264.339) [-3262.875] (-3267.488) -- 0:02:52 192500 -- (-3272.022) (-3271.703) (-3263.156) [-3264.534] * [-3260.428] (-3265.586) (-3263.298) (-3269.040) -- 0:02:51 193000 -- (-3261.537) (-3277.559) [-3266.237] (-3270.666) * [-3261.393] (-3265.638) (-3262.175) (-3267.110) -- 0:02:51 193500 -- (-3265.318) (-3264.119) [-3261.582] (-3265.918) * [-3262.587] (-3262.886) (-3262.644) (-3264.099) -- 0:02:50 194000 -- (-3259.336) (-3258.707) (-3262.707) [-3262.045] * (-3262.306) (-3267.446) [-3264.356] (-3272.479) -- 0:02:54 194500 -- (-3263.173) (-3263.179) (-3274.396) [-3267.634] * (-3266.093) (-3263.984) (-3267.084) [-3262.249] -- 0:02:53 195000 -- (-3263.513) (-3261.537) (-3269.215) [-3267.179] * (-3262.645) (-3261.474) (-3267.982) [-3262.455] -- 0:02:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 195500 -- [-3264.914] (-3263.116) (-3259.875) (-3264.811) * [-3259.499] (-3262.077) (-3263.596) (-3261.371) -- 0:02:52 196000 -- (-3260.767) (-3258.861) (-3265.422) [-3267.958] * (-3268.198) (-3263.872) [-3262.666] (-3265.461) -- 0:02:52 196500 -- (-3263.881) [-3258.005] (-3266.763) (-3261.423) * (-3259.657) [-3260.708] (-3264.162) (-3260.321) -- 0:02:51 197000 -- (-3261.185) (-3261.358) [-3268.457] (-3264.714) * [-3261.595] (-3259.244) (-3260.690) (-3265.045) -- 0:02:51 197500 -- [-3262.997] (-3260.933) (-3267.053) (-3262.942) * (-3262.488) [-3262.157] (-3265.554) (-3263.520) -- 0:02:50 198000 -- (-3267.743) (-3269.468) (-3268.788) [-3257.076] * [-3258.831] (-3262.981) (-3261.546) (-3260.778) -- 0:02:50 198500 -- (-3260.629) (-3266.290) [-3261.444] (-3270.242) * (-3262.950) (-3261.445) [-3261.850] (-3261.573) -- 0:02:49 199000 -- (-3263.824) (-3264.011) (-3259.414) [-3261.925] * (-3259.845) (-3262.013) [-3259.806] (-3274.626) -- 0:02:53 199500 -- (-3275.236) [-3263.939] (-3263.944) (-3268.104) * [-3267.197] (-3265.791) (-3259.619) (-3264.534) -- 0:02:52 200000 -- (-3265.539) (-3261.701) [-3261.392] (-3259.557) * [-3262.762] (-3268.123) (-3267.630) (-3269.867) -- 0:02:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 200500 -- [-3267.527] (-3262.420) (-3262.386) (-3271.032) * (-3261.856) (-3264.979) (-3272.521) [-3262.367] -- 0:02:51 201000 -- (-3261.815) (-3265.817) [-3261.264] (-3262.485) * (-3264.779) [-3260.986] (-3265.365) (-3267.434) -- 0:02:50 201500 -- (-3266.112) (-3262.492) [-3261.338] (-3264.419) * (-3265.067) [-3261.969] (-3264.648) (-3263.432) -- 0:02:50 202000 -- (-3261.494) (-3267.186) [-3260.507] (-3262.062) * (-3260.662) [-3268.286] (-3265.159) (-3264.245) -- 0:02:49 202500 -- [-3263.129] (-3263.904) (-3263.621) (-3267.422) * (-3263.027) (-3267.159) [-3260.619] (-3260.603) -- 0:02:49 203000 -- (-3263.384) (-3264.388) [-3266.932] (-3260.049) * [-3257.885] (-3270.328) (-3262.094) (-3266.679) -- 0:02:48 203500 -- (-3265.834) (-3260.410) [-3258.693] (-3270.620) * (-3259.712) (-3269.890) (-3259.776) [-3265.190] -- 0:02:52 204000 -- (-3263.246) (-3261.165) [-3261.184] (-3267.878) * (-3265.930) (-3260.345) (-3265.961) [-3265.390] -- 0:02:51 204500 -- (-3264.673) (-3262.110) [-3262.994] (-3262.692) * [-3261.685] (-3262.000) (-3266.109) (-3266.293) -- 0:02:51 205000 -- (-3266.284) (-3264.876) (-3265.019) [-3256.871] * (-3264.685) (-3261.909) (-3269.231) [-3264.322] -- 0:02:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 205500 -- (-3263.593) (-3264.238) (-3266.576) [-3257.487] * (-3263.857) (-3262.083) (-3260.299) [-3262.800] -- 0:02:50 206000 -- [-3258.962] (-3263.545) (-3266.694) (-3260.413) * (-3264.522) (-3265.318) [-3262.102] (-3270.534) -- 0:02:49 206500 -- (-3258.894) (-3258.809) (-3264.310) [-3260.715] * (-3261.544) (-3262.016) [-3259.882] (-3260.745) -- 0:02:49 207000 -- (-3265.810) (-3267.708) (-3269.403) [-3262.452] * (-3264.553) (-3264.765) (-3264.844) [-3260.294] -- 0:02:48 207500 -- (-3264.172) (-3266.943) [-3266.314] (-3259.530) * (-3264.711) (-3265.057) [-3257.943] (-3261.789) -- 0:02:48 208000 -- [-3268.060] (-3268.009) (-3277.638) (-3265.150) * [-3261.262] (-3276.089) (-3261.335) (-3266.090) -- 0:02:51 208500 -- (-3266.536) (-3263.577) [-3260.636] (-3265.360) * (-3262.866) (-3263.210) (-3264.615) [-3264.229] -- 0:02:50 209000 -- (-3260.052) (-3260.910) (-3257.517) [-3262.791] * [-3261.957] (-3267.765) (-3265.331) (-3263.282) -- 0:02:50 209500 -- [-3264.230] (-3265.441) (-3261.933) (-3271.835) * [-3262.058] (-3262.223) (-3265.385) (-3269.135) -- 0:02:49 210000 -- [-3267.588] (-3266.081) (-3265.825) (-3270.880) * (-3263.933) (-3262.229) [-3261.114] (-3264.588) -- 0:02:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 210500 -- (-3264.541) (-3269.526) [-3265.075] (-3267.015) * (-3266.728) (-3268.436) [-3261.527] (-3267.231) -- 0:02:48 211000 -- [-3262.857] (-3266.726) (-3266.208) (-3264.638) * (-3269.989) (-3263.737) (-3260.467) [-3261.729] -- 0:02:48 211500 -- [-3264.358] (-3260.261) (-3265.161) (-3269.253) * (-3263.399) [-3262.248] (-3261.208) (-3260.727) -- 0:02:47 212000 -- (-3262.522) (-3267.360) [-3261.459] (-3266.605) * [-3261.654] (-3266.357) (-3267.013) (-3266.561) -- 0:02:47 212500 -- (-3264.934) [-3262.390] (-3268.117) (-3268.422) * (-3260.974) (-3264.265) [-3265.588] (-3275.116) -- 0:02:46 213000 -- (-3271.361) (-3261.350) (-3269.943) [-3262.445] * (-3263.224) (-3262.632) [-3261.023] (-3263.595) -- 0:02:49 213500 -- [-3266.532] (-3273.819) (-3270.767) (-3264.285) * (-3262.361) (-3266.244) (-3264.436) [-3272.792] -- 0:02:49 214000 -- (-3259.751) [-3262.374] (-3265.928) (-3258.480) * (-3260.781) (-3267.759) (-3265.346) [-3257.842] -- 0:02:48 214500 -- (-3261.162) (-3267.490) (-3261.565) [-3264.896] * [-3258.565] (-3267.381) (-3269.559) (-3259.671) -- 0:02:48 215000 -- (-3259.653) (-3265.512) (-3259.263) [-3262.532] * [-3260.903] (-3267.068) (-3269.054) (-3258.688) -- 0:02:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 215500 -- (-3267.345) (-3263.222) [-3262.313] (-3263.752) * (-3263.112) [-3258.781] (-3272.600) (-3262.773) -- 0:02:47 216000 -- (-3268.831) (-3259.215) (-3261.923) [-3262.150] * (-3280.569) [-3258.148] (-3265.386) (-3262.629) -- 0:02:46 216500 -- (-3266.215) [-3266.043] (-3264.752) (-3268.444) * [-3261.912] (-3262.506) (-3268.042) (-3265.281) -- 0:02:46 217000 -- (-3271.305) [-3263.192] (-3266.758) (-3264.861) * [-3261.956] (-3262.818) (-3269.785) (-3270.405) -- 0:02:45 217500 -- (-3263.698) (-3264.216) (-3260.447) [-3259.186] * [-3262.383] (-3259.973) (-3267.049) (-3267.671) -- 0:02:49 218000 -- [-3259.770] (-3271.053) (-3266.863) (-3259.373) * (-3264.035) [-3261.741] (-3267.738) (-3274.397) -- 0:02:48 218500 -- (-3265.064) (-3267.617) [-3270.860] (-3265.017) * [-3261.991] (-3265.351) (-3267.307) (-3268.860) -- 0:02:48 219000 -- (-3258.982) [-3266.589] (-3269.312) (-3260.169) * (-3262.823) (-3265.152) (-3263.910) [-3264.685] -- 0:02:47 219500 -- (-3258.188) (-3273.811) (-3265.925) [-3259.164] * (-3266.349) [-3263.799] (-3266.475) (-3263.347) -- 0:02:47 220000 -- (-3259.720) (-3269.769) (-3267.235) [-3262.095] * (-3259.406) (-3260.068) [-3260.086] (-3258.522) -- 0:02:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 220500 -- (-3262.787) (-3267.344) (-3265.487) [-3263.339] * (-3261.806) (-3273.150) (-3266.656) [-3263.114] -- 0:02:46 221000 -- (-3266.350) (-3271.377) (-3263.771) [-3269.294] * (-3264.332) (-3262.974) (-3261.796) [-3258.147] -- 0:02:45 221500 -- [-3262.083] (-3263.432) (-3268.839) (-3264.590) * (-3269.586) [-3263.405] (-3257.681) (-3256.706) -- 0:02:45 222000 -- [-3263.413] (-3264.656) (-3267.967) (-3265.968) * (-3275.332) (-3266.637) (-3261.033) [-3263.318] -- 0:02:48 222500 -- (-3267.114) (-3269.094) [-3263.990] (-3267.656) * (-3267.270) [-3266.086] (-3266.568) (-3264.715) -- 0:02:47 223000 -- (-3263.023) (-3261.084) [-3262.807] (-3262.236) * (-3267.728) [-3266.355] (-3268.463) (-3260.449) -- 0:02:47 223500 -- (-3267.338) (-3261.120) [-3259.343] (-3265.708) * (-3269.933) [-3263.455] (-3258.838) (-3260.950) -- 0:02:46 224000 -- [-3264.675] (-3260.633) (-3264.094) (-3263.634) * (-3269.860) (-3260.231) [-3264.895] (-3266.806) -- 0:02:46 224500 -- [-3259.955] (-3267.945) (-3256.903) (-3264.505) * [-3267.674] (-3261.437) (-3264.902) (-3261.165) -- 0:02:45 225000 -- (-3257.908) (-3268.611) [-3261.129] (-3262.706) * (-3263.125) [-3258.731] (-3267.167) (-3267.406) -- 0:02:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 225500 -- (-3263.721) [-3265.845] (-3263.811) (-3265.350) * [-3270.334] (-3261.092) (-3266.448) (-3260.201) -- 0:02:44 226000 -- (-3261.535) [-3265.037] (-3261.762) (-3261.846) * [-3257.743] (-3263.584) (-3260.578) (-3270.115) -- 0:02:44 226500 -- (-3263.076) (-3260.551) (-3267.354) [-3260.386] * (-3263.060) (-3266.378) [-3261.722] (-3259.998) -- 0:02:47 227000 -- (-3263.009) (-3262.916) (-3263.274) [-3263.193] * (-3267.265) (-3267.163) (-3261.897) [-3261.825] -- 0:02:46 227500 -- (-3268.451) (-3262.627) [-3265.375] (-3260.439) * [-3263.736] (-3260.628) (-3260.593) (-3270.089) -- 0:02:46 228000 -- [-3265.055] (-3261.257) (-3266.437) (-3270.431) * (-3261.644) (-3266.586) [-3259.570] (-3271.180) -- 0:02:45 228500 -- (-3262.676) [-3261.900] (-3261.749) (-3256.148) * (-3259.554) (-3265.240) (-3261.324) [-3274.112] -- 0:02:45 229000 -- (-3261.160) (-3270.200) [-3259.220] (-3263.433) * [-3258.995] (-3273.554) (-3261.243) (-3264.859) -- 0:02:44 229500 -- [-3261.154] (-3262.476) (-3261.057) (-3260.061) * [-3263.534] (-3268.503) (-3264.899) (-3262.383) -- 0:02:44 230000 -- [-3261.738] (-3266.814) (-3257.208) (-3264.903) * (-3264.186) (-3263.564) (-3259.535) [-3267.925] -- 0:02:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 230500 -- (-3260.640) (-3261.961) [-3260.221] (-3264.115) * (-3264.162) (-3258.456) (-3262.188) [-3266.535] -- 0:02:43 231000 -- (-3264.039) (-3266.306) (-3266.634) [-3269.609] * (-3264.816) (-3264.364) (-3260.352) [-3270.376] -- 0:02:46 231500 -- (-3262.296) (-3261.580) [-3261.321] (-3264.733) * (-3261.799) (-3263.039) [-3256.624] (-3264.006) -- 0:02:45 232000 -- [-3258.320] (-3267.316) (-3263.273) (-3259.885) * (-3262.570) [-3264.555] (-3261.692) (-3258.416) -- 0:02:45 232500 -- (-3262.968) (-3264.437) [-3263.287] (-3268.323) * (-3262.135) [-3261.780] (-3267.533) (-3258.171) -- 0:02:45 233000 -- (-3259.044) (-3262.210) (-3266.500) [-3261.774] * [-3260.185] (-3268.559) (-3259.890) (-3266.311) -- 0:02:44 233500 -- (-3267.712) (-3262.620) [-3263.128] (-3263.368) * (-3261.584) (-3269.133) (-3260.374) [-3265.370] -- 0:02:44 234000 -- (-3262.792) (-3270.298) [-3262.252] (-3266.000) * (-3259.312) [-3268.906] (-3263.516) (-3266.212) -- 0:02:43 234500 -- (-3269.384) (-3273.608) (-3259.803) [-3262.942] * (-3266.470) [-3266.365] (-3270.703) (-3262.706) -- 0:02:43 235000 -- (-3261.628) [-3261.175] (-3267.140) (-3268.322) * [-3260.360] (-3269.038) (-3260.060) (-3268.355) -- 0:02:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 235500 -- (-3263.447) (-3268.974) (-3262.140) [-3263.541] * [-3269.027] (-3271.309) (-3263.045) (-3263.162) -- 0:02:42 236000 -- [-3262.770] (-3259.107) (-3265.255) (-3262.173) * (-3271.700) (-3270.119) [-3264.458] (-3264.238) -- 0:02:45 236500 -- (-3262.268) (-3269.199) (-3265.519) [-3262.851] * (-3264.142) (-3269.638) (-3259.710) [-3263.365] -- 0:02:44 237000 -- (-3258.616) (-3268.397) [-3264.697] (-3262.870) * (-3263.204) [-3263.167] (-3261.066) (-3266.207) -- 0:02:44 237500 -- [-3272.205] (-3268.460) (-3263.943) (-3260.807) * (-3266.062) [-3258.582] (-3264.104) (-3260.818) -- 0:02:43 238000 -- (-3270.120) (-3267.104) [-3262.062] (-3264.465) * (-3262.213) [-3265.021] (-3270.441) (-3263.780) -- 0:02:43 238500 -- (-3264.195) [-3260.570] (-3262.477) (-3270.537) * [-3267.337] (-3268.176) (-3264.954) (-3261.855) -- 0:02:42 239000 -- (-3265.122) (-3258.242) (-3265.106) [-3259.878] * (-3264.573) (-3265.008) (-3269.862) [-3260.816] -- 0:02:42 239500 -- (-3261.730) [-3256.768] (-3267.574) (-3260.901) * (-3264.591) (-3267.610) [-3262.757] (-3268.921) -- 0:02:41 240000 -- [-3262.678] (-3260.755) (-3262.477) (-3265.971) * (-3263.575) (-3273.674) (-3261.581) [-3262.280] -- 0:02:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 240500 -- (-3264.684) (-3263.523) (-3259.341) [-3269.345] * (-3266.998) (-3267.495) (-3262.210) [-3258.737] -- 0:02:44 241000 -- (-3269.835) (-3264.676) [-3259.750] (-3268.367) * [-3261.514] (-3261.943) (-3261.986) (-3265.541) -- 0:02:43 241500 -- (-3266.884) (-3280.151) (-3264.122) [-3266.424] * (-3260.816) (-3265.422) (-3271.427) [-3260.521] -- 0:02:43 242000 -- (-3266.452) [-3260.321] (-3262.448) (-3262.013) * [-3261.202] (-3266.663) (-3263.159) (-3264.820) -- 0:02:42 242500 -- (-3266.247) (-3268.624) [-3260.510] (-3261.735) * (-3264.768) [-3266.376] (-3263.543) (-3264.910) -- 0:02:42 243000 -- (-3260.082) (-3260.249) [-3258.214] (-3266.583) * (-3266.852) (-3264.271) [-3259.878] (-3263.249) -- 0:02:41 243500 -- (-3264.432) (-3267.689) (-3263.376) [-3270.304] * [-3264.442] (-3276.678) (-3267.841) (-3267.387) -- 0:02:41 244000 -- (-3265.966) [-3264.038] (-3262.349) (-3262.159) * [-3265.689] (-3265.719) (-3266.852) (-3262.991) -- 0:02:41 244500 -- (-3259.152) (-3268.548) (-3261.857) [-3259.763] * (-3266.235) [-3261.522] (-3266.249) (-3264.181) -- 0:02:40 245000 -- (-3263.366) [-3262.530] (-3269.733) (-3269.301) * (-3265.749) (-3264.126) [-3265.639] (-3266.831) -- 0:02:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 245500 -- (-3263.335) (-3269.520) [-3266.976] (-3264.146) * (-3264.481) (-3268.525) (-3269.195) [-3259.222] -- 0:02:42 246000 -- (-3261.752) (-3264.069) [-3263.666] (-3260.151) * (-3262.989) (-3261.202) (-3264.862) [-3258.700] -- 0:02:42 246500 -- (-3263.876) (-3261.741) [-3265.397] (-3262.120) * (-3259.000) (-3267.920) (-3265.083) [-3263.704] -- 0:02:42 247000 -- (-3264.686) [-3261.305] (-3269.843) (-3270.309) * [-3260.184] (-3267.045) (-3265.398) (-3263.339) -- 0:02:41 247500 -- [-3261.907] (-3266.684) (-3264.158) (-3261.245) * (-3265.682) [-3267.379] (-3274.087) (-3262.292) -- 0:02:41 248000 -- (-3270.585) (-3265.016) (-3264.578) [-3259.754] * (-3261.019) (-3265.779) (-3264.269) [-3259.224] -- 0:02:40 248500 -- (-3272.522) (-3265.192) (-3264.466) [-3261.084] * (-3265.141) (-3270.781) [-3260.326] (-3262.582) -- 0:02:40 249000 -- (-3263.311) (-3262.679) (-3259.873) [-3261.906] * (-3263.454) (-3267.536) (-3262.504) [-3265.473] -- 0:02:39 249500 -- (-3266.225) (-3260.861) [-3259.373] (-3264.048) * [-3265.160] (-3272.732) (-3258.225) (-3264.307) -- 0:02:39 250000 -- (-3260.471) (-3266.289) [-3264.204] (-3263.073) * (-3262.187) [-3266.302] (-3256.632) (-3271.444) -- 0:02:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 250500 -- [-3262.134] (-3261.764) (-3263.473) (-3260.894) * [-3261.569] (-3269.858) (-3259.831) (-3258.413) -- 0:02:41 251000 -- (-3259.005) (-3260.591) [-3265.962] (-3264.838) * (-3265.648) (-3264.945) [-3261.012] (-3257.876) -- 0:02:41 251500 -- [-3260.360] (-3260.991) (-3258.562) (-3263.129) * (-3263.923) [-3257.804] (-3263.057) (-3261.094) -- 0:02:40 252000 -- (-3260.714) (-3263.053) (-3265.486) [-3260.718] * (-3268.677) (-3261.025) (-3263.978) [-3259.021] -- 0:02:40 252500 -- (-3265.417) (-3263.253) (-3270.321) [-3262.594] * (-3261.909) [-3257.375] (-3264.302) (-3259.397) -- 0:02:39 253000 -- [-3258.446] (-3264.595) (-3269.088) (-3265.605) * (-3264.705) [-3261.854] (-3260.829) (-3267.479) -- 0:02:39 253500 -- (-3267.649) (-3260.028) [-3263.709] (-3264.543) * (-3263.861) [-3260.712] (-3267.054) (-3260.145) -- 0:02:39 254000 -- [-3275.136] (-3262.228) (-3264.620) (-3265.826) * (-3269.732) [-3262.729] (-3273.941) (-3260.923) -- 0:02:38 254500 -- [-3261.721] (-3265.951) (-3261.117) (-3264.219) * (-3266.575) [-3259.539] (-3265.385) (-3266.355) -- 0:02:41 255000 -- [-3262.843] (-3259.159) (-3264.995) (-3267.203) * (-3263.212) (-3259.197) (-3260.725) [-3262.709] -- 0:02:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 255500 -- (-3261.258) (-3260.836) [-3257.036] (-3265.752) * [-3263.106] (-3261.266) (-3262.272) (-3265.181) -- 0:02:40 256000 -- (-3265.384) (-3264.055) (-3268.545) [-3263.007] * (-3267.772) [-3259.979] (-3259.130) (-3263.972) -- 0:02:39 256500 -- (-3260.589) (-3267.046) [-3259.981] (-3266.552) * (-3264.211) (-3264.582) [-3260.860] (-3258.756) -- 0:02:39 257000 -- (-3263.024) (-3274.903) [-3261.890] (-3263.796) * (-3259.316) (-3267.868) (-3263.525) [-3268.136] -- 0:02:39 257500 -- (-3259.345) (-3267.048) [-3262.587] (-3266.365) * (-3265.555) [-3269.726] (-3262.615) (-3263.036) -- 0:02:38 258000 -- (-3261.867) [-3268.478] (-3265.578) (-3270.158) * (-3260.616) (-3267.163) [-3264.111] (-3260.886) -- 0:02:38 258500 -- [-3263.155] (-3263.562) (-3265.645) (-3278.471) * (-3258.463) [-3269.277] (-3265.436) (-3262.123) -- 0:02:37 259000 -- (-3265.409) [-3262.118] (-3261.773) (-3272.118) * (-3265.448) (-3262.359) [-3258.819] (-3270.371) -- 0:02:37 259500 -- (-3266.077) (-3260.320) (-3261.512) [-3269.751] * [-3268.687] (-3260.739) (-3270.836) (-3258.829) -- 0:02:39 260000 -- (-3268.434) [-3265.184] (-3261.657) (-3260.308) * [-3267.173] (-3267.248) (-3266.046) (-3259.228) -- 0:02:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 260500 -- [-3265.657] (-3262.311) (-3263.224) (-3268.334) * (-3258.975) (-3257.315) (-3264.161) [-3262.944] -- 0:02:38 261000 -- (-3265.482) (-3261.860) (-3264.158) [-3264.465] * (-3267.899) [-3256.000] (-3260.217) (-3264.410) -- 0:02:38 261500 -- [-3263.853] (-3259.455) (-3265.201) (-3275.249) * (-3266.581) (-3263.850) [-3264.285] (-3260.920) -- 0:02:38 262000 -- (-3261.157) (-3261.419) (-3264.729) [-3263.524] * (-3271.470) [-3258.838] (-3260.161) (-3261.992) -- 0:02:37 262500 -- [-3260.196] (-3266.371) (-3258.264) (-3263.190) * (-3265.193) [-3259.865] (-3263.873) (-3263.599) -- 0:02:37 263000 -- (-3262.628) [-3261.299] (-3263.086) (-3258.947) * [-3263.977] (-3268.075) (-3268.130) (-3264.679) -- 0:02:36 263500 -- (-3270.072) (-3262.826) [-3263.672] (-3266.814) * (-3267.171) (-3265.302) [-3264.359] (-3261.895) -- 0:02:36 264000 -- (-3258.736) (-3262.837) (-3268.758) [-3264.206] * (-3261.769) (-3263.336) (-3269.039) [-3262.693] -- 0:02:38 264500 -- [-3262.011] (-3262.681) (-3267.503) (-3273.446) * (-3263.993) (-3264.591) (-3259.809) [-3261.208] -- 0:02:38 265000 -- [-3264.656] (-3267.680) (-3269.764) (-3268.971) * (-3265.617) (-3264.757) (-3261.060) [-3258.574] -- 0:02:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 265500 -- [-3264.360] (-3265.197) (-3270.282) (-3264.703) * [-3267.622] (-3259.605) (-3262.989) (-3261.925) -- 0:02:37 266000 -- (-3263.562) (-3262.995) (-3278.112) [-3258.540] * (-3269.188) (-3262.463) [-3260.860] (-3269.589) -- 0:02:37 266500 -- (-3262.563) (-3259.197) (-3271.792) [-3266.826] * (-3268.674) (-3263.172) (-3261.101) [-3265.080] -- 0:02:36 267000 -- [-3270.309] (-3262.072) (-3264.529) (-3269.207) * [-3269.046] (-3269.647) (-3264.530) (-3263.668) -- 0:02:36 267500 -- [-3265.335] (-3268.058) (-3268.330) (-3266.759) * (-3259.155) [-3260.969] (-3269.220) (-3261.628) -- 0:02:36 268000 -- (-3273.228) (-3267.471) [-3262.550] (-3260.920) * (-3265.295) (-3263.959) (-3269.831) [-3269.418] -- 0:02:35 268500 -- (-3270.140) (-3266.294) [-3262.460] (-3271.351) * (-3264.677) (-3267.077) (-3261.545) [-3263.773] -- 0:02:35 269000 -- (-3268.941) (-3267.361) [-3261.864] (-3265.122) * (-3262.095) (-3266.427) (-3261.881) [-3258.444] -- 0:02:37 269500 -- (-3261.581) [-3261.737] (-3262.341) (-3268.376) * (-3261.165) (-3265.544) [-3261.044] (-3260.233) -- 0:02:37 270000 -- (-3265.237) (-3265.778) (-3261.440) [-3268.631] * (-3263.763) (-3264.419) [-3261.880] (-3267.746) -- 0:02:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 270500 -- (-3266.037) (-3264.175) (-3266.270) [-3266.643] * (-3260.106) (-3260.278) [-3263.970] (-3263.191) -- 0:02:36 271000 -- (-3262.448) [-3265.164] (-3263.323) (-3268.861) * (-3267.274) (-3263.125) (-3261.202) [-3266.950] -- 0:02:36 271500 -- [-3266.992] (-3263.985) (-3264.650) (-3272.306) * [-3261.134] (-3262.428) (-3259.157) (-3260.692) -- 0:02:35 272000 -- (-3258.933) (-3262.418) (-3260.100) [-3259.593] * (-3265.975) [-3265.334] (-3264.252) (-3260.775) -- 0:02:35 272500 -- [-3263.978] (-3262.761) (-3263.070) (-3264.393) * (-3263.801) (-3272.079) [-3264.077] (-3268.043) -- 0:02:34 273000 -- [-3260.297] (-3262.508) (-3260.977) (-3258.923) * (-3264.037) [-3265.897] (-3263.047) (-3265.335) -- 0:02:34 273500 -- (-3265.231) (-3266.012) (-3265.180) [-3263.152] * (-3261.003) (-3269.955) [-3257.585] (-3260.700) -- 0:02:36 274000 -- [-3267.014] (-3262.986) (-3264.937) (-3264.021) * (-3266.175) [-3262.242] (-3262.212) (-3258.106) -- 0:02:36 274500 -- [-3265.835] (-3273.734) (-3260.930) (-3268.383) * (-3259.258) [-3263.141] (-3271.210) (-3263.850) -- 0:02:35 275000 -- [-3264.068] (-3264.718) (-3261.031) (-3261.265) * (-3263.212) [-3258.701] (-3266.118) (-3259.521) -- 0:02:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 275500 -- (-3259.050) (-3259.638) (-3257.263) [-3261.647] * (-3263.937) (-3267.765) [-3263.803] (-3261.685) -- 0:02:35 276000 -- (-3257.142) (-3265.158) [-3259.368] (-3261.877) * (-3267.138) (-3265.906) (-3265.187) [-3266.520] -- 0:02:34 276500 -- [-3265.914] (-3262.779) (-3261.563) (-3266.872) * (-3278.061) [-3260.025] (-3270.411) (-3263.961) -- 0:02:34 277000 -- [-3262.059] (-3260.971) (-3261.555) (-3263.958) * (-3267.486) [-3259.531] (-3273.240) (-3267.448) -- 0:02:33 277500 -- (-3263.582) (-3258.992) (-3265.494) [-3261.169] * (-3274.585) (-3270.687) [-3261.926] (-3269.576) -- 0:02:33 278000 -- (-3261.099) (-3261.670) [-3267.718] (-3257.408) * (-3263.588) (-3260.560) [-3258.345] (-3268.582) -- 0:02:35 278500 -- (-3263.313) [-3264.311] (-3260.417) (-3265.696) * (-3265.408) (-3263.082) [-3259.805] (-3260.933) -- 0:02:35 279000 -- [-3259.702] (-3267.772) (-3265.310) (-3265.767) * (-3264.793) (-3265.646) (-3264.839) [-3263.507] -- 0:02:35 279500 -- [-3262.596] (-3266.114) (-3274.962) (-3265.398) * (-3264.550) (-3270.179) [-3265.162] (-3259.865) -- 0:02:34 280000 -- (-3265.684) (-3265.362) [-3259.446] (-3268.118) * (-3262.190) [-3262.707] (-3268.308) (-3265.742) -- 0:02:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 280500 -- (-3273.212) (-3267.455) (-3269.532) [-3264.601] * (-3264.699) (-3269.516) (-3269.570) [-3262.344] -- 0:02:33 281000 -- (-3271.451) (-3261.510) (-3258.446) [-3270.186] * (-3258.418) [-3263.645] (-3265.967) (-3262.485) -- 0:02:33 281500 -- (-3266.615) (-3266.009) [-3265.490] (-3266.648) * [-3258.808] (-3267.051) (-3261.139) (-3262.994) -- 0:02:33 282000 -- (-3266.906) (-3267.484) [-3261.400] (-3270.867) * [-3259.190] (-3259.584) (-3267.885) (-3264.183) -- 0:02:32 282500 -- [-3262.265] (-3262.708) (-3260.873) (-3267.042) * [-3258.073] (-3258.771) (-3267.170) (-3260.812) -- 0:02:32 283000 -- (-3269.694) (-3264.155) (-3270.847) [-3261.416] * [-3260.378] (-3261.600) (-3267.444) (-3265.997) -- 0:02:34 283500 -- (-3266.851) [-3263.848] (-3264.012) (-3266.058) * [-3262.807] (-3268.117) (-3262.341) (-3263.136) -- 0:02:34 284000 -- (-3266.211) [-3265.357] (-3268.758) (-3266.800) * (-3264.228) (-3264.822) [-3263.910] (-3268.192) -- 0:02:33 284500 -- (-3262.524) [-3262.908] (-3262.136) (-3264.664) * [-3261.609] (-3264.264) (-3264.124) (-3266.314) -- 0:02:33 285000 -- (-3271.069) (-3269.967) [-3262.716] (-3261.633) * (-3264.838) (-3267.102) [-3266.177] (-3265.704) -- 0:02:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 285500 -- (-3261.968) (-3266.404) [-3264.085] (-3260.190) * [-3266.486] (-3260.843) (-3270.561) (-3268.143) -- 0:02:32 286000 -- (-3265.761) (-3271.517) [-3259.572] (-3263.950) * (-3260.399) [-3262.809] (-3267.631) (-3264.346) -- 0:02:32 286500 -- (-3265.986) (-3271.397) [-3262.033] (-3266.473) * [-3259.279] (-3263.354) (-3265.324) (-3263.312) -- 0:02:31 287000 -- (-3264.961) (-3269.417) [-3270.575] (-3267.268) * (-3262.724) (-3268.443) (-3263.455) [-3263.145] -- 0:02:31 287500 -- (-3259.555) (-3265.313) (-3262.679) [-3273.315] * (-3268.668) (-3264.081) (-3265.035) [-3257.516] -- 0:02:33 288000 -- [-3260.512] (-3261.104) (-3259.392) (-3269.175) * (-3268.872) [-3262.819] (-3264.413) (-3265.423) -- 0:02:33 288500 -- (-3259.842) (-3268.542) (-3264.744) [-3268.037] * (-3265.491) [-3264.484] (-3270.180) (-3260.224) -- 0:02:32 289000 -- (-3261.886) (-3269.018) [-3262.459] (-3263.322) * (-3268.000) (-3262.146) (-3267.748) [-3266.042] -- 0:02:32 289500 -- (-3263.724) (-3263.557) [-3256.770] (-3265.031) * (-3261.361) [-3267.051] (-3262.402) (-3267.396) -- 0:02:32 290000 -- [-3259.870] (-3266.174) (-3258.961) (-3270.219) * (-3265.111) [-3268.874] (-3260.725) (-3262.188) -- 0:02:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 290500 -- [-3261.506] (-3266.139) (-3261.764) (-3265.430) * [-3262.896] (-3271.819) (-3262.740) (-3264.779) -- 0:02:31 291000 -- (-3264.888) (-3265.869) [-3264.678] (-3268.430) * [-3262.893] (-3266.619) (-3263.308) (-3260.885) -- 0:02:31 291500 -- [-3265.158] (-3260.320) (-3256.695) (-3266.893) * (-3265.389) (-3268.531) (-3267.157) [-3273.188] -- 0:02:30 292000 -- (-3268.831) (-3258.705) [-3259.013] (-3259.602) * (-3272.067) (-3268.543) [-3261.750] (-3268.095) -- 0:02:32 292500 -- (-3270.126) [-3265.081] (-3274.254) (-3265.494) * (-3272.599) (-3264.101) [-3267.518] (-3263.288) -- 0:02:32 293000 -- [-3263.358] (-3264.904) (-3271.672) (-3274.464) * (-3275.608) (-3264.444) [-3257.852] (-3264.052) -- 0:02:32 293500 -- (-3260.698) (-3265.452) (-3259.200) [-3263.338] * [-3267.741] (-3268.773) (-3262.402) (-3263.538) -- 0:02:31 294000 -- (-3260.311) (-3265.872) (-3268.178) [-3260.624] * (-3265.102) (-3271.902) [-3265.619] (-3260.260) -- 0:02:31 294500 -- (-3263.466) [-3266.293] (-3268.919) (-3261.158) * [-3266.655] (-3266.389) (-3267.933) (-3264.211) -- 0:02:30 295000 -- [-3259.848] (-3262.031) (-3265.083) (-3260.743) * (-3269.320) (-3267.299) (-3271.639) [-3263.967] -- 0:02:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 295500 -- (-3265.236) (-3263.005) [-3264.491] (-3258.908) * (-3264.662) [-3265.093] (-3272.320) (-3262.633) -- 0:02:30 296000 -- (-3263.658) (-3260.101) [-3264.891] (-3264.143) * [-3258.669] (-3264.078) (-3268.285) (-3261.516) -- 0:02:29 296500 -- (-3264.517) [-3273.272] (-3260.210) (-3265.122) * (-3263.270) [-3262.395] (-3260.870) (-3264.924) -- 0:02:29 297000 -- (-3264.272) (-3270.419) [-3261.322] (-3259.211) * (-3262.453) (-3264.443) [-3265.684] (-3259.970) -- 0:02:31 297500 -- (-3265.557) (-3275.605) (-3260.714) [-3264.276] * (-3262.785) [-3269.734] (-3263.685) (-3265.291) -- 0:02:31 298000 -- [-3261.603] (-3275.886) (-3268.944) (-3262.805) * (-3265.549) (-3263.962) (-3260.690) [-3262.470] -- 0:02:30 298500 -- (-3263.328) [-3263.571] (-3270.813) (-3268.277) * (-3272.390) (-3270.818) [-3260.529] (-3260.276) -- 0:02:30 299000 -- [-3258.250] (-3264.159) (-3258.600) (-3267.182) * [-3265.884] (-3263.841) (-3260.932) (-3266.188) -- 0:02:30 299500 -- (-3260.421) (-3267.500) [-3263.864] (-3265.788) * (-3268.565) (-3259.998) (-3263.270) [-3265.889] -- 0:02:29 300000 -- (-3264.433) (-3265.595) (-3265.605) [-3272.944] * (-3263.559) (-3262.273) (-3261.018) [-3258.533] -- 0:02:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 300500 -- (-3261.271) (-3259.434) (-3261.987) [-3265.288] * (-3263.404) (-3259.540) (-3269.295) [-3261.189] -- 0:02:28 301000 -- [-3266.827] (-3266.698) (-3262.786) (-3265.943) * [-3262.321] (-3263.217) (-3268.393) (-3261.390) -- 0:02:28 301500 -- [-3258.675] (-3264.705) (-3260.341) (-3263.280) * (-3261.544) (-3265.862) (-3268.600) [-3260.517] -- 0:02:30 302000 -- (-3257.799) (-3264.916) (-3268.540) [-3265.239] * (-3257.775) [-3267.934] (-3268.662) (-3266.208) -- 0:02:30 302500 -- [-3260.902] (-3268.789) (-3261.544) (-3263.620) * [-3264.884] (-3260.977) (-3261.024) (-3258.468) -- 0:02:29 303000 -- [-3265.001] (-3266.881) (-3262.717) (-3270.691) * (-3264.624) (-3270.445) [-3262.792] (-3258.864) -- 0:02:29 303500 -- [-3263.994] (-3259.738) (-3264.710) (-3269.778) * (-3265.601) (-3267.034) [-3264.915] (-3260.923) -- 0:02:29 304000 -- (-3263.367) (-3259.999) [-3266.032] (-3265.898) * (-3267.188) (-3264.294) (-3272.496) [-3257.918] -- 0:02:28 304500 -- [-3258.260] (-3263.608) (-3263.606) (-3262.517) * (-3262.599) [-3263.476] (-3274.913) (-3258.692) -- 0:02:28 305000 -- (-3260.323) [-3257.703] (-3265.260) (-3261.945) * (-3261.339) (-3266.626) (-3266.067) [-3260.999] -- 0:02:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 305500 -- (-3264.657) [-3262.723] (-3264.950) (-3260.150) * (-3266.921) [-3258.705] (-3269.995) (-3263.391) -- 0:02:27 306000 -- (-3262.012) (-3265.067) [-3263.909] (-3263.489) * [-3258.815] (-3263.144) (-3266.119) (-3261.157) -- 0:02:27 306500 -- [-3268.883] (-3267.706) (-3265.868) (-3257.708) * (-3267.720) [-3262.236] (-3261.433) (-3257.830) -- 0:02:29 307000 -- (-3264.304) (-3264.984) [-3266.045] (-3270.228) * (-3260.560) (-3263.726) (-3266.375) [-3260.476] -- 0:02:28 307500 -- [-3264.432] (-3268.636) (-3261.057) (-3265.991) * (-3263.731) [-3263.003] (-3267.690) (-3260.433) -- 0:02:28 308000 -- (-3262.720) [-3261.394] (-3262.607) (-3263.365) * [-3260.307] (-3265.902) (-3261.461) (-3263.402) -- 0:02:28 308500 -- (-3265.889) (-3264.675) [-3259.191] (-3272.792) * [-3264.712] (-3263.968) (-3266.064) (-3264.384) -- 0:02:27 309000 -- (-3270.946) [-3265.768] (-3256.021) (-3267.668) * (-3262.125) (-3266.837) (-3269.938) [-3264.653] -- 0:02:27 309500 -- [-3266.069] (-3266.463) (-3262.103) (-3264.959) * (-3259.543) (-3264.299) [-3260.269] (-3265.734) -- 0:02:27 310000 -- (-3268.457) [-3265.335] (-3266.805) (-3270.036) * (-3261.248) (-3269.070) [-3264.840] (-3260.605) -- 0:02:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 310500 -- (-3263.933) [-3269.080] (-3267.250) (-3259.326) * [-3264.718] (-3266.084) (-3263.951) (-3257.338) -- 0:02:26 311000 -- [-3262.655] (-3263.030) (-3261.930) (-3265.455) * [-3259.550] (-3267.417) (-3260.796) (-3264.703) -- 0:02:28 311500 -- (-3273.982) (-3265.290) (-3260.699) [-3267.190] * (-3263.883) [-3260.834] (-3267.855) (-3263.105) -- 0:02:28 312000 -- (-3260.447) (-3268.385) [-3259.658] (-3264.332) * (-3261.180) (-3270.828) [-3267.319] (-3264.761) -- 0:02:27 312500 -- (-3262.163) [-3269.232] (-3260.646) (-3260.470) * (-3263.073) (-3260.508) (-3266.475) [-3263.758] -- 0:02:27 313000 -- [-3258.814] (-3263.640) (-3264.738) (-3263.342) * (-3258.911) (-3272.200) (-3263.385) [-3266.057] -- 0:02:27 313500 -- (-3263.526) (-3262.805) (-3264.450) [-3261.896] * (-3260.575) [-3267.432] (-3270.002) (-3267.134) -- 0:02:26 314000 -- (-3266.039) (-3271.204) [-3263.951] (-3263.099) * (-3261.864) [-3265.929] (-3267.605) (-3272.520) -- 0:02:26 314500 -- (-3268.435) [-3263.837] (-3262.839) (-3259.157) * (-3258.937) [-3266.206] (-3265.933) (-3262.897) -- 0:02:26 315000 -- (-3260.699) [-3261.482] (-3265.871) (-3266.666) * (-3263.105) [-3266.325] (-3263.908) (-3262.645) -- 0:02:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 315500 -- (-3259.595) [-3260.616] (-3268.460) (-3260.402) * (-3266.454) (-3263.751) (-3263.200) [-3263.150] -- 0:02:27 316000 -- (-3262.506) [-3268.580] (-3263.642) (-3263.706) * (-3260.551) (-3261.710) [-3258.768] (-3263.560) -- 0:02:27 316500 -- (-3265.052) (-3257.617) [-3260.851] (-3266.945) * (-3272.133) (-3265.399) [-3258.989] (-3268.282) -- 0:02:26 317000 -- (-3261.728) (-3261.598) [-3265.123] (-3264.830) * (-3269.208) (-3264.459) [-3267.402] (-3269.185) -- 0:02:26 317500 -- (-3261.223) (-3269.821) [-3262.215] (-3270.087) * (-3263.985) [-3267.330] (-3264.880) (-3262.128) -- 0:02:26 318000 -- (-3274.793) [-3261.268] (-3265.990) (-3262.589) * (-3263.358) (-3267.595) [-3262.305] (-3261.363) -- 0:02:25 318500 -- (-3260.061) (-3263.313) [-3258.353] (-3267.642) * [-3258.753] (-3270.652) (-3264.042) (-3264.167) -- 0:02:25 319000 -- (-3271.356) [-3258.694] (-3260.298) (-3267.172) * (-3268.825) (-3270.094) [-3261.500] (-3261.081) -- 0:02:25 319500 -- (-3259.022) [-3258.754] (-3262.363) (-3271.736) * [-3259.793] (-3269.564) (-3271.173) (-3257.989) -- 0:02:24 320000 -- [-3260.417] (-3260.898) (-3261.432) (-3265.565) * (-3267.317) [-3266.413] (-3261.930) (-3265.045) -- 0:02:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 320500 -- (-3261.393) (-3265.846) (-3272.093) [-3259.384] * (-3266.971) (-3264.333) [-3261.128] (-3260.964) -- 0:02:26 321000 -- (-3260.753) (-3259.105) (-3266.042) [-3261.970] * (-3259.212) (-3267.275) [-3260.229] (-3264.713) -- 0:02:25 321500 -- (-3260.349) (-3261.446) (-3263.319) [-3262.816] * (-3268.183) (-3262.170) [-3269.144] (-3261.758) -- 0:02:25 322000 -- (-3263.571) [-3263.970] (-3265.052) (-3264.988) * (-3263.907) (-3262.874) (-3272.885) [-3263.384] -- 0:02:25 322500 -- (-3265.738) (-3264.361) [-3271.784] (-3270.706) * (-3266.891) (-3262.926) [-3263.971] (-3271.750) -- 0:02:24 323000 -- (-3261.300) (-3267.573) (-3260.852) [-3259.613] * (-3268.598) [-3263.065] (-3272.003) (-3268.757) -- 0:02:24 323500 -- (-3263.900) (-3266.351) (-3260.815) [-3266.034] * (-3256.123) (-3268.813) (-3268.451) [-3269.094] -- 0:02:24 324000 -- (-3259.941) (-3265.005) (-3265.068) [-3262.215] * [-3263.688] (-3262.655) (-3274.509) (-3267.196) -- 0:02:23 324500 -- [-3264.209] (-3263.665) (-3266.282) (-3262.010) * (-3259.809) [-3260.955] (-3267.363) (-3262.638) -- 0:02:23 325000 -- (-3267.963) (-3259.878) (-3265.143) [-3264.404] * (-3265.996) (-3262.859) (-3262.872) [-3263.526] -- 0:02:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 325500 -- (-3262.696) (-3259.939) [-3267.713] (-3267.910) * (-3269.166) (-3263.910) (-3263.063) [-3262.472] -- 0:02:25 326000 -- (-3274.806) (-3259.554) [-3269.305] (-3270.596) * (-3265.771) (-3269.358) (-3269.081) [-3259.060] -- 0:02:24 326500 -- (-3275.781) [-3258.787] (-3264.400) (-3261.659) * (-3264.138) [-3262.732] (-3264.591) (-3259.444) -- 0:02:24 327000 -- [-3268.088] (-3260.624) (-3259.627) (-3265.478) * [-3260.624] (-3264.408) (-3260.618) (-3268.958) -- 0:02:24 327500 -- (-3259.030) (-3263.900) (-3263.512) [-3259.360] * [-3264.474] (-3261.130) (-3261.735) (-3255.785) -- 0:02:23 328000 -- (-3262.421) (-3262.398) [-3260.667] (-3270.657) * (-3266.430) [-3258.066] (-3270.153) (-3263.342) -- 0:02:23 328500 -- (-3265.795) (-3266.131) [-3261.971] (-3263.528) * (-3264.370) [-3259.742] (-3269.249) (-3264.349) -- 0:02:23 329000 -- (-3268.963) [-3267.134] (-3260.282) (-3261.612) * (-3265.127) (-3271.273) (-3264.115) [-3260.303] -- 0:02:22 329500 -- (-3270.333) (-3267.128) [-3263.498] (-3259.144) * (-3264.507) (-3261.553) (-3266.333) [-3261.950] -- 0:02:24 330000 -- [-3263.637] (-3278.596) (-3262.717) (-3260.988) * [-3258.703] (-3266.574) (-3263.096) (-3261.889) -- 0:02:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 330500 -- (-3267.843) (-3270.168) [-3256.516] (-3270.646) * (-3262.584) (-3260.763) (-3266.405) [-3263.527] -- 0:02:23 331000 -- (-3263.074) (-3265.313) (-3266.246) [-3260.298] * (-3270.022) [-3262.207] (-3273.305) (-3265.800) -- 0:02:23 331500 -- (-3271.116) [-3264.923] (-3265.312) (-3269.031) * (-3268.631) (-3257.713) [-3259.793] (-3265.220) -- 0:02:23 332000 -- (-3264.282) (-3259.848) (-3264.393) [-3260.733] * [-3265.744] (-3265.671) (-3261.769) (-3269.836) -- 0:02:22 332500 -- (-3266.424) (-3268.078) (-3263.762) [-3265.832] * [-3260.213] (-3261.295) (-3257.805) (-3263.165) -- 0:02:22 333000 -- (-3271.475) (-3265.500) (-3274.188) [-3260.969] * (-3259.978) (-3267.611) (-3262.477) [-3262.265] -- 0:02:22 333500 -- (-3275.061) (-3262.670) [-3258.589] (-3265.789) * (-3262.041) (-3266.604) (-3263.567) [-3264.586] -- 0:02:21 334000 -- (-3262.326) [-3263.343] (-3258.532) (-3267.922) * (-3260.748) (-3264.641) (-3269.611) [-3261.448] -- 0:02:21 334500 -- (-3263.513) [-3267.976] (-3260.757) (-3263.024) * [-3265.758] (-3269.514) (-3266.258) (-3259.000) -- 0:02:23 335000 -- (-3261.434) (-3270.386) (-3267.997) [-3264.176] * (-3264.570) [-3263.937] (-3267.420) (-3270.211) -- 0:02:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 335500 -- (-3265.835) (-3262.113) [-3258.175] (-3268.660) * (-3263.047) (-3266.543) [-3261.819] (-3270.790) -- 0:02:22 336000 -- (-3260.933) (-3260.442) (-3260.047) [-3267.717] * [-3269.222] (-3265.686) (-3269.184) (-3266.857) -- 0:02:22 336500 -- (-3264.946) (-3264.913) (-3270.252) [-3261.444] * (-3265.410) (-3261.848) (-3264.779) [-3260.477] -- 0:02:21 337000 -- (-3267.739) (-3271.210) [-3269.933] (-3262.876) * [-3265.540] (-3258.854) (-3268.663) (-3264.345) -- 0:02:21 337500 -- (-3262.044) (-3263.873) [-3261.677] (-3267.420) * (-3261.661) (-3267.527) (-3261.314) [-3263.436] -- 0:02:21 338000 -- (-3264.161) [-3264.327] (-3264.572) (-3266.185) * [-3262.567] (-3262.367) (-3263.299) (-3262.193) -- 0:02:21 338500 -- (-3267.308) [-3265.767] (-3265.095) (-3265.809) * (-3264.285) [-3259.489] (-3260.953) (-3264.259) -- 0:02:20 339000 -- (-3262.236) (-3264.919) (-3267.419) [-3267.082] * [-3259.957] (-3260.786) (-3266.529) (-3264.484) -- 0:02:22 339500 -- [-3262.089] (-3265.981) (-3261.031) (-3265.926) * [-3262.316] (-3265.521) (-3271.543) (-3262.251) -- 0:02:22 340000 -- (-3265.285) (-3268.750) (-3264.084) [-3264.223] * (-3265.913) [-3259.971] (-3268.261) (-3266.753) -- 0:02:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 340500 -- (-3268.693) (-3269.465) [-3263.304] (-3262.694) * (-3268.180) (-3265.582) [-3268.335] (-3260.976) -- 0:02:21 341000 -- (-3262.812) [-3261.994] (-3264.397) (-3266.438) * (-3264.299) (-3268.287) (-3264.079) [-3260.921] -- 0:02:21 341500 -- [-3264.167] (-3264.955) (-3268.706) (-3265.826) * (-3265.879) (-3268.211) [-3263.971] (-3263.588) -- 0:02:20 342000 -- [-3264.247] (-3263.318) (-3258.342) (-3270.075) * [-3259.989] (-3261.392) (-3268.676) (-3270.864) -- 0:02:20 342500 -- [-3265.081] (-3261.110) (-3261.057) (-3267.272) * [-3260.272] (-3260.482) (-3265.380) (-3266.639) -- 0:02:20 343000 -- (-3269.659) (-3270.571) (-3261.609) [-3265.679] * [-3265.342] (-3259.567) (-3265.952) (-3262.320) -- 0:02:19 343500 -- [-3264.482] (-3262.711) (-3260.613) (-3260.394) * [-3258.714] (-3269.588) (-3265.547) (-3264.650) -- 0:02:21 344000 -- [-3264.619] (-3263.281) (-3266.678) (-3261.001) * [-3260.493] (-3267.129) (-3264.443) (-3265.049) -- 0:02:21 344500 -- (-3265.959) (-3260.368) (-3264.658) [-3263.825] * (-3272.150) [-3261.615] (-3262.966) (-3263.467) -- 0:02:20 345000 -- (-3266.510) [-3258.950] (-3266.608) (-3268.654) * (-3265.983) (-3263.920) [-3266.681] (-3257.925) -- 0:02:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 345500 -- (-3259.825) [-3259.437] (-3268.403) (-3261.443) * (-3266.671) (-3266.070) (-3263.412) [-3264.073] -- 0:02:20 346000 -- (-3266.212) [-3263.705] (-3266.042) (-3267.252) * [-3260.966] (-3270.609) (-3264.540) (-3260.740) -- 0:02:19 346500 -- [-3265.685] (-3261.586) (-3267.305) (-3261.705) * (-3267.622) (-3263.945) [-3262.555] (-3266.153) -- 0:02:19 347000 -- (-3262.797) (-3263.889) [-3258.789] (-3269.651) * (-3261.483) [-3264.489] (-3263.712) (-3266.717) -- 0:02:19 347500 -- (-3264.795) [-3263.555] (-3265.846) (-3262.498) * (-3267.226) [-3266.086] (-3262.950) (-3264.702) -- 0:02:18 348000 -- (-3260.286) (-3260.540) (-3266.060) [-3257.901] * (-3267.438) [-3261.572] (-3269.506) (-3261.657) -- 0:02:18 348500 -- (-3265.327) (-3265.732) (-3263.270) [-3264.467] * (-3269.284) (-3264.932) [-3268.049] (-3262.602) -- 0:02:20 349000 -- (-3265.371) [-3260.784] (-3264.150) (-3265.717) * [-3260.294] (-3262.112) (-3265.484) (-3265.068) -- 0:02:19 349500 -- (-3265.135) (-3265.562) [-3264.943] (-3265.236) * (-3266.189) (-3267.157) [-3266.887] (-3261.425) -- 0:02:19 350000 -- (-3262.051) [-3263.809] (-3269.925) (-3266.431) * [-3260.902] (-3264.889) (-3264.087) (-3262.434) -- 0:02:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 350500 -- (-3268.079) (-3263.223) (-3267.102) [-3263.001] * (-3269.099) [-3262.487] (-3267.085) (-3266.097) -- 0:02:18 351000 -- [-3260.240] (-3261.851) (-3265.801) (-3258.798) * (-3263.470) (-3263.897) [-3256.035] (-3260.775) -- 0:02:18 351500 -- [-3263.352] (-3262.966) (-3266.499) (-3268.275) * (-3268.057) (-3266.739) [-3261.792] (-3264.208) -- 0:02:18 352000 -- (-3258.131) (-3264.773) (-3269.725) [-3264.455] * [-3265.121] (-3267.194) (-3267.200) (-3261.087) -- 0:02:18 352500 -- (-3260.425) (-3265.860) [-3263.197] (-3266.074) * (-3263.173) (-3268.020) (-3263.516) [-3265.620] -- 0:02:17 353000 -- (-3262.085) (-3263.462) [-3264.095] (-3262.381) * (-3262.779) (-3267.237) (-3265.566) [-3258.979] -- 0:02:19 353500 -- (-3264.153) [-3265.802] (-3267.010) (-3265.295) * (-3261.105) (-3266.904) [-3261.852] (-3262.598) -- 0:02:18 354000 -- (-3265.342) [-3262.252] (-3266.475) (-3270.725) * (-3266.418) (-3267.361) [-3265.586] (-3264.319) -- 0:02:18 354500 -- (-3264.402) (-3271.974) [-3265.541] (-3274.444) * [-3263.161] (-3260.928) (-3262.486) (-3264.615) -- 0:02:18 355000 -- (-3270.844) (-3264.358) [-3264.781] (-3259.729) * (-3262.334) [-3263.407] (-3266.664) (-3265.815) -- 0:02:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 355500 -- (-3259.625) (-3261.691) (-3266.363) [-3267.020] * [-3262.102] (-3267.479) (-3261.497) (-3264.518) -- 0:02:17 356000 -- (-3265.733) (-3263.021) (-3273.016) [-3265.531] * (-3269.595) [-3260.187] (-3262.804) (-3261.114) -- 0:02:17 356500 -- (-3262.622) (-3263.399) (-3265.576) [-3264.054] * (-3263.005) [-3263.881] (-3263.443) (-3262.276) -- 0:02:17 357000 -- (-3264.827) [-3260.728] (-3262.980) (-3265.900) * (-3263.685) [-3266.061] (-3268.630) (-3263.575) -- 0:02:16 357500 -- (-3271.361) (-3257.607) (-3266.039) [-3267.960] * [-3261.203] (-3266.230) (-3269.858) (-3257.460) -- 0:02:18 358000 -- [-3264.756] (-3259.346) (-3261.726) (-3257.545) * (-3275.669) [-3265.739] (-3264.501) (-3262.762) -- 0:02:18 358500 -- [-3278.275] (-3262.107) (-3265.147) (-3264.565) * [-3260.503] (-3263.064) (-3262.148) (-3265.967) -- 0:02:17 359000 -- (-3272.003) (-3263.986) (-3268.119) [-3264.739] * (-3260.089) (-3267.711) [-3259.468] (-3259.964) -- 0:02:17 359500 -- [-3261.063] (-3264.449) (-3260.335) (-3268.023) * (-3268.145) (-3263.536) [-3261.226] (-3260.375) -- 0:02:17 360000 -- [-3261.149] (-3260.982) (-3267.630) (-3262.928) * (-3275.433) [-3265.977] (-3263.039) (-3263.969) -- 0:02:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 360500 -- (-3259.786) (-3260.904) (-3267.543) [-3262.084] * [-3266.409] (-3266.919) (-3265.075) (-3267.848) -- 0:02:16 361000 -- (-3259.247) (-3267.745) (-3265.760) [-3266.664] * [-3265.036] (-3268.111) (-3262.896) (-3267.465) -- 0:02:16 361500 -- (-3261.055) [-3269.661] (-3264.169) (-3265.347) * (-3264.001) [-3261.969] (-3263.778) (-3261.665) -- 0:02:16 362000 -- (-3264.302) (-3275.939) (-3264.596) [-3261.074] * (-3263.342) (-3267.140) [-3261.617] (-3262.970) -- 0:02:15 362500 -- (-3266.726) (-3260.611) [-3263.793] (-3267.178) * (-3265.518) (-3268.600) (-3262.538) [-3267.420] -- 0:02:17 363000 -- (-3263.278) (-3268.203) [-3262.160] (-3265.001) * (-3263.475) (-3260.349) (-3270.099) [-3262.278] -- 0:02:16 363500 -- [-3263.197] (-3266.480) (-3263.217) (-3262.056) * (-3264.013) (-3257.117) [-3263.900] (-3263.208) -- 0:02:16 364000 -- (-3271.753) (-3267.014) (-3262.872) [-3265.415] * (-3261.092) [-3263.725] (-3270.492) (-3257.934) -- 0:02:16 364500 -- (-3262.681) (-3262.537) [-3262.019] (-3259.445) * [-3259.571] (-3262.270) (-3264.417) (-3264.622) -- 0:02:15 365000 -- (-3262.834) [-3259.611] (-3266.724) (-3259.330) * (-3261.302) (-3261.505) (-3272.162) [-3260.393] -- 0:02:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 365500 -- (-3262.270) (-3261.525) [-3261.168] (-3264.804) * (-3261.463) [-3261.157] (-3278.834) (-3263.524) -- 0:02:15 366000 -- (-3267.427) [-3268.423] (-3262.416) (-3263.453) * [-3265.539] (-3260.587) (-3265.831) (-3264.253) -- 0:02:15 366500 -- [-3259.107] (-3256.622) (-3264.017) (-3265.249) * (-3265.712) (-3262.748) [-3268.790] (-3265.663) -- 0:02:14 367000 -- [-3260.627] (-3263.402) (-3261.359) (-3259.197) * (-3259.131) (-3264.091) (-3263.292) [-3261.724] -- 0:02:16 367500 -- (-3263.843) (-3256.445) [-3261.756] (-3260.274) * (-3265.749) (-3264.649) [-3270.676] (-3259.226) -- 0:02:15 368000 -- (-3263.869) [-3265.086] (-3265.106) (-3267.051) * [-3265.844] (-3263.039) (-3266.351) (-3271.564) -- 0:02:15 368500 -- (-3265.046) (-3265.209) [-3266.547] (-3265.695) * [-3268.931] (-3258.303) (-3264.395) (-3262.995) -- 0:02:15 369000 -- [-3266.823] (-3267.798) (-3270.579) (-3260.428) * [-3263.766] (-3267.369) (-3269.743) (-3268.866) -- 0:02:15 369500 -- (-3260.802) (-3269.556) (-3273.996) [-3262.739] * [-3261.864] (-3260.429) (-3268.658) (-3263.532) -- 0:02:14 370000 -- [-3262.619] (-3270.403) (-3264.483) (-3271.933) * (-3261.804) (-3261.184) (-3270.074) [-3266.143] -- 0:02:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 370500 -- (-3259.575) (-3270.452) (-3265.848) [-3265.251] * (-3268.345) (-3267.467) (-3269.975) [-3262.147] -- 0:02:14 371000 -- (-3261.709) (-3274.070) [-3260.368] (-3264.899) * (-3261.358) [-3264.649] (-3268.784) (-3260.578) -- 0:02:13 371500 -- (-3264.486) (-3265.329) [-3260.784] (-3268.049) * (-3263.915) [-3267.452] (-3262.575) (-3267.744) -- 0:02:15 372000 -- (-3266.019) (-3259.783) (-3265.956) [-3269.884] * [-3262.306] (-3261.256) (-3263.373) (-3258.228) -- 0:02:15 372500 -- (-3272.223) (-3260.869) [-3263.427] (-3260.610) * (-3259.342) [-3264.452] (-3258.096) (-3262.694) -- 0:02:14 373000 -- (-3257.841) (-3266.206) [-3260.040] (-3263.031) * [-3263.712] (-3266.662) (-3263.419) (-3262.477) -- 0:02:14 373500 -- (-3262.708) [-3263.930] (-3264.927) (-3262.692) * (-3259.769) (-3265.548) [-3268.456] (-3261.427) -- 0:02:14 374000 -- (-3268.387) [-3261.864] (-3264.951) (-3270.111) * (-3264.865) [-3261.847] (-3262.684) (-3259.459) -- 0:02:13 374500 -- (-3262.399) (-3259.721) (-3265.408) [-3263.315] * [-3259.440] (-3267.923) (-3262.131) (-3262.410) -- 0:02:13 375000 -- (-3265.766) (-3264.393) (-3267.401) [-3258.852] * [-3269.253] (-3274.771) (-3261.919) (-3266.672) -- 0:02:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 375500 -- (-3260.353) (-3265.082) (-3264.005) [-3256.776] * (-3264.729) [-3262.229] (-3265.802) (-3268.772) -- 0:02:13 376000 -- (-3261.773) [-3261.132] (-3267.312) (-3259.241) * (-3263.898) (-3262.978) (-3263.934) [-3264.291] -- 0:02:12 376500 -- [-3266.800] (-3262.155) (-3274.692) (-3261.766) * (-3263.178) (-3263.368) (-3269.586) [-3260.537] -- 0:02:14 377000 -- [-3260.790] (-3259.251) (-3268.170) (-3270.403) * (-3262.459) (-3262.201) [-3259.578] (-3266.776) -- 0:02:13 377500 -- (-3259.351) (-3266.556) (-3264.341) [-3261.602] * [-3261.042] (-3263.519) (-3260.638) (-3275.840) -- 0:02:13 378000 -- (-3274.036) (-3268.676) [-3259.099] (-3260.442) * [-3260.255] (-3265.743) (-3265.919) (-3264.652) -- 0:02:13 378500 -- (-3259.836) [-3261.164] (-3259.637) (-3269.329) * (-3261.152) (-3262.660) (-3265.179) [-3262.781] -- 0:02:13 379000 -- (-3270.742) [-3262.905] (-3267.095) (-3270.563) * (-3261.195) [-3264.250] (-3266.486) (-3264.137) -- 0:02:12 379500 -- [-3263.460] (-3259.352) (-3267.214) (-3266.575) * (-3261.979) (-3273.475) [-3264.463] (-3263.649) -- 0:02:12 380000 -- (-3266.655) (-3258.068) (-3263.826) [-3261.175] * (-3265.193) (-3260.952) [-3263.729] (-3261.743) -- 0:02:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 380500 -- (-3265.250) [-3261.522] (-3262.620) (-3266.723) * (-3261.299) (-3266.108) [-3265.692] (-3266.693) -- 0:02:11 381000 -- (-3276.480) (-3263.191) [-3259.283] (-3268.549) * [-3265.704] (-3262.247) (-3260.163) (-3271.532) -- 0:02:13 381500 -- (-3267.108) [-3260.020] (-3262.576) (-3263.494) * (-3265.986) [-3267.262] (-3260.195) (-3260.687) -- 0:02:12 382000 -- (-3264.078) [-3261.864] (-3263.311) (-3261.798) * [-3260.842] (-3262.775) (-3266.077) (-3263.210) -- 0:02:12 382500 -- [-3263.062] (-3262.568) (-3259.187) (-3267.174) * (-3258.298) (-3263.289) [-3261.815] (-3268.846) -- 0:02:12 383000 -- [-3258.331] (-3264.017) (-3266.848) (-3262.776) * [-3260.952] (-3274.076) (-3267.550) (-3263.744) -- 0:02:12 383500 -- [-3261.585] (-3262.385) (-3266.888) (-3265.124) * [-3263.882] (-3268.105) (-3271.532) (-3262.805) -- 0:02:11 384000 -- (-3263.329) (-3264.399) [-3257.741] (-3263.575) * (-3265.575) (-3260.325) (-3265.178) [-3262.168] -- 0:02:11 384500 -- (-3261.555) (-3266.953) (-3257.015) [-3258.476] * (-3262.053) (-3267.777) [-3262.523] (-3269.474) -- 0:02:11 385000 -- (-3266.937) (-3264.293) (-3263.002) [-3256.707] * [-3263.805] (-3264.729) (-3265.067) (-3269.862) -- 0:02:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 385500 -- [-3263.305] (-3264.935) (-3264.182) (-3260.005) * (-3263.901) [-3261.211] (-3270.980) (-3263.618) -- 0:02:12 386000 -- (-3273.387) [-3262.056] (-3262.278) (-3261.965) * [-3265.909] (-3264.940) (-3268.688) (-3259.923) -- 0:02:12 386500 -- (-3261.509) (-3264.519) [-3261.301] (-3261.083) * [-3259.123] (-3264.195) (-3263.748) (-3260.292) -- 0:02:11 387000 -- (-3265.328) [-3263.610] (-3268.572) (-3261.265) * [-3259.429] (-3261.604) (-3279.268) (-3265.884) -- 0:02:11 387500 -- (-3263.846) [-3260.291] (-3259.872) (-3269.338) * (-3256.921) (-3261.306) (-3270.911) [-3262.407] -- 0:02:11 388000 -- (-3265.811) (-3258.531) (-3262.407) [-3260.461] * (-3264.596) [-3261.673] (-3269.653) (-3259.520) -- 0:02:10 388500 -- (-3262.896) (-3266.724) [-3270.101] (-3268.166) * [-3262.041] (-3263.891) (-3261.932) (-3262.987) -- 0:02:10 389000 -- [-3262.712] (-3260.392) (-3272.768) (-3266.643) * [-3259.824] (-3268.045) (-3268.266) (-3260.763) -- 0:02:10 389500 -- (-3266.823) (-3263.038) (-3270.548) [-3266.231] * (-3265.853) (-3262.955) [-3261.676] (-3260.666) -- 0:02:10 390000 -- [-3262.395] (-3261.692) (-3270.349) (-3263.896) * (-3264.831) (-3260.613) (-3265.718) [-3262.861] -- 0:02:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 390500 -- (-3260.614) [-3262.899] (-3269.395) (-3259.319) * [-3267.845] (-3260.998) (-3261.128) (-3262.711) -- 0:02:11 391000 -- [-3260.483] (-3266.075) (-3263.334) (-3267.828) * (-3267.812) (-3266.379) [-3264.969] (-3262.059) -- 0:02:10 391500 -- (-3259.487) [-3261.247] (-3263.905) (-3264.692) * [-3259.868] (-3269.629) (-3263.487) (-3263.416) -- 0:02:10 392000 -- (-3261.570) (-3266.719) [-3263.063] (-3265.825) * (-3265.250) (-3262.848) (-3264.364) [-3264.155] -- 0:02:10 392500 -- (-3273.977) [-3266.862] (-3266.421) (-3263.679) * (-3263.955) [-3261.865] (-3267.241) (-3267.332) -- 0:02:10 393000 -- (-3261.140) (-3273.742) [-3271.081] (-3256.633) * (-3262.907) (-3270.207) (-3265.803) [-3259.635] -- 0:02:09 393500 -- (-3263.085) (-3267.877) (-3261.245) [-3265.404] * (-3263.171) (-3267.902) [-3264.261] (-3267.394) -- 0:02:09 394000 -- [-3266.949] (-3263.212) (-3263.389) (-3260.593) * (-3263.159) (-3265.929) [-3263.277] (-3262.801) -- 0:02:09 394500 -- [-3263.557] (-3261.419) (-3263.554) (-3263.081) * (-3264.330) (-3265.673) (-3260.984) [-3258.821] -- 0:02:08 395000 -- (-3263.896) (-3260.611) [-3260.483] (-3261.478) * (-3267.879) (-3270.412) (-3264.970) [-3263.797] -- 0:02:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 395500 -- (-3262.899) (-3268.634) (-3266.150) [-3273.425] * (-3259.536) (-3261.100) (-3263.164) [-3264.414] -- 0:02:09 396000 -- (-3263.830) [-3267.266] (-3270.255) (-3265.673) * (-3261.869) (-3263.740) (-3270.067) [-3260.243] -- 0:02:09 396500 -- (-3268.874) [-3261.939] (-3267.047) (-3262.094) * [-3263.244] (-3272.243) (-3260.932) (-3260.256) -- 0:02:09 397000 -- (-3262.132) [-3262.814] (-3273.401) (-3268.560) * (-3265.122) (-3268.961) [-3261.390] (-3266.463) -- 0:02:09 397500 -- (-3267.248) (-3266.017) [-3266.747] (-3265.513) * (-3269.057) (-3262.437) [-3265.979] (-3266.330) -- 0:02:08 398000 -- [-3261.278] (-3262.754) (-3257.726) (-3267.553) * [-3262.311] (-3264.524) (-3267.956) (-3260.982) -- 0:02:08 398500 -- (-3267.620) (-3269.066) (-3264.384) [-3267.165] * (-3264.250) [-3260.775] (-3264.218) (-3270.464) -- 0:02:08 399000 -- (-3264.144) [-3260.280] (-3266.476) (-3269.165) * (-3264.328) (-3268.039) (-3265.769) [-3258.891] -- 0:02:08 399500 -- (-3265.418) [-3260.298] (-3265.248) (-3268.473) * [-3260.758] (-3262.495) (-3265.645) (-3268.150) -- 0:02:09 400000 -- (-3257.666) [-3262.775] (-3262.801) (-3261.897) * [-3262.694] (-3271.515) (-3269.468) (-3260.636) -- 0:02:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 400500 -- (-3265.665) [-3268.756] (-3261.126) (-3262.922) * (-3268.927) [-3262.917] (-3268.634) (-3258.371) -- 0:02:08 401000 -- (-3265.983) (-3265.463) [-3261.697] (-3262.376) * (-3259.916) (-3263.601) [-3263.280] (-3266.710) -- 0:02:08 401500 -- (-3264.810) (-3260.439) [-3258.874] (-3264.967) * (-3261.242) [-3262.764] (-3263.604) (-3268.666) -- 0:02:08 402000 -- (-3268.665) (-3264.082) (-3261.844) [-3260.257] * (-3271.525) (-3264.148) (-3275.165) [-3264.296] -- 0:02:07 402500 -- (-3268.110) (-3261.773) (-3261.053) [-3261.034] * (-3260.401) (-3266.075) [-3262.849] (-3261.671) -- 0:02:07 403000 -- (-3268.477) (-3259.763) [-3261.971] (-3260.567) * [-3265.191] (-3272.882) (-3265.060) (-3259.973) -- 0:02:07 403500 -- (-3272.771) [-3258.892] (-3263.037) (-3261.243) * [-3262.730] (-3270.890) (-3270.047) (-3263.841) -- 0:02:07 404000 -- [-3262.987] (-3261.382) (-3260.041) (-3262.222) * [-3263.724] (-3271.078) (-3262.240) (-3268.449) -- 0:02:08 404500 -- (-3267.229) [-3263.824] (-3263.160) (-3263.976) * (-3266.435) (-3264.084) [-3265.110] (-3264.194) -- 0:02:08 405000 -- [-3265.408] (-3267.607) (-3266.376) (-3262.491) * (-3263.595) (-3267.913) (-3259.134) [-3258.715] -- 0:02:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 405500 -- (-3262.072) (-3267.637) [-3263.792] (-3264.093) * [-3260.523] (-3264.760) (-3266.199) (-3260.131) -- 0:02:07 406000 -- (-3261.297) (-3261.847) (-3260.584) [-3267.374] * (-3262.177) (-3262.336) [-3261.660] (-3259.637) -- 0:02:07 406500 -- (-3261.938) (-3262.256) [-3260.973] (-3264.273) * (-3260.691) (-3261.039) [-3261.838] (-3259.793) -- 0:02:07 407000 -- [-3264.224] (-3260.585) (-3263.707) (-3259.734) * (-3261.514) (-3259.878) (-3262.784) [-3266.382] -- 0:02:06 407500 -- (-3265.741) (-3265.916) (-3272.110) [-3263.068] * (-3259.103) [-3259.107] (-3268.656) (-3265.041) -- 0:02:06 408000 -- [-3269.192] (-3262.916) (-3269.287) (-3264.488) * (-3265.518) (-3257.972) (-3263.016) [-3263.928] -- 0:02:06 408500 -- (-3264.835) [-3263.366] (-3264.881) (-3264.504) * (-3268.171) (-3258.535) (-3261.302) [-3271.444] -- 0:02:05 409000 -- (-3263.710) (-3264.520) [-3266.589] (-3261.537) * [-3266.140] (-3260.913) (-3266.590) (-3264.972) -- 0:02:07 409500 -- (-3268.796) (-3265.082) (-3266.012) [-3263.467] * (-3263.470) (-3263.443) [-3260.563] (-3262.598) -- 0:02:06 410000 -- (-3269.187) (-3258.673) [-3263.541] (-3266.828) * (-3269.390) [-3261.530] (-3263.807) (-3267.257) -- 0:02:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 410500 -- [-3260.798] (-3261.320) (-3264.247) (-3272.692) * (-3266.829) (-3264.214) [-3261.435] (-3266.772) -- 0:02:06 411000 -- (-3267.519) [-3262.947] (-3259.348) (-3269.336) * (-3264.181) (-3266.495) [-3260.126] (-3266.091) -- 0:02:06 411500 -- (-3267.559) (-3263.826) [-3262.638] (-3263.949) * [-3264.476] (-3262.283) (-3265.259) (-3267.855) -- 0:02:05 412000 -- (-3261.917) (-3269.438) (-3267.350) [-3260.852] * (-3259.669) [-3262.160] (-3260.240) (-3259.401) -- 0:02:05 412500 -- (-3262.274) (-3271.270) (-3262.780) [-3265.042] * (-3261.125) (-3259.952) [-3257.941] (-3262.251) -- 0:02:05 413000 -- [-3263.990] (-3265.921) (-3267.772) (-3270.844) * [-3259.961] (-3262.227) (-3265.913) (-3262.561) -- 0:02:05 413500 -- (-3265.406) [-3258.024] (-3258.697) (-3262.400) * [-3259.306] (-3265.865) (-3267.271) (-3261.702) -- 0:02:06 414000 -- (-3264.257) [-3257.766] (-3261.057) (-3265.644) * (-3263.857) (-3262.079) (-3272.507) [-3259.473] -- 0:02:05 414500 -- [-3263.508] (-3260.694) (-3261.756) (-3269.130) * [-3270.514] (-3263.837) (-3273.812) (-3261.671) -- 0:02:05 415000 -- [-3260.946] (-3261.262) (-3272.012) (-3274.773) * (-3265.893) (-3271.677) [-3267.576] (-3268.876) -- 0:02:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 415500 -- (-3264.221) (-3267.314) (-3265.487) [-3263.172] * (-3271.205) [-3263.546] (-3274.049) (-3267.265) -- 0:02:05 416000 -- [-3266.049] (-3261.392) (-3261.976) (-3266.429) * [-3262.946] (-3269.821) (-3266.237) (-3268.507) -- 0:02:04 416500 -- (-3268.835) (-3264.248) (-3264.880) [-3263.811] * (-3263.929) (-3266.905) (-3266.591) [-3266.135] -- 0:02:04 417000 -- (-3258.505) (-3265.269) (-3262.484) [-3264.590] * [-3257.449] (-3262.359) (-3267.740) (-3271.845) -- 0:02:04 417500 -- [-3266.452] (-3262.694) (-3273.931) (-3263.670) * [-3262.959] (-3273.694) (-3270.801) (-3262.324) -- 0:02:04 418000 -- (-3265.630) (-3262.566) [-3264.070] (-3263.489) * (-3262.883) (-3270.253) [-3265.367] (-3265.114) -- 0:02:05 418500 -- [-3265.192] (-3264.080) (-3271.790) (-3268.711) * (-3261.215) (-3266.367) [-3259.409] (-3266.511) -- 0:02:05 419000 -- (-3263.512) [-3261.079] (-3259.237) (-3261.704) * [-3265.464] (-3267.700) (-3273.291) (-3266.231) -- 0:02:04 419500 -- [-3265.184] (-3265.156) (-3263.953) (-3262.043) * [-3263.968] (-3263.146) (-3271.311) (-3263.794) -- 0:02:04 420000 -- (-3266.026) (-3271.891) (-3262.905) [-3260.588] * [-3262.395] (-3262.813) (-3273.207) (-3262.211) -- 0:02:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 420500 -- (-3260.530) [-3263.894] (-3265.426) (-3259.311) * (-3262.515) [-3262.724] (-3264.850) (-3260.987) -- 0:02:04 421000 -- (-3261.805) [-3268.021] (-3266.418) (-3262.808) * [-3259.662] (-3268.850) (-3266.072) (-3261.248) -- 0:02:03 421500 -- [-3264.275] (-3273.548) (-3263.522) (-3260.778) * (-3264.357) (-3261.701) (-3261.754) [-3263.451] -- 0:02:03 422000 -- (-3268.670) (-3277.238) [-3260.245] (-3266.791) * (-3268.905) [-3258.337] (-3264.538) (-3261.344) -- 0:02:03 422500 -- (-3263.924) [-3269.780] (-3270.808) (-3264.669) * (-3267.344) [-3262.616] (-3264.532) (-3258.940) -- 0:02:04 423000 -- (-3260.087) (-3261.574) [-3259.492] (-3265.247) * (-3265.939) [-3258.085] (-3269.557) (-3261.382) -- 0:02:04 423500 -- (-3261.817) (-3262.785) [-3259.231] (-3258.470) * (-3262.028) [-3260.568] (-3267.107) (-3270.624) -- 0:02:03 424000 -- (-3264.242) (-3269.268) (-3265.164) [-3260.862] * (-3270.068) (-3262.968) [-3263.237] (-3266.157) -- 0:02:03 424500 -- (-3259.329) (-3271.416) [-3266.810] (-3258.547) * (-3266.008) [-3266.982] (-3268.731) (-3269.187) -- 0:02:03 425000 -- [-3261.901] (-3286.867) (-3263.802) (-3258.751) * (-3266.337) (-3262.034) (-3266.613) [-3259.992] -- 0:02:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 425500 -- [-3260.984] (-3269.369) (-3261.725) (-3260.331) * (-3272.790) (-3257.862) [-3260.768] (-3267.611) -- 0:02:02 426000 -- (-3263.385) (-3267.224) [-3262.790] (-3271.221) * (-3271.898) [-3261.017] (-3262.153) (-3261.248) -- 0:02:02 426500 -- (-3261.933) (-3269.588) [-3261.980] (-3261.689) * (-3260.775) (-3264.320) (-3270.044) [-3264.552] -- 0:02:02 427000 -- (-3264.284) [-3263.183] (-3259.509) (-3265.631) * [-3261.688] (-3269.778) (-3277.220) (-3261.061) -- 0:02:02 427500 -- [-3257.815] (-3261.368) (-3267.066) (-3262.111) * [-3267.119] (-3263.763) (-3267.743) (-3260.949) -- 0:02:03 428000 -- [-3259.263] (-3264.352) (-3266.759) (-3268.920) * (-3266.219) [-3264.019] (-3270.325) (-3262.073) -- 0:02:02 428500 -- (-3261.082) (-3273.009) (-3276.487) [-3267.199] * (-3261.572) [-3264.483] (-3269.597) (-3264.264) -- 0:02:02 429000 -- [-3272.773] (-3261.735) (-3262.750) (-3271.489) * (-3267.515) (-3266.122) (-3259.915) [-3265.155] -- 0:02:02 429500 -- (-3269.455) (-3259.933) (-3260.726) [-3271.799] * (-3268.048) (-3262.675) (-3266.773) [-3265.445] -- 0:02:02 430000 -- (-3262.164) (-3264.183) (-3263.669) [-3265.776] * (-3258.023) (-3264.241) [-3261.516] (-3269.870) -- 0:02:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 430500 -- (-3263.693) (-3261.862) (-3264.869) [-3267.839] * (-3266.487) (-3261.244) (-3261.899) [-3260.574] -- 0:02:01 431000 -- (-3267.272) (-3267.701) [-3263.835] (-3264.501) * [-3259.919] (-3266.201) (-3257.783) (-3260.185) -- 0:02:01 431500 -- [-3264.290] (-3265.521) (-3260.688) (-3264.506) * [-3260.770] (-3264.545) (-3264.269) (-3269.696) -- 0:02:01 432000 -- (-3266.237) [-3260.481] (-3265.548) (-3266.160) * (-3258.827) [-3269.653] (-3264.875) (-3266.855) -- 0:02:02 432500 -- (-3262.508) (-3254.600) [-3264.304] (-3263.243) * (-3265.543) (-3258.664) (-3265.682) [-3261.730] -- 0:02:02 433000 -- (-3260.282) [-3262.638] (-3264.751) (-3261.927) * (-3263.255) (-3262.754) (-3264.556) [-3261.422] -- 0:02:01 433500 -- (-3267.243) (-3265.508) (-3259.422) [-3265.841] * (-3264.128) [-3265.015] (-3269.431) (-3268.585) -- 0:02:01 434000 -- [-3262.127] (-3261.852) (-3261.194) (-3264.362) * (-3270.287) [-3261.872] (-3269.107) (-3261.860) -- 0:02:01 434500 -- (-3262.658) [-3263.590] (-3258.090) (-3265.409) * (-3262.695) (-3266.836) [-3263.379] (-3262.382) -- 0:02:01 435000 -- (-3259.303) [-3262.289] (-3264.834) (-3272.684) * [-3265.962] (-3267.368) (-3264.396) (-3264.054) -- 0:02:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 435500 -- [-3261.308] (-3258.242) (-3262.469) (-3263.716) * (-3259.920) (-3265.159) (-3264.002) [-3265.233] -- 0:02:00 436000 -- (-3260.856) (-3256.970) [-3262.332] (-3264.802) * (-3260.119) (-3259.147) (-3269.846) [-3261.225] -- 0:02:00 436500 -- (-3262.164) (-3260.642) (-3269.276) [-3261.433] * (-3261.949) [-3260.529] (-3261.908) (-3260.919) -- 0:02:01 437000 -- (-3261.054) (-3262.538) [-3262.320] (-3256.115) * (-3265.879) (-3261.068) (-3264.866) [-3262.045] -- 0:02:01 437500 -- [-3259.285] (-3257.587) (-3265.928) (-3265.570) * (-3257.687) (-3264.097) [-3259.349] (-3262.807) -- 0:02:00 438000 -- (-3263.612) (-3264.672) [-3269.448] (-3272.345) * [-3263.705] (-3262.010) (-3267.632) (-3267.211) -- 0:02:00 438500 -- (-3263.184) (-3268.941) (-3263.383) [-3263.846] * [-3263.370] (-3258.751) (-3263.982) (-3261.183) -- 0:02:00 439000 -- (-3261.986) (-3270.322) (-3263.100) [-3258.138] * (-3263.714) (-3269.352) [-3263.096] (-3265.960) -- 0:02:00 439500 -- (-3261.308) (-3265.889) (-3265.010) [-3265.715] * (-3266.260) (-3269.975) [-3260.082] (-3269.109) -- 0:01:59 440000 -- [-3259.134] (-3260.946) (-3259.449) (-3262.811) * (-3265.880) (-3259.691) [-3261.250] (-3267.618) -- 0:01:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 440500 -- (-3260.287) (-3263.415) (-3264.001) [-3268.388] * [-3263.705] (-3262.466) (-3271.046) (-3263.504) -- 0:01:59 441000 -- (-3266.291) [-3262.708] (-3266.005) (-3268.700) * (-3268.089) (-3267.148) [-3259.569] (-3262.662) -- 0:01:59 441500 -- (-3265.399) [-3262.990] (-3265.750) (-3263.389) * (-3259.871) [-3261.171] (-3263.204) (-3265.504) -- 0:02:00 442000 -- [-3257.008] (-3264.640) (-3268.535) (-3260.804) * (-3260.036) [-3260.014] (-3272.833) (-3265.774) -- 0:01:59 442500 -- [-3271.456] (-3271.318) (-3263.728) (-3259.702) *