#Fri Nov 25 17:42:57 WET 2016
codeml.models=0 1 2 3 7 8


      Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files
"/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p":
(Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models)

(Values are saved to the file /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat)

Run   Arithmetic mean   Harmonic mean
1      -1910.46         -1923.17
2      -1910.76         -1922.97
TOTAL    -1910.60         -1923.07

Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files
"/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p":
Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs.
Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included.
Parameter summaries saved to file "/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat".

95% HPD Interval
Parameter         Mean      Variance     Lower       Upper       Median    min ESS*  avg ESS    PSRF+
TL{all}         0.356675    0.002159    0.274732    0.453842    0.352443   1501.00   1501.00    1.000
r(A<->C){all}   0.120978    0.000797    0.067217    0.175902    0.118959    967.29    986.41    1.000
r(A<->G){all}   0.235308    0.001636    0.157864    0.312984    0.234341    635.79    810.87    1.001
r(A<->T){all}   0.105161    0.001063    0.042434    0.167753    0.102990    859.98    878.48    1.001
r(C<->G){all}   0.073744    0.000415    0.035687    0.114064    0.071606    817.12   1006.54    1.000
r(C<->T){all}   0.379485    0.002772    0.277154    0.482612    0.378155    718.25    727.27    1.000
r(G<->T){all}   0.085323    0.000623    0.040919    0.136177    0.083049    828.29    997.52    1.000
pi(A){all}      0.277239    0.000260    0.248679    0.311905    0.277130   1178.23   1299.67    1.000
pi(C){all}      0.249123    0.000222    0.220386    0.279829    0.248830   1171.40   1248.27    1.001
pi(G){all}      0.280571    0.000253    0.250654    0.312024    0.280414    980.36   1158.18    1.000
pi(T){all}      0.193067    0.000194    0.165087    0.218912    0.192906    962.80   1053.34    1.000
alpha{1,2}      0.206957    0.013038    0.000304    0.391608    0.199613    903.49    994.36    1.000
alpha{3}        1.627366    0.678485    0.355837    3.208265    1.484093    994.85   1152.68    1.000
pinvar{all}     0.335719    0.018691    0.059004    0.560789    0.356136    779.96    782.01    1.000
* Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values
correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs.
ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled.
+ Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman
and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge.

Setting sumt conformat to Simple


Model 1: NearlyNeutral	-1781.946838
Model 2: PositiveSelection	-1781.946838
Model 0: one-ratio	-1784.803005
Model 3: discrete	-1781.406103
Model 7: beta	-1781.500033
Model 8: beta&w>1	-1781.500073

Model 0 vs 1	5.712333999999828

Model 2 vs 1	0.0

Model 8 vs 7	7.999999979801942E-5
CLUSTAL FORMAT for T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 [http://www.tcoffee.org] [MODE:  ], CPU=0.00 sec, SCORE=100, Nseq=8, Len=243 

                ***:***.****:* ***:********:*:****:******.********

                ********* *****:*******:*************************:

                *** ****** **************:*******::***************


                *:************* ***:*::*** : :***. **:*    

PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_10.00.r1613 (2013-10-22 15:49:04 - Revision 1613 - Build 427)
-full_log      	S	[0] 
-genepred_score	S	[0] 	nsd
-run_name      	S	[0] 
-mem_mode      	S	[0] 	mem
-extend        	D	[1] 	1 
-extend_mode   	S	[0] 	very_fast_triplet
-max_n_pair    	D	[0] 	10 
-seq_name_for_quadruplet	S	[0] 	all
-compact       	S	[0] 	default
-clean         	S	[0] 	no
-do_self       	FL	[0] 	0
-do_normalise  	D	[0] 	1000 
-template_file 	S	[0] 
-setenv        	S	[0] 	0
-template_mode 	S	[0] 
-flip          	D	[0] 	0 
-remove_template_file	D	[0] 	0 
-profile_template_file	S	[0] 
-in            	S	[0] 
-seq           	S	[0] 
-aln           	S	[0] 
-method_limits 	S	[0] 
-method        	S	[0] 
-lib           	S	[0] 
-profile       	S	[0] 
-profile1      	S	[0] 
-profile2      	S	[0] 
-pdb           	S	[0] 
-relax_lib     	D	[0] 	1 
-filter_lib    	D	[0] 	0 
-shrink_lib    	D	[0] 	0 
-out_lib       	W_F	[0] 	no
-out_lib_mode  	S	[0] 	primary
-lib_only      	D	[0] 	0 
-outseqweight  	W_F	[0] 	no
-dpa           	FL	[0] 	0
-seq_source    	S	[0] 	ANY
-cosmetic_penalty	D	[0] 	0 
-gapopen       	D	[0] 	0 
-gapext        	D	[0] 	0 
-fgapopen      	D	[0] 	0 
-fgapext       	D	[0] 	0 
-nomatch       	D	[0] 	0 
-newtree       	W_F	[0] 	default
-tree          	W_F	[0] 	NO
-usetree       	R_F	[0] 
-tree_mode     	S	[0] 	nj
-distance_matrix_mode	S	[0] 	ktup
-distance_matrix_sim_mode	S	[0] 	idmat_sim1
-quicktree     	FL	[0] 	0
-outfile       	W_F	[0] 	default
-maximise      	FL	[1] 	1
-output        	S	[1] 	score_ascii	html	score_ascii
-len           	D	[0] 	0 
-infile        	R_F	[1] 	/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
-matrix        	S	[0] 	default
-tg_mode       	D	[0] 	1 
-profile_mode  	S	[0] 	cw_profile_profile
-profile_comparison	S	[0] 	profile
-dp_mode       	S	[0] 	linked_pair_wise
-ktuple        	D	[0] 	1 
-ndiag         	D	[0] 	0 
-diag_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-diag_mode     	D	[0] 	0 
-sim_matrix    	S	[0] 	vasiliky
-transform     	S	[0] 
-extend_seq    	FL	[0] 	0
-outorder      	S	[0] 	input
-inorder       	S	[0] 	aligned
-seqnos        	S	[0] 	off
-case          	S	[0] 	keep
-cpu           	D	[0] 	0 
-maxnseq       	D	[0] 	1000 
-maxlen        	D	[0] 	-1 
-sample_dp     	D	[0] 	0 
-weight        	S	[0] 	default
-seq_weight    	S	[0] 	no
-align         	FL	[1] 	1
-mocca         	FL	[0] 	0
-domain        	FL	[0] 	0
-start         	D	[0] 	0 
-len           	D	[0] 	0 
-scale         	D	[0] 	0 
-mocca_interactive	FL	[0] 	0
-method_evaluate_mode	S	[0] 	default
-evaluate_mode 	S	[1] 	t_coffee_fast
-get_type      	FL	[0] 	0
-clean_aln     	D	[0] 	0 
-clean_threshold	D	[1] 	1 
-clean_iteration	D	[1] 	1 
-clean_evaluate_mode	S	[0] 	t_coffee_fast
-extend_matrix 	FL	[0] 	0
-prot_min_sim  	D	[40] 	40 
-prot_max_sim  	D	[90] 	90 
-prot_min_cov  	D	[40] 	40 
-pdb_type      	S	[0] 	d
-pdb_min_sim   	D	[35] 	35 
-pdb_max_sim   	D	[100] 	100 
-pdb_min_cov   	D	[50] 	50 
-pdb_blast_server	W_F	[0] 	EBI
-blast         	W_F	[0] 
-blast_server  	W_F	[0] 	EBI
-pdb_db        	W_F	[0] 	pdb
-protein_db    	W_F	[0] 	uniprot
-method_log    	W_F	[0] 	no
-struc_to_use  	S	[0] 
-cache         	W_F	[0] 	use
-align_pdb_param_file	W_F	[0] 	no
-align_pdb_hasch_mode	W_F	[0] 	hasch_ca_trace_bubble
-external_aligner	S	[0] 	NO
-msa_mode      	S	[0] 	tree
-master        	S	[0] 	no
-blast_nseq    	D	[0] 	0 
-lalign_n_top  	D	[0] 	10 
-iterate       	D	[1] 	0 
-trim          	D	[0] 	0 
-split         	D	[0] 	0 
-trimfile      	S	[0] 	default
-split         	D	[0] 	0 
-split_nseq_thres	D	[0] 	0 
-split_score_thres	D	[0] 	0 
-check_pdb_status	D	[0] 	0 
-clean_seq_name	D	[0] 	0 
-seq_to_keep   	S	[0] 
-dpa_master_aln	S	[0] 
-dpa_maxnseq   	D	[0] 	0 
-dpa_min_score1	D	[0] 
-dpa_min_score2	D	[0] 
-dpa_keep_tmpfile	FL	[0] 	0
-dpa_debug     	D	[0] 	0 
-multi_core    	S	[0] 	templates_jobs_relax_msa_evaluate
-n_core        	D	[0] 	0 
-max_n_proc    	D	[0] 	0 
-lib_list      	S	[0] 
-prune_lib_mode	S	[0] 	5
-tip           	S	[0] 	none
-rna_lib       	S	[0] 
-no_warning    	D	[0] 	0 
-run_local_script	D	[0] 	0 
-plugins       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:
ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.alnns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked

	Multi Core Mode: 72 processors:

	--- Process Method/Library/Aln S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	--- Process Method/Library/Aln Mproba_pair
	xxx Retrieved S/opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln
	xxx Retrieved Mproba_pair

	All Methods Retrieved

MANUAL PENALTIES: gapopen=0 gapext=0

	Library Total Size: [13618]

Library Relaxation: Multi_proc [72]
 ns       	S	[0] 	default
-proxy         	S	[0] 	unset
-email         	S	[0] 
-clean_overaln 	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_param 	S	[0] 
-overaln_mode  	S	[0] 
-overaln_model 	S	[0] 
-overaln_threshold	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_target	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P1    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P2    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P3    	D	[0] 	0 
-overaln_P4    	D	[0] 	0 
-exon_boundaries	S	[0] 
-dump          	S	[0] 	no
-display       	D	[0] 	100 

	Input File (S) /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln  Format clustal_aln
	Input File (M) proba_pair 

Identify Master Sequences [no]:

Master Sequences Identified
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C1 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C2 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C3 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C4 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C5 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C6 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C7 Length  242 type PROTEIN Struct Unchecked
  Input File /opt/ADOPS/1/4EHP-PD/batch/allfiles/tcoffee/input.fasta.prot.fasta.clustalw2_rs_0_0.fasta.aln Seq C8 Length  242 type PROTEI