--- EXPERIMENT NOTES --- EXPERIMENT PROPERTIES #Tue Nov 22 01:45:10 WET 2016 codeml.models=0 1 2 3 7 8 mrbayes.mpich= mrbayes.ngen=1000000 tcoffee.alignMethod=CLUSTALW2 tcoffee.params= tcoffee.maxSeqs=0 codeml.bin=codeml mrbayes.tburnin=2500 codeml.dir= input.sequences= mrbayes.pburnin=2500 mrbayes.bin=mb_adops tcoffee.bin=t_coffee_ADOPS mrbayes.dir=/usr/bin/ tcoffee.dir= tcoffee.minScore=3 input.fasta=/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/input.fasta input.names= mrbayes.params= codeml.params= --- PSRF SUMMARY Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files "/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": (Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models) (Values are saved to the file /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat) Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean -------------------------------------- 1 -4579.57 -4595.31 2 -4579.78 -4591.94 -------------------------------------- TOTAL -4579.67 -4594.66 -------------------------------------- Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files "/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs. Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included. Parameter summaries saved to file "/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat". 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TL{all} 0.495083 0.001957 0.410173 0.582636 0.493173 1291.68 1396.34 1.000 r(A<->C){all} 0.097507 0.000375 0.061835 0.135269 0.096045 1079.86 1109.42 1.000 r(A<->G){all} 0.278873 0.001276 0.211715 0.353615 0.278443 598.41 726.13 1.000 r(A<->T){all} 0.074155 0.000664 0.028003 0.125885 0.071666 733.83 787.89 1.000 r(C<->G){all} 0.069732 0.000168 0.045524 0.096293 0.069029 710.41 924.52 1.000 r(C<->T){all} 0.406803 0.001622 0.330213 0.488687 0.405506 697.81 807.68 1.000 r(G<->T){all} 0.072930 0.000312 0.042382 0.109594 0.071681 1009.79 1031.52 1.001 pi(A){all} 0.200307 0.000079 0.182686 0.216890 0.200302 1266.97 1318.00 1.000 pi(C){all} 0.320202 0.000103 0.300441 0.340196 0.320118 1077.92 1131.43 1.000 pi(G){all} 0.293280 0.000103 0.274483 0.313740 0.293236 1167.22 1274.24 1.000 pi(T){all} 0.186212 0.000072 0.169802 0.203420 0.186250 831.54 1002.50 1.000 alpha{1,2} 0.058502 0.000874 0.000325 0.099674 0.064070 1050.08 1124.27 1.000 alpha{3} 4.034054 1.086042 2.168314 6.092195 3.898107 1267.15 1384.07 1.000 pinvar{all} 0.563779 0.000988 0.503739 0.624610 0.563784 1049.12 1208.02 1.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs. ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled. + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. Setting sumt conformat to Simple --- CODEML SUMMARY Model 1: NearlyNeutral -4239.909928 Model 2: PositiveSelection -4238.392814 Model 0: one-ratio -4277.057038 Model 3: discrete -4236.737941 Model 7: beta -4242.174871 Model 8: beta&w>1 -4237.785472 Model 0 vs 1 74.29421999999977 Model 2 vs 1 3.0342280000004394 Model 8 vs 7 8.778798000001188 Additional information for M7 vs M8: Naive Empirical Bayes (NEB) analysis Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: D_melanogaster_Ace-PC) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w 4 C 0.997** 8.242 Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB) analysis (Yang, Wong & Nielsen 2005. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22:1107-1118) Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: D_melanogaster_Ace-PC) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w 4 C 0.973* 1.859 +- 1.134 153 P 0.701 1.388 +- 0.887 607 S 0.610 1.208 +- 0.813 617 H 0.651 1.275 +- 0.731 622 V 0.870 1.681 +- 1.023
>C1 MAISCRQSRVLPMSLPLPLTIPLPLVLVLSLHLSGVCGVIDRLVVQTSSG PVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDATRL SATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGRGA NGGEHPNGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLDIY NADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWDQA LAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRGMM QSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRSVD AKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDILMG NVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAEREAI IFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHYYY FTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRMLSA VIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARCSF WNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQHITHVATSVFVYLKTWLISGo >C2 MATSCRQSRVLPMSLPLPLAIPLPLVLVLSLHLSGVCGVIDRLVVQTSSG PVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDATRL SATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGRGA NGGEHPNGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLDIY NADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWDQA LAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRGMM QSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRSVD AKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDILMG NVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAEREAI IFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHYYY FTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRMLSA VIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARCSF WNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQHITQVATSTFVYLKAWLISGo >C3 MATSCRQSRVLPMSLPLPLAIPLPLVLVLSLHLSGVCGVIDRLVVQTSSG PVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDATRL SATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGRGA NGGEHTNGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLDIY NADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWDQA LAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRGMM QSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRSVD AKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDILMG NVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAEREAI IFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHYYY FTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRMLSA VIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARCSF WNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQRITHVATSAFVYLKNWLISGo 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-MASARQSSLLPMSLPLPLP--LPLPLVLVLSLHLSGVCGVIDRLVVQTS C6 -MASVRQSSLLPMSLPLPLPLSLPLPLVLVLSLHLSGVCGVIDRLVVQTT C7 -MASVRQSSLLPISLPLP----LPLPLVLVLSLHLSGVCGVMDRLVVQTS * *** :**:***** :******************:*******: C1 SGPVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDAT C2 SGPVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDAT C3 SGPVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDAT C4 SGPVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVDDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDAT C5 SGPVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPLEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDAT C6 SGPVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPVEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDAT C7 SGPVRGRSVTVQGREVHVYTGIPYAKPPLEDLRFRKPVPAEPWHGVLDAT ****************************::******************** C1 RLSATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGR C2 RLSATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGR C3 RLSATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGR C4 RLSATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGR C5 RLSATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGR C6 RLSATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGR C7 RLSATCVQERYEYFPGFSGEEIWNPNTNVSEDCLYINVWAPAKARLRHGR ************************************************** C1 GANGGEHPNGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLD C2 GANGGEHPNGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLD C3 GANGGEHTNGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLD C4 GANGGEHANGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLD C5 GANGAEHANGKQGDTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLD C6 GANGGEHANGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLD C7 GANGAEHTNGKQADTDHLIHNGNPQNTTNGLPILIWIYGGGFMTGSATLD ****.**.****.************************************* C1 IYNADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWD C2 IYNADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWD C3 IYNADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWD C4 IYNADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWD C5 IYNADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWD C6 IYNADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSDFAEEAPGNVGLWD C7 IYNADIMAAVGNVIVASFQYRVGAFGFLHLAPEMPSEFAEEAPGNVGLWD ************************************:************* C1 QALAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRG C2 QALAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRG C3 QALAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRG C4 QALAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRG C5 QALAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRG C6 QALAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRG C7 QALAIRWLKDNAHAFGGNPEWMTLFGESAGSSSVNAQLMSPVTRGLVKRG ************************************************** C1 MMQSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRS C2 MMQSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRS C3 MMQSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRS C4 MMQSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRS C5 MMQSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRS C6 MMQSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRS C7 MMQSGTMNAPWSHMTSEKAVEIGKALINDCNCNASMLKTNPAHVMSCMRS ************************************************** C1 VDAKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDIL C2 VDAKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDIL C3 VDAKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDIL C4 VDAKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDIL C5 VDAKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDIL C6 VDAKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDIL C7 VDAKTISVQQWNSYSGILSFPSAPTIDGAFLPADPMTLMKTADLKDYDIL ************************************************** C1 MGNVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAERE C2 MGNVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAERE C3 MGNVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAERE C4 MGNVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAERE C5 MGNVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKAKQAERE C6 MGNVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAERE C7 MGNVRDEGTYFLLYDFIDYFDKDDATALPRDKYLEIMNNIFGKATQAERE ********************************************.***** C1 AIIFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHY C2 AIIFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHY C3 AIIFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHY C4 AIIFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHY C5 AIIFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHY C6 AIIFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNDYAQALAERGASVHY C7 AIIFQYTSWEGNPGYQNQQQIGRAVGDHFFTCPTNEYAQALAERGASVHY ***********************************:************** C1 YYFTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRML C2 YYFTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRML C3 YYFTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRML C4 YYFTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRML C5 YYFTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRML C6 YYFTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRML C7 YYFTHRTSTSLWGEWMGVLHGDEIEYFFGQPLNNSLQYRPVERELGKRML ************************************************** C1 SAVIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARC C2 SAVIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARC C3 SAVIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARC C4 SAVIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARC C5 SAVIEFAKTGNPAQDGEDWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARC C6 SAVIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARC C7 SAVIEFAKTGNPAQDGEEWPNFSKEDPVYYIFSTDDKIEKLARGPLAARC *****************:******************************** C1 SFWNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQHITHVATSVFVYLKTWLISGo--- C2 SFWNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQHITQVATSTFVYLKAWLISGo--- C3 SFWNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQRITHVATSAFVYLKNWLISGo--- C4 SFWNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQRITHVTTSAFVYLKTWLISGo--- C5 SFWNDYLPKVRKWAEFAQQITRLATSAFVYLKTWLISGoo-- C6 SFWNDYLPKVRSWAEFVQQLTNMATSTFVYLKTWLISG---- C7 SFWNDYLPKVRSWAEFAQQITHVATATFVYLKTWLISGoooo ***********.****.*::*.::*:.***** ***** PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:04 - Revision 1613 - Build 427) -full_log S [0] -genepred_score S [0] nsd -run_name S [0] -mem_mode S [0] mem -extend D [1] 1 -extend_mode S [0] very_fast_triplet -max_n_pair D [0] 10 -seq_name_for_quadruplet S [0] all -compact S [0] default -clean S [0] no -do_self FL [0] 0 -do_normalise D [0] 1000 -template_file S [0] -setenv S [0] 0 -template_mode S [0] -flip D [0] 0 -remove_template_file D [0] 0 -profile_template_file S [0] -in S [0] -seq S [0] -aln S [0] -method_limits S [0] -method S [0] -lib S [0] -profile S [0] -profile1 S [0] -profile2 S [0] -pdb S [0] -relax_lib D [0] 1 -filter_lib D [0] 0 -shrink_lib D [0] 0 -out_lib W_F [0] no -out_lib_mode S [0] primary -lib_only D [0] 0 -outseqweight W_F [0] no -dpa FL [0] 0 -seq_source S [0] ANY -cosmetic_penalty D [0] 0 -gapopen D [0] 0 -gapext D [0] 0 -fgapopen D [0] 0 -fgapext D [0] 0 -nomatch D [0] 0 -newtree W_F [0] default -tree W_F [0] NO -usetree R_F [0] -tree_mode S [0] nj -distance_matrix_mode S [0] ktup -distance_matrix_sim_mode S [0] idmat_sim1 -quicktree FL [0] 0 -outfile W_F [0] default -maximise FL [1] 1 -output S [1] score_ascii html score_ascii -len D [0] 0 -infile R_F [1] /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln -matrix S [0] default -tg_mode D [0] 1 -profile_mode S [0] cw_profile_profile -profile_comparison S [0] profile -dp_mode S [0] linked_pair_wise -ktuple D [0] 1 -ndiag D [0] 0 -diag_threshold D [0] 0 -diag_mode D [0] 0 -sim_matrix S [0] vasiliky -transform S [0] -extend_seq FL [0] 0 -outorder S [0] input -inorder S [0] aligned -seqnos S [0] off -case S [0] keep -cpu D [0] 0 -maxnseq D [0] 1000 -maxlen D [0] -1 -sample_dp D [0] 0 -weight S [0] default -seq_weight S [0] no -align FL [1] 1 -mocca FL [0] 0 -domain FL [0] 0 -start D [0] 0 -len D [0] 0 -scale D [0] 0 -mocca_interactive FL [0] 0 -method_evaluate_mode S [0] default -evaluate_mode S [1] t_coffee_fast -get_type FL [0] 0 -clean_aln D [0] 0 -clean_threshold D [1] 1 -clean_iteration D [1] 1 -clean_evaluate_mode S [0] t_coffee_fast -extend_matrix FL [0] 0 -prot_min_sim D [40] 40 -prot_max_sim D [90] 90 -prot_min_cov D [40] 40 -pdb_type S [0] d -pdb_min_sim D [35] 35 -pdb_max_sim D [100] 100 -pdb_min_cov D [50] 50 -pdb_blast_server W_F [0] EBI -blast W_F [0] -blast_server W_F [0] EBI -pdb_db W_F [0] pdb -protein_db W_F [0] uniprot -method_log W_F [0] no -struc_to_use S [0] -cache W_F [0] use -align_pdb_param_file W_F [0] no -align_pdb_hasch_mode W_F [0] hasch_ca_trace_bubble -external_aligner S [0] NO -msa_mode S [0] tree -master S [0] no -blast_nseq D [0] 0 -lalign_n_top D [0] 10 -iterate D [1] 0 -trim D [0] 0 -split D [0] 0 -trimfile S [0] default -split D [0] 0 -split_nseq_thres D [0] 0 -split_score_thres D [0] 0 -check_pdb_status D [0] 0 -clean_seq_name D [0] 0 -seq_to_keep S [0] -dpa_master_aln S [0] -dpa_maxnseq D [0] 0 -dpa_min_score1 D [0] -dpa_min_score2 D [0] -dpa_keep_tmpfile FL [0] 0 -dpa_debug D [0] 0 -multi_core S [0] templates_jobs_relax_msa_evaluate -n_core D [0] 0 -max_n_proc D [0] 0 -lib_list S [0] -prune_lib_mode S [0] 5 -tip S [0] none -rna_lib S [0] -no_warning D [0] 0 -run_local_script D [0] 0 -plugins S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alns S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Multi Core Mode: 72 processors: --- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln --- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair All Methods Retrieved MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0 Library Total Size: [27198] Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72] s S [0] default -proxy S [0] unset -email S [0] -clean_overaln D [0] 0 -overaln_param S [0] -overaln_mode S [0] -overaln_model S [0] -overaln_threshold D [0] 0 -overaln_target D [0] 0 -overaln_P1 D [0] 0 -overaln_P2 D [0] 0 -overaln_P3 D [0] 0 -overaln_P4 D [0] 0 -exon_boundaries S [0] -dump S [0] no -display D [0] 100 INPUT FILES Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Format clustal_aln Input File (M) proba_pair Identify Master Sequences [no]: Master Sequences Identified INPUT SEQUENCES: 7 SEQUENCES [PROTEIN] Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length 637 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked Input File /opt/ADOPS/3/Ace-PC/batch/allf