--- EXPERIMENT NOTES --- EXPERIMENT PROPERTIES #Mon Nov 07 10:38:53 WET 2016 codeml.models=0 1 2 3 7 8 mrbayes.mpich= mrbayes.ngen=1000000 tcoffee.alignMethod=CLUSTALW2 tcoffee.params= tcoffee.maxSeqs=0 codeml.bin=codeml mrbayes.tburnin=2500 codeml.dir= input.sequences= mrbayes.pburnin=2500 mrbayes.bin=mb_adops tcoffee.bin=t_coffee_ADOPS mrbayes.dir=/usr/bin/ tcoffee.dir= tcoffee.minScore=3 input.fasta=/opt/ADOPS/161/CG46244-PA/input.fasta input.names= mrbayes.params= codeml.params= --- PSRF SUMMARY Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files "/opt/ADOPS/161/CG46244-PA/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/161/CG46244-PA/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": (Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models) (Values are saved to the file /opt/ADOPS/161/CG46244-PA/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.lstat) Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean -------------------------------------- 1 -146.62 -158.03 2 -146.29 -159.66 -------------------------------------- TOTAL -146.44 -159.15 -------------------------------------- Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files "/opt/ADOPS/161/CG46244-PA/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run1.p" and "/opt/ADOPS/161/CG46244-PA/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.run2.p": Summaries are based on a total of 3002 samples from 2 runs. Each run produced 2001 samples of which 1501 samples were included. Parameter summaries saved to file "/opt/ADOPS/161/CG46244-PA/batch/allfiles/mrbayes/input.fasta.fasta.mrb.pstat". 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TL{all} 1.935610 0.198518 1.111090 2.837366 1.903942 1014.70 1156.25 1.000 r(A<->C){all} 0.108573 0.011164 0.000001 0.306852 0.078195 296.03 358.02 1.001 r(A<->G){all} 0.236642 0.027127 0.000356 0.546968 0.207967 209.51 223.41 1.000 r(A<->T){all} 0.042910 0.002608 0.000012 0.146012 0.025807 318.14 466.27 1.003 r(C<->G){all} 0.139977 0.017977 0.000027 0.408171 0.099930 155.84 158.35 1.002 r(C<->T){all} 0.300297 0.030618 0.029522 0.652046 0.272245 113.00 129.07 1.005 r(G<->T){all} 0.171602 0.018371 0.000343 0.438034 0.139495 266.37 294.52 1.006 pi(A){all} 0.303991 0.002556 0.204507 0.400660 0.303246 991.79 1131.80 1.000 pi(C){all} 0.173664 0.001569 0.094457 0.245215 0.170129 1091.75 1120.09 1.001 pi(G){all} 0.180034 0.001702 0.102256 0.258420 0.177207 1079.36 1244.71 1.001 pi(T){all} 0.342310 0.002720 0.243510 0.445177 0.340408 1168.26 1218.77 1.000 alpha{1,2} 0.314421 0.089594 0.004390 0.904983 0.212644 1255.95 1326.59 1.000 alpha{3} 0.357305 0.086089 0.049131 0.916327 0.270757 1394.33 1394.48 1.000 pinvar{all} 0.866638 0.004713 0.734314 0.970401 0.879896 1155.91 1199.63 1.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs. ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled. + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. Setting sumt conformat to Simple --- CODEML SUMMARY Model 1: NearlyNeutral -166.133028 Model 2: PositiveSelection -154.776127 Model 0: one-ratio -175.373989 Model 3: discrete -154.776127 Model 7: beta -166.137368 Model 8: beta&w>1 -154.776122 Model 0 vs 1 18.481921999999997 Model 2 vs 1 22.713801999999987 Additional information for M1 vs M2: Naive Empirical Bayes (NEB) analysis Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: D_melanogaster_CG46244-PA) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w 9 H 1.000** 47.379 19 S 1.000** 47.379 Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB) analysis (Yang, Wong & Nielsen 2005. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22:1107-1118) Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: D_melanogaster_CG46244-PA) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w 9 H 0.988* 9.485 +- 1.505 19 S 1.000** 9.588 +- 1.172 Model 8 vs 7 22.722492000000045 Additional information for M7 vs M8: Naive Empirical Bayes (NEB) analysis Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: D_melanogaster_CG46244-PA) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w 9 H 1.000** 47.379 19 S 1.000** 47.379 Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB) analysis (Yang, Wong & Nielsen 2005. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22:1107-1118) Positively selected sites (*: P>95%; **: P>99%) (amino acids refer to 1st sequence: D_melanogaster_CG46244-PA) Pr(w>1) post mean +- SE for w 9 H 0.995** 9.545 +- 1.328 19 S 1.000** 9.589 +- 1.172